The Seaforth News, 1930-05-01, Page 3'"C reA ee," the Unknown Quality 'Our humane societies have done a A SPRING TONIC AN MD TO EAL h '.0reat deal to educate the public in a®ul halt Lay the ]Fagwtlndatioila of ietore Christian attitude towards dumb Good Health Now by Buildieug 'enemata Bat much. to be ac. tin loomplished especially in the treat 1[5p Yroaer Bleed andt renes trent of horses at so many of the ran- ening Tour Nerves Through, 'lug stables throughout the country,the tT a Of Dr. Williams' 1Pilals Followers of the sport met know of Dm.. ,t. be' treatment to which the horses are generally subjected, Why do they 1g- The good old Partition of taktag et Lens it? topioin the Springtime,: !tire moat- of Q4et "behind the scenes" at any large the customs of our grandparents, is 'race-track—almost an impossibility, 90 based upon sound common eenae' and Secretly, are they guarded -shortly be- good medical practice. Winter le al - fore the horses line up at the pot. Watch the han.dsoine thoroughbreds as. they prance out in front .of the Istend9, drugged to the ears, every iherve strained to -the breaking point with. maddening methods .ot t arment. Hee them run with a hail of venom let Sense within them, then visit the Stablesafter the race and take note pf the reaction. This true story of a race horse, FClare1ree,' and his dynamic protest against all trainers and jockeys, is be - ;mud doabt the mot ,colorful in the realm of the racing ring. This horse was timed the fastest two-year-old' ever bred. So bright was the future his proud owner indignant- ly refused $75,000 for him. But Care - tree had been born with an independ- ence of spirit so abnormal it develop- ed into a mania; with the intuition so acute that after his first harassing conflict with trainers, he turned out- law utSaw and absolutely refused to train! I,A.t his first entry he approached the dost apparently willing enough, but a devil lurked in•aes eye. After raising pata with all the other starters, he Soaped the nearest fence and bolted. [or the stables. These disconcerting tactics were tollowed,wherever Carefree was enter- ed. -Finally, he became such a nuis- ance he was barred from every race- track in Canada and the United States as a dangerous and vicious ani- mal that could not or would not train. E1e never won a race as a two -year - Old. At night hia disappointed owner Sweated in the throes of $75,000 breams, and at last, in distgust, threw flim away for $1,000 to a youth named X•Iiity—a youth with au inhereat pas- sion for dumb animals and an under- standing ot them nothiug short of oc- cult who can explain the mystery of ;what happened? Perhaps the boy, un- oonsciously, was exercising the age- old power with which men were wont to train and subdue wild animate, 0'cue it is that within a week the con- fidence of this erratic race -horse was won completely. From this time no effort was made ¢o train Carefree. Each morning he was saddled and led out to wander whither his fancy dictate& Some- times he would stretch his long supple body low to the course and run—a streakcof blue -black into the wind, At other times he would refuse to do any- thing at all and return to the stables in the sulks. But he was never urged' to do auythiug he did not want to do and, of course, never whipped. After a year of this unique treat- ment, Iiilty obtained permission to en - The Plight of The Deer in Winter A letter came to us recently from Loring, Ontario, that presented a rather pathetic picture. • It read as follows "When our snow gets -:deep anda crust forms on it, it 10' very hard for the dor to get their proper feed, so that. they have to live on browse, or buds and small shoots from the branches. Through this they become very poor, and thin. When the snow, gets deep 11 19 very her, on the deer. They, get 90 titin that many of them die, and aro also an easy prey to the ways a trying time for those who are wolves and other animals. I now ena not in rugged health. Many men, wee close two photos at deer taken' during men and children go through the win- the spring of 1929. It 511°1" 11°W tor' on reserve strength they have weak and: poor the deer are;, in fact, stored up during the sunny summer at that time of year they are so, weak months, and grow increasingly;' pale that it is 'a common tkiegg'to lift them and Ianguid as the spring days.ap- oft the road so that a'Esara can pass proach. A tonic for the blood and thane. (1 refer to roads in a lumber make the cutting of teeth easy. The nerves at this time will do much for camp), St struck me that these Pic- Tablets are absolutely guaranteed Use Minard's'In the Stable. such people, by putting color in the tures would interest you, either Per free from injurious drugs and may be cheeks' and banishing that tired, feet publication or otherwise.' •given to the youngest child with per- ing that worries thousands 01 people The plight of the doer in winter is fest safety. They are sold by meds- The Truth .About Porridge �. at this season of the year. pathetic. ' In addition to _ the heavy clue dealers or by mail at 250 a box € , I1 is impossible to be energetic if fails of snow, the wolves have been from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., A few years ago Scots who had TAPEWORM ti f your blood is thin and weals, or it unusually : numerous and ferocious Brockville, Ont, Glossed the Border and won success af. tt. L. Mutveney World lemons this year, and parties of hunters have used to ascribe their triumphs to the Tapeworm Remedy has oxpolled those yournerves are frayed or shattered. "parritch" on which they had been horrid monsters in two to three hours. You cannot compete with others if been sent out in Algonquin. Park to No starving necessary no Meknes Yea do not get refreshing sleep at round them up. In tact, one paper Why g fed as children, trouble whatever. said that thee park was becoming a Recently they haven't been saying write for Putt •nformatton. Chris Sewell quite so much on the subject-prob- Dept. A, 211 Oesingtoa Aoe., T0500110 abiy because porridge is now more - In that poignant story, "At 1110 End easily obtained in England. and those' of the Passage," Kipling makes one of who praised it might be expected to his characters (declaiming at the I eat it as well, And now a doctor Pointless cruelties of life)':cry 'Heaven cornea alongwho cava that it le laok- send us understanding"' ing iu fond value, and that, If you are healthy gloss. Rub inty scalp with We may well echo the prayer when going to eat it, you must take cod fingertips, four times week, we read, as I have just done, on the liver oil along with it, _ a we e self -same page of a daily journal two Porridge and cod liver MI ,doesn't ! �" items of news. 1 sound particularly appetizing, but it is F[ i I t a the 01 faith , t; f" � . .. The first tells with gusto of a lox certainly true that e d �, , hiding from his pursuers in a green-' porridge as a food is on the wane. house flue, and being torn from that And the porridge fanatics' cry: "Look poor sanctuary and eviecerated in the I what fine men and women Scotland towu tatter he had failed to climb a raised on oatmeal in. the old days!" wall near the cattle market" I isn't really an argument. Doubtless The second feelingly relates how a they were—because only the very 9,0g, struggling • for a foothold ite riverIIstrozegest and heelthleet specimens-1lss e slime, was heroically rescued by a could survive the diet. pygtggii s erf Run-down WARIII GT). MOTHERS sicken ; taot thensspeonsseelteshes bpaertibtaiorns-m witoh . which I began this article, and to say Watch the Health - O- f Tour Little of -those who kilt for play: , " heaven send them understanding Ones at All Tulles' . —our Dumb Animals, No mother can expect that her child will escape all the 111s to wilicl1 baby- hood and childhood aro subject, but she can do much to lessen the severity of Leese troubles, The mother should be constantly on her guard to prevent childhood ailments, or if ' they come on suddenly, as they usually do, to have the means at hand to relieve them. Thousands of mothers have found Baby's Own Tablets the ideal. remedy for little ones—thousands of mothers always keep the Tablets in the house as a safeguard against the sudden illness of their little ones. Baby's Own ,Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative. They regulate the hotvels; sweeten the stomach and thus banish constipation and indigestion;:, break up colds and eimple fever and Modes in the G.P.O. How should a postman's trousers be creased? While the business community is clamoring for a return to the penny post in the interests of British trade, the "big, -wigs" of the Post Otflee are worrying about .the dress of their e infix, There is a . demand, on the part of the postmen, that "trousers shouid be creased front centre Instead of at the side." At the same time, they want a new style of hat, To make matters worse, the claim that women Poet Office employees should be able to wear sleeveless dresser 18 causing much heart -burn- ing. It'o all very important, no doubt, pre - "What have'you got yore nock tied but most of us would be quite' pre- y pared to accept any, changes In Post up Por'?" Oftice fashions without a -demur—if "hi I nen trainedto i ot.those fooln'only we got back our penny post[ airships and sprained it. They won't obey the road rules at all.'" Let us come away from the crowd. We cannot find. life's deepest and rich- est things except 4x1 solidtary Bone-'. minion.—Norwood. night, or if your appetite is poor or you are losing weight You need a sanctuary Eor wolves, rather .than tonic at this time to add to your ea other lees harmful creatures. ficiency now, as well as to save you I ];t ie hard to •regulato nature, Be• thorn suffering Iater on, And in. all I fore the interference of man it seemed the realm of medicine, there is ne no regulate itself; but once man Put safer or better tonic than Dr. QPii- a finger into the Die hehasto keep 11 lianas' Pink Pills, These pills toue.up. The protection of animate in the and enrich the blood .thlch circulates. Park from their worst enemy, the through every portion of the body, 1 hunter, Is a splendid idea, They grow strengthening jade, nerves and run- and multiply. But the wolves find down organs, and bringing a feeling l this out, and they grow and multiply of new strength and energy to weak,—in the Park. Therefore it becomes easily tired, despondent men, women necessary to balance things still fur - and children. tor Carefree in a trial race. One can imagine with what thrills of escstasy the nineteen -year-old lad saddled his horao for that most important tryout! But there was nothing to it. Carefree sauntered meekly to the post, started off like a gentleman and led at the finish by three full lengths! hi the same week he won four races. Immo- diately his past was blotted out and ie became a Sensation. By a strange custom of the ttat, a horse owner represented in the race, has 'the privilege of "claiming" the ;winning horse at a value stipulated by entry contracts. To his dismay young Ililty had his horse claimed • away from him nine different times! But each of Elco nine claimants was .doomed to bitter disappointment. It is 'here, that the peculiar psychol- bgy of this :most eccentric of horses was manifest. The occult sixth sense attributed to dumb animals must have been developed to an amazing perfec- tion in this nobly bred and highly in eelligent specimen, For it was quite ;evident to afl who observed him, that ,Carefree had determined to win a race for no one other than the boy who had freed him from the drastic and inhuman treatment of the train- ing course. Although he was sent to ' -the post thirty-five times by his differ- ent owners, Carefree never won. a fence, refuse to go to the post at all Or tempted to race. It after hours of et - fort the trainers succeeded in putting the saddle on him, he would crash the ence, refuse to go to the post at all or run away. Naturally, edch disgusted owner was only too glad to sell him back to the jubilant Hilty for a song, After these experiences no one had. any desire to claim' this "unknown .quantity" of the turf and Carefree's destiny, as it were, became Axed,. Before a sprained tendon put him cut of racing entirely, this horse Won a largo Fortune for Hilly, He was en- tared ntared in all the important races in America, 1Vlexico included, and in two hundred starts lost the prize looney only nine times! It is believed that this record, the longest list of con- secutive victories won by any horse in the world, stands unbeaten in race- track history.—Our Dumb Animals. Song -Writer: "How much do you flank I ought to got for this song?" Producer (without hesitation): "Three mouths." ' • eller by going out and slaying the pre - Mrs. L. I -Lipman, Summerville Oen- datorywoives that prey upon the deer tre, N.S., writes:—Dr.. Williams' Pink 1when they are weak from hunger and Pills have been of the greatest benefit cold, Outside the park they have to to me, A few years ago I was in a fight it out between them—with dis- badly run down condition. I` became estrous results to the deer. However, so weak and nervous that I could the species have always survived, scarcely go about, and doing my house Throughout hundreds of years this un - work Ieft zee completely used up, ceasing warfare between the hunter Everything seemed to worry me, and and the Bunted in the animal. kingdom. I was in a very discouraged condition has gone on, and still the different when I began taking Dr, Williams' species survived. Were the wolves to Pink Pill's. I soon bound the pins be all destroyed, possibly the weak helping me, and continuing their use and injured among the deer' would sur - I fully regained my heal e. Since vive, to tfie degeneration of the sperm then I always take a few boxes in the cies. As it 10, it is a survival of the Spring to build me up for the hot attest, and it keeps the animals at weather, and alwaye I fiad the best re- their beet, But the waives shouid not suits. I therefore cheerfully room, be allowed to make certain localities mend these pills as the best of health their hunting ground, atter their via. builders, tims have been encouraged to live You can get these pills from any there, The weaker creatures- should medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 be proteeted front the four -legged as cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Traveller -"May ♦ 1 show you mY samples, sir? If you remember, I ex- Let e Be Kind acuted your last order with prompt! tuae and dispatch;" Important Person —'I gave you no order!" Traveller— "Palydoa, sir; you said `fret out,' and 1 got." well as the two -legged pursuer. -The Humane Pleader. Always look forward confidently to IIs qualified to do my brilliant bit; the future. Never look beak regret But to bh.e Giver of rare gifts, who tatty at the past proffers The precious charms that grace the heart and mind, This is the prayer my soul with rearm- ing offers, "Let me be kind." —Nixon Waterman. Yes, I could°wish that I were bright and clever, And favored with a keen and nimble wit; That when am0ug my follows I night ever Ends h1 1 Minute "Ended burn itch and pain. of piles In]. minute witit'SoothaSatva',"writes L. T. Sears. "Bleeding stepped. Piles soon vanished. Avoided operation, " Got instant results today, AUdruggists. Minard'a-50 YearRecord of Success. Dandn You needn't be bald, Mit'tard'e kills Dandruff, checks falling hair, stimulates new growth and adds a news wandor who, obviously at some personal risk, managed to drag the animal to safety after "the back part of his body has sunk." Now the point is, not that the great Brotherhood of mankind ,includes de- mons and angels, but that the type Rev. W. R. Taylor writes, 'Atter a can and do intermingle in one person- TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND LUSTRE 7 weeks' revival campaign I was en- ality. For I would dare to wager that ASK youR BARBER rtirely run-down and losing flesh rap- , idly ap,idly, I decided to give lionized Yeast I a 3 weeks' trial. After 2 weeks 1 Deaf Hear Again . •found my strength returning and the z, Through New Ail$Itired feeling gone, In 3 weeks 1 had snarled to pieces open street, ,, gained 7 lbs. and woe myself again," would have seen no incongruity itt Earpiece No Bigger Than Dime Wine Imagine just 3 weeks to change dashing to the reserve of a dozen dogs Enthusiastic Following—Tart-Jay from a skinny", tired person to a in a dozen river beds. Fres Trial Offer strong, well -filled -out man or woman. It is not that hunting people have Ugly hollows vanish. Broomstick no hearts. They have; but those or- Free twenty -nae years deaatad each. limbs become round and chubby. aively to the manufacture of acientidc Tired feeling disappears. Blemished gars are extraordinarily selective. h ring aide the Canadian Acoasticoa YOUR HAIIR. NEEDS LUXO in • Health, Gains 7lbs. 3 �..!�'ks the "gallants" who gloated over that pitiful Iteynard when (without the shadow of a sporting Chance) he was i inthet t' They shut for a bundle of muscle, sinew and fur here, and open—for a. bundle of muscle, sinew and fur there; and their owners seem satisfied that it should be so, And why? Because, forsooth, tradition has de- creed that certain combinations of muscles, sinew and fur are sacrosanct, whilst certain other combinations are created by Almighty pod to be chased and salvaged at man's good pleasure. The logic 01 the argument would disgrace a half-wit. It is futile, for ex- ample, to declare that the "sone and daughters of the wild" suffer less thou the domestic pets, Where is the proof of it? So far indeed as proof can be found, it is mostly on the other side. We have in England an eminent vivisector to whom dogs are devoted, The fact that they love and trust him (heart-redctiug as it is in one sense) enormously lessens their suf- ferings. They go through no prelim- inary stages of anguished apprehen- sion, They believe so long as belief ie possible, that he means well by them and often, when the anaesthetic does its merciful work, right up to the end that belief is never disturbed, Do you see what I mean.? It is the creatures which do not re- cognize human beings as friends, be- cause the)' have inherited,' for count- less years an instinctive- dread of e3 Limited, ;neat. 2500, eb Richmond St. akin clears, West, Toronto Ont. has just perfected a Only when Yeast is tronizd 19 it new model Acousticon that represents the re - creation toft hearing f r et thede in deaf the hThis latest Acousticon is featured by a tiny ea. piece uobigger than a dime. Through lila device, sounds are :!early and dis- tinctly transmitted to subnormal eats with wonderful benefit to hearing i "d health alike. The ntekers offer an nese- free trial for 10 days to any one Sell' Yue who mag bo interested, end k e - ter with bring oneof these remarkable If after this generous trial you are M- aids to your home for a thorough and not delighted. your. money back ia- cottvinctiig test. -Sean anent your mune stantly from manufacturer. and address today! more effective—for Iron is needed to bring out the weight -building and strengthening values of Yeast. PIeasant-tasting tablet9. Sate for everybody. Never cause gas or bloat - Ing, no harmful drugs. lately roGo to any druggist to -day and geta z t full size treatment of Ironized Yeast, them, which endure at their. Excess acid le the common .cause of. times its volume la acid. It is harm- ,hands: 'itioy die—poor most at our indigestion. It results in pain and Iess and tasteless and its action is vrildered things—a dozen deaths. sourness about two hours atter eating, quink.. you warill never rely on. erode The winding of a horn on a winter's methods, never, eontiuue to suffer, day solids theirwretched -hearts The quick corrective is an alkali when you learn how quickly, how wbich neutralizes acid. The best nor- pleasantly this premier method note, thumping madly in their chests. restive is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Please let it show you now. The smell of ileo—the sight of man It has remained standard with physi- Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' makes them frantic with terror, For clans in the 50 years since its iuven- ttou. Milk of Magnesia prescribed 117 physl- cians for G0 years in correcting excess One spoonful of Phillips'. Milk of acids. Each bottle. contains full direc Magnesia neutralizes instantly many' tions -any.. drugstore. High School Boards aind' Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Eduoatlon DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted' in accordanoe with the regulations leeued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION Is given In various trades. The schools and classes.are under the direotion of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the soboe!. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND, HORTICULTURE aro provided for in the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. the fox the final bloody scene is but the goal at the end of a long avenue of unthinkable distress and fear. Nor have we any right to suppose that the. actual tearing asunder of flesh is any more endurable for !lith than it would be for the hound which pursues him• Then how in the name of High Heaven do hunting men and women salve their consciences? The chuckle -headed bromide that their quarry enjoys the chase, they have never believed. It if simply said to draw a very crumpled veil be• tween then and ,reality. Do they, one wonders, simply lack imagination, or do they deliberately stifle that God-given gift? With their early anoestors'it was a miuul quantity and that wail a mercy', for they were compelled to the chase 1 in order to supply their households with food. But at this stage of the world's evolution the excuse of "nsoes-. sity" no longer serves. And so 11 remains for us, ,0,0 we ' ISSUE No, 16—'30 B y We can never be sure just what makes an infant restless, but the remedy can always be the same. Good old Castoria 1 There's com- fort in everydrop of this pure vegetable preparation, and not the slightest harm in its frequent use. 'As often as Baby has a fretful spell, is feverish, or cries and can't sleep, let Castoria soothe and quiet him. Sometimes it's a touch of colic; Sometimes constipation. Or diarrhea—a condition that should always be checked without delay, lust keepCastoriahandy, and give t promptly. Relief will follow fir, II 1 sthe.t r; s 14 N. •)099 Ilen.mli"gaRpoo edlwrl4( A wmi iisrw�n°4r�.u.. liCliuStoma" aaflownuf "INIANtSi Cettlii0EN, theixtyltnm,unl0l° . aw.QM4tnP3f &1n. antaroW uY atiiner orlOAphlm:44' Idhtcret iVorNnncarlc 4i•Y•adawxcdtGam6� oSIM d. 21: Agt aheamehotr Constipation/5u ena DINT .. and Fe,erlebneu 4o4 40550F9";aar (es111411 l�reart�A� lay kYSbmlonhoe.o" ejapeihrag so(ht 'd1TS d5b Y;`i100tN very promptly; if it doesn't, you should call a physician. Alt through babyhood, Castoria should be a mother's standby; and a wise mother does not change to stronger medicines as the child grows older. Castoria is readily obtained at any drugstore, and the Cenuine easily identified by the has. H. Fletcher signature that appears on every wrapper. Classified Advertising FOB mann liABY UIdlu1S.S—Wu EIATUtiUU 215,005 last year in four varie- ties. Write for free' catalogue. SWitzor; .Granton, Ont, BAIEWW CI3xr88 INGL'D COMLO W1d1'r.17 Lo W :Mita and!. Barred plynleitth Sock Eby. Maks, wenderiul tinter layers, Wo moreorLrfttotdela- PultYFan,Srafyears. FOR SALE FIVE p.C, MOTORS all In good condition. on. Che apsfor Immediate diate sale, H. Watkins, 73 Adelaide Street West,, Toronto. Docs yawl. face barn mat atah after shaving Try C11➢9;QQ`Ilfl9'aa Shaving Stick It soothes and heals avid do-woeiderltelly ctn,Ytont °N RV S ALL sBEo 'f ®oto "Fruit -a -lives" diditsayslir,Atfre4 Gingras. Thousands write nee. FEEL vousness heart flutter, dizziness. constipation, indigestion end over - Fl N E e0 night. Sound sleep at once, Gel U" ' fruit -a -liven• fromdruggisttodey. APPLICATIONS Ara Filled As Far As Possible in the Order in Which They Are Received. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Farm Help red The Colonization and Immigration Branch 01 th Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available dumber. of Experienced Married Men With Their Wive and Families—Married Couples Without Children -- Also Single Men. Par111050 redtfirltig help will be wen advised: to makke early 815110ation to Geo. A. Elliott Diroetor-of Colonization Parliaznent Bleiga.. Toronto. Ont. APPLICATIONS Offering Annual Work Ara invariably Given the Peeferaaoe, File Your Application al 0n4 PION. J61414 at MARTIN, iidh lste All Meq Placed Subject to Trial Period 61 Agriculture WHY SUFFER FROM YOU Why be handicapped with unsightly blotches on the face, eyes with yellow tinge and that tired and languid feel- ? This indicates a torpid liver Headache, Dizziness and Biliousness surely follow. You must stimulate your lazy. liver,. start the bile flowing with Carter's Little Liver Pills. They also act as a mild laxative, purely vegetable, free from calomel and poisonous drugs, small, easy to swallow, and not habit forming. They are not a purgative that cramps or pains, unpleasant after effect follow- ing, on the contrary a good tonic, Ali Druggists 25e and 75c red pkgs, LOST PORES OF FAT --in 2 short. weeks Kreetten Smit will give many a fat Sere t a joyous surprise. You can )mock pounds off your weight and yearn off your ege this safe and easy way. ,T v er, morning take "the little daily des•' " of Krttseheit ht a glass of hot water before hrea1cfa t. This will mean that every particle of poisonous waste matt.?r and harmful eel& and gases is being expelled front the systetn. They are the mase of all the trouble because they retn=.tin in the system and accumu- late to the form of exoeoI, unhealthy fat. " I have lost several potmds in leas than 2 weeks- It is so sale and eney. No dieting no drugs. I have tried several other w.tva, but with no good results. F.'tiich u to all you elailn it to be." Mrs. 1:, H, After three or hour weeks s of the little daily nese, g^t. on to the wales and see how 01:1117 1i )uuttls of f tt. you have lost. Year mirror ti •o will tell you what you have gained. in health and vigour. Your 4d t sparkle, your skin wilt be clearer, ars s Will feel . unbelievably youthful nut (1 t..te-y,ni will feel many p (nl.ta li:,!tl.ir. 0111.1 11.11n75 i 'ors yu. FREE T AAL OFFER If you Iwo never tried ltrusrhen—try it now at Our. expense. We have distributed a great many special" t#IAN'1"' packages which make It easy for yon to move our claim for yourself. Ask 7505 druludit for 51.0 .new "I:lAN'I'" 710. package. Ih1, e0Ml0t5 of our regular Tita bottle together with a separate trial bottle—sufficient for about - the testis. Open the trial bottle Drat, p utIt to the test, , and then, non entirely convinced51158 Iuaren tt0 everything we dulls I1 8 0510tp regularbottle Is still agood as now. it back. Your druggist 'is authorised to return our 710. immediately and without question. lou have tried 85111t free, at our oexpense What. actin bo aIi1 Manufacturedby L°Watts Ruches, Ltd., Manchester, ag. Ilau 17901. Importers Mcttiiiivay Bron.. L.td.. Toronto. "I was very weals after an op- eration. My nerves were so bad I would sit down and cry and my husband would not go out and leave me alone. Now my nerves are much better, thanks to a booklet that was left under the door. Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound surely put me on my feet, I have taken eight bottles. My friends tell me I look fine: My sister has taken this medicine too:"—Mrs: Annie Walton, 67 Stanley St,, Kingston-, Ontario.