The Seaforth News, 1930-03-13, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS.
)Council Meting. -Owing to the ab-
aence of th6 reeve,,Who was in Gode-
rich oil M,onclay and Tuesday, the
gulaDMeeting was held on Friday ev-
ening last With alt the members pres-
ent. The minittes of the last meet-
ing were read and adopted on motion
..of Petty and Orearein, A eumber of
communications were read and order
ed filed. Councillor Petty reported
that a nomber of trees in the village
were dead and needed to be removed.
Councillors Ortwein and Pettty were
instrected ,to exaroioe the treea and
if necessary have them cut down. Mr.
bole, ma'neger of the Bank of Mont -
teal, was present, making arrange--
tnents to transfer the current accourat
laf the village from the Bank of Co'm-
anerce to the 'Bank of Montreal. The
reeve stated that the audit of the -vil-
lage hooka being made by Mr. Franlc
Gibbs of Stratford, was not yet com-
pleted but he expected that it would
be finished this week. A nionber of
accounts were presented and ordered
paid on motion of Cvnsitt and Cam-
eron. Considerable discussion took
place on the drain to be run up Queen
street West, but the matter was left
over till the, ground was examined.
The meeting then odjourned to meet
again at the tall of the reeve when
the auditor's report would be consid-
A meeting was held in the town hall
on Thursday afternoon, mat on by Mr.
McCague, Agricultural Representa-
tive. This is one of a series of meet-
ings being put on by Mr. McCague
.in the interests of agriculture, fertil-
izer and weed destruction. A large
crowd of farmers were present an.d
deep interest shown, Mr. G. E.
Toole of Newmarket gave a splendid
address on seeds, weeds and smuts.
Mr. MdCague spoke on the benefits
of good drainage and fertilizers. Mr.
Jonathan Hugill of Seaforth, who is
one of the largest potato growers in
Huron County, spoke on how to grow
a good crop of potatoes and the prop-
er fertilizer to use. Mr. Wm. Sproat
of Seaforith spoke about the results
• already obtained by the use of agri-
cultural lime on the farms of Huron
and Perth. Mr. W. H. Blackburn of
Woodstock gave an explanation of
33 per cent natural phosphates mined
in Tennessee. A number of represen-
tatives of different fertilizer compan-
ies were present and secured a num-
ber of orders.
Death of Thompson Murdoch.—Hen-
sail is again called on this week to
mourn the loss of one of its oldest and
highly respected citizens in the per-
son of Mr. Thompson Murdoch, who
passed emu at his home here on Fri-
day morning last in his 83rd year.
Possibly no man in ),Vesterft Ontario
was better known. than Mr. :Murdoch
and the news of his death will be re-
ceived with deep sorrow and regret
by his numerous friends. Mr. Mur-
doch was born at Lucan and spent
his early life there. He was married
some fifty-five years ago to Jane Hun-
ter, a member of one of Usborne's
beat known families. Shortly after
they moved to Hensall and have been
continuous residents since. For a
great many years Mr. Murdoch con -
anted the well known Murdoch liv-
ery and sales stables end also con-
ducted a draying business and had the
contract for mail route No. 2 and also
from the atation to the post office. He
was always a lover of good horses
end during his time owned a number
of splendid driving horses. He was
also a musician of note and had won
a number of prizes in fiddlers' contests
through the province during the last
few years. Mr. Murdoch spent a
busy 'life and up to a couple of weeks
ago he was actively engaged at his
work. eapecially carrying the mail
between the pont office and station,
bur his friends saw that he was fail-
ing 'and after taking to his bed about
three weeks ago he gradually weaken-
ed till the end came. Besides his sor-
rowing widow he leaves tn inourn his
loss three daughters, Mrs. (Dr.)
Campbell, of Toronto; Mi. Hog-
garth of Calgary and Miss Ethel
Murdoch at home. The funeral which
was private. took place on Monday
afternoon, interment in the Heesall
Union cemetery. The Rev, Arthur
Sinclair, pastor of the United Church
had charge of the services. The pall-
bearers were Messrs. Fred Hess, 'I'.
C. Joynt, Fred Manns, Thos, Parl-
mer, Jas. lanbinson, E. Rannie. Those
from a distance who attended the fu-
neral were Dr. and Mrs..Campbell of
Toronto; Mr, Hugh Murdoch and
Mr. and Mrs. Eacrett of Woodstock;
Mr. A. J. :Murdoch, Burlington,
Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Atkinson
and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Troyer of
Bay City, Mich.: Mr, A. P. Wallace
and Mrs. D. A. McEwen of London.
Mr. Alex, McFalls, Mr. and Mrs. C,
W. Tiawkshaw, Lunn, and Mr.
Grant Hawkshaw, of Laken; Miss
Edith Foster, Tonawanda, N.Y., and
Misses Martha and Flossie Hunter of
Exeter. Those who sent flowers were
Hensall P.O. staff, Mr, and Mrs. Faro
of London; Miss K. Sells London;
Mr. and Mrs. Eacrett, Woodstock;
Mrs, Peck, Hermit; Mr, Lemmon,
Hensall, 'Miss Carmichael and Miss
Stewart, Hensall; Mr. Blowes, Hen-
son; Mr. and Mrs. J. McArthur, Ing-
ers.oll, 1Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Tor-
onto; J. D. and K. Campbell, Mr, and
Mrs. George Hunter, Centralia; Mrs.
Thos. Kyle; Mr, and Mrs. Abe John-
ston, Silmcoe, Miss E Foster, Tona-
• wanda.
Mr. Henry Paine, who recently sold
his boot and shoe business here in -
(Continued on •Page 4.)
Having taken over the business of
all accounts must be settled forthwith:
Agent for International Harvester
Co., Manufacturers of
In loving memory of our dear mo-
ther, Mrs. Chas. Eberhart, who died
one year 'ago. March 11th, 1929,
Days of sadness still come o'er us, -
Tears of silence often flow,
For the memory keeps you near, us,
Though you died one year ago;
Friends may think that we forget you,
Whenat times they see us smile,
But they little lonow the sorrow
That our 'hearts feel all the while;
You are gone but not forgotten,
And there dawns another year,
In the lonely hours of thinking
Thoughts of you are ever here.
--aRemembered by' her sons and
Having disposed of rity business, I
wish to thank my many customers
for their patronage in the past and
hope they wilt accord the same to my
successor, Mr. Archie Jeffery.
All accounts are due ani should be
settled by April lfith.
• W. M. STEWART, Seaforth.
Barred Rock eggs Sc each; Barron
White Leghorn bred -to -lay -eggs, 6c
each. KRUSE 13IROIS,, Phone 160r14,
RS. No. 3, Seaforth, -16
1929 model of New Ford Tudor, in
first class condition; has run 3,800
miles; ,complete with 'license, spare
tire, etc. Owner will sell clieap for
quick sale. II-LA'RRY CALDWELL,
Kippen, Phone 138r14. 11
Notice is herebY given pursuant to
the $tatutes in that behalf that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Thomas Moylan late •of the
Township f McKillop, in the County
of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who
died on or about the day of Janu-
ary, 1930, are required on or before
the 26th day of March, 1930, to for-
ward their claims dulyproven by af-
fidavit to the undersigned solicitor,
after which date the Executor will
proceed to distribute the estate hav-
ing regard only to and being respon-
sible only for the claims of which he
shall then have had notice.
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, the 5th
day of March, AM. 1930.
• Solicitor for Executor.
Estate of William Isaac Wiley, Late
of the Township of Stanley,
yeoman, deceased.
Persons claiming any interest in the
whether as beneficiary or by reason of
assignment of interest or otherwise
are hereby notified to present their
claims with proofs thereof to the un-
dersigned on or before the 31st, day
of March, 1930. after which date the
undistributed residue of _ the estate
will be paid over to the persons ap-
pearing to he entitled thereto and no
claims received after the said date
will be entertained.
Dated at Clinton, Ont., this 6th day
of March, 1930.
Clinton, Ont.
Administratrix de bonis non of the
Estate of William Isaac Wiley.
Of Choice Durham Cattle and Im-
plements at lot 7,. con. 2, Stanley tp.,
3% miles southwest of Brucefield, o.n
Wednesday. Match 26th, at 1 O'clock
sharp, consisting of
'Cattle—,Registered cow, 5 years old,
due to freshen in June; registered
cow, 3 years old, calf at foot; regis-
tered cow 3 years old and calf two
months oid; registered cow, 10 years
old, with calf 255 months old (bred
again); Durham cow, 5 years old,
calf at foot eligible for registratioP;
Durham cow, 8 years old, calf at foot;
Durham cow, 9 years • old, due to
freshen in June; Durham cow, 7 yrs.
old, due .to freshen in April; heifer
rising 3 years old, due to freshen in
April; aged cow, freshened six weeks
with calf at foot; Durham cow 7 yrs.
old, due to freshen in June; Durham
cow, 10 years old, with calf at font;
Durham steer, 8 months old; Holstein
heifer,' bred in January.
Implements. — Massey -Harris hay
loader, Massey -Harris side delivery
rake; Massey -Harris cutting box
thew ;Massey -Harris cultivator with
seed box, Superior 14 -disc drill, good
circular saw and frame, coal heater,
wood heater, and other articles,
Terins—All stuns of $10 and under,
cash; over that amount six morith.s'
credit will be given on furnishing ap-
proved joint bankable paper, or a dis-
count of three per cent. straight al-
lowed' for cash on credit amounts,
JOSEPH HOOD, Proprietor; George
H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Farm Stock, Implements. 50 acre
Farm, at lot 18, coma 12, McKillop
Two., 1% miles east of Learlbury, on
Monday, March 17th at 1 o'clock
r-lorses—Choice matched team of
gray mares 8 an.d 9 years old, weight
3,000, guaranteed good, workers; 1
draft gray filly, 3 years old, well brok-
en; 1 draft filly rising 2 years old,
1 general purpose filly rising 2 years
old', general purpose filly rising 1
year old.
'Cattle -1 Durham cow due March
28; 1 Durham cow due April 9th; 1
Durham cow dile June 27; I Durham
cow du a• March lath; I Durham cow
doe in June. a Durham steer rising 2
years old; 2 Mullein heifers rising 2
years old; 1 Durham heifer • rising 1
year old; 1 Durham steer rising 1 year
Pigs -1 brood sow to farrow April
30th; 11 chunks about 4 months old.
Implements— McCormick 'binder 6
ft, cut; Deering mower, spring tooth
cultivator, 11 hoe seed drill, 2 -furrow
Oliver riding plough; walking plough;
I set of 4 section harrows; hay rake;
3 furrow gang plough; 1 wagon, 1
gravel box holds 155 yatds, 1 hay
rack and shift.; stocic rick, 1 buggy,
1 !seta bobsleighs, wheelbarrow, 1 set
of heavy brass mounted breeching
harness, good as new; 1 set of single
harness, other harness and collars;
sap pan 7 ft.; about 50 long sap pails
and spites; grindstone, stoneboat,
whiffletrees, neckyokes, • chains and
other articles too numerous to men-
tion, •
Grain -125 bushels of oats, Improv-
ed Banner, would make good seed,
Don't forget the junior Institute's
play, "Lighthouse Nan," to be given
in the hall on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. O'Brien and
babe of Ridgetown,, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Whyte, Stratford,
called ou friends on Saturday,
The YRS. held their regolar meet-
ing on Suoday evening. Miss Mabel
MelDooald very ably took the topic,
Miss !Sylvia Tuffin gave a reading and
the. Misses Drake rendered a duet. -
Rey. and- Mrs, B. Snell spent a cloy
in Clinton last week. -
'The Ladies' Aid was held at the
home of Mrs. W. J. Fell last Thurs-
day with a splendid attendance.
A three -act play entitled "Light-
house Nan," will be given by the
meinbers 'of the Junior Farmers of
this place in the town hall on Friday
evening at eight o'clock, Admission,
adults 3.5c, dhildren 20c,
The caste of characters are as fol-
lOvesi Hon. John En -low. president of
banking Co„Jack - Burchill; Ned
Blake his private secretary, Russell
Worden; Ichabod Buzzer, 61'd keeper
of lighthouse, Tom ,Scott; Sir 'Arthur
Oholce,. a British aristocrat, Victor
Diunen; Injun Jim, a bad man,- Alvin
Barbour; • Nan, a •little roustabout,
Grace McLachlan; Moll Buzzer, the
gerrtle antelope, Jean Barbour; Hon,
Sarah 0humley Choke, Arthur's sis-
ter, Marguerite Sillery; Horaense
Billow, a city belle. Mary :Drown.
There win be a dance afterwards.
Music by Jim McKellar and Watt.
Miss' ICardno, R.N., has charge of
[John 1A. Eckart's dye months old
baby boywho thas a severe attack of
:pneumonia, but is somewhat improv-
Mr. 'and Mrs, IF. Evans apd their
,daughter Marie, from Dublin, were
visitors in our burg last Sunday.
i'arlrs. Fred Koehler tiled a real sue-
cessful auction sale last .week to wind
up the -estate of the late Fred Koeh-
ler. The sale realized $3,1500 on a
fifty -acre farm which is taken over
by her son-in-law with whom she is
going to reside,
Maple syrup making has been the
order of the day and has 'been a fair
season ifor an early start.
Mr. C. 'Eckert was in our burg last
week renewing old acquaintances.
Mr. Lorne Messerschinidt 'from De-
troit was home last week attending
his mother's sale; Mrs. F. Koehler,
and has returned to resume his duties
in the city. .
You win when you buy your Ford
from Sandy Elliot, Zurich and Exet-
Hay—About 15 tons of hay. Posi-
tively no reserve. Terms—Grain, hay
and all sums of $10 and under, cash;
over that amoont, 8 months' credit
will be given on furnishing approved
joint banloable paper or a discount of
4 per cent, straight allowed for cash
on credit amounts.
A choice 50 acre Farm will be offer-
ed for sale at the same time and place,
llth con., east % of lot 18, McKillop
twp. There is on the premises a never
failing well, and windmill. Well dnain-
ed. 20 acres ploughed for spring crop,
10 acres of hay land, rest in grass.
There is also 10 acres of bush, mostly
hardrwood. This land is clean and in
good shape. Terms made known day
of sal'e. Thomas Storey, proprietor;
Geo. H. Elliott, auctioneer.
Of Farm Stock and Implements at
Lot 17, Con. 5 McKillop, 2% miles
north and 2 odes east of Seaforth on
Wednesday, March 26th at 12.30 sharp
Horses -1 pair Belgians rising 8 and
9 years old, weighing 3,400; black
general purpose horse 12 years old,
good single and double.
Cattle -1 red cow 7 years old' due
in March; black cow 8 years old, doe
in March; red cow 4 years old, fresh-
ened 8 weeks; red cow 4 years old, due
in :March; red cow 6 years old, due in
April; red heifer 3 years old, supposed
to be with calf. Registered cow No.
146736, 12 years old, due in May; Re-
gistered heifer No. 229508, 3 years old,
supposed to be with calf. Registered
heifer No. 237464, 2 years old, suppos-
ed to be with calf; 1 heifer 1 year old,
can be registered. Two heifers 2 years
old, supposed to be with calf; three
heifers rising 1 year old; 1 steer rising
1 year old; 1 calf 2 months old.
Sheep -8 Leicester ewes 2 years
old; 1 Leicester ram 2 years old.
Pigs -6 chunks 125 lb.. 10 chunks
75 lb. Hens -26 White Rocks, 15
barred Rocks, 15 rose comb Black
Minorcas; 2 rose comb Black Min-
orca roosters.
Implements—McCormick binder 7
ft.; Deering mower 6 ft.; Frost &
Wood 10 ft. hay rake; Massey Harris
side rake; International hay loader;
Frost & Wood cultivator with seeder
and grass seeder, wide and narrow
teeth; disc harrow, set of 4 section
diamond harrows, seed drill, 11 hoe
with spring teeth, 3 drum land roller,
Cloverleaf manure spreader, single
furrow riding plow, scuffler, cutting
box, set scales 2,000 lb.; root pulper,
Bain wagon, Jackson wagon, nearly
new, gravel box, movable hay rack,
set bench sleighs, 1 bob sleigh; top
cutter, top buggy, riamble buggy, dem-
ocrat wagon, hay car'rope Q13131 pul-
leys, sting lock, set slings, 2 hay
forks, set datible harness, set plow
harness, set light double harness, .3
set single harness, 3 horse nets, 1 pair
22 inch horse collars, 1 pair 21 -inch.
one 21 inch, one 19 inch; 1 pair of
light driving collars, quantity of mix-
ed hay, number of sap buckets, '3 oak
barrels, wheelbarrow, cook stove, coal
il stove, coal oil heater, churn, bath
tub, 25 gallon gas drum, 40 gallon coal
oil drum, 20 grain bags, set 4 horse
eveners, collie dog, forks. chains, whif-
fle trees, neckyoke and other articles
too numerous to mention,
'Positively no the proprie-
tor has rented his farm.
Terms—Hens, hay, • .household ef-
fects and all soins,of $10 and under,
cash; over that amount 7 months' cre-
dit will be given onofurnishing ap-
proved joint bankable paper or a dis-
count of 4 per cent, straight allowed
for cash on credit amounts. John E.
Daley, proprietor; Harold D. Dale,
aucti on eer.
....,, .40
Improved Buckeye Incubators with New Automatic Egg Turner
STOP—the loss of yr& Baby Chicks
SAVE—them with Buckeye Colony Brooders
SUPERIOR• Baby •Ch•icks
Our Flocks are purebred, bred -to -lay and are carefully culled for
high Egg Production and large eggs. Mated with Cockerels from high
production Hens, many of them Pedigreed. A liberal discount on early
orders will be allowed. Price list on request.
Call and talk over your needs in poultry supplies. We handle the
"Royal" line brooders, feeders; fountains'etc., also Royal Purple
Brooders. We also handle ell kinds of Feed, Lay Mash, Chi& Mash,
Cod Liver Oil, Oyster Shell, Grit., etc.
IVVe will have a limited space each week for custom hatching at 4c
per egg. Now is the time to order your baby chicks, if you want early
• Fall Layers when egg prices are high end to realize the most for your
Broilers. ••
-Sunnyvale Poultry Farm Hatchery
Of Farm Stock, Implements end
Furniture—At Lot 15, Con. 9, Me-
Killop, 24 miles, east of Winthrop,
on Friday, March 21st.
1Horses-1 Bay mare 12 years old;
1 bay horse, 8 years old; 1 brown
driving mare, 1 sorel driving horse.
Cattle -1 Holstein cow 7 years old,
doe to freshen June 3rd; 1 roan cow,
5 years old, due to freshen* June 3rd,
1 red cow, 5 yrs. old, due to freshen
August 20ah, 1 grey cow .5 yrs. old,
due to freshen Aug. 25th; black and
white cow 5 yrs. old, fresh; 1 well
bred heifer 2 yrs. old, 4 calves 11
months old, 1 black calf 9 month's old,
1 spring calf.
Pigs -1 brood 'sow, 1 porker
about 200 lbs., 6 pigs 8 weeks old and
about 150 young hens.
Implements—McCormick bioder 6 -
foot cut, Massey Harris mower, Mas-
sey Harris hay loader, Kemp manuae
spreader, 1 land roller, Massey Har-
ris seed drill, 1 McCormick cultivator,
horse reek, fanning mill, 2 wagons, 2
walking plows, I Cockshutt riding
plow, 3 buggies, 1 cutter, set disc
harrows, Sitandard cream separator,
root pulper, scuffler, set of slings,
set team harness, plow harness, single
harness, hay rack, chicken crate,
sleigh bunks, grass seed sower, 2 sap
kettles, set of scales. 1000 lbs.; hay
fork, sling ropes, sling chain, grain
bags, spring seat, ladder, 2 logging
chains, some dressed pine lumber, one
set of sleighs,
Hay--iAboto 12 tons of timothy
hay, 7 tons mixed hay, 150 bus. bar-
ley, 150 bushels of oats fit for seed,
about 10 cords of dry maple wood 16
inches long, lawn mower, neckyokes,
whiffletrees, shovels, forks, spades
and other articles too numerous to
Furniture—Glass cupboard, book
case, kitchen range, extension table,
1 bedroom suite, 1 clothes cupboard,
3 wash standa, 6 dining room chairs,
rocking chairs, pictures, washing ma-
chine, churn, 24 sap buckets, hanging
lamp, 2 pieces linoleum 4 yards wide.
Sale to cornmence sharp at 1 o'-
Terms of Sale—Hay, grain, wood,
hens, and household furniture, and all
sums of $10 and under, castle, over
that amount 8 months' vedit will be
given on furnishing approved] joint
notes with property owners QS secur-
ity. A discount of four per cent.
straight will be, allowed off for cash
on credit amounts. No reserve as
the proprietor has sold his farm.
Geo. H, Elliott, Auctioneer; SAM-
UEL SMITH, Proprietor.
Farm Stock and Implements at Loa
28, Con. 8, Hullett, 2 miles southwest
ob Londesboro, on Thursday, March
20th, at one o'clock sharp, consisting
of the follovvingl
Horses—'Bay mare, 8 yr old; black
Mare 10 yr. old, black mare, driving
Cattle—Durham cow, 5 yr. old,
milking; thoroughbred Hereford cow,
7 yr. old, due in May; lierefoid cow, 9
yr. old, due March 10th; btack cow, 9
yr. old; roan cow 9 yr. old, freshened
6 weeks; aged cow, milking; black
cow, 4 years old, mincing; Hereford
steer, 2 yr. old; Hereford heifer, 2 yrs.
old; 2 heifers, rising 2 yrs.; yearling
steer, 2 spring calves, 3 fall calves, 1
calf 6 weeks old, thoroughbred Here-
ford bull 10 months old.
Pigs --9 Pigs 9 weeks old, I brood
'Hens -70 sock pullets.
Quantity of hay,
Implements—MasserIllarris binder,
7 -ft. cut, Massey -Harris mower 5 ft,
cut, 10 ft. steel hay rake, Massey Har-
• ris 13 -tooth cultivator, Massey-Illarris
15 hoe drill, 1 drum wood roller, set 5-
seotion harrows, Fleury walking plorw,
No. 01; Massey Harris 12 -disc single
row turnip sower, wagon, gravel box'
set bench sleighs, 14 It. stock rack,
hay rack 115 ft., wood rack, pair bols-
ters, McTaggart fanning mill, set of
scales 1,200 lbs., root puler, steel tire
buggy, Portland cutter, Eaton cream
separator 650 lb. cap., chop box, oat
box, tool box, hay fork rope and car,
slings and pulleys, grindstone, power
enrery grinder and stood, 2 h.p. gaso-
line ovine, Wheelbarrow, 50 It. inch
pipe, pump jack, line shaft and belts,
sugar kettle, 5 galgasoline can, bag
holder, bag truck, I doz. vain bags. 3
13aby elisicks
• We are different front the ordinary
hatchery, as our breeding stock is ap-
proved by government inspectors. On-
ly our own eggs of 2 ozor over are
used for ineubation.• We tra.pneat the
year around aod only 200 -egg birds
or better are kept- for breeders. Order
early for disease free husky chicks of
high quality. Our pleat, stock -end
equipment are open to inspection at
all times. Come in and pay us a viait.
Ontario Breeding Station, of Bred -to -
Last Barred Rocks. Located one
block atiorth of new hospital. Phone
0. F. SIEGRIST, Seaforth
dozfertilizer sacks, pair hdrse blan-
kets, 1 motor rug, set team harness,
set plow harness, 2 sets single harness,
mail box, water trough, 8 wood gates
14 It., 2 wood gates 13 ft.; 2 inch elm
plank; inch elm lumber, 3 basswood
sills, basswood lumber, 4 white ash
tongues, 9 cord cedar cut. •
Household Effects.—Tive-piece par-
lor suite, oak dining room suite, 1 bed-
room suite I parlor table kitchen cab-
inet, 1 sideboard; 1 dresser, 1 iron bed,
1 toilet set, 2 rocking chairs, Japanese
matting rug 2x3, 1 folding baby car-
riage, 2 hanging lamps, 1 Coleman
lamp, 3 coal oil larnps, 3 burner cob.1
oil stove with .oven, firat class model
Acme range for coal or wood, hot
blast heaterophonograph with 1 dozen
records, 1 power washing machine,
1 Daisy churn, 2 tables, 3 •Icitchen
chairs, 1 butter bowl, ladle and print,
set quilting frames and clamps, set of
scales 240 lbs., 1 sausage machine, 5
gal. vinegar jug, keg, forks
shovels, chains, whiffletrees, neck-,
yokes and numerous other articles.'
A41 will be sold without reserve as the
proprietor is giving up farming.
Terms..—Hogs and all sums of $10
and under, cash; over that amount, 12
moothe credit will be given on aurn-
ishing approved joint bankable pa-
per, or a diacount of 4 per cent.
straight allowed for cash on credit
amounts. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer;
,BERT NOTT, Proprietor.
Notice is hereby given that all cre-
ditors and others having claims
against the Estate of Daniel Grum-
mett, tate of the Village of Heroin -
hey 311 the County of Huron Retired
Farmer, who died on the llth day of
February, 1930, are required to for-
ward their claims duly proven to the
undersigned solicitor for the executors
on or about the 4th day of April,
tAnd Notice is further given that af-
ter the said date the Executors will
proceed to distribute the estate, hav-
ingregard only to the claims of
which they then shall have notice.
Dated at Seaforth, Ont., this 13th
day of March, 1930.
Seaforth, Ont.
13 Solicitor for the Executors.
In the IVIatter of John Gibb, carrying
on business, at the Town of Sea -
forth., in the Province of Ontario,
under the name "Toggery Shop."
And in the Matter of the Bulk Sales
TAME NOTICE that John Gibb,,
carrying on business wider the name
"Toggery Shop," at Seaforth, Ontar-
io, has made a sale of his stock -in -
trade and fixtures to Messrs. Stewart
Bros, Seaforth, Ontario, Merchants,
and that I am duly appointed Trustee
under the provisions of The Bulk
Sales Ad.
All persons claiming to rank on .the
estate must file aheir claims, duly v.,er-
ified by affidavit, with me, on or be-
fore the third day of April, 1930, af-
ter whierr date I will proceed to tals-
trabute the estate, having regard only
to the claims of which notice has ahen
been given.
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this llth
day of March, AD. 1930.
R. S. HAYS, Trustee,
12 Seaforth, Ontario,
IA goc3d comfortable frame house,
conveniently situated to Main Street,
with town water, electric lights, also
garage. Will be sold cheap for quick
sale. If not sold by April 1st will be
rented. A,pply to News Office.
. Bull tall,, 3 months old,
some yearling heifers, ebb some
young turkey hens. Buckeye incuba-
tor, good as nate, 210 -egg capacity,
genas' trusafork model C.C.M. bicycle.
For particulars apply News Office.
• . .FOR ,SALE.
'Fifteen good.nsed cars and trucks
like this 1929 Ford Tudor like new,
.450.00; or this Model A Sport Coupe
5390.00- anal this Model A Roadster,
rumble seat $350, SANDY ELLIOT
Ford Dealer Phone 149 Zurich or 64
Purebred Boomed Rocks, good lay-
ing strain, howe laid 51) Terr cent. all
winter without lights. Few eggs frorn.
trapneated pen. Price 3s/c, 4e and Sc
per egg., ROY LAWSON, Clinton, r,
r. I, Phone 311 on 241. • 13
50 acres, choice grass farm, for sale,
lot E5433, con. 8, McKillop, Windmill
and artesian well and gedd fences.
Famp AIRMS)11RONG, Londeshoro,
Phone 250r6, Sewforth.
IWe, collect notes, accounts, . wages
and Judgments. Our success will as-
tonish yon. We seldom fail; if we do
it ,costs you nothing, you takd no risk.
Yoti caift lose. Write ut today for
particulars. Clip this ad for future
OlRIS' ASSOCIATION. ^Branches ev-
erywhere: Owen Sound branch. P.O.
box 991, Olwen Sound. •
1924 Ford Tudor Sedan in -good
running order. MRS. MARTIN
PUIRIC1FILL, lot 9, con. 9, MeKillop..
Dublin r.r. 1. Phone 23112 13
Bargain.. Prices, Several • good
houses an Seaforth and Egmondville,
Impnoyed and Grass Farms, 50 and
100 acres. Drop in and go over our
list at any time. A. D. SUTHER-
L/A1NID, Gewalt Insurance, Convey-
ancing, Real Estate, Investments, etc.
Phone 152:- Seaforth, Ontario.
A good seven roomedlibuse, electric
wired, telephone, soft water in holise,
a good well, stable can be Used as a
garage; hen .house, good garden.' Ap-
plyMRS. W: OLITWER, Main Street,
Egmondville. 13
Since you had a good Photograph
taken ? Mother and Dad, your chil-
dren_ want your photograph. The
Burgess Portrait Studio, Mitchell, is
known far and wide for the High-
class Photographs they niake and
their prices are reasonable for good
Over Thos. Dickson'a store. Apply
to E. L. BOX.
DR.. H. HUGH ROSS, 'Physician
and 'Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
pital, London, England. • Special
attention 'to diseases of the eye, eiro'l,
nose and throat. Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No. '5: Residence Phone 104,
A quantity of granary fillers grown
from registered seed, $1.00 per bus.
WILMORE SCOTT, Seaforth, Ont,'
R.R. No, 1. 11
Quantity of Seed Barley, also quan-
tity of Seed Buckwheat, for sale.
4, McKillop. Phone 40r13 Dublin. 11
100 acres all in grass. Plen6r of run-
ning water and shade. For particulars
apply to ,BERT NOTT, Londesboro,
Ont. Phone 28-18 Blythe
Better Wallpaper for less money.
Orders taken now. Work at reasort-
able price. LEO GLEASON, Paper-
hanger and Decorator. Phone 5,
Dublin, Ont. 14
A quantity of splendid seed oats,
grown from 0.A.19. seed 144, yielded
over fiaty bushels per acre in 1929 at
$1.00 per bus.
A quantity of dry slobs about 12 in.
long, soft wood; $2.75 per tord. Soft
maple, $3.25 per cord, delivered in
four cord lots. Steel tanks oil hand,
6 it. long, price 9.85; other sizes and
price's on application; prompt ship-
ment. These tanks are very conveni-
ent for storing sap in the sugar bush,
as well as a water trough.
Agent for Fertilizers of all grades,
also Lime. Get our prices to com-
pare, Phone 138r2, Seaforth.
UIA'ivf DOI.GoJR,o RR, 3, Kippen.
Yorkshire Boor, "Cedar Brook Pat
6th" -130839-, born Mar. 1, 1929, bred
by Geo. Williams, Owensville, Ont.
Sire—Cedar Brook Pat 9th -132789-
breeder of sire, Geo. Williams. Dam—
Pine ,Grove Molly 93 -112823-; breed-
er of dam, j. X. Fe'atherston. Sire of
sire—Sunny Dale Pat -120059, Dam
of Sire—Pine Grove Molly 52nd
-99128-'Sire of Dam—Maple Avenue
Glory 22nd -920417-, Dam of Dam—
Pine Grove Molly 6th -58330-. JIAIS.
E. SILIOIAiN, r.r. 1, Dublin, Ont Loa
10 con, 7, McKillop. Service fee $1.00
cash. 11
There is profit for .you in the dif-
ference Better chicks for the same
money. Chicks hatched by our Huron
Mammoth Incttbator possess extra
vigour. Are you interested ? Well I
think so. Write or phone aor parti-
culars of Barred Rocks and White
Leghorn Chicks, to
5. ELGIN McKINLEY, Zurich, Ont.
97 r 4 Hensall.
•'Weclucsday, March 12,.
Botaer, per lb. ....... .35e
Eggs, per doz. • 28c -36c -40c
Potatoes per bag $1.75
Hg -s, per cwt.. $12,25412.75
DR: F . J. 13UR'ROWS,. Seafortk
Office ,and residence, Goderach street.
east of the United Church. Coronet
for the County of Huron. Telephone
715. 46,
DR. C. MACICAY.—C. Mackaj.
honor graduate of Trinity University
and gold medallist of Trinity Medical
College; - membtl of the iCollege'of
Physicians and Surgeons of °uteri*.
DR, F. J. R. FORSTER—Eye, Ear ,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi -
eine, University of Toronto 1407.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Instit e, Moorefielct's
Eye, and Golden Sq.iare throat hoe-
pitals, London, England. At Comm-
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday la
each month, from II a.m. to 3 pAs.
DR. W. C. SPROAT.—Graduate et
Faculty of Medicine, University el
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians and 'Ear-
geons of Ontario. Office in AberharEs
Drug Store, Main St., Seem*.
Phone 90.
, Dental.
DR. J. A., MUNN, Successor tar
Dr. Ross, 'graduate of Nortk-
western University,. Chicago, Ill. Li-
centiate Royal College of Dental Sur-
geons, Toronto. Office over SiWa
hardware, Main St, Seaforth. Mum
DR. F. J. BECliF.I.Y, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeoes.
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smities
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phone*.
office 185W, residence 18.55.
Coneulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.)t
0.L.S., Registered Professional En-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member Engineering Institute ed
Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont.
Auctioneer for. the County of Huron
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
F. W. AHRENS, Licen'ad Auction-
eer for Perth and Huron Counties.
Sales solicited. Terms on applien.
tion. Satisfaction guaranteed. Farni
Stock, chattels and real estate proper-
ty. F, W. Ahrens, R. R. No. 4, Mitch-.
ell, lot 24, con. 4, Logan, 5 miles east
of Beechwood. Phone 634r6, •Mitch-
!leARO,LD D. ,,DALE, Licensed
Auctioneer for the County of-liurost.
Moderate rates and satisfaction guar-
anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 13.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect.
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Mutual Fire Insurance Co,
Officers—James Connolly. Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer,
Directors—IWm. Rinn, No, 2, Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erict; tAlex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice. No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents—Alex, Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; • E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. At.
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; j.
Yeo, Ilolmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties.,
desirous to effect insurance or tram -
act other bnsiness will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
Ronald , Colman
in. Joseph Connad'a 'Master Story
The Rescue
A Romance of a Ship Captain ht
, Java Seas
Directed by 'Herbert tBrenon
' "The Rescue" has been selected to
launch our two a week programs for
the spring season.
Next Week—MON.--TUES.—WED..
A story of thoroughbreds back,
home and on the big tracks, with.'
Richard Walling, Marion Nixont
Mary Nolan, Claire MacDowell