The Seaforth News, 1930-02-27, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Mr. Jioseph Cobs o{ +Blyth Visit-
ed friends in the village for few days
last week.
Mr, Richard Davisof Exeter was in
town Monday on business:
Mr. W. D.' Sanders of Exeter was in
town Tuesday taking in the seed
The many friends of 1,1r. 'Thomas
Murdoch are sorry to hear that he is
not improving, but gradually growing
Mr. 'Floyd iSanith of 'Detroit motor
ed over Saturday and spent the week
end with his parents here.
A pancake social will be held in the
basement of ...St. Pauls' Anglican
church under the auspices of the Wo-
men's G
omen's' Guild on 'Shrove Tuesday, Mar.
4th. cornmencing at 5 p.m.
The church services in the United
Church' on' Sunday last were held in
the basement of that church owng to
the au'd'itorium being repainted and re-
Lair. and Mrs. Colin Hudson s'petit
Sunday visiting friends inEgn>tond-
ohn Smitt, Morris
gnhur and Royce'Welsh went ona
hiking trip to Grand (Bend on Sunday.
They walked there and back in about
eight hours and enjoyed the trip.
The Can. Chautauqua intend giving
concerts here:on the 13, 14, 15, 17ith of
Mr. J. W. Ortwein is making con-
siderable improvements on the house
he bought on King st.
The Death of Mrs, Wm. Beavers, -
Death claimed .another of Hensall's
well-known residents on ,Sunday mor-
ning when after a lingering illness
Mrs. Beavers passed away in her 67th
year. She was stricken about a year
ego with a trouble in her throat and
spent some time at the Seaforth Me-
morial Hospital but nothing could be
done for her. Before her marriage to
Mr. Beavers she was Miss Frena
Krempien. They farmed for a good
many years in the Township of Hay
before retiring to Hensall, a few years
ago. She was highly esteemed and
lovedby all who knew her, and was
a consistent member of the United
Church. Besides her bereaved hus-
band she leaves to mourn her loss one
daughter, Mrs. C..Brawles, of Kitch-
ener. The funeral took place from her
late home, Brock st., Hensa'11 on Tues-
day afternoon her pastor, Rev. Arthur
Sinclair having charge of the services.
The remains were then taken to Kit-
chener for interment.
The very mild weather and heavy
rains of the last few days has taken
away all the snow, the water going
away without doing much damage. A
culvert was washed out east of Sher-
r4's gateway and for a while Sunday
morning the water was rising on
South Richmond st„ but owing to the
splendid drainage system the town
has, the water soon cleared away
without doing much damage.
The A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul's Angli-
can Church held their meeting on
Monday evening in the form of a so-
cial. The first part of the program
was a debate, Resolved that laws for
a divorce should not be made easier
to obtain. Affirmative side was taken
by Miss Grace Stone and Mrs. Pep-
pier. Negative side, .hiss E, Johns-
ton and Mrs. Goodwin. and the judges
were Mr. A. 1,. Case, Ifr, Varley and
Mrs. Peppier. The decision was a
tie. lstrumeuere given by
Margaret Drummond; readings by
Mrs. Peppier and a solo by Mr. Good-
win. The main feature of the even-
ing was a presentation to, the presi-
dent, Sir. Thos. Simpson, who is
about to leave town, with a club bag
from the A.Y.P,A. The address was
read by Sirs. Peppier and the gift pre-
sented by Miss Grace Stone. At the
clone of the meeting lunch was serv-
The Young People of the United
Church held their meeting on Monday
evening with Miss Pearl Elder in
charge. After the devotional exer-
cises Miss Gladys Luker gave a very
pleasing instrumental after which
Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Clark rendered a
'roca', duet. The topic, "Self Confid-
ence" was given by Mrs. Sinclair.
Hensall Seed Show, -A large crowd
was in town on Tuesday afternoon to
take in the seed show. A lot of splen-
did grain was shown and several
good addresses were given. L. D.
Hankinson of Toronto was the judge
of the seeds and also gave an address.
Dr. Stevenson of Toronto was pres-
ent and gave a splendid address on
diseases of horses, cattle. sheep, hogs
and fowl. He gave a great deal of
information which was appreciated by
his hearers, The Hensall Seed show
is doing a lot of good in this district
and should be attended by every
farmer.' The following are the prize
Fall wheat --W. R. Dougall, H. C.
Soldan, Roy McDonald.
Spring wheat --Melvin Traquair, H.
6 rowed Barley -W. R. Dougal, 01-
iver Rowc,iffe, Elgin Rowefiffe, Alex.
Field peas -H. Truemner, Alex,
Field beans -W. R. Dougall, Owen
Geiger,. H. Truemner.
"Early- Oats -Earl Kinsman, Oscar
Late Oats -W. R. Dougall, How-
ard Wright, Oscar Klopp, Harry Sol -
'Timothy Seed,dH, Truemner, A.
Red Clover ---Ed. Munn, Andrew
Dell, W. R. Dougall.
Early Potatoes -W, Chapman,
Potatoes, general crop, H, Truem-
nen, A. P. Bell, Wm. Chapman.
Mr., Wm„Hudgins of Toronto was
in town Tuesday to see his old friend,
Thomas Murdoch, but owing to Mr.
Murdoch's serious condition, was un-
able to see him. Mr. Hodgin's many
friends ere pleased to see him again,
Mr, John McDonald left this week
for California where he will spend the
next six weeks.
The auction sale of horses, cattle,
sheep and hogs of Mr, Milton Love,
held at his stable here, was largely at-
tended. Everything brought good
The many friends of Miss Kate Bell
are sorry to hear she is confined to
her home through illness.
T'he• household effects of the late
Mrs. Jas. Taylor were sold here on
Saturday afternoon last, Mr, Geo. H.
Elliott of Clinton being the auction -
Having taken over the business of
all accounts must be settled forthwith.
Agent for International Harvester
Co., Manufacturers of
Mr. Milne Rennie of Seaforth was
in town on Tuesday.
Mrs. Ray Palaver is visiting with
her sister, Mrs. Thompson, of Toron-
Miss Mabel Whiteman of Kippers
spent a few days last week with Miss
Emily Morrison.
Mr. Frank Farquhar was in Toron-
to Saturday attending the funeral of
his brother-in-law.
Miss Hazel Hudson spent the week-
end with friends in London.
Mrs. H. Warnerr is visiting with
t Tee'swa•
friend's u
Case is v
friends in
A. L. a g
Mrs. .
Mrs. A. Spencer received the sad
news of the death of her sister, hiss
Esther Harney of Exeter. Miss Horn-
ey was well known here.
The firemen held another euchre
end dance party on Tuesday evening
and a large crowd attended, the hall
being crowded to the doors.
Mrs. L. L. Knight of Kitchener is
visiting for a few days this week with
relatives in town.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Hibbert 'Council was held at
Staffa on Monday, Feb. 17, all mem-
bers present. Minutes of previous
meeting read and confirmed. The
Auditor's Report on examination was
found to be satisfactory, and on reso-
lution was adopted and instructions
given to have 200 copies printed for
distribution amongst the ratepayers.
The appointments were made of
Thos, 3..Molyneaux as Treasurer_
George Butson as Road Superintend-
ent and Patrick Morris as Weed In-
spector for 1930.
ByLaw No. 343, 1930, providing for
OtREl2LLY.-'In loving memory of
my .dear 'wife, .Stella M. O'Hara,
who departed this life. two years
ago, Feb. 27, 1928.
I mourn for one I dearly loved
:For one I could not save;
Beloved in life and mourned in death,
,Remembered in the grave,.
Her loving voice I will ne'er forget
Though years may pass away.
The loss of her I sadly feel,
As keen 'as that first day.
When all is still and silent
And sleep forsekes the eyes,
My thoughts are in a silent grave
Where my dear Stella lies.
-Ever remembered by her husband,
Louis O'Reilly, and her Iittle daugh-
ter, Angela. and son Jack.
In Loving memory of a dear hus-
band and father, Robert Edwards
Coates, who passed away Feb, 18,
In Maitland safely sleeping,
Where the gentle breezes wave,
Lies one we loved so dearly
The one we could not save.
This day brings back sad memories
Of the loved one gone to rest,
And those who think of him to -day
Are those who love him best.
When the evening shades are fall-
'When we are sitting all alone,
To our hearts there comes a longing
If he only could come home. •
Oft and oft our thoughts do wander
To the grave not far away.
Where we laid our loving father,
Just two years ago to -day.
Sadly missed by Wife and Family
Township road expenditure, was 'coii-
sidered and finally passed. A resolu-
tion disapproving of the transfer , of.
anyportion of the present ,Cotinty
mileage to the Provincial Highway
Departnienit, was passed, to be pre
sente'd by the Reeve 'at ' the Good
Roads Association meeting during
this' ''nionth.,'General orders were .is-
sued for $134;31 The meeting ad-
journed until 'Monday, March 17th at
1 p.m,
Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, iClerk.
Of Farm Stock, Inrpleinents, and
Threshing Outfit and Furniture. -
Fred W. Ahrens, has received .instruc-
tions from the undersigned executors
to sell by public auction. at Lot 3.
Con. 8, Township of MoICil'lop, • on
Thursday, March 6th, 1930:
+H+orses-1 Brawn mare, rising 4
years old; 1 brown mare, rising 12 yrs.
old; 1 aged mare, 1 aged gelding.,
Cattle -11 Diis'harn cow, 8 yrs, old,
fresh; 1 Durham cow, 4 years old.
fresh; 1 Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, with
calf by her side; 3 Durham steers,
rising 1 year :old; 1 heifer, rising 1 yr.
old, --1 Durham calf, 3 months old,
Implements -1 '•Massey Harris ma-
nure spreader, 1 McCormick Deering
fertilizer 11 disc drill, 1 Massey Har-
ris side delivery rake, two 3 wagons,
1 democrat, 1 top buggy, 2 cutters,'1
Quebec sulky plow, 1.. Fleury walk-
ing plow, 1 Deering cultivator, one
3 -section harrow, set of sleighs and
bunks, 1• .wagon box, stock rack, 1
gravel box, 1 hay rack with sliding
car, 1 hay rack, 1 fanning mill with
bagger, I platform scales 2,000 lbs.
capacity; 1 scuff+ler,.1 root pulper, I
double wheel",power emery grinder,
1 Renfrew cream separator, 1 'wheel
barrow, 1 5-ply.8" canvas belt 160 ft.
long, 2 new pine planks for gravel
box sides, 3 40 -:gal. steel drums, 1 25 -
gal, steel drum, 2 oil barrels, 1 feed'
cooker, 1 fence stretcher, 1 block and
tackle, 1 screw jack, 1 forge blower,
1 drilling machine and drills, 2 sets of
taps and dies, 1 pipe vise, 1 adze, 1
broad axe, 3 doz. grain bags, 1 skid-
ding tongue, 1 power sausage grinder
and frame, 1 cider press, 1 shot gun,
1/ " rope 1'50 ft, long, 3 horse evener,
1 scraper, 1 posthole auger, a quantity
of blacksmith and carpenter tools,
also threshing tools, 1 Chevrolet se-
dan 1929 model,
Threshing _ Outfit -36-50 Stratford
Decker, equipped with drive belt, 1
Vessot grinder with belt and speed
jack, 13" plate and . plate sharpeer"
and elevator, 1 saw frame with 30"
plate, 42" saw blade, '3D" saw' blade:
28" saw blade, rip saw frame with
saw, 1 drag saw with two blades, 1.
emery` frame' andemery. wheel, 1
threshing tank with pump hose on
truck, several other beltings.
Harness -2 sets of double harness,
1 set of single harness,. 4 horse col-
lars, 2 horse blankets, 1 robe.
Feed 75 bushels mixed grain, 350
bus, oats, 25 bus, of goose wheat.
About 40 bags of Dooley potatoes.
neckyokes, whiffletrees, , logging
chains, forks, shovels, hoes, crosscut
Furniture -1 glass cupboard, ward-
robe, bureau, 6 dining room chairs, 3•
beds. writing desk, 1 leaf table, sink,
kitchen table, Treasure kitchen stove,
nearly new; a host of other articles
about a farm and house too numerous
to mention.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock
Terms of Sale -Grain, potatoes and
furniture and all sums of $10.00 and
under, cash; over that amount, eight
months' credit will be given on furn-
ishing approved joint notes with bona
fide property owners as security, or a
discount of four per cent, will be al-
lowed off for cash on credit amounts,
No reserve as everything must be sold
to wind up the estate of Fred Koehler,
Decision of auctioneer final in all
cases of dispute.
Mrs. Fred Koehler, Louis Benne-
wies, Executors for Fred Koehler
Estate' Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer,
R.R. No. 4, Mitchell, Phone 634r6
Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station
tha ever before
Long distance telephone service
is constantly improving. Seventy
per cent of long distance connec-
tions are now completed while the
calling party holds the line.
In 1927 it took an average of 5.8
minutes to complete connection.
In 1929 the average was 3.5 min-
utes per call and many calls, of
course, are put through, on the
And with this greater speed there
have been two reductions in long
distance rates ' within the last
year. Every Bell telephone is a
long distance station today, mak-
ing speech possible across the
province or the world - more
quickly -- and at lower rates
than ever before,
Improved Buckeye Incubators with New Automatic Egg Turner
STOP -the loss of your Baby Chicks
SAVE -them with Buckeye Colony Brooders
FI 1� lei
Baby Ll'[Y
Our Flocks are purebred, bred -to -lay and are carefully culled, for
high Egg ,Production and large eggs. Mated- with Cockerels from high
,production Hens, many of them Pedigreed. A liberal discount on early
orders will be allowed. Price list on request.
'Call and talk over your needs in poultry supplies. We handle the
"Royal" line brooders, feeders, fountain's, etc., also: Royal Purple
Brooders. We also handle all kinds of Feed, Lay Mash, 'Chick Mash,
Cod. Liver Oil, Oyster Shell, Grit., etc.
We will have a limited space each week for custom hatching at 4e"
per egg. Now is the time to order your baby chicks, if you want early
Fall Layerswhen egg prices are high and to realize the most for your
NlI SunnyvaleVaPoultry•
Of Farm Stock and Implements, at
Lot 31, Con. 2, Tuckersimith 'Town-
ship, 4T/z miles south east of Clinton,
on Wednesday; : March Seth, at one
o'clock sharp, consisting of the fol-
Horses, -(Choice Agricultural horse,
5 years old; Agricultural horse, 8 yrs.
old;, draft gelding rising 3 years old;
2 draft fillies rising 2 years old.
'Cattle -'6 Durham grade cows due
to freshen in April; Holstein caw due
to freshen March 15th; heifer, 2, yrs.
Two brood saws to farrow in Mar.,
11 Oxford and Leicester ewes, Lei-
cester ram lamb, African goose and
gander, 18 rock pullets.
+Im'plements.-Massey-Harris bind-
er, 6 -ft. cut; McCormick mower,' set
of disc harrow, spring tooth cultiva-
tor, 13 -disc seed drill, hay loader, hay
rake, wagon, set of bob sleighs, 'rid-
ing plow, walking plow, set of 5 -sec-
tion diamond harrows, 2 cutters, 2
democrats, hay tedder, pea puller, 2
buggies, fanning mill, jack, 356 h,p,
engine. circular saw, incubator and
brooder, cider press, 3 sets of single
harness, 2 sets of double harness, rol-
ler grain crusher, hay fork, car, rapes
and pulleys, set of scales, 2,000 lbs.
capacity; cutting box, sugar • kettle,
No. 15 DeLaval cream separator; a
fifth share in corn binder, extension
ladder, water tank, bicycle, training
sulky. collie dog, quantity of seed
oats and hay, several, hives of bees,
and empty bee boxes, queen exclud-
ers, bee foundation, honey, sap pan
and pails, barrel of cider vinegar,
mounted birds, kitchen range, box
stove and heater, table, chairs, car-
pets, dishes, square piano, sideboard
and numerous other household effects.
also forks, chains, shovels, whiffle-
trees, neckyokes and other articles i
too nmmeraus to mention.
'Positively no reserve as proprietor
has sold his farm. Accommodation
for horses on day of sale. If weather is
unfavorable sale will be conducted
Terms. -All sums of $10 and under,
cash; over that amount 8 months'
credit will be given on furnishing ap-
proved joint bankable paper, or a dis-
count of 4 per cent, straight allowed
for cash on credit amounts. A. E.
MATHESON, Proprietor; Geo. H.
Elliott, Auctioneer.
cash; over that amount 9 months' cre-
dit on 'approved joint notes. Grain
and timothy, cash. Everything will
be sold as S have sold , my farm.
ARCADE'McOAILLUM, -Proprietor.
Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Farm Stock and Implements. -On
Lot 17, Con, North 14, MaKillop Tp.,
(2% miles east of "Walton), on 'Friday,
March 7th, at 1 •o'ciock sharp, the
Horses.-iHarse 6 years old, weight
1;600; Percheron mares, one 7 years,
one 5 years, two corning'3 years.
Cattle, -1 cow; 10 cattle coming 2
Years; 8 cattle corning 1 year.
'Implements, --!Massey Harris bind-
er; MIL mower, 7 ft. cut; MAI. drill;
M !H, cultivator; M5I. disc; set 3 sec.
harrows, plow. twin plow, fanning
mild, -wild oat cleaner, scales 2,000 lbs,
capacity; buggy, cutter, waggon, hay
rack, set sleighs, gravel box, exten-
sion ladder 32 ft.; hay fork, car, rope
and pulleys, Daisy churn, crock
churn, set heavy. harness, set single
'Five tons hay, 200 bus. of oats,
quantity of •tintothy and alsike;
spades, forks, grain bags, and nume-
rous other articles.
Terms -AR sums of $10 and under,
Of Horses, _Cattle and 'Grain, will
be held at Lot 21. Con. 12, McKillop
Township (1 mile east of Leadbury)
on Tuesday, March 4th, at,1:p.m.:':
Horses -1 bay horse, 9 yrs. old; 1
grey horse, rising 6 years; 1. bay filly
rising 4 years; 1 black filly; risi>ig'3
Cattle -1 black cow, 12 years old,
due 'Sept. 16th; 1 black cow 7 years
old, due. Apr. 10; 2 steers, .rising 3
yrs old; 14 steers, rising 2 years old;
2 heifers, rising 2 years; 9 yearlings.
Grain -400 bushels feed barley;
125 bushels seed oats (Gold Drop);
14 bus. seed spring•wheat.
Ter eus-aGrain,-cash; horses and
cattle, 8 months' credit on approved
joint notes. Discount of four per
cent. per annum off for cash. -
George Dundas and Willis Dundas,
Proprietors; .Geo. H. Elliott, Auction-
Under 'and by virtue of the Powers
of. Sale contained in a mortgage and
chattel mortgage, which will be pro-
duced at time of sale, I will offer for
sale at Corner of Queen street and
London Road, Hensall, County of
Huron, on Saturday, March 8, 1930.
at the hour of 1.30 pm.:
1405 tile 4 inch, cement; 2,602 tile 3",'
cement; 430 tele 5" cement; 415 tile 6",
cement; 78 tile, 7", cement; 7 tile 18",
cement; 16 bile, 12", cement; 10 tile 10
inch, cement; 12 tile; 8 inch, cement;
360 cement blocks, 1458 cement brick,
30 gals. of motor oil, motor accessor-
ies and grease, 3 sheets of Gyproc 10:x
32"; 7 sheets of Gyproc 9'x32", 9 sheets
of Gyproc 8'x32", 1 Ford touring car,
1919, 1 Gilson 6 h,p. gasoline engine,
1 Dunn tle,:machine, 1 chain spade
mixer, a quantity of belting and pul-
leys, .1 cement block machine, 1 cem-
ent brick machine, 2 cement steel
molds 18" and 12", 1 cement steel mold
15", 1 cement gals. mold 8", 1 cement
galv. mold 10", 1 354-h.p, Gilson gas
engine, -1 circular sawing machine, 1
Philip Gies Air Compresser and a
quantity of tools.
All of which property will be sold
by public auction. Terms cash, T.
Brown, Auctioneer; Jas. F. Welsh,
Bailiff. "
Dated this 22nd day of February,
. r �.0 ni t
0t y
on improved farm , property in
amounts of $500.00 and up at
6 Per Cent.
Each mortgage will be well 'se-
cured,'the amounts required being
(for from 20 to 50 per cent. of the
value of the property ---each title
has already been, searched ;and•,
there is ample insurance pro-
A. D. Sutherland
Insurance, Real Estate, Etc.,.
Seaforth, Ont.
/We are. different front the ordinary
hatchery, as our breeding stock is ap-
proved by government inspectors. On-
ly our own eggs of 2 oz. or over are
used for incubation. We trapnes't the
year around and only 200 -egg birds
or better are kept for breeders. Order.
early for disease free husky chicks of
high quality.. Our plant, stock end
equipment are open to inspection at
all. times. Come in and pay as a visit.
Ontario Breeding Station of Bred -to -
Lay Barred Rocks. Located one
block north of new hospitai. Phone
0, F. SIEGRI'ST, Seaforth
1 good young bronze gobbler. .Ap-
ply to ,the News'O'bfice, 9
]DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of""London Hos-
pital, London, England. Special'
attention to diseases 0'f the eye, ear.-
nose and throat. Office and•r
ence behind Dominion ''Bank. Office,
Phone No. 5: Residence Phone 104.
A quantity of granary fillers •grown
from registered ,seed $1,00 ,.per bus,:
WILMOBE:,SOOTT,, Seaforth, Ont.
RE. N , la • 3!1,
i SEED Cxi2P,IN` 1a`ok -ALE
puantity of Seed Barley,; also quan-
tity of Seed' "• Buckwheat, for sale.
ZWIL'F.'RED M'A1LON'EY, _;Lot 7, Cbn,
4, McKillop. Phone 40r13 Dublin,'' 11
60 acres of this is choice clay loam
in fine condition, never.rented, 'Hig'h
undulating surface, well tile drained.
40 acres timbered. Fine water sup-
ply. Good furnace-heatedhouse, and
bank barn with modern stable fixt-
ures and cement floor, Plenty fruit,
Situated in the Township of Stanley.
Co. of Huron, on 'Bayfield and Bruce
field Highway, 4 miles from RE. sta-
tion at 'Brucelfield and London Road:
Convenient to several good towns
and markets, Buildings only a few
rods from the village of Varna. Inns
mediate possession. ,Price for quick
sale, $4,500. Terms, $1;000 down cash
payment will be accepted, Balance
long term will be given if 'desired.
For particulars see or write the own-
er, J. W. ARMSTRONG, box 89,.
Goderich, Ont. 10
Sparton and
Some good buys on used Battery Machines,
Also a good line of Batteries and Goodyear Tires
W. Dunlop
Seaforth, Out. Phone 187.
Alt once, incubator in good shape,
from 150 to 400 egg capacity. Apply
atThe •News Office. 9
One 1 -year-old turkey, bronze gob-
bler, 2 turkey pullets, 1 black Lang -
sham cockerel. Apply to Oliver C.
AND'E'RSON, Phone 250r5, Seaforth,
• 10
100 acres all in grass. Plenty of run-
ning water and shade. For particulars
apply to ,B'ERT N'OTT, Londesboro,
Ont. Phone 28-18 Blyth. •
Of Household Effects of the late
Mrs, McGonigle, north Main Street,
at 1.30 p.m., Friday, February 28th.
Sideboard, extension table, organ,
rockers, small tables, rug, couch,
stoves, linoleum, 2 bedroom suites, 2
beds and stand, large bureau, kitchen
table, chairs, kitchen cupboard," sew-
ing machine, dishes, other articles too
numerous to mention. Terms cash.
Geo. H, Elliott, Auctioneer, 9
DR. F . J. BURROWS, Seaforth.'
Office, and residence, Goderich `street,,
east f the -United Church.' Coronet
for the, County of Huron:' Telephone'
q,Now is the time to 'have your floors
sanded' before' the busy season starts.
Work done with the most up -Poo -date
Electric Machine. HARRY HART,
Box 249, Seaforth. 10
A quantity of oats and barley suit-
able for seed, for sale. 1D'ENNI'S J.
O'REIFLLY, Lot 12, ,Con. 4, McKil-
lop. Phone 46r16.. 10
DR.' •C, MACIKAY.-C. Macka3',
honor graduate of Trinity Universltyr
and gold medallist of. Trinity Medical,
College; member of the College of:
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
DR. F. J. R. FOfRSTER-Eye, Ear
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine, University of Toronto 18971
Late Assistant New York•:Ophthal-
mic and Aural Instil. le,. Moorefield's.
Eye, and Golden Square throat' hos?
pitals, London. England. At Comm-
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Li.
each month, from k1 a,m. to 3--p.>R,
13ebter Wallpaper for less money.
Orders taken now. Work at reason-
able price. LEO' GLEAIS'ON Paper-
hanger and Decorator. Phone 5,
Dublin, Ont. 14
One and one half acres with % acre
orchard and the remainder ploughed
2/ miles from Seaforth. New frame
bungalow and sma'11 barn. For ,further
particulars, apply to John McCowan,
R.R. 1, Seaforth, 9
DR. W. C. SPROAT.-Graduate eBf
Faculty of Medicine, University-
niversityWestern Ontario, London. Member,
of College of Physicians and -Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhart'c
Drug Store, Main St., Seafortk.,.
Phone 90.
There is profit for you in the dif-
ference. Better chicks for the same
money. Chicks hatched by our Huron
Mammoth Incubator possess extra
vigour. Are you .interested ? Well I
think so, Write or phone for . parti-
culars of Barred Rocks• and White
Leghorn Chicks, to
J. ELGIN McKINLEY, Zurich, Ont.
97 r 4 Hensal'1.
DDR. J. A. MUNN, Successor, to
Dr. R. R. Ross,graduate of North-
western University, Chicago, I11. 12-
centiate ,Royal College of Dental Sur-
urgeons, Toronto. Office over 'Silfr
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone -
DR. F. J. BFCHELY, graduate.
Royal College of Dental Surgeons.
Toronto, Office over W. R. Sm►tti'a.
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones.
office 185W, residence 185J.
Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A;Sc. (Tor )i
O.L.S., .Registered Professional En-
gineer and; Land Surveyor, Associate
Member • Engineering Institute of
Canada, Office, Seaforth, Ont..
Auctioneer. ' - ' '
Auctioneer for the County of Iurioa
Arrangements can be made for Slue
Date at The Seaforth News. Charge*•
moderate and satisfaction'. guaranteed.
'1. W. AHR'F1NS, Licensed Auction-.
eer far Perth and Hutdn Counties,.
Sales solicited. Terms on - applica..
tion. Satisfaction guaranteed. Farai,
Stock, chattels and real estate proper-
ty. F. W. Ahrens,R. R. No, 4, Mitch-
ell, lot24, con. 4, Logan, 5 miles east
of Beechwood, Phone 634r6, Mitch-
IHARIO.LD D. DALE, Licensed:
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Moderate rates and satisfaction guar-
anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 13.
All that the little French Girl knew,
was his Irish name
A New „York traffic cop tries his
blarney :on the French -with not un-
mixed. results.
Kate Price and Tom O'Brien' also
If you like laughter in your enter-
tainment, this is ntlade-to-order,
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect.
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Mutual Fire Insurance Co,
Officers -James Connolly. • Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2, .Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagenl
James 'Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-
eric'h; Alex. Broadfo.ot, No. 3, Sea -
forth;' J. M. Shold'ice. No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferfis, #iarlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray.
Gibson, Brucefield:
Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E, Hinchley, Seafotth;',.J. A.
Murray. r,r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and Joha
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to,any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
Wednesday, Feb.. 26th.
Butter, per Ib 35c
Eggs, per doz, ...28c-06c=40c
Potatoes • per bag $1.715
Hogs, per cwt. $12,50-$12.75
NOTICE is herebygiven pursuant
to the Statutes in that behalf, that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Henry Ryan,, late of the
Township of MoKill'op,•in, the County
of Huron, who died 011 or about the
18th day of January, 1930, are re-
quired to forward their claims, duly
proven, ito the- undersigned Solicitors
on or'before the 5th day of March,
1930,. after which date. the. Executors
will proceed to distribute the estate
having, regard only to and being re-
sponsible only for the claims of which
they shall then have had notice.
Dated at Seaforth, Ont., the 12th
day of February;' 1930.
9 Solicitors for Executors,
Send us the names of your visitors.