The Seaforth News, 1930-02-27, Page 7Garden Talks Article No. 2 r Directions for Making a Hot Bed' V(rhei'e one has a larger garden and .wants to get of to an early start it is better to build, a hot bed than to try gine) grow the early plants indoors. eeecurc a supply of fresh horse manure which has been turned over every day or so to prevent burnine and store pis in some sheltered spot until :ready for use., The hot bed should be located where it will be convenient for the attendant and it must be pro- tected from the north and west winds by fences, buildings, or shrubbery. Make a pile of the manure eighteen laches deep and be sure it is well pressed down. IP drainage is good a hole may be dug and the manure placed in this. On top of the Ibanure place a light theme of wood any de - (sired size and cover tightly with a window sash, sloping this a few inches towards the front, whish must be .south, Cover the manure with three or four inches of fine soil. The bed will heat up rapidly at first but by the fourth day will have cooled down suf- ficiently to allow planting, In cold weather water sparingly and ouly on bright days. Ventilate a little every •day by raising the sash, keeping this open longer as the days grow warmer. Plants should be transplanted once and hardened off in a cold theme, which it similar to the hot bed only without the, manure, before being set outside. • Planting Indoors. Delany tender bedding plants for the window box; and hanging baskets can be grown by the amateur it started in- doors this month, 'while the hardier sorts if given an earlier statr in this way will come into bloom several weeks sooner than if planted directly in the open._ The same' is true of malty vegetables such as tomatoes, cabbages, lettuce, melons and even a few beets, carrots .and hills of corn. Starting these indoors will materially hasten the time when they will be ready for the table. A shallow cigar, box or %somethingsimilar is ,the best thing to grow these in where space is limited, or if there 15 plenty of room a florist's "fat"—a shallow box 12 inches by 18e -may be used. Punelf a few holes in the bottom of the box to allow drainage and add a layer of cin• dors or gravel to serve the same pur- Iiose. Get some fairly good soil and break it up fine. If there is not a Supply already in the cellar the near- est greenhouse •man will be glad to sell some. Moisten the e th, then Mark ole the rows, which need only be one inch apart, sow the seed,and cover the top of the box tightly with a piece of sacking or burlap. This keeps the seeds in a warm, dark place and when they have pushed up through the soil remove the burlap and give them full sunlight. Unless there is a storm window oh the out- side keep the box back at least eight inches from the glass to avoid drafts and low temperature. Gardening,Servlce One should not be content with the 'same flowers and vegetables: year af- ter year, At least one new variety should be tried each season and often iu this way a certain previously un- known flower or vegetable will be found that is particularly suited to the local climate and soil. Of course those that have done especialy well in the past should not be abandoned unless some much higher quality sort is wanted. In the flower line, besides such well- known sorts as zinnias, marigolds, petunias and phlox, there are lesser known beauties like call!- opsis, godetia, calendula, lupins, an- nual larkspur, scabiosa, salpiglossis, California poppies, sehizanthus or but- terfly flower, and several others now listed andfully/described 4n th e beat catalogues. f'•'e of these are worth trying in every garden. Among the vegetables one would do well to ex- periment with the cos lettuces a new spinach, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, erase, Swiss chard, endive, kohl rabi, vegetable marrow and some of the herbs. I s YOUR TOTS POOR? R7 BRHAPS by dieting or other means, yon have been treating the symptoms, cattier than the cause. Loft of appetite, heartburn, sour stomach, ate symptoms that • the ,blood b impute. This explains taw successful use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in • all such cases Hen is e typical example:— "1 began to feel easily tired," writes Miss Margaret White, of Parry Sound, "and when I sat down to a meal I `' felt I did not want to est. A doctor told inc I was anaemic but I made little progress with his medicine. When I started taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I soon noticed that my appetite was improving, that the headaches ceaseless frequently and that I was not so easily dred. Now &ay weight has increased, my cheeks "nae rosy and .every ache and pain has vane 'shed." Start today to improve your appetite. Bay Dr. WU'I. liams' Pink Pills from your druggi'st's or by mail, poet - paid, at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,. Brockville, Ontario Send for fres book --'Whet to Bat and How to -Eat". DrWillkarma' PINK PILLS HOUSEHOLD NAME IN 04 COUNTRIES" ' gemIsiatsteemparseimaser . , the ideal—Le., the maximum in des 1 A SI�IELE T�t�ATn1El� Great Br>Itain s 1'tractive power. t �gy TRF ABIENT a time by could not be built CIIRL�IUI' 1\°p COLDS Place on the Sea limitationtiagreement. any party to the v 1 It could be By BOUGLAB JERROLD I built by auy other Power, and in'war• Cold in the head is very common at The most important event of 1930 time the limitation would give an uu- assailable advantage to the Power this time of the year, teeny in the is the inive-Power Naval Conference very young. Neglect 01 a cell is prone now in session. We may either with better shipbuilding resources to lead to serious ceasegaences. To emarge from it with the two greatand firmer control of raw materials,. relieve all oongeetion of the system is objectives of security and economy Tile Power which first built suet a the first step in treating a cold, wheth• sately attained, or we may come out' squadron would win the war 'without er in infants or adults. For the very another shot being fired, young, Baby's Own Ti lets are. the The email cruiser remains, how- ideal means of doing this Centalning eve', our, indispensable yardstick. no narcotics or other harmful drugs With this unit to calculate by and they soothe the child's fretfulness, re with our adjusted table of compare- )leve its sugaring and. ensure coeval- tive responsibilities, we, get a total neva its 5 tonnage requirement tor the weakest Baby's Own Tablets are without an Power by which elle total tonnages equal for relieving indigestion, consti- can be Computed. As to limitations of individual size, there Is a definite petite and colic. ,They check: diary- and practical test which can and hoea; break up colds and simple fevers; promote health -giving sleep` So one came It -poking and make the dreaded teething period So my small door; easy. The Tablets are the one, meds- AtSonia one wee,small door; cine that a mother can give her little Soo a one care knocking ones with perfect safety ar they are I listened, I opened, guaranteed to be free from injurious I looked to loft .nd right, drugs. They are sold by all medicine But naught there was a -stirring dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box' In the still, dark night. from The Dr. Wiliams' Medicine' Co., Only the busy beetle Brockville, Ont. Tap -tapping in the wall, Only from the forest ' The screech -owl's call. Sports of Britain s Only the cricket whistling • Modernize While the dewdrops Pail, Roy . It ' So I lruow not who came knocking, 'The Sport of Kings of it committed to continued and con- tinuoua spending at the present in- flated rate and without security. 1The 'satisfactory element of the Problem is that security and economy go together; the disquieting element thatfproperubl$c is of lack an of y p understanding of the problem we are likely to forfeit both. Happily it is not too late for sane counsels, to pre- vail. The first point to realize is that the navies of all the five Powers attend- ing the Conterence are pledged to de- fensive warfare 'only. Ouse war be- gins there is at sea no distinction whatever. between defence and of- ence. The tact that the Powers are pledg- ed to go to war only in self-defence or in defence of the' status quo is, however, a -vital point when we are should be applied. The strength. of battleships in an absolute and not a relative quantity. Given a sound strategic donception of war and proper dispositions, a battle- ship with a limited tonnage and a moderate armament can defy any super -ship by reason of economy in horse -power and., greater cruising range combined with guns capable' of the maximum effective range but not considering the size of the navies of of wasteful and ineffective ranges. all the sea Powers.. Once aggressive Four Final Points warfare is ruled out the size of navies Experts mostly put the tonnage oe must and can be governed by their such a battleship as 14,000 tons and marine . reepousibilities. These re- the armament at 15.5 guns. These sponsibilities are three; the length technicalities cannot- be discussed of coastline, the length of communica• here,' but it is pertain that a drastic tions and the volume and character limitation of size is practicable and of the sea -borne trade. it must be insisted,on. The maxi - Here is the fiat yardstick and only mum permitted must, however, be of test 01 parity, And here are the fig- absolute value, else- the difficulties urea, the needs of Italy being taken foreseen under a limitation of the as the unit:— fleets of the'five Powers to light Com Sea- cruisers would recur. minim- borne " Here then we have our final yard - Coast tions traffic stick; British Bmpit?e - 9.5 11.2 17.8 1. Limitation of navies by reference U. S. A. 4.6 3.2 '1.6 to maritime responsibilities. France 2.3 6.8 3.6 a. Limitation of navies by reference Japan 3 6.8 2.3 to the requirements of the weakest, Italy 1 1` 1 not of the strongest Power. These figures are those) of the 3. Limitation of total tonnage' by French Ministry of Marine. They reference to the defensive and oifen- must,be regarded as rough guides only sive capacities of armed merchant and various adjustments must be skips• made, but they have, as adjuated,. a 4. Limitation of individual ships by unique value, because the second and reference to the absolute standard of vital consequence of the decision of effective strength. the Great Powers to abstain from The value 01 our second yardstick aggressive was is that the require- Can now be clearly seen. It the meets of the 'maritime Powers must navies of the lesser Powers insist be judged by reterence to the navies upon a higher tonnage than is actual - of the weakest and not of the strong 11 needed for the defence of their est Powers. trade routes and communications, • Unisse this is realized the 'present this tonnage will be available as a Conference will throw on all the na. striking force which will wrest the tions an intolerable burden ot arms• control ot communications from any „menta while prejudicing fatally the navy, however numerous, which is security of England, 'United Stakes built merely with a view to the pro. and France. tection of, its vital communications. Question of Armament It for friendship's sake we agree to Other navies apart, to keep open less than parity with the United (or closed at will) the channel 01 States, it remains aa vital concern of both great maritime Powers that the sea communication, the minimum security of their vital communications needs ot nations are determined by from other attacks should not have to definitely calculable factors regarding be maintained at a fabulous and grow - mercantile speed, range and armament of the lug Cost, because of the Witting ot mercenttte navies ot the world• surplus tonnage fly Powers whose Tho shipping to be considered, as maritime needs are relatively second Admiral Sir Herbert Richmond has ary,and who aro thus in a position to demonstrated, is the vast bulk of ship- strike a fatal blow at English or Uni- plug which steams at 16 knots or less. ted States security, while they lay The next question is the armament themselves open only to a secondary which can be mounted these ships. wound, This is the reason, and, as we can now clearly see, the compelling logi- cal and practical reason, why' the scal- ing down of armaments must be be- gun with the armaments of these Powers whose interests are not pre- dominantly maritime. Problems of Limitation There was a crooked man and he had a crooked smile, He found a crooked partner, who had walked a crooked mile, They stole a crooked car, lett it on a' crooked trail, Now they both live together in a lit- tle crooked jail Experts opinion Pats the maximum Tariq philosophy in brief: Feed the. that tan be safely and usefully mount - dog well and the fleas will get their ed at ten 6 -in. guns. part. The logical and indispensable re- quirement of maritime power is thus —other navies apart—a sufficiency of warships of the minimum size and armament necessary to control and direct the'operations of these mer- chant ships, the number being deter- mined, of course, by the length of coastline and communications and the volume and character of the sem- borne trade. There are some authorities who ' i ! al z of inn v duships he see that t hold . could be definitely fixed by reference to this yardstick, which would give us as the maximum unit for all Pow - ars a ship well under 10,000 tons, steaming at not more than 28 knots and armed only with 6 -in, guns. There is only one objection to suck limitation.. A single squadron of bat- tleshipe appearing in any sea would, at one stroke, drive all these minia- ture navies off the sea and control the world: in naval warfare there eau be no parity between quantity and quality, whore the quality is 'below • The Soviet and India Classified Advertising Bombay Times of India. India and rola SALE the Far East have always been re- TG MAl3E OF' RUI3131aR WE HAVE IT, garded by the Soviet_autborities as. a 1 finest quality, write Por prioe fiat, fruitful ground for Communist seed. saving 46 per cent- The Cut Rate l3ar- gafn o,r Box 713 Torou to. j They were bitterly disappointed in China. Their recent actions show that the Soviet are no better Pleased with the- result of their ef- forts to convert India to their creed. The executive of the Communist In- ternaeionai in Moscow not long ago turned M; N. Roy out of his charge as director of propaganda in India; he! has now been expelled an a renegade. Apparently he did not produce suf- ficiently fruitful, results for the money they eopiously voted him. A gentle. S hubin is un- derstood name of P c man derstood;to be Roy's successor. Some One y At all, at all, at all. WalterDe La Mare, is "Dowu- Adown•Derry." George V and Three Sons Fol- low of Popular Golf, Riding and Fencing London.—Members of the royal family are ardent sportsmen, but each has Ills particular sport. Ring George V. for many years has been known as an expert shot. A light gun has been made especially for him and he now passes much of his time while at Sandringham shooting. His majesty's physicians have not allowed him to take part in any strenuous rid• „The department has been asked to Ing since his recent illness. sanction the cutting of this wood for The Prince of Wales has given his export to the United States, but we attention to riding, hunting, piloting did not approve of that. But judging airplanes and playing golf. Almost by this recent sale Ontario mitis may every day before his departure for find use for this sort of timber." Atrica he worked to perfect his game. He shoots in the eighties. Minard's—The Great White Liniment Close observers of the Priuce's game say that his woods have im- Marc Substantial proved tremendoirsiy in the last six The moon was shining down on them, Ontario to Utilize Partly -Burned Wood Toronto.—Canadian pulpwood manu- facturers may utilize the thousands of acres ot partly burned timber in New Ontario, according to Ontario Govern- ment officials, A successful sale has already been made of a large quantity of such wood in the Hearst area, In recent years there has been com- .parativelylittle use of burnt -over 'tim- ber in Ontario," stated W. C. Cain, de- puty minister of lands and forests. Ops �l1c arLASfit su � moaths-Nething helped. Theft Stobie -Salva' ended ttching,i'aur to L,' minute. Piles soon ggone."5. C. Ariey.Iustaul5 rlief. Piles vanish. Avoids knife. All druggistet. i NO.LQNGER;SUFFERw�TH IeRPID LIVER. INDII EST10ti CONSTIPATION NERVOUSNESS HBAD /Ki tS'..'' writes Mr. M. McArthur, Thousands say constira- tion,;liner trouble,'Indi-• gesthn, as end overnight wlth Fruit -a tives:'Nerves qulet. Get "Fruit -salves" from druggist today. Ii eimessessesseeeimMesezazees Pins AIMED 11 Lbs. on 8 And a Boy Friend." writes Susan Salino'Thousands say nett/ Ironired Yeast adds 5 to 15 ibo. in 3 weeks. Skin clears like magic. Constipation, nerves end. Get pleasant Irenized Yeast. tablets from druggist today, Y SUR HAIR NEEDS '"How can I get rid ot my creditors?" 'Pay 'em something on accouut and they'll all drop dead," The name ot .the alleged recently discovered flu germ is pleomorphic streptococcus, and considering the sneezing and soughing ,going on:l around •us, -it eeema a 1lttle; more ao•,I Curate to call 1t the etreitt00000!'d world.—Boston Post The daugers of aviation may be growing fewer, as all the expellee assert, ;but we see that a British, air pilot has just married a young lady he met when .she was e, passenger on oue of 1e1s flights,—blew York liven. ing Post, A technicality often gate an innoc eat man iu trouble and guilty one out. TO GIVE IT &jEALTUU AND LUSTRE ASK YOUR BARBER APPLICATIONS,. Are 'Filled As Far ONTARIO As Possibly in the Order In Which e DEPARTMENT ,. They Are Received, of AGRIOULTU11 Farm Help Supplied The Colonization and Immigration Brand et tail Departmo t of Agriculture for Ontario will have aVailabl0 dui hUer.Qt Lxp®rlonaed Married Mon With Their WlVefi and' Families—Married Couples Without Children-. Also Single Nle'n, p gg ;I•;gra requitiing help wfit 13Q wet3 • 1 sit to males early htDOUCa ion Geo. 'A. Elliott pimp r of L,tolonlziNtion File Yoolt��r ha Iain btnldoa„ ap Ilolaxl n oro to, Cat 1 p0ne0 APPLICATIONS Offering Annual Work Are invariably Given the, Preference... All Men Placed Subject' To those who say that a predoinim ance of ships of equivalent tonnage such as on the basis of true parity United States would 'have over Sap - an, and we should have over United States, it limitation is by total ton- nageequated to tate maritime re- sponsibilities spousibilities and not by categories, there is a simple and complete answer. It the tonnage is related to the length of the communications of the differ- ent Powei"s, such tonnage is not avail- able for offensive action. To concentrate a disproportionate. number of ships in one Area would be to exeose some portion Of the chain of communications, which would im- mediately be broken at that point. The otter vital issue at the present Conference is the right of blockade. Here there is a need for plain speak - lug. It ridiculous to suppose that the desire of other Powers for the the stomach nerves have been over - abandonment by us of our time-hon- ored doctriuo is inspired by the fear stimulated. There is excess acid. The that the blockade may injure us. The way to correct it is with an submarine menace: is no menace_ at which neutralizes many times its vol - ell, and the Continental Powers ume in acid. know it: The complete answer to The right way is Phillips' Milk of submarines was found in the convoy Magnesia — just a tasteless dose in system, and that tact is known to water. It is pleasant, efficient and every naval expert. The Right to Blockade We are being asked to give up the right of blockade, not because it will hurt us, but because it enables us to interfere with the wars of other Powers. We must not surrender that right. A war is either gust or unjust. To say that in a war the unjust party must be altowed.to feed and equip Ito armies while armed justice stands and 11 h Po bolus on is so mut y. It la just absurd to allow an enemy nation to supply itself -by sea as it would be to beep the rail:t'ays open aorosa the opposing lines of trenched. IIn the name of oommonsens$t let lid to pleasg of Na18 point—MoR ea Standards , gg Uap Miniidre for Neuralgid, OoNloe of the Regulations i..ssad by the Minister of Educatiion nay be I obtained item the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, o o to, _ ISSU No, 7--' months, but that his putting and ap- proach shots still lack the grace and assurance of a Hagen, CompsolL or Sones. His drives are straight, low shots which carry well and generally keep him out of trouble, He plays a cool, well-timed game in a. serious Writ. The Duke of York enjoys hunting, yachting and target shooting. Prince George is an ardent rider and an en• thusiaetic golfer, but haslet developed the technique of hi. older brother, the PrIuce of `Vales, as yet. Prince Henry, who's following a lite ot ac- tive service in the army, has selected fencing and rifts as his favorite sports. Little Child --"Father, what is a Pedestrian?" Father — "A pedes• trlan, my child, is one who runs, dod- ges and jumps." s_. A Jewish merchant sent out invita- tions for his daghteret wedding with R.S.V.P. at the bottom of them. This, he explained in brackets, stood for, "Real Silver Vedding Peesents." laTORIA FOR Qi111[Ckie time LE$8 tt`OMi'O8i t Childnti er6?fork 1DRCOseT°PATIOn,Dt,RRHEA,IEVtRtSHrft55 eafness lElEADIIOOESEE$ Ilr ,N -tics Cone OF URS- InSliRr fro Nosrnn.s,... EAR, OISs 5125 All Druggists studetlts fel& en request A. O. LEONARD, Inc. 70 Fifth Ave.. New Vont! City The Rubdown And these words he did utter: "We'll live on Ione my precious gem," She said: "I want bread and butter" Success is for pale in the open mar- ket. You can buy it—any man can buy it who is willing to pay the price. DO YOU SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? So easy to get quick relief and pre- vent an attack in the future. Avoid bromides and dope. They relieve quick- ly but affect the heart and aro very dangerous. They are depressing and only give temporary relief, the cause of the headache still remains within. The sane and harmless way. Fiat correct the cause, sweeten the sour and acid stomach, relieve the intes- tines of the decayed and poisonous food matter, gently stimulate the liver, start the bile flowing and the bowels pass off the waste matter which causes your headache. Try 'Carter's Little Liver Pills. Druggists 25c red pkgs. • 1aLIPS 40Pp . v1iACe 3 For Troubles xAHEAATB " HEAIACG'ta GASES-NauSEA hen Food About two hours atter eating many people suffer from sour stomachs. They call it indigestion. It means that ours is not complete unless finished with Minerd's! Gives new life and glow to the whole body. Australian Seaside Pleases Americans Sydney, N.S.W.—When the steam- ship eialolo was recently be this port, with between 300 and 400 business men from various parts of the United States, on a tour intended to familiar- 1ze them with the Pacific and its prob- Iems, much interest was taken in the beaches along :the ocean front of Ste' ney- The opinion was expressed that the beaches are unequaled for their line white sand and general contour and for the oceanside sport and pastime they provide. Within a stretch ot about 30 miles —from 15 miles south of Sydney to 15 miles north—there are a dozen beaches. From. September to April there are crowds on all, the largest at- tendance being in November, Decem. her, January and February, when the weather Is warmest. There are usual - 1y more than 100,000 persons on this. stretch at the week -end. The costum- ing recalls Deauville. The municipali- ties which have these beaches within their boundaries spend large sums in bathhouses, promenades and other equipment necessary for the comfort of the visitors. harmless. It 'las reivaiced the stand- ard with physicians !n the 50 years since its invention, It is the quick method. Results come almost instantly. It is the approved method. 'You will never use another when yon know. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Mille of Magnesia prescribed by phyaf- cians for 50 years 111 correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full dime- tions—any drugstore. High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education DAV AND EVENING CLASSES `+ may be conducted In acoordanee with the regulation® issued, by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION Is given In various trades. The schools and classes atre under We. direction of AN ADVISO1SY COMMITTEE, Application for attendance should be made to the Prinolpal of the school. C MMERCIAL SUBJECTS, i'VeN:i,7+L i rtAiivliQtdr NoUsdHOI.O t3OlENCE Atlh AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provIdeil for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and H1gh • Schools, Colte late Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. KI - EYS For three years I have been troubled with kidney trouble, and could scarcely walk 50r bairn Last t,hristmes a friend of111105 cams to stay with us for a few days, and brought with her a bottle ot Enoetiolt.Salts, and 50Vo mo a good dose. 8ftor about a week, tilting a lltt)e every morning, I -found the trouble leaving me, and £ could walk WI. 1 bavo talrenBrusolten re larlV until a month ago. and then I thought I could manage Unbent them, but last week ibo old trouble came back again. I immediately gob a bottle of Krnachen Salts then and there, mutt I feel quite a new woman again. I aro so grab). M that I thought 1 would write and tet yon avow what I think of your wonderful Snits:' 0,10leai lot :em i e nt lnspeatloa: •—(id s.) E.13 ICrtlschen Salts is obtainable at dm" std department stores in Canada at 760. a 11011 e. A bottlo contains enough to last for 4 or months—good hentth for half-a•ccut a - daY. MOTHER OF TWINS HELPED Restored to Health by Taking Lydia E. Pinkhamrs Vege- table Compound Ivlitchell; Ont.—"3 had little twin' babies and for :Mite a while after Y so `weak 1 cowl not do my' wo because of 'p all the way up legs at the back. also had headacbee and got very littlb sleep. 'C took Lydia S. PInkham's V etable Coinpoun tend soon i w to able getan do my wtip k.IhIY taken three bbtti and fateliaG; Io,. my wok witho- trouble and am gaining', n'n`aht•4n strength. 2 will gladly recommend Z Vegetable Compound to anyone. "— MES. F. STATION, Pox 220, Mltcbely oat.