The Seaforth News, 1930-02-27, Page 4PAGE FOUR
NO. •1 -Apple Tree. (One only), Delicious, Yellow Transparent,
NO, 2 -,Raspberries, six Cuthbert Red", or one Grapevine (Campbell's
party :Blank Concord.
NO, 3 -One Rose, Hybrid Perpetual, Ulrich Brunuer.
Hybrid Tea•-lLieut. Chaaure, Mrs. Aaron Ward, Hardy
Crimson, Climber=tCrinason ,Rambler,
NO, 4 -One Shrub, Forsythia, Suspense; Hydrangea. Arborescens;
Honeysuckle, Tartarica; Tamarix, Africans.
Golden Mock Orange.
NO. 5 -One Vine, Trumpet Vine; Japanese Clematis.
NO. 6 -One ]iris, Princess Victoria Louise; Mrs. Horace ;Darwin;
Queen of May. T
NO, '7 -'One Peony, Jeanne D'Arc, pink; Mme, de \ ernereville.
NO..8--Two Delphiniums, Belladonna,, Mixed Hybrids.
NO, fl-ThreItsb
NO; 10 -Three Tuberous Begonias (red. white, yellow).
NO. 11 ---One Dahlia, Dakota (flame), Purple Manitou, Swift (yellow).
NO. 12 -Canadian Horticulturalist,
NO. 13 -Selection of Fall Bulbs.
Any choice may duplicated Members are entitled to threechoi.
OH 15'PH. Send in
new members on
cstseparate list. Extrast be returned by trees,names
shrubs, bulbs, plants, etc..,
will be supplied to members at cost. Send in lists on separate sheets.
GILBERT McCALLUM, r.r. No. 3, Walton, Ont., See,
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
we expect e .at ,f loose salt in
about three weeks. • Fine 40c
coarse 45c. 0.5 the gar. \Ve are
also carrying Rennie Seeds for
Spring. Place your order now to
get the lowest prices. Telephone
2i:Or32. Sea:r,.:1 Centra..
4 T . CB -ET
•ae:i as .37 e ex-
... _ alas*as. 1r
d c
; ec:ed.
No need to suffer with corns, or to
run the risk of
paringthem. Re-
move ve =iris surely and painlessly with
Ballo ay . Corn Remover.
some antique owned by their grand, -
mother. Those present are requested
to be prepared to discuss the topic
deal: with• Visitor cordially invited
to attend.
Miss Bertha Brogden of London
;rent the week -end with her sisters,
Mrs. D. Floody and Mrs. W. H. Lyon
Mrs. J. H. Hoover left on Monday
or Titnmins . to visit her daughter.
Mrs. Norman \l. iehtman.
Mr. James Watt is under the doc-
c:o:'s care. We wish a speedy recov-
Mies Margaret King of Auburn was
visitat here on Tuesday.
Mrs. Howard Brunsdoc who und-
v _ an ,peratfon in 1..nton Hoe -
Mr. RuSsell Marks. wen: to bode
rich last Tuesday being called on the
jury. s.
Mr. Arthur Puna -pen: the week
erel at ills home • n \I... l:el.
Mr. George Sha:dsce has returnee
home from Kitchener. _
Mr. and \I J Miaun 3: Morris..
are moving : :he village to the house
vacated by Mr. R:;peril Marks.
Mr.W. Ea S eaf .tit spent
Sundy wi Mr. atii Mr.. W. C.
Miss Rtith V t• spent a few
days with 11- to
There will. be en a-2 time dancein
the Worksnait evening
W. spends
few . s _.ler, \f -
Mr. en lir, Danaaa. jaMiston t .
H c t 1M ay.
•\I-.. Wm. .,r Soaforth. was
zallne; -an :n sge
Mr. artd M:.. Steies entertain-
...". . ail lata. ~ o:t FrE a
he week
end a: .._. here.
The sn,.w .'asanneareaa Very i3nicKy.
Tat ore -,..diti'n tor tne
zars ta. .ter Mr. and
Mrs. la.- i. .... icer.: to Kitchener
this week far treatment on her knee.
She has been estop: ...g about it .o.
:i e past few weeks 'tit the doctor did
n. underetand the e. hence -an. X-
ray was taken in Kitchener cne slay
rest week.
Services inS Ge-.3rge's Cho..h.c-,
Ash Wednesday, -lay, Marc' 5:h.
Ge: rge \\ill air , r ts improvino;
nicely. He is role :, attend to his
.farts 3...ies as )earl.
lir. Lahti Brennens dance held in T.wa Hai. on Tuesday, Feb.
was argely attended ant ab re -
good time.
lira. Frank Bruce and Mies Susie
Klienieldt :pent Tueslav aiterno nn
with. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Klein -
\`+ y Brennan of Stratford
e .few .a+ his. week with her bed for aver a week. His many
Mr. and lire. John Brennan, :-iends hope fora speeds recovery.
Having taken over the business of GALLOP & McALPINE, we.
would appreciate your continued patronage.
Agents for Massey -Harris. Implements and Repairs
Beatty Bros. Farm Equipment Metallic Roofing
twenty-fifth anniversary of your wed-
ding day. We asst you to accept these
gifts, not merely for their intrinsic
value but as a token: of o0r affection
and esteem toward you. Our very
best wishes are extended to you and
we hope you may be spared many
sears to use these gifts, May God's
bleseing rest on you and grant that
health, happiness and prosperity may
he yours. \\'e hope to be able to tel-
ebrate with you on your fiftieth anni-
yersary Signed on behalf of your rel-
Moving. -Mr. and -firs. J. R NI -
;:tolls who have been on \Mr. Ben.
Rising farm at Grieve's bridge, are
n:vine- within a couple of weeks to
he Gordon farm near Kippen. Their
,nary t en;l. will be sorry to see
them leave. \Ir. Cecil. Oke of Eg-
nan anile. will move onto the farm
when they leave.
Mrs. Reber: Reid. also Mrs. Aylmer
Haekwell.and children of near- Wal-
ton. visited a: the home -if lir. and
Mrs.Angus Reid -on \Vedne-day last.
Mrs. \:ntaan Shepherd Visited at
the home of her parents. Mr. and
Mr.. Alex. Reid one day Ias: week,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGregor vis-
i ed the father's sister, Mrs. Howard
Bra isdon of Blyth who is at present
in Clinton Hospital. having under-
gone ata ooe:ati:n on Wednesday
t. We are pleased to know she is
:t present da ng nicely.
\\'e are very sorry that Mr. James
Watt of Blyth has been confined to
.lir. and Mrs. Iegs entertained the
Varna Mat Club to an oyster supper
last Thursday evening. The evening
was spent in progressive euchre, Mr.
Albert Horner carrying off the first
prize for winning the most points.
Mr. Ed. Foster won the next prize
for playing the 'most lone hands. and
Mfrs. Archie Galbraith the consolation
Detroit; and five sisters, Mrs..Thomas•.
Ryan aril Mrs, W. Ryan, both of Sea -
forth; Mrs P. I1eettan, 01 13iddulph
I p Mrst Jaunes Divan end airs:
John Moir,of London Tp:
The funeral was held on Monday
with requiem high Mass at. St. Peter's
Death, of Sister.- 0ttessrs, Andrew;
and Benjamin Snell received a tele-
gram on 1 ridgy' night telling them
that their, sister, Mrs. Latimer, . of
Bdeifheini,was sinking fast. Prepar-
ations were made to go in. the ntord-
hng but word came io the morning
that she had passed away. • Mrs, Lati
iter lead been in failing health for
soave time. Tlte. body. was,sent to.
Harriston and the funeral: took place
Froth the home of .her sister, Mrs.
James Tayilor on• Tuesday of this
week. Interment: took place in Ilar-
riston, The deceased spent the.great-
er e in this vicinity.
pant of her life t
large number of friends will be sorry
to learn of her passing, 'The sym-
pathy of the community goes out to
the brothers and sisters. Mr. Lati-
mer died nine years ago. She is sur-
ur-yived by four brothers, :Robert in
New York state; Joseph in Alberta
and Andrew* and Benjamin of Hut -
lett and one sister, Mrs. Taylor, of
\\ e are rr r , report t that airs. ' The 'Misses Helen and Marjorie Miss Gertrude McGrath of Guelph
l'airlak S t •:e.on .s on the sick list, \t:E vine spent the .week end at the has been confined to her home here
la . liana ,r a very speedy recovery, home of their fora couple of weeks through illness.
\:» l . Dalt. -pen last week- Mr, John Flannery Jr. spent the
h..c.hener sil=ting his laugh- Sunday. week end in Stretford.
\Mrs. Frank Pape, Mir, •Owen Hart held a very success-
\\'... : :he death a Mass Clara home of her aunt and uncle, _fir. and int sale of livestock on Wednesday of
aie•::ra a;ts ..:.veil with a shack4 Mrs. . \\int. Crittendon cif Clint. n; also this week.
�• -,• o-{ M f Stratford
Andrew t
helm on Saturday, morning owing to
the death of his sister, '
Mir. Benj., Snell went to Htarriston
an Monday and attended his sister's
Mr, and Mrs, Robt. ,Griinoldby en-
tertained on Thursday evening, Feb.
20th, a large-nunttber of relatives' and
'friends on the occasion . of their fif-
teenth wed -ding anniversary, it being
a linen wedding.
Miss Jean Lawson goes to Toronto
on Friday to visit her brother. Mr.
Lorne Lawson, and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mann celebrated
their tenth, or tin wedding anniver-
sary on Tuesday, Feb. 25th, when a
large number of friends and relatives
were present.
Mfrs. Leo Stephenson is spending a
few days'' with Mr. sand Mrs, Will
Logan, in Blyth.
parents Mr. and Mfrs.
A. W. \LcEwing, returning to Clinton
Miss Jean Stevens visited at the
...en+.. c r. Tues nine viands in Clinton last week.
\Lrs. F. J• McQuaid o tray or
;.a ing. The sal trey\s lame to l Miss Marjorie Colson treated a spent the past week with Mr. and
+n :hat morning saying that number of 'her young- friends to a 'Mrs. James McQuaid:
dear ones. Miss MieKenna, very :iieind: • dance last Friday even- The C \WJL, are holding a dance in )
passed : her reward at the hone 1 ,..aa., Al:htuge :he roads were bad, the parish hall on Friday evening o£
had lake., a stroke a: one o'clock enjoyed a real good night. firs. Nicholas Krauskopf is recov
e:1 -it .'sur. Miise McKeon) ryas Mir, and Mrs. Ernie Stevens of Sea-• ering nicely after her recent serious
In Dublin and taught :n St. Pa :-th visited at the home of their. illness.
haul fora number of years. parents, .lir, and Mrs. Daniel -Stevens' Mr. and Mrs, William' Ryan attend-
- :he past few years. atter she had an Sunday. ed the funeral of Mrs. Ryan's sister
resigned from teaching, she had made Miss Marie Rapson is spending a in London on Monday.
r it.>tne is Lend n with the Webber few days with her aunt and grand- Mr. Mark Miles Jr. .has returned
mother in Clinton. hotue after spending a few months in
• North Bay.
Persian Baim is a sheer delight to London Free Press: Mrs. Elizabeth
use. Coat: and relieves irritations Beatrice OlBrien, wife of Frank 0' -
caused by weather conditions, Int- Brien, London Township, died et her
parts a rare charm and beauty to the late residence following a long illness.
complexioct. Fragrant and velvety Before her •marriage she was Miss
smooth. Never leaves a vestige of Elizabeth Beatrice Mcllhargey.
stickiness. Swiftly absorbed by •the Surviving are her husband, four
tissues and stimulates the skin. -Per- daughters, Mary, Annie, Martha and
elan Balm is the peerless toilet re-
quisite. Every woman will appreciate
'-he subtly distinctive charm achieved
by the use of .this magical lotion.
Charles Ilh:nr'lletairat ViShed 1.s
sister a.... all. . relatives at \\ nghan
aver :he week end.
M-. an'. Mrs. Thos.:>-asby as3 M-
and Mrs. Chas.x were gUeSts
Mr. J. F MeCaughey Monday e
Mr. en d M -s. Clarence l -y sten
ten: T Mr. and Mr
Thos.5 Be'grare,
Mr. and lira Harvey Biernes spent
\i foe- a ;t \\ a tn.
Mrs Clarenae H end
saga few '.`+.: `• parents.\M..
a.n Mrs. \\ : 1-f. Mf ..f..: crs ,i Bos-
yr. _e Frank Mc-
WfAr.7'.14Y ererin_g
1 \\ m. Dniadas. snen: : e
t::h Mr. ja.s.,- a.z and ?:i. ...
Mrs. Peter Healeyas beennft--
e' ta the i.use .rata a severe cold the
past week.:
1L..john Brawn e _trned heme
Saturday after spending a week w h•
ger datighter, Mrs. Harney Robert-
of B 'tevale.
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Hollinger.
also Messrs. C'^ ..e and Har ,l d Cun
ntng. am guests were e is a
Mr. Nelson
Nicholson Monday evening.
Miss 'Viola :garrison spent Sunday
at her home near Winthrop.
Mia and Mrs. Leslie Biernes visited
Mr. and Mrs.: Chas. Nicholson Sun-
day afternoon:
•\Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell and Addie
also Miss Susie Newcombe, were y
hors at the home of, .lir. Robert Wal-
Mr. Charlie Cunningham is spend-
ing a couple of weeks With his par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cunning-
Me:.+rs. Joseph and Frank Mc-
• Caughey spent ).Monday evening et
Mr. Charlie Nicholson's,-
Women's Institute: The Women's
Institute meeting an Thursday, Mar.
6th in Memorial Hall, wilt be under
the. direction of the Historical e-
tel h
search ailment ,Startin a His-
Dep g
tory. of Our Community, will be the
stbyect given by lire. Wightnetn.
"Pioneering in Morris,"- will be -dealt-
with by Mrs. Latimer. Music, Mrs.
• 13. Herrington, Roll call will be ans-
wered by.each member' displaying
r, Mfr. James McKenna. -there was a nice gathering and all
nily. At time of writing, arrange-
ments have not been made for the
t sera'.
\f' -s R. O'Connor returned to De-
e-.. .. :lits week, where she has securer)
,gold p?sitior.
Mrs. Edwards of Stratford was the
attest of her daughter, Mrs. E. B.
Tyers. on Sunday.
The Ladies Guild of St. Mary's
Church vdn hold their monthly meet-
-e Tuesday, March 4. a. 2:30 at the
.;.nye ±f Mrs. Alex. Darling. Every-
iv welcome and bring your friends
\f Liren Cronin returned to De-
': after -pending the week -end at
'rt o: his parents, Mir, and
Mre. Jarncs G..:.r..
We are ser + to report that Mrs.
Jos. McGrath :.n the sick list. We
rape toi hear tf iter Speedy recovery.
Mr. Jos. Dill. assompaniel by itis
-ister Vennie. retatrned 13 Detroit,
spending the week -end at the
lite 1 Ire parents, Mr, and Mrs. P.
Mr. and \Mss, P F. Beni of Sea-
,rte were ?nests of M-, and Mrs.
Frank Evans ,ri Sunday.
The entertainment ¢ tefl et :he
'1,1112 ni Mir. and Mr-- J3.5. Moore
.vas a grand success -
this week,
Celebrate Silver Wedding. -One of
:e most pleasing occasions in the
acial activities f McKillop last week
the celebration by Mr: and Mrs.
11. Jain e ,n. on Friday ev-
ening Feb. 21st of the twenty-fifth
anniversary of their wedding day. at
:heirhome. : n t
dinner was served a: seven o'clock.
The table was laden with all the good
thing_ the season could supply and
conspicuous in the centre was the
beautiful wedding cake decorated with
twenty-five miniature candles and
crowned by a pretty ornament of flow-
ers. The dinner guests consisted of
the immediate relatives of the honored
couple. Among the many tokens of
esteem were a silver bread trey, a
case of silver knives andforks and
=goon, a silver casserole and cake
basket; and silver candlesticks. A
pretty bouquet of pink carnations and
fern was presented to Mrs. Jamieson
by her little niece, .Miss Joyce Carter,
who was daintily dressed in pale pink
georgette and lace. The presentation
of the g its, in a prettily decorated
box, was made by Miss Edna Jamie-
son. byM.
re was renr
roil The address
> s
Audrey Carter to which Mr. Jamie-
son made a suitable reply, The fan-
loosing is the address:
"Dear Mr. and Sirs, Jamieson.-
We nave met together on this happy
occasion to celebrate with you the
Reta; her father, C. \ic'Iihargey; three
brothers, John J. Meilhargey and
1Vllliam Mcllhargey, both of London
Township. and Z. E. Mcllhargey, of
1. ease MODEL 'C
1. Powerful valve -in -head engine.
2. Removable cylinder sleeves.
3. Heavy 3 -bearing crankshaft drilled for pressure lubrication.
4. All parts sealed against dust.
5. Hand operated clutch, easily handled from the ground
or tractor seat.
6. Final drive of strong steel roller chains, enclosed and
operating in oil. •
7. Three forward speeds, 2 1-3, 3 1-3 and 4% miles -per hour.
8. Irreversible steering gear. Outside turning radius -1,0 ft.
Powerful Light and Fast for every Purpose
t g
Robt. e ler
ar ..W. D
PHONE 236r5
Bran, in bags • •••-••••$36.00 per. ton
Shorts, nn'bags • • $37.00. per,ton
Middlings, ill bags x'41.00 per ton'
Oat Chop, • in bags $2.10 bag
Mixed ChoP, in. bags. , .,. ,..,....$1.8.5 per 100 lbs.
R2olled'iOats, in begs $1.90 per` 90 lbs,
Mixed Grain, in bulk $1:65 per 100 lbs.
Oats, in bulk i6'5c per bus.
1;55 per' 100 lbs.
Barley Chop, in bags ... $.
Cottonseed Meal, 40-�p_c. lProtein ......#2.75 per 100 lbs.
Cracked Corn, Steel CtCt - $2.'50 per 100 lbs.
PHo�bPE.51 - EVENINGS 299
Mrs. lieLeod, who has been visit-
ing her mother, Mrs: Lamond, who is
returned to her home in London
on Friday of last week. •
The friends and neighbors of Mr.
John G. Scott held a successful wood
bee in Mr. Scott's bush on Wednes-
day of last week. •
,Rev. Mr. Elder attended Presbyter f
in Stratford on Tuesday o
this week,
.Mr. George-Chamber`s held e very
successful sale on Friday of last week.
The cattle went at an exceptionally
high price.
The funeral of the late Mr. Jas.
Stark was largely attended on Mon-
day of this week.
Many unique and practical novelties are shown in the new line
we have to offer. You are, invited to come and see them.
and amendments, Ontario leads the
way in being the hist province to In-
troduce' the ,new regulations.
Drastic regulations ere called for in
the bill under "regulation of trading,"
that formerly were not governed. One
section is directed. at the; practice of •a
broker selling for his own account
against a customer's buying . order,
thus -preventing the purchase from
having an effect upon the market, and
relieving the broker from carrying the
stock. The customer may, if so treat-
ed, treat the contract as void, and re-
cover whatever he paid with interest.
Such a move on the part of the broker
is an•offence under the act. Provision
is provided for customers to trace'
transactions .and ascertain whether
they were charged higher than- the
price paid by the broker. Stock ex-
changes are also called upon to keep
a record of the time at which each
transaction took place and must be
prepared to produce such confirma
Exchange auditors Inuit also have
ten years' experience in auditing,
while special provision is given police
officers in arresting offenders in the
various provinces and taking them
through other provinces.
Greater powers are given the At-
torney -General in investigating bro-
kerage houses, and the prbductfoti of
securities and other evidence; also
wider powers in seizing securities of
an offending brokerage house.
In introducing the amendments,
Hon. Mr. ;Price asked serious conside-
ration of the bill.
"It is intended to be from coast to
coast an effective way, an effective
method of the provinces of dealing
With sottlething that has been tontten-
tious and the cause of much coni-
went Mr:rice,
said Hon,
.Mr, and Mrs. D. 3. Stephenson at-
tended .the funeral of a cousin in
Tnrnberry on Saturday.
Mr. end Mrs. John McBeath and
fancily visited at Mr, John Arm-
strong's on Sunday.
Miss Margaret McKinley is spend-
ing. a few days with her cousin, Mrs.
Harvey Coleman of Parr Line.
Mr. Elgin McKinley has begun an-
other season with his big ° incubator,
the Huron mammoth, end will be in a
position to supply his many customers
with baby chicks.
Misses Agnes and Anna Love and
Annie Jarrott spent a day or so in
London last week.
Mr: Thomas, Hudson of Marlette,
Mich.. spent a few days visiting his
sister, Mrs. Jas. Jarrott.
Misses Agnes and Annie Cochrane
of Clinton are visitiing' with their
friends around 11411sgreen,
:lrr. Win. Jarrott is spending a week
in Toronto.
Mr. B. W. Carlile is having an auc-
tion sale of farm stock and implem-
ents on Thursday, March 6th, et 1
p.m. sharp.
\1r. William Taylor is moving to
their new home in Tuckersmith this
The indications of worms are rest-
lessness, grinding of the teeth, pick-
ing of the nose, extreme peevishness.
often convulsions. Under these con-
ditions the best remedy that can be
got is \filler's 'Worm. Powders. They
will attack the worms as soon as ad-
ministered' and will grind thein to
atoms that pass away in the evacua-
tions. The little sufferer will be im-
mediately eased and a return of the
attack tvill'•not be likely,
!Exeter. .
Miss Esther Horny passed away
at her home late Sunday evening from
heart trouble. Still in the prime of life
•she had been a long and patient suf-
ferer. Her sister, who is a nurse in
Chicago, had spent several months at-
tending her, Miss Homey was bort
in Usborne and come to Exeter with
iter mother from the farm on the sec-
ond concession of Usborne after her
father bad passed away. Her mother
predeceased her about four years ago.
S,.eleaves. hto mourn her loss four sis-
ters and one brother: Mrs. W. J. Sta-
tham, London; Mrs• John McDonald,
near Hensall; Mrs. Albert Spencer, of
Hensall, and Miss Henrietta, at home,
and Robert in London, She was bur-
ied in -Exeter cemeteryon W'ednesd'ay
the services being conducted by Rev.
C. J. MZoarhouse of Main street Unit-
ed Church ofwhich she was a mem-
Sweeping . through all phases of
brokerage house business and .stock
exchange operation, the Ontario Gov-
ernment took another forward step in
their efforts to clarify the situation by
introducing many new amendments to.
the Security Frauds Prevention Act
i t the Legislature o n The
bill known as the Security Fronds
Prevention Act, 1930, was introduced
by Hon. W. H. Price, A-ttorneysGen-
eral, and given first reading.
While all other provinces of Canada
concurred in the proposed regulations.
Ltd., Toronto, with ani apprimate
cast of $2,000,000. This is the first
:.,000 '00
move in carrying out Premier Fergu-
son's pre-election promise - of exten-
sion of the line into 'James Bay, with
a view to developing the Blacksmith
Rapids lignite fields. and the great
fishing fields that abound in the north-
ern waters.
Rumours,, persist at Queen's Park
as to the future of W. B. N. Sinclair,
Liberal Leader, in provincial politics.
Mr. Sinclair has been mentioned as
retiring as provincial leader on a,nunt-
ber,of occasions, and is reported to be
slated for a Supreme Court judgeship
or a member of the senate. Mr. Sin- .
Bair 'bas declined to discuss his in --1.
teutions, but it is said the Federal go-
vernment does not wish to disturb the
provincial Liberal party until 'after a
federal election. S. C. Tweed, North
Waterloo, a new member to the as-
sembly is mentioned as a possible
successor although the name of Harry
Sifton is also coupled with the leader-
Mr. Tweed entered into the debate
on the adoption of the Speech from
the Throne, reiterating his Leader's
request for a Royal Commission to in-
vestigate the brokeragehouse situa-
"The argtnnent against this," said
Mr. Tweed, "is that the stock market -
would immediately skyrocket. That
would, in my opinion, be perfectly all
right as it would give the public a
chance to get back some, of the money
they have been swindled out of by the
bucket -shop methods of certain bro-
Reorganization of the Supreme
Courts of the province was forecast
by Preniier Ferguson during a disctts-
„dtt of Attorney -,General Price's am-
endnneut to the Judicature Act, This
reorganisation will likely include a re-
duction of Appellate Courts, thenum-
ber of•jndges, as well as increased sal-
aries, and a rearrangement ,of their
duties. There is also a move to dis-
tribute the work so that there does not
exist so mueh centralization in the
Toronto counts.
Attackers of the government for its
manner in dealing with the brokerage
situation were dealt a soundblow b
Leopold Macaulay, for
York, during the debate on the
Speech. Mr, Macaulay in defending
the methods employed by Attorney -
General Price declared that the At-
torney-lGeneral had carried a load
during the past eighteen months that
no other AttorneyIGeneral had in the
British Empire. and that when the in-
side story of the situation is written,
the people of the province will agree
with the .government's action.
,Government bilis advanced through
the House, many measures receiving
second reading and are ready for cont-
miittee discussion.
'The debate on tine adoption of the
Speech front the Throne will be con-
cluded next week, follow -Mg which
1 -Ton, J. D. Monteith. Provincial
Treasurer, will introduce his budget,
showing one if not the bet year, in
the history of the province.
The report of the inter -provincial
conference of Alttorneys-General of
Canada on th'e brokerage house and
exchange situation was announced by
Hon. W. H. Price. Attorney -General.
Drastic amendment to all Security
Frauds Prevention Acts, with special
stress on the regulation of trading, re-
formation and revision of stock ex-
change constitutions. and amend-
ments to the Criminal Code by the
Federal Government, are asked for in
the report. The conference suggests
new provisions for the listing of se-
curities, trading practices, brokers' re-
cords, reports to customers, and con-
trol ,of exchls»nges over members. They
also ask transfer from the Federal
authorities to the provinces of regu-
latory jurisdiction over Dominion -
incorporated companies operating
within the provinces.
In asking am'endmen'ts to the Crim-
inal Code, the conference decided to
make easier the proving of bucketing
charges and also to provide a seven-
year penitentiary penalty for another
modified type of bucketing, -the ,of-
fence of' a broker reduding the quan-
tity- of stock which he should be car-
rying for his customers by selling for
his own account against his custom-
ers' buying orders.
Blazing a trail through to James
Bray and Moose Factory, work will'
shortly commence on the extension of
the T. & N.0, railway from the pres-
ent end of steel at Coral Rapids, for a
distance of forty-five miles north-
w'ar,d. Tenders for this portion of the
work have been let to H. F. McLean,
Many mothers can testify to thea
virtue df Mother Graves' Worm Ex-;
terminator, because they know from
experience how useful it is."
pe e
Your Early Order
will be much appreciated at
Leather Goods Store
Campbell Block, SEAFORTH.
Hand -ma -de I-Iarness and Repair work a specialty.
Come in and look around, you are welcome.
You may see something to interest you
Harness, Blankets, Bells,' Mitts, Gloves, Travelling Goods
• Men's Footwear, Etc.
. KoDinson