The Seaforth News, 1930-02-20, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
'rale Hensall fire brigade put on, a
euchre and smoker, in the Are. hall on
Mcniclay evenui:g which was, attended
by about 75 from town and district.
The fire equipment was run outside
and all the large fire hall was in' use
and was' well filled. Progressiveen-
are was played till eleven o'clock af-
ter which the firemen supplied their
guests faith Sandwiches, and coffee.
Alter lunch Reeve Robert Higgins
was called to the chair to ;act as chair-
man for the balance of the eventing.
The musical' 'part was given --by '.the
Wren Bros:;, the Pike Bay Quartette,.
Messrs. Fred Hess,, Gordon Bolton
solos liy Mr. Thomas S'herrit and
Mr. Jas. Sangster. A'numb'er of good
addresses were given by membersof
the present council, Mr. Thomas Hud-
son, an .ex -Reeve, and a number of
other gentlemen and 'Mr. Wm. Sang-
ster delighted the crowd by dancing
the Highland Fling. At the 'close -of
the program Fire Chief Moore was
called' on to snake a short address,
when he expressed appreciation of the
number who had come out showing
that the people of Hensall are behind
the Fire B•rigad'e, At the close all
joined hands and sang Auld Lang
Syne and God Save the King. 'Ev
eryone, greatly enjoyed the evening
and are looking forward to another
one in the near future.
Mrs, W. Horton of the West, who
has been visiting here for some time,
accompanied by her an'otlier-in-law,
Mrs. N. E. Horton, have left for Chi-
cago to visit for a few weeks prior to
Leaving for the West where Mrs. N.
B. Horton intends to spend some
time with members of her family,
Mrs, C. Brawley of Kitchener is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Beav-
er, wh'o is lying seriously ill at her
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Snaith of Dashwood
visited for a few days with Mr. and.
Mrs. Wm. Consitt,
The many friends of Mr. Thomas
Murdoch will be sorry to learn he is
seriously ill at his home, 7dr. Mur-
doch is one of our pioneer residents,
and no ,man is better and more favor-
ably known; and during his illness he
has been greatly missed by his friends.
Mr. Jas. A. Foster is in Goderich
this week as a juryman.
Quite a number from town were
in Goderich on Tuesday attending the.
opening of the assizes, es there was a
case of local interest.
The Masonic Lodge held an at
home, in the town hall on Wednesday
evening when a large crowd was pres-
The services in the United Church
on Sunday last were very largely at-
tended. The women's choir rendered
excellent music; besides the anthem
Mrs. Lee Hedden rendered a very
pleasing solo at the morning service,
and in the evening several anthems
were given, duet by Mrs. McDonald
and Miss Bnehanan; quartette by
Mfrs. M. Drysdale, Mrs. Lee Hedden,
Mrs,. H. I'hile and Mlrs. Geo. Hess
and a violin selection by Miss Greta
Lami»ie. The pastor, Rev. M. Sin-
clair, delivered inspiring sermons at
both services.
The Young People's League of the
United Church held a skating party
n Monday evening, after which
lunch was served in the basement of
se church.
Miss Relay McIntyre of Peterboro
is visiting her parents. Ur. and airs.
A. McIntyre.
The meeting of the Trail Rangers
was held in tete basement of the Unit-
ed Church on Wednesday evening
last with a good attendance present,
A short song service was held rn the
basement of the United Church on
Wednesday evening last week with a
good attendance present. A short
song service was held after which Mr.
Blr,wes began a course .,f Bible study.
The Scripture lesson was then read
by Orville Hedden, followed by the
minutes of the last meeting which
were read and adopted. The roll call
was answered by names of famous
persons. The names of hockey play-
ers was adopted for the next roll call
The election of officers took place and
resulted as follows: Chief Ranger,
Lorne Elder sub chief, Bob Pass-
more; tally cash, Howard Hemphill;
chief instructor, Alden Appleton; sub -
instructor, Roy Brock. The boys'
discussed a "Father and Son" ban-
quet and badge work. The bond sell-
ing campaign is now under way. Af
ter a short period of physical instruc-
nstructtion, refreshments were served. The
meeting was closed with prayer.
Miss Kate McEwen of Galt is visit-
ing her brother, Mr. Hugh MlcEwan,
Miss Marjorie Pearce of Exeter vis-
ited over the week end with friends in
The ladies of the United Church
held a sale of home cooking and a
baked bean supper in the basement of
the United Church on Saturday last
which was a great success, The pro-
ceeds amounted to $101.75.
The council have had the down
stairs part of the town hall nicely
painted and decorated, giving it a very
nice appearance. There has been no-
thing done to the hall since it was
built sixteen years ago. andit was
getting in .need of repair,
An arrangement was made last
week between the Banks of Montreal
and Commerce, whereby the Bank of
Commerce here will be closed, and its
Commerce is taking over the business
Montreal. In Ailsa Craig the Bank of
Commerce is talking aver the business
of the Bank of Montreal. It was felt
in both of these places one bank
could do the business that is being
done. We are sorry to lose the bank
of Commerce but it was felt by those
institutions that the cost of keeping
up two banks was too great for the
amount of business offered.
Messrs. James Patterson and Wni.
Pfaff were in Exeter Saturday on bu-
The trustees of the United Church
are going to have the auditorium of
the church _decorated and re -painted
this week. Next Sunday the services
will be held in the basement. -
Mr.r Robert Munn met with a ser -
ere accident last week while working.
at the, removal of the barn that he re-
cently purchased from Mr, Thomas
Welsh on the Woods' farm. Mr.
Munn was knocked off the building,
sustaining a painful injury' to his foot
and ankle. Ile 'was taken to Clinton
hospital for treatment, later returning
to his home where he will be laid up
''for •at least six weeks.
Having taken over -the business' of
all accounts must be settled forthwith.
;Agent, for, International Harvester
Co., Manufactdrers of
The London road is now open for
motor traffic and is in good condition
althiouigh'the snow is pretty high in
some places op the sides.
Miss Nellie Boyle of London visit-
ed over
isit-ed:over the week end at her home
IDr and Mrs: Campbell of Toronto
are visitingmGwtth Mrs. C
aibe11s par-
ents, Mr, Aird. Mgrs. Thos. Murdoch.,
Mr, Levi Rands entertained a num-
ber of friends on Friday evening last.
Mrs, Cooper of Clinton visited over
the week end with her .father, Mr. W.
Stone, and sisters here.
'IA numiber, of our ladies are enjoy-
ing the •afternoon sleeting on our local
Mrs. W. 1Vestlake and Miss Lorna
Westlake, who were visiting in De-
troit, returned home on Thursday
Mrs, J. Ferguson, who has spent
some time visiting her son in London
reeturned home on Thursday.
-Mr. William Parker left on Monday.
to spend a few days at Sarnia.
Mrs. J. Buchan end Miss Lucy
Wood's, who were guests with Mrs.
E. P. Lewis in Toronto for the past
two weeks, returned home on Wed-
Mr. and Mrs. W. Sturgeon and
babe, who have been visiting at Lon-
don and St. Thomas, returned home
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, C. Widcontbe and
Miss Mary Wid'comibe left on Satur-
day to visit their daughter at Wind-
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rader of War
rond, Minn„ were week end guests
with Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Jowett. They
were on their way to Toronto and
from there to North Carolina making
the trip by motor. Mr. Rader is own-
er and manager of, a big feldspar
mine end mill at Warrond. They
found more snow from London to
Bayfield than any other place on their
long trip,
Mrs. T. Bailey, who visited at Strat-
ford and Toronto. returned home on
Mr, Geo. Blair motored from De-
troit on Thursday and is visiting his
mother. ?ire. R. Blair,
The many friends of Mr. T. Denni-
son will be sorry to hear he is under
the doctor's care.
The members of the United 'Church
ere quite busy preparing to erect a
new shed,
Mies Irene Chuter of London spent
a few days under the parental roof.
Mfr. George Beatty shipped a car
load of live stock to. Toronto on Sat
Mrs. Smith, who has been confined
to the house for several days, we are
pleased to report will soon be able to
be out again.
As a Sernnifuge an effective prepar-
ation is Mother Graves Worm Ex-
terminator, and it can be given to the
most delicate child without fear of in-
jury to the constitution.
Mr. Fred_Eckart met with a painful
accident last weekwhen he and Fer-
gus -1-koran
ergus'H'oran were felling a treewhich
became lodged and Fred went uta to.
cut the limb which was holding it.
when it suddenly gave ,way, throwing
him. He fell at a knot which caused.
injuries to his back, but his many
friends are pleases! .to learn he is im
Mr. Gib. Murray left for St. Jos-
eph's Hospital, last Monday where he
was operated on for rupture: which
attacked him suddenly lest week. Re-
port has it the is progressing rapidly.
Mr. John Murray has purchased th.e
Robert Gibaon fiifty-acre farina and no
doubt he h'as procured one of the
best farms in McKillop,
Mr. Stephen Murray. has returned
from his three weeks' holidays in De-
troit and Windsor and is resuming
his duties as ledger keeper
.in the Can-
adian Bank ofCommere, in . Brodha-.
Quite a number from here attended
the euchre and dance last Tuesday
night given by the Altar Society of
Sit,.James' Churefi in the parish hell,.
Seaforth, and all enjoyed themselves.
Mr. Lloyds Scotchmer shipped a fine
car load ' ofpigs and veal calves to
Kitchener last week.
.Mr. John• Penhade had a very suc-
cessful wood bee last week. ,
Mr. Will Scotchnser was in Clinton
last Monday.
The Many friends of Mr. Fred Wat-
son will be pleased to hear that he is
getting along nicely after getting his
foot badlyin' ured while ,cuttingwood
in the bus.
Mr.ard., M'rs. Witliarn Cameron. of
Seaforth were the week end visitors
of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Srotchmer.
Mr. John Murray, .of 'McK•iliop,
hao purchased the farm of the late
-Robert Gibson on the fifth conees
The public will welcome the 1930'
edition of "5000 Facts about Canada"
compiled by Frank Yeigh, • the well-
known authority on the Dominion•,
past and present. This 80 -page book
is a marvel of condensation and as re-
vealing the story of our country in a
,nutshell. Contents are comprised in 50
alphabetical chapters, ranging .from
"Agriculture" to "Yukon". This is-
sue contains much new matter and
many new features. Copies may be
had. from leading newsdeaters or .by
sending 35 cents for a copy, or: $1 for
three copies, to the Canadian Facts
Pub. Co„ 588 Huron St., Toronto 5.
In loving memory of our dear hus-
band and ;rather. -11r, John Consitt,
who passed away one year ago,
Feb. 22,
Quick and sed ienly carne .the call, •
His sudden death surprised us all,
But clod is good, he gives us strength
to bear our heavy cross.
He is the only one -who knows how
Bitter is our loss,
1s we loved him, so we miss him
In our memory he is dear,
Have remembered, *longed for always
alteddiitg many a silent tear.
It is only those who have lost can tell
The rrro,w of parting without -fare-
—Sadly missed By Wife, Son and
Every Ben Telephone is a Long Distance Station
New Low Rates
Still Lo
t tes
fro f1,5;i '7P .m.
L'he reductiop in rates inanu
J ary
the second. reduction within a
year — makes long distance tele-
phone service cheaper than ever.
You can Make it cheaper still by
taking advantage of special •low
rates which are offered during,
evening hours.
From 7,00 p.m. until 8.30 the long
distance rate is about twenty-five
per cent lower than the day, rate.
And from 8.30 p.m. until 4.30
a.m. your call will cost you only
about half the usual day rate.* ,
Long distance rates are • listed in
the directory. If you cannot find
the rate you want, ask the Long
Distance operator and she will
tell you. We want your telephone
to be as useful and inexpensive
as possible.
'Minimum reduced rates
Evening —:.48e • '
Night —
Improved Buckeye Incubators with New Automatic Egg Turner
STOP—the loss of your Baby Chicks:
• SAVE—them with Buckeye Colony Brooders
ULRI7 Y IOR _Baby BabY., ChiCkS
Our Flocks are purebred, bred -to -lay and' are carefully culled for
high Egg.,Production and large eggs. Mated with Cockerels from high'
production Hens, many of them Pedigreed. A liberal discount, on early
orders will be allowed. Price list on request.
Call and talk over your needs in poultry supplies. We handle.the
"Royal" hne brooderi5,`feeder:s; fountains, etc., also Royal Purple
Brooders.' We also 'handle all kinds of Feed, Lay Mash, 'Chick Mash,
Cod Liver Oil, Oyster She'll, Grit,,: etc.
• We will have ,w limitled space each week for custom hatching at 4c
per egg. Now is the time to order your b'aby:ehicks ifou want -earl.
Fall Layers when egg prices are high end to realize the most r your
.. vale Poultry F
Y U t y arm Hatchery
Of 1ilarm Stock and Imiplsments, at
Lot 311, ,Con. 2, Tuckersimth Town-
ship, 434 miles south east of Clinton,
on Wednesday March 9th, at one
o'clock sharp, consisting of the fol-
Horses-4Choice`Agricultural .horse,
5 years old; Agricultural horse, 8 yrs,
old; drat gelding rising 3 years old;
2 draft fillies rising 2 years old.
+Cattle -16 Durham grade cows due
to freshen in April; Ilolatein..•cow due
to freshen March' 15th; heifer, 2 yrs.
Two brood sows to farrow in Mar,
11 Oxford and Leicester ewes, Lei-
cester ram lamb, Africian goose and
gander, 18 rock •pu'llets.
Int'plements.—Massey-lHtarris bind-
er, 6-11. cut; McCormick mower, set
of disc harrow, spring tooth cultiva-
tor, 13 -disc seed drill, hay, loader, hay
rake, wagon, set of bob sleighs, rid-
ing plow, walking plow, set of 5 -sec-
tion diamond harrows, 2 cutters, 2
democrats, hay tedder, pea puller, 2
baggies, fanning mill, jack, 334 hp.
engine, circular saw, incubator -and
brooder, cider press, 3 sets of single
harness, 2 sets of double harness, rol
ler grain crusher, hay fork, car, ropes
and pulleys, set ,of scales, 21100 lbs.
capacity; cutting box, sugar kettle,
No. 15 DeiLaval cream separator; :a
fifth share in corn binder, extension
ladder, water tank, bicycle, training
sulky, collie dog, quantity of seed
oats and hay, several hives of bees,
and empty bee boxes, queen exclud-
ers, bee foundation; honey, sap pan.
and pails, barrel of cider vinegar,
ntoianted birds, kitchen range, box
stove and heater, table, chairs, car-
pets, dishes, square piano, sideboard
and numerous other household effects.
also forks, chains, shovels, .whiffle -
trees, nenkyolces and other articles
tda numerous to mention. •
;Positively no reserve as proprietor
has sold his farm. Accommodation
for horses on day of sale. It weather is
unfavorable sale will be conducted
Terms.—All guns of $10 and under,
cash; over that amount 8 months'
credit will be given on furnishing ap-
proved joint bankable paper, or a dis-
count of 4 per cent straight allowed
for cash on 'credit amounts. A. E.
4lATHESON, Proprietor; Geo. H.
Elliott, Auctioneer. ,
Farm Stock and Implements.—On
, Lot 17, ,Con. North 14, MoKillop Tp.,
(25d miles east of WValton), on ,Friday,
March 7th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the
Horses—!Horse 6 years old, weight
1,600; ,Percheron mares, one 7 years,
one 5 years, two coming 3 years.
Cattle. -1 cow; 10 cattle coming • 2
years; 8 cattle coming 1 year,
Implements.-]Massey 'iiarris bind-
er; M:H. mower, r7 ft. cut; MIH. drill;
A'f.;Ii. cultivator; M)H, disc; set 3 sec.
harrows, plow. twin plow, fanning
mill, wild oat cleaner, scales 2,000 lbs.
capacity; buggy, cutter, waggon, hay
rack, set sleighs, gravel box, exten-
sion ladder 32 ft.;' hay fork, ear, rope
and pulleys,- Daisy churn, crock
churn, set heavy harness, set single
Five •tons hay, 200 bus. of oats,
quantity of timothy andalsike;
spades, forks, grain 'bags, :and nume-
rous other articles, _
. 'Terms -All sums of $10 and under,
cash; over that amount 9'm'onths' ere-
dit on approved'' joint notes. Grain
and timothy, cash. Everything" will
be sold as S have sold my lavas.
AIRC•I31IIE McOAtLiLUM; 'Proprietor,
Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Of Live Stock, on tot 9, Con. 1,
MaKiillop Tp. (at St. 'Colunvban), on
Wednesday,—Feb, 261h,. at 1:30 p.nt.
sharp, the following; •
(Horses.—Matched bay team, mare
and gelding, rising 8 and 9 years old;
matched brown team, mare and''geld-
ing, rising 5 and 6 year§; matched
team of black ;Percher.on. Dolts, rising
2 years; grey Percheron colt, rising
1 year; driving colt, rising 2 years,
broken to drive single.
Cattle. -Holstein cow, 7 years old,
due latter part 'of,March; Holstein
scow, 10 years olds due April 10; .cow,
6 years old, with calf at foot; cow,
4 years old, bred Jan 14; cow, 4
years old, bred Jan. 31'; Holstein
cow, freshened' two months; Hol-
stein heifer; Durham cow, due to
calve May 28;• ;Holstein heifer, bred
Dec, 11; heifer, bred .Jan. 25; heifer,
bred Feb. 8; pair of steers, rising 2
years old. The above cows and heif-
ers are in A,1 condition and all bred
to a thoroughbred Hereford 'bull.
Sags. -Sow, bred Jan; 3; sow,
bred ;Tan, 57 • 13 chunks of pigs.
Implements. -Good farm 'wagon;
gravel box, 2 set of of four -section
Terms. -Alt sums of $10, and under,
cash. Over that amount. 7 months'
credit on approved joint notes, land
owners .for security.. 6 per cent. per
annum off for cash. C W'EN H'AIRT,
Proprietor; 'Thomas' Brown, Auc-
Of Live Stock and Machinery, on
Lot 27, ,Con. 11, Hibbert Tp., 3 miles
west of Cromarty, on Friday, Feb. 21.
at 1.30 p.m. sharp, -
.Horses -1 Matched grey team of
mares, 6 and 7"years old, general pur-
pose, weighing 2700 lbs., good single
or double; ,1 grey Percheron filly,, 3
years old, weighing 1450 lbs., good
single or double; 1 blackgeneral pur-
pose ,filly, 2 years old.
Cattle. --Cow, 4 years old, due time
of sale; cow, 4: years old, due in Au-
gust; heifer, 3 years old, due time of
sale; cow, 5 years old, .milking good,
just freshened; cow, 5 years old, due
in August cow, 7 years old, just
freshened; '2 heifers, 2 years old, sup-
posed to be in calf; heifer, 2 years old,
due time of sale.; 4 calves.
Implements.—Threshing outfit, in
good working -shape; Rumley tractor,
16-30 hip,;. Goodlson separator 36-50,
with cutter on rear; . Oliver tractor
plow, '3-furrow,in good shape; Chev-
rolet truck, 1929, 4 cyl., 4 wheel
brakes; Chevrolet truck, late 1927.
Trucks in good shape. Twogm'vit
dump gravel. bodies; stock rack, 52 ii
high, for trucks; Dodge touring car;
light .wagon buggy, a nunvber of mit
Terms—Live stock and implements,
8 months' credit on .approved joint
Mites; 6 per cents per annum off for
cash.,' 'Threshing machine add trucks
trucks, 25 per cent. cash,balance ar-
ranged day of sale. GEO. OHAIM-
B'ERS, Proprietor; Wm. 'Nairn, Auc-
Sparton and
Marconi Radios
Some good buys on used Battery Machines.
Also a good line of Batteries and Goodyear Tires
Seaforth, Ont. Phone 187
., .. a
O ortunita
$16 000.00
,on ` Unproved farm property in '
amounts of : $500.00 -and up at
6 Per Cent.
Each mortgage will he well :se-
cured, cure the ,amounts re q uig
dor from
m' 20 to 50 per een't, of the
value of the property—each title
has already been. searched and.
there- is ample . ,insurance ,pro-
A. D. Sutherland
Insurance, Real Estate, Etc.;
Seaforth, Ont.
i 10f Hwusehold (:Effeets of the late
!Mrs. McGonigle, north Main Street,
at 1.30 pian., Friday, February 28rth.
Sideboard, extension table, organ,
rockers, •small tables, 'rug, .couch,,
stoves, linoleum, 2 bedroom suites; 2
beds and stand, large bureau, kitchen
table, chairs,kitchen cupboard sew-
ing itvachine, dishes .other articles too
numerous to mention. Terris cash,
Geo,' H. Elliott, Auotioneer„' 9
Now is the itinie to have your floors
sanded before the busy season starts.
Work done with the most up-ao.da'te
Electric Machine, HARRY HART,
Box 249, Seaforth. ' 10
Of .Horses, Cattle and 'Grain, will
be held at Lot 21, Con. 1.2r -McKillop
Township (1 mile east of Leadibury)
on Tuesday, March 4511. ;George Dun-
das, Willis 'Dundas, 'Proprietors; G.
H, Elliott, Auctioneer.
• A quantity of oats and barley' suit-
able far: seed, -for sale. JD'EN'NiIIS J.
O^R112IILLY, Lot 12, Con. 4, McIiil-
lop.. 'Phone 46116, 10
A grey gelding ,rising 4 years. SAM
7.1HOMPSON,. Brucefield. Phone
9 on.86, Hensali. 10
1 Durham cow, 7 years old, with
calf al foot; 1 Durham tow, 8 years
old, due March 1st; 5 Hereford steers,
1 year old; also 1 Percheron filly, 1
year old. PEET1ER E. ML,iL'ON'EY,
lot 8, eon. 4, MoKillop, 134 miles east
of Beechwood. 8.
Better Wallpaper for less money.
Orders taken now. Work at reason-
able' price. LE'O GILE1ASSiO'N, Paper-
hanger and Decorator, Phone 5,
Dublin, Ont, 14
A platform scale to weigh up to 500
lbs. or over. E. L. BOX, : Seaforth,
Phones 43 or 18. 8
'Car load Alberta coal in 'next week
about the 27th; car load of corn about
March 12'th. Prices right. Phone ill
Your orders, ..R. J, McMI'LLiA21,
Phone No. 123. 8
One and one half acres with % acre
orchard and the remainder ploughed
254 'miles from Seaforth. New frame
bungalow and small barn. For ,further
,particulars; apply ,to 'John MFC'owan,
R.R. 1, Seaforth. '9
74' x 34' on DM 7, Con. 8, Tucker -
smith. Frame construction vith pur-
loins. Apply to. JOHN McLEIJLA'N'
Seaforth. -. 8
There is profit for youin the dif-
ference, Better chicks for the sane
money, Chicks hatched by our Huron
Mammoth Incubator possess extra.
vigour. Are you interested ? Well I
think so. Write or phone for parti-
culars of Barred Rocks and White
Leghorn Chicks, to
J. ELGIN MOKINLE-Y, Zuilch, Ont.
97r 4 Hensel!. e
William Boyd
(Sitar of he Volga (Boatman")
(prominent in The iiig Parade)
A gift of 'the gods to " the wanton
and the devil's present to his mortice
--.People :called him the Flying Fool
and he was—played with death acid
women, smiling, until fate `bit ;aim
where he wasmoat susceptible—(tis
love for '
o his
younger brother,
The magnetic DeMi11e star in a
stealing new role.
DIR: 11. ,HUGH, ROSS, Physicists
and Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
pita!, ' "London, England. Special a✓yl
attention to diseases of the eye, ear:
nose and throat. 'Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion ;Bank. Office
Phone No. 5: _ Residence Phone 104.
DR. F J. BURROWS,Seaford'.
Office and residence, Goderich'street,
east of the United Church. Coronet
for the County of Huron. Telephone
No. 40.
DR: C. '. IbIACKAY.—C, Mackay,
honor 'graduate of Trinity University
and gold- medallist of Trinity Medical
College;, member sof the 'College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario,
DE'F. 5, R. FOIRSTER—Eye, Ear
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine, University of Toronto •1697.
Late Assistant New . York Ophthal-
phtbalmic and Aural Instil :e, Moorefield'a
Eye, and Golden Sgaare throat hos-
pitals, London.' England. At Comite•
'ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in
each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.n.
D,Re"W. C. SPROAT. -Graduate's(
Faculty 'of Medicine, Univerait+y r! :
Western Ontario, .London. Member
of -College of Physicians and Stir -
Storrs ' of Ontario. 'Office in Aberhareo
Drug Store, Main St., Seafortb.
Phone 90.
DR, ' 3. A. MUNik, Successor •to
Dr. •;IL. R. Ross, graduate of North.
western University, Chicago, Ill, 1.1s
centiate Royal College of Dental_ Sax`
geons, Toronto. Office over SIFPa
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone
DR. F. 5. BECii'ELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeque.
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smities
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones.
fice 185W, residence 1855.
Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B:A.Se. (Tor),
Registered Professional R
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member Engineering Institute et
Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrangements can be trade for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Chargee
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
F. W. AH'RENS, Licensed Auction-
eer for Perth and Huron Counties.
Sales . solicited. Terms on appfica.
tion, Satisfaction guaranteed. Farm
Stock, chattels and real estate proper-
ty. F. W. Ahrens, R R. No, 4, Mitch-
ell, lot 24, con. 4, Logan, 5 miles east
of Beechwood, Phone 634r6, -Mitch-
'HA'ROLD D. DALE, Licensed
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Moderate rates and satisfaction guar-
anteed. Phone 149, P,O, IB•ox 13.
(Successors to James, 'Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect•
ed at lowest rates in First-Clase
Mutual Motu Fire Insurance Co.'
Officers—James Connolly. Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors—Win. Rinn, No, 2, Sea -
forth, John ;Bennewies, •Brodhagent
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich; ' Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield. -
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinckley, Seaforth; Jt A:
Murray, •r,r, No. 3, Seaforth;-
Yeo, Holmesville; R. 'G. Jarmduth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Patties '---r-
desirous to effect insurance or tremor -
act other business will be promptly
attended toby application to any of
the above named officers addressed r'
to their respective postoffices.
Wednesday, Feb. 19
Butter, per lb. 3Se;
Eggs, per doz. 28c -36c -40e
Potatoes .. , , per bag $1.76
Hogs, per cwt.............t$13,25.1$13,715
NO'lXCIE is hereby givew.pursuant
to the Statutes in that behalf, .that ail
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Henry Ryan, •late of the
Township of McKillop, in the County
of Moron, who died on or about the
1'15611 tray of January,. 1930, are re-
gufred .tri forward their claims, duly
proven, to the undersigned S'o'licitors
on or before the 9th: day of March,
115130, after which date the Ettecutors
will proceed to• distribute the estate.
regard only to and b
n re-
sponsible only .for the claims of which
they shall I.lten hhave • had notice.
Dated -at, Seaforth, 'Ont., the 12th
day of February, 1930.
9 Solicitors for Executors.
Send us .the names of your visitors.