The Seaforth News, 1929-06-20, Page 1Rata slrea'rttleta running where v ol'eta tUpdergthevelm trees, rnitrmeringlov' R11i4irig gently amid the gravest I have a fancy, as I'paes;e WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 51, 11T0, 26, t1 deem time Howe t through r ;a, y tnea'rin,,, To shave the"beauty .'f ,gcnth• areas: k,o, allow hew happy tit( r„rlti might be f titan ebsetvent, ^,'reed thee DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT� LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectioneryand Restaurant stair an t BEST - it B ar ai its Town CI3!AUTA!IJQ1UiA• series of 'concerts of 'Culture, refinement, education, in- spiration and entertainment, $6.75 worth, for - ..$2.20 This is an example orf -»that can be acco mpiis7ted by co,apera't]on and Mass PRODUCTION,, We trust our friends will .not fail to take ad- vantage of this GREATEST -EV- ENT of its kind that ever eame to Seaforth, They will find us still at the old stand endeavoring to sell .groceries while they are. fresh. 75c TEA at 5 lbs. $2,95 25c LAYER PIGS, at 15c 75c LEMON OIL, 32 -oz. bottle, and polishing cloth, at a 59c THREE CHOICE BRANDS JEL- LY POWDERS,' r c FRESH DAIRY BUTTER at 35c ib. ED LE SS GRAPE FRUIT IJIT 3 for ZSc %FILLY'S HARD WATER TOILET SOAP, large deices ,' 3 for 25c UNPOLISHED -RICE a GE , : ; .4 its, 25c WE DESIRE our patrons To cone in plea'se To go away pleased c�Chautauqua tickets for sale T. -D. HUTCHISQN CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church,—Pastor Rev, W. P, Lane, B.A. 'Sunday, June 23rd, --10 amt., S.S. and ct Bible Classes, s, 11 a 1 n.' -P ti ' tbh cn W ash' fames Anthony, B.A., P .Rev. oThames Road United Church, wif ll p p re eh 7 Pam—Public Worship. ' Rev. R. R, Cromer, B,A., . of Kippen, will preach. - , , ;'EAT -GRASS AS OXEN" —NO IVi.0 owing machine son rounds this week cubtitig the' hay town s!tree'ts,Thts is another inroad made by Ghe atigonrobale upon tin !t'onored cus!to'na. It is only a years since owners of 'horses -aid most everylbody did own a hors fouglit with a ferocity that would make Detroit rum runners turn green with enryy, to be first to ge scythe into the covetedPatches hay, and never, never did any remain other was "ready." Unfortunately, Wase, automobiles do not,. grow very fat on ahay diet, and so, gradu- ally, the number of cars increased and chi: horses became fewer, com- petition lessened, .until finally t once Proud hay fields on the ton ,streets now go pegging; Last season the Council found Duna it necessary to Y u has P e a,n ib't ' vtn machine chin e to cape with the new situation' On several o axions it has even been rumored that eaPJe in other to'tvns not a hundred 'ties from Seaforth, have beton lost, and strayed for days' without ‘food or.water in the forest's. of hay o their streets.. EGMONDVILLE, • The regular monthly meeting of the , W. M. S. of the Egmondvi]Ie United Oh RE. 'The 'town na its 0 d tw few al- most trld to of t or a u ed pnn ohe svn 1 t pur- chase c- c at p at do d e 'fo n th n rah. was.held in the rchool room of the church June 14th. "Mrs. W. D. Phone -Phot Phood McDonald presided and: ;opened the meeting with hymn 347 fo1" lowed b 166 Y JP t COAL QUALITY -SERVICE E. L.o PHONE B Y 4 CHAUTAUQUA. •JSeaforth citizens will be deeply i s m Mere sted in ti t Ite coming mut af� g the big Chautauqua tent. It is the first one to visit this community. The tent will Rae placed on Victoria Park grounds, rOhautaugua is an organization Which brings to communities .all over Can- ada the very !finest entertafnnent and' outatandin'g lecturers, of a ,minimum -df cost. The programs which are coming to SSeafonth, have 'already been :presented in. some 23 centres in On- ,faro and without exception have; been enthusiastically received. The pro- pxam appears ip another column. naye by Mrs. McKenzie S: Scrap - ere lesson, 10th chapter John, was read by Mrs, 'MeDona]d. Mrs, H. Chesney read the devotional leaflet, Is Tithing 'Practical ?" Mrs• Mc- Donald read a very interesting letter from Mss i KI attic P k and tssG har- teas also read one taken from the Advertiser, Miss Kilpatrick; we un- derstand, is on her way back to Can- ada. Temperance lesson was intro- duced by Mr,s McDonald and the .fol- lowing ladies took part, Mrs. W. F. McMillan, the Dominion situation; Mrs. J. Brown, Provincial govern - meter sales; Mrs. McGonagle, results df the American experiment; Mrs. James Allen, alcohol and national, purity; Miss Touts, alcohol and the home, Mrs. McDonald t made dame remarks in regard to temperance. Hymn' 1'70 was sung and the »venting was wftte closed' ]. .afa ' r we} 1r a er•' P to Mrs, MS. M c 1 nal DA d by s. fir n Brown. Jcin es 38TH BATTALION, C. E. F. To the Editor of The Seaforth News --Sir: The 38th Battalion are anxious to prepare a permannt nom inal roll of ,every man who ever serv- ed with that unit and I would apprec- iate it If every ex4Member of the old 38th Battalion, 'C:E.iF,. would forward their permanent addresseto me at 172. Woodfield- Road, 1)oronto, L. 0. Dewsbury. a1 SpringppShoes.�'.. for Men, Women and Children For Ladies, we have Pumps. Strap and Ties, featuring the new seed shade o£ l?lpnde, ,leo new shades for Brown at prices from siFn d $.95to $5..00 JMisses and Children's Shoes with Bucke, following the line ofolder ladies at prices from $1.15 to $3,00. Oxfords for Men. -Good quality, featuring„new lasts. $4.95 to $6,50. LOOK OVER OUR RACK OF SPECIALS at $1.49-$1.87 and ,$2,95 r W. WIGG BOOTS AND SHOES. SEAFORTH AFOR7, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1929, ANN AL PRQMQTIEGIAT ONS 9 9.The names apear in alphabticaorder, Whre the nante,o'f a subject appears ater a candidate's name it indiates that the candidte has failedin that subject and must repat it next year,Form I•to Form. II, D Adams(elgebra), 'R, Alleru(rantrear), M' ,oltor(fatittfrench), E, roadfoot,(M.;Broadfot,'E,:Chapinan M. 'C'udmore(hist., geog.), 'S. 'Cud - more, B, Doralc, 'E. Drover, F, Eckert, E Elr, opD F,arquhatr, �E.J7orrestM, lorrest, 'G, ,Free, R.MclLean,_ll, A, McLeod, H. C, MoNayb.history), J. 'Murray(a1'ger)'E, ;Oke, C. Rutiedge,r H HSrlateer, ,RM'Sh ne(K_gebra), .11. Somerville, 0. Stirling, M. Woish(algcbra)Form Il to Form III,M, iBar'ber, 0, Broadfoo(arithetic), G. Butson, A. Calden(grammar)U. rC ch� sto r(Pity h omrJ sog FY)DeverauxH Dixon, D DrisolI, E. Duncan, A, 'Edmunds, E Evans, J.Frost(aritmette), E, Gillespie, E..,laGolding!J, Halbkirk, L. 'Hagan, Ivi, p Haigh, G. !Hays, !O. Holmes,, M,Kling, V; MaeGregor(arithmetfc), R,`P McDonald, .J• McKenzie, 'I. McLean, .c M, 'MdLennan, 0. Nichollsphysiog- h raphy, arithmeti), V, Nolan, R. Nlott, CrLI, Pace' 11 ER', rc E ..R ofh ar' - P ili ,t {metccRossA. ',.itS emon �DSalK. -Stewrt, M. �Thanvpson, �A, ryyall-': th ace, If Waton, h. Webster, ,D, a Wilson,fi Phone 84 HURON OLD BOY'' ATION OF T The smtual Picnic oOld Iloys' assoociatdon of Tin area No, 1, Ehtlbit on June 8,' and was the toofel in the histry of the A The weather was all that desired,with bright sunbalmy ,air, The attentdanceup in the hundreds, and' the baskets of sod Hron eat great Theaattractive. feature in t Part of the program was tit searh by the ladies,,.of the ions Air, Huron" who was ported 'to be on the grounds joying himelf, He turned none outer than Al, Grigg, known' Clinton jeweller, who a thrceezen of mon'ths, o I•Ie owd windby Miss Margaret Barry who located him as he quietl along thesward, talking pli LackICennde , YThenesga were all well c with unusually large entries velrt. The titne md be y somdies would have mde som rdfessrlonal runners sit up,articular notice, In the base ballmatches so Pass playing was developed, ome runs being made ' bycatha dn rrank ,11rau hghe itc 'P irn wag sofa hrh'g oThe browe 'foot ball matche married and single ladies number of the professonals ]ante, and the rel spirit cf th of the broomswas maaking it estieeditigly lnterest e spectators; 'The shadesere falling when' the proc tine to a cloe and everyibodane satis'fled with the day'enthe'following is the list of d winners, viz.; Boys, 5 yader, K. O'H•alloran, Ericgrls, 5 years and under, amore, D, Rbertson' boy;ar't, J. Johnston; •girls, 7 th Pridhann, .Mary Crampsor Years, Jean Bushlett, `M ey boys, 10 years, R. Mcit Williams; girls, 13 yearst Elliott, Pearl Price; ho rs, Jack Moon, A. Anderson; er 16, Jean Robertson, Jean son; bays, tinder 16H McA Tufforct; yloung ladies' ce Stirlipg, Margaret But race, A, Bennett, J. Tufford race,: Erl Stark, D, ;,W rted ]a 'ates ander 03 beI .s S,OHa11rcan•moraledIad eisMrs Hart Mrs.- Henry mes specia9 Mrs. Hehry Mr loran, Mrs, Quigley; married 35, B. H, MCreath <:CJa arasj peaait ra'ee,..Isabellae.`h Stark. Broom folot'�;b11; ms vs. single ladies; :12 en mrried ladis` win, 2 es base 'hall, .South Huron h Huron, North Huron 's base ball, North Hur:on h Huron, South Huron win l$OCIA-ORONTO he Hitrott orottto was foal Park• st siccess- sociation, could bRine and 'art away well filled s were inthe early e diligent Myster- early re- andout to 'bethe well has been the last isdovered Burgess, y walked ticsStithontested, for each eofbbs e of .the and takeme high several $eat Mc - e crud Y,rderbetweeni broughtoto the d e gape eifested, w itttoof dark , eedings la Yent T enJo-Ytligames p ars and unRobert gJoyce chi7years, tfc years, grls. Tharjore; va CsMarg- ga ys:13 vvgirls, fa Fer- rill ether, brrace,ngess; ed 0n ilson; H•arkotearmed Cai recce Rob rraiedoeach ea,,to 0. •neiivsvSookRev Donasolo Airs.wIncBan MissDrat• • te;es,many and STUDENTSRECITAL. On Saturda evenin ,June Y g, Jitne IStll, wd thmusic pupils of Alice'Daly AT,- .M., gave a very pleasing recital at hn- her home. :The following took art J,in the program: Leone Hotham. Hugh tOke, GraceKreuter, Jack Heathn], Alice Devereau, Joan Devereux, DBessie Rie, Bi11 Walms]y, Helen d= McKenzie, Betty Southgate, CorinneHotham, Arthur Devereau, Hildas.' Wolsh, Roy Oke, Madeline Hotham,W• Margaret Hay, Marjory Hay, Franktp_ Grieve, Helemi CrichRita Duncan,Clare Eckert, Jack McKenzie, Mar- rYalio-B'kJAg,axil Duncan, Edith Fer- W.M.S, IThe W.ALIS; of the United Church th met on Thursday, June 13th, willsabout sie'ty .members present. Mrs. cra Lane conducted the business part of Quo the meeting after which,. Circle No, 6 tit took charge, Mrs,' W. Websn the chair. After singing a hymen,r rMe, anTStark read the Bible lesson, followed rut by a very touching- leaflet "Is' Tibh- soning Practical," by Mrs, G, `Black. MT'S uA: Weteott led in prayer. , This'be- . ing our Temperance meeting, very in Ru steuctive and interesting papers were 1'0given •by Mrs. W, WbsterMss A, Ril Govenlock, .Miss M. Ferguson and. Ce, Mrs. B. Cluif, A duet by Misses Hel are en Lane and Bessie Cluff, accompan- yea ied by Mrs. Lane, was much appreci- find ated• Splendid papers were given en- titledAlohol its influence on so- Roy ciety," by Mrs B• Tyerman, and "Al- Gra cohol and thehome, by Mrs A. Mc- boo Gavin. The meeting closed with the yardMispah benediction.�' mar A•its 30, ladi Hal RhRut ]adie side, Laadi MenSort' to 4. Thsom eA. E Mr. and Floo Mr. Mr, and Mr. sC. Y goson MrsSntith aMrsCrawfnmore; MR. Todd; on {HHamiit Mr. as Mrs, E C.McIntosh; bars,H. Mr, W. Waghon cavae all the way from Sudbury to atterttl the picnic and he Mr, D'Thnpsd it oithad charge of the refreshtttttts, and suffice it to say that everybody, appreciated ;hr ser- vces, because the "eats" were A Nlo, 1A large number of membership tickets were sold on the ggrounds and Seeretay Floody- states `that the pre- sent paid up ntentbeeip is the high- est in the history of th'e association, Ex-Schaof Innspector PIorell, form er1Y of Winghamwas on hand, and now that he ha's lots of time oh hishands, promised to give more attentin,tlo the association in the futu, Rev, J• Hanna, a native of Morris was a very muh interst- ed visitor, PIONEER O BERT PASSES TO REWARD The death of Mr. Wrn. Oliver at his hotie titE :gtrondvitiee•allonY S t-dautmo 'Y amuremg, avedvha a bay sarw the vast bush land in Rib - beet Township being transformed itthe first farms cef that rich country, Mr, Qlivr was in his $3rd year, He came with the rest of the family frmBurfrd twp., near Woodstockwhen 8 years old, There was railway as faa' as Stratford but the family drove with0xenth•e t 'cut rr e distattcefrWoodomstockto theIr ito 'v tot me.Thev S rveeolteoff th 'efiest families to settle n the district, Mr, Oliver possessed strength of charer and high sten-and of morals, combined' with a very pial 'nate"re• For many years he as ap active figure in township mat-ras, ' Twelve consecutive years he as a member of Hibbert council adter for 3 more years. As Sec'y- seas• of S,S, 3, •Hibort, for years, he ared noeffor 't lit the interestse younger generatin, In Cromartyrestyterfan Churh he teas an elder til retiring `froth the farm in 1913. e was a faithfl and energetic rch worker all his life. In poli- s he was a Liberal. Mr. Oliver was a son of the late omas and Jane Douglas Olier and born Dec. 27, 1847. In 1876 he united in marriage to .Miss Mar - ret McLellan,of Hibbrt,: who sur -es hint, In 1913 he retired to Staf- and a year later came to Egmon- e. On Sept. I9, 1926, they cele- ated their Golden wedding anni-sary. Five years ago his health fail-andmbe last 3years he slowlysank, ly o'n'e •sister, 1tiss 'Kate Oliver, o'f vbbeatt tit'e ams ofthef mia I fY0 4 teasau•dtwobrother,s Tpaesonone datughter utourn thelos oA:a d and good father:- Thoms, of Bert; Andrw, of Los Angeles, if.; 'thrill, o'f Winnipeg, and Airs, srt Eberhart Egmondville, all ofm were honie..exept Will, who' is hing at WinniPeg, large .number of old friends and ghibors and several. fram Ingerll Mitchell attended the funeral ser - s on Tue 2sdaplace from hie latpe esidence, I. B. Kaine and Rev, W. D, Mc - ]d conducted the services. A was suehMr'g Y oht BJ t eat `tae. rmen2 was made in Maitland k cemetery, The pallbearers were Morrison, Alexander Parke, F. Huthison, Wm• Knechtet, Nil pie and 'Geo. Eberhart. The floral tributeswere beautiful. MRSMARYJ• McMrlLLAThe death .occurred cit Wednesday, June 19th, of a highlyrespeoted resid- ent of Seaforth; in.the person •of"Mary neia Nigh, .w;dow of thelate Duncan McMillan, m her '78th year, 'after anesctended ilhaessp The late Mrs, Mc - Malan was born at rbiarkham,'Ontdaughter of the late Joseph and Mrs, Nigh„ The family came ,to Tucker- stnith while she was a child and she livelthere unfit her 'nt.'arriage to Mr. McMillan, Beides-several brotherand sister, she leaves Lone son, Mr. 1. 3,1. McMillan, of Seaforth, her hus- band'ha itvtredg P eexedher12ago. The funeral will beheld onyFi-day a't 9 a.m. from .the residece of her son, to 'St, James' `Church and thence to St, Jatnes' CemeteryHOME AN'D SOHOOL PICNIC. The nttnlbers o!f 'the-- Home and S4c tool Associa@•ion are having a piC_nic to Bayfield on Monday, Jene 24Th at 4 p.m, All those Who can arrlaage to come, meet at the public schoolPlease notify 'the secretary, Mrs, FR. Beattie (Phne 119j) no tater than Saturday, June 22nd, so we can ar- range for cars. Each member is askedto bring hr own' basket,. also thermos of hot tea or coffee and aeup, Come and enjoy a read good outing, SEAFOR ,CESWarm, clear weather greeted the Seaforth races on Wednesday and the a'ftet!dance ros very good. The officials were starter--1Walter 'Burn- side; :jdgesWnt'1H. G,rosch, Wm, Martyr, Geo. Muldoon; timers Wm, Anent, J, F. Duly, J. Hec. Hays; cleric of course --{A. D. Sutherland, X25 Trot or Pace General Alex'b,g,, 'LVal1ace Parks, Toronto , ,. ,7 1 ] 1 Single' Gratta, b.g. HaroldCurrie, Strataroy ,, ;1, 2' 2Lil Grattan, 'blk. nn,, C.5 Wlker, Lamlbe'th. JJimmie, D. (Exeter) Ma -3 5 2 derian , , 4 5 3 3 Irne Grattan blk, tit, R. Trench, Teesatet 3 7, 6 6 Billy Wilkes b. g.; S G.Hodgins Lucan' . ..9 4 4 4Queen of Hearts, bt„ Dr.Huse, Alitehell 5 6 7 d Time 219 214/ 215:220 Trot br Pace'Peter Ohtilo b g G ALitt Stratford .$ 2 b 'L .1 Hughde Grattan, +b,g. ,H. Currie, Strathroy ,. .1• '1' 4 4 2 ltd'ao 'Itogo, Smtth34123 Sster ose, bin,Trench,Teawatel ,3 3 3 5attna Be1^ch m„J. • 4 MiRlen, Goderich 6 6 '5 4 June ,Panchen b,m,; bW, iPumphrey, IParlehill' ,,6 9 'd Time, 2.15, 21'4,'2,1'5, 2,118, 2,18, 2.15 Trot of Pace. , Ramona Grattan, •b,un 'Dr. /Whitely,,Goderich ,, ,,!1 1' 1 •1 Daisy ,C,, b.nt Dr Hopkins" Ooolesville .2 2 3 2 Silent Grattan, blk,s. G. S, BLitt, Gbderich Peggy,'A9ilert'on, Dr, Whit -,3 3. '3. Haii Boy, 5 11ime--2;112, 211254, 2,15, 4 g 4 e following' are the names ofthoseresent-.• •P 1Ir. and Foebes Mr, J• A, McLand Mrs: B. H. McCreathMrs, E. Floody and dy; Mr. and' Mrs. H. B, Stonand Airs, W. A. Buchan and .firs. Lack KennedyMrs• D, D, Wilson; Mr. D.ThloinsooniVrP i, an, d Airs. Dung; Air. and Mrs, .Geo. F and Miss Ferguson• Mr. J• Moon; Mr, and Mrs. A. .lir. and Mr, D, M, J'o Mr. Root, Holmes• Rev. a; Mr, and Mrs, L. S, Sco ndVfrs,H. AicHardy; AL. a H. Matin;Mr. and Mrs.rd; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. CuUr. sand Mrs. J. Luttioi,; n rs, D. S. Cook; Mr. and Mr Ferguson; Mr. and Mr:s.Air. and Mrs. W. C. Tliomatniltonh- Mr. sand Mrs. 0n bri ra tclfirs. W. td bGrs. C. Rhynas; Mr.. at Burgess, Mrs. L. H. Brophy; _lir E. Pridham, birs C, Gray, Mrs. Jo Beck, Mrs, J. E. Swrts, MrsInglis (Dundas), Mrs.M. Dermodybirs. Henry; Miss E, Barry, Miss Knlox, Miss Lily Paterson, Miss Knox; Miss Fannie Paterson, 'MissGrace Stirling, Miss L. -Beck, MisCrittenden; Mr. W. Waghorn . (Sud 'bury); Mr, ,,AAdam Dyer (Neiv Toron to), Mr. J. II, McClytnont, -Mr. ,A. :Grigg, Mr G. K. Powell, .R. S. Shppard, 'Mr. W., Powell, Mr. J. R Lyn, Mr, S. B` McCall, and mn others whose navies coulEd nlot be ob tained, The 'T, Notes. hunhe J` Lipton Co, donated one packages df their celeibrated Te•r fr the occasion, while our' goled old staatdlby, J. A. McLaren donatedsax pairs of shoes and five potutds o€ coffee, - Robt; E. Gauley, Clinton Old Bloy, visi'fed the picnic, beittg his initial visit to any of the events of th:e associaton, and hesays he will not mise' anythinin the'ftct'ttre'Mr, Rafry Stowe, chirman of the eporiti committee along with Mrs5tlowe, handled tine program to the 1in s taste,. and there was never ahitch.;Bent 'McCtrath,ent, gave Ohainman-,1y aaluablesistanee in rmrnai`t'ftg ofl' the gameswhile ivirsSowe haded out the prizes inquick ro'tation, Much real genuy w!as eirpressed far n'trt, King, •who is confined ld hhl'• home wi,h a very xiIi es�to hr ,55, Q,fromLa'e n Was 4on5etureen atle'tinct sh,e as v Int a frawa'S V:Lrgmttclt id guson• C: RECOVETNG. • - bir, John Hendersontvas able to re- turn .tb Itis home on John street Wed-tiesday afternoon, after being contlflned L; to the lyospital the past week, the reF• ,tot of a motor accident, Huron road, -% 0111eswest of town Wetlnesd'ay A, night last, Mr. Henderson is xecover- ing nicely tltough stillsuffering from - severe bruises and cuts about the face, Mrs, Henderson's knee was injured, which it is feat'od niay be permanent, and she is still confined to the hon, y with cuts on the back of her head. - Master Stewart Geddes, who• -was inthe back seat of the car, received a cracked rib and bad shaking up, butis able to attend shool and' write his examittationns, BOWLERS ATTENTION. ee741. CAR OF NUT CAR OF.,' STOVE cAR OP ALBERTA COAL txpecta Shortly , $1 A YEf1,R: HaVeXou Ever Blamed You]c Eyeafor Your Headache? Most headaches come on in the after, noonof etic, isoewoek.Anorte0Y #'severale e n1llSCZY es can cause an intenseheadache. Attack your headache at itsource.Have Pour Eyes Examined I ells1 worth!olid tld spectacl s Antedwith TYellworth Cruxite tensesbine maximum com- fort and earcintcy. Fr...EC� S. SavaugeJEWELER OPTOMEM. Ross Savauge, R.0., Eyesight ge TRISTp cialdst fencing aiid levelling and to endea to raise an endowment fund for purpose of permanent maintena.and a bee will be held at the centttyou Tuesday, June 25th, all day,towhich are invited all' who are interet- ed in the upkeep of Turner's ,Ceme- tery. Mr. and Airs, Andrew Bell and. son Bill and daughter, Miss Etta, •motor- ed to Drumb, on Sunday, where they spent a very, pleasant day visiting Rev, acrd Mrs, John •Richardson, ,foxmter pastor at K'ippen.Lr.andMr.s:DJ t •• S e araLis5�4t and Wfn'mewerevisit:n f"rng ends 'to Exeter one day last :weekhiss. Verna. McGregor, of Seaforth high schol, returned hme to spend hr hlidays; Mr.'and Mrs. C. Green, o1 the Bend, and lir. and„Mrs.Ivan Green, of the Bend. were visiting. Mr. and bit's. Jonas Green on Sunday. Quite a number from this vicinity took advantage of the excursionTuesday to the Experimental Farm at Guelph.The nranErieY nusof 'Mrs. M.Whi -t'arem, are. 1eaced re- turned home aftero pending aasfew months with her daughter in Torloato. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar AI1an visited in Clinton last Sunday evening, Mrs. James Allan of the village is spending a few days at her son E'd-ar'son hg te 2ndA number of the young popl.e of his neighrborhood picnicked at Bay- ielel on Saturday last, JIr.Nwman Garrett recently pur- hased a Durant car. Mr. Neil _Ilatheson, having finished he term at Tronto normal,is spendng the holidays at his home here:Mr. Harold Crich of Forest spent e week end at his home here. Rev. and firs. Bell of Moorefield, ent a couple <of d,ays with his sister, rs. J. Allen: Miss Margaret McLean, Miss Ina raacidY .l'iissRo 'ssaeElderall leftr Victora, B,C., Tuesday, from rnia to Duluth by :boat, Mr. and Mrs,' Dave McLan spent tesday last in London, Mr. and Airs. A. McGregor have rchased a new car,Mrs. J. Riddell, of Hanniota, Man,, visiting her sister, Mrs, James Hay. Mr, and Mt's. Wm, Pullman, Mr. d birs. Jos, McLellan, spent thek-endvisiting Detrit friends: i:ise Barbara Simpson of Stratford, tit the week -end with her parents, and :Mrs. A. Simpson. htss her cousin, helma birs. 9 ent Footeu nearria, its,Lorne Pepper has returned to hme at Niagara Palls, after a k's visit with her parents, Mr. and J: H'av th sp fo Sa Tt 100 is an we spe wit Va her wee Mrs a mtulh huger ,school near Ativood. in e ounty. We wish her every stiTccheess.follo1;ing friorn The Nelson (P.C.) Daily News refers to the death of the son of a former MeXil- lop resident and a nephew of Mr, `illobert Wilbur Mib) Blanchard, son of W. R. Blanaltard. Fairview, died on Saturday at Vanc.otaver, ac- cording to word received by the fa- mily. He had been ill a short time and death came following an opera- tion for appendicitis. His wife and his -father were at his bedside. Burial will be held in Nelson, the hody ara riving Tuesday night, "Wib," as he 'alas known ehroughatit Nelson and diatriet, was peactically raised in Nel- son. He came here with the family from Ontario after a 'brief residence at Winlaw, where Mr. Blanchard had been employed with the Winlaw Iran - had his schooling at the Hume schocel. He was for a time employed with the freight department of the C.P.A. and then jollied the accounting staff at the local branch of Swift Canadian Com- Pany, with which firm he was up un- til the time of his death. It was dur- ing the summer of last year that "Wile" was transferred to the Van- couver office, where he was employed on the sales staff. Had he lived, he would have been 29 years of age on June 5th. elle was well known in mu- sic circles in the city and district, having for some years conducted time a member Of the city band. and also sang in the choir of St. Paul's church and had a place as tenor in one of the hest male quartettes in the city. A member of the Gyeo club since its inception here, he held sev- eral offices in the organization and starred in their annual plays staged in the opera house. In his school days he was an athlete, taking his place on the Fairview ball and basketball teams and playing prominent parts in water and winter sports. Mr. Blan- chard was married in Spolcane on Ju- ly 6, 1925, to Miss Mary Fay of Chi- cago. Besides his wife and father, "Wib" is survived by a twin sister, Mrs. J. 11. Johnson (Audrey) of Seattle, and an older Sister, Mrs. Wm. McIntosh (011a) of Winnipeg.. A brother, Rance, also resides in Win- nipeg. He was predeceased by an elder 'brother and his nrother some years ago, Owing to the illness of chard made a hurried trip home from companied to Nelson by Mr m r - Hot!. B. Bennett K C Conservative Leader Tuesday June 25 8 p.m. D. If, Weight, Ex-M.P., and Hon. J. D. Monteith, M.D., Pro- vincial Treasurer, will also sneak Canada Por Canadians God Saw 'The King