The Seaforth News, 1929-06-13, Page 4F!
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
Mr and Mrs. Bogen, of Deteoit,
spent the week -end at the home of
the latte a parents, Mr, and Mrs,
John MdDonald.
Rev Mr. 'Barker, of Brussels, con-
ducted the services in Duff's Church,
eon Sunday.
Mrs, I ydiatt and Cecil visited its
.Preston on Sunday.
Mr. George Clarke has taken , a
:good position with the Watkins Com-
pany with headquarters at Listowel,
Mrs, Nesbitt of Listowel is visiting
,.leer brother, Mr. Thomas Kenny for
a few days.
Mr. Chas, MOGavin took a load of
pigs to Kitchener on Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs AIf,Johnston of Var-
aaa and Mr, and Airs. ChasMcKay of
Tuckersmith visited their timere, Mr,,
Thomas Clark on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs, Jon Clarke and Mr.
and Mrs. ,Ed, Clarke of Listowel,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T.
!Bethel congregation are busy mak-
ing some, improvements to the church.
Bethel Ladies Aid met at the home
of Mrs; Duncan MoNichol Thursday
afternoon, June 6th, and spent the af-
-tern000 quilting.
-Mr, John Leeming underwent an
-operation Dor appendicitis Saturday
evening In Seaforth hospital. Iris
many friends are glad to know he is
Mr. Elmer Dennis, who has been
:sick for some time, is .not improving
as fast as his many frieenis would like,
Mrs; William Clark has returned
'/nom Tononto where she underwent
an opeeatoti for goitre, and is getting
along nicely',
Mr. Joseph Hack'weil made a flying
business trip to Oshawa last week.
Mrs," Jas. Campbell of London is
visiting Mrs. Joseph Bennett,
Mrs. Herb Kirkby has been nurs-
ing a very sore hand, the result of
poisoning ina'small cut on the thumb.
Miss Norma Murray is assisting Mrs.
Kirkby for. several weeks.
The Ladies' Guild of St. George's
Church are having a homemade bake
sale in the A.0.15,W, hall, Walton,
on June 22. Further particulars next
The District Annual meeting of the
West Huron Women's Institute will
be held in the Londesboro commun-
ity hall on June 25th, 1929. Morning
session opens at 10 a.m.. both district
and branch _reports will be given. Af-
ternoon session opens at 1:30. Busi-
ness left over from the morning ses-
sion will be continued, after which a
gond program will be given including
an address from Mrs. Wardlaw of
Ethel, who is our Federation Repre-
sentative. All ladies, whether mem-
bers of the Institute or not are cor-
dially• invited to attend these meet-
ings. Dinner will be served from 12
to 1 o'clock for 25c by the ladies of
rhe Londesboro Branch.
W.M.S. — The regular monthly
meeting of the W.M.S. of the Queen
'Street United Church was het on
.Tuesday. June 4th. President, Mrs.
• Barnby, presided. - Meeting opened by
repeating our Watchword, Not by
"Might, nor by Power, but by My
Spirit, Sahli the Lord of Hosts.
Yymn 226 was sung, then silent
prayer, followed by prayer by leader.
At the business part of the meeting,
a finance committee was appointed:
Mesdames Grasby„ Wightman and
Hilborn. The devotional leaflet, "Is
Tithing Practical?" was taken by Mrs.
N.' Garrett. Instructive readings on
Stewardship were given by Mrs. Zlrm.
Lyon and Mrs. L. Hilborn. Mrs. Dr.
Wilford then led in prayer. Mrs.
Stackhouse gave a reading on Alco-
hol in the Home, then a duet by Mrs
Wilford and Mrs. R. R iitnell, entitled
"I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say." A
splendid report of the branch meeting
held at Chatham was given by Mrs.
Wightman, . Mrs. Barnby then spoke
.a few words in her gentle, unassum-
ing way, that this would be her last
meeting with us. Her departure from
us will be a distinct lass to our W.-
:M.S. and to the majority of us. She
was more like teacher and we schol-
ars, and it was a pleasure to do any-
thing that was required of us. May
she be long spared in the work for the
Master. Hymn 231 was sung. Mrs.
-Maines closed the meeting with pray-
er. The group committee served a
25c tea.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Brown of Tor
onto are visiting the former's sister,
Mrs. James Logan, and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 0 Miller and son
'Clarence were visitors with Mrs Mil-
ler's -mother
ler smother Mrs, J. Colctough
Mrs Chas. Bell had the misfortune
to Fall and break her arm last Thurs-
-Bliss Grace Hamilton. of Goderich
t sister,l Mrs. r Eldridge the Johnston.
with end her
Friends were sorry to hear of the
sudden illness of Earl Hamm, infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Will -tam Haimn.
He was removed to the hospital where
he was operated on at once. He is
doing as well as can be expected.
Mr. George Lockie left on Monday
for his home in the 'Gest, after spend-
ing several weeks. with his brother
and sister.
Mr. and Mrs. 'William Tunney of
Toronto are visiting the former'e par-
ents,.Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tunney.
Mr. Frank Carr of Ingersoll is vis-
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A B.
Miss L. M. Carr, who has been vis-
iting here fir the oast two months
will leave for her Deaconess Work in
,Calgary this week
The first Sacred Band Concert was
• given by the band in front of Memor-
ial Hall on Sunday evening before a
large crowd. The programme was
splendid. Two members of the Mil-
verton Band assisted.
Bcrn.—In Detroit, en )':me lot, to
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Campbell
(bee Annie McElroy) 7281 Ferry
Park Ave., a son (Lawrence Claire.)
Mrs, A. Taylor and Mr -s. Stanley'
Cheltew are visiting in Detroit. Mr.
Taylor accompanied themas far as
Windsor on Sunday.
l'Ir. Will Leith and son. Clifton of
e'Strat,foed°visited Isere over the week
The play, "Lens Rivers" a four -act
comedy :drama, was presented in the
Oreconstructing ssnfact
our S afgrth plant at we are we weetoverhauling
shall and
be unable to do
any chopping until further notice.
We have a good supply of Flour, Feed,
Manitoba eats, eat ehop and
Rolled Oats
in bags $30,00 per ton
" " $30.00 per ton
'( e $36.00 per ton
• Btan.
i UNITED 411.1CReH
Memorial Hall on Tuesday evening
by the Auburn players. Those taking
part were: Mrs, Gordon Taylor, Miss
M. King, Miss L. Pittston, Mrs. Shaw
Mrs. J. Robertson, Harry Sturdy, 0.
E. Erratt, Nelson Hill, Will Craig,
Antos Andrews, Gordon Taylor.
The Masonic banquet held in the
Memorial Hall last Friday night was
a great success. There were 207 Ma=
sons present from all over the ooun-
ty. The ladies of the Women's Ins-
titute catered.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston
and Iona. spent Sunday with Mr. and
rs. Thos. Shoe'botbom Of Belgrave.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nicholson, also
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nicholson visit-
ed George Nicholson of McKittop on
Sunday afteronon.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nesbit, Mary
and Margaret of Auburn, accomlpan-
ied'by Mr, and Mrs. Tilos, Grasby,
were guests of Mr. Wm.-Neesbitt of
Brucefield on Sunday.
Mrs. Alex. Wells, of Londesboro,
spent Saturday viith her mother, Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Yeo, Misses
Mildred Hilborn and Minnie Yeo, vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Armstrong,
of Londesboro, Sunday afternoon.
Miss A. Toll, of Guelph, spent the
week -end with her parents, . Mr. 'and'
Mrs. Fred Toll Sr:-
r:Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Yeo, Misses Mil-
dred Hilborn and Minnie Yeo, were
visitors with Mr. ,and Mrs, Robt. Wal.
late during the week -end.
Mrs. S. Smith, of Brussels, visited
at 'the home of lir. Les. Fear this
Mr. and Airs, I. Brown, of Toron-
to. visited with relatives and friends
this week.
Mr. and Mfrs. Cliff Yeo, 'of Wallace.
burg, who have been visiting their
parents, have returned home.
Winthrop vs Brussels
(Shannon's Field)
June ll'th
Wednesday, June 19(11
'The play entitled "Cyclone Sally",
Quartettes and Readings will be gt-
von by the Westfield Young People,
Admission 50e and $50
idem, . A very enjoyable ,evening was
spent and a dainty lunch and ice
cream was served which was much en-
joyed by all.
Deputy Grand Master A. W. Bea -
coin, Messrs. A;W. McEwing, Robt.
Perris, Reece Ferris, William Bell'
and George BroWn attended the ban-
quet Which was held in Blyth Me-
morial Hall last Friday night. There
were present ower 200 and 'a grand
evening was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Nelson: Lear and her two
littlegirls acciontanied Mr. James
Watt and son of Toronto last Monday
anti spent the week at the home of the.
former's sister, Mrs. and Mr, Jaenes
Scott of Toronto, alslo; other friends
in the city, returning on Saturday,
00 Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Mc-
Taggart and Miss Annie McTaggarlt
of Walton, Mr, and Mrs, Simon Me-
Vittie and Dm -teen, Mr, and Mrs, Kel-
land McVittie and Mr, and Mrs. Net-
son Lear and little girls visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Watt.
zi ch
Mr. James Rapson of Int e
visited his brother, Isaac Rapson, on
Mr. William Jamieson, we are sor-
ry to say, is moving his household ef-
fects to Kitchener on Monday neeet,
as he has purchased a fine home .in
that city. We are sorry tlo Pose Mr:
Jamieson from our locality, also from
the church where he has been an el-
der .for a number of years, but we
wish him and his family good luck in
their new home and what is our loss
will be someone else's gain,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown and balby
Lois visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Lear on Monday even-
The.June-meeting of the Burns' Un-
ited Church Ladies' Aid was held at
the . hon of Mrs, Thos. Appleby,
McKillop, on Thursday last, with an
attendance of 26, A very busy after-
noon was spent as the firt part of the
afternoon was taken up by quilting,
after which the 'business part of the
meeting was held and all necessary
arrangements made for the garden
oarty which they are having on June
28th, Before leaving for home a dain-
ty lunch was served which was much
enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. A W. McEwin.g and
Miss Helen spent Tuesday afternoon'
in Clinton.
'The •Misses Amy and Eua Parsons
are home this week studying for the
exams which they are eveftiug off nest
week. Miss Marjorie. McEwing will
finish writing off her exams on Thurs-
day. We wish the girls all good luck
in their exams, .
Rev. James Abe,ry, Mrs. Kneehtel
and Mr. Reece Ferris called on Attr.
and Airs. Isaatc Rapson on, Tuesday
.Rey. James Abery, Mr.. and Mrs.
Robert Ferris, Mrs. Emmanuel Knech-
tel and little Maxeen, also Miss Irene
Ferris, spent Tuesdayafternoon at
Stratford, picnicked in the park and
at the river, thoroughly enjoying the
Mr. and Mrs. Wine Bell and family
visited on Sunday at thehome of Mr,
and Mrs. Joseph. Bewley near Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Beacom and
Miss Kathleen visited at Isaac Rap-
son's on Sunday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lyon spent
Sunday at the home ot-Mr.'and Mrs.
A. W. Beacom.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Reid visited at
the home of Mrs. Reid's sister, Mrs.
Robert McKinley of Stanley on. Tues-
Keep in mind the Strawberry Fes.
tival Which is to be held by the La-
dies' Aid of Burns' United Church at
the community hall, Londesboro, on
Friday, June 28th. Watch for further
particulars next week.
Mrs. William Brown, who is not at
present enjoying very good health, is
visiting at the home of her sister in
Brantford. -
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and
baby Lois visited Mr, and Mrs. Kell -
and McVittie last Wednesday even-
ing. • '
Mr. and Mrs. A, W. McEwing and
family visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Cartwright, near Ethel,
on Sunday.
•Miss Lydia Reid spent the week at
the h'opte of her friend, Miss Marjorie
Bickell, in Seaforth.
Mr. Bert Allen, who was spending a
few days in Toronto, returned home
the latter part of last week.
Miss Marjorie Bickell, who is •tea-
cher at Harlock, and also President of
the Alert Club, held an Alert Club
meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Alen last Friday evening. Dur-
ing the business part Miss Bickell re-
signed her position as president and
Mr, Bert Beacom was appointed pies=
The Massey...Harris Mower
Every farmer owes it to himself to investigate fully the new
features of this Mower which will mean so much to him in cutting
his hay crop.
Gallop p & McAl ine
Agents for Massey -Harris Implements and. Repairs
Beatty Bros. Farrn Equipment Metallic Roofing
Frost Fence Gas & Oil OPEN EVENINGS
Canadian Chautauqua
Victoria Park, Seaforth
Afternoon Rest.
Evening—Popular Broadway Comedy,
"The Family Upstairs" Martin Erwin 'P'layers
Afternoon—Concert Moscow Artists
Lecture, "Education or Catastrophe" Mrs, D. Pirie Beyea
Evening --Notable Musical Production.
Scenes from Russian Life.. —Anatol Fiskin and His Russians.
ErnestToyand Lowell Pott
Afternoon—Grand Concert
Evening—Concert • Ernest Toy. and Lowell Paton
Lecture, "Awakening Chine" , . Dr. Tehyi Hsieh
Afternoon --Gala Performance for Children, .'Herb Taylor, Famous
Evening—Great Romantic Drama,
"Smilin' Through" Martin Erwin Players
JUNE 27 ,
Afterno>n--!Popular Concert . . Jackson Jubilee Singers
Lecture—"Canadianizat!ou' ..Capt. Stanley Nelson Dancey
Evening --Grated Concert
Jackson Jubilee Singers
Afternoon Programs -3.O0 p.m.
Evening Programs -8.00 p.m;
A season Ticket for all Attractions
Five Big hays—$2.20
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reid, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilmer Reid spent Sunday with
friends in Windsor.
We are sorry to report Mr. Sam.
Stinson is not improving as his
Friends would wish. -
Miss Irene Chuter spent the week-
end with friends here.
Mr. John Johns, who has been with
his sister, Mrs, Hutchings, Goderich
Tp., has returned to Mr. F. Weekes.
John has been on the sick list and we
are pleased to know he is improving.
The many friends of Mr. Stelck will
able to move is
be pleased to 'know he
about a little.
On Sunday the 16th,there will be
service in the United Church at 7 pm.
under the auspices of the Orange Or-
der and on the same day Rev: R. C.
Pitts, of Essex, will conduct setvice in
St. Johns Church at 3 p.m. Conse-
quently service will be withdrawn in
the evening owing to the special -ser-
vice in the United Church.
Mr. Harold Elliott, London, spent
the week -end with relatives here.
Mrs. J. W. Reid attended the an-
nual meeting of the W.A. in Stratford
last week.
Miss Emily Beattie, of London, vis-
ited at her home.
Mrs. J. -W. Reid, Mrs. F. Weekes,
Mrs, J Mossop, Mrs. 'Chliter, Miss
Mossop and Miss Logan, Mr. Geo.
Beatty, Mr. Chuter and Mr. Logan all
attended the Deanery meeting in
.Hiss Jean Mossop spent a few days
with friends on the Goshen.
The June session of the County
Council of Hunan opened on Tuesday,
June 4th, inthe afternoon, with alt
members present. Warden Inglis ad-
dressed the countF't,3« ,.h2 work of
the meeting. The main damage co
by fiends was to the Wroxeter bridge.
A copy ,of the resolution of Hay Tp,
asking the council to pass a bylaw
pursuant to s.s. 1 of sec. 196, 'chap,
238, R.S;O. 1927, giving power to
townships to collect arrears of taxes
and to perform ail the acts empower-
ed by the statute .an townships to sell
;ands,, etc. -Sent to Legislation com-
the education Department
giving notice of the grants to the
schools of Huron, to which an equiv-
alent must be given by the county, as
liollows: Public schools, $2,029.76;
RZSDA'Y, JUNE 13, 1929
,. Ei
o r
1C a
at Walkervills
Straight eight motor; 115 -inch wheelbase; Steel -core safety steering
shatterable windshield; Adjustable steering; column and front seats;
Amplified -
action 4 -wheel brakes; Double•droh frame
1.3 Eight is precisely what you would
expect of the' Builder of Champions. A
worthy companion car to the World
Champion President and the famous
Commander. Champion quality is of-
fered at a low. price—possible
fferedatalowprice-possible only because
Studebaker builds more eights than any
other maker in the World.
In economy of fuel and oil this new eight
rivals the thriftiest sixes. Performance
is more satisfying than any other car at
its price has ever provided.
This New Dictator Eight was devel-
oped on Studebaker's mammoth
Proving• Ground, by the same engineers
whose genius endowed Studebaker cars.
with the -ability to win and hold every of
cialstock car speed and endurance record.
You who have alwa swanted astraight
eight may now enjoy the silken smooth-
ness of Studebaker straight eight power,
its unhesitating traffic mastery, its flexi-
bili y and pick-up. The etonomyt,of op-
eration upon which you have insisted will
be yours, alongwith low initial cost.
Conte in and see The New Dictator
Straight Eight drive it -today 1
$1095 to $339544 Weilnenitb. Gay's tatty son
Illlilll 1W1Illltll!1!IIIIIIIII!Iltlllllllillill!1!ll!llldllitlll!II!III!il!nimIII!II!lllllll@Illllnllll!!1!Illllll!IIIII!IIIIIIIIIInummilnnSl!IIiiillAllBllblliummmiAiNIItlNuswaB�
11@Il111111@fll101allniilliil I
Separate schools, $91.17; Total, $2,-',
120.93. Filed.
lFrom Air. Brydone, barrister, Clin-
ton, notifying the county of the be-
quest of the late. Mr, John Hoare and
enclosing a cheque for $200 in Pay-
ment of same.—Filed.
A statement from the Highways
department as to the government
grant to the countyon the expendi-
tures made in 1928, was as Follows:
Total amount of statement, $183,-
64694; total amount of grant, $91,-
001.417; amount disallowed, $962.99,
being for motor cycle officer's wages,
Road Commission expenses to confer-
ence and travelling expenses.
A communication from the town-
ship of Goderich asked for an ac-
counting o'f she gravel taken for the
use of the county from a township
gravel pit was sent to the Good Roads
Mr. D. C. Dorrance, Clinton, ap-
plied for the position of a member of
the Pension Bogard Committee.
Mrs.' R. M. Graham, inspector for
the Mothers' Allowance, was present
and addressed the council, speaking
very interestingly of the work of the
Moved by Messrs. Beattie and Hill
that the county council visit the
county home Wednesday afternoon,
the council to adjourn at 3:30.—Cd.
Moved by Messrs. MlcKibbon and
Dr. Milne, that the amount of fines
for traffic violation on county roads
within a _to•wn or village be -refunded
by the county tb the said town or vil-
lage when the "information is laid by
a constable or officer of the said mu-
nicipelity.—Referred to Legislation
Committee. .
Mr. G. R. Paterson, former agricul-
tural representative, addressed the
Council. He spoke very Highly of his
successor, Mr. McCague. Mr. :tic
Cague then addressed the council. He
spoke of the imp Trtance of the im-'
provement of live stock. Huron's
prize-winning candidate at Guelph
this year also stood second in the
Mr, Wright, as chairman .of the ad-
visory committee, urged alt farmers
to take up in earnest the treatment
of hogs and sheep. Messrs. Hender-
son and Backer spoke approvingly of
the more general work and thought
more use might be made of the de-
monstrations put yin for the benefit of
fruit growers and stock breeders and
thought they should be better adver-
tised, Mr, Trewartha, a member of
the advisory Committee, spoke of the
great to the county council o'f
these cliscussioie
ail ori .ey r eeiel ii. i uuu btatian-
tyne, that, whereas, the Provincial
andCousty Road Systems are being
extended from time to time farther
into the more remote sections of the
c,unty, affording better road condi-
tions, which are an inducement for
the more extensive use of autos and
trucks in the gathering of farm pro-
duce and the delivery of commodities,
asthe majority of toweshi roads
1 y p
are not suitable for heavy truck tr'af-
6c, and as She owners of these mach-
ines are required to pay a tax On gas
and are demanding better road condi-
tions, and whereas the gas tax is col-
lected by the Government, be it re-
solrved that this county council peti-
tion thegovernment tb increase the
grant on township roads to 50 p.c.
Sent, to Legislation Committee. -
'Moved by Messrs. Hubbard and H,
A. Keys that the county take out lia-
bility insurance to protect the county
against all accidents that may happen
on the county roads and that the in-
surance be placed with the Globe In-
demnity Go. tSeret to Roads Com,
Moved by Messrs. Beattie and Bal-
lantyne that the annual picnic be held
at Bayfield this -.year and that the
Warden, the Clerk, and Councillors
Turner, Hill and Middleton be a com-
mittee to arrange for the same.—Cd.
Moved by Messrs. Rader and Bae-
ker that more restriction be urged
Eby the county council in regard to
weeds along county road -sides, that
they be destroyed as early as possible
in the season.—Roads Cont.
Moved by Messrs. Beattie and Ad-
ams that, as the Good Roads Com-
mission at the end of the year are
thoroughly conversant with bhe re-
quirements of the road, they bring in
a report at the December meeting
and a budget of the work they think
should be carried out the following
year=Finance Confit,
Moved by Messrs, Beattie and
Wright, that the county farm an in-
surance fund, and place in the fund
each year the amount of money they
would have to pay for liability insur-
ance and in that way carry its own
insurance.—Roads Commission.
Moved by Messrs, Dodds and Ad- '
amp that the boundary 'line between
the township of Morris and the town-
ships of Ilullett and McKillop, con-
necting the road east of Walton with
the road west of Blyth, be put on' the
roads system, making it a str'aight
road.—Sent' to Road Commission.
Moved by Messrs. McKib'bon and
Ilenclerson that this council consider
the question of date' and number of
meetings of the council, as a great
many counties have found it neces-
sary to make a• change to meet exist-
ing conditions.—Laid on the table.
Moved by Messrs. Adams and
Stalker that 2,000 feet of snow fence
be purchased to be placed where
needed ole the county road from Clin-
ton to Blyth and 1,000 feet on the
county road from Auburn to Blyth.—
Sent to Roads Commission.
(Continued nest week,)
JCua'd you�'..
S /
�aS� ui7'2y8S,
Wood is the settler's winter harvest. When his own
land is cleared he may still obtainemployment in the
neighbouring forest. By care with fire, the wise
settler protects his own, living, 0--•-
fissile authority of
Honourable Charles Stewart,
3',; .Min;attr of the rnterlor,
ri ''"'" -eeee°w, J�