The Seaforth News, 1928-11-08, Page 3Son and Earth
The sun devours one billion
lneteore a second,
This represents 1,000 tons of
iron, magnesium, silicon, oxygen
and other elements,
The .earth ".eats" between 20,-
000,000 and 30,000,000 shooting
stars a day.
If the earth Weren't surrounded
by protecting blankets of atmos-
- phere, which absorb. the whizzing
stars, life here would be destroyed,
Eighty thousand photographs of
the 'heavens have been taken by
Dr. Harlow Shapley, director of
the Harvard observatory, to deter-
mine the above facts,,
A Toad Story
One day, my fathor,,sieter,, and I
were out in the, garden, watching a
little toad.
My father took a„. little sick, and
very, very gently scratched one gide
of the toad and then the other.
The toad seemed to like it, for he
would roll Prem side to side and wink,
I was so interested that when: they
went in, I took the stick, and did as.
my father had done. I thought If he
rolls from side to. gide as I 'touch
a him, What would be do it I ran the,
stick down iris back?
I did so; and what do you think
happened? His skin, which was thin
anddirty, parted in a neat little seam.
There was a bright, new coat be-
low: -
Then my quiet little toad showed
how wise he was. He gently and
carefully pulled 'off his outer skin.
He took it off the body and his legs
first, and then, blinking• over his eyes,
till where had it gone? He had roll-
ed it into a ball and swallowed .it.- .
Sea Birds
The question is often asked,
"Where do sea birds obtain fresh
water to slake their thirst?" But it
has never been 'satisfactorily' answer-
ed until recently. An old skipper
has told how he, has seen these birds
at sea, far from any lana that could
furnish them water, hovering around
and under a storm -cloud, clatterin
like ducks on a hot day at a pond,
and drinking in the drops of rain as
they fell. They will smell a rain
squall a hundred miles distant, -or
. even further off, and scud' for it with
almost inconceivable swiftness.
How long sea birds' can exist with-
out water is only a matter of conjec-
ture, but probably their powers of
enduring thirst are increased by
habit, and possibly they go without
water for many days, 1f not for sev-
eral weeks.
Temper Sign Boards
In a Japanese temple there is fix-
' ed a wooden frame filled 1n with
nails. Wben_.a man Is vexed with
anyone, instead of going to harm the
person, he pays the 'priest a certain
sum of 'money for a nail and drives
It into the frame. In this way he re-
lieves his temper without doing muck
harm. It would be a good idea to
have similar frames fixed up in our
nurseries, sothat when little boys
and girls were inclined to be a trifle
naughty they could take some nails
and hammer them Into these frames
till all the bad temper disappeared.
The longer I live, the more deeply
am I convinced' that that which makes
the difference between one man and
another, between the weak and pow-
erful, the great and -insignificant, Is
energy, invincible determination, a
purpose once formed, and then death
or victory.—Powell Buxton.
Belief in Self
To believe in oneself is the mark of
a wise man. To believe only in one-
self is the, mark of a bore. To believe.
only in others is the mark of a futile.
Idealist. To believe neither in one-
self norin others Is :the mark' of a
Mrs. White: Have you ever been
1n a predicament, ,Mrs. Green?
Mrs. G.: Why-=er—I don't think
I' have, Mrs. White. Is it a roadster
or Iimod'sfne?
Job fora Virtuoso
An evangelist and violinist wishes
a position as caretaker for a city
party. Poultry my delight. Wife
will do housework, -Raven' (N.Y.)
genuine Westinghouse
Electric Iron
Buy Big Ben by
the. Vacuum (air-
tight) tin, which
keeps the plugs in
the same perfect
condition as they
were when they
left the factory.
If your wife has always
wanted a genuine West-
inghouse electric Iron,
here is your opportunity
to obtain a One one for
her, FREE. A "Poker
Hand" is 'attached to
every plug of Big Ben
Chewing Tobacco. Enjoy
this rich, full -flavoured
chew—save only ten sets
of "Poker Hands "—and
the Electric Iron is yours.
and Save the "Poker Hands"
1 A
Why Did London Carry. Mond Up
to 43
The buying that carried Mond Nick
The buying that carried Mond
Nickel up to 43 when the big rush in
the market was on is attributed to
have come from London. In view at
this, the puzzle remains unsolved,as
to why the stock bas sold off to 31,
with International at around. 175. The
apparent answer is that Mond and
International Nickel will get share and
share alike in the ,new company to
be formed, after International Nickel
shares have been split 6 for I.. This
would mean,' of course, that Inter-
national sharps . should sell at a price
six times that of Mond.
While International shares are hold-
ing to -day around 175, Mond shares
have been moving up gradually and
went above 33 recently. If Lon-
don interests, and they were import-
ant; were not .entirely fooled, there
may be something left unsaid.
Suppose that when the basis of
the merger is announced it was found
that Mond shareholders would be
given 13y shares in the holdingcom-
pany for each share held and Inter-
national shareholders 1 split share.
This would mean that Mond shares
should -have a valuation of something
better than 43.
The matter of a basis for the mer-
ger raises another question. Is In-
ternational Nickel asit stands to -day
worth • 6 times as much as Mond
Nickel, having regard to physical as-
sets, earning power net current as-
sets, plant and capital, etc.
If a Carnegie or a LQfierhulTfid•:b8--
Lret a "fafftlly • of • sono 'Who inherited
their father's ability, all the wealth
of the world might soon be in a
Very few hands -J. 1). aerotiford,,
A stitabttoi inolfiopo lot 1"a'ati "Billion
tvhd eitull9eds in occupying both arms
et lilt theatre seat.
Gladys: "When you told Dave that
you'd be a deter to him, what did he
Say?" 4 • a"" .....
The London Hunt and
Country Club is widely
known for the excellence of
its afternoon teas. For sev-
eral years this progressiva
club has used no other tea
-but Red Rose Orange Pekoe
—a blend that leads all
othersin flavor and full-
bodied richness. Put up only
in bright, clean aluminum;'
packages. - MEW
1923 was 2. par out. less than for the' Kind ArnanuUah BIS
2alne period of 9.927, and 0 per 0001. IVlodern Afghan Capital
less than in 1926.
"4Pertodlcal advertising in 'Rational London ---'rhos new Afgban capital
publioatiens In the first 10 months of city, Dal'ulahnlan, wbiob will replace.
1928 was 2 per cent. less than in the old Isabel, is nearing completion on
Arai 10 mouths of 1927 and 1 per cont. modern and completely Western
more than in 1926," says It, S. ICal. tines, say Afghan newspapers reach -
logo, Secretary of the Newsprint Sere, ing here,
ice Bureau, New York. The city is the luspit'ation of Ding
Pages: printed in newspaper of over Amanullah, who recently visited
.100,000 circelation4' European countries and is ambitious
Average for September Dailies of transplanting Western ideas, cul -
Dailies Sundays ture and method's o3 living to bis
1928, 30 108 mountain kingdom.
1927 30 103 The necleus of the new eity is the
official .ivarter, This will consist of
TuTurpin an ' `a modern palace, equipped with the
rning latest faculties, and a number of
Elephant Charge huge _ government buildings which
will house all, state departments,
One large elephant in a rage is A GREA' PUZZLE
enough to .paralyze the bravest hun-
ter, but when seven of the monsters "
charge two lone hunters it is only a " CAREFUL PARENTS
miracle that saves . the men. W. S.
t o
Ohadwiok recites his one and only
elephant charge encounter in the No- One of the greatest puzzles to the
vember issue of 'Field and Stream." easeful parent is to know just what
"Then' the native behind us care- medicine to give the little ones.
IesalY trod' upon a rotten stick," says When the child falls 111 with, gripping
this article, "and at the sound the pains; is seized with cold or fever,
two 'bulls and five cows came inti refuses food or vomits what he has
line, facing us, A moment they stood taken, when he cries a great deal and
with lifted trunks searching for our
scent, and then with screams of rage
they started toward us,
"'Stan( steady, I heard Ben say.
'Aim at the centre bull and give him
all you've goal Work your bolt like
"From .hellind' us I heard the native
call: 'Look out, master. They're
going to flight' " end the sound of run-
ning feet showed hie effort to efface
"The next two minutes are rather
blurred in my recollection. I felt as"
a beetle might in th shadow of a great
boot, or it man bound to the rails in
front of an express train. It seemed;
impossible to atop that mighty on-
coming force. But I worked my rifie
bolt desperately and placed shot after
shot in the chest of the centre animal
of the line, while beside me Ben's ex-
press roared unceasingly.
At perhaps thirty yards, the two
centre animals—a young bull and a
cow—leaned, drunkenly against the
animals on their right. The two -on
the outside left closed in, and life a
troop et soldiers ..on parade they
wheeled to the right into the forest,
the left flank animals passing within
tweuty-five paces of us!"
Teck Deep Program Well Advanced
It will be about six months before
Teck -Hughes starts the aotuaI open-
ing up of its ore zone on the six new
levels, 20th to 25th, inclusive, accord-
ing to the Northern Miner. The shaft
is now down below the 21st level,
large 40 -foot stations have been cut
at the 20th and 21st levels and at the
present rate of progress the first stage
of the present shaft sinking program
should be completed in five :months.
On all the levels the zone can largely
be looked for less than 100 feet from
the shaft. At the 19111 level the ore
was 90 feet from the shaft and it is
expected that it will be about 200
feet on the 25th level. Tho 25th will
be a little over 3,000 feet verticg"1
Below the 19111 level a crushing sta-
tion and Ioading facilities were pre-
pared for during shaft -sinking. It is
calculated that one-third of the work
of getting from the 19th to 25th level
is already done.
Sinking of the new shaft, 600 odd
feet south of the present central shaft, becauseapproach 05
anthebecause atealthfnessstofency its
is now going ahead at a good rate.] d of itend
The first level of this will be the 25th to grow steadily worse. Every grow -
and the second the 30th, 3,600 feet.
From the 25th level and inclined shaft
is to follow the zone to, the 30111, be-
ing more or less a continuation of the
present central shaft.
If Your Daughter Shows Signs
of Anaemia a Tonic is Needed.
Anaemia is simply a lack of blood.
It is one of the most common and at
the same time most dangerous trou-
bles from which growing girls suffer.
It is cornmeal bepause- the blood so
often becomes impoverishedduring
development, when girls often over-
work and overstudy. It is dangerous
Newsprint Statistics
"Newsprint production in the U. S.
and Canada and Newfoundland dur-
ing the first nine months of 1928 was
5 per cent.more than for the first
nine months of 1927.
"Imports of newsprint into the U.S,
were 9 per cent. more than for the
first 8 months of 1927.
"Exports of .newsprint from the
U.S. amounted to 7,406 tons for the
first 8 months of 1928 and 9,586 tons
for the first 8 months of 1927,
"Exports of newsprint from Canada
for the first 8 months of 1928 were
17 per cent. more than for the first
8 months of 1927.
".Mill stocks of newsprint at U.S.
and Canadian points amounted to 51
days' average production on Septem-
ber 30th, 1928, and 4.5 days on Sep-
tember.30th, 1927.
'Publishers stooks on hand and in
transit amounted to 37 days' supply
on August 31st, 1928, and 43 days'
on August 31, 1927.
"Newspaper advertising in 30 lead-
ing cities for the first 9 months of
•`�a) 4duo to .Acid
For Tkoublee'
pGa s.1 MACH
Exooas acid 10 the common cause of
indigestion. It results in pain and
sourness about tw' hours after eating;
The' !Mid c0rociiv0 Is 9.2 alkali
Stitch -neutralizes acid. The best cor-
rective is Phillips' Milk. of Magnesia.
I1 has remained standard with physi-
clans in the' 50 years since its invert
` One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia neutralizes blatantly many
ing girl should occasionally take a
tonic to ward off this insidious trouble.
it is because of their powerful action
in rebuilding the blood that Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills have made a
world-wide reputation. The case of
Miss Claire Sullivan, Pincher Creek,
Alta.,amply proves the value of this
medicine. Miss Sullivan says: "Dur-
ing my school days I suffered a great
de from thin and watery blood. I
was continually weak and tired; my
appetite was poor, my sleep unrefresh-
ing and I was troubled with backaches.
To make matters worse I was attacked
with acute appendicitis and the oper-
ation left me in a very weakened
state. My mother, learning of the
value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, had
ms take them and after using them
for some time I can say the result
was simply wonderful, as they com-
pletely restored my health, and now
when opportunity occurs I always
recommend these pills to weak, pale
girls suffering as I did."
You can get the pills from yam,
druggist, or hY mail at 50 cents or box
from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
is good tetr
The Orange Pekoe, at a little
extra cost, is extra good
10 In clean, bright Aluminum
Empire Settlement
Gabriel Wells in the Spectator
(London): (In a letter headed "Un-
employment and Emigration.") New
enterprise is an essential element of
the problem. Employers are needed
before employment can be had. To
increase the number of employers 1s
part of the transfer o1' labor. What I
would suggest, then (speaking with
deference—not being an Englishman),
le i tbat the YInglish Government turn
itself Into an agricultural and indite -
cannot get the sleep so necessary to, trial employer on an extensive and
the growing child, the parent is in a diversified scale, both in Canada and
quandry. What is to be done on such
occasions As often as not there is
not a Suitable medicine in the house.
The puzzle Is what to give him to set
him right quickly.
It is to meet such emergencies the:
Baby's Own Tablets were designed,
These pleasant little Tablets quickly
reduce fever, break up colds, relieve
constipation and indigestion and allay
teething pains. They quiet the nerves
and promote restful health -restoring
sleep. They are guaranteed abso-
lutely harmless and safe for even the
yeungest and most delicate baby.
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams
Medicine 'Co., Brockville, Ont.
Use Water
to Remove Rust
A Boy and His Dog
4 boy and his dog make a' glorious
No better friendship is found any-
ny, where,
For they talle and they walk and they
run and they play.
And they have their deep secrets for
many a dey;
And that boy has a comrade who
thinks and -who feels,
Who walks down the road with a dog
at his heels.
He may go where he will and his clog
will be there,
May revel in mud and his dog will
not care; .
Faithful he'll stay for the slightest
And bark with. delight at the touch
of his hand;
Oh, he owns a treasure which nobody
Who walks down the road with a dog
at his heels.
No other can lure him away from his
He's proof against riches and station
and .pride;
Flue dress does not charm him, and
flattery' breath
Is lost on the dog, for he's faithful
to death;
He sees the great soul which the,
body conceals—
Oh, it's great to be young with a dog
at your heels',
It's a fact. Gun dope from a marks-
man. Edward H, Proudman ran
across an old' Ballard rifle. It was 111
a terribly rusty condition, the action
would not work. He proposed to
soak it in, kerosene, but toe said no:
"Water put him on, water take him
oft; soak him in water for three
Fool advice, but 1'oe knew' his busi-
ness. Bo, after removing the stocky
Mr, Proudman soaked the barrel in
water for three days. He was sur-
prised at the amount of rust that came
off. The .action worked as well as
ever. He then oiled it up and now
declares ` It works 0,K From The
times its volume in acid. It. ish ar American Rifleman,'
Imo and tasteless and its.,action is
ntii,k, "You' will never rely t on crude
Honey Bandit?
I tittode, never continue, to suffer, bion held in Miami after shooting
when you learn how quickly; how bee.—Florida Times -Union..
pleasantly premier
I am 'opposed to the. return of the
saloon as' muob as. I am in favor of
the banishment of the speakeasy,'—
Norman Thomas.
directions—any drugstore. Minted's Liniment for Backache.
please fhb!1 Method acts J
Please let it show you—now.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
cians for 50 years in correcting ex-
cess acids. Bach bottle contains full
the other Dependencies. Let the Eng-
lish Government in those places buy
up tracts at uncultivated lands, and
establish' thereon Janne, mills and cog-
nate industries, even to the setting up
of new centres of populations. The
Government, like a father to his child-
ren, ought to take its sons and .daugh
tern by the hand and effectively heap
them to help themselves; "and not set
them adrift upon the uncharted seas.
of potentialities.
Break Colds with Mtnard's Liniment.
Firsts and Seconds
Agents of good character and above
the average in ability, to sell an en-!
tirely new and most liberal line of
life -insurance policies for children be-
tween ages one and sixty-five years.
—Ad in an Arkansas paper.
Classified Advertisements
81•15 pxxPmUNeD Ilk. TWE11,T7&
rurn D1111s, .Dept, i, Orlliia, Qnt.
Probably Bacchus
Stage Hand—"Shall I lower the
;Manager -"Why?"
Stage Hand—"On.a of " the livin'
statues has the hiccups."—Old Maid.
Blood-letting cannot be healthy.- It
bee been abandoned by the surgeone
and let it be abandoned by the na-
tions,�•Fieid Marshal.;Lord Allenby.
Canadian Artist's Series
Christmas . Cards
Beautiful Hand -Coloured Christmas
Cards designed by Canada's Leading
Artists: 1L'welve especially attractive
Cards with charming and appropriate
sentiments may be purchased at a
considerable saying in boxed assort-
, meets at 600, ;1.00, and 61.50.
published by
List 01 "Wanted inventions"
and Pull information Sent ries
on -Request.
2 BankSt..
r CO., Dept, w..
—Edgar A. Guest in "When Days is
Done." r
ai; I Frakrsnt, _Antiseptic
For preventing stiffness and
further pain from 'sprains
and hurts of any kind use
M inard's.
When ?our
Children Cry
for It
There is hardly a household that
hasn't heard of Castoria! At least five
million homes are never without it. if
there are children in your family,
there's almost daily need •o its com-
fort, And any night may find you
very thankful there's a bottle. m the
house. Just a few drops, and that
colic or, constipation is relieved; or
diarrhoea checked. A vegetable pro
duct; a baby remedy meant for young
(folks. Castoria is about the only thing
you have ever heard doctors advise
are dangerous to a tiny baby, however
harmless they may be to grown-ups.
Good old Castoria! Remember the
name, and rente:nber to buy it. It may
epare you a sleepless, anxious night.
It is always ready, always safe to
use; in emergencies, or for everyday
ailments. Any hour of the day er
night that Baby becomes fretful„ or
restless. Castoria was never more
popular with mothers than it is today.
Every druggist has it.
There are about three things a fel- to infants, Stronger medicines
low can do when he makes a mis-
take. He can resolve that he will
never make another, which is fine,
but impracticable.
He may let that mistake make a
coward of him, which is foolish; or
he can make up his mind that he will
let it be is teacher and so profit by
the experience that if the situation
comes Iris way again, he will know,
just how to meet it. There is a real
wisdom in this attitude. Think it
Each of its must decide whether he
will let his mistakes remain his en-
emies or become his friends. Why
ehauld we let a mistake, or even two
or three, brake our spirit and sap our
fighting strength?
A lad who showed that kind of die -
Position on the cricket field or on the
football ground would never make'
the team. We all make mistakes, but!
it we let them be our teachers, coun-�
selling us, advising us, admonishing
us, in due time we shall acquit our-!
selves all the better in the school of
Food for Heroes
Women .from the endangered com-
munities matched the heroic work of,
themen, serving coffee and sand-
wiches under great bandicaps, and
even sandbags.—New. York Times
Proof of Valor
Wife—"When we were married, I
thought' you were a brave man."
Husband — "So did g good many
other people."—lianas City Times,
"Clarice: "He had the nerve to
ask to borrow myear so he could take
another girl out riding."
The prettlott women In the world
saem to he in London. -Sir William
ISSUE No. 44—'28
Helped by Taking Lydia E. Pink-
hang's Vegetable Compound
Grainland, Sask.—"I am glad that
8 heard of that good Lydia: E. Pink -
ham's medicine and
I will not be with-
out it again. f was
so sick that I could
not work at all and
could not sew on
the machine. My
aunt. told me of
Lydia E. ' Pink-
ha-rn's Vegetable
I am telling all of
my friends how
good it is and I will
answer all letters I get from women."
—Mils. MARY Scnun'ri'ns, Grainland;
Improves Hearing, Relieves Head Noises
Nine out of ten cases of DEAFNESS and HEAD NOISES are
caused by catarrhal mucus (matter) in the Eustachian Tubes, which
connects the nose and the ears. Leonard Ear Oil removes the MUCUS.
THE HEAD, and theresult is improved. Hearing and relief from Head.
Noises. It is not put in the ears, but is "INSERTED IN THE NOS-
TRILS" and "RUBBED in BACK OF THE EARS" and special in-
structiona by a noted Ear Specialist in each package for different
kinds of Deafness and Head Noises telt you exactly bow to take care
of your own case. Leonard Ear Oil is not an experiment but bas bad
h very large and constantly growing sale since 190'7, and every year it
has relieved thousands of people of their Ear Trouble*. No retakes.
bow long you have been deaf, nor how deaf you are, or witat caused
your deafness, or bow many things you have already or
which have
failed to relieve you, Leonard Ear 011 leas relieved many such cases
as your own. Why not you? ' The price is $1.25. Leonard Ear Oil I,e
for sale at Druggists, or direct postpaid upon receipt of price.
Interesting Folder tent on request
A. O. Leonard, Inc., 70 Fifth Ave., New York