The Seaforth News, 1928-10-18, Page 8PAGE EIGHT SIAEQRT. NEWS. URSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1928. I-IENSALL• Mier 'Nellie '.Boyle of 'Loudon visit- ed over. the week end' at Ater: home hers... Mr. Laird Joyut of London visited 'over the week end at his home. ;ther., Milton .Boyle, who has been in West for the past two months, !returned Mone on Saturday evening ' 'Miss Irina '1-Iiggins cif Kitchener; visited over the week end at her home .1111r, and Mrs. Alex. Fraser and son • of Galt, Mrs. Barlett, of ,Brampton, •. and Mr, and Mrs. Reg..Southan and daughter June of Galt were week -enol, visitors at the •hone df Mrs. Mary , Pope. Mr. and Mrs, Alonzo Ortwein of Detroit visite aver the week end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs„ J. W..Ortwein, Mr, Milton Ortwein of London vis- ited over the week end with relatives in tawlt 'Mr. Chas 'Prayer; Mrs, M. Pope and Mrs. George 'Hudson visited in Zurich on Friday Mr, Wm, and 11is•s Mae Simpson of Detroit visited over the week end with relatives. The ladies of Carmel Presbyterian Church are holding a Bowl supper in the basement of 'the church on Thurs- day, Nov. 4st, The services in the United Church on Sunday last were largely attended, the pastor delivering excellent ser- mons at both services. Next Sunday eventing, Rev. Mr, ,Sinclair will preach a special sermon on 'Music and Its Place in the Church." The choir well supply special music. iMr, .and Mrs. Gordon Davisand : little son of Toronto recently visited Mr. and Mrs, J, R. McDonald. Miss Flora Higgins is visiting this week, the guest of her. cousin Miss • Anna May Pearson of Woodstock. Miss Dolly .1 --lagan was in London or. Thursday last visiting her sister and Dr. an Mrs. Tillman. on 'The ptiblie school was closed Thursday and Friday and the contin- uation school on Friday, the teachers attending the 'teachers' convention at Goderich, Henry Horton arriv- ;blr, esti Mrs. He y ed home Friday evening from the West, where they have been visiting fates that the relatives. lar. Horton s weather conditions in the West have beenvery satisfactory, both for har- • vesting an threshing and prospects i look 'bright. Miss 'Gladys Sandercock, while playing around her home on Friday last, had the misfortune to fall and break her collar bone. Mrs. Thomas son is visiting CLEARING AUCTION SALE Toronto. with friends in Toronto. O# Farm, (`arm Stock and Imple- Mr. Richard Blatchford is confined ments, at Lot 68, Bayfield Line, 3% to his home through illness. His miles east of Bayfield, on Wednesday, many friends hope to soon see him Oct, 31st, et 12.30 sharp, consisting. of around in his usual health again. Horses --Heavy draft gelding rising Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Scott of Tor- 4 yrs. old, pair of draft geldings, 2 onto visited over the week end with yrs, old, brood mare in foal, gelding relatives and friends. 1 yr. old, spring foal, aged general 'The young people's league held a purpose horse. missionary evening on Monday last, Cattle --+Holstein cow due 'Feb. ril to with a large attendance. Miss Irene ;, „ May29 'Douglas presided, fallowing devotion- „ e 3 ing quartette byefourayotng very leas-was „ May 1 'lender -tie of the following: June 12 Marion Sinclair, Mavis Spencer, " June 13 'i June 15 One Gladys Passmore and Florence Mc -s heifer due in March, roan Donald. of the chapters frontm Holstein "Drums of Darkness' was taken 'by Durham cow, due iApsil2 th, 9 steerA/gs s Douglass and the following lee s re, old, 6 he CollieT y tteb thefoil were taken up and roudr e y Palled A-u3,5aabreeding Shrropshire following, Dr.cSaudners'nneel;Journey, Sheep an aged ram, Miss Mildred McDonnell; Coudit;imts ewes, 10 ewe lambs, g afterKan ombe's 'Death, Miss K,' shearling ram. Poultry 75 1 -yr. -old Scot g. Scott; Dr, Currie, Canadian Courier, hens. Barred Rocks. 50 Barred Rock Mary McKaig; The Growth of Chis- pullets. s Ellis; A Sabbath Well implements -Massey -(Harris binder Spent, Alma • 'Burnton. Miss Pearl El- 7 ft. cut, Massey -(Harris mower 6 fA Spent, r dere der rendered a pleasing solo, after cut, MasseyaHarris drill,. 3- at- rasrendered Mr, Scott 'Welsh gave a well ey-'Harris cultivator with seedere5-sec- Miss violin solo, accompanied by tacbed, set of diamondrrows Miss Dou las. tion: MasseyaHarris 10 ft. steel rake, game of softball was Bain wagon, truck wagon, set sloop a playy exerting ed in the Heusall park on Mon- sleighs with bunks, loughs]eCocksh hutt da • afternoon between high school Massey - Harris plough, nisi y girls and public school boys, resulting walking plough,McTaggartkl�faf 8g in a score of 14-9 in favor of the girls. mill with screens,Gales 4 z h. : rd Mission Circle will grinder, set 2,000 lb. s r/ sleigh The Mollard meet Friday evening in the United gasoline engine, hay rack, fl'Tudho e 'Church. A splendid programme is rack, horse seuffler, buggy, Tudhope prepared. Lunch served. cutter. gravel box, sap kettle, 2 bar - Mr. Alex. McMurtrie has returned retie steel pig trough, wheelbarrow, to Toronto after a pleasant visit with set single 'harness, new; w; sset sit gle his mother and other' relatives, harness, set plough of rrhe shower held in •the basement heavy team harness with breeching. of the United Church Wednesday ev- Several collars, DeLaval Daisy gator, eening last was web attended and a McCartney handmilker, Da y splendid assortment of gifts were milk cans and pails, Ford touring car, Pgal. gasoline barrel, chains, given d an display in the basement.oarn 45 It was decided to hold the bazaar on forks and other articles, cook stove 24th in the town hall. and pipes, heater with pipes, 2 wheels Saturday, Nev. Chicken supper will be served under for harrow cart, osome several of the auspices of the. Ladies'Aid. square timber, also / ehafting. Many people are almost t cri led 'Household Effects -- 3 sets bed with corns. But it is needless suffer- springs, 3 mattresses, 3 bedsteads, ing which can be speedily ended with dresser, stand, small tables and stands Hnllaway'e Corn Remover. 2 kitchen cupboards, couch, 2 feather berls, also quantity of new goose -fea- thers, pictures, bedroom dishes, 2 sets, tapestry rug 10,$'x12', union carpet 12'x14'. rag carpet, glass jars, lamps, hitter bowl, kitoben range. Terms -+Poultry, household effects an all sums of $10 and under, cash; ever that amount, 12 months' credit will he given on furnishing approved bankable paper, or a discount of 5 per cent allowed for cash nn credit amounts, At the same time and place the farm will he offered for sale. This farm consists of 80 acres more or less with goad bank barn 50'x90', and goon concrete house, The farm is well watered and in a good .abate of culti- vation. Terms an farm made known day of sale, WM, J. STEWART, Proprietor; Geo. H. Elliott, Auction- eer. AUCTION SALE OF TEAMSTER'S OUTFIT. At Mr, John Habkirk's stables, Seaforth, near A:gricul•tural grounds, on Monday, Oct, 24Th, at 1;30 pen.; '1 aged lunge, good eo work, single or double; 1 mare, .8 years old, good to work; 1 lumber wagon; 1 spring dray wagon, 1 pair sleighs, with or without flat, 1 mower, 1 cultivator, 1 disc, I gang plow, 1 walking plow, 1 pair iron harrows, 1 wagon jack, 1 coal box, forks. shovels and chains, whippletrees and neckyokes. Terms. and ilei cash. 10.00 u -,Allsnins of $ ' Over that amount six months'credit on approved joint notes. Five per .cent, per annuli off for cash on credit amounts, IT, Brown, auct.t John Habkirk, proprietor, Teachers' Cont entiot at Goderich an elliurstlay and Friday.. wire, A, 'eloFau1 of Miami, Iiia„ is visiting Mrs`, A, 'ra,' Atkinson, .Messrs, jack 'Lindsay, Brown Hig- gins and ,Leslie Elliott, who have been visiting near St, Marys,: returned tante• last week, Mr, anti; Mrs. 'Percy Weston spent the. week , end at this formers. home, Mrs. H: Weston and Mrs. Durkin ae- cotnpanied theta to Kitchener on Sun- day, Mrs, G. Woods, Flies Nan Woods and little Peggy Boyd spent the week end with Mrs. II. G, 1L Crosby, at the rectory, Ottterville, Mrs. M. Ross end Mrs, H.Cobb re- turned to Toronto on Friday after closing their cottage for the winter. No better protection against worms can be got than Miller's ,Worm Powd- ers, They consume worms and ren- der the stomach and intestines un - sur- faces them. They heal the t faces that have become inflamed by the attacks of the parasites and serve to restore the strength of the child that has been undermined by the draughts that the worms have made upon it, and that their operation is altogether health -giving, FARM WANTED TO RENT Tuekersmith township, Must have good buildings and well fenced. Five year lease, A. 'D, SUTHERLAND, 'General Insurance, Real Estate, Etc., ,Seaforth, AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock at Lot 18, Con, 6, Hullett, 3 miles west of Kinburn on Friday, Oct, 26, at 1 p.m.: Horses'--il Clyde colt, 1 yr. old; work team; aged driving snare; 1 Clyde mare 5 yrs. old, Cattle -1 Durham cow sup- posed to freshen in October; I2 Dur- ham cows just freshened, ca side; black cow supposed to freshen in Dec.; black heifer just freshened; Holstein heifer supposed to freshen in April; Durham cow supposed to freshen Jan.: Durham cow supposed to 'freshen Mar„ 2 Durham heifers supposed to freshen Dec.; 6 yearling heifers; 2 roan steers, 2 yrs, old. Hogs -2 brood sows with litter, 3 wks old; 2 brood sows carrying second litter. Hens 25 choice Rock pullets. Terms -Everything will be sold with- out reserve. Credit will be given to March 1st, 1929, an approved Joint notes, Any further particulars will be made known on day of sale, Thos. J. Walter, Prop.; G H. Elliott, Auc- tioneer PEe ALS Friday and Saturday Only s Hod Path Sugar $$5,99 Manitoba Flour $3.09; 3 Pkgs, Kellogg's ()tarn Flake; 29c Large Pkge Soninle Soup Flakes 190, 3 lbs Seodlesti Raisins . ' 29e Good Brooms 49e We Want Live Poultry We'ars Paying in 53c forNew' Laid ras tad ��t it Will Pay you to Buy your Boots, Shoos and Rubbers' from e FINNIGAN AUCTION SALE OF STANDING BUSH. There will sold by p'ilblie auction at Lot 16, Con, 6, McK'illop, on Monday, Nov. 5th, at 2 o'clock; .Standing Bush, its acre lots, 'Bush can 'be in- spected at any time. Also a been 38 x 27. Terms, -Six months' credit tei approved joint notes. Three per cent. straight off for cash. T. Brown, acct.; John L. Malone, Proprietor, AUCTION SALE, Thomas Brown .has 'been instructed to sell by public auction at the Anent saw mills, Seaforth, on Friday, Nov. 2nd, at L30 p.m., the following: 3 wa- gons, 2 sleighs, harness, wood racks, 2 skidding tongs, chains, swamp hooks, cant hooks, 7 wheelbarrows, shovels, 2 post hole scoops, 4 grind- stones, saws, crow 'bars, scythe, log boats, oil tanks, belting and other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. 'Terns -'All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount, six months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Discount of '3 per cent allowed for cash on credit amounts, \oral. Ab9ENT, Proprietor; Thomas Brdwn, A•untioneer; D. F. McGregor, Clerk. rel, set of sling ropes and lock; hay fork rape, grain bags, 1 'Ppinerose cream separator, set of double harn- ess; 2 sets of single harness, 1 set 'being nearly new; a quantity of hay, 25 'hags of sound potatoes, a quantity of dry circular 'wood, 10 rows of good turnips 40 rods long; logging chains, shovels, crowbar, forks, doubletree, whifftetree; 'cross -•cut saw' 'Furniture CLEARING AUCTION SALE 0f Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments at Lot 19, con. 3, Tucker - smith township, 4 miles south east of Brucefield, on Tuesd y, O of the t Molt 1 o'clock sharp, lowing: Horses -2 heavy draft mares in foal to British Hero, gelding 2 yrs. old, filly '1 yr, old, driving mare 8 yrs. old, •good and reliable. Cattle -Durham grade tow 6 yrs. old, due to freshen April 9; Durham grade cow 7 yrs. old, due to freshen April 19; Durham grade cow, 6 yrs. old, due April 9; 'Durham grade cow 7 yrs. -old, clue May 12; black cow freshened 2 months, good milker; .5 spring calves. Hogs -2 brood sows due the 10th and 14th of November, 2 choice young sows 4 months old, 9 store hogs about 100 lbs. each, '12 store hogs, about 75, lb. each, Yorkshire hog18 months old. Poultry -''About 75 beste, .choice young gobbler. Implements- Massey.iHarris bind- er 7 ft. cut, in good condition; Mc- Cormick mower, a ft. cut, McCor- mick steel horse rake, 10 ft.; Frost & Wood cultivator, 9 ft. steel roller, set of 4 -section harrows, Harris steel drill, 12 -hoe; Cookshutt riding plough, •single furrow; walking plough, Chatham fanning mill with bagger, truck . wagon, good gravel box, hay rack, steel tire open buggy, set of bob sleighs, 1Portland critter, set of double breeching harness, set of plough harness, set of single 'har- ness, several horse collars, DeLaval cream separator, No. 12, almost as good as new;. wheel barrow, about 12 ton of good mixed hay, bag truck, about 20 grain 'bags, hay 'fork, car, 150 feet of good rope, set df slings, trip lock, chain and •pulleys, whipple- trees, neckyokes, forks, chains, sho- vels and numerous other articles. Daisy churn, Pandora range. Terms -All sums of $110 and under, cash; over that amount, 8 •months' credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes, or a discount of 4 per cent. straight allowed for cash ott credit amounts. At the same (bus and place the farm, which .consists of 110 acres of good farm land, with good buildings, will be offered for sale. 'This is a •most desirable property, well adapted for grain raising, every . acre tillable, well watered, close to market, school ad- joining faren,'10' acres of 'fall wheat in and 'fall ploughing done. Terms on farm made known day of sale. 'RIOiB- ERT J. DAY'MAN, Prop.; Geo. B. Elliott, Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements at Lot 19, Concession 3, McKillop, on Tuesday, October 23rd, at 1 o'clock, consisting of the following: Horses - 1 heavy draft mare 12lyrs„ old, draft to Percheron horse. , mare 10 yrs, old; 1 general purpose. filly, 3 yrs. old broken &'Ingle and double; 1 driving mare, quiet and re- liable. Cattle -1 registered Durham heifer with 'heifer calf 3 wks, oid; 1 -Here'ford cow 7 yrs. due to calve Feb. 25Th; 1 Holstein cow, 6 yrs. due to calve May 3rd; 1 Durham, cow, 7 yrs. due to calve Jen.10th; 5 steers weigh- ing a'bou't 760 Re 4 yearling heifers; 2 spring calves; '1 calf one week old. Pigs -2 sows bred 04 last; 21 chuone-year-old -old _.. e ear Poultry 30y nks; P Y . hens; some pullets. Implements - Massey -(Harris 'binder 6 ft, cut; Mas- sey -Harris mower, 5 It cut; 1 Deer- ing mower, 5 ft. cut; 'l -Deering hay rake; '1 M. H. Cultivator; 1 M. H• disc drill, nearly new; 1-1924 Ford touring ear with balloon tires, in per- fect running order; 1 four section her row; 1 Fleury 'walking plow; 1 single furrow "Farmer's Friend" plow; 2 waggons, 1 gravel box; 1 new flat hay rack 16 ft long; 1 black •hea r new; rtland cut - skin robe nearly 1 ter near new: 1 root ;wiper; 1 scuf• fler, '1 scale 2,500 lb. capacity; set of bobsleighs and flat -rack; 1 Clinton fanning mill, whcelberraw; oakbar•• • RAYFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. H. McLaren and fam- ily of Port Elgin were week end guests with Mrs. McLaren's mother, Mrs. W. Sterling, Miss Irene Ross of Buffalospent the week end at her home. Miss M. H. Gerrie spent the week end at her home near Ingersoll. Mrs, C. Brandon returned home on Sunday thaving spent two weeks with her sister at Belgrave. Miss Nina Heard of Clinton, Misses Izetta. Merner, Ethel Jowebt, of New Dundee and Jean M. Woods of Galt, spent the week end at their homes. ,Rev, R. M. Gale and Mr, S. Cleave attended the Presbytery at Blyth last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clarkson and 'fe- mily, who spent the 'summer in the village, returned to Stratford on Mon- day, ens the w - ho o s ods w P W. Woods, Mrs. N, past two weeks visiting in Toronto, returned home on 1vManday, Friday for Wingham on account of the'ill- ness of her sister. Mr. and Mrs, Scrimgeottr of Strat- ford..and Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Will of Loader ,were weekend visitors in the village. Mrs, T, King of London is the guest of Mrs, J. Davison for a week, e ar t Gordon n o �. i Stw Mr. and Mrs e Midland, Mich., were it viiiag on t the Saturday., Mrs, H. R. McKay spent The week end in Toronto, Miss M. H. Gerrie and Miss A. 'Wroods attended the West Utmost ituiler rising 2; y,rs,; 8 spring calves, . choice;' 2 yptuag calves,; ••1'igsr;Brood sow, due la ,Jan., 7 store hogs, about 80 hent one Year olcl, 25 pullets. Implements•-.tMassey Harris bind er 6 ft. cut, 'Massey ,Harris •13 -hoe drib, Massey Harris mower, 6 ft, cut, nearly new, Massey Harris cultivator, Deering rake, Noxon disc, '14 plate; set 4 section harrows, walking plow, riding plow, !Bain wagon;, stock rack, hay rack gravel box, wagon box, Clinton fanning mill with bagger, set scales '1200, lbs. capacity, steel tire top buggy, extension ladder 28 ft., mail box, large; Portland cutter, set bob sleighs, set .don'ble 'harness nearly new, set single harness, 'set plow harness, sap kettle, wheel barrow, oak barrel, set sling ropes, 3 dozen grain "bags, DsiLaval cream. separator, Daisy ctrhurin, abottt 4,00 let:s'leets oats suitable for seed, about 200 bushels barley, about 75 bushels barley and fall wheat xed, Household Effects -'Bed room suite, velvet tug 9'x12', linoleum 12'x18', Quebec heater, nearly new 'Happy "Thought range, congolet}m tug 9'elee leather rocking chairs, parlor table, settee, buffet, 6 leitdhen chairs, ' zinc, rocking chairs, 2 feather ticks; 3 bur- lier coal -oil stove,. 10 yds, linoleum 1 yd, wide, single iron bed springs and mattress, sofa, pictures. Forks, chains, whiffletrees, neck yokes, and numerous other articles, Everything to be sold as proprietor has .disposed of his 'feign. Teems of Sale -.Grain, poultry attd ail sums of $10,90 and. under, cash; -11 Moffat steel range, -1 oak exten over that amount, 6 months' credit sion table, 5 'kitchen chairs,• 1 cup- will be given oe furnishing joint, bank- board, 1 stand Churn -washing anach- able paper with a discount of 3 per me, 1 baby buggy, 11 3 -(burner Perfec- tion coal• oil 'stove, 'an'd articles. Roo numerous to mention. Terms-+Furn iture and poultry, and all •sums oe $10 and under; •cash; over •that amount 42 months' credit •will be given on furn- ishing approved joint notes, or a die - cent, straight allowed for cash on credit amounts. G. H. Elliott, Auc- tioneer; 'WM. E. FOSTER, Prop.; Johnston, Clerk, LA'MRS FOR SALE, Oxford lambs, both sexes, Registra- tion if required. FRANK WI'12KE'S, Varna. Phone'. Cliutot•,31 oil 62, AUClTION SALE " There will be sold by public auc- count of 6 per cent, 'allowed for easli house of Mrs, Isaac •Modeland,don. on 'Saturday, 'October 27th, at the on ,credit amounts. No reserve as Mar - john - the 'proprietor 'has' rented 'hisfarm.tet 'street,.Seafortih, the homea d .Klein, Proprietor; John 'Mc- cements. Nay, 'clerk; T. ,Brown, auct, AUCTION SALE. Of Farm Stack, Implements and, Household Effects. -Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on dot 32, concession 2, Rox- boro,, on. Tuesday, October 30th, at 1 o'clock •sh'arp, ;fhe following: Horses-, One team heavy draft mares wli foals at foot' and .supposed to be in foal; 11' team of fillies rising 4, one,. heavy gelding rising 4, one heavy gelding rising two, 1 'driving horse, good third horse, Cattle -One, cow due to freshen in November, 1 cow due February 15th,1 . ISth,v1d cow Feb.e 176, tAug.c111th,due 1 cow bred Sept, '51th, two cows bred .Sept. 25th, 2 cows bred Sept. 30th, 5 steers rising 3 yrs. old, 4 steers rising 2 yrs., thoroughbred Dunham bull 3 yrs old, 5 two-year=old heifers, 7 calves. 'Pigs -.One brood sow bred :Sept. 30th, 47 pigs about 100 pounds each. Poultry -US hens and pullets, 50 white Pekin ducks, Implements -1 'Massey -Herds bin- der 7 -ft. cut, 1 mower 5 ft, cut, 1 Massey -Harris horse rake, 1 Inter- national horse rake, 1 stiff tooth cul- tivator, 1 spring tooth'eu ti doubler, farm 'wagons, sliding flay box, pig rack, gravel (box, Ohio Mon- arch ensilage cutter, 4,5=lath knives with 40 feet of pipes, also inside dis- tr'ibuting pipe, Masseyelearris corn cultivator, rubber tired buggy, steel tired buggy, Keystone hay loader, 1'IasscyaHarnis side rake, 'Clinton fan- ning trill, Maple Leaf grlinder '10 -inch plates, 1 cutter, roller, 4 -section har- rows, 2 -section harrows, •scuffler, , set of sleighs, manure boat, 2=furrow Farmer's Friend riding plow, Fleury walking plow, 1 seed drill, double disc, .root cutter, set double harness, set single hotness,, plow harness, ex- tension ladder 28 feet, hay fork, rope, pulleys and' slings, wheelbarrow, a quantity of dry hardwood, 14 inch; 800 bushels mixedgrain,• chains, forks, shovel, etc. '1 Primrose cream, separator. Household Effects -One bath tub, one ':Buckeye incubator, household furniture including Happy Thought range, beds 'and bedding, chains, tables, dishes, pictures,' 'books, etc. Terms -Grain, poultry, wood and all suits of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' cerdit will be given on furnishing approved bank- able paper, Four per cent. straight • off for cash on credit amounts. JOHN SCOTT, Prop.; Thos, Brown, Auct. APARTMENT TO RENT, 7 rooms, hard and soft water, lights, etc. ';inst decorated. Over T. Diets- son's seed and feed store, E. L. BOX, HOUSE TO RENT, Apply to A, D,' S'UTI-IERLAND, General Insurance - & Real Estate, Seaforth; LOST DOG. Collie dog, stnall bob tail, white breast, tan head, in 'godd shape, and a great pet. 'Followed team to Hensall. 'Suitable reward. LEONARD EO SHIOfL1DIOE, phone 21 on 136. Tuack- crsmith. . • 42 NOTICE.' tWe are running our chopping mill every day now.' KIRUSE BROS. 44. SHEEP FOR SALE 9 ewes, 117 ewe lambs, 1 lamb ram. .ROIBEIRT M Al1bIfiE, r.r. 2, Seaforth. Phone 245 r 6. 42. COAL STOVE FOR SALE A large coal heater in goad condi- tion. Price $8. Apply to The .we O flfice. BLANKETS, YARN AND RUGS. Titre 'Wool Homespun Blankets; Yarn and Rugs. Local businass..s'o- 1lclted, Orders and inquiries by snail receive careful attention. BAINTON BROS. WOOLEN MILLS, BLYTH, ONT. 48 HOW ORIGINAL ARE YOU? The Canadian Jewellers' Associa- tion offers $1;800.00 in prizes for a slogan. No obligations or restric- tions. Secure entry card here. J. A. W]BSPOOT'T, Jew'e'ller, Seaforth. ROY WANTED. A good strong boy to 'learn cabinet making. Apply at the Furniture Fac- tory, Seaforth. - PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Medical. ,fix,. HUGH 13.043, 'Phyaleita and Sutgeott; Late of London Hos pital, London, England. Speole. attention to diseases of the eye, ear,: nose .• and throat, Office and read. erne behind Dominion Bank, Office Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 404 DIR. F. J. 'BURROWS, Seaforth, Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the Methodist Church, Cot, oner for the County of Huron, Tele- phone No. 40. FOR SALE. ,House and two lots in Egmondille, House, stable and sten house; house with electric tights; good location, corner lot, near church, stores and good school, Nice home for a retired farmer'. or for chicken raising. For particulars apply at The News Offif e. t ROOMS TO LET. Newly decorated 'and remodelled. B E'ATTIE 'BROS. 41 FOR SALE: Nlason and Risch cabinet phono- graph and fifty records. Price $'50. Also upright Mason & Risch piano. Apply to The News Office, 42 FOR SALE OR RENT. House and three lots, on Railway Street, Seaforth. - Apply to MRS. J. HUGHES, -Seaforth. 42. PIANO FOR SALE. Square piano in good condition. Cheap. MRS. A. DONY, Egmont': ville. Pltone'131 r 25. 4. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements at lot 7, con. 6, Parr line, Stanley Tp., 3 mites south of Varna, on Thursday, October 25th, at 1 o'clock sharp, con- sisting of Horses -Heavy draft horse 8 yrs. old, about 1,600 lbs.; heavy draft colt 2 yrs. old; good farm horse 14 yrs. old. Cattle -+Roan cow due to freshen Nov, 21st, red cow due ,Dec. 14, roan cow 'due Jan. 28, roan cow, due Apr. 24; red cow due May 2; grey cow due June 5; red cow freshened i6 May, bred 3 weeks; 2 -yr. -old heifer due Jan.20aged ca with calfif at s ide, 2 choice steers rising 2 yrs; one choice FARM FOR SALE. • Choice 50 -acre farm, in good Condi-' tion. N% lot 16, con. 5, McKillop, all cleared and all seeded do'ivn. Two storey cement house, frame kitchen, all in good repair. Barn 50'x46' on a cement wall, cement stabling and water in the barn. 'Cement driving house 24'x36'. France hog pen 16'x24'. Never failing well of choice water. Web fenced and underdrained with tile drain, Will be sold on easy terms to suit purchaser, with or without crop. Failure of health, is reason for selling: For Further particulars apply on the premises or write toSeafo��7 R.R. 5, ROBERT GIBS0r SALE BY TENDER In the Estate of Joseph Watters, deceased. Sealed tenders will. be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, October 20th, 1928, for the purchase of Ten Shares of stock of the Mc- Killop, Logan and Hibbert 'Telephone Co„ Ltd, Tenders marked "Tender for Tele- phone Stock" may be mailed or de- livered to the undersigned at the Standard Bank, Dublin, Ontario. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ;Dated Oct. 9th, 1928. P. F. BEN'N, Administrator. 42 •Dcblin, Ont. TAR, C, MACK•AY,-C. . Mackey, honor graduate of Trinity Univers-' ity and gold medallist of Trinity-. Medical College; member of the 'Qa4- lege of Physicians and Surgeons et• Ontario, DR.' F. J. R. FORSTER-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Afedit• cine, University of Toronto 1897, Late .1 Assistant New York Ophthalmic and:.. Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and. Golden Square throat hospitals, Lon- don, England. At Commercial ehotel,. Seaforth, 3rd Monday in ewh month, 'from 11 a,m. to 3 p.m, • DR C. SPROAT. Graduate at. W Faculty of 'Medicine, University of ' Western- Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians ands Suv geons of Ontario. Office in Alberhatrt'•s Drug Store, Main St., Seaforth. Phone 90. FOR SALE. 'Cream separator. Been used four months, Also a churn, almost new and a set of 240 1b. platform scales, as good as new. Apply to JOHN McMIILAN, Roxboro, Seaforth r.r.1 Phone 236 r4: • 370 PROPERTY FOR SALE. - Oa West William Street, one block' from Public School, churches and Main Street, of Seaforth; nine -room- ed house, electric light, hard and soft water inside; furnace in good condi- tion. There is on this property a' gar- den, arden, garage, and stable and a good hen house. This property is in first class condition. Apply to MRS.' ROZELtLA MARTPN.' 46 HOUSE FOR SALE. Corner James' and Ann Streets, Sea - forth, seven roomed house, electric light, hard and soft water • inside. Garden and stable on property. Apply MRS. -WM. McM'DOiii'ArEL, John st., or Phone 197. 1Stf FOR RENT OR SALE. Frame house on East William Street for rent or sale. 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and parlor. Cel- lar under house. Hard and soft water inside. Electric lights. Garage or hen house. One block from Colleg- iate Institute. Apply AID'AM HAYS. CARD OF THANKS. Words fail to express how grateful we are for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown us during 'the illness and death of our dear father; also for the numerous Mat the helptheseoro dsWiland Vedeed �ehave given us. -The Rowland Family: (ARNING We have the goods that make your land produce, Everlasting Clay Drain Tile, Niagara Agricultural Lime, Empire, Smith's or US you Call t ,ret. wet,drain 3 field s . r If our Armour's Fertilizers. yclover, lime it; Niagara want a machine to dig. If you cannot grow, a Lime does the trick. If you grow wheat, fertilize it. But to get best results from your Fertilizer lime it first, less fertilizer �and you then grow clover. When you cat grow clover, you crugrow almost anything. Call us or any of our ,Agents. Information cheer- fully given. Goods always on hand. 1)o not be called from your work when the car arrives, We deliver at small cost. Quality goods and service, T S OA WILLIAM SPROAT R DR. WM. ABERHART, Graduate a1' Faculty of. Medicine, University of Toronto. Member of College of ' Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.. Licentiate of . Medical Council of Canada. Late interne Toronto Wes- tern Hospital, Office -Queen's ,%tea Building, North Main Street. Phone 89. Night calls, phone 1'11, • Dental, FARM FOR SALE., iLot 32, con. 12, and W % lot 31, on the same concession, containing 150 acres. There are on the premises a rick good 7 -roomed b house with frame kitchen, good cellae'' under the whole house;•'bank barn 70x50, horse stable 34x4€ raised, and on the 50 acres a4 barn 54x36. The farm is all tile drained and well fenced, all under cultivation but 15 acres„ 1115 acres good hardwood bush, maple, 'beech and elm, plenty of water, drilled well between house and barn with wind- mill and water in barn. Three and three-quarter miles from Walton, 9 miles from Seaforth, 1r/z miles from school, Rural nail and phone. For further particulars apply on the pre- mises or address RR. No. 4, Walton. J. 0. BARR'O'N. DR. 3. A. iMUN24 Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, grades - ate of Northwestern University, Chi- cago, Ill, Licentiate Royal College el' Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Office Iver` Silts' hardware, Main street. Seaforth. Phone 1'5'1. DR, F. J. " BEOH'ELY, gnaduatd Royal 'College of Dental Surgeons Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Main street, Seaforth Phones,'' office 1851W, residence 1853 Auctioneer. SEAFORTH• MARKETS. Wednesday, October 17th. Potatoes, per bag • 90c Butter, per Ib. 35c Eggs, per doz. • 32e, 35c, 40c Young chickens, 4% lb. and oyer 5 lb_, Hens, 4 to 5 lbs. and oyer 5 lbs. per --lb 18c and 20c Roosters, 4 to 5 l'bs..per 1b. 13 to 14c Young ducks, white per lb. 16c t $1025 to $10.75 GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed WATSON AND REID'S REAL. ESTATE AND :INSURANCE AGENCY QSuccessors to. James Watson) M'A'IN ST., SEAFORITiH, ONT. All kinds of In'suran'ce risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutualp Fire Insurance Ccs FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY O N'L Y,' INSURED Officers -James Connolly, Goder•- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. (McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2 'Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhage'n1 James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James 'Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock;. George Mc- Cartney, No: 3, Seaforth; - Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, r.r.,No. 3, Seaforth; 5. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. Clay Dram Tile Manufacturer, Seaforth, Ont. General Agent for Niagara Lime and Empire, Smith's or Armour's Fertilizers for Perth and limon reenevremeeespeeememeemieenerierizeleneremer THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY YIN6 NOW hL�t X �R . X 'i�ie�i As you like him, in • O SportingCods Froin Fliver to Rolls Royce -with a thousand laughs be- tween. Even the sleek haired villain can't interrupt the fun. You can't escape the laughs. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY h L RI n • THE WOMAN ON TRIAL Oit of the same high level as "Barbed Wire" ALSO SHOWING THE COLLEGIANS PRINCESS