The Seaforth News, 1928-07-05, Page 8EICr1J7C TfUI SEAPORTI-I NEW
The thirty-first auroral convention
of trete Heron county 1A'omeres Closes
Oars ettt tcuUnion t wil
l be
old n
Ottaris Street tIn,ted Chiset, Clin-
ton, on Tuesday, ,fuly I10, sessions
,, 8
9.30 a.m., 2 p.mpang Mrs; A A.
George of London will addrese after-
noon and evening sessions,'
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne. Scott, of To -
=to and Dr.' and Mrs. Smith and
babe, of S. Marys, were week -end'
visitors at he home or;Mr, and Mrs,
C./surge C. Petty.
Mr, Alex. 'Meefurtrie, of 'Toronto,
v;sited over the holiday with his rata-
tl,er here.
Mr, and Airs, P. Btiehanan of To-
ronto, spent the holiday visiting rela-
tives here.
MissesHelen and jean Elder, ni
London, visited over the week -end
with their parents here.
'Mrs. Reid a and Miss'', Minnie Reid
visited for a few days with relatives to
'Mr, and, Mrs. John Buchanan, of
London, visited over the holiday with
their parents. Mr, and Mrs, Alex.
Miss Edith Mciwwhit, of Kitchener,
is :'spending the summer holidays
with her sister and brother here,_' .•
Mrs. Arthur Coxworth, who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. A,
$cruton here, has returned to her
home in Strathroy,
Miss Jean Campbell, of Toronto, is.
spending her holidays at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Murdoch.
Mrs. George Hed•den and family, of
St. Catherines, have proved back to
Hensel) and are taking up residence
on Brock Street in part of the Wilson
house. Mr, and Mrs, ,Lloyd Redden
have also returned.
Mr. Milton Orttvein and son Lloyd,
ot'London, visited over the week -end
with relatives in town.
Mr. W. E. ITotiston is here this
week making preparations to take his
family to Cornwall, w+here they will
At a joint aueeting of the school
trustees and the Village Council on
Friday evening Mr, ;William McKay,
who has resigned his position as prin-
cipal of the Hensall Public school, a
position that he has held for the last
thirty --three years, was invited to be
present and a presentation was
made by both the Trustees and the
Village Council. On behalf of the
Trustees, Mr, William McLaren read
the address and the presentation was
a 'beautiful gold headed cane and a
purse of geld, On behalf of the
Council the address was read by
Reeve Higgins and the presentation of
a club bre and a check for $100;00
was made by Councillor Petty.
The address was as follows: "Dear
Mr. MelKay,•--We, the undersigned
members of the Council of the Village
of Hensel!, desire at this time to
place on record our most sincere ap-
preciation of your excellencies of
character, and as to the very splendid
resident that you have always proved
during the very many years that you
resided here, and of the high and
noble ideals you have at all times set
forth and exemplified in your own
life and conduct, and the never fail-
ing interest you have always mani-
ted in our village, and all' that per-
tained to its best welfare and prog-
ress, and the many offices of trust
that you have filled, not only confined
to Village and Municipal affairs, .but
also to our different Lodges and kind-
red organizations, and in all of which
your advice and influence played such
an important, helpful and inspiring
part. and while you are now retiring
.from the activities of your profession
as a public school teacher, after giving
most splendid, faithful and able ser-
vice for so many years, and covered
with honor, respect and prestige, we
trust that you may be' blessed with all
that naturally follows such a well
spent life, and that, it may be your
pleasure to spend the remainder of
your life with ps where you are s
highly respected, 'yes reverenced, and
as you Twilt nodo b '
doubt m
your leisure
time, desireto visit i '
s relatives andfriends at some little distance, we ask
you to accept this club bag and check
as a tangible expression of our esteem,
good will and very best wishes for a
happy life, in what may be termed its
sunset, but which we hope may be
prolonged for many long years. (sign-
ed) Robert Higgins, Reeve; George C.
• Petty, James Priest, James Sangster,
Robert Cameron, Councillors,"
"Mr. McKay: You have been inti- I
mately associated with the various
School Boards of the Village of Hen -
sell for a period of many years. As
members of the existing board, we
deeply regret the receipt of your re-
signation. For forty-six years you
have creditably performed the duties
of your chosen profession. Thirty-
three of these years have been dedi-
cated to the service of the children
and the citizens of this community.
The standard of citizenship attained
by any municipality is developed
mainly upon the basis of a' three fold
influence. The influence of the Home,
the influence of the Church, and the
influence of the School. Conversely
the value of any individual ual
Y to his
munity mayDesummarized: narize
d ef-
fect of your influence in your own
home is apparent to all. Those mem-
bers of
Your own
family who
graduated into the world, have not
only acquitted themselves in a man-
ner 'creditable to their parents, but
the record of their accomplishments
reflects honor and renown to our
town and even to our dominion. Your
attitude towards the church has been
that of a faithful, conscientious and
practical worker of untiring zeal and
energy, of reliable judgment and of
rare modesty, and the evidence of
your sincerity. is reflected in the re-
spect and Veneration accorded you by
the people with whom you have lived
and worked, for nearly half a life time.
As a teacher, by precept and more
particularly by example, yon have
played a, great and vital part in the
monlding of many lives, In your aca-
demie work, you have invariably
maintained a high standard, and have
insisted upon the achievement of a
similar standard by those under your
guiddnee. But far more reaching stilt
has been your influence through . the
ineulittstion hi the minds and charac-
tors of your pupils of the fundamental
virtues of honesty, industry and cour-
age, such principles, ingrained within'
the character of a child, constitute a
t;rcat reserve of moral strength which
endures through the life of the iii-;
diyidual and necessarily foransothe
fcauu ationof our civilization. 1h
of us who have beenits
our points its earl
testify to the benign infuenee of vttr
past associations, to your tact, skill
and untiring energy as a teacher, and
to xour sterling ebareater. As a roan
you have• 'built' throttgle the years
many friendships auloaget us, You
have carried most effaeiently and
without complaint the respanisibilities
of your p41ition, often in the face of
great difficulties and under the added
strain of physical disability, You
have labored' long and diligently, hitt
not, we trust, without the app •ecia-
tion.of those whom you have so well
served. Your. name in .this commun-
ity is syinbalic of all that is sincere,
'honest and courageous, and we apply
to you the words of that great poet,
whotn you so much admire: ''And thus
he bore, without abuse, the grand old
name of Gentleman.' We regret that
you have concluded your professional
duties, but trust aur associations in
the future may not suffer on that ac-
count. L1re wish you many years of
well earpetl .relaxation from your voc-
ation, and ;hope your health will be
such as to render this period thor-
oughly enjoyable, May you live long,
to see the children, with whom you
have worked, and to whom you have
given of your best, develop into Can-
adian citizens who will be a credit 'to
their teacher, and to their country. In
Tier sense as a reward, but simply as a
tangible token of our deep esteem and
appreciation, we, the School Board
present you with. this cane and purse
of gold, along with oar desire that you
may enjoy, to the frill, the less active
years iet the future, (signed) 4V. A
McLaren, A, L, Case, F. Mamie,' Ed.
Lindenfieid, Thos, Welsh, H. G,
Solders," -
Mi'. McKay made a very feeling
reply, touching onhis yearsthat he
has spent in Hensall as Principal of
the school, and his endeavor to make
those under his care guod Canadian
Short addresses were made by
Reeve -Higgins, Councillors Petty,
Priest and .Sangster, Mr, McKay has
been a splendid stype of citizen, taking
an active interest in anything pertain-
ing to the welfare of the village, was
prominent in the different societies
and secretary of the Public Library
Board. Mr. McKay has a notion of
leaving the village for a 'time and if.
he does he will be sadly missed.
Annual Meeting of South Huron
Conservatives -The annual' meeting of
the South Huron Conservatives . •was
hold in Hensel] on Friday afternoon
last. Despite the heavy rain a good
crowd was present and a big interest
shown, Mr. William Consitt, who
has been president for the last three
years, asked to be relieved of his
duties, and Col. Combe, of Clineen,
was selected as President; 1st Vice
Pres„ Mrs. Wm. Consitt, Heneall; 2nd
Vice Pres„ John Hanna, of Usborne;
3rd Vice Pres„ Mrs. N, W. Tre-
wartha, Clinton; Secretary, Robert
Higgins, Hensall; Treasurer, George
C. Petty. Following members were
elected froin municipalities: Stephen
-Henry Either; Alex. Neeb, Stephen
Webb; Hay William Snell, Henry*
Neeb, James Petty; ;Stanley, -. David
3IcrNaugh'ton, Mervin Talbot, William
Falconer; Goderich tap, -=Fred Middle-
ton, Harry Salkeld, Will'iamChurc-
hill; Hullett-Thos: Mason, Wesley
Beacon, John N'o'ble; McKillop -
George _McKee, James Carlin, James
Smith; Tunkersmith-T, M. Johnson,
Janes Mayes, Lewis Clark; Usborne
-William Coates, Reuben .Shire, Wil-
liam Frayne; ,Exeter -C. H. Sanders,
William Carling, Paul Coates; 'Hen-
sall-,George C. Petty, John Skinner,
Robert Higgins; Bayfield -Alfred Ir-
win, W. H. Stinson, Robert McMur-
ray: Clinton -David 'Cantelon, W. S.
R. ,Holmes, Dr. Thompson; Seaforth
-Dr. Harburn, J., Dennison, C. Snow-
don Mr: Henry Huston and Mr.
William Consitt are Honorary Presi-
dents of the Association.
Th principal speakers of the after-
noon were Mrs. Howard Fallis,
Peterboro, and Dr. ,Monteith,, Provin-
cial Treasurer. Col. Combe and Mrs,
N, W. Tretvartha,who were delegates
to the Winnipeg convention last 'fall
gave short addresses, after which Mr.
Alex. Neeb, of Dashwood, introduced
Mrs. Fallis to the audience. Mrs.
Fallis was given a great reception
and gave a splendid and humorous
addrese, .. M. Fallis touched on the
work being done by the Government
in the fields of health and social
service legislation, and the improve-
ment in conditions for underprivileged
children of the Province. Being a far-
mer's wife she touched on the tariff.
as its affects the farmers and the
farm home. Mrs. Fallis, who has
been campaigning in South Bruce for
the last few 'weeks for Foster Moffatt
spoke of Mr. Moffatt's victory there
as a great tribute to the Ferguson
government. She closed a splendid
address by urging the women of the
riding to organize and get ready for
the next provincial contest.
Mr. Andrew Hicks, of Centralia,
then introduced Dr. Monteith in a
shorte gave a
Monteith 1
address. Dr. Mon
splendid address principally on the
provincial financethe good
and hydra departments. Dr. Mon-
teith is a splendid s
eater and hos ad-
dress was listened to with a great deal
of attention by his audience. At the
close of Dr. •Monteith's address the
following resolution was read by the
Secty. and was unanimously endors-
ed: Moved
ndo•s-ed:.Moved by H. 'Horton, seconded by
Wnt. Consitt: That we, the Conservat-
ive Association of South Huron, here
assembled, ,heartily endorse the policy
enunciated and so ably defended' by
our distinguished leader, Hon. R. 13.
Bennett, a policy which is bound to
prevail, if Canada is to attain her 'na-
tional status as a tfnit in the British
Contm'onvealth of Nations, a policy
that' would give moderate protection
to our Industries against the strangl•-
ing tactics of the' large capitalistic
concerns of the neigh'b'oring Republic.
We also endorse the incomparable re-
Surds of the administration of Hon.
Hbward 'Ferguson, the success• of
which has just been amply vindicated
by the sweeping victories in the by-
elections in South Bruce,' East Hared -
ton and North Renfrew," A vote of
thanks was tendered the speakers on
motion of W.M. Consitt, of Hensalf;
seconded by James, Ford, of 'Clinton.
The nieeeting then adjourned by sing -
ash Sale
"firs Sale evils July the tOth
edge Twine, 650 ft 1 3',Ac
Kellogg's Omni Flakes, per k 9c
Shredded Whole WI eat, at ..,ill,.
Regular 85tEaucy
, ... 30e
Christie's Soda Biscuits , •, .
,1fie ,
Bring Your Eggs To 1]gmondville
25-45 Sawyer -Massey gas 'tlnreehing
o to'twith 6oPd aotte-C
heaF Owner
neYarim . Also i 2G Titan in
shape. LOUIS1'B17JI•I•ART, Se1
forth 29
ing God Save the King.
School Promotion Results. -(Hon-
ors 75 p.c.;' -lr, U'T(H
F pass s 6 01 i .c.) S, 1 to Jr.
IV, -Mary Hemphill 80, Mabel ;Fee
80, Harvey Hudson 78, Rob'ert Pass-
more 72, Lloyd Linden -field 70, Edith
Wolff 70, John Farquhar 69, ,Stewart
Bell 64. •
Jr. III, to Sr. Def. -Norman Sin-
clair 92, Mildred Pothole 89, Dorothy
Drummond id 8 , Minnie Sangster 82,
Irene Smale 81, Harold Higgins 68,
Lillian Beeswax 08, Olive Brock 67,
Ross Mellroy 67, Margaret Kennings
67, Annie Hniser 64, Ruth Coles 61,
Kathryn Drysdale 59, Gladys Saund-
ercock 57. Sr, IS. jr. I'II. Dorothy
McQueen 77, Mary Little 76, Merna
Hudson .73, 'Billy Glenn 72, Kenneth
Manns 71, Harold B'onthron 65, Edgar
\burr's 62, Nellie Fee 50, Nina Deters
Primary Room. -Jr. 11, to !Sr. II. -
Alvin Lindenfield 84, Jean Foster 84,
Grace Wurin 83, Ronald Peck 82,
Robert Drysdale 79, Mary Wolff 74,
Ivan Kipfer 71, Ruth Bell 67, Loretta
'Bell (absent) Jr. IL - Herbert Drum-
mond 91, Erma Kipfer 85, Margaret
Shepherd 84, David Sangster 84, Edna
Saundereock 82, Lloyd BSpck-,64.
Sr, I. Kenneth Passmore 90, K.
Buchanan 90, Edith Wurin-90, Max
Hudson 89, Iona Glenn 89, Jack Sim-
mons 80, Herman Wolff 73, Alvin
Beeswax 72, Jr. L-eDouglass Sang-
ster 90, Ray Foster 80, Jack Coles 74.
Primer -Eva, McQueen 89, Barbara
Shepherd 88, Alice Pfaff 86, Mary
Clark 86, Alma Green 85, Shirley
Twitchell 80, Laird • Hudson 78,
George Sangster 73, Grey Twitchell
Miss Margaret Oleveland of Toron-
to is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mrs. J. P. Campbell and little son
Neil of Windsor are visiting her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, James Ben.
Mrs. James McDonald of Detroit is
visiting for few days with Mr, Alexa
Mr, and Mrs, Fred ,Bowen and baby
were visited by a large number 'of
their friends from Blyth ;and. vicinity.
Misses Helen and Jean Elder and
girl friends of London visited on Sane
day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Elder.
Mr. Thomas Dickson, Miss Extensa
Dickson and Mr. and Mrs, ` George
Glenn visitedwith relatives at Wal-
ton during the past week,
Mrs. Hoggarth and son Leonard left
on Tuesday for the West where they
will visit for .a time.
Miss Greta McNaughton visited ov-
er the week end with friends in Ex-
Mr. Ross Dick of Toronto visited
over the week end with relatives in
and around Hensalf and was accom-
panied back with his wife,' who has
been visiting here for a few weeks,
Miss Mattie Ellis visited last week
with relatives in Guelph.
Mrs, McMurtrie is improvingthe
appearance of her home on South
Richmond Street hy putting up a new
veranda at the front of the house.
Mr. ,Lames' Bell, of Harrisburg, visit-
ed for a few days with relatives in
town. ' .
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Sproat, of To-
ronto, visited last week with Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. McDonald.
SLOAN.-In McKillop, on Monday,
July 2nd, Mary Anne Ryan beloved
wife of George Sloan, an tier • 54111
year. The funeral will take place from
her late residence(' lot 11, con 8, Mc-
Killop, on Thursday, July 4th, to St.
Colum'ban Church and thence to St.
Colum'ban cemetery for interment.
Mrs. Ed, Britton is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. McDougall, in St. Thomas.
Miss Blanche Wheatley is home for
tate holidays.
Miss Mildred Britton is spend'ing a
couple of weeks with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Britton,
Miss Annie Taylor is visiting her
ss s
sister, Mrs. W. McMillan of London:
While Wile returning home fr'otn Gode-
rich on Sunday Master, Howard Mar-
shall was struck by a car and receiv-
ed nasty cut n the side of his hued,
ed a as o
i in tone ad
Miss JosephineL v ga
Miss Wo'deii of Toronto were week
end guests with the former's father,
Mr. Thomas E. Livingstone.
Miss Mary Moore of Toronto is
visiting her parents here.
Miss Ida Medd, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Medd, has been ap-
pointed teacher in ILinburn school.
Miss Verne Adams has taken a po-
sition at Port Colborne for' the sum
he picnic held in the schoolyard of
S.S. 4. on Saturday ,afternoon proved
a success,
Miss Olive Jesting spent Sunday
at lier home.
Miss Irene Carter returned after
spending her holidays with her par.
Mr, and Mrs. R. G Woods and
Miss Phyllis spent the holiday with
James Cart,reright and family.
:Several attended the Orange picnic
at Auburn Monday.
Miss Florence Kilo's returned after
spending the holiday at her home,
'Mr. and Mrs. George Riley' and Mr,
and Mrs. 'Thomas Riley spent Sunday
with relatives in Brussels,
The Ladies' Aid regular . meeting
was held in the Church Thursday of
last week with _Mrs. Robt. Rogerson
in the chair. After the 'business'' of
the streeting was dlecussed, Mrs. Peter
Lindsay and Mrs, Roy Rawson giasye
appropriate readings -while Mrs, Will
Thompson gave an excellent lecture
on praise, her topic being the 1031-$
Psalm. ` A lovelysolo was rendered
by Miss Elva Wheatley. Lunch• was
served at the close of the meeting,
;Miss Wunnifre'd Riley, of Brussels
spent a week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Robt. Gritnoldby,
The football match between Brus-
sels and Kin'burn was put off because
of the lialit last Pride ynight. No date
has been set playing the game.
`Mas'ter Mac 'Stephenson, of Brus-
sels, is spending his holidays with his
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. George
Quite a numbet around here at-
tended the celebration at God'erich on
TANLEY,`Miss Thompson has resigned : as
teacher of S.S. 13 on the Babylon line,
Miss Eunice Reid has resigned her
school prior to her marriage which
takes place in the 'tear future,
Hydro was turned' on for the first
time in Varna Tuesday evening.
Choked for Air, Some little irritant
becomes lodged in the bronchial tubes
others and the awful choking
of asthma results. Nothing offers
quite such quick and positive relief as
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy.
The healing, soothing smoke or vapor
penetrates, clears the passages and
gives untold relief. It has, behind it
years of success. Pt is the sure reme-
dy for every sufferer.
Mr. William 'Nigh of Tuckersmuth
went to London on Thursday last to
visit his sisters, Mother M. Aloysia
and Sister. M. Marccella and nieces,
Sister Claudie and Sister' Fabronia of
St. Joseph's Community. He wai ac-
companied by his son, Rev. Father
Nigh, C.S.]B., of Toronto, his daugh-
ter, Mrs. John Walsh .of-M:ckillop;
his brother, Mr. Francis Nigh of Par-
ry Sound, his niece, Mrs. Ellen O.
Shell orf. Callander.
Mr. and Mrs. John Blake and fam-
ily of Hamilton spent the holiday at
else homes of their uncles and aunts,
Mr. and Mrs, William Nigh, Tucker-
smith, and Mr. and Mrs. ', McCann,
Mr. John Nigh, Tuckersixtith, mot-
ored to Winghaen on Sunday Last to
visit his aunt, Mrs. J. S. King and
cousins in that district, He was ac-
companied by his brother, Rev. Fa-
ther Nighh of Toronto; his uncle, Mr.
Frank Nigh,- ,. Parry Sound; his aunt,
Mrs.P. Metenn,'Hib'bert and his cou-
sin, Mrs, Ellen O. Shell of Callander.
Rev. Father Nigh, CB.:B. of Toron-
to and his uncle, Me. Dennie Barry of
Tuckersmith, 'spent' Tuesday .evening
at the home of their cousins, Mr, and
Mrs, William McIver., Hibbert.
Rebecca Taman, eldest daughter of
the late Mr, and Mrs. John Tainan,
was born in the Township of ,Goul
bourne,' County of Carleton, Ont„ on,
July 22nd, 1857, and from her late
home in Blyth on the 28th of June,
1928, she passed to her eternal reward',
On .Dec, 21st, 1881, site was' married
to her late. husband, 'Mr. S. H. 'Gidiley,
of the village of Blyth. 'Here she re-
sided almost continuously for the last
forty-seven years. Here her children
were barn and attained manhood and
womanhood, The child of a pious
home she was early in life converted
to Godand for a long lifetime was a
devoted and active, worker:;, in : the
• h
C arch
of her`' .
et choice, To
W. J+2..
S. of ,which far a number` of years
she was President, she devilled a large
Part of her time and talents, becoming
a life ,nem
ter a
er of
years •i
For some years she delighted to enter-
tain, on the beau'tifel lawn 'belonging'
to her home, the members of the So-
ciety at the September ,meeting, -and
the event was always 'looked :forward
to' with great pleasure by all con-
cerned, The 'Ladies' Aid also receiv-
ed and profited by her ministrations.
She was a beautiful Christian mother,
caring for her family and showing'
each the way of rife eternal. To her
Same an ample share of this world's
cares and trials but she was never
known to murmur and she met with a
smile and a patience rarely equalled
the darker experiences of life. The
interest& of the community called
forth, her best; efforts and she was
deeply interested in the erection and
paying' for Che; Community. Hall. 'The
w'is'h that she so often expressed that
she might live to see the Hall paid,
for was granted and this to her was a
great pleasure, The family consisted
of two sons and five daughters, all of
whom, with the exception of an in-
fant daughter, reached maturity. Jibe
sons are Harvey C. of !Blyth, and'Rua-
sel S. of London, the daughters, Mrs,
Teacher tor Seaforth :public ,Sclltool
to teaeh Primary .Room: Applications,
with Kindergarten. Primer certificates
preferred. Also teaeher,for, Room 4
(Second. Book). Duties lit both cases
to 'commence Sept. 4, 1928, Applica-
tions to be in hands of 'Secretary not
later than 6 P.m., July lath,
Ids I'1sNELIL'AJR, Secretary.
'The Ladies' of Duff's Church, Mc-
Kiliop, are holding a -stale of 'home
Made cooking' and Strawberry Tea on
Saturday, July 711i, at 22.430 man, in, the
vacant store north of A. R. Box's res-
For the 'haying. and harvest, Apply
to Henry Forsyth,•Kippen, le.'R. 2,
Phone 134r24, 27
An inspector -or Superin'testdent for
Huron County Children's Aid Society
in place of Mr. G. M. Eiliott, resigned,
pplicetionsin writin, stating quali-
ficd a i is a ss ary expected will be
received by the undersigned up to
July 19th, 1928, duties to begin as soon.
as ,possible. Full particulars as to
duties expected, etc., will be given bq
the Clerk on application,
Dated at'Goilerich, Clerk, Huron.
the 2'5th, day of June, 1928, 28
Corner James and Ann Streets, Sea -
forth, seven roomed: ' house, electric
light, hard and soft water inside.
Garden and stable on property. Apply,
TRS. WM. McM'1OHA'EL, John st.,
or Phone 197. 1Stf
Yellow Blossom Sweet' Clover seed
at $4.50 per bushel. Timothy and al-
sike mixture, 27 p.c. alsike at $5,00 per
bushel. Gov. tested and free from
primary noxious weeds. RUSSELL
DOUGHERTY, Walton, lot 15, con.
17, Grey. Phone 37 r 19, Brussels. 16tf
A. B \1cVittie of, Hespeler, Miss
Pearl E. of Blyth, add Miss Edythe of
Toronto. Mrs. David Sommers'<Ef-
fie), a devoted daughter, a little over,
three months ago passed to the ,great
beyond. The funeral services at her
late home on- Westmoreland Street,
Blyth, were conducted by her pastor,
Rev. Dr. 'Barnby, assisted by Rev.
George Weir, 'BdA., of St. Andrew's
Church, Blyth, The male- quartette
from Queen Street Churchrendered a
favorite selection of the departed,
"Going Down •The Valley." The ser-
vices were most largely attended show-
ing the deep respect and esteem held
by the community for 'this mother in
Israel• The pallbearers. fere George
A'1, 'Chambers, 'J. H, R. •Elliott, John
Petts, John Mills, John Heffron, and
James Tierney. Six nephews, Roy
and Jim Enrigii of Grand Valley, •lFlar-
old Burt, 'Cecil 'Hobbs and Osgoode
Eakins of Detroit, and Herbert Ta-
man, of Toronto, acted as Rowerbear
er Interment s. n erraent took place in' Union
cemetery, Blyth.'
Mr. Harold W'ightman, who has
iiiNorthern been teaching
N hern Ontario
Sa urda .
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Burling, Miss
Mary Brown and Mr. Tom' Barnes, of
Toronto, spent Sunday with the form-
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Burling. ,
Miss Ruth Yeo has returned: home
front London, where she spent, a few
weeks with relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. Carrier and daughter,
of Chatham, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs, Chas, Burling on Sunday.
Miss' A. Toll, of Guelph, spent the
holiday at her home here.
Dr, L Bararby and wife, of Rodney,
spent Sunday with the former's par-
ents at the Parsonage,
Mrs. Chas.' Burling and Mrs. J.
Crawford attended the funeral last
week of the former's niece, Mrs.
Henry Carey, of Toronto..
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Shoebottom of
Belgrave spent Sunday evening with
Clarence, and Mrs. ,Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Nicholson and.
family were guests of Mr, 5. Barwick
of Jamestown on Sunday afternoon.
-Mr. and Mrs. William McClure, of
McKillop, visited the latter's - sister,
Mrs. John McNichol,
on Sunday.
Mr, and
Mrs. *Alfred #r d .Nesbit of
burn spent Wednesday evening :with
Thomas and Mrs. Grasby,
Mr. and Mrs, :Chas, Nicholson and
Gordon visited Geor
a and Joseph
Nicholson On Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Nesbit of Au-
burn spent Sunday afternoon with
Mr. and 'Mrs...Clarence Johnston.
Rupture 'Expert. Here.
Do you suffet from rupture ? If so,
your big opportunity.has now arrived,
-Mr. Reavely, the noted rupture expert,
will be at the a
for one day only
aud'.wi11 be pleased to give free exam-
ination to any sufferer and to demon-
strate his. fatuous appliance. This ap-
pliance,will contract the opening- in. 10
to 16 days and has cured,, cases in from
three to six months, This appliance is
positively demonstrated toyou right
00 out own person without any
charge,. You donot spend a penny
unless you are fully satisfied that;it is
the right applianee for you, A con-
sultation with Mr. Reavely will cost
you nothing, Dna t let this opportun-
ity get away from you, •Remember.
the. date,
Choice 60 -acre farm, in good condi-
tion, Ned lot '16, eon, 5, McKillop, all
cleared te n Two
cleared midall e d d d4 w
a s e down,
storey cement house,.ff0e
an ingood repair, arn 5'x46' on a
cement wall, cementstabling and
water in the barn,_ 'Gement driving
house 24'x36', Frame hog pen 16'x24',
Never failing well of choice water.
Well fencer and ienderdrained with
tile drain, Will he sold on easy terms
to suit purehaser, with or without
crop, Failure of health is reason for
selling, For further particulars apply
on the premises or write to Seaforth,
RIR, 5, RO13ERT GIBSON, tf27
The 'psrebred Clydesdale Car -
brook Flashlight" No, 24641. Enrol-.
ment. No, 1958, Approved• Form 2.
wilt stand at his own stable, lot 3,
cots. 3, 'Julien, for, the season , of
1928, Terms. $15,00, T. J. Mc-
Michael, Prop.
The Blaele ,Stallion
has been purchased by Mr. William
I3, Keeler of Dublin from Mr. R. W.
Agar, and will travel in the Seaforth
district this season,
WWilliam, FI. Keeler, Mgr
j bus. $ Wednesday July 4, 1928140,
Barley,, per bus. 90e
Oats, per bus, 755
Buckwheat; per bus, 80c
Shorts, per cwt.,20
Bran, per cwt, $2.10
Butter, per lb 34c -35e
Potatoes, per bag.... ..... ,..$1.50
Eggs, Per doz. , 20c -26c -29c
Broilers; lie? Iles, .per lb, , .....:..18c
Broilers, under lilbs, per lb ,...15c
Old roosters, per lb... ...1.5c
Old hens, live, 6lb. per lb,_.,.....21e
Old 'heirs live, 6 lbs, per �Ib 20c
Hogs, select, per •ewit ..........$$11,75
Hogs, thick , smooth .. , , . ,.,$1125
Mutual Fire nsurance_.Co,
011ficers-James Connolly, Goder-
ich, Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F, McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
:Directors-JWm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea -
forth, john 'Bennewies, .Brodhagen;
James Evans, 'Beechwood; M, Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God -
aria; Alex. Broadfodt, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, 'Hariock; George' Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, ,Brucefield.
Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, 'Clin-
ton; E. Hinehley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holniesville;' R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Gotonlock,:.Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by applination to any of
the above named officers addressed
to -their respective postoffices.
and Surgeons Leto of London 'Bad
pital, Loddon, England. Sapecia)
attention to diseases' of the eye, ere,
nose and threat. r Office and rule
ence behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 'IN
F. J. BURROWS,' Seaforth,e
Office and residence, Goderieli streets
east of the Methodist ;Church,- 'Cent.
oner for the County of Huron. Tele-
elePhone No. 40.
DR, C. MACKAY.--C; Mac
honor graduate of Trinity Unitje.
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
Medical College; member of the IQ$
lege of Physicians and Surgeons < th.
DR. F. J. B. FO'RSTER-'Eye, Ete4.•
Nose and 'Throat. Graduate in'' Medi,
elite, University of Toronto 1897, La'tii
Assistant New York Ophthalmic and
Aural Iustitute, Moorefield's Eye, and
Golden Square throat. hospitals, Len.,.
don, ' England, At Commercial hotel,
Seaforth, 3rd 'Monday in ea ^,h tnonttla,
from 11 a.m. to. 3 'p,m.
DR. W. C. !S1aRO'AT.--Graduatei1
Faculty of 'Medicine, University 'ol
Western Ontario, London. IMeatirtt
of 'College of Physicians and Sar.
geons of Ontario. 'Office in AberharOri .,•
Drug ' Store, Main Sit, Sesfot+th, '
Phone 90, •
DR. J. A. 4MU•N'N
Successor to Dr. R, R, Ross, grad*
ate of 'Northwestern University,
Ago, Ill, Licentiate 'Royal !College •8
Dental Surgeons, 'Toronto. OW*
aver Sills' hardware, Main street.
Seaforth. Phone 1'81.
DR, F. J.' B'EICH•ELY, gradual"
Royal College' of Dental Surgeons,
Toronto. 'Office over W. R, Snaith"air
Grocery, Main street, 'Seafosttb.
Phones, office 185W,. residence •185J.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron,
Arnangements can be made-for'sir
Date at The. Seaforth News. Chacget
moderate and satisfaction guaranter-'d,
Auctioneer for ,Huron County. Ar-
rrangements can 'be made for sales at
The Seaforth News. Charges mode-
rate. Guaranteed satisfaction, Phone
16.4'r5, Seaforth., . '261f
('Successors to James Watson)
,All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in -First-Mae
Have your next
Suit or Overcoat
made b
Practical Tailor'
Prices from $25.00 up. •
Try us for Prompt Service
Style and Satisfaction
The Cohens and Kellys are here again^ in a new and
funnier sequel tdathe picture that rocked the world.
Parisian pep, Parisian sparkle, Parisian spice and the
Greatest Ooirnedy quartette in History
George� y. V. Farrel MacDonald
Kate. Price
.. 1
Vera Gordon
There's a million laughs in this picture. GET
First Saturday Evening Show 7.0. p m.
Evenings 15e and 26e .. Matinee .10e 15t, and. e
Evenings 1V� n