The Seaforth News, 1928-05-31, Page 3Forte ie Left to Rival's Heir's Romance of Two Men, Who Loved the Same Girl --- Remorse Brings Repara- tion in Last Will of. • Survivor DUEL'S FATAL ENDING Budapest,—"May the Almighty for- give Me for the crime I have commit- ted by killing my friend. I am anxious to make some form of reparation, and have therefore tleeided that in this, my :.last will and testament, all. my 'property shall be bequeathed to the children of niy rival .. These words provided the hapPY ending a few days ago of one of the most moving triangular dramas that had ever been heard in the Hunger - ' Ian law courts. Here "a law suit in- volving.. the will of the late Benno Galfi'y, a rich landowner and member of the Hungarian aristocracy, has jt been dragging on for eight years. Galii'y left his entire property to the two children of Count Hermann Aurenberg, whom he had killed in a duel, thus disinheriting his own two children, who contested the will, and thus a romance of the two families came to light. SECRET HOPES. Galffy .and Aurenberg were great friends in their youth. They were like brothers. While they were at the university they lived together, and spent their holidays together. Both men fell in love with the. same 'girl, and, although their friendship .was broken by moments of jealousy and bitterness, they each nourished secret hopes of being the favorite. Cour.t Aurenberg, however, was the fortunate ono, and married the girl. From that time Glaffy avoided his friend, refused his attempts to remain on friendly terms, and ignored his letters. Glaffy married eventually, and many years passed before fate brought the two men together again. . They met at the house of a mutual friend during the celebration of. a sil- ver wedding. During the course of the, evening they exchanged _ angry words that resulted in a challenge to a duel. 'The duel was fought with swords, and although Glaffy was not as good a swordsman as his former friend, he ran hisblade into Aurenberg's heart. The count died. Countess Aurenberg, who had borne her second child a few days before the duel took place, did not survive the shock of her husband's death, and her two children became orphans. Misfortune fell on both families. Galffy was tortured by remorse, his health was broken, and his wife died after a painful, lingering illness. He lost a large part of his fortune in the war, and became a melancholy recluse. Luck deserted the Aurenbergs also - The children's estate was so mis- managed that their country seat had to be sold to pay off the debts. Galffy died leaving ; two children. Then it was revealed' that it was Galffy why had bought the Aurenberg estate, but only to bequeath it to the heirs of his greatest friend and en- emy. He left them also his whole fortune, with the prayer to be for- given, M Galffy's disinherited childrensought to upset the will by proving that their father's mind was unhinged by the tragic result of the duel, and he was not in his right mind when he made the will. The suit was taken from court to court, and should have been settled recently, when the Aurenbergs' coun- sel announced dramatically that his clients had offered to make over one- half of the legacy to the Galffy chil- dren, and hildren,'and they had gratefully accepted. the arrangements. The case was withdrawn and the feud between the two families was thus brought to,a happy end. -'i Controlling Cutworms (Experimental Farm Note.) The cutworm' is a serious menace to tho tobacco grower in his efforts to obtain a uniform stand of tobacco from the first planting. These insects are found in 'practically all soils, but are usually more numerous in sod fields The plants are cut off near the eerface of the greuhld, and in ,many Zones sevisl'al replantting`s fr8• neces- sary in order to secure a uniform) stand of tobacco. " Cut worms can be fairly well con-' trolled by fall plowing before the 20th of September, at which time the moths have stopped laying their eggs, and also but the, use of poison bran mixture- The poison bran mixture, which has proven most satisfactory on the Experimental Farm at Harrow, Ont., for a period of years, .contains 1 no nd of PariGreens and50 pounds 0,a wheat bran t n dry. These are mixed together with 1 gallon of cheap molasses and sufficient water to give the mixture the consistency of wet sawdust. This should be broadcast over the field by hand cone 01' two evenings before planting the tobacco. The best results have been obtained' by dividing the mixture in half and. broadcasting, it over the field on two consecutive evenings rather' than in me Rtrplication, The above mixture is (rt,fficient foe one acre and should ,be applied after 6 pin., so it will not dry out too quickly and lose its at tra; tiv'en' .s to the worms. The mix- ing can easily be done on a cement orwooden floor in the;so he manner as musing oerneh,L, NEW STRENGTH FOR ALL WEAK GIRL. Colney Frear the ):rich, Red Blood Made by Dr. Williasns' Pink PilIs. There must be no guesswork to the treatment ofpale, anaemic girls and children. If your daughter is languid, has a pale, sallow complexion, is short or breath after slight e%el'tion or on going up stairs, if she has •pal- pitation of the heart, a `pool' appetite, or a tendency to i'ahlt she has algae= mia--the medical name for poverty of the blood, Any delay in treatment may leave her weak and sickly for the most of her life, When the blood is thin and watery give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, coupled with nourishing food and gentle out-of-door exercise. The new, life-giving blood whiell comes from a fair use of Dr, Wit-. hams' Pink Pills, increases the .appe- tite,:stimulates the nerves and brings a glow of health to pale cheeks. ,Mrs. Robert 1ackson, R.R. No, 5, Shel- burne, Ont;, praise"' this medicine for- restoring her daughter's health, She says:—"When my daughter was nine years Fold, she was so weak and thin that we feared we would lose her. She was very .nervous, and going to school seemed too much for her. Often sire world' have to stay .at home for days at a time, At times she would have a very Thigh fever, and the doctor's treatment did not help her. I tried several remedies, but with no good,. results. One day a friend adviseeme to give her Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and I did so. It was not very long after she ,began taking the pills that I could see a change for the better. She kept on taking the pills for several months, and through them grew into a strong, healthy girl. Since: then, if a tonic has been needed at any time, it has always been Dr, Williams' Pink Pills;" The pills are 'sold by ail medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 60 cents 'a box by The Dr, Williams' Medicine o„ Brookville, Ont. FRENCH IN,'THE WEST Winnipeg Liberte lInd,): In Mani- toba, except: in a few rare spots, chil- dren go to the Government primary schools: In these the French langu- age is not officially admitter, neither as subject matter for study nomas an instructional language, According to official programs and departmental ordinances the Manitoba child is sup- posed, from the moment he enters the primary school and as long as he stays there, to hear nothing but Eng- lish, and from the time he starts to read and write, to read and write no- thing but English. The mother tongue, unless it happens to be Eng- lish, is totally ignored by the Mani- toba educational authorities, Mother: It is whispered that you and Jotin aren't getting on. Daughter: Nonsense! We did have some words, anti I shot him, but that's as far as our quarrel ever went. Badminton players find a drink of hot tea of great benefit after a strenuous game. In leading Badmin- ton clubs of Canada, Red Rose Tea is a great favorite. No other tea offers such brisk, zestful flavor and rich quality. Put up only in bright, clean aluminum packages. 14EW LAFF C.1ro. „ r L (oN WITH LAUGHTER) '1'1he new student at the agricultural School was a chap of rather' more mature years than usual in beginners, so he was -being subiected to a mono - what rigorous oral examination in or - dei' that the facult}' :might get a line its to )MMS most effective classifleation, ''What do you know about nitrates,'• he was asked. "Now you are asking me some- thing!" he answered proudly, "I used. to work for the 1,jestorn. Union, mid T know they are less tfian day rates on everything but 10 -word messages,' Gladys -You say he doesn't know how to kiss? Bo World Explorer Florence—t saidhedidn't know howY p to kiss. That. bright-eyed goddosa Adventure of whom everyone from the youngest Most men are so busy making a 11v- to the oldest has dreamed has ?eat - log they have no time to live. cued to Russell-Dloltson, a Winnipeg _ boy, and will lead him on an adven- turous path.around the world. He "What was GeorgeI31s meemory." has been chosen by Lowell Thomas, noted finworld-famed expiate'. and lecturer to was so great?" "What makes you think his memory go With him as secretary of his next expedition into the jungles of Africa, "They erected a monument to it." to the south Sea Islauda and into If somebody else does your think- ing you're probably doing somebody else's working, There is always a time in every man's life ,when he is happy and doesn't know 1t. A visitor who came into a business man's office gasped: "My goodness, this place is a regular oven!" "It ought to be,"ngruuted the other, "It's where I make my daily bread." "Youcant do wrong and get away from your conscience with it. A pacifist gentleman stopped to try to settle a juvenile row. "My boy," he said to one of the combatants, "do you know what the Good Book say's about fighting?" "Awl" sneered the youth, "figlhtln' ain't one of them thiugs you kill get out of a book, mister." , He: "I'd like t- o p- ropose a little toast." She: "Nothin' doing, kid; I want a regular meal." Hogs are produced on three-fourths of the farms of the United States and in all of the cities. Moralized the moralizer—"Ah, well, somewhere behind the clouds the sun is shining." Demoralized the demoralizer — "Maybe; and under the sea is land, but that doesn't help a guy when he Falls overboard." "Full many a flower is born to blush unseen" was written before the day of the wild flower vandal. Can anyone explain why children take such keen delight in picking up. and using such expressions as "ain't" and "I don't"? "I remember away. back when it was good styie to -cool your coffee or tea by pouring it out into a saucer." "Shucks! that's nothing. We can remember when they cooled it by blowing it after it had been poured into the saucer. High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister, of Education. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued by the Department of Education. - THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION is given In various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. • e6Nu'A'0 — PFIILLIPS �`y�OC MAGpF'9 n 4 For Troubles due to AdictDI INGESTION Ac1D stOrlAcH HEARTBURN HEADACHE our Stomach Just a tasteless, dose of Phillips': Milk of Magnesia: in' water. That is all alkali effective, yet harmless. It has been the standard antacid for 60 Years among physicians everyWllere,1 One spoonful will neutralize at oneo many rues its Volume in acid, It is the right wily, the quick, the 'pleasant' and .efficient way to kili„ the .excess add. The stomach becomes sweet, Lhe pain departs. You are again in five minutes. Don't depend on crude methods. Employ the best why yet evolved in all 'the year's of searching. That is .Phillips' Mille of Magnesia, Be sure to get the gemline'Pi1111ips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physf-, clans for 60 years in correcting excess acids, ifach bottlo contains full di- rections—any drugstore, "Rema Wireless Sale Is Opposed British Post Office Union Ob- jects to Losing the Con- trol to Foreigners Weston-Super-Mare—A. ,coufereuee of the Post Office . Workers' Union has unanimously adopted a resolution pro- testing against the secret negotiations for the sale or transfer of the control of the government-owned beam wire- less service to foreign or other private financial interests. J, W. Owen, general secretary, said that as a result of the success of the bean) wireless foreign. financial and other interests had been at work and ' were ready to take over this very pro- fitable undertaking. Not long ago they found the Marconi and other corn - Patties had a merger contingent on a satisfactory agreement being reacbed With the British Government and Do- minions. They gravely apprehended the prospect of the Government either handing over the control .or selling the beam system to American or other cable systems, The Imperial Wireless and Cable Conference, sitting In London since January 16, bad given no hints yet as to its findings. A. E, Millett, the seconder of the resolution, said that the postal work practically every corner of the globe. ere were helpless to prevent the trans - Dixon, who is 20 years of age has for and urged a definite demand that been employed for the past three the "Labor Party in the House of Years in the offices of the Canadian Commons should solemnly declare Pacific Railway at Winnipeg. When that If this scandalous transfer was Lowell Thomas Was lecturing in the effected they would in the event of City and made a statement to the being returned to power not only re- press thht he was looking for a Can- Sumo control of the beam system, but adieu boy to go with him in December, would also expropriate at their own Russell got busy and landed the job, valuation every form of external comp that will mean a year or so of rare niunication from Great Britain." adventure. First class shorthand knowledge, and an aptitude for photo graphy and mechanics were some of the most important requirements for the position. Satist3'ing Thomas along these lines, au agreement was reached, MANY MOTHERS RECOMMEND THEM Baby's Own Tablets Are Fine for Nervous, Sleepless Children. From Canada the fame of Baby's Own Tablets is spreading over the world. Mothers recommend them to other mothers, and wherever they are tried nothing but words of praise are heard for these pleasant tasting little tablets that promptly relieve the minor ailments of young children. "Baby's Own Tablets are one of the best remedies for children's ailments I have ever used," says Mrs. Arthur T. Allen, of Auburn, Me. "My little girl was nervous and could not sleep. I tried the Tablets and she was re - noted at once. She was also troubled with constipation and nothing seemed to help her. I had used the Tablets but a short time before her bowels were regular. All mothers should keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house, for they are a valuable remedy." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all druggists or will be mailed on receipt of price, 25 cents per box, by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . Last Words Our tongues kept threshing out the the old affair And words were winnowed like a mound of chaff. You said: "Don't be absurd and think I care— Let's write ourselves a cheerful epi- taph!" And I pretended that your studied air Of nonchalance, your trumped-up hollow laugh, T-Iad somehow made the truth less hard to boar: Well, there were others who had stood the gaff. Women have played the comforter so long, Taking our childish troubles in to mend So readily, that we would seem to wrong kindness by not dissembling to the end. Therefore, I simply kissed your hands and strove, To hide that greater weakness known as love. —Paul Rayson. Camouflage Your Hems A simple suggestion for camouflag- ing hems in a wool dress is given by tine practical magazine, "Successful Farming." "In patting a hem in a wool dress," it reads, "There is usual• ly an unnecessary amount of material which causes the hem line to look I at al desirable, i fs 1 k This not bulky, the idea this by folding 1h VB avoided a mate- rial once to form the hem and ma- chine stitching a piece of mercerized ribbon or tape about one-half inch in width along the raw edge of the hem. The hem should then be pressed flat So it will remain in place and the 1113 Ji per edge of the ribbon or tape eithe appy catch stitched or snail stitched to 111 dress. This insures a smooth hen line which is practically invisible." EGRETS Professor: "What did you' learn about the salivary glalttls?" Girl: "I opuldn't find out a thing, Professor. They're so dar secretive." Very Strange. Loaf of Bread—"Funny, ain't it— the baker who baked us works hard all the time and yet you might say he's a loafer!" Mlnard's Liniment for Insect bites. . Speculation New York Times: (Heavy specula- tiou for the rise is going on. simul- taneously on the Stock Exchanges of Loudon, New York and Paris. Finan- cial critics are warning the public to be cautious.) The spectacle on all three markets of opposition to the scope of the movement from conserva- tive banking quarters, and complete indifference by the Stock Exchange's customers to such opposition, suggests at least food for thought. There is always an arguable possibility that the public at large may at such times have grasped certain elements of in- transic value which experienced flnan- ciere had missed. Yet the deduction is also warranted, at any rate by prev- ious, episodes of the kind, that pro- longed and excited speculation which breaks loose from the ordinary re- straint carries a contagion such as is bound in the long run to drive it be- yond the bounds of reason. Cute in x.13aby. Awful atThree -and it's Dangerous - by 72u th Brittain ergi ", Thumb sucking does look sweet in a baby, but it is disgusting in the three- year-old and sometimes it hangs on until fifteen or sixteen! The habit may cause an i11 -formed mouth or in- duce adenoids• and it always inter- feres with digestion. Pinning the sleeve over the hand; attaching mit- tens, or putting 'on cardboard cuffs, which prevent bending the arms at the elbow's, are some of the ways to stop the habit. Another bad habit—irregularity In bowel action -is responsible for weak bowels and constivation in babies. Give the tiny bowels an opportunity tog11 r periods each der. r ha e Y act at e 1 If they don't act at first' a little Fletcher's Castello, will soonregulate them. Every mother should keep a bottle of It handy to use in case of colic, cholera, diarrhea, gas on stom- ach and bowels, constipation, foes of sleep, or when baby is cross and feverish, Its. gentle Influence 'over ✓ baby's system enables him to get full e .nourishment from his food, helps him 1 gain, strengthens his bowels. Castoria is purely ;eget:able and 1 harinless---the recipe is on the wrap per. 'Physicians have prescribed It for over 30 years. With each. pack -1 age, you, get a valuable book on Motherhood. Look for Chas. Il. Fletcher's signateire on the wrapper so you'll. get the; genuine. Mlnard's Lintm,'ht fee Toothache. ISSUE No. 21—'28 Red Rose Orange Pekoe is the finest 3 tea in the best packs a um nu n • 01d Sandy McTavish was compelled at last to consult the local doctor about his eyes. The doctor said, "Sandy, my man, if you don't give up whiskey at once and for good you will certainly lose your eyesight," "A, wheel," replied Sandy with an air of resignation, "I think I've lived lang enough in the world tape see a' that's worth seeing," ho041:0 ERSS! j,R•A'Biiv,' BAEiV _.� rr "LIYL AND.4AY"CFII.CK$ Our breeders are bred eagtd' oraaccfahigh patoRudn, Wbin,rSrow White Reeks, 11,1. swim An come, Buff Orpiagtaaa, Whits WtesAnup,100% five delivery garat ed, Write today for Friss ciecK 8000. ' IICHwEGLIR's HATCHERY,.-, ss,Iunarrw, eurrsLs,tLv ,. Classified Advertisement' , ffiO4INCd AND STORAGE. TEX MOVER—PIONJiThllR,-1)111. TANCE movers of Canada. Lar gest speedy padded tans, New Bonin nt, ' latest methods. Two exner1enced men every 'trip. All loads' Insured. Beyond compare for skill and caro, Before you , move, wr�te u& or w1 re' and rev"ree Ihs• charges. Head offteei 'llamiltoe, •Onterie, Canada. Hill the Mover: • BABY MBIF=e: w10 HATCH FOUR, VA'RIAITIDS, Write. for tree catalogue. A. I1. Switzer, Granton, Ontario:. You miss the advertising target as often as you hit ---but keep on, because measured in profit the successes out- weigh the failures, GARAGES $79- UP Ready Cut 1000. Other aiaea a, special bargain price* In free Builders' Cata- log. Write.. HALLIDAY CO.. Hamilton A Reliable Antiseptic. Make sure no infection of cute and wounds takes place, by applying Minerd's Liniment, Why west KING OF M ° Tires Give Most Miles Per Dollar 1 The greatest enemy to tire life is not the harsh grind of city streets or rough roads, but heat which is created inside the tire by internal friction. Heat not only weakens the fabric, but also softens the rub- ber, causing blowouts and tire failures. The above illustration shows a single cord of a Firestone tire greatly magnified and untwisted into fifteen smaller cords composed of many little fibres. By means of the exclusive Fire - atone Gum -Dipping process, every fibre is insulated with rubber, which prevent. internal heat and friction. Your local Firestone Dealer groes you the better seroiceihat goes with these better tires. See him today. FIRESTONE TIRE 6 RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR restore CUM -DIPPED TIRES Firestone Builds the Only Gam -Dipped Tires '0 fir ktA "A GREAT TONiC," SAYS MRS RUSSELL After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Fenwick, Ont.—"1 am taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound during the Change of Life for nervous feelings, loss of ap- petite and to gain strength. It is a great tonic and T have taken 0 dozen bottles of it. It was recommended to 105 by a friend and now 1 recommend it to all women for such troubles as come at this time." —Mils. W. V. Russell., R. R. No. 5, Fenwick, *ntario. APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Far As Possible in the Order in Which They Are Received ONTARIO \ DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE APPLICATIONS Offer ti.J Ann..ai Work A, e Invarrat",,. G.vsnt• Preference Farm Help Suppled The Colonization and Immigration Branch of the Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a number of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives and Families—Married Couples Without Children— advisee. single Mew £armors rgniring help will he well advised to make. early application to File Your Application at Once Geo. A. Elliot Director of Onloni.ation perlinment Dla5r., Toronto, ort, All Men Placed Subject to Trial Period HON. JOHN S. MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture the tv 9,P HE source of skin beauty is in' i. the blood. To acquire "The must cor- rect you na Skin That i whatever faults of impurity or deficiency exist in the blood, A doctor, prescribing for his patients, first proved the great value of ,"TRU-BLOOD" in im- proving the skin's texture and sinoothness;in giving it healthful clearness and color. TRU-BLOOD promptly corrects faulty conditions in the blood, then theskin and on works its magic complexion. Used in conjunction with TRU- BLOOD, Buckley's OINTMENT works further wonders in clearing the skin of blemishes. Rashes,. blackheads, pimples, blotches and, roughness ate quickly banished. Your druggist can supply you with these proven"Buckley's" products.