The Seaforth News, 1928-05-17, Page 5'r} URSDAY, MAY 17 1928,
Sifl;o Salt, Free Running, pkg. ,, . 10c
Iodized Salt, 2 pkg. for 250
Corn -Flakes, 3 Ow. for, , , . , 29c
Jelly , jy�eLaren all flavors, 4 for 25c
Gum, 'all flavors, 3 for 10c
Matches,, 3 boxes 'for,, 25e
Sugar, 10 pounds for . ....... 68c
ALL FOR 11.45
1 pkg, Chipso, large size, 5 cakes P. and GSoap, 4 cakes
Gold Soap, 2 cakes Guest Ivory, 1'cake Ivory Soap, 1
Oval Dish Pan, white, blue or green, Regular Price $2,20
Ross J.. Sproat Phare
phone 7
Ws M Stewart
We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
Do not send your cream to other. Creameries; _ we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
In return for you co-oAeration' we will give you of .our
best in service and prices.
We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come
in and see the new Models. ;
Seaforth Creamery CO. Seaforth Ont.
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
W, J, Walken & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. Jr, °WALKER, 'holder of Go-
dernmen't diploma and license.
Flower's Furnished.
Night or day phone 67. .
D. HI McInnes
Of Wingham, will -be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Eletricity used.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Keep that smooth
complexion by having
Boncilla Massage
Just around. the. Corner in
the Dominion Bank Buikl-
Phone 125.
Experienced doctors on all
eases. Leather or Rubber Soles
and Heels. We repair the body
of your shoes and HEAL the
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
A. Howe.
- Residence James St.
let the
get away
from you!
"I'm sorry the Martins are
moving away," said Mrs.
Drummond to her husband,
"It will mean that we are
going tsi lose track of some
very nice people1
"I don't see why it should:
Ifa goodcustomer of mine
movesaway we follow him
up by Long Distance. Don't
let a little thing like "dis-
tance separate you from the'
A great change has come
over Long Distance tele-
phoning. Now it is almost
as rapid as local telephon-
ing. You give Long Dis-
tance the distant number
and, in a great majority of
cases she is able to make
connection while you hold
the line. The Long Dis-
tance operator will look up
the distant number for you
if you don't know it, and
tell you what it le.
Still better, give us a list
of the friends or customers
you are likely e to talk with.
We will addy the numbers
and return the list to you.
Try us now before your shoes
are dead.
W eg ive health, Servixe and
Workmanship on all shoe
patients. /
Fred Barlow Prop,
2 doors south of 'Beattie's Var-
iety Store
On Friday morning Ida Jane
Knight, beloved wife of 'Names 'Cant-
eron passed away, aged5'5 years, as a
result of 'burns received from a coal
Oil eau exploding as the deceased
lady was lighting the fire, S.'heIs sur-
vived by her husband and one 500
Wilford, of town, The fullers!' was
held from the. family home on Tues-
day afternoon and interment was in
Brussels cemetery,
Send us the names of your visitors,'
Devereux Isrecover.
1111 s. Robert everet
Ing from. the effects of a fall which
she suffered last week. .
Lieut, -Col, G. I3, 'Gillespie of Lod-
don, was in town Tuesday morning
to make she annual cadet inspection.
This is 'Col. 'Gillespie's last visit to
Seaforth as he has been' transferred
to,Winnipeg, where he will go in Oc-
tober, His successor is Major Jeffery;
of the 'R,M,C•, Kingston. •
Judge Killoran of Stratford was a
town visitor on 'Tuesday. ,
The London Branch Conference of
the 'W.M,S, of the United 'Church of
Canada met at 'Woodstock on May 9
and .10, to which Mrs. W. P. 'Lane,
Mrs. R E. 'McKenzie and Miss A. C.
Lawrence 'were delegates,
Mr. and Mrs, J. 'C. Shockcor and
children of Detroit spent the week end
with Mr, and Mrs. John Sproat, Mrs,
Shbckcor leaves in a few weeks to
spend the summer wf
h her sister,
Mrs. Sykes in Shelton, Washington.
By regaest`of ninny the `play, "The
Difst of the Earth" and the gipsy op-
eretta will. be repeated in the Opera
House' on Tuesday, May 29 bythe
choir of E m< dviIle Church.
keep this date free
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wright,
Lloyd and Miss Betty, of Detroit,
spent the weelc-end with the former's
mother, Mrs, Elizabeth Wright, .at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Dalton, Jarvis Street,
Congratulations pre extended to Mr,
Robt. 'Willis, son of Mr. and Mrs, W.
G, Willis, who has been successful in
passing with honors his first year in
chemical engineerhtg at S. P. S,, To-
ronto University,
Mr. Fred Barlow• received the sad
last week 'of the death of
mother in England.
Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar and Mr,
Reid motored to Londe i on Wednes-
day of last week and spent the after-
noon with Rev. and Mrs. McKay,
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin and Mr. Earl
Hiner, of Detroit, were Seaforth vis-
itors last Sunday,
Mrs, Harry Desboura and Miss
'Malloy, of Detroit, are spending their
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, C, Eckart.",
Mr. and Mrs, ..Wendell' Smith, of
Zurich, visited Mr. and Mr's Charles
Hohlb in :.for a couple of days.
• Mr. • and Mrs. ,L, Kruse 'and 'son
Billy and'Mrs.'Burnett, of Galt; and
Mr.. and Mrs, Lawson and Bernie,c, of
Auburn, Spent Sunday with Mrs'. Wil-
liam Scla'ter. ' Mr, and Mrs, Walter Robinson, of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Clark,'of Ayl-' London, were Sunday visitors with
mei.; were week -end visitors with ilii and Mrs Fred Robinson
sALE'of J. 11. Smith's loes
still goes on. EvorytlSl�ing
must bo sold. In order
to move the stook quiekly
we have marked our prices away down, Just a few
more days and this sale will be over.
The J. H. Smith 84 Son Stock
Opposite Canadian Bank of Commerce
Mr, and Mrs, Percy Weston, of
ehener, spent the vicek.cnd with
the former's
Ar Mr, and Airs. H,
me s parents, C its,
Several from the village attended
the Laymen's banquet at Clinton on
Wednesday last,
1'ne play,"His Uncles Niece,
which was here by
the Middle-
ton A, Y P. A. on 'Tuesday last, was
veny well attended, The players took
their parts splendidly.. Music was
given between acts by the Oraton
Mr. jautes Sturgeon and Mr. Wil-
liam Sturgeon motored to London
last week,
Rev. 1t. M. Gale and Mrs. Gale and
Miss Gladys Gale visited at Kitchener
last week,
Mr, S. G. Pinnock, of Toronto, a
returned missionary from Africa, will
give an address in the interests of the
Bible Society in St. Andrew's United
Church Sunday evening, June 3rd, at
7 o'clock.
Mr. David Dewar, of 'Benmiller.
spent the week -end at his home.
Mrs. W. Johnston, of the West, is
visiting her niece, Mrs. F. W. Baker.
Mrs. W. Harding, of London, visit-
ed last week with Mrs, Walter Bong.
Mrs, Berry, Margaret and Buster
Burt, of London,: are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Baker,
Rev. F. H. and Mrs. Paull left on
Monday to spend the week in London
where they will attend the General
Miss Nora Ferguson, who spent the
winterat.;Landon, returned home on
Mr. and Mrs. "Thornton Mustard, of
Toronto, spent the week -end at 'their
•Mrs, D, Dewar is visiting her 'dau-
ghters in Toronto.
Mr. Fred Scotchiner and Miss Nina
Heard, of Kitchener, spent Sunday at.
the latter's home.
Mrs. A. Wigle, of London,- is the
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Sturgeon.
Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Burch; of De-
troit, are occupying their cottage at
Towett's Grove.
Mr. Claris Parker is sporting a new
Chevrolet coach.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ferguson and
family, of Seaforth, were. in the vii-
lege on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. David Reid, of De-
troit, called on friends in the village
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Will
Balkwiil and Miss Jean Balkwill
spent Sunday with Miss N. Ferguson.
Misses Ethei Jowett and Martha
Nichol, of New Dundee. spent the
week -end with the fornier's' parents,
Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Jowett.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'vVill, Agnes
and Bob Will, of London, spent Sun-
day at their cottage.
Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Atkinson and
family, ofDetroit, arc spending a
week in the village.
Mr. J. W, Cannaday, of Princeton,
N. J., will conduct the services during
the summer months at Brucefieid and
Bayfield Presbyterian Churches.
Miss Mallet, of London, is the
guest this week of Miss Marion
,Miss Agnes McIntyre, of Strathroy,
arrived on Tuesday to spend the sum-
mer in the village with Mrs, J. Heard,
Dr. and Mrs. G. Wm. King and
Betty and Miss Mary Lane, of De
n'o't, occupied their cot -Sage over the
week -end,
Messrs. Lloyd C. and Reg. Hod-
gins, of Toronto, are at the former's
sununer home in the village.
Mrs. Shoehottorn, Brandon who was the
of her sister Mrs. C. ,
to Wingham week. last
Miss Marion Davison, who spent
Miss O the past week at London, returned
Artf eek -end with home.
Gonts' Strap
The sportman's watch. Every
car owner should know the be-
nefit of the Strap Watch.
Round and ' Fancy
$8.50 up
Watches, Diamonds, Jewellery
Victrolas, Victor Records
J. A. Weslcott
Mrs. R. L. Clark,
Rev. R. Fulton and Mrs, Irwin, of
Centralia, visited Mr. and Mrs, F, S.
Savauge during the week.
Mr. Will Brine and the Misses
Brine were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mrs. Peter Scott, Brussels.
Mrs, S. Boyd and Mrs: H. J. Gib-
son • returned last week after a three
weeks' visit in Stratford.
Mrs. Robert Douglas (nee Miss
Durand), of Saskatoon, visited with
Mrs. Agnes Mellroy on Sunday.
Mr, Singh Wright, of Detroit,
spent the week -end at his home here.
Miss Janet Lamont, Blyth, spent 'a
few -days with her. brother, Mr. Alex.
Lamont, of town.
Mr. F. Downard returned to his
home . fn Northern Ontario- on Mon-
day. Mrs.' Dow,nard is staying: with
her father, Mr. W. R. SnnilIie, for
some time.
• Mr. and Mrs. Cook Sr. and Mr. and
:Mrs. C:obk Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wright
and' Margaret •arid Harry, all of Mit-
chell, and little. Dorothy Farquhar,
of Brucefield, were week -end guests
of Mr'and blrs, John Consitt and
Mrs. Troyer..
Miss Koehler, of Brodhagen, is
visiting with :Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Gibson this week:
Mrs. W. Thompson, of Hallett, will
address the Young People's Society
•and the Barbara Kirkman hi First
Presbyterian ..Church on Thursday
evening at 8 p.nt. .
Mrs, John Strong and baby, of Kit-
chener,' art visiting Mr. Strong's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strong.
Mrs. John Keys, of Hensel', is the
guest of Ivlr. and Mrs. Samuel Hanna
this week. They motored .to Goderfch
on Wednesday to ,yisit their cousins,.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bates.
Mrs. Maud Newell and her brother,
Mr, Alfred Keys and his son Bruce,
of Yale, Mich., and Mr. and M•rs. G.
H. Elliott,Clinton, were Sunday
Mrs. ZIT. L.
Visitors with .Air. and M
Keys and Mrs. Annie Rekl.
Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh and
fanny, of Varna, were guests of Mrs.
Annie Reid on Sunday.
Miss. Janet Govenlock, who spent
the last two months at her brotheras,
Mr, J. R. Govenlock, left for her
homeinGrafton, N.D., ,on Saturday.
Rev. T. H. Brown , attended the
meeting of'the Anglican Synod in
London this week.
Mr. and Mrs. • Leslie Bristow and
baby Joan, of Detroit, return Satur-
day aliter spending two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Webster. •
Mr. and Mrs. McLeod and Mrs.
MdGavin, of Port Huron, and Mr.
and Mrs. Minnett, of Toronto, were,
week -end visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
E J. Box,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben, • Johnson, are
moving. to ,Hamilton about July 1. Mr.
1 oc-
Thompson Mrs. Dick P
and Ms.
their residence, on North Main
Street, having teased it from Mr,
Mrs, Fred. Boucher, of Los An-
geles, Calif., left on Wednesday after
spending' a few days with Miss Dolly
Carlin, High Street.
Mr, and Mrs, Minnett and Mrs.
Patterson, of Toronto, were week -end
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E, L. Box.
Mrs, W. T. Box' returned to Seaforth
with thein after spending ,the winter
in Toronto.
Mr R' Svndford moved on Wed-
ticsday from Mrs; William Scott's
house on Goderich Street to Mr.
Robert E'berhart's residence, South
:Main Street, Mr. and Mrs. Ziberhart
are living with Ivtrs. F.bcrhart's par -
cuts. A'Ir. and Mrs. Oliver, Esmond -
villa Mrs, Scott` is returning shortly
niter spending the winter in Detroit.
Miss Irina Walters of Tu
smith underwent an operation for ap-
nenclnaitis in the hospital on Tuesday
,ting, Vie is- progressing favor-
a.b,lMyiss Beatrice ,Seip, of 'London, was
• tvecloend guest at tier home here,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray, Strat-
ford, were week -end guests with Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. McMillan.
Mrs, Jennie Patterson has returned
after spending the past week with
London friends.
,'Mr..and Mrs. • Howard Barker,
Harry and George and Miss Anna
Barker, of Stratford, were guests on
-Wednesday of Mrs, H. Wright.
Mrs, Taylor, of Hamilton, Past
President of the Rebeka'hs, was pres-
ent at the meeting .of Edelweiss
Lodge on Monday night,
Mrs. E. H. Close broke a bone in
her ankle at London on ,Friday last
while attending the nurses' gradua-
tion exercises at Victoria' Hospital.
The injuries resuited from a fall down
six steps. Mrs. Close is convalescing
in the hospital, at London.
Miss Ruth Thompson, of Tilson-
burg, spent the week -end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thomp-
'Mr. an'd Mrs. R. C. Anderson, of
Hamilton,' spent the week -end with
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bell. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Sydney Morton
and daughter of Port Nelson, who
visited Mrs, T. I3, Broadfoot.
Mr, and 'Mrs, 'William Dietz, who
reside a mile north of the village suf-
fered a serious loss on Monday fore-
noon when their house was burn-
ed to the ground with considerable of
the cotntents, They were at the barn.
and noticed smoke and rushed in but
could do nothing except save some of
the contents in the front part. Mr.
and Mrs. Dietz have the sympathy of
the entire community.
Mr, E. Detweiler, of Pontiac, Mich.,
called on a 'few friends' in and around
the village recently and also visited
his parents at Kitchener.
IA large number :around here took in
In ll on
show at F e sa
he minstrels
Monday evening last and all report a
good time.
i iss Olive Cooper, ofLansing,
clnigan, spent the Vee -et
her parents
'Fall' wheat is nearly a failure in
these parts on account of the back-
ward spring and cold dry weather.
W, M. Doig, of Port Huron, spent
the week -end with his family.
J. A. McGregor and W. J. Caldwell t
each have treated themselves to newi
Mr. and Mrs, Edgar' Butt and Mr. i
and Mrs, 'Thomas Butt were visiting
their parents in Seaforth on Sunday
Mr, James McCiynnont was calling
on his daughter and sister :in London
over .the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ivissun are
sporting a new.Chevrolet car,
.Mr.. and Mrs. Field have Moved
into their new home, which they
Nought front Miss Mae McGregor.
Messrs, iRobt. and - Thomas Mc-
Curdy and Miss A. McCurdy, of
'Stratford, have returned to their sum-
mer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson and family,
of Stratford, are occupying Dr. W.
P, Metcalf's cottage for the season,
Mrs. E. P. Lewis, who spent a
-week here the guest of Mrs. N. W.
Woods, motored to Toronto with 'Dr,
r. Ti. Lewis, who spent a day here.
Mr, and Mrs. Ward, Mr. and Mrs,
Judd and Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Glass,
Eileen and Helen Glass, of London,
visited at the latter's cottage on the
Mrs, Castle and _Diss Maucl Castle,
who have spent the past three months
in Detroit, have returned home.
of London,
1 Mrs,.. W.
Hunt, ,
Mc and
were gttests at the Ritz Hotel.
On Friday afternoon, May 4th an
Art Exhibit was held in the Senior
Room of the public school. This ex-
hibit consisted of a splendid selection
of pictures which are copies of paint-
ings of famous artists, such as Rem-
brandt, Raphael, etc., and comes from
the Artists' Supply . Co, of Toronto.
Samples of the pupils work were also
shown. Refreshments were served
by the pupils in the Junior Room of
the school. This exhibit is the first
of its 'kind to be -shown in Bayfield
and it is too bad so few availed them-
selves the opportunity of seeing it,
•Excellent for. Croupy Children.
When a child is suffering with croup
it is a good plan to use Dr, Thomas'
,Eclectrle Oil. It reduces the inflam-
mation and loosens the phlegm giving
speedy relief to the little sufferer, It
is eoually reliable for sore throat and
chest, earache, rheumatic pains, cuts.
bruises and sotains, 'TJr, Thomas'
Ecleett is Oil is regarded by many
thousands as an indispensable of the
family medicine chest.
Miss Alberta Richmond, of Gode-
rieli, spent the week -end at her 'home
Mr. Frannk Metcalf is a London
visitor this week.
Miss ' Edythe 'Gidley, of Toronto
visited her mother, Mrs, S. 13. Gidley,
and her, sister, Miss Pearl Gidley,
during the week -end.
ant Mr•s. Robert C. McGowan
the engagement of their
daughter, Ruth '13. MoGo*vae, R, N„
Detroit, to Mr, T. -Harold E. Buffett, son
of Mrs. 13. !S, Buffett, Detroit, and
the late Mr, Buffett of Renfrew, Ont.,
marriage to take place the end of
The .Mother's Day services int
Queen. Street Church were well at-
tended last Sunday,
tDr, T. Ivison IBarnhy and wife, of
Rodney, visited at the parsonage on
Sunday last,
Mr, Rapienhas completed his con•
tract of the cement foundation for the
Massey-lIarris show room in 'Sea -
forth and has moved his cement ma-
chinery to Sebringville, where he has
several more contracts,
lir. and Mrs. W. Manley and Mr,
and Mrs,. Thomas McKay were visit-
ors at, the home of Mr, and Mrs, C.
Eckart last Sunday to have a family
reunion, while Mr, and Mrs: Gordon
Hays and Miss Lucy Eckart, of De-
troit, Save them a surprise,
Mr, Ales. Mitchell is at present
sawing Mr, John McDonald's stack
of logs at Walton,
Mr, John Deitz is busy getting
ready to run the stone crusher.
Mrs. 3 1', McMann is at present
visiting her sister, lairs, John Murray,
Mr, Chris. and Miss Lottie McKay,
of London, were visitors in our burg.
W, M. S. -•- 3.'1e W..14, S. of the
United Church held their May meet-
ing on May 9th with the Vice
ent, Mrs, Hugh Aikcnhcad, occupying:
the chair. The meeting was opened
in the usual way, and Mrs. T. Lay-
man led in prayer, Roll call was'
answered by twenty -'four members,
each member answering with a verse
of Scripture. Mrs, Robert Watson,
Secretary of the Christian Steward-
ship, gave a very encouraging report
of the givings of the Society for the
first four months of the year. Mrs,
James McQueen gave the report of
the Associate Helpers. Interesting
leaflets on the S•tewardsltip of Life
were read by Mrs. Addison, ,Mrs. T.
13. Baird and Mrs. J. P. Cole, Mrs. R.
P.Watson, �� a 5c delegate Y
to the Presbyter-
ial ial held at Wingham, gave a splendid
Iberia Coal
We t:ia•e expecting our 1hst.
shipment of Alberta Veal.,
M Ir D.. '
Drumiaeller's Favorite Deep
Seam Coal
Clears and Efficient
Order Early, You'll like it.
W'. L. Keys
alar Coach
G'd'ich to •Stratf'd Strati d to G'd'ich
Read Down Read Up
(Daily except Sunday)
7,30am 2 pm Goderich ar 12pm 9.IOpm
8,05 " 2,35 " Clinton 11.35am 8.40"
8.35 i.
Seaforth 11
,10i 815t
St. Columban " "
detailed report of the meeting. Mrs, 8.48 " 3.18 " Dublin 10,50 7.55"
James McQueen closed the meeting 9,05 " 3.35 " Mitchell 10.35 ° 7.40"
with prayer. 9.25 " 3.55 Sebringville 10.10 7,15"
;Mr. Cecil Simpson and Will iotc- 9.35 " 4.05 " Stratford Iv 18 " 7.00"
Intosh have gone to Northern On- Art,
tario for the summer.
'The sympathy of the community'is
extended to Mr. and Mrs, William
Dietz, who suffered .the loss of their
dwelling hoose and woodshed on Stratford at 8 p. m, arriving1 hour
Monday. Cause of the fire is un-
known. later than regular schedule. Sunday
Mr, and Mrs. John Rattenbury, of morning coach same time as week
Sunday afternoon, Coach leaves Go-
derich at 5 p.m., arriving at all inter-
mediate points 3 hours later than week
day schedule. Sunday evening leaves
Burlington, spent Mother's Day with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. PARE--sGodericb to Stratfoi'd,
Williatn P.atten'bnry, Mrs. Ross Scott 'Return; $2.25
and son returned to Burlington with 21
then to visit at her brother's home.
Another • accident occurred at
Bruccfield corner .on Sunday morning, '
when a car coming west .failed to stop I J
as the "Stop" sign, Another car tom-' a R. L A M I (N A N
ing north on the Landon Road was
forced to swerve off the road and ran FURNITURE REPAIRS
into Mr. 'George iBaird's car which Your old organ remodelled• into a
was parked in front of Scott's store. . useful piece of furniture at
One of Mr. 3aird's sons who was in . reasonable cost.
tire car at the time escaped injury and • Work shop at rear of BARLOW'S
the two cars suffered comparatively SHOE REPAIR SHOP.
little damage,
The many friends of Mrs. Hastings,
(nee Margaret Ross) of Belgrave, will
regret to hear she is now in Wingham '
hospital to. undergo an operation for •
appendicitis. Her mother, Mrs. Janet 1
Ross, our village, is in Belgrave look- -
ing after Mrs. Hasting's young family,
the youngest 'being only a month old.
No man or woman should hobble
painfully about because of corns when
so certain a relief is at hand as'Hol-
loway's Corn 'Remover.
Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds.
and Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontario.
A Good Portion
of beef moved to you for the evening
„ meal, roasted about medium, with the
blood gravy oozing through, gives
one a foundation, It just makes one's
mouth water to think of it How
was that' last piece of meat we sent
you? Wasn't it fine,
Your Butcher,
Phone 58 Seaforth,
The Snecial Milverton
We have it ---Give it a Trial, Also
Grain Screenings Chop of All Kinds
Your auto Needs
Repairs and charging on all makes.
A good line of New and Used Parts.
Has its good points and bad, they say, but we think we are
offering the kind of work that more nearly approaches.
If your ear needs fixing up, and the hest do sooner or later,
let tis demonstrate to you the many advantages of " our
reliable work,