The Seaforth News, 1928-04-05, Page 8"TENSAW., Qttite e large erowd- were , An town
Bates, of Stratford v iit oa ,Settirday efternorie and ettended
wit 'on •Mourley, the automebile stile at McDonnell's
r. and Mrs. .J. lAVilson, 'of Strat- garages , W.e letieltiretand a number of
le viSiteel on builday with :Me end (MI'S were sold.
I'S. ,,evorge 'Brown. Mr, John Passmore sold a number
Mrs, iSaundereock visited rehatiVes a new Chrysler cars laet week, a-
t 'Brumfield on Friday, mons' the 'buyers heing Mr. Bonner-
ilihr Ede Berry, of Detroit, visited son Kyle, of Kippen, and Jolla Bell,
er the weekend with his mother rif Hay. .
here, Mr, Fred Kennings,. who intends
A ;mailer from Hensel' attended starting a gasoline station on his pro-
be hockey match at Stratfard on Fri- perty at the corner a South Rich -
ay evening last. mond Street on the 'Louden Road, le
1 Mr. C. Lock visited in Clinton on busy this week getting the ground
ridaY.ready to atart buildiag. When the
Messre. Ben, Elder, Vero,,.ledden, London 'Road is payed Mr. Kennings
oy McLaren and Campbell Eyre will have a valaable wetter and a
ant to Detroit on 'Wednesday last, splendid business site. .
.ead brought beck e number of new The Odd Fellows of Beneath Lodge
`ears on Thursday, ' No, 223 held an At Home ia the town
ei The Literary Seciety of the 'Hensall hall on Friday evening last A large
.1Continuation 'School held their meet- crowd was present and an enjoyable
jog on Friday afternoon last; The evening was spent. Mr, Duncan Cow -
?fleeting was opened by singing Sol- an. Gf Toronto, and is Clemens, of
;bum Levi, after whichthe minutes of Tul'Utlit), WC1:e the enteitainers for the
he last meeting were read end adopt- evening, and more than delighted the
red, The chairmen, Pearl Elder, verylarge audience of over 400, with their
ably thanked Margaret MeLeren in a ephendid selections. Mr. Cowan prov,-
411011 speech for winning the beeutiful ed a host he himself. dressed in 'fine
ecuP 00 the Oratorical Contest, and costumes, representing the charac-
Also for .bringieg this honor on the tees which he depicted, and was pere
'pehool. The school showed their ap- fectly skilled in the manners mid dia.
dlreciatiou by a hearty hand -clap, af- trete of rill nationalities, convulsing
.;eer which Marihehle Careie gave an in- his audience with laughter ail through
iteresting reading entitled "I am go- the programme, while his selectioes
•.ing to.' A male quartette then gave,a were all in good tate and while full
' very intereseng number, The toe of Manor, were void of anything that
'lien Longfellow was given by Grace 'savored ot coarseness. Miss Clemens
Ocirest. One of Longfellow'a poems, excellent playing showed her skill as
.PThe Courtship of Miles Standish," as entertainer. The Boyce orchestra
:was_then given by Isabel Alexander. of Bracefield gave a number of fine
„Mildred Smillie gave an instrumental. selections, Rev. Mr, IvEcIlroy, pastor
Another poem of Longfellow's, en- of Carmel Presbyterian Church, gave
'titled "The Village Blacksmith," was a very interesting address and ex -
given by Dorothy Little. Marion Sin- pressed his pleasure at being present
'Clair and Lulu ,Lindedfield gave a very at such a fine and interesting At
interesting dialogue entitled "Mr. Home and the esteem he felt for our
Bodkins and Widow 'Simpkins." Olive local Lodge of Odd 'Fellows, Past
'Walker gave a reading entitled "9 Noble Grand G Je .Sutherland was
Pessimist." Joyce Scruton followed chairman for the evening, at the wish
,this by a reading entitled "The Well the Nobte Grand Mr, hAr. 0, Good -
Of 'St. Keyne." A. contest was then in- win, and expressed the honor he felt
dulged in. The meeting was closed by upon being called to preside over
singing "When You arid I were such a fine At Home. At the close of
young, Maggie, the programme a splendid lunch was
An Raster dance vill be held in the served by committees appointed by
.town ball on Monday evening, April the lodge, and did their .parts ex-
leth. The music will be furnished by ceedingly well, after which the hall
the Avalon orchestra of Lucan, which was cleared for dancing, Which was
With play the latest 'dance hits. kept up till the entail hours in the
Mr. Williatn Webber is visiting for morning to the splendid music of the
a Tew weeks with his sons in London. Brucefield orchestra. The hall was
J A number from Hensall attended a nicely .decorated for the occasion,
spring show at Seaforth on Tuesday. Council Meeting. — The regular
Mrs. E, Rennie, who has been visit- monthly meeting of the Village Coun-
Mg for the part week with her (laugh- di was held on Monday evening with
,ter in Detroit, has returned home. all the members present. The minutes
‘' The annual Spring Show of the of the last meeting were read and
South Huron Agricultural Society adopted on motion of Petty and
rrill be held in Hensall on Tuesday, Sangster. A number of delegates
April 10. The directors this year have were present to interview the council.
Increased the value of many of the Mr. Fred Kenning, who is to start a
'prizes in the different classes. gas station on the London road,wish-
The services in Carmel 'Presbyter- ed permission to build a driveway
iian Church on Sunday last were very into his property from the London
'largely attended, and special sermons Road and wished to know the size of
;Were delivered by the pastor at both tile he should put in the driveway.
reervices, Mrs. Mellroy sang a very This was left to the street commit -
pleasing solo at the morning service, tee. Mr, Robertsort,. who recently
'and in the evening special parts in purchased Miss Kerr's property on
the singing were taken by Miss Ruby Brock. Street, asked permission to
McLaren, Mrs. A. McDougall and R. drain his property into the :Brock
Y IfeLaren. A special service will Street drain, which was consented.
be held in the church on Good Friday Mr. Levi Rands, who is putting in a
evening end special music will be cellar drain for Mr. Mark Drysdale,
given by the choir. asked permission to come out on the
The Mission 'Band of the United. seeet and go Crown the street to the
Church held an interesting meeting in Richmond Street sewer. This also
',I1C beeement Of the church on Sunday was left to the Street committee. gr.
'altereiteen, with a large attendance
, present. After the devotional part of
the meeting, a reading was given by
5atherine Drysdale, an instrumental
, by Mary Hemphill, and a reading by
Hladys-Passenore, after which Mrs.
I -McQueen gave the study which was
I's Very interesting. The meeting was
t elosed by all repeating -the Lord's
'The boys of the public school have
h organized a soft hall team for the
I:touring year, and are taking a keen
_interest in it, and have natned the
I, eeam :Stars. The officers for the year
ere: manager, Robert Passmore; cap-
tain,, Harvey Hudson; first base. John
Farquh'ar; second, Lloyd Lindenfield;
short stop, Ray Patterson; third, 'Ken-
neth Manns; centre field, Stewart
Bell; left field, John Elder; right field,
Harold Higgins.
1: Last Sunday being 'Palm Sunday,
ppecial services were held in our local
Churches. Mr. W. 0. Goodwin sang
e very pleasing solo at the evening
service in the United Church, Rev.
Mr. Sinclair -is holding cpecial ser-
vices every evening of this week. The
entire congregation is cordially in-
vited to attend these services. Monday
evening the subject will be"Obstacles
in Hell's Pathway"; Tuesday evening,
"The -Saddest Words of Jesus"; Wed -
es -day, "The Cost of not being a
-Christian"; Thursday, "The Sure Re-
fuge"; Friday, "God is Love," On
Sunday morning a communion service
will be herd.
• gr. and grs. Garnet Case visited
For a few days with relatives in To-
The play entitled "Prince of Liars,"
'will be given in the Town Hall on
Thursday evening of next week by
the young people of St. Marys. This
'play was to have been given last week
-but owing to the condition of the
'roads, was not able to get here.
' Mr. John Young and .son Jack., who
have been visiting for the past week
with relatives ,in town, returned to
London on Monday evening.
. Miss Doris 'Chapman, of Palmer-
ston, visited over the week -end •vvith
her grandmother, Mrs. George Scott.
i gr. I. W. •Ortwein was in Clinton
'ph Monday.
• ge, William Consitt was' in Sea -
forth a few deem visiting relatives
there, and ale° took in the spring
show there on Tuesday.
'.. Mr. Praeger has moved into his
hew residence ein South Richmond
:. gr. Thomas Appleton has rented
Mr. Harry Price's hotine oo Queen
treet, and has moved in,
- IVIr, Ernest Hates, of Stratfotd, was
itvIr town on Menday, and sold a car to
.r. Neison Reichert. Mr. Reichert
'ent to Stratfoed the same day, mid
: rid Will pecupy the 'house recently vit-
rought the car dome, '
Mr. Orville Twitchell mid. family, of
*deride ate tensile g back tri town,
'bitted • by 'William Fairbairn. Mr.
1t. witebell is going into the .garage
gilding on Main Street, formerly
iehiees here. He has purchased the
Weerener's livery barn, and he the
•iitilding ell remodelled. ,
ed 'by the secretery, UM, W, 0. Good-
win'followed by the Scripture reading
by Mr, Rands.. , A very , interesting
prograie was then given, consisting of
readings by Leonard Hoggarth, gm,
Peppier, and Miss E. Johnson; ine
strumental by. Miss Louise Drum-
mond, and a trio by Bob Houston, Me
bert Wolfe and J. Drummond, were
all greatly enjoyed, Rev, Mr. Jones
closed the meeting with prayer.
Miss Gladys Luker visited in. Clin-
ton On Wednesday.
Mr. William McLaren, Roy and
Ruby Mc:Laren visited with Me. and
Mrs. Lorne MeNaughtou on the
Thamee Road on Monday. -
Mies Ruth Higgins is visiting
friends et London. -
Mrs. F, Seeds spent the week -end
at Detroit.
• Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross Beattie and
Mise Russella Beattie, of Girvin, Sask.
called on friends in the village • on.
Miss Alice Stinson, who spent the
past three weeks with. her father,
who ha 's been quite ill, returned to
New York on Friday. We arepleas-
ed i
to report 'that Mr, Stinson s im-
proving nicely.
Mrs. Walter Westlake and Ivliss.
Susie Westlake left dri Saturday to
rieit friends at St. Thomas.
Mrs. J, Fraser returned last weeek,
having spent the winter at Lucknow.
Mr. arid Mrs. Angus Campbell, of
Barrie, are guests with Mies Margaret
The Masqnerade Dance to be, giv-
en underethe auspices of the Hayfield
Agricultural Society on Tuesday next,
April 10th, promises to be the event
of the season, Prizes are offered as
follows: Best ladies mistimes, two
.13est gents' cdstume, ,two prizes;
iBest child's costume, two prizes;
Best comic costume, one prize.
There will be a musical aid literary
program between dances. Refresh-
ments will be served. Some ask Why
the Society are having this when
they have a good surplus. There are
a number of much needed repairs to
be made to the buildings and grounds
this year and they do not want to
spend the money on hand and become
debt or go back as some societies
have done. This -Society is proud of
the success that has attended their
past efforts -and hope to make further
progress. 'The Directors will be
pleased to see a good attendance on
Presentation,— 00 Wednesday ev-
ening, March 28th, more than sixty of
the friends and neighbors of gr. and
Mrs. Robert Turner and fa•mily gath-
ered at their home, Stanley Town -
shit), to enjoy a social evening before
going to Goderich. Mr. and Mrs.
Turner are highly esteemed for their
great leindness and thoughtfulness
and their many friends and neighbors
regret their departure so took this
opportunity to express their apprecia-
tion and assure them that they would
never be forgotten. An electric read-
ing lamp was presented to Mr. and
Mrs, Robert Turner; a silver bread
tray to Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Turner,
and a flashlight to their son Grant.
This family will be very much missed
but all are glad to know- that they
will not be Far away and there will be
John Passrnore asked permission to a chalice to visit them.
pui in a gas tank in front of his new
garage on King Street, which was
granted. Mr. Colin Hudson, the As-
sessor, was present and presented the
Assessor's Roll for 1928 'to the Coun-
cil. Considerable discussion took
place on some of the assessments.
The roll was accepted and the As-
sessor ordered to be paid. A Court
of Revision will be held on the As-
scesor's Reit on Monday evening, Ap-
ril 23, at 8 o'clock. Mr, Alpine Mc-
lewan who was appointed Constable
of the Village a month ago, sent in his
resignation as he is stareing farming
it the Township of Hay, It was mov-
ed by Robert Cameron and seconded
by James Sangster that George Hud -
ii be 'appointed 'Constable for the
balance of this year. Councillor
Priest moved an amendment that
Gordon Parker be Conatable, but re-
ceived no seconder, so Mr. Hudson
ceived the appointment. Clerk
Murdoch was appointed manager of
the 'Hall for the balance o'f the year,
and Charles Moore was appointed
Fire Chief as Mr. Bates, the late chief,
is now residing in Stratford. A num-
ber of accounts were presented and
ordered paid, Some more trees are
tn be secured and planted in the park
and the piece o land to the south of
the park will be rented again this
year. The reeve said there was quite
a disturbance on the street on Sun-
day night last and notified the coun-
cil to take immediate action against
the perpetrators in future, Fast driv-
ing on the streets and other disorder-
ly conduct will not be tolerated for a
minute by the council and nd further
warning will be given. The commit-
tee in charge of the church shed re-
ported that the roof was now In good
shape but said gravel or cinders
should be placed on the driveway.
The committee appointed to make a
re -adjustment of the rates charged
for the tovni hall reported that as the
town hall was not as yet paying its
way they could not see their way
clear to lower the rates but it was
finally decided to lower the rates on
the two rooms down, stairs. The new
rates will be $15.00 for the town hall;
$4.00 for the council chamber, and
$2.00 for the eeading room. The cann-
ell then adjourned 'to meet again at
the call of the reeve. •
Mr, and Mrs. John McKay and fa-
mily are moving to Southampton
where Mr, 'McKay ,has secured a
good position on a fishing tug for the
-Mr. J. W. Ortwein visited -in Blyth
ori Monday.
Housecleaning is now tilt order of
the day.
leffe Ilerteam Nonth of Woodstock
visited on ,Sunday at the home of Mr.
end Mrs, Robert iHiggiiis.
The A. Y. P. A. of the Anglican
Church held a very interesting meet-
ing in elle basement of the church oa
Monday evening. The Ineetieg' wee
vetted by the eleging of a hymn, af-
ter which Mr. Jones led in prayer.
The ininutee of the hist two meetinge
were then read, after whieh the busi-
ness was discuesed. The roll was call-
The young people will hold their
meeting on Friday evening of this
week at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. E. Troyer, who spent the win-
ter with her daughter, Mrs. William
Jaerott, at Brigden, has returned
The funeral of Mr. Andrew Kain
which was held from the church on
Friday last, was very largely attended.
Mr. William Kain from Langford,
Dakota, also Miss Annie Kain from
Minneapolis, were here attending the
funeral ef their brother, Mr. Andrew
Kain, leaving for their home Saturday
Misses Agnes and Anna Love, also
Miss Annie Jarrott, spent the week
end in Clinton with Miss Annie Coch-
Mr. William jarrOtt of Brig.:mil
paid a flying visit to our burg on Sun
Miss Grace Love of London is
spending -a few days at her home -here.
'Mrs. Francis Coleman, who was
vending two weeks visiting friends in
Bay City, has returned home.
Mise Muriel Cartile left on Monday
to spend a month in Windsor and De-
The many friends of Mr, Thomas
Boyce, of Goderich and formerly of
Brucefield, will regret to hear that he
is seriously ill. His son, Mr. James
Boyce, is spending this week at his
home in Goderich,
Mrs, W. Stevens returned home
hest week after spending six weeks
at the home of Mr. and • Mrs. M.
Thompson, of Sarnia,
Mrs. James McQueen vitited her
sister, Miss A. Landsborough of Clin-
ton who is ill, last week.
gr. and Mee, John Norris, accom-
panied by Mr, Thos. Patterson of
Munro, were visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wright, Seaforth,
this week.
Y. P. S.—The regular meeting of the
Young People was held on Monday
evening, April 2nd, in the schoolroom
of the church, Mr. Jesse Freeman
presiding, Prayer was offered by
Wallace Haugh. The topic, "Making
Your Life Decision," was very ably
takeii"by the devotional convenor,
Freenian. 'Discussion was entered
into by Ted Watson, George Knight
and Rev, W. A. Bremner. A tett-
minul.e social was held, after which
the meeting closed with the Mizpah
Mr, Thomas ,Richardson has 'dis-
posed of the farm which he purchased
from Mr. MeClinchey last fall, to gr.
Sam POeseh, of the Babylon.
The followitig is the monthly re-
nert far S.S. No, 3, Tuckersmith, for
the inaoth of March, The names are
arranged in order of merit,
Sr, IV.—Elieabeth Broadfoot, Car-
eie Oke, John Broadfoot, Bob. Mc-
Carthey, Clarence Taylor,
Jr, IV. ---Janet Watsen, Evelyn
scm, ,Billy Gorden Wright, II
nnRobert. -People, and Bruce Armstrong .
Sr. -- Jean Watson, Willie
Jt' III, —Arthur Wright, Howard
IL W, I). Wilson, BolehY
13eatriee Arinstreng, •Ear1
Delbert Taylor,
1.—Annie Pimple, Gertrude Welter,
Alice Wright.
Pr.—Mac Wilson and Mayme Wat-
son (eimal), Donald MacDonald, Isa-
bel Armstrong, Grace Dalrymple, Mil-
ton Taylor,
The following pupils attended
school twenty-two days during the
month.: John Broa.dfoot, Bob McCart-
ney, Elizabeth tBroadfoot, Evelyn Wil-
son, Gordon Wright, Bruce Arm-
strong, Jean Watson, Arthur Wright,
Beatrice Armstrong, W. D. Wilson,
Bobby Dalrymple, Mayme Watson,
Mac Wilson and „Grace Dalrymple.
L. Boyce, Teaeher,
Syrup making has now commenced
and there was a good run at the end
of last week.
Mrs, Flechter Townsend spent the
week -end visiting relatives in London.
The Sunday School at Turner's
Church held the annual meeting for
the election of officers last week.
(Too late for last week.)
Mr, and Mrs, Bert ,Biek were in
London Monday visiting friends.
Messrs. James and Dave McIntosh
motored to Kitchener and Hamilton
We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Wil-
liam Cherters had the misfortune to
fall on the ice and break her wrist on
Tuesday last.
• Mr. William Laridsborough had
the misfortune to Ie a valuable cow
Some parts of thee road in this com-
munity are in very bad condition,
making it ahnoiet impossible for cars.
Mrs. Henry Peckelder ofGrand
Rapids left Monday after visiting her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Charters,
Mr, j. Love, while returning home
from Mr. Wm. Riley'is with a load of
grain last Saturday, felt chilled and
jumped off to walk. The horses be-
gan to run and in Mr. Love's effort to
climb on the wagon he was knocked
down, allowing the wheels to pass
over his body. He was found a ying
on the ground by some neighbors,
who had noticed the team return
without a driver. He is still in a -seri-
ous condition.
The many friends of Mrs. William
Charters are sorry to hear of the mis-
fortune which she had last week when
she fell on the ice and broke her wriet.
A number in the community • are
'busy making maple syrup, as the hope and Anderson; quantity of hay;
weather is favorable mid the run 20 white young hens, pullets.
good.Terms-42 months' credit will be gi-
Mr. Andrew MeGuire visiting hie ven on furisishing approved • joint
daughter, Mrs, T. Lane, for . a fe-w notes or a discount of 6 per cent. per
You wi 1 use superior judgment
by ush g 'Fertilizers and Lime
sold by the undersigned and
representatives as we handle
only quality goods • at a rock
bottom price and give you ser-
vice yo t cannot get OS -Where,
Clay Drain Tile Mir,
Phone 136-2
Of Household Ferniture at Queen's
Hotel, Seaforth, on. Saturday, April
14th, at 2 p.m, the following; House-
hold Furniture -1 dining room • set,
quarter -cut craksideboard, -square ex-
tensiote table anil 8 chairs, oalc secre-
tary, lounge, coal oil -stove."Florence"
3 burners and oven, coal heeting stove
and pipes, wash stand, iron single bed
and springs and mattress, fang'
chairs and tables, oil cloth, books, pic-
tures, dishes and other household
ertieles. Thos. • Brown, auctioneer;
James 'Watson, proprietor.
Of 45 head of cattle to be held at
the farm of the undersigned just west
of Holmesville, on Wednesday, April
llth, at 1.30 sharp, as follows:
Cattle, -42 fresh cows; 3 cows to
freshen in April, heifer to freshen in
May, 2 heifers to freshen in August,
6 Holstein heifers to freshen in Sept.
and Oct.; 5 caws rising 4- years, dry;
3 heifers rising3 years; year-old Dur-
ham; 2 Holstein heifers, 8 weeks eld;
8 Aberdeen and Durham calves, 1
month; heifer rising 2 years, partly
Horses—Nicely turned grey Perch-
eron mare, rising 5, 1500 lbs.; bay
gelding, rising 7, about 1500 lbs.
'Pigs—Sow with litter; sow due to
farrow July 20; Yorkshire hag 2 yrs.
ImplementsNew 7 It. cut Deering
binder; Masseyellarris mower, 6 ft.
cut, nearly new; horse rake, nearly
new, 10 ft.; wagon, nearly new; Tud-
Miss Isabel Cameron was a Sun-
day visitor at the home of her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. G. Cameron,
Mrs. John Love of Egmondville,
who has been confined to bed the
greater part 9f the winter is not im-
proving as quickly es her friends
would like.
Mr. and Mrs, Collins and family
were Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, G Moore.
Mrs. Theodore Holland.—We were
sorry to learn of the death of Sara
Ann Stewart, wife of Theodore Hol-
land, who passed peacefully away it
her home Saturday morning, March
31, concession 8, McKillop. The late
Mrs. Holland suffered a stroke about
four years ago and has been confined
to her bed most of the time since. She
was born in Morris -58 years ago,
moved to Egmondville when a girl
and was married to . Theodore Hol-
land in 1902. She resided in Morris
two years after her . marriage, and
came to live in McKillop twenty-three
years ago. Her mother's maiden
name was Miss Christena Thompson
and her father's name, Mr. Richard
Ste -wart. The funeral was held from
her late residence on Monday after-
noon to Egmondville cemetery and
was largely attended. Rev. Mr.
Smith conducted the services. The
pallbearers were Messrs. Moody Hol-
land and Edgerton Roe (brother -in-
laws), John Campbell, Joseph Dal -
mage, George McKee and John Shan-
non. Two sisters, Mrs. McNichol of
Oregon, U.S.A. and Mrs. Knight, of
Cypress River, Manitoba, and one
brother, Mr, Samuel Stewart of Rolce-
by. Sask., a daughter Jean and son
Moody and husband are left to mourn
the loss of a loving sifter, mother and
wife. We extend our deepest sym-
pathy to those that are left to mourn.
The Glee Club met at the home of
Mrs. A. Cuthill last week .and spent a
most enjoyable evening in progressive
euchre, The prize winners were, for
most games, Mrs. Bullard won a beau-
tiful whipped cream server, and the
consolation went to Mrs. Joseph Dol -
mage, • a nice fruit bowl, after which
the hostess served a very tempting
lunch. They all ehanteed the hostess
for the evennig all spent together,
Miss Evelyn Campbell visited her
cousins, gr. and Mrs: Joseph Camp-
bell of Walton -for a few days.
-Miss Marearet Eaton of Toronto. is
spending a few holidays at her home.
Mrs. J. }Terris of Walton is spend-
ing a few days with Mn. and Mrs. W.
C. Bennett.
' Mr, John IDeitz sesies awarded the
contract for operating, the stone
Fresher for the Townalup of McKil-
pp for 1928, by the ceetnell on Tues-
day. Mr. Deitz had the contract last
ycat ancl gave good satisfaction,
Mr. Joe. Matthews 'jr. Is engaked
with Mr, Martin Purcell for the sea -
S61105 Mr, Purcell is stitl in poor
Mr. 'Thos. Pureell hap gone to Oak -
Ole to do some repairing for the Xing
Construction Co. and expects to start
operations from Seaford" and Clinton
at an early daie,
Rev. T. M. Eckert from Hawthorne,
N.Y,, 15 at present visiting his bto-
thers and sisters here,
Quite e !limber from here attend.
ed the Seaforth spring show and re-
port it a grand Steel:SS as there were
O lot of good horses.,
Annum allowed on credit amounts.
S. IR. McMATH, Proprietor; G. H.
EIJLIOTT Auctioneer.
Of Household -Furniture and' Effects
at lot 24, son. 3, McKillop, 14 sniles
north of Seaforth, on Thursday, April
5, at 1p.m.: 1 dining suite, buffet table,
6 chairs, 4 bedsteads, 2 dressers, 2
commode's, 3 reed rockers, 1 Small
rocker, 1 Singer sewing machine, 2
mattresses, 'Marshall mattress, 1
child's steel crib with mattress, 1 Dav-
enport, 8 chairs, 2 small tables, 1 kit-
chen table, 1 long seat, 1 base burner
stove, 1 cook stove, 8 new, white win-
dow shades and screens, small Victor
chopper machine, wheelbarrow, hoes,
spades, shovels, rakes, rugs and cur-
tains, tubs, boiler and washboard, hose
wringer, new scythe, 1 kitchen sink,
cistern pump, 20 rd. chicken wire No.
9, set of single harness new, hand
drill, lawn mower, five 5 -gallon coal oil
cans, wash -bench, medicine cabinet,
some tools, black fur robe,.many
dishes, freit jars, cooking utensils and
numerous other articles. All in good
condition. 2 leatherette rockers, 'as
good as new. Nothing reserved.
Terms --All sums of $10 and under,
cash; over that amount 8 months'
credit on approved joint notes.
Also at the same time and place the
choice dwelling containing • /3 rooms
and In first-iclass order. There is 5
acres of land. Situated within 2 miles
of iSeaforth and is suitable. for market
gardening or chicken raising. Same
svill be sold on easy terms. Mrs. Jos.
Dayman, prop.; T. Brown, auct
•Oti March 20th, we shipped Mr.
Wm. Good -hew, Halifax, N.S., 50
chicks. These chicks were 24 hours
old when shipped, and were 52 hours
on the way. We have since received
a letter from Mr. iGoodhew stating
that they were fine, eturcly chicks, all
alive and giving us an order for 50
more. We are booking orders for
May now; order early so as not to be
disappointed. JAMES M. SCOTT,
Sunny Crest Farm, Seaforth. Phone
32 r 251. '14.
Pure-bred Barred iRe,cks mated to
cockerels from 316 -egg strain, 13 eggs
for 50c. Special trap nested pen'13
eggs for $1.00. ROY •UMV1SCeN, Rat.
1, Clintoe. ?hone 241 t31. 46
iBest Bedding ,Straw, .delivered • in
Town 40. cents a bale, five to twenty
bales; over twenty, thirty4five cents.
I expect to have grass for 30 or 40
head of cattle. Plenty of 'water and
good shade, FRAIN'K FINNIGAN,
Dublin, RR, 1, Phone 240e16. 16
• --
100 acre grass farm for rent, good
shade and water. Apply to JAMES
E, REYNOLDS, ^ 15.
The family of the late Gabriel
Reeves wish to thank their friends
end neighbors for tlie kind exnres-
sions of sympathy and for fiend tri, -
'butes, and oleo those 'who, kindly loan-
ed cries for the fteteral.
Want and For Sale ads, 1 time 254
' Pen 1.-,41-leris mated to .:12,0,P. cock-
erels, dames record ns to 250; chicks,
$17 Per ,100., Pen 2—Heets meted to
cockerels, dam's record 209. Chicks
$15 per 100. Incubators, brooders and
poultry supplies,. E. L, gITTELL,
Clinton, Ont. 19
948 City Treasure cast range, Good
pair. Apply at The News Office, 14
One used 40-20 Then tractor, cheat).
EBERHART, "Seaforth. 15
Frame dwelling on James street,
iSeafortli, for sale at a bargain to wind
up Estate, Immediate poseessien, Ap-
ply to W. G. WHIM, Executor,
Seaforth. 19
r will rept for grass, 225 acres, be-
ing lot 3 and E half lot .4, con. 13,
Hullett, half mile from school, 4 miles
from Walton, Soil, good clay loam,
-On the premises is a bank barn 60x60
with etraw shed 40x60 attached. .
Frame, house. About 10 acres hard-
wood bosh adn 4 acres Orchard. Defil-
ed well. • Will sell ell or part thereof.
Priced to sell. Herbert and Lorne
R.R. 1, •Blyth, Ont. • 1111
Solid. walnut combination writing
desk and radio cabinet. J. R. LAM4-
MAN, Jarvis St, Seaforth. tf
Sufficient first class material for
garage, hen house or hog pen.e.A. D.
'Baby Chicks and hatching eggs for
sale, front large strain of Barron S.C.
White Leghorns. Prices moderate.
T. j. WEBSTER, Phone 143r14, Sea -
forth. • 12
Rubber tired buggy in good condi-
tion; also McCormick spring tooth
cultivator, both wide and narrow
teeth. Terms to suit buyer. Phone
234r 11, Seaford'. 14.
Mutual Fireinsurance Co.
Officers—James • Connolly,. Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer,
Directors--IW'm. Rhin, No. 2 Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James 'Connolly, God-
erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4,, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Oarlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield,
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J, A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seafortlit_ J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; 'R.' G. jarmouth,
Bornholm. .-James Kerr and John.
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insunance or trans-
act other business will 'be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
RSDAY,. APRIL 5, 2928,
DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Phl'el
and Surgeon, Late of London Mit
pital, , London, England. Spactit's
attention to diseases of the eye, ces,„
nose and throat. Office and red&
enee behind Donainion Bank. 'OM*
Phone No, 5; Residence Phone KW -
. DR. • F. J.iBURRONVis,SafeattE.,
Office and residence, Goderich gugtor.,
east of the Methodist Ichurch, Cor-
oner for the County of Huron. Tekii- -
phone No, 40.
honor graduate of Trinity Urine-ere-
hy and gold medallist. of Than
Medical College; member of the 04, -
lege of Physicians and Surgeons el
Ontario, •
DR, F. 3.1R. FORSTDR—Eye, Reel
Nose and Throat. Graduate in
cine, University University of Toronto 1692, Ette
Assistant New York Ophthalmic tree,
Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, sirtil.
(holden Square throat hospitals, Len -
don, England. At Commercial (Betel
Seaforth, 3rd Monday in emh ineetit
front 11 ,a.m. to 3 p,m,
ER. 'W, "C. S?ROAT,—GradUgiQi
Faculty of Medicine, 'University or
Western Ontario, .London, Monier
'If College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aiberlscrtfe.
F)rug Store, iMain St., Seefsrei.
Phone 90..
Dental. •
• DR. j. A. !MUNN ,
•Successor to Dr. R. R. Rasp, gado'
ate of ,Nonthwestern University,
cage, Ill. Licentiate Royal 'Collect, et.
Dental Surgeons, Toronto, (MSc* .
ver Sills' hardware, Main sow,
Seaforth. Phone •161.
DR. F. J. BEOHELY, gradaetio
Royal. College of Dental Surgoins,
Toronto. Office over W, R. Seen -fit
Grocery, Main street, Searisea
Phones, office 185W, residence 60$1,
Auotidneer for the 'County of Hone
Arrangements can be made .for Eade
Date at The Seaford' News. 'Chow
moderate and satisfaction guaranter.4
• Successors to James Watamat
• All kinds of Insurance risks 'egos -
ed at lowest rates in First -Coe
Wednesday, April 4ile,
Wheat, per bus.
Barley, -per bus, 83c -83e
Oats, per bus, • 700-25c
Buckwheat, per bus .. 75c-SCic
Sheets, Per cwt. ........ t
Evan, per cwt.
03utter, per lb.
Eggs, per doz. • 22c-25c-27i'c
Potatoes, per bag • -
Hogs, per cwt.
Chickens, live, 5-6 lbs., -per lb 17* -22e
Chickens, -dressed,
- 4, 5, 6 lbs •per lb 20;21fe
016 hens, live, 5 lbs,per. lb. 20c -212e
Old hens, dressed, per lb. 22c -2c
• Have yOur next
Suit or Overcoat
made by
Practical Tailor
Prices from $25.00 Op.
AT REASONABLE RATES for Prompt Service
Style and -Satisfaction
Thursday, Friday • and. Saturday
a small town smart alex, with a crush on a Zoigfield Fol..
lies beauty, comes out of the West to put :New York on
the map. Does he? And- howl
Without the ghost of a doubt the funniest picture this
year. Arid we don't mean maybe!
M onday, Tuesday and Wednesday
in Metros Great. Film Version of Nathaniel Ilawthbrne's
un t
Buy '
• 25c
in b
SO n
40 p
Let II
, Rade