The Seaforth News, 1928-03-01, Page 7Nirte 1 , tris at Seg , l O I DELICATE Rt:S' The Arurri.+sell bnr9tontitlo l0• ILR :� MAt, STRONG" • :Sterling reac`lzod l;ohelozl raeetltty of- ' ter a remarkable: vnyege or nitre .,. 1 menthe from Adelaide, Australia. •She appeared u (1i:=abled veteran of Ito Rich, lien iiit)od Npf:€1ed to Beall 'Mee ae elle wee towed up the'l'heenee, eel r three -of her six matte carried -away • 1u12 •l iAtt4k i ltrtiiti, by storms her chief office'' dead, kill- It" bee t be: lenme ht plied that ed by f.zlling ri1,f, nee and her (leeks, pate,. .liter,linos. ge ., nod.- plenty of tweet <sleai' by the wash of the,wavas ..hebrie hitt;etk, 01,9nty ct: sleek eruct- re. through whleh mho had ,plowed. Blit, Linea of en' i< > 1 oe rcbe. Oat rt battened down, in her Told v '4,000 leek Of appetite Last tired,. tachiug tons of'wllent safe and ill' y asif it hacl limbo tend tit hinder !tregreee. To remained 10 Australian bine. Despite gate tee \vette; tit i-blooiled eufi'ercie alt that has been said to the contrary, site' must ha ^� nsvr, rich blend, and there aro still salt -water sailers who 'meting hosts 0 case Of this Lind so are able to save a windiammcr and well as Dr. \vllliiMe Pink lilts, bencargo from Davy ,loinia% 1001ce2. These pills riot only cneich and in - The Sterling hailed titan -13o0tt10 creaF;e,the blood s tePle, thy help the and wee one of the best known of the: appetite' and aid digestion,..relieeethe old -osiers that traded .in Paciitc weary hack and herb;, thus pinging ing waters, ,She was as sturdy a craft a". new health. and .etremethelind.tlane-'. ever bucked the typhoons et tate forlitteg aneeeete girls and women tie Oriental coasts and .she had rounded 50'$lieorful, happy peo»lo• And this le what.we'u limo' to, be; the Born witUout the disturbing creak Tito value' et. 1)r, \Villians' Ph'lt ,Cocci and hind and iroighbol1Y• of a timber er the loss of a sail. Silo Pills. in, Ute ease et anaemic girls .ts 113ig of heart an broad 0f n'iind, was just the vessel that an enthusiast proved by the case ee Idles Lucy Stoll. !Glad .with every toy we Sind,' would .choose for his ideal' long, lei -1 dart, Margtretville, N.S., who says; I Felondly eS we go our WaY, surely voyage in' the seven •coo, 'Tr ,"Front rho age of 12 to 15, I }^as in an ' trent l'atls handed day by clay , 110 had take° t111OO P4rt16110V vQYags ' el-aehtio condition. I was very titin li seeing though wo rise or fatll he' would have hacl hie fill of ocean sell nervous; lead no air.ietita and, had The love and good' esteemoil all. aciveutures. The more ofllcial ostitis no desire totake pert in the doings--- as made on the log, aro to rho effect of those of Ing ago. Illy mother got lis—"Aro you cold?" liter the Sterling :eat Adelaide .on last tonic after tonic. for rete, but they diel 111, • and, readied St. Thomas , me Yell;little good' Then Dr, �l il- arrero r 15, and , Azores the Atlantic, hams' Pink' 'P1110 were recommended as rived at Herta, Azores, on January and almost front the first they seemed tereeeeveere OWL 141.i4.* 'Nice SairFs Maeter'zl ��, VV. see (On Wdtlr I.ultg?ttcri She—" he—" 'Bout to freeze. . lie—"Want my coat?' She—"If you please." Tie—"'Want it full?" She—"Just the sleeves." 10,.,altd,:tteo days later started under tow for the end of her trip, To these bare facts' the captain add- ed that froin the time he loft Ade- laide he'"faced weather -which I had never seen before." Near the Falk d 11 tl` struck, ht to be .just what' was; needed to restore 'ny strength. After taking the:pills for a time'I reit en altogether'differ- oet e1ri. I got up ill the morning feel. ing •bright and active, and ready' for work or play. Since then I .have:, al- lan s an s`. we were s rue a iyaye taken a couple of boxes of Dr. scluaft that carried away the mainmast Williams' Plnk Pills in the spring as and mizzenmast; 300 miles . west of a tonic and have thus kept in the best the Cape Verde Islands.we struck an- of condition." other storm, hreaking the foremast off Every weak girl should promptly follow the example of Miss Stoddart, feeling sure that the pills will renew her health. . You can get the pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box' from The Dr. Wil- lieme' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. remit." Ile left the brit ge during this part of the :voyage ,only at short htervals; "for day after day we wore battered by mountainous 'seas.' It is possible that the Sterling may have made a recin'd, on this voyage. Feelers, however, are not so desirous of preserving reSords of slow tripe 'as they are of fast veyeges. They have pride, in the performance of the Thel'- uloLylae, which in. ' i90 made the rill ' from lava to London, 1,3,000 011100, hr 3 e r:'tty wo d lys; in the famous \rear lett tea clipper drips, the t latch t h,c.l in 1258 sailed from, Canton a Nee Yerit, 13M155 miles, in eeveetytte 31:x31', and the N. 13. Palm- er, which is credited. with a mIU of 11730 roles trait' 1�ono1ulu to New fork it eighty-two days In the sum- mer 1251• There ^.1'9 so many re- corde of this kind fleet it is:. only by d'.;;t?irb down deep in sea lore that it is poetiblo to uncover the report that the four -mast' i' schooner Alcides took 201 days aal•hlg from ]longkchg to Baltimore. There re'st111 ,metiers for wind -jam- niers, but the captain of rho Sterling SS.Lu confronted with 'another difiieultyr -1To.could not •diel 120 -foot mast to re - Made those which he' lost.• And that, too, 'fn h ngilut' where once any -ship- yard couletti mitt theist People Why Lost Pep Prince Meets Boys Tens-Londoa Club He Likes Detective Stories Louden.—The .Prince of Wales likes nothing better to read than a good adventure story. Ile so informed a boy ingrossed in such literature in the library of a Roman Catholic club in East London recently. The Prince made one of his incog- nita. eitcursions into the East Side Laborite districts, visiting two Cath- olic ciubs_Sor boys. His advent. was not Known-except'to Father: Rawlin- son, who. conducted' the Prince on his journey. The presence of . the Prince only leaked out gradually• to the, young- sters, ,.many of whore' were skeptical at first. When he talked with several of the boys and they compared 'him, mentally Kith his pictures, the ,eon vietlon grew, that it really was the Prince. The Prince toured the library, ask- ing many'_of` the youngsters what they were reading and exchanging views f''i a le on bookekt`v` gerthere. He watched Walk g football played on the roof of one of Whin a blindfolded person walks in what he thinks is a straight line, he is actually going in a more or less regular clock -spring spiral,Dr. A. A. Schaeffer, the University of lianas, repotted recently in describing_ new experiments before zoologists of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. Says Science Service Daily Science News Bulletin (Washington) : "Dr Schaeffer made over 300 ex- periments with blindfolded persons on 1130 epee prairie of liansas and Color and on the banks of some of its tribu- ado, on the ice of a rese,voir in Mas- taries• The Federal Government are sachusetts, on a race -track in Tenuee.'interesting,ibemseives, in their griev- see, and in a 160-acre,fieifl• The. sub- ons lot, and the Government of.the Jests Walked, swam, rowed, and drove Province of Quebec aro doing some auttomobiles blindfolded, and in each thing to make their strenuous calling cae0 they steered essentially;; She seine: kind of a curving path. usually they started: out ,with a straightstretch, and then began to turn in circles, and Oman circles usually became smaller wbcu they feteb. too smell a price. in diameter. A twenty -four-year-old Every winter one hears that, in this meptal :irnbepile,,-ryith the mind, of. a, or thatepaet of the GaspePeninsula,; four-year-old child was tested, and 'the fishermen are In dire distress. the clubs by electric light. He also saw several boxing bouts and heartily applauded the young pugilists: Tho Prince departed to the enthusi- astic cheers of the boys, most of whom are the SOW of dock laborers. Toilers of the Deep Quebec Evenement (Cons.): (The Government aro taking steps to im- prove the, lot of the fishermen.) We have many fishing colonies on the coasts of the Gulf of St. Lawrence "Itt's been a hard grind," sighed the mechanic as he replaced the valves. "Daddy, mother is a wicked woman. She burned the Bible thiseiforning." "Never mind. We can get another Bible, but there was only one record in existence that said your mother was born in 1888." Hissing, according to scientists, is unknown among the savage tribes. And some day we are • going to figure - out whether this constitutes an mu - meat against kissing or In favor of it. Higher Mathematics: Auto - Autonomy Autopsy. The girl in the 'movie ticket office said that the usher in the theatre Ts the leading man. Freedom of the Sea. Girls, when they went out to swim, Once dressed like Mother Hubbard; Now they have a bolder whin': They dress more like her cupboard. The best way to outlaw war would bo to hang the outlaws who cause it. The modern idea in fashion, so far ,as we have been able to observe, seems. 'to show everything but the brains. "15Zouutie," leader. of the Chateau Frontenao dog -team, has many friends, but none who watch his career with more interest than Ser- geant William Grennon of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The Ser- geant, who, 18 sixfoot-three and the crack marksman of the' force, tells, with tears of pride in his eyes, how "Mountie," whom 'he raised from a pup, saved his lifeon two occasions. An early freeze in the North Coun- try. : The team with "Mountie" in the lead crossing Sturgeon - Lake. Then the realization that the ice was crack- ing and bending and the knowledge that it was too thin to allow the sleigh and driver to stand still long enough to turn. There was no retrac- ing, they must go on. "Mountie" The dominating personality doesn't. .help' much, if the other fellow is driv-, ing a truck. To -day's unfinished task ie a mort- gage on to -morrow. '. -Funniest situation is when you are, asked 'for . advice, then argued with' about it. It takes a bride an hour to sew a. button on a coat and a year later it takes her six months. Politicians live off the fathead of the land --and everybody else tool The choir isn't to blame for all the discord in the church. THE REVERSE OE ME MEDAL Chleoutinit Progress du Saguenay (Ind.) : (It is denied that the big in- dustrial development of the Lake St. John region has ' actually brought wealth to the inhabitants.) Doubtless vast and, admirable works have been carried out; dottbtless'imnlense -sums have been 'spent in'the locality; doubt., less it would be foolish to pretend more profitable. But nothing is so that ten thousand Is not more than: precarious or uncertain as the income a hundred: Butif there is a hundred of .a fisherman, There. , are years to share up and only ten -people, every when fish are scarce, and other years. one gets- ten; but if, .on the 'other band, there is ten thousand to divide and there. arts ten thousand people,. there is only one apiece. • the path he took :was Ince that of a normal person, indicating that Intel- Conceit is a public: proclamation of Sect does not play any i rge pat in the poverty of one's personal rela- dh'ecting the spiraling mechanism. tions. ;;o connectlee betweenrightand left handedness Hind the direction taken by the seil'ailtrt'11us c.ouid be found. 'There is no doubt that the sante me- chant:en tea` peOO Ie.s these expe i- nt;• 1 1111010, when blirrifoi;ied,• also Lakes o.: go In circles „•l ren lost,, the,roolegi.t stated. To be lost, he explained, :leans that the orienting senses are net functioning. The 'silt, sling mechanism srppeare to be -lo - eaten in, !bre, eeetea1.• nerveita easete1, and, to operate when ,tha.,meohanien1 that doutrols'.belanco and orientation is not in normal coritroh' Story of a Printcr a Blunder. Lieutenant Roger Lumley M.! , told' a good story at, the Eno+ Hull Musical ?'lion abortt a D-'L'?1J„`w1N -+" u�unaer. A AA' ,r. N. an'.ardent „ar,lele, vibe was admirer of, Tennyson, and whose fa- vorite poem' was 'Crossing, the Bar," q -a0 buried in the South •of 'England. The ecc0ni1t' of the funeral, .which ap-. peered In a Oumberlapd . journal, stated that at the close of the cere- mony the, choir sang with 'exquisite taste tate anthem, "Chaise the Bar° Free advice is the most motive OAK ;iia j;a.e meat plontFu3, A taxi-driver provides fresh Sowers,' cigarettes, a box of matches and: an ash -tray in his cab. The latest form of cab -array. Excess addle` the 310311110u cavae tit. indigestion. It results In pain and sourness about two hours alter eating The . quick corrective 50 an alkali which neutralizes acid. The best cor- rective le Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained standard with physi' cisme In the ;80 years since its inven- tion. One spoonful of Phillips' milk of Maenosia; n.eutralizell instantly' many times its volume in, acid. It kr harn - less and tasteless and Yrs action : is cutch, You will Hever rely orf etude methods, never continue to suffer, when you learn how quickly, how pleasantly title premier method Rots. Please let it show you -00 v. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milli of Magnesia prescribed by ph701- ciaus for 50 veal's in corroding excess acids. Each bottle contains full dh'ee• any drugstore. waited for no word of command. .He lead.the team on, ma at ,a breakneck speed across an expanse of seven miles, with death facing them .at:. every' step, and realising the opposite shore in safety. Once again, the'following year, the Sergeant claims that "Mountie" saved his ,life, when he cleared with one bounda cut in the ice, six feet wide caused: by the swift current, the others following. . Over thousands of• miles through the snow bound north, on missions of life and death, Mountie has accom- panied Sergeant Grennon. When, Mountie left five years ago for Quebec the Sergeant was heard to say that he had lost his most faithful and his most beloved friend. MANY MOTHERS RECOMMEND THEM Baby's Own Tablets Are Fine for Nervous, Sleepless Children. From Canada the fame. of Baby's Own Tablets is spreading over the world. Mothers recommend them to other; mothers • and. wherever they are tried nothing but words of'incise ;are. heard for these pleasant' tasting little tablets that 'promptly relieve the minor ailments of young children. "Baby's Own Tablets are one of the best remedies for children's ailments I have ever used," says Mrs. Arthur T�11 , of Auburn, Me. "My little girl as nervous and could not sleep. I tried ,the Tablets and she was re- lieved at once. She was also troubled with constipation and nothing seemed to help her. T had used the Tablets but a short time before her bowels were regular. All mothers should keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house for they are a valuable remedy." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all .druggists or will be mailed on rdeeipt of price, 25 cents per box, by 'The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - villa, Ont. tions Making Winter Popular Red Rae C:fitillge Pekoe' otiiireole >iB In clean, bright Aluminum. Ministers and Market{ Regina Leader (Lib.) : The aro- posed appointment of a Canadign Minister to Tokio should, as the Prom: ler 'points out, net only serve;' to; stimulate trade between Canada Wand Japan but abould also tend to treats a better feeling hetween the two countries. It is a short -Bighted 'and colonial view which takes exception to any, of the Ministerial pests' which the Government already has created or has in mind. Woodsmen—Keep Mtnard's handy. Keeping the London Zoo going costs about 213,000 a year for food atone. Au elephant can he fed for about £'120 a year. The 10 -inch, guns mounted . en H,M.S. Nelson, our latest battleship, ars 6,l ft, long and fire sheiks weigh- ing 2,461 IUs. etch. . A tow years ago Canadians were in- clined to be apologetio conoernipg their, Winter climate and to resent public retention of its seasonal peeull- arities—es Kipling learned ,when he wrote about"Our Lady of the Snows." Now it le all different. We have learn- ed to capitalize our Winters and the pubiipity, agencies , te1> the ' o?1d in words;ana ,pictyres o abut the Iig4ittips.; 0; the e141„trails aafl thq,1n11gereting, and ,beneficent influences of sero tem peratures. This is more than merely making the bestof an Inevitable situation. Canadians themselvep have been sold on their own Winfers and out of the fulnessof personal experience they recommend them to those of softer climates. Ottawa, for instance, takes to its skis with the first snowfall, and. on afternoons and week -ends the wooded hills and open spaces in the vicinity are•dotted with thousand0 Of the young and middle aged venturing their edit on the precarious runners against the forces of. gravity and the perilsof hidden stumps. Summer to them' is but an inconvenient Interval between skiing seasons. Why' Prince of Wales ' Was Named” David London.—Most of us know the Prince of Wales is called 'David" .by his relatives and never "Eddie," there will.`be some interest in the Dowager Lady Radnor's claim in her newly pub- lished book of_ reminiscences that it was she who suggested this name. Lady. Radnor believes the Britons are descended from the ten lost tribes and the royal family from Piing David, the chap who slew Goliath. She sent a message to the Queen, then Duchess 'of York, asking that if a eon was born to her he should be called David. The Duchess liked the name, but "won- dered what reason she could give" for calling her son by it. Lady Radnor ,suggested that it could be included among the other names of the four patron saints of thele islands and that, she writes, "Is bow the. Prince of Wales came by the acme of David.' When They Were 26 The great Alexander Vail .oyeri thrown the Persian 1)nipire. ' Wtah- /ngton led the .s.3v3nee�i %and of the British array toward Fort Duedennt'. Napoleon was second in command to Barras.: Franklin started "Poor Inch aid's Alinanac." Fox 'fad been First Lord in both the Admiralty and the' Treasury. . Gledstoile was a junior Lord of the Treasury. Byron with writ- ing "C,'hildo Herold." 1VIecaulay had published his essay on Milton. Delano was edltor of the Loddon Thrace. Em, mot was in a grave without an epi- taph. Mlnard',, Liniment for sick animals. Classified Advertisements younTsur WU.i1+ITY BOCK, Lalic110CR1', Wyandotte, lied Baby , Ciliel t per i.'40 and uD• EEata ing eggs, ea.o per 1e0 end up: Pedigreed, as ere els, :' 0,00 'each, and up. 86 1'aSo Tllntl.. tratea Catalogue Oreo. 11 I3. Guild /4 Sone, Bqx T, pckwood, ret, 113i1.UY CI.1CIi9—'S\'77 Ti1TC13 PQU,R Ii,•tiartetiee 01! 1;aby Chlcics. Write for free catalogue, ht toe- loc. and up. A, H, Switzer. Gramme Ont. A Welshman was crossing a bridge at night when Ire heard' a voice from the river crying "Help! help! I can't swim!". "Neither, can 0,. If Vele Thomas," replied the. way -rarer, "but I clout make a fuss about it, look yam whateffei :" t N, r:r .` Frositbi�tes Mlnard'a Liniment oeuelerects inlieznmatlon, eases the Pain,. soothe&andahealsr Why do so many, many babies of to• de;yescape ;all the -little fretful spells and;..infantile aliments that used to worry mothers through the day,;and keep them uphalf the' night? If you don't• know the answer, you haven't discovered pure, harmless Criteria. It is sweet' to the taste, and a'reet.in the .little ,stomach. And its gentle influence seems felt ah1 through the tiny system. Not' e0e0 a distaste- ful dose of castor oil does so mueh good. 13:letcher's Gastoela is: purely vege- table, so- you ` may give it freely, at first;,s n of ,collo; or ,constipation; or diarrhea. Or these many times, when ou just don't, know what is the mat- ter, For real sickness, call the doctor, always. At other times, a few drops of Fletcher.'s Castoria, The doctor often tells you to do lust that; and always. says Fletcher's.. Other preparations mar' be Just as pui% Just as free • from dangerous drugs, but -why.. experiment? Besides, the ,book' on oars and feemn',; of babies that 'cornea with Fietclfdr's Catatdrta is -worth Ito weight in gold! Canada' and the Empire Toronto Globe (Lill.)': The "new status"' question is entitled to. wrest.. Canada has' done well iii the last six- ty years, . as, waa made plaia, during Diamond Jubilee year, .Iier•protrre*n has been remarkable, whatever :has' been- her status, and to continue th18 progress along broad' linea' and on a solid 'foundation should be 'Ole Chief' objective of Parliament, If it is the desire to help ,the 23mplee by making rthie' country a strong, component 'part, ' with the Imperial• ties becoming°flan- er cacti year -as ,they should -styes• tion ought to be directed to that end' instead of o' the' texture of he bonds Canada 1s of ho Entptre in fact and in sympathies. The Falls of Niagara are reported to be wearing out. There 1vi11 of course be eomebody to charge that they were not built right in .the .first. place. De Valera wants to start a news- pa�:ei'.- The Irish always 'We're lute tons ;,,for -punishment. New York Evepiug, Post: � Successfully fE'wIe'� Relieved Use Compeued,G1Vigiad', Dr. T, 1T. Guild, specialist in ;cep Mounter atary affections Quiokiy !'elle to tlto- .distressing torments ha!! ;rause suffering and toed of sleep.Sive sluts', $'1.g0 and 8631. 1100 cigarettes (box' of 24; 00e) et your rugglst or sent dir at ltostDe(.�id for x�,,.2,.�22i,,,. withTRI % of Meuse with author olive (Lea, se �n eetisee.: and treelment sent on reel 3. 2t. Gillla1 00,, ,Dept. 22, Rupert, V't., Tr.13,A. Distr. for Can Iryntali s Ltd. 244 St. l'au1 St. 3S'., Montreal ISSUE No. S—'23 EXPECTANT MO IRS Read Mrs. Menard's LetterHer Experience May Help Chatham, Ontario.- "I want telt on how much good your medicine has done me. Be- fore my baby calve 1' felt 8o weak and ran - down the!: i could hardly do m.y. work. Illy head ' ached continually and I was 'so dim couiaged that 1 ;could cryfrom morningtilllnight t had another baby justoneyear an, .a half o d and -'t gave me a lot to do. So I thought I would try Lydia E..Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; as 'I had read so much about it in the little books. I found a difference right away as my head- was relieved and my tired feelings gone. Itdy sister bad been doing my washing and she continued doing:it,, as she said it might set me back If I started to do it again. It sure did help me and I had taken just two bottles when my baby came. He is a fine big boy, now nearly. five months old. - I a -at taking your medicine again and Yam able to do my work all by myself now. I always recommend the Vegetable Compound to;women, and especially to expectant. mothers, as I believe they need help at these times."— Mrs. imes:"- Mrs.0L1vel1 MENAUD, 24 Harvey St, Chatham, Ontario, le Keeis ,.7r1, e• The whole m7°4(1.11400 Aspirin a an eJfeetl*e' antidote to$; alp, Rut it's hist ar poytThS Sd bftasw'lhot there its eft'udf>;e,dispirin. 'the':Ii tI Diver on every tablet If iiia seine ,�ttyet tist ; *nt► li.,it aro c lxill, ba orb Os . ctsche`ii a >r l9 nCl%7 �, .. � he aiti that goes sth.tbe unit , tiettfids, ' '' t: fire .. dru store--1ivi tient promptly rclievrsl. cot �i?i .n -dt any, g.._ coven directions. prescribe Aspirin; x .1Pi�ysi��ls pr � gy , heart does NOT ��the it ct 11 Aspirin In ilio tends• said(( 5100,0 xa in tq Cantu%) tiiho, 33 1 5111eerilManufa3 urs, (� ° l:' I, Weil io 2s1 dint A r ism, itis Tables trill be:etateped *MI tUtir Barer Wee, trade?err:.