The Seaforth News, 1928-03-01, Page 6A PEB ;CT ''IAC
Or. Love Ane1011se the Lc agars
By J. P. I.ongMeals i
She had a iaecinating little nose. thought better of :it, got ep, bade its i
NA turned up a trifle et the tip in e goodnight, and wont rtwee',
Way which seemed to give her month I seated luyself beside the girl, and
more perfect shape. As she stood ere we both Ment ever tate epee lector.
side lay leek in the: private office, ale A tiny frown `lined her white fore-
the queetions, I had lm,eant to ask iter head as she s'tarect at the lows; of
Wesit clean out o1 my head. So, in. figures from under Iter curly 'slack
stead of asking if she knew how to lashes, y, ewe on your
enter up' a ledger,, I said: "Po sit 1 Setter put a etatllht e
down," and placed a chair for Iter + sevens; 1 advised softly. "Otherwise
near my own, they look rather like nines, This is
I see your name is Paphne heath- ;what I mean," 1 laid my hand over
er," l wont on, consulting the ante hers and gelded the pen,
Jimmy Marsh, our Bead clerk, bad + "Yes, that is is plainer seven," sh
given me. •
agreed, and gently disengaged her
"Yes, sir;' hand,
She spoke timidly, but her voice Well; we made 'quite geed progress
was musical. that evening with the ledger, After -
"Well," I told her, "my name's 13111 wards I asked her to dine with me.
Lawton. I'm looking after the firmShe hesitated. But when she realized
because my uncle's on the Continent that I wanted to discuss the theory
for a mouth. That's why you're inter, of book-keeping, all was well. We
viewing me," I dined at a quiet' little restaurant I
"I see, sir," she said, with Just the know, in the light of n' pink -shaded.
Faintest smile which made her lips lamp. On second thought, I post -
d theboob-keeping discussion,
curve' adorably: pone MAURITANIA'S PROPELLER
I Next morning a d! the l i burial' Ya'ult t hich d ' b dly • i 'a' forced •landing near Bala -
the floating dock at Southampton, had. con ro e• . o "s t a r• wase.
raising many important questions. I
scut for Jimmy.
not very keen about lady book -keep. "Marsh" I said briskly, "yon must I say, what about the spot of dinner
ars; h fact, he's rather prejudiced run down al e
Sumerian' Quee .
Owned Vanity Case
��ax�y; .fir
i A ears AgQ z to tl ;silts' a sgtq cute .0,[ the
11)`11', 10 ivliikh kue lirPla tort noCc be'
E,xcavations ne 1 by Init,t lag put In certain ter w+nrrs of the
n g. 1: dlepatch totem Croydon, llnfa,antl tWa't,
;; world we need to tali steel/tented ted Pros,.
Expedition f U
British I xpltart rs Dl: "
cover Richi;st" Treas
ures, Eyer Found
in Ten poi ou, and 'vitt' the way of the airs
I'bt:adalpltia Queect Slinla•Ac1, Som-
pleaio in n•aaph ig thenht:ee crtlnerlvlse
di:litltlt or ttcea % '11 rs aanw'o: moap7[s
great .tviet:O a c eater in, nta'eat,.11er rain.:
01 coarse we are 'familiar WiGh't1ie,
use of aia'phenes for dent;oyirt • dale-
terieus ineecia by ecatt<rring'/floods of
• ernian tales of aiiltoxilnatel 1'000 leg to bear that—
)•esus ago, wore golden g u tern; golden
oa'r rings, a wig sit.Fnotuetod by a in 'Formosa, airplaires have played
rho part ofr tttea4e'nlieFe front tine. gols
Speidnei month, a heav lin U etled 'elm nk Road lulu e'rs were n e ra
ambushing lumbermen tan the Jung'le's. .
and carried Iter totem to elm's eases Ylitvful' ptrs:t eirersluted "a lepol'C 'slat, London to Cape Town eight years ago
el the pathic--eookleah0115. oraslied'ift'TulSera Sn Thee jli gle The
stnpouilgtla.birtl gt;eo:ittres of ii'armo'sa
at of ory'oi the queen's body near nlyltfoiogy were soon to be >ied great machine lacy le the 7iingle until
that o[ :Ler king lues anuuiencacl in by the ",'edl7 as a warnin& '159 ..e wn. soma settlers found ghemselves in
e raper' from . int expeditoUey, 'f, the cue .Governor f:oneral sant "a patiroE need'u f'a chili 1 tit siding, ' They made
Col` et (he' ° Joint expedition of, the stop eelestiat bird's over the haitnad,ot the fuselage ip t a dant saloon bar,
ltausettm of the flnivet•sity of Petlnsyl- $h le Fihinnters Thep "'dropped 'a 'a}tilo`'tlie undamaged `'wings formed
golden ornautent' reeeneblilig a large
t i the i tilt' ad
African :Boa;
I,teh•�I),o4tolr' 'steliohes Ju-
Yrs f bt'fse Near' Gra 'es of
Ci sh Victims on Cgnigo,
Where Instrumet}t
a'4 He PB Make
• Magic
Cape Town—Cid elrpi'anee }io not
a1way+t'gd to the .trgrapheap ics 41.friea
They iSnd clueex'resttng pieces and
net us • remfnd'ers of fansqus Sights,
net •yiottars'aiplane In whtoh Brootiie
and, Cockerell'were trying to fly from,
vanes and the British museum in Ur, o . ea
nest of explosive eggs --and the heady a data' veranda.
� o1., the Chaldees, Mt; 'Woolley',salts hunters', are now as quiet us a dud Then there was the Silver Queen,
the treasures found in: the tomb were shall flown' by 'the' South African airmen,
, thee richest ever unearthed in 'leer,
'Jibe tomb of the queen was . oand and the 5511056 00t thirt3 el;ht ships to Rhodesia. the was smashed p
When the gulf ot. Finland froze over van Ryaeveld andel3eand; from Cairo
letter turns upe The world's fastest ocean liner is undergoing a Lborougi„ overhauling In abuts ug t0 t legs ntta ' locked fast in the Ice' seemed in' an a, n''
juts in Derbyshire b bbd f 'tt'easures andTo day the petrol tanks are
gel of starving, Finnish army i
a in the centre was a burial pit con- planes carried feed to the beleaguered being used b3` a farmer as grain bine"
, taining the bodies of more than 50 craft for lhis poultur. The broken propel-
men and women, the warders of the 1 Airplanes work with whalers In the ler decorates the farm gateway,
and se old Bevan at once, presently?" 'crab, A sloping ramp sod dowR,imto ,
"Thanksv r so much I'm engaged Olt, swans are lovely; lovely; too, are ,North Pacific in'disaoVering the while the rudder and tail -planes bang
against ,111 wire and say Y re coming,ee ease the pit, the report stated and on tile'levtathaus of the deep. Norse fisher- as htstoric relies to the drill hall at
Solent, that might alter the ease."g
Tile large blue eyes regarded the
from one of
abol.a this job you want; Miss Heath-
er rrere's the diffeulty. My uncle's
them, Still, it you're very ef- you
Here's his letter, You'll have to stay tanigllhe Mr, Lawton, slope TRY the bodies of six soldiers of men off Stavanger use the airplane Bulawayo,
ma White a greensward dreaming on
Natives Venerate Lns`rumr.n
night in Derby, so ant along Name " As she loft the office,
a horrid sus- 1 e m guard, their crushed skulls en
for "s po•tting' shoals.
rather pathetically; • and pack your bag, If it should be picion gripped me. • Jimmy's, train a stream, is
eased' in copper helmets and their! Tho. forests of Alsaco•Lorraina ere; Just after the war the Belgians in
"To be perfectly holiest, Mr. La" nece,sary to stay away. a Cetll)10 of would reach St. Panmas at 6.'15, I 'On whose Gale' surface lilies they shears shouldered.. They been killed
ton," she said, "1'm not yet very et- ,'e " 1 shall understaud." decided to meet Itiln. might seen'. lapr ater from the air to kill Plagues the Congo started an air mail evville
togeta nh, a,oht do so. lie their places to remain as soutiuels of, caterpillars, In woods, near Berlin,
itetont. But I am keen j He a Scared a trifle taken aback. I reached the station just on time, 1 have seen geese in proud proses of the dead. between hueshtisa and Stanlevvili
and—and"—a taint wave of color p (poison -gas bombs have 'basil dropped.
This was the kind of job 1 usually and—yes, there site ryas! While.1 Sion gleam _ Part of Grave Is Shambles •from airplanes Pur the same purpose, All the .macsites wet'e wrecked. ]n
touched her cheeps — "Mr, dam's liked to take on myself, hesitated at the barrier the train Bright as; high sailing clouds, welter „"Tho rest at the grave area R°aaa a little tiveasicle` v[iloga slang t7'o
Msu'oit has promised to coach rue it t day seemed uncommonly long, 'rolled up. Jimmy jumped out and tltass fleece In south Russia airplanes scouted for Congo recently a visitor saw tee
The shambles," Mr. Woolley said, "tor in. hosts of locusts. One such host was
you'll give arae a trial." but at last carne closing-t£me. BFing ran to her. Next moment they Were Or crested sass, white as the soft In- the narrow sAaee were strewn 50 boll- graves of two of the aviators. malted
!" My tone was rather now responsible for Jimmy's work, 1 10 each other's arms. I dashed out crease found fire miles long by three miles with piop•ellers. There was a <,t iu
"Indeed. n l lee of those saarlfled to the spirit of wide. Tsoops-made all human beings
stern. ""Indeed! Now let me give you visited the general office and saw of the station -and took the first bus Of tranquil snowfall and as filled with the dead, Along one side were elan, ltonse close by where the ni,cli%l�c-
f advice on the brink of your them all out, Daphne, entrenched be- home, peace; and cattle evacuate the territory, and for made magic with queer witch
s word o their daggers on their hips; against the airmen then flew at night over the
•mass career, Miss Heather. Don't hind ledgers, hesitated. I pulled un Next morning ,iimuty reported that Their h•lnnky is like beauty In a the foot of the tomb lay the chic' place of Muter alas• devoted to
bus locusts spraying 'them with poison r ,,.,;a„r hfiarrl of tee old nlnne:
A be too ready to accept these offers of a stool and joined her.
from- male clerics. Men are- ”"Do you approve of new sevens?"
er---that is, they're not—er--I mean rhe asked ehyly.
You've got to be careful:" ' 1 studied the figures with close at -as lovely as elm.
heat bungs rain head drove of gold ribbon, wreaths of
tion of the prettiest bete lention, "Yon won't want to stay at the of- In .driving gusts, stand with their (solace was of great ase, particularly
An expresgold mulberry leaves hung from in overawing the fierce Papuan tribes -
ler sweet little face. 1 "They certainly are less like nines." floe much longer?" 1 suggested. heads held high 1 Strings ef't Pis lazuli and' Carnelian n aeked
rqr t ?„ yes,' Feeing the downpour -0, befogs you t men. The tribesmen on being 'Careful of Mr. Marsh,” she taller- 11 admitted. But what about a little "Oh, 1 do—if you'll let Ole die, beads, sGlver, pins with lapis heads if -they had seen Lha plane ran up and
ed.,kilt to their noses? This is what i she "But
liioclicted• and great gold earrings. I down iu gnat g,lea, with arms out-
• 1 Jimmy's all right in his way,"mean, 1 "But loos' here," I argued. 'Marsh Would you might see them when the l "Above the hair of each woman was ! stretched, as if playing ata child's
O1, Y
1 adnetted, "If You understand his I 1 laid a hand over hers and guided earns a gond salary; he has a comtot sun again : a silver palm- with long point ending game,
int of view, He's kind and all that, , the pen, able flat, and' no relations to support•' Shines on their dazzling whitness, in solid rosettes of gold, shell and
Hydroplanes are surveying prole•
P and Way fain,
but a bit of a in lovhater, You must "But I thought you �prefarretl 11R'ell?'' she breathed.
! lapis and beside each lay caekieshelle graphically the. Great Bart'ier Reef,
not ge felling in love with him, Mies :straight noses. Mr, Lawton, I Well, you—els—you love h'im, don't Impelled by some wild ecstasy, wculd containing face paint and little aloe off Australia, The same method is
}Matter. That's what I really mean." I "Oh, no -0.0! A tip -tilted nose for you?"" a fly, boaster 'anent vases."
Ch 2 ,Winks. being ultra toa. survey the gneat. Jungle
I Melted at her in a paternal sort ime every time!" Ldeclared, with veil I do!"
to go on working here.' sale beneath a ladder
"But 1 want to, and that's enough "
Labor and Immigration a re
the Bevan business was O.K. When dream. the The '
eleven of them
ie aP -the harem
lad s
he hard finished I told stint to send gas' the altimeter. 'pile s'1"e gap n r"d
Daphne along. She enure in loolttug wearl'ng what must have been full The seaplane of the Dutch -American
I have even them, when summer's court regalia, cons'sting o[ elaborate,, ,-Party 'which explored Western New compass Using regnraad as worthy
objects of veneration by these Comm
Airplanes were used an the Prsnch
during the invasion cc tee el mem
colony of Togoiand in West Aileen in
1914. The conquee , sc seen eem-
plete, and several m h •"rF'left
lying about in sheds at coast ports,
After the war a young French trart'r
found one of those machines on tie
firm's premises. The wings were
warped during the tropical summers,
way, but elle and the engine was ruty. But the
will give me a trial Itlr. Ihig bine' eyes.
Down Came the curly laches, while
In DBstatxn Siberia the }Russians trader had been an airman end lie
Lawton? t Le monde Ouvrler(Ind.): From the reaching up to the windows ofhave hued using at Lvltnes to coatm>oct overhauled the old 'bus'' seer try,-
"Tell give you a month's trial. • a delicious bless' swept star swoosh for him. He's always been most Gently bunt house the irasefbte colonel,'
o[onal 'stair seracotely
situated gold-fLeids les To the astoulshment of avers n^rq,
t notyou get the job then it was Just about dinnernime frightfully kind ever since 1 can re- strictly labor point of view, the fm- Rae struck on the head by a Targe the Aldan territory.. the planes ear, the antiquat'rl Mac—a r°cl'a'y
er cr
' "Yes, of course o. — ar es II 6. ;
stat "Thea I'm sure he won't want you Returned With Thanks. Borneo and the salla o: Ube Sera -
Returned As he was passing
of b h only laughed led enthusiasm, looklug deep intp
"Then you w , v
wadi, in Burma,,
will depend partly on yourself, partly
on my uncle. When he comes back
I'm no longer In charge. You see?"
"Quite. Thank you very much in-
deed, May I start at once?"
When the ledgers were finally posted. member, migration queston can be summed up
We got the same table. She looked "You've known him all that time?" as follows: Free ctizens' should not
lovelier than ever under the pink "0f course! Olt, but you (lon't be hindered from seeking to improve
lamp. know. We thought it would be rails- their condition by emgrating• from
Next morning I went to the office er fun not to toll you—" She one countny to another, provded their
with a feeling of relief. Jimmy would broke off, bubbling with laughter. transference, to the other country does
"You may. Mi•. Marsh will set you
going. Please say I want to see himeti11 bo its Derbyshhe, Then I found "Ynemean you've been engagec to not constitute an economic danger to
when he ha" a momeut to spare," a letter from bin'' to say 1te was re- 'Nanny all along?" the worker of that country, It should
Again she thanked me prettily and turning that night. Well, ills meant "No, I mean his mother married be estaklisP.ted with all possible eel'
'tipped out of the room. I tried to another dinner with Daphne, and pee- twice,' curacy what each industry can absorb
concentrate on business, but found it haps— Could I scree up my tour -I "Well.?" In the way of additional hands with.;
difficult. And a full twenty minutes age? She.had given me no reason to "And I'm the baby of the family:' cut compromising existing conditions
d hope. But he who hesitates is lost I fairly leapt from my chair. of industry. As soon as this point;
passed betore he came to see me. That evening I entered the genera i "Do you mean," I demanded, trying
"ISImaloe, atlarvie I said dryly' office with a beating heart. The clerks; to keep my voice steady, "that Jim Is passed, the balance is broken and
"I've been interviewing that youu� o the surplus. labor becomes a menace
n ed as book-
shoved away 'pelt Unoks br!s!c13-• a ruy is your half-brother?" not only to the counts+ s workers but
woman you recomme d
of putty.
He seized the putty In one hand
and, racing up the staricaee of the'
house, entered the room from which
it had been thrown. He was con-
fronted by three stalwart men.
"lS'ho threw this?" he cried, an-
"1 did," retorted the biggest of the
three. "What are ye goin' to do
about it, eh?"
After a moment's sober reflection
the colonist murmured: "011, I just
thought I'd return your putty."
`Could I see the captain ' of this
ship?" '"He's forward, miss."" "I'm
not' afraid. I'm used to men."
Medical science, w read, is still
hunting for the cold germ, hoping, we
presume, if. it is found, to make
things hot for it.
Society pays for its sins. It once
made Willie speak pieces on Friday
afternoon, and now it must listen to
Bis afterelinner speeches.
hen 1 gave a gasp of clismay. The 1 She gave a demure little nod. She to the Immigrant workers themselves,
keeper. She does not pretend to be ledgers were: al closed, and one of hadn't time for more, because next
vary eflaiut" , who are compelled by he force of cir-
onr fellows was shoving them into moment she was fu Iris arms, cumstancas to accept. lower wages
Jimmy is thirty-five, though he the strong -room. Daphne had slipped i if precious sweet!" T stammer
looks yo tag for his ages, His black from her stool and turned towards ed, "you will not want this job!" And and are elms prevented from adopting
ofhasg a silly naturalhwave, the sort the door, 1 hurried after her. — I kissed the tip of her dear little tilt- our standard of living, becoming
se medg a girl ager anus, He "Miss Heather, what about pour ed nose,—(Answers.)
seemed even Younger than usual to.
1tliss Heather is a straightforward
girl," he said. "That's why -she told
you the truth. I'll undertake to make
her efficient enough by the time the
01d Man comes back."
"Seems rather like turning the of -
flee into a kindergarten," I grumbled.
"My owtt fault for giving her a trial.
Now look here, Marsh, understand
this right away. There's to be uo
A twinkle of amusement flickered
to his eye. However, he answered
gravely enough:"I should not dream of such a thing,
Mr. William.
The days which followed were try-
ing .ones for me. Often I stayed a
bit late at the office. On every oc-
casion when at last I packed up to go
lienee there at the ledger -desk sat
Jimmy' close beside J)aphne Heather..
It was impossible for me to find fault
because he was always explaining
some book-keeping rule when I ap-
peared, But the strain was awful, So
at last I determined to put down my
It was on a Monday, when she'd
been at the office a week. When d os-
ing•time came I stayed on, although
I had nothing to do. For twenty min-
utes I waited, then jumped up and en-
tered the book -keeper's room. Yes,
there they were!
"Marsl," I exclaimed severely,
"Ulla won't do. You can't burn the
candle at both ends. You're a hard-
working, efficient; reliable managing
clerk; you do quite enough work in a
day without having the extra strain of
this overtime tuition. qo home at
once!" . .
"I assure you, air. William, it's no
strain ----"
"Don't argue; Go home!"
"But I promised to Mach Miss
"Marsh," f said solemnly, Miss
awe we not sufferthrough lack
of tuition, Take your hat andcoat
and. -go Ileum at Once, I will coach
Mice Heather!" •
For s irenneist 'he seamed' inclined
0 ;nee? ilio argument, Then fro
"If you please, 1MIr. Lawton, I par-
ticularly want to get away to•night."
The blue eyes were pleading.
The way to get rich is,; to lay up the running, we make a bid for the
part of your income and as much as concession of checking hats at the
of other people's. ringside.
pariahs who cannot be assimilated.
With Mr. Coolidge positively out of
"By all means, Miss Heather. Butiposaible
Replacing Canada's Nacy
' `i<'Lw::;;' :L:. w:r t' • yS-s,%:.•a. 1'FJ2 utr`4�. ,� 'r"- t�'t:�.
ry the .gold in fere hours, whereas. Blerlot menet) ane—^'^'s s
formerly the journey by Ingesee„ afternoon staggering Omer
through almost impenetralite forests, aver the twee. Tit' ten' r"'' -'n-
ream ed daintyfivedays.. out after a short thee. etre the ei1:r""n
1 handed neatly semen tine rains r r, "esu
in the garden of the frights. That
machine made no moreeffilzhts.
lane Found en Freer • '
Londoners. Help Pigeons ES- The war 110 doltbt-exelaftred the
cape City's Pied"Pipes
at St. Paul's
London. — While Loudon 1151n
proves and bystanders do all they ran wandering band cf awe -sacci. Bus:.
to hinder the work of the city's offt- men had evidently come across 15 pre
pial Pied Piper, some 2,000 pigeons. .of viosuly, for nen the sand had been
St. Paul's aro finding they way into cleared away t was seen that the ma -
pigeon pion.•chine had been ringed in with stems
-'.The London City Corporation having and boulders, placed there in defin!le
decreed that 2,000 of the pigeons paterns. They eviden11" regarded
which cluster before the steps and the strange, dead "fire bird" as sacred,
pillars of St. Pauls as an item of every In Johannesburg e other clay the
tourist's London program must go, it • rotting framework of an old airplan1
became the duty of one Dalton, the was found on the high roof of a city
city's rat-cateher, to trap then'.' building. No one knew how -it came
He tfirat built a wire cage measuring there, though it was obviates that it
14 by 5 feet and provided himself with had been taken up there in parts and
corps off
"export traPPera." assembled. The roof had no been
r •His first day, however, was like 'the visited for years and the owner of
first bag of a hunter with a bent shot; i the building had never suenepted that
gun. Hecaught, all told, twelve. The the airplane was there. ,
crowd that gathered was wholeheart- / e. .-
edly on the aide of the pigeons- They, `'`F J Balloon
fed the pigeons so that the grain trails Farmin K'
which led Into the trap would not al-
lure them. And they engineered If a new Italian iirrention Is adopted
noises and movements to scare the farmers may do their plowing follow -
pigeons away from the trap. eel acroas the fields ilei a balloon ns
Trapper Dalton thereupon resorted : observation balloons hovered over the
to subterfuge. First, he came (tacit armies dulling the war, according to
early Sunday morning while most neo- Dr. L. D. Free's 'leek's Science (New
ple were abed. Secondly, hie assist—loth). We read:
ants had for hours the night before Tho now device is an attempt to get
been sweeping away the crumbs and nroilnil what has always been a :earl -
bread which good-hearted people had cue difficulty ln-plowlss; or reaping or
strewnbeforethe pigeons. Thirdly, doing other farm work by electricity.
the assistants stood in such a way as In many' modern countries the 'elec-
to hicle the standards of the cage front trial's is available at low cost, and
tho birds. ' He netted 250 birds in ono
electric motors will pull the plows:
catch. The difficulty is Mantilla plow moat
The pigeons are being sold to a drag alongbehind it the paint) through
poultry ,dealer.. which the oloctric current is supplied.
-----e----- It is seldom possible to Criss-cross a .
Windfall. field with trolley Wing, like thoeo
An honest epeoder .had just bit a which take the current to street .ears;
dog- and .had returned to cattle hie and to provide electric plows -with ;
damages; if possible. FIe looked itis storage batteries is too costly and
the dog a moment and addressed the adds too much :weight to the Mow.
To meet this situation Italian invent-
ors Have devised the expedient of sup-
porting the necessary eieet •Ic cable
ona small balloon filled with hydrogen
Gas. This is expected to follow the
plow as it moves along anti to supply
presence of en sb arlatt "i broken-
down airplane in tee remote desert
of South West Africa, found by the
camel police patrol recently, Somo
ve sale being sera t ell and replaced, Canada's navy is being brought up to dater The first picture in the ABOVE ireeettt Showa 11.1,1 S,
'iVl:h obsoletes g 1 p
4anecdvet•, ane of a pair of destroyers w are being loaned to Canada for the time, between the scrapping of old vessels and the building of new ones.
iformer) the Toreador and the Torbay, Picture No, 2 shows Ute now British destroyer
The other destroyer of the pair is sae Champlain, They were y-
1 i .It 18rein suggested as tosaible for Canada's, replacements, A cies-tees ot• of this type takes. '21 months to build, and is of ,mnore,
Amazon, a type n t r being gg 1
h battlatt,l 1s Ivo, 3 shows a Canadian destroyer which 15 tow meeting the ungrateful fate of age, H.aLC.S. Patrician,,
compifeatcd construction than the i ,
called after Canada's royal princess, tide gallant vessel has outlived its usefulness and is 11015 being stripped of guile Mics equipment to be sold as junk. A
similar fate has overtaken L110 destroyer Patriot, No, 4 shown the light cruiser Rainbow, Canada's' filet naval unfit,
man with a gun.
"Locke as if I'd killed yet dog."
"Certainly looks that way."
'Very valuable 'dog"?
" Not very."
Will live dollars be enough?"
"Well—I guess so." it with current, the 'ether and -of the
"Sorry tohave broken up your cable being looped down to the per -
hunt," eatd the motot'ist pleasantly as
ha mance' current sups)1' at ono and 01
be handed the owner Crisp five the field, The cable itself is made of
lightweight ahtminent, which will'car.
ry the electricity as dell as copper
_ or stetter, What is to bo done when
"Motor War oil Hand."—Headline, astorm comes tip and blows away the
But that doesn't malco it any safer for balloon or when the hydrogen
those on foot. leak a out of it and lets the cable dow
on the farmer s head, the inventors
Tho rumble eeatof a 005150' is bet -!.d0 riot say. At least,. tits invention
ter than the grumb'io seat of a ttmoii shows a laudible aml,+ltton to eleVatI
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tar bili,
"1 wasn't going bunting—jest going
out in the woods to shoot the clog."