The Seaforth News, 1928-02-16, Page 1A email drop'. of hike ' 'falling like dew, upon a thought, produces That which makes thousands,... perhaps millions, think --•Byron. WHOLE' sums, VOL so, No. 7, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 16, 1928: DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly ROT LUN0UES at all hours OURIIHOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices 'Reasonable The •. Olympia Confectionery t<o ner Y and Restaurant MEATS at HUTCHISON'S Splendid Values .-in 'Splendid Quality eur. ed Meats CHURCH CARD: North Side United Church --Pastor, Rev. W.1'. Lane, B.A. Sunday, (Feb, 19th. P1 a.m.—Public Worship, subject, "A Puzzle 'Solved." 2,30 p.m. -65. and (Bible Claesee. 7 p.m. ---Public Worship, , subject, "Common 'People." Lux, at less than regular Whole- sale ale cost 3 for 290 Reintz Tomato Catsup, 3 for 33c Heintz Pork and ' Beans, 3 for 33e Electric Light Bulbs, -40's or 60's at 25c, or 5 for $100 Guaranteed 1000 -hours. You - may duplicate the price but not the quality.- Glauber Salts, a splendid con- ditioner for stock, 6 lbs. 25c Epsom Salle 6 lbs for 26c Sulphur, .6 lbs. for 25e 'SPLAIN YOURSELF. FATHER AND SON 13ANQUET., The second annual Father and 'Son Banquet • of the combined DeLuxe and Elks Tuxis and the IKint and Live Wire Trail Rangers was held' in Noch Side United Church, Seaforth, on Friday evening, Feb, '10th, when 112 fathers and sons were pre at. The tables presented a very pretty appear- ance, with decorations and candles, besides the many good things to eat. The girls of the Marion' Keith IC,G'LT deserve much credit for the splendid manner in which the arrangements for the banquet were planned and carried out. The programme opened with the Rev. OCan Doxologyand adaled b e Y R J M. Finlay, Field Secretary of the Ontario (Boys' Work Board, who add- ed much to the evening's enjoyment by leading in community singing at intervals daring the supper, Mr, A. W. Eatery, 'Praetor of the DeLuxe Tuxis Square and Member of the Ontario Boys' Paeliament last year, made a splendid toastmaster,' his ready wit being. a continual source of a Mr. W. C. delight,He called upon Barber,' member of the Boys' Pariie- ment who gave an interesting report or the Seventh Older Boys' Parlia- ment held in 'Toronto the latter part of December. Much applause greeted his announcement that the amount raised in ,the bond selling campaign to date in Seaforth was $88.00. (This at has$94,beenOO). augmented andnow stands A pleasing monologuebyMr. Ben Johnson was followed 'by greetings from Clinton ihy ,Mr. Arthur Royce, 1,5h0 told of the enthusiasm which had grown in that town as a result of the boys' elections, and that. a Taxis Square is now 'being organized, ,Rev. W. A. Bremner brought cordial greetings from iBrueefield andprom- ised Seaforth candidate a trintmin ' S 0 g nefrt Fall, He spoke highly of the Brucefield candidate, Mr. Dave Mc- Intosh who had been a good loser. Mr, McIntosh followed with a neat extemporary speech. Egmondvil'le was `represented by Rev. W. D. Mc- Donald,who had concluded that the younger boys must be able to "pull their fatter s leg better thee the old- er boys as Mr. Barber had mentioned that the Trail Rangers in Ontario had sold 65 per cent. of the bonds and the Tuxis Squares only 35 per cent. Rev. Mr. Finley, the speaker of the evening, gave a cowlpprehedsive re- view of the splendid efforts of the On- tario Boys' Work Board, which leads the world' in work'for the develop- ment of boy life. Other countries are now studying its methods with a view to creating organizations along the_s'ame lines. The mainspring of the whole movement is the endeavor to bring the Christ Life into the every- day life of the boys. He urged upon the fathers the necessity of living in the same "world" as their sons. Lt is planned fo have a camp .this summer onthe shores of Lake' Huron for the South Huron boys. The speaker then addressed, his remarks to the boys; the keynote of this part cif his address being "Preparedness." Hou dini, Lindbergh—every person who had ever accomplished anything in any walk of 'life had all fitted there - selves by carefulpreparation for their work. The Rev. Mr. Finlay .devotes his whole time to the Work Board and bis enthusiasm is contagious. Mr. E R. Crawford, Mentor of the DeLuxe Taxis Square, moved a vote of thanks to the C.'G.I!T., which was seconded by Rev, W. P. Lane. The proceedings' closed with God Save the King. g I. M/ nosed Gaudy Maker wanted. Apply Box11140, etntit C ,gnallacations, ends ' ,A :Seafd'rth bdY -now'm thecitys the above clipping of a want ad. in a Toronto paper. Larry does not make it clear whether he is 'seeking a busi- ness 'partner or Leap Year pro positions. HYDRO TO ROXBORO. ' • Macaroni in bulk 3 lbs. for 25e Oipp's or Carter's Pills for Plants. The cornet way to fertilize house r'plants.;One Cipp per plant a month, 10e package Butter, choice oico dairy butter 35e F. D- HUTCHISON. Phone Phor Phood 166 There is a - movementto have. Hydro, extended next summer to Roxboro. Those having --signed up for the service include Messrs, Robert Gerrow, M. Beaton, Joseph Scott, R. W. Agar, "John 'Scott, John Mc- Dowell. The 'proposed- line will run from Harpurhey and will be the long- est rural 'Hydro line out, of Seaforth. The rural lines are under Mr, Mar tent, of Mitchell. COAL QUALITY -SERVICE HONE E. L. B O X P4'a SEED CLEANING TRAIN HERE FEB. 27TH. The Seaforth 'Agricultural Society have succeeded in obtaining sufficient grain and seed !for the Seed Cleaning Train, here on Feb. 27. 'Farmers wishingto see the machines in opera- tion should be at the train at the Can. Nat. depot at 9.00 a.m. sharp. Ex- perts on •thetrain invite the farmers to ask questions on any point where they have =doubt. These questions may be asked pu6licly or privately or written oat and handed in. All answers will be given publicly, other- wise but few. would' obtain the benefit. Much interest is taken in the demonstration. The Ontario 'Gov- ernment has been carrying on an active campaign against weeds, every occupant of land and every owner of unoccupied land being required to destroy all noxious weeds before their seeds ripen. Municipal councils are alsoall noxious weeds d re uare to destroy wee q ds growing upon" the highways. With everybody's help it is hoped to keep down the weed. menace. In the afternoon lectures will be given by experts 'from the 'Dominion and Ontario 'Depts: of Agriculture. C. G. I. T. The Marion Keith 'C. 'G. I. T. held their weekly meeting on Feb. 13th in the Sunday school room of North Side United 'Church. The meeting opened with Hymn IOne, followed by prayer. The Scripture lesson was taken by Misses Grace Scott and 'Elinor Bur- rows. The roll was then called and the minutes were read and adopted. The business part of the meeting was then discussed, followed by Miss Margaret McMillan taking the chair. Mrs. Lane then gave us an address which was exceedingly interesting. The meeting closed with the C. G. I' T. benediction, "The Lord ' 'bless thee and keep thee" • PRLSENTATxON, At the regular meeting of the Sea - forth town council on Monday, even- ing, Feb, 13th, Mr, William •Gil- tespie, retiring Chief Constable, was presented with a 'beautiful engraved gold one m month's salarycane , The adnd a drr esfo read-by Mayor Golding and the pre- sentation was made by Reeve Beat- tie, Mr. 'Gillespie made a fitting reply: Following is the address; Dear Mr. Gillespie; -We, the mem- bers . of our Municipal Council, feel that we cannot let the event of your retiring from the position of 'Chief Constable of par Town, pass by with- out .reco recognizing u ratangible b e manner our sincere appreciation of the splen -did service you have • given our mu- nicipality during; all the years you have served as Chief 'Constable, We are therefore taking this op- portunity o'f extending to you, not only on behalf of the members of our Council, but also on behalf of all our citizens, our sincere 'thanks and appreciation for the way you helve duties that hav e been d a performed the assigned 4o you. During the 33 years that you have occupied this positron you have per- formed your duties honestly and fearlessly and above all yon have shown such good judgment that our. town is practically free from rpwdy- ism and crime and at the same time it is also free from the notoriety thatis usually attached to the 'munici- pality where arrests are continually being made: You, Have always been very kind and considerate of those who, are liable to err and have endeavored to persuade them to live honest, up- right lives and in this way. you hhve. no doubt been instrumental in lead- ing many of our citizens to conduct to '.itbe a themselves in a way that would .be a credit to the'n eelve and• •alsos , credit to their municipality. do doing this you have helped the individual and retained the good name of our town at the same time. We feel sure there are many of our citizens who 'might have gone astray but for your kindly.advice and ,finest words of ' who now have the v praise for you. , Siowever, while you havealways tried to be as lenient as possible, you have always remembered that there is a time when patience ceases to be a duce a Bylaw to amend Sec. No, 113 of the Consolidated Bylaws of the Town of Seaforth:--Geo. P. Canino. Cardno-+Hutchisou,'that the follow- ing insurance on 'Huron Mill be paid: Laurentian policy , ., , , , , ... , $.73.25 National policy 73,25 General Fire policy ..... , .. 67.39 "'Etna policy 87,90 • $301.79 By Inc, of North Am. policy rebate., 407.36' $194,63 St`'Pau1 policy on town buildg, 10,50 $205.13 'Cardno-'Hutchison, that the Mayor to ask er be authorized and Trcasnr for tenders for debentures. IHutchisoneCardno, that the resign- ation of Mr. T. Melody as auditor be accepted and E. C. Chan''berlain be ,appointed in his stead. (Parke -Beattie, that this ICoun'cil do now ,adjourn to meet again at the. call of the Mayor. Sale of Shoes Specials in all lines of Men's Shoes and Oxfords. Great reduction in Ladies' Shoes. n dChild- ren's our Table of 1, �! � �•ies and Shoes, regular up to $6:00 F..W,WItiG BOOTS and SHOES SEAPORTH, virtue. In cases when yoti found kindness to.lee ..of po .avail, you did, not hesi- tate to apply the law Ito -those who. were lawbreakers, with the result that in retiring from this position you do so with the knowledge that the Town of Seaforth has a reputation, second to none, for the observance of all laws, • In looking over the records for the years that you have Veen Chief 'Con- stable we are very forcibly remind- ed of two facts: 1st.—That time makes many changes. During those •years you have served under some fife teen Mayors and many Councillors. 'Seven of , those who occupied the position of Mayor have passed to their reward, and many of the 'Coun- cillors with whom you were so famil- iar have also passed on. 2nd. nth surely speaks well for' you that w all the changes that have taken place in the personnel of the Council you have not only retained your position, but you have also had the confidence and respect of each succeeding coun- cil. ' We can assure you that you have had to a remarkable degree the con- dence,and esteem of the Council to which man have been attach- ed t e'd for years o ush, and we can assure you further that it is with sincere regret that owing to your physical condition, we have to sever our relations which hate always been pleasant and cordial. We would, therefore, kindly ask you to accept this cheque and also this cane as an expression of the high esteemin which you were held by the members of this Council and also as remembrances of the cordial relations that have existed between us. We trust that your 'health will soon . be restored and that you and Mrs. 'Gillespie will live long to enjoy the rest that you have so well earned. And may the evening of your lives be spent in happiness and comfort to- gether. Signed: Mayor. W. H. Golding. Reeve. J. (Wesley Beattie. Councillors 'F.. D. Hutchison, W. J. Bickell, Geo. '1'. Cardno, ,Richmond G, Parke, .Herbert C 'Box, William A. Crich. BIBLE CLASS ENTERTAINED. The Bible 'Class of the Worth Side United Church held another of its so- cial functions at the home of Dr, and Mrs, Harburn on Wednesday evening of last week, when nearly every mem- her was?, present, 'Carpet .ball and other. games were carried on for a couple of hours and a very fine, pro- fitable literary program was given by members of the class and others. Some discussions took place as to giv- ing the class a name, which was left over for the time being, that :the mem- bers may think the matter over and: no doubt that in the near future a-, valine will shine. Mr, John Finlayson,1 the president, acted as chairman and filled the position very acceptably. An elaborate lunch was provided and after' all had partaken, a hearty vote oi thas il:5 t tendered tot the -host ' was and hostess for their kind hospitality, and with the singing of 'Auld Lang. Syne dispersed to their respective homes: UNIQUE PARTY. 'What promises to be an unique affair in connection with the Seaforth Home and 'School Association will be. `its first 'Birthday' party. This in- teresting event will take place in the Public School on Wednesday, March 7th at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The Association was organized a year ago and has been gaini9g both in interest and activity ever since. The public generally are cordially invited • to this birthday party. An interesting programme is being pre- pared and tea and cake will be served. Your presence will be appreciated by members of the Association and your time will be •profitably spent. Cottle. W.M.S. "MANY HAPPY RETURNS" On 'Friday, ''February 17th, Mr, C. Hdhlbein, of 1Seaforth, will celebrate. his eighty-fifth birthday. Mr. Hohl- befn isstill quite active and possesses all Isis faculties.' His many friends pvjoin The News in congratulations and "Many happy returns," Mrs., Hohl- Nein, whose maiden name was Marg- aret Thon, of 'Dashwood, will 'be 82 years and 3 months of age on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hohlbein celebrated their sixty-third wedding anniversary on the 2nd of October last, a most unique record. Mr. HHohlbein was born in Prussia, ,Germany, and came to Canada with his uncle when nineteen years of age. He recalls vividly his eagerness for the creat a&venture, bot 'when the time came for parting he could not make the 'break. However, after hiss uncle was a couple of days on journey,rnyoung Holhbein suddenly decided togo and hastily wrapping a few belongings in a large handker- chief set out, with his mother's part- ing advice ringing in his ears: Re- member, keep your hands off what doesn't belong to you' —a motto he has always lived sip to, he is proud to say. By a short cut he was able to over- take his uncle and they sailed from Hamburg: In Canada, he worked for a ,time for his uncle at New Ham- burg, 'later going to Dashwood, front 'Seaforth. he retired to which place He trade one trip back to his native country after thirty -'six years. The United Church W. M. Aux. held their February meeting .Thurs- day the 9th with a splendid reprer sentation • of : the members present. The meeting 'was in charge of Circle No. 2 under -the leadership of Mrs. I. Hudson,The Scripture reading was ,given by Mrs.'George Black and prayer by Mrs. Westcott. The fol- lowittg members of the Circle took part in the -study -hook: Miss' S. (Gov- enlock, Mrs. F, Welsh, . Miss M, Somerville, Mrs. A. L. Porteous,'Mrs. Westcott, Mrs. Hutchison and Mrs. R. Archibald. A eplendid report was given by' the Christian Stewardship See''. Mrs, J. McIntosh. A pleasing duet, "The - King's Business," was rendered by Mrs.'Tyerman and Mrs. N. Carter. The meeting closed by all joining in the Mizpah benediction, LONDESBORO. A,twoeweeks course in 'Domestic Science 'will be held in the community hail, Lcndesboro, commencing Feb, 28th, at one o'clock, Registration fee 25o and 50e, 'M, Cartwright, Sec, - Trews, THE TOWN N COUNCIL.. The regular meeting of Seaforth council cham- ber was held in the con Council � 5 m. All the. members 8.1 wereat P lyric present Minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed.' h Beattie -Sox,' a' ''hone 84, Love is flower-like; Friendship is a sheltering tree; 0 I the joys that come down shower -like, Of Friendship,' Love and Liberty. —Coleridge. $1 A YEAR- eee /r �I, ll�ldIi I I'I MUM uflualt iletiet!eetel le "Unless someone tells her about her eyes shell need an extension on her aria The woman is far-sighted, but doesn't'knowit. How ridiculous she makes herselfiook, in her at- tempt to read the menu! Too many women, and men too, go through this same futile perfor- mance. Be sure that your own sight is normal' Retraort4715 a' PPA,e1 are Ihr trot Atom's t0 °Oise! Have your eyes examine& Fred. S. Savauge Jeweler and Optometrist iM:Ross Savauge; R.O. Eyesight Specialist ,• 1 STANLEY. Mr. Robt, Turner of the Sauble line has recently disposed of his farm to Mr. Melvin Overholt, and, we under- stand, intends moving.to Goderich in the 'Spring, of the Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Talbot Bronson line entertained, a number of their friends on Saturday evening Last, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell visit- ed isited at the home of;the tatter's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. iR Turner, of the Blue Water Highway, on Thursday of last week. Died in Detroit—Friends and rela- tives were 'shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Bruce Menarey in De- troit on Saturday, Feb. 44th. Mrs. Menarey was a daughter of the late Mrs. Robert Turner, whose death oc- curred on January 10th, 1928, in Yale, Mich. Mrs. Menarey was born 52 years ago on the 'Parr Line, Stanley, and lived there till 30 years ago. Twenty-five years ago she was mar- ried to her now bereaved husband. The funeral was held from her home at 544 Greendale street west, Detroit, t to Yale, (Michigan), cemetery. S also survived by her father and two sisters, Mrs. 'Albert Weekes, ICati- fornia; Mrs. Andrew Forbes, Detroit, and 5 brother, John and Bert, Yale, Mich.; Isaac, Minneapolis,Minn.; Saar and Wilmer, (Detroit. She leaves no children. Two cousins, Mrs. Wellington El- liott, Brucefield, and Mr. James' Reid, Bayfield, attended the funeral. r�s•.�rr DUNCAN CUP 'HOCKEY. Saturday morning's games resulted iia Hornets 2, Tigers 4. IRinkys 4 and Cats'0. " In points the 'Hornets advanced two " degrees, ,making a total of 4, the IRinkys came out of oblivion with a total of 2 points; while the Animals both are at a standstill, neither teams having gone over the one •point mark of the previous week. 'Games this 'Saturday will be Tigs vs. 'Rinkys, and the 'Cats in the Hornets' nest. ' If father weather permits, 'there willd il be four more rounds pay Otherwise champs will be winners of first three rounds,' The Hornets are already licking their chops in anticl- petion' of the banquet in honor of the winners. EGMONDVILLE. A goodly number of Young Peo- ple 'attended the Christian En- deavor meeting on Monday night under u ro :ram e lent g an excellent program, Sadie 'Howatt ' n of Miss S direction the di 2nd Vice -President, was given.Ail took part an responsive Bible reading that the report oft e Finance Catnmittee be adopted as and EarleSe'Websteence rrLaura were Millan, read:. Erma Broadfoot, Jeanette Finnigan son, $75; Gillespie $60; John A. Wil- td Sadie 'Howatt. ;A chanter of the 1John F F. Bi Barht,low, , J. F. a1 Dal 18,10p Barlow, 60c; Can. missionary study book,. "Drums' m Nat, $re. $2,68; 'R, White- the'' Darkness,"' was synopsized by lalaw. Rya, cin P Estate,.inv.. $2,50; `Geo; A. Sills Sallie .Howatt and ably presented, & Sons, $5.30; �`W. R. Set -4A, `1;10; while 51m 'Wilkinson,. Alice Thorp- Bell Tel,' Co, $3.35; The Mtinteipal son and 'FaetAalso avndered. Wbrld, $25.18; Jas. V. Ryan, wages, sionary readings. iWilson Hawkins, $41,75; F. D. eelo by Anderson iri cot During inter- Ht84 $ Jas. O'Sullivan, bay, ly, to the meet g 19.:ahisgn, 2; mission several entoyable and amus- $1Par s were indulged in and sides re a copy of the t revisedul ' cure a uopy Provinc- ial Statutes of the 'Province of On- tario; end also authorize the Clerk to subscribe for the Municipal World,' a env for: each member of Council and. Clerk. Telco notice at the next regular meeting of 'this Council I will intro - James T. Keys. --'At 2 o'clock this afternoon, Feb. 15 there n sda ed e W Y died peacefully at his home, James T. Keys. Mr. Keys lived on the Sth concession of Stanley. 'He had been practically an invalid for three'years and recently paralysis develped. Mr. Keys would have celebrated his 68th birthday in March and had been a lifelong resident of 'S'tanley. Miss Grace Coleman visited Miss Blanche Coleman on Saturday'last. Miss Thelma 0)owson spent the week -end with her cousin, Miss Fern. Taylor. We notice that the EppsJtransport war re . - DANCE under the 'management of th•.'- MIDNIGHT REVELLERS �'.a" .W.V.W. Gael', Seafor$hh-, Friday, February 17th, 9 p. m. to 2 a. nn. The Midnight Revellers. Ed. Rankin, piano; Ches.:Ste- . wart, trumpet; Bill' Barber, banjo; A. Phillips, violin; L' Cardno, traps 10 CHAPERONE LADIES. will be present. Balloon Dances Novelty Dancers Square Dances $1.00 a couple tax included company -makes its daily trips to Lon- don now.' The sleighing is nearly done and cars are now the order.of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Erratt spent Sunday at Lee MoConnell's. Don't Miss The SUPPER which is being held by then Ladies of St. Thomas' Anglican Church in the Parish IlaU Tuesday Feb. 2 Tuesday, from 5 to 7.30 p.m, Admission 36c- - Mr. and Mrs. `Robert McClinchey - and family, of the Goshen 'Line, spent STAFFA Tuesday evening 'with Mr, and Mrs,. Ed. Talbot, Bronson Line. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Peck, of Hensel', called at 'the home James T. Keys, on Sunday, Mr. Thomas Keys and son.Ernest, of (Stephen township, called on Mr. and Mrs. James T. Keys on Monday_ last. WINTHROP. The dance in the 'Winthrop hall last Friday. evening was well attended. A gang of hunters went out to hunt ggaane last Monday and bagged about fifty jackrabbits. and Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Bennett a Ronnie 'pent Sunday with friends inr Walton, Mrs. ` Thee. +Salmon and daughter Annie of Brandon, Man., spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, 'Eaton. ing game A dance will he held • in Winthrop were chosen- for tine next three hall, Friday, Feb, 24th, Music by the ntottths for the purpose of increas- Starlight Cavaliers. in attendance and interest, After Mr. Irvin Trewartha attended the the minutes were read by he Secre- Short 'Course in Clinton last week. tary, Miss (Laura 'MacMillan, and a , Miss Minnie 'Wheatley spent t5tin- fcw business matters discussed, the day at her home. meeting closed with a hymn and the 'We are sorry' to hear Mr. Louis Mizpah benediction. ,An offering, was Bolton is on the sick list. We wish taken for missions, you a speedy recovery, Lou, Mrs. J. A. Sadler and Bobby spent last week with the former's parents in Mitchell. Mr, and Mrs. W. McNeal, of Al- berta, visited the latter's brother, Mr. George Butson, recently. Miss Vera Hambley has •returned' home after visiting for a couple of weeks in Seaforth. S of rib. We are sorry to report that Mr. Y p Lyle Warden is under the Doctor's, - care. His many friends wish him a, speedy recovery. Mrs. C. 'Bowman, '1Hageravillc, is spending several weeks with her another, Mrs. E. Yeo. Rcv, j. 'E. Jones attended the Pres- bytery meeting in: Stratford .pint Tuesday, A very enjoyable time was spent on Friday evening when the Women's - Institute held their "At Home" at Miss- 'Willa 'Sillery's, Progressive ' cards were the main feature of the ' evening. The Y. P, S. beld a Valentine Sot-`: iai in the Church on Tuesday evening,'. Miss Sylvia.Tuffin took the topic. Ant instrumental was given by Miss Vera,: teary and readings by Miss Edith, Tuffin and Mr. Elmer Tuffin, after which several contests and games were played, Lunch brought a verb' enjoyable evening to a close,