The Clinton News Record, 1917-11-01, Page 6lt,lovenbelr ist, 1917 Of ,Interest to You and Me 'New that we have Chien Govorn- anaat; what about Chuteb. Union Surely the religious denonlivatioes tui, t cot be tt b Ol �i l i .are not oda tU by g g the politicians whom they hate so long denoul(ed 1 1f the Sinners curl- .pose their differences the Saints rheuld be able to bridge their divis- dons."-Toronto News. The Food Controller night, we think, with good results forbid the ltse of erenm in tale nhakdng • of ices -.cream, There is nothing to be said. egatust ice cream in itself. It Is tvholesomoand pleasant to the taste 'Mid most people thoroughly enjoy .a wish. Bu.t the greater number would be benefitted if there was no ice 'memo mapufactured and butter could Ire sold at half the price. The peo- ple who can buy ice cream can also afterd the butter while any wlto ':have to skimp on butter consider ice .cream out of this question altogether. * Another !natter which might very well be brought to ,the notice of the Food Controller is the price of rye. and wholewheat, in fact all the coars- 'er grades of dour. . This week in Clinton wholewheat can be nought-- for. oughtfor a little less than lite wheat flour iy until just lately, it was mush . c carer, nye, on the other hand, is selling 'at four dollars and a quarter a hundred more than the white flour. There doesn't seem to be any sense to this. We used to -be told that if we must have such fine flour- we -would, have,. to pay for it but now it appears to cost more to grind coarse flour than fine. There is something wrong somewhere • and if the people :aro to be induced to use these.eoarse • protracts they must be supplied then at at least as low a price as they 'would pay for the higher grades, Clinton News.,liee,i•rd If half what is said for it be true peopfe should be living in clover when oloeniargarine is put upon the market in Canada. It took some time to couvinee the Government that this commodity should be admitted, the dairymein strenuously. objecting 'that at would ruin their business. But if butter cannot be produced foe less than half a dollar the pound :something will have to be found to take its place for people of ordinary means with families to support San- not.alord enough of it to serve their needs. A eettain amount of eat is necessaryr to keep people in ,health and with pork the price it is .and a growing need for the curtail - 'merit of the consumption of beef: the demand for butter increases. If sloe- ; :mar urine will take the place of but. :•, tar and''ean be sold at twenty-five meats the pound it will be some help. * * * 'The Liberals. of North 'Buren would have. nothing to 'do with the' sugges- tion et the Conservative Association that the win -the -war element in both parties get togetlier and choose a candidate acceptable to all and thus avoid an election. At a meeting held Blyth a resolution was adopted .asking the Conservatives to accept -the candidate chosen by the Liberals three years ago, and quite ignoring the imitation t0 come together in a ,union) convention. To those aware of the situation this was not so very surprising as it is well known that the president of the Liberal Associa- -- rtion is a Laurier Liberal and in his paper, The Co dorich Signal, he nev- er loses an opportunity of "knock- ing" tib Union Government and de- vouncing those Liberals and newspap- ers who support the union moeemcnt. 0f course the Liberal nominee, who AMON at a recent eondention In 'T nTallte"put ilinisell on record as a follower stf Sit Wilfrid IAari by sa 7i ugam opposed to any polio, elrcept that Maid down by my fender, Sir Wilfrid Laurier," could not bo accepted . by, the tent the wa r party u d at a I G t Meeting held in Masbate 'on ruo sday James 13owmau, the Conservative member in the last parliament was. nominated; Mr, 13owntan supported tate Military Service Act and declar- ed bis willingness to euppoet the Union Government, Although the Liberal Association was not official- ly, represented at Tuesday's meeting it is said t11'at several prominent Lib- erals were prescht, An October Wedding in East Wawanosh. Another pretty wedding took place at `!'The White 'House," the home of Mr.. and Mrs, Fred Toll, Wast Wawa- nosh, tin Wednesday, Oct. 24th, when their second daughter, Pearl A., was united iu marriage to 'Ernest W. Laughlin of Paris, Ont. The couple were unattended. The bride entered the parlor leaning ' on the arm of her father, looking charm - itg le a gown of ivory duchesssatin trimmed with lace, She carried a beautiful shower boquet of roses, lily -of -the -valley, smilax and maiden- hair fern, and wore a pearl necklace, the gift of the groom. The ceremony, was perforated by the Rev. R. J. 112cCormick in the pres-' ence of about forty guests. Tho wed- ding march was played by ibirs. W. Ti. Orasbyi, sister of the bride, and during the signing of the register Mrs. F. W. Toll and Mrs. W. H. Grasby rendered a very pretty piano duet. After the wedding luncheon had been served Mr. and Mrs. Laughlin. left on the 2.15 p.m. C.P.R, train from Blyth for Toronto, Niagara Falls and Hamilton, The bride travelled in a tailored brown serge suit, brown velvet hat trimmed with gold band and white wings and brown and white ostrich ruff. Many useful and pretty gifts testified to the bride's popularity. The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Pope, London ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Love, Seafortli Mr. and Mrs: H. Plumstead, Mr. \ and Mrs. Laughlin and Mr. Henry Laughlin, -Paris ; Miss Susie • Laughlin, Brant- ford ; Miss M. B. Leckie, Sarnia, and Miss E. Stewart, Clinton. On their return lir. and NICs. Laughlin will reside on the groom's farm at Paris', Ont. , Best wishes of a large circle of friends follow them that they may have a long, prosper- ous and happyr journey through life together. Seaforth. Mrs. R. W. Bruce Smith of 'termi- te was the guest last week of Col. and Mrs. Wiison. Mr. Gordon Wright, president of the Associated Kfn, addressed a mass meeting of the different churches in tite Methodist church on Sunday week and another meeting on the Mondays following. As a consequence a. committee was named to see about having a branch organized here\ Mr. W. A. Crich, who is a member of the executive el the Bread and Cake Manufacturers' Assoelatfen of Canada, attended the New England Bakers'.- Business Convention at Springfield, Mass., last week. Mr. .1. IC, Dodds of Swift Current and Mr. Wm. Dodds of North Da- kota were here last week attending t oderi.kih e. , ,r f ,i ut 14 l .Cud o •on >' D'• f nl, 04 b 0 iL, Wm, Prondioot, lviP,P,, nuns been awarded the Military Crosse for gal- lantry on the held, LieubN Proud - toot w u ed. Vin idbc, loge waso rid . at tY R t 1 Pte, and Mr • H. Rol at h• t , n s, n have gone on a visit to Bucyrus, Ohio, to 'visit friends. Lieut, Melville Alhde'rson, s'otl of the late Rev. James Anderson pastor of Knee church, who 18 1iom0 on leave, visited Dr. and 'Mrs, Strang last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. II, Colborne and Miss Mateo were in 'Toronto last week attending the wedding of the form er's son, Mr, G. Ernest Colborne, to Miss Violet 'Irene Tout of Toronto, The groom is a well-known "and highly esteemed young businessman of Goderioh and lets friends wish himand lits bride long years of hap- py married life. Tlie steamer Griffin unloaded 108,- 000 bushels of wheat at the Western Canada Flour NTi11s one day last week, - Marriages CYANI'•ELON l:•IABTLEIB-In Toren- 0 0 Eleanor, u - t o Oct. 2 th 1 a h n d b terof Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hart- leib of Gurieh, to John H. Can - talon, son of Mr. and Mrs, Peter Centelon of Clinton. LAUGHLIN-TOLL-In East Wawa-, nosh, on Oat. 240, by Rev: R, J. McCormick, Pearl A., second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Toll, to Ernest W. Laughlin of Paris, Ont. COLBORNE-TOUT In Toronto, oh Oct. 24th, Violet. Irene Tout to G. Ernest Colborne of Goelerieh. Births LA•VIS-In Clinton, on Oct. 26t1i, to Ms. and Mrs. J. Bartlett Levis, a ran. Deaths ARIVLSTRONG--In Stanley township, on Oct. 29th, George Lloyd Arm- strong, aged 28 years and 4 months. MaeLEOD-In Brooklyn, N.Y., on Oct. 2611), Catharine A„ daughter of the late Roderick. MacLeod of Brucefield, aged 55 years. HORTICULTURAL MEETING -THE regular annual meeting of the Clin- ton Horticultural Society* will be held in the board room of the town ball on Wednesday evening, Nov. 7th at 7.30 p.m. -Thos, . Cottle, Sec. Treas, 13-1 CATTLE FOR SALE -4 COWS SUP= posed to be in calf, 1. . three-year- old heifer, 1 two-year-old heifer, 3 one -year-old heifers, L steer ten months old, 3 calves, one horse eight y+ears old good to work or drives -For particulars apply at News -Record. -13 RATEPAYERS ARE . REIV1INDED that payment of the second instal- ment of taxes should be made as early an possible. The last day for payment is Dec. 14th, atter which five percent. will be added. No notice other than this adver- tisement will be given. Bring your tax statement when leaking pay- ment. -Jos, Wheatley, Tax Collec- tor. Clinton, Nov. 1st, 1017. I3-7 Sale Register On Thursday, Nov. 8th, tit Lot 6, Ca.. 1, Hullett, at 1. o'clock p. m., sale of farm stock and implements. the funeral of their mother, :the late -R. J. Gibbings, proprietor ; Thos. Mrs. Chas. Dodds. Brown, auctioneer. Will Class One Provide The One Hundred Thousand Men? It will be"geeatly to the advantage of Canada if the entire quota of 100,000 men to be raised under the Military, Service Act can be secured from the first class; that is, from the men between the ages of 20 and 34 who were unmarried or widowers without children on July 6th, 1917. This is almost self•evident for the following reasons: it is admitted that, between the ages of 20 and 34, the average man is at the height of Itis physical strength and is most adaptable to the change of conditions from civilian life; the military service of unmarried men and widowers without children would occasion less distress than that of most others, since they are largely without dependents. Also, it would entail less financial burden for Canada, through separation allowances, etc. emest ,rAuthorities estimate that, after all proper exemptions have been allowed, Canada should be able to produce from the first class 100,000 man fit for service, so the drain upon the man power of the country will not be severe. Members of Class One will be well Advised to present themselves dor examination immediately to the Medical Board in their district. Upon examination as to theit physical fitness, they will be placed in one of the following categories: Category A -if fit for service in overseas fighting units. Category B -if fit for service overseas in Army Medical Corps, Forestry Battalion, etc, Category C-lf fit for service in Canada only. Category 1 -if unfit for military service of any nature. s. Hoot placed in Category A. the applicant will know that hers not liable for immediate service, but will go to the Post Office and send in a claim for exemption with his Medical Certificate attached, when he will re. cefve in due source a certificate of exemption unh) triose in his medical category are summoned for service, Where a man, who is placed in category A, (cola that exemption should be allowed, 'an application form can be secured torn the postmaster, This form, when filled in, will be forwarded by the postmaster to the registrar of the district, and the applicant will be interned by mail as to the time and place for the consideration of his applfcatfon by the Exemption Board. Issued Ay The 1Vl'ilffary Seivfke Coetn6IL AUCTION SALT' Ole HORSES, Gat410 and Sheep,. -Mr. Lewis Alas - worth will wL1i s 11 by Pblie auction at Lot• 37; Cin 2, Gederlell- town- ship, Mayfield lload) on. Monday Nov, 112, cominenoing at 1.80 0 eioek shaLP Iorse 1150151 delving n g horse, 1 heatY draft geid n 6rising 3 years old, 1 heavy draft !idly ries Mg 3 years old, 2 heavy draft geldings rising 2 pears old, 2 heavy draft foals, Cattle -6 heavy steers' Weighing about 1200 pounds each, 4, two-year old steers, 2 ono -year. steers, 3 000 -year old heifers, 4 spring' calves. Sheep. -3 Leicester ewes, 1 Leicester ewe lamb, 2 Leicester wether lambs, 1 Leicester ram: 2 years old.. Terms :-Ml sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that, amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 Ter - cent allowed for cash on credit amounts: -Lewis Aidswortlt, Pro- prietor; T,Gundry, Auctioneer, 13-2 AUCTION SALE 011' l AItM STOOK and Implements -Or. George El- liott bas 'hien Instructed to sell by public !suction on Lot 47, Con, 1, 14 miles south of Clinton, on the -London Road, on Tuesday, Nov, 13111, at1o'clock sharp, the fol- lowing : Horses --1 heavy draught mare 7 years old, 1 heavy draught mare 10 years old, 1 driving mare, Cattle -3 Durham mileh cows due to calve in April, 1 two-year-old steer, 2 yearling steers, 2 yearling heifers, 5 spring calves. About 50, bens and chickens. Implements -1 six -ft. Deering mower, it steel land roller, 1 set diamond harrows, 1 Massep•Harris cultivator, t root pulper, 1 Weisner seed drill, 1 Deering liay, rake, 1 cutting box, 1 wagon, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 Deer- ing; disc harrow, 1 walking plow, 1 Coekshutt two -furrow walking plow, 1. sugar kettle, 1 grind stone, 1 pair bob sleighs, 11 set single har- ness, 1 set double harness, 1 De Laval -separator, 1 hay rack, • a quantity of clover acid timothy hay, corn in stook, a few Household effects and other articles too num- erous to mention. Terms -3 months credit on approved joint notes. 5 percent, per annum off 011 credit amounts. All sums of 810 and un- der, cash. Everything to be satis- factorily settled for before leaving premises. -Levi WiItse, Proprietor ; Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer. 13--2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements. -Mr. Thos. Brown has been instructed to sell by pub- lic 'auction on Lot 6, Con. 3, Hul- lett, on Thursday, Nov. 8th, 1.30 sharp, the following : Horses -1. brood mare 9 peers old supposed to be in foal, 1 mare 4 years old sired by Glenrae, b. agricultural gelding, 3 years old, 1 filly 2 years old sired by Glenrae, 1 filly foal sired by International, 1 deiviag mare 9 years old, 1" driving filly 3 years old sired by Red MoKinney, 1 driving gelding 2 years old sired by Red MtKinneyn. Cattle -2 cows due in February, 2 cows due in 'April, 1 three year old heifer with calf at foot, 3 steers 2 years old, 8 heifers rising 2 years, 1 steer rising 2 years, 1 yearling steer, 4 spring naives. Pigs -.11 chunks 3 months old, 2 brood sows. 1 gan- der and 2 geese. About 50 . hens and about 20 pullets. 1, Bell cut- ting box with carriers, 1 Coleman crusher with bagger, 1 wagon, 1 wagon box new, 1 set "sleighs new, 1 buggy, 1 hay -rack, b Fleury, walk- ing alking plow, 1 hay fiork, car, rape and pulleys, 1 Melotte cream sepeiator 600 lb. capacity, 1 McTaggart fan- ning mill, about, 600 bushels oats, 150 bushels barley and 200 t:ushels Mixed grain mostly fit for seed, b Imjerial Oxford range. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash ; rt or that amotlnt 11 months credit will be given on furnishing approved ' joint notes, A discount of 5 per- cent- straight off for cash on credit amotmts. Hogs aril grain to be cash. Everything to be satisfac- torily settled for before being re- moved from the premises. -Robert J. Gibbings, proprietor ; ''Bomes . Brown, auctioneer. 12-2 CALF' STRAYED„, -F. ROM THE premises of therundersiiued, about the last of Sept., a spring calf, heifer, black with white face. In- formation regarding same will be gratefully received bp .3 T, Me- . Knight, Brueelield. Phone 8 on 197, --12 • BARRED ROCKS. FOR SALE -A nunubeS of hen hatched cockerels at two dollars each, from selected 'heavy fall and winter layers, mated with Guild Strain cockerel. For particulars phone or write Herbert Wise, R. R. No. 3, ,Clinton, Phone 12 on 155, 12--3 HORSE 11011 SALE -000D WORK horse, works double or single. -AP - Ply W. Kennedy, Clinton -11 COCZERIILS FOR SALT. --I HAVE a number of pure bred Ancona cock- mels for sale, (hatohed„froin eggs. from Rev. .bl. 0. Powell's famous pens). Price CIAO if taken before Nov. 1st, 82.00 afters that date, - Chas. Williams, Jr,, R. R. No. 2, Clinton, Phone 111-143, -Lt FOR SALE -C40017 FRAME HOUSE on Station street, in' host of re- pair, good cellar, hard and soft wet- er. Best of location.--AppIy to W. G. Pickett. ..10 FOli TRENT - 1l E S I It A 13 L property on Albert street, Clinton, nom,>tisilig residences and entail front `;boli, 'More is also a Haiti• and largo garden lit eonnestion. Will be sold 'cheap or will rent at $6,00 per i tontli, Apply to 1). Cooke, Brussels, or Wm, Elliott, Clinton, -07 14(911715 FOR SA.1.,1l,-GOOD PARK work horse for r,, lt. Apiily M. G. T nsf d 3n. or . -10 COTTAGE Poll SALE OR TO gent -On Cutler street, Clinton, cottage eontoinug rooms, , good ce ar situation anon c tr 1For a , taL •- vu a. o titulars apply to 0, B. 'Halo or Mrs. Butler, Clinton, -00 FOR SALT; OR TO RENT, -14 Storey house on Huron street ; six rooms, Waterworks, large garden, - Apply John. Snyder, Huron St. --02 FOR SALE OR'RL1N'X-NICE, COM- fortablo, brick house on Raglan street, town water and electric light, two acres of land and ors Chard, also stable. All in good re- pair, --Apply D. Cautelon. -92 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired. and Pressed and tot the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to Frenoh Dry Clean L tidies Suits, Gent's Sults and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly' at- tended to:• Rooms over Johnson's jewelry Store. -Wm. J. Jago. e-00 WANTED. -ROOMERS OR BOARD- ers. Comfortable rooms and board if desired. -Mrs. Mogridge, .Ontario street. a-96 FARM FOR SALE, -LOT' 25, MIR - on Road, Tuckersmith, • containing 08 acres, with buildings. For par- ticulars apply to R. W. Gibbings, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. -07 LIVE POULTRY WANTED week. Highest market every paid, price W. MARQUIS Phone 14-166 It. R. No. 1 CATCH THE BOAT in time to reach your friends' before Xmas with that box that they are looking for and expect. We have gathered in our store goods that they appreciate and look for. Below we give a partial list : Prepared Cocoa - Prepared Coffee George Washington Coffee Honey Salmon Loaf Sugar Sardines Cocoa Pork and Beans Olives Water Ice Wafers Gum Chocolates' Etc., Etc. 'Home cooking tune is now on. What shortening are you using ? We carry the three popular lines and if you are not using them you will appreciate the advantages offered you in these lines of- CRISCO, DOMESTIC EASIFIRST HIGFIEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Johnson & CO. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly cared for.' PHONE 111. CLASSES! There is no remedy except 'glasses for errors or refraction of the eye. Do not delay. in getting the proper glasses. Misty vision comes with advancing years, but can be cleared with properly fitted glasses. Spec- tacles are our specialty. Wei test free and guarantee satisfaction. Our guarantee means something -we are not here today and away tomorrow. You know just where to find us. No guess work. Accurate scientific meas- urements and tests. Now that the long evenings are here come 1n and get a Phonola and enjoy the grand opera and the band. Have your own entertainer and keep the family entertained at home as well as enjoying it yourself. This is an all Canadian machine, the best on the market for the money. Records and ueedlas always on hand. The price is lower than any other as we do not have any duty to pay. Drop In and hear it and be convinced. If there is a watch or clock in your house that refuses to go bring It iti the first time you are coming to town.. A fese minutes time 'or a few cents cost may make it as good SA new, and you wont have to wait weeks on it as you will fined it ready when promised, -•B. H. JOHNSON (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Agent for Phollolas, WE WANT NOW A Reliable Agent in Heron. ebtutty to soil Pelham's Peerless Fruit and Ornametttal trees during fall and winter months. Good pay, exclusive territory, free selling equipment., Over 600 mares of the ohoieuab nursery stook, including new varieties controlled by us, 14andsome tip -io- date soiling equipment and a splen- did Canadian -grown stock to offer customers. We are not jcbbbet;et. ll7rite now for agency terms to PELIIAM NUXISSM' 00, Toronto, Ont. 11/47i3..•0ata3ogue sant on request to arpticanf2 for agencies err' piirahasers of nursery stock. 1IHLS WANTED Ola, Nier. CAS GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO id FEW MORE KNIT: TLitS, E'rC. APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co L IMITIOD. Do you know what this label means ? It is your assurance of perfect satisfaction iny 13 u • cu • a peer concrete work. Insist Qu getting Canada Cement, _ We also have all kinds of Dressed Lumber and McNair Brand Shingles, so if you are figuring on any new buildings or repairing, let us help you plan your work. Our services are free. J. B. MUSTARD BRCTCEEIELD. Clinton Carriage Shop MOGUL ENGINES Mogul Gasoline Engines from 1 t 25 h.p. MCCORMICK MACHINERY • Mowers - :Binders - Rakes Flay Loaders - Side-delimery Rakes Bean Cultivators - Scuftlers Oliver Plows• - Peerless Gates. McLaughlin and Boyne Buggies and Carriages Some good second-hand buggies for sale cheap: Buggytires channeled and re-rubbered. - M1 kinds of hard and soft p11s, greases, etc., kept in stock. Tops and side curtains of all kinds repaired. All work neatly and promptly done. WILSON ELLIOTT Phone 73 - Huron street THE COHNEH STORE Live and Let Live Speia1 iu Soap Electric Cosmos White Knight anti Capital Nap the. - 5 cents per cake or 2.11 cakes foe 81.00.• SPECIAL Finnan Haddie Cod Fish Sweet Potatoes Celeryl Grapes Oranges and Bananas. Butter and Eggs Wanted--IIigeest prices, cash or trade. E. E. HUNNIFORD It Pays to Feed good feed to your horse or other live stock. Pays in better condition or In greater production. We carry, the best feed we can obtain. In spite of that fact you'll not find our prices any higher than yell how pay. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUII AND PEED, Phone 109, Illghest pri'ec0 'pall Co (train and Wool, I'lovstoass Residence phone 9-142a _ 016 11611 1) '. w l'ru-,- i ANOTkHER CONSIGNMENT, OF Pie Raisins (s' 2 lbs, for 254 Cooking Page (u3,,,,,;3 lbs. for 25c Seedless Ilalsins, loose, per 1b, . ,.,.,,, ,:,,.,.,.].5c Seedless Raisins, per paokage 150 New Peels, ; I • Currants,, Nuts and everything to make your Christmas cake. ■ T. O'ellThe HubGrocery CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free, Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly, weighed, sampled and tested oa arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to ,Beatty* Bros, Store and it will be taken care of there -The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 486, Seaforth. Ont.. -00 Pou1trJ Wanted Our Feeding Plant has opened for the season, and from now on eve Will bo in the market for. all the poultry that you have for sale. Poultry, will be. taken in every Wednesday* morning at 'Holmesville and 'every day at Clin- ton. Special prices will lie paid for properly fin- ished milk -fed chickens over 5 lbs. each. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N. W. Trewartha, Phone 19V Manager or flalmesvillo 4 oq 142: Leave Your Order Early for Eavetroughing, Heating or Plumbing you're going to have done this year PRICES ARE ADVANCING FAST t'=y : THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Ueda Furnaces Sliiop over Rowland's Hardware, : PHONE 53, The Big Store Men's Kant Kruk heavy rubbers made like an auto dui aid have been worn two full win- ters by' ,nen in this vicinity, in 2 buckle and. 4 eyelet lace at 88.00. And we. throw in a Heavy felt insole,' Men's heavir rubbers with 7 Ma, all rubber top 8,50 Men's heavt. rubbers with 12 inoh leather tap 4,25 Boys' heavy rubbers, 2 buckle, red sole, sizes 1 to 6 2.25 Youth's heavy rubbers 11 to 13 1.73 Small boys' heavy rubbers 3-1,0 1.25 Wonen's light rubbers, low, med- ium or high bee), with leath- er hi heel at'.............85 and .00. SPECIAL' FOR SATURDAY A' job lot of tnen's light rubbers at .75 Jo J. O. O e _ LONotsBOf O P1116 BIG STORE WIPII LTPPU) PRIMA,