The Clinton News Record, 1917-09-27, Page 5• = eptember 2"i'tt►r t917 Gunton. News -Record Of Interest to You and Me (Paling Sir (tapre° POster as SAY - .14 t11ab to carry on the war of- eleionti ' required a milted, n d i.aa. The Simee Reformer, in its las is- m s sue goon oe to retuark that t "Seine nietvspapees and quite a fewpeople have been talking that way for throe years belt the catastrophe of 1t a11 2 that S'i'r Rebut Borden and Sir :,(eor a Politer were Dot ton of s u& flolent vision to luvire graspod some conception of the magnitude of the war from the echo of the firsb gun, When history dealswith therat that will bo its decision -.wanting from tthe hegiuning." Prone what anyone can see at the inresent or could be seen at anytime the pasttheee years the people and newspapers whirl have been talking union seem to imagine that taut is all that is necessary. They: refuse to unite, evert t0 win the war. If history, which is supposed to be able to 'judge things with a nicety of justice, decides that the Government was "wanting from the beginning" then it will surely. decide that the Opposition was '4wanting" right to the end, The Manitoba Free Press, one, of Canada's leading Liberal newspapers, is under no delusion as to why- we have not o Union Government and i s ho enough comet t 1 vast. 1 h to 01 ;boldly and put the blame where it belongs, In a recent editorial under the heading "Crocodile Tears" it says in part : "Lamentations by public men at 'Ottawa, and by various newspapers, that one unfortunate result of the Franchise Bill is to make Union (Government impossible are, in tate main, hyliooritical. They proceed ,:'from parties who have been: resort- ing to every possible expedient to prevent the coming of a Union• Gov.- ernment ; and are now delighted be- yond measure to think that at last an insuperable bar has been raised, to the consummation of the project to 'whicif they are so deeply opposed. That there was neither a 'Union Government nor such an un- deretandiagis due principally to the ,Liberal leaders who have shown lien times more ingenuity • in finding ex- cuses for refusing to help forward -the tnovement looking towards unity 'than they have displayed in seeking - ,00casion to serve their country. Theirs is the chief responsibility for the failure to reach an understand- ing ; and if, because of their course, union ultimately fails, the country, ;will demand an accounting at their bands," • The Toronto Daily' Star, which is usually very loud in its warnings ,against anything like stirring up rac- 'dat or religious strife, 'seems to be ,deliberately trying to arouse a pre- judice among Roman Catholics by ,hinting that at some future time a 'Governsnent in Canada, not a Liber- al Government, be it understood, might take a notion to deprive Rom- an Catholics of the right' to vote. Twice during the past eou;ple pf i— - -tveeks has The Star thrown out this 'hint, It would really be hard to put into plain words just where The Star stands just at present and what it would. like to see happen. It is ,•, committed to conscription but Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who is just as much 'committed against it, is still head of the Liberal party andeven con- :seription Liberals acclaim him as their leader. If Sir Wilfrid Laurier is returned to power at the coming -election does Tlie Star or anybody .else imagine that the Military Ser - ,vice Act would be enforced ? The Star at times is struck with the Teal that such an emergency might Ibe brought about and comes oust with a blunt assertion thtit the bays At the front must be supported 'mid that it will deliiport none but conscription candidates, oto,, but 00 Most oeoa- sions it is doing its level .bust to de- feat the end ;wbieh it professes to de- r oF tto un- dermine t - si b going on o i. wayt dery ire nllderw in the Premier, whoiscommitted to tlti'e support 0 the boys at the front, and to open the way for the return of tum man who is pledged against taking the only method in saglit to make poss- ible that support,It Sir Wilfrid Laurier is returned to power at the corning,, election Canada as a factor in winning the war is through, The Liberal newspapers who support con- scription as the only meant; of send- ing reinforcements to the boys at the front know this perfectly well but for party reasons they aro play- ing Pla .ing a double genie and trusting to luolc—and Sir Robert Borden to see that the boys are reinforced. Write to London, Canada The following letter, which ex- plains itself, has been received fly, The News,Rocard and may ,be of in- terest nterest to many readers ; _ Dear Sir,—I shall be obliged to.you if you will kindly bring to the at- tention of your readers the fact that enquiries concerning members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force should not be sent yo England, All avail- able information is dispatched from London, England, by cable and mail- ed to the . Record 011lee, Ottawa. Consequently, the Record Office, in most instances is able to impart the same ,information from two weeks' to a month earlier than could be done by the authorities overseas. 'AU en- quiries, therefore, concerning mem- bers of tile Canadian Expeditionary Force should be sent directly to Disc trice Headquarters and will 'be trans- mitted to Ottawa immediately for attention. Yours truly, Walter James Brown, , Lieut. -Colonel A. A, G., M. D. No. 1 Help the Fighters to Win Save Wheat—Great Britain and our Allies must have 460,000,000 bushels from Canada and the United States. Normal consumption must be reduced by at least 25 percent. to meet war needs. Save Beef and Bacon—Normal con- sumption trust be reduced by at least 95 percept. to meet, war needs. The demand for these commodities is imperative. The men in the tren- ches will go hungry if you fait them. Will you let them fight for you and not fight for them ? You Can:Use Substitutes—Such as other meats, fish, eggs, milk, oat- meal, barley, etc., with' benefit to health. You Betray Your Country's Cause When You Waste Food—Over $50,- 000,000 worth of foodstuffs goes in- to tate garbage wagons of Canada every year. Such , waste in wartime is a ohne. Your Loyalty is meas- ureable by 'your saving. Eat Perishable Prodiiots-Preserve, dry, can and store the garden truck which has been produced so abun- dantly this year. By doing so you prevent waste' and release storable foods for export. ' Victory is Dependent' Upon the Ex- tent of Your Food Service. W. J, Hanna, Food Controller. Duron RedCpuntCross and War Cony tingent Report • ileeoipts Dec,9 o un e' iR Go, o ( 0120 i .'2 4 t.,, 5.0 Y� 6 0 June 19147,, Co. ' canncii grant,,,100,00 Total ,,.,,.,., $125,00 Expenditures 1919 Mrs. Fitton, Seor tar Y , tlr , 0 O Mrs, Hamilton, fres...,,, 1,0,00 1917 Mies Essery, Exeter.„, 5,19 Miss Allen, Goderieif 4.05 Mrs, Axon, Clinton,,,...,12.95 Mrs, Gardiner, )Ilya, 0.24 Mss Brown, Treasurer2,88 Delegates dinner d inner 3,00 Mrs, Fitton, See 5,00 Total 1263,81 Aug, Balance on hand 01,19 • Byron Sanitoiium Fund Total receipts ,,., ,,,,$10'42.77 Total expenditures , ,,,, 1000,00 Balance on hand 42.77 ,-Glterra E. 'Brown, Treasurer, W Ingham Mrs, Forster and two children have returned of rued to their home n in the State of 'I'ennesee after .spending the sum - mor as the guests of the lady's father and sisters, Mr. and the Miss- es VanStone, Births ANDII 'WS -1E) Godericli, on Septem- ber 19th, to Mr, and Mrs. Clear les R, Andrews, a son. DROVER -In Tuckersmith, on Sept. 18t11, to Mr. and Mrs. Wei, Drov- er, a daughter. SHANNON -1n Hullett, on Sept. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shannon, a daughter.' ARMSTRONG—In Winghain, on Sept. 13th, teeRev, ID. F, and Mrs. Armstrong, a son. Deaths JOHNSTON--,In Goderich Hospital, on Sept. list, Florence Bose Brennan, wife of Mr, James Johnston of Clinton, aged 28 years and 3 months. HARWOOD—In, Clinton, on Sept. 24th, George William Charles, in- fant son of Mr. and leas - George George - Harwood, aged 8 months and 6 days. MoDOOL—In Bayfield, on Sept. 26th, I Richard McDooI, aged 91 years. TOUGH—At Bayfield, on Sept. 23rd, John Tough, aged 78 years. ROBERTSON—In Goderich, on Sept. 23rd, William Roderick Robert- son, aged 83 years. FOR SALE.—A GOOD 4 -YEAR-OLD • Driver, broke single or double.— Applyz at Graham House, 08-1 SALVATION ARMY. BAND, STRAT- I ford will give concert in. S. A, cit- adel on Saturday, Oct, 6th, Ad- mission Inc. 08-2 LOST—A PURSE CONTAINING A stun of money between Schaeuhals' 151111 and the Collegiate Institute. Reward. Apply . at News -Record Office. 08—h WANTED—BY THE MEMBERS Ob' the Clinton Young Ladies' Patrio- tic Auxiliary, four young pigs, same to be led by the four wards of town and proceeds of sale de- voted to funds of Auxiliary. Any- one wishing to donate a young pig kindly communicate witb the presi- clent, Miss Winnie O'Neil, 08-2 'A Get ,1 ,hin the .. heel of :ifsF.lr:and Drive TRY it just once) Ask your friend to let you "lijlot" his car on an open stretch. ' You'll like it, and will be surprised how easily the Ford is handled and driven. If you have never felt the thrill of driving your own car, there is some- thing good in store for you. It is vastly different from just riding—being se passenger. And especially so if you drive a Ford. Young boys, girls, women and even grandfathers—thousands of them -- are driving Ford cars and enjoying it. A Ford stops and starts in traffic with exceptional ease and smoothness, while on country roads and hills its strength and power show to advantage. Buy a Ford and you will want to be behind. "the wheel" constantly, Runabout - $475 Touring : $495 Coupelet - $695 ,771E UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan _ - $890 F. 0, l3, FORD, ONT, Bert Langford, Dealer, Clinton FARM FOR SALE—CONTAINING lab acres of gond elaya-Mein suitable for agrioulturo or grass, 1ie111g sot 771 M.altland C:on•, godorieh town- ship, Pin acres of ohoiee bard - wood. 'bush ; 1lever-failing spring amok roiling thitcugh, 411' under grass at present. Possoralan .can be given at 00126; Apply, to Wnt. 13edour, R. R. No, 2, (Hinton, Phone 12 on 149. —08 FOR SALE—MRS, 13 T T .OW r' S R Lb Property on Frederick street, For particulars apply to W. Brydoue, Clinton, 08-4 WANTED—AN IDNGINEER F011 the Clinton Fleur Mill, Apply at once to J, Selioonhais, Box 08; Clinton, -08 FOR SALE OR RENT—DESIRABLE property on Albert street, Clinton, comprising residence and email front shop,i ' 1 There is also a barn and large garden in conne:tiun, Will be sold cheap or will rent at 06.00 per motitli. Apply) to r, Cooly, Brussels, or Wm. Elliutt, Clinton. —07 FARM FOR SALE -[.,OT 38, LON- don Road Survey, Tuckersmith, containing one hundred aures with good buildings. Forr partic- ulars apply to George Wattle, R. 17, No. 1, BruCefsold. Phone 2 on 107, —07 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 25, HUR- on Road, Tuckorsontth, containing 98 acres, with buildings. IPor par- ticulars apply to R. W. Gibbings, R. R. No, 4, Clinton, —07 COTTAGE FOR SALE 011) TO Rent—On Cutler street, Clinton, cottage containing 7 rooms, good cellar, situation central. For par- ticulars apply to C. B. Hale or Mrs. Butler, Clinton, —06 WANTED. -ROOMERS OR BOARD-• ers. Comfortable rooms and board if desired.—Mrs. Mogridge, Ontario street. —96 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -1# storey house on Huron street ; six rooms, waterworks, large garden.— Apply ardett—Apply John Snyder, Huron St. -02 WANTED.—A WOMAN FOR GEN- erai housework in a famine of three without children.—Box M., Clinton, —00 HOUSE FOR SALE—EIGHT-ROOM- ed house on Huron street, formerly occupied by the late Rev. J. Greene. All modern conveniences. Good frame stable on premises. For further particulars apply to Dr. C. W. Thompson. —00 FOR SALE OR RENT—NICE, COM- fortable, brick house on Raglan street, town water and electric light, two acres of laud and or- chard, also stable. All in good re - Pair. :2pply D. Cantelon. —92 YOUR CLOTHES 'CLEANED RE paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. 1 an preparecl.to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Sults and all' kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelry Store. Wm. J. Jago. —00 CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having cream to stili write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. F'ay -all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man, Each can rarelul- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned: Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial Patrons in the. vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty; Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there—The Seaforth Cream - cry., Box 486. Seaforth, Ont. —00 Do you know what this label oceans 7 It is your assurance of perfect satisfaction in all your concrete work. Insist on getting Canada Cement, We also have all kinds of Dressed Lumber. and McNair Brand Shingles, so if you are figuring on any new buildings or repairing, let us help you plan your worry. Our services are free. J. B. MUSTARD B.RUCEFIIELD. WEWANT NOW A Reliable Agent in Huron county to sell Pelham's Peetless Fruit an(1 Ornamental tree's during tall and Whiter meths.. Good pay, exclusive territory, free selling equipment., Over 000 acres of the choicest nursery stook, including new varieties controlled by us, Handsome tip -lo - date selling eghipiuelit and a Olen - did Canadian -grown stocir 1)o offer customers. Wo are not jobbere. Width now for agency tern's to PELITA.M NURSERY, CO. Toronto, Ont, N,B,.--Catalogue stmt on reeitest to applicants for agencies pr pitteifa0ers of nutsery stock, FARM FOR SA/A. — 100-AO.Et,fp farm for sale, 2k ,Hiles north 01 Clinton on the Gravel 119/41. 514-. lots township. On the premises aro, a bank baric 50x00 with stone stab- ling underneath and 11 storey 8 - roomed frame house with good cel: lar, Rural telephone, 5 Ages hard Wood bush ; first class soil. This Farm is ,convenient to sehoels and churches ; .will be sold on easy terms m , possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to --John Reynolds, 180 Nelson St„ Strat- ford, Ont, -112, every Paid. E PPOULTRY A.NTED week. Highest market . pride W. MARQUIS Phone4,- 1 160 R R No. 1 Chopping ! UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WILL 135 DONE ON TUESDAY, THUIRS- DAY AND SATURDAY. ' A new car of Cement ON HAND. JOHN • HUTTON, • Londesboro TVrii� Tiffie! This week we are endeavoring to display in our windows a line of nourishing foods that are of great food vtalue and is what is called "Thrifty Window," and its purpose is to conserve otner lines that are needed to win this great war, and also help to feed our boys at the front. We give a partial list of goods displayed: CORN MEAL OAT MEAL GRAHAM FLOUR RICE TAPIOCA INSTANT TAF'IOOb. SAGO ' POT BARLEY. CORN FLAKES GRAPE NUTS EITC, Are you looking for something to make, pies ? If so, we hate some nice cooking apples. As you know they are rather scarce, our supplies are limited,; HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly cared for. PHONE 111. GLASSES ! There is no remedy except 'glasses for errors or refraction of the eye. Do not delay. in getting the proper glasses. Misty visioa comes with advancing years, but can be bleared with properly fitted glasses. Spec- tacles are our specialty. Wel test free and guarantee satisfaction, Our guarantee means something—we are not hero today and away tomorrow. You know just where to find us. No guess work. Accurate scientific meas- urements and tests. Now that the long evenings are here come in and get a Phonola and enjoy the grand opera and the band. Havte your own entertainer and creep the family entertained at home as well as enjoying it yourself. This is an all Canadian machine, the best on the market; for the money. Records and needles always on hand. The !, price is lower than any other as we ilo not have any duty to pay. Drop I in and, hear t and be convinced. If there is a watch or clock in your house that refuses to go bring it in the first time you are coming to town., A. minutes time or a few cents cost, may make it as good as new, and you wont have to wait weeks on it as you will find ft reads when promised. R. H. JOHNSON (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Agent for Phonolas. Clinton Carriage Shop MOO ur3 ENGINES P. W. HAMILTON Agent for.Go(1erioli and OliOGan, DE :I A.V'Ala Croton Separa- tors 3>ar a - a tors i IDEAL Green. feed Silos ALPHA De Lt4va1 Rngloes SUPERIOR Litter ter 0ar i k rs e Stalls and Stauntions Water Bowie Neweombo Pianos Edison Ainberola Gramophones Large stock f Edisoto s o Edison Recot(ds on band Always home Saturdays forR a i e ' it n D. W. HAMILTON PHONE 207 Huron St., Clinton GIRLS WANTED ! WE CiAN GIVE) EMPLOYMENT TO i11 FEW MORS KNIT. PERS, ETC, APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. Auto Livery Phone 80 Clinton Garage J. H. Paxman, Prop. A FULL LINE OF BICYCLES (New and second band), DOMINION NOBBY TREAD TIRES, ACCESS- ORIES. OPEN ALL NIGHT THE CORNEA STORE Live and Let Live The Morning Cup of Coffee How the delicious brown nectar whets your appetite, ton- es up the system and puts the brain in condition to do good work. There's lots of good coffee in the world, and you can get it every. time—if you go to the right place. We have good coffee in abundance. We never buy any- thing else. The way it is treated before it reaches you has a great deal to do with its goodness. Fruits and Vegetab- les : Oranges, Lem- ons, Bananas, Peaches, IAppl o s Tomatoes, Carrots, Beets, Cabb a g -e', Potatoes and On- ions. E. E, HUNNIFORD fEE Mogul Gasoline Engihes from 1 to 20 h.p. MCCORMICK MACHINERY Mowers — Shiners -- Rakes Hay Loaders — Side -delivery Rakes Bean Cultivators — Settfilers Oliver Plows -i Peerless Gatos. 1Vi'cLaughlin and Boyne Buggies and Carriages Some good second-hand buggies for sale cheap. Buggy tires channeled and re-rubbered. All kinds of hard and soft oils, greaseseta, )rept in stock. Tops and side curtains of all kinds i:epeiretl. A11 work neatly and promptly) dere, WILSON lei...L10'n 1'liono 73 , Hilton street It Pays to Feed good feed to your horse or other live stock. Pays in better condition or in greater production. We odrty the best feed we can obtain. In spite of that fact you'll not find our prices any higher than you now pay. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED, [Phone 1:90. Highest Wets paid fog Grain alid Wool, elevatort, Residbnre phone 9- I42, See Cour 64 THRIF �Rry�y ss l Wln W Q For Buckwheat Flour Rye Flour a Flour Graham I'laur and Bran Fresh Fish Twice a week. W. T. Y The Hub Grocery THE NEWS -RECORD LEADS FOR TOWN, TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY; NEWS. FANCY PR10ES will be paid by us during tlie bal- ance of September for ---- FAT HENS FAT CHICKENS • and FAT DUCKS • Our position in Montreal enables us to meet all competition in pour- ' try prices for the Jewisl feasts whioli will last for the balance of this month, We want all your live poultry at top prices. Sell NOW while prices are high. The high prices that are expected for new laid eggs this winter will pay you for the necessary care of your flock of hens. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm Phone 190. CLINTON Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every, • WEDNESDAY mornino and weighed, tested and paid fon while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl Wel- ted. Fowl received Wednerdaa morning each week. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, SUMMERI{ILL. Leave Your Order Early for Eavetrougiling, Heating or Plumbing you're going to have done ,this year PRICES ARE ADVANCING FAST THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for -Hecla Furnaces Shop over Rowland's .Hardware. PHONE 53. The Big Store _ •••• •.P A Few Snaps in Dress Goods 75 yards blue and brown alt wool dress goods, worth 75e per yard for 0 .50 150 yards all wool dress geode, blue, dark;, fnpdium end light,, different patterns,. worth' 75c per yard for,5O 500 yards black 'end white checks,plain and broken at 250, 40c, 00e, 75c aude1.00 A11 worth at least 25 percent mare, SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 1 only piece black and white worth 750, Saturday only-, .411 and oltly 7 yards to a Customer.. J. O. Lounsbery LONoESBOfto 'i'lTl; BTG SPORT: WITI:I TATTLE I'ItIO.TsS. r '4 • j 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 t 4 a 4 J 4 r-� 4 4 4 4 4 -4 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 1 4 . J • 4 4 J 4