The Clinton News Record, 1917-04-26, Page 5April;:eeth, 1917 Clinton News -Record A War Conference this Sider Earning Coed ivtoneu th4 Atlantic. A good teeord for; ee four-year-old grade oow in Ontavfo in 1916 was 12,, 986 pounds of Millaand 450 pomele'of fat ; saeoareed $200.86 for' her owner, • 'et °lose by her were many cows that did not bring in ono lumthed. each in the satire time, some earned even less than that. Dairy records discover these Dote and help owners to dist orhninate, to see that cows are dandled so as to give the best possible results anti earn good money. It will pay, tiny dairyman to test each of his cows, There may be one or two le your hard. capable of groat dovelopmenb. A few minobes per oow per montl>,..spent. is weighing and sampling will give nesse valuable information on . which to Wild up a better herd, Drop a line to tli0 Dairy Division, Ottawa, asking for milk record forms, either three day ot;' daily, They are 'free the keeping of records helps to iucrease your .income,. -0, F. W, Hon. A. J. Balfour, Tho Ilon, A, J, Balfour, Minister `' Uf Foreign..Affairs for the United Kingdom, Who is the tread of a party of. British .and French public men, •who are this. week in Washington, having come over to confer with Pre- sident Wilson and his cabinet in 'or- der, as Mr, 'Balfour said, "to make ,co-operation easy and 'effective be- tween those who are .striking ' with all their„ power to bring about a last- . ing peace byi the onlp means that can secure it -namely, a succes,eial war," Mr. Balfour had a cheering message for Canada when lie landed at Tlali- 'fax, and words of High commenda- tion for her part in the war. He al- so expressed the hope that C'ana'da would be represented at the.confer- ence at Washington. Sir Thos. White and Sin George E. Foster will repre- seat this Dominion. Who Will Enlist in C. D. F.? Four thousand men are to be re- cruited in Military District No. 1 for the Canadian Defence Force. The period of engagement, the age lini'its and the physical standards are the seine -as for: service overseas. The special attestation papers to be signed by each recruit make it quite clear that the force to be raised is solely for home defence. Enlisted men will. Main two evenings and one afternoon e, week,. and will be paid at the rate of 50 cents for each parade. When the ' unit gods into camp, men will of course receive full pay and allowances, which in all cases are but slightly lower than in the case of the C. E. F. Since the early days_ of the war, Canada has never been without an armed. force of of at least 50,000 men ready to be used if required in the protection of Oanada .and Canadian homes. There are ap- proximately 50,000 soldiers in Canada today. • These men are urgently need- ed overseas. In order that they may be releneed without delay, and in or- der that this country may not cola sequently be left defenceless, itis im- perative that, a C. D. F. he raised at once, Horne service in these critical times is an urgent necessity ; it is highly honourable ; and to men who for various reasons are unable to go overseas, it affords a splendid oppor- tunity to play a manly part. Recruit- ing for the 0. D. F. will not of course <10 away with the neoessify of recruit- ing for 'the O. E. F. 'Men. ' are still wanted in great numbers foe service, overseas. Canada Mistress of Her own Affairs The opposition press is making much of the fact than the govern- ment has removed •the tax from wheat, Anyone not blinded' by. party. polities can see that to have com- plete centro' of her own tariff suits Canada, both east and west, The power to put on a tax here and take off a tax there is what the country decided to preserve for borsolf when the Borden Government was return- ed in 1011, The Borden Government entered into no agreement never to change its tarie. It has the power to . control it ancl_ exercises that pow- er as the needs of the country. de- mand, Marriages FREIVILIN-STEEP-In .0linton, on: April 23xd, by the Rev. J. E. Ilogg, Nelle, second • daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. William Steep, to Harold Fremlin, O'BRIEN-CARILL-In Stratford, on April 25th, Helen Cahill of Strat- ford to Christopher O'Brien of Tuckersmith PARKER-PERRIE-Ab Wingham, on April 17th, Harold Parker to Jenisa Perrie, both of Wingham Li:NDSAY-ANSLEY-At Wingham, on.Apri118th, R. Mark Lindsay to lama, Alineda Ansley. bosh of Wingham Goderioh Township R'v, W. 13, Moulton will resume the pltlpit of St, Jannis Chetah, middle, 'top, on Sunday n ISir, and M rs, Danexbiel G, Tole and lit- tle sort Berton, of Seattle, Wash„ s re visiting the foriner's parents, Mr, and ides. Peter Cole Mr, and AIM Harvey Benne of Lead• bury visited over Bentley with friends on slate 7th --- Lieut. Bert tamper of Toronto spent the week end with life pa110111s, Mr, and Mee, George .popper, his last leave before going overseas, The y0ung Ladies' Patriotic Society will meet 1100 Wedeesdayafternoon at the home of Nei$$ Edna 'Wise Mr. Stephen VVesbcott of Lewisville, Montana, is spending at few weeks as theguest of his sieber, Mrs. John Little, 1t is thirty years since 31r, Westeole lefthere ammo, ho, of co, dotes inane changes Births STERLING -In Goderich Township, on April 22nd, to Mr. end Mrs. Fred Sterling, a daughter, (Mary Elizabeth), JOEINSTON-ln Godericb, on April 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. George John- ston, Cambria Road, a son, Deaths BARTLIF'F-In Clinton, en Apr it 24th, John Cardiff, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bartliff, aged 1 year and 11 months. OUDMORE-At Crystal City, Mau., on April 24th, Mrs. William Cud - more of Exeter, formerly of Kip- pen MOULTON-le London, on April 2011, Benjamin D. Moulton, brother of Rev. W. B, Moulton, aged 26 years' SOOTT-In Brumfield, ou April 20111, William Scott, aged 80 years HOLT-1n Goderich, April18th, Philip Holt, J unior County Judge, in his 65ti1year FINNIGAN-In West Wawanosh, on April 17th, Tbmnas Finnigan, aged 47 years CROSBY -In Goderich, on Ap.iil 16th, William K. Crosby, aged 47,years. McILWAIN-Io Goderich Tewnsbip, on April 181.1], Samuel Mcllwain, aged 75 years - CAMPI3,ELL-In Seaforth, on April 14111..Alex, Murray Campbell, aged 78 years COCICSHIJT'1' IMPLE141CNTS. - I have taken Mr- the • Cooksliutb Bra plentenes Agency and will keep on hand a fall lino of machinery and repairs; Frost & Wood binders, 'powers, bay rakes,_. corn and field cultivators, bean harvesters, rid- ing and walking ploughs, seed drills and disks, waggons and buggies ; a full line of everything required on the farad. Order your repairs early. R. A. HEARN, opposite the Market Square.. -80. FOR SALE OR RENT -Comfortable six -room frame house, with min - mer katehen, on Isaac street. Two lots, ! with all. kinds of fruit trees, also small fruits, and stable. PRIVATE SALE of furniture, in- cluding Happy Thought range, coal heater, etc., and a number of 1.3u11 Orpington hens. ' Sale commences April 270, continuing until all is sold. For particulars, apply on the premises -Mrs. J. Emmerton, -80. FOR SALE -BARRED ROCK EGGS, Bred -to -lay. Last year 37 of my pullets laid 181 eggs each for the. pear. Eggs from these hens and their daughters $2 per 15, $3 per 30, $4 per 60, $7 per 100. Fairview Poultry Yards -Jabez Rands, Clin- ton. -78 Auto Livery Phone 80 Clillton &arage J. H. Paxnlan, Prop. A FULL LINE OF BICYCLES (New and second hand), DOMINION NOBBY TREAD TIRES, ACCESS- ORIES. CCESS-ORIES. 62 :A 3 iia ': i 1111 r 0 SOW ammomm it ii' iiii E le 1E -F4 -KP IS THE average map can easily afford a Fold Car. It is the most inexpen- sive car to drive. 20 to 25 miles on a gallon of gasp- line is,.an everyday occurance. ` 33 miles is frequently reported by Ford owners. Yearlq repair expenses of less than one dollarare not unusual. The car is light in weight, and tires give more tnilesage on a Ford than on "any other car. You cart btly aFord for yourself and one for your wife for the price of one car at $i000. You can run both Fords at • BERT Phone 183 ECONOMICAL about the same expense as for one larger, heavier ear. You can always sell a Huse" Ford at a good price. You have to, accept a big reduction for a "used" larger car. Go and take a ride in the 1917 tmod- el. See'how comfortable it is. And sty- lish, too -stream line effect, tapered hood, crown fenders, beautiful finish. You need one for business. Your wife and children need • one for pleasure and health; LA UF ORD rd realer, CLJNTON Mall Contract SEALED TENDERS, nddrossed to the Postmaster, Cameral, will be re, caved at Ottawa until- Noon; on Friday, the 11th day of May, 1917, for the eonveyanee of alis Majesty's Mails, on a proppscd Contract for four: years, six Limos pee week over Clilttion No. 5 Rural Route, front the let of July, 1917; Printed notices containing further information as to. conditions of proposed Contraet may, bo seen and blank forms oe Tender Map be obtained at the Post ,011ices of (Minton,•Ilolmesville and Seaforth and at bhp office of the Post :Office Inspector, London. Post office De- partment, Canada, Mail Service Branch, Ottawa, 30tle March, 1017.-- G, C. Anderson, Superintendent, 83-3 PAINTING AND PAPERITANGTNG-, ITow about your house, doe's it need Paint or paper 7 'If so pall on me and have it fixed{ up right. -W. A, Mason. 84-3. HOUSE FOR SALE -GOOD IIOUSE on Huron street, 11 rooms and pan- try, hard and soft water ;, garden; good situation, 2 doors west of Baptist church. 'Apply -O. E. Jer- vis, 1=Iu'ron. street. -84. We have another car of choice western OATS Book yourorders early. We carry a large stock of Bran, Shorts, Low Grade and High Grade Flour. John Hutton, Londesboro EGGS FOR SALE - FROM L. R. Guild's 218, and and J. W. Park's 235 egg strain Barred Rocks, $2 per 15, $3,00 per 30, nn fertile eggs replaced free of. charge. WANTED -10(10 muskrat skins at 50e each. Skins must be well stretched and free from boles. Kitts and damaged skins at value.' No shot skins taken at any price. -H, A, Bovey, Clinton. • 82 HOUSE FOR SALE -SMALL BUT comfortable house, ceutrally located good garden, will , be sold on easy terms. Apply -News -Record. -82 SEED OATS, FOR SALE -A quantity of good, clean Clydesdale Oats, the 1C on. Tebbutt oats, at 900 per bushel. Your credit isgood,-S. R. McMath, R. R. Na 2, Goderich. 81 Eggs for Hatching From Hens that Lay Single comb White Leghorns bred - to -lay strain, eggs at 60c per setting of 13. or $4yee100 Incubator lots a specialty. We sold $505.01 worth of eggs from OW 280 White Leghorns, in 1916 Holmesville Poultry Yards N. W. TREWARTHA, Proprietor Phone 4 on 142 81-0 FOR RENT -FRAME HOUSE AND stable, on Ra,ttenbury Street. Rouse has nine rooms, electric light, fur naee, town water and soft water in the kitchen, For particulars apply to J. P. Sheppard 80 YQI7R , CLOT1Tl1S CLEANED,, fir- Paired- and Pressed and at the shortest poSsiyle notice, 130th Lad- ies' and .GentlenlSp's clothes: We guarantee ie, do good work. I ata Pr0Pared to Fronah Dry Clean Ladles Suite, Goat'h Suite and all. '• kinds of woolen elotbing including Sweat - era, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jepelery Store. -Wm, J. Jago. -59 MoOORMIOIC AGENCY. -1 RAVE ' taken over the agency for the Mc- Cormick I uplemente and moved it ' to my place of buslems, the Isar- tinge 'and repel]: shop, '.Heron street, *here I will keep op` hand. a full line of triplements, repairs, twine, etc, , An order from you will receive prompt 'attention, - Wilson Elliott,, -43 FARM FOR SALE. - 100 -ACRE farm for sale, 2i,• miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Hid - lett township, On the premises are a bank barn 50.09 with stoke stab- ling underneath and 1a storey 8 - roomed frame house with good cel- lar, Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush; first class Soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. -62. INDIA RUNNER DUCK EGGS FOR Hatching -These ducks are good foragers, also splendid layers, some laying 200 eggs in a year. $1 per setting. Chas. Glew, le. R. No. 4, ` Clinton, Phone 9 on 102. 85-3 FOR SALE OR RENT -MODERN 0 - room cottage on Victoria and Cut- ler streets, also 7 -room cottage on North street, good garden. Fbt particulars apply-News-Reeord or C. B. Hale, Clinton, -85-3. CALVES FOR SALE -WELL BRED Durham, and pure bred Holstein hei- fers, also some Polled Angus -A. E. Matheson, Seaforth P. 0,, Phone 17 on 130, 'Clinton. -84. FARM FOR SALE -0R TO E(lt- change for dwelling in Clinton. Good farm, welliniproved',, exbell- ant buildings, -in Stanley. town- ship. Apply -Lock Box 122, Hen - sale 85-2. HOUSE FOR SALE OR'ro RENT Roomy house on turner of Ontario and William street. All ` modern conveniences, Garden and young fruit trees.-Appl7i to M•rs. A. Bea- com on preinisos 00 to W. Bt3ldone Clinton. 77.• NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Mar- garet Rall Charlesworth, of the Town of Blyth, teethe County of HIuron, in the province of Ontario, wife of Leo- pold Otto Obarlesworth, of •the same. place, merchant, will apply to the Par. Bement of Canada at the next sassion thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband, the said Leopold Otto Charlesworth. of the satid town of Blyth, in the County of Huron, in the Province of Ontario, merchant, on i be ground of adultery and dotard on, Dated at Winnipeg, in the Province of Mauitobtt, this 101)1 day of January, 1017, Margaret Ben Oharles tenale. 13' her Sol ieitor, • ��i LVilliam Thornbotn Witnoes, iL "ii Manch, WANTED -A COUPLE OF. YOUNG ladies to room or board. Girls in town all the time preferred. For information apply to- MIs,: Guy Jones, Princess street. -84 CliutouF!our i1i Just received a Car of Corn Orders are going rapidly filled for Corn and Oats, and it will pay anyone neediug same to get our prices befoie buying When buying Flour ask your dealer for North Star, Maple Leaf 'or, Snow Flake Brands. Do not let your dealer sell you any other brands till you try oat the above ONOE USED -ALWAYS USED A Share of the Public Patronage Solicited John Schoenhals Phone18. Clinton, Ont. D. W. HAMILTON - Agent for Goderich and Clinton, DE LAVAL Cream Separ* tore xpJAL Green* feed Silos AHIle . twLPatA Engines SUPERIOR Litter Carriers Stalin and btanntione Water Bowls NEdisewonmcobe Pianos Arnberola Gramophones Large stook of Edison Records on hand Always. Hogue Saturdays for Repairs Perfect Sight is a Matter of Foresight Many cases of eye trouble are avert- ed by early application of proper lens PRESENT NEGLECT MEANS FUTURE TROUBLE We fit them perfectly and satisfac- torily or no charge --and no charge for consultation Is as good as any in town, and prices lower than any Our line of Oloeks is surpassed by none Diamond Rings, Signet Dings and Engagemenb Rings Pearl and Pearl and Rnby combination also Cameo Rings, latest mountings Diamonds ranging from $15 to $00 mounted in Ladies' Tiffany, some in Platinum settings Watches, Clocks, and Jewelery Re- pairing of all kinds promptly and neatly done -Charges Moderate. R. H. JOHNSON, Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Meet Hovey's Drug Store TH(1 Spriug Drive . The time for the big drive is ap- proaching and now is the time for you to prepare and get your ammueition ready for the big drive of Dust and Pest that bas accumulated during the long winter months. Here we give a few suggestions as to the ammunition you will need for a successful drive. Powdered Ammonia Lye Dutch Cleanser Naptha Powder Chloride of Lime Scrub Brushes Furniture Polish Brooms Bon -Ami Pearliae Stove Brushes Dust Bane Soap Soap Chips OUR LEADER --7 bars Pure 26 Soap for ■ You will enjoy a Mee cup of tea clue- ing house efeamng swoon, We recon - friend our bulk tens, which are a good buy now. .Ask our prices this week - They will interest you. Highest Market Price for Produeo Johlnsoi & CO The Store of QRality, PHONE 111, D, W. HAMILTON PHONE 207 Huron St,, Clinton GIBLS grim WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO Al FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY ' AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. The British Empire Calls for More Eggs and Poultry. It is therefore our duty 1--o increase production in these liees, and prices promise to he exceedingly high for all pottery products during this coming year oo� Our Incubators Are giving the best satisfaction, and why not buy .one and pay for it in poultry next fall ? Fat Hens. Wanted at 18c per pound Ourwagons will call for your your eggs as - usual, paying top prices in cash, or orders given on town stores. McLaren's Jelly Powder 3 pkgs. for 25e Lemon Orange Raspberry Strawberry Pineapple • Pietochio. Cherry The Best .felly Powder (lade GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm Phone 190. CLINTON THE 8001E0 STORE Live and Let Live Campaigning Against The Household Pest The time for the Spring Campaign approaches. Soon the double window will be ofraud the sun will be warm and bright, you will be thinking of cleaning them. After the loo menthe that the house has been close it will need it, no matter how' good a housekeeper you may be, See that youhave your ammunition ready. Be prepared for the Spring Drive against the moth and the germ. Here is the ammunition to help you to success. Ley ie your supply now Powdered Ammonia • Sweeping Powder Chloride of Limo Liquid Ammonia Sime and Bath Oleanser Lye • Furniture Polhill Metal Polish Brushes and Brooms Soap E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET 'LIV.E GROCER. It Pays to Peed good feed to your.borse or other live stock. 7'eys in better eonditloh or fn 'greater production, We carry the best feat we can obtain. In spite of that fact you'll net find our prices any higher than you iiew pay, W. Jenkins & Son: FLOUR AND FLED, Phone 199, Highest pekoe paid fox Brain and Wool. Rievllto.8a ktcstdcnoe phone 0-142, Calves for Sale •s9a I have made arrangements to secure a number of well bred young calves each week, W. MARQUIS Phone 14 on 166 Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every, WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid foe while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday) morning each week. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, SlJMMERHILL, a" CREAM WANTED, - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to no for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issues cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. Wo pay, the higk- est market prices consistent witif sa honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly arefully weighed, sampled and tested oa arrival and statement returned, Those in the vicinity of Kinburet may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will,deliver it here, Write for cans ad give us a trial, Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may, deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care o1 there -The. Seaforth Creant� ery., Box 480, Seaforth, Ont, on Leave Your Order Early for Eavetroughing, Heating or Plumbing you're going to have done this year PRICES ARE ADVANCING FAST THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces Shop over Rowland's Iiardware, . PHONE 53, Tho BigStore Paint, - Paint, F'airiaL,, Rightnow is the time to brighten up your House, vont, Barn,, your ranee, your Driving Shed, your Pig -pen, your Wagon, your Buggy, your Auto, your Farm Implements, or anything thee requires painting,- We have the painb to do it, in any color wanted, ;litho celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint whloeh is undoubtedly the best paint mad It comes in Pints at 45e Quarts at 85c Half gallons at , , . _ 1,65 Gallons at ,. 3.20 In Sherwin-Williams Varnishes REIIPAR-Thewe grferaatestu° went resist~ in outside varnish made SCARNOT--A varnish that Wilt .nota turn white 11 rotor' cold water is poured on le MARNOT-A floor varnish that dries so hard the nails in your shoes mals - Wedo alsonot haverFlolborwax, Broak,and, Seem Filler, Floorlao, in fact every. thing required for your house, outside and in; at Jo. O.Loiunsbe y LONDESBORO The big stoic e with little prices,