The Clinton News Record, 1917-03-01, Page 3"Her Money Trou•- bies" 'they; get more yex- atious as the cost of roods climbs skyward. Meat, eggs and vegetables are almost beyond : the family -purse. Happy is the housewife who knows 1 ilredded Wheat, its tow cost ,,and its high food value. A better balanced ration than meat or eggs and costs Ihtich less. Two Shred- ded Wheat Biscuits with milk or cream make a com- plete, orn-ptete, perfect meal, supply- ng all the nutriment needed for a half day's work at a cost of a few Cents. Delicious for any meal with milk or cream, or with fresh or stew- ed fruits. Made in\Canada. NEW ZEALANDERS' HEROISM DESCRIBED INSTANCES OF. BRAVERY OF MEDICAL CORPS AT COMATE. NEWS FROM ENGLAND Malcolm Ross, War Correspondent, Tells of Work of Doctors and Army Nurses. An• interesting article written by Malcolm. Boss, war correspondent with'the New Zealand forces, and (jesting with the work of the New Zealand Medical Corps on the Somme, has been Issued by Sir Thomas Mac- kenzie, High Commissioner for New Zealand. in England. The following are extracts: "No. account of the fighting on the Somme.would be complete without re- ference to the splendicl work done by the New Zealand Medical Corps.. It was on September 13 that the corps 'took over.' from the English division that our trope relieved. In a Ger- in, er man dugout at a place known to us as Mat Iron Copse the advance dressing station was established.. It was all ee,;,"tthe time under shell fire. Two of the Orderlies were killed on the first after- noon, Several bearers were killed in the vicinity. of Thistle Alley, another station. Others were wounded. One night both doctors and men worked for hours in their gas helmets, and that is not an easy job. Battle Was Raging Near By. "Two thousand yards away was Eters, about which the battle raged for some time. From there the bear- ers had to carry uphill, over sodden ground through a fairly heavy bar- rage of- 5.$ high explosives and shrap- nel. It was a long and difficult job, but rain or shine they never ceased their efforts. In many eases it took six bearers five hours to bring a wounded man from the relay post 500 yards south of Piers. A medical of- ficer and twelve men were sent out there. The post was no sinecure. There it was that Major Martin and Capt..Boyle were killed. They wore splendid fellows and very brave. "During the whole of the first week the Germane kept•'up their barrage, with a view to preventing transport end 'troops getting up to Flers, but during, flee whole of the fighting not single plan ever hesitated to go forward when required, Worked Without Sleep or Nod. "Some of the bearers worked for forty-eight hours, some for seventy- - •two, without sleep and with little food. One who brought a wounded man right down to Flat Iron. Copse was at the finish ahnost worse than his pa; tient. Another bearer was wounded, but went on carrying in other wound- ed till wounded a second Ulna. He was shot in the leg. Later he was shot in the arm, but even then he picked- up his stretcher aud•wanted to carry on, and would have done so were it not for the fact that a doctor had ordered, him. away. He now proudly wears tate riband of the military medal. "Owing to the casualties in the New Zealand Medical Corps, orders were given by the army corps that regi - Mental officers and other officers and bearers were to go out only at night. So far as I could see, there was no very laudable intention of carrying out that order, -/ "The Now Zealanders salved their consciences by counting night as day. In this way they got one long night of ilwenty,four hours. In other words, they went right through, night , and day; many instances of bravery and tIIpntiring devotion to duty in the big event might be given. Worked 20 Hours et a Stretch. ' EWS, BY MAIL ABOUT 200 RUM,.AND MS PEOPLE, i TIi�D00RTOHEALTN � wage is Stiles HE DOOR TO HEALTH I, Cban�'� styles Is Through the nick, Red Wood Dr, Williams' fink fills Actually Make. Soave off`'tha now chemise dresses have their straight- linea broken by deep •flounces. One of these is it lustrated here, It, has a side pleatet Occurrancee 10 the Land T'h t "1" The The blood is repo—oil/le :for the flounce which comes above the knees Elnprelpe Ir .flu Comatose health of the body. If it is good, ells. and the waistline is defined by a deep clal World. ease cannot exist. If it is bad, the Paisley girdle in soft effect, Perthes d t a !teal door le shut against good health, die- trimming is added. in the simple touch Over 1900 was reahzo a ease is bound to appear in one form of braiding around the neck and arm Cross sale at It'rodsham, Cheshire. a turkey was sold for 619 las•, and a donkey for 256 Os, The freedom of Maidstone will be presented to Commander Noel Lau - once. Last November be torpedoed two German battleships. The Salvation Ar'niy aro making ar- rangements to house 1,500 soldiers a night in London, and have set aside $10,000 for this purpose. Tho expense in connection with the turning of the Grand Hotel at Har- rowgete into a hospital for officers will be borne by Lord Furness.. The Amalgamated Society of Engi- neers claims to be the wealthiest and most powerful in the world, Their membership is 230,000, and their funds amount to 21,750,000. James Royton, M,P., is the only member of the House of Commons who has only one arm. He lost his arm in a motor accident. .Land bas been offered • by Baffin Latymer, near Walton -on -Thames, for the purpose of raising crops for the use of the local poor. Lord Cavan has been awarded the C.B., the Knighthood of St. Patrick and the Cross of the Legion of Honor for services on the field. The new Treasury notes will likely come into circujation this month. the design will be of such a character as to defy imitation, it is said. Lord Wolesley's old charger, Marl- borough, was one of the animals from the Horses' Rest that received the usual New Year's feast this year. The Town Council of Colchester have decided to erect a statue to William Willcat, the originator of daylight saving, Cheap Exercise Harry Lauder tells the following story about a funeral in Glasgow and a well dressed stranger who took a seat in one of the mourning coaches. The other three occupants of the car- riage were rather, curious to know who he was, and at last one of them began to question him. The dialogue went like this: , "Ye'll be a brother o' the corp?" "No, I'm no' a blither o' the corp." "Well, ye'll be his cousin?" "Na, I'm no' a cousin." "At ony rate ye'll be a frien' o' the corp?" "No, I'm mot that either. Ye see, I've no' been very weel masel," the stranger explained, complacently, "an' my doctor has ordered me carriage ex- ercis , so 1: thocht this would be the cheap to tak' it." P way How To Relieve Catarrhal Deafness or Head Noises 10 you have catarrh, catarrhal deafness or head noises caused by catarrh, or It Phlegm drops in your"tilroat and has caused catarrh of the stomach of bowels you will be glad to know that these dis- tressing symptoms may be entirely over- come in many Instances by the following treatment which you cats easily prepare In your 0100 home at little cost. Secure from your druggist 1 ounce of Varmint (Double Strength). This will not coat You more than75o. Take thts home and add to it : pint of hot water and 4 ounces of gre.nulated sugar; stir until dissolved. Take one tablespoonful four times a day. inn improvement is sometimes noted af- ter the first day's trenkmont. Breathing should become easy, 1,1,110 the dletreaa- lnc head noises, tteada.uhes, dueness. cloudy thinking, oto., should gradually disappear under, the tonic action of the treatment. Loss of smell, taste, defec- tive hearing and inuaue dropping In the back oe the throat aro other symptoms which suggest• the presence of eatarrh and which may often he .overcome by this efficacious treatment. If nearly nenete• per cant. of all ear troubles are caused by. catarrh, there must be many people whose hearng may be restored by this simple home treatment. Any druggist can supply you, or bot- tle will be sent on receipt of 76e., postal note or money Order. Address Interna- tional Laboratories. 74 St. Antoine St., :1l onlrral, Canada, • The Sister's Reply He was a young subaltern. One evening the sister had just finished making him comfortable for the night, and, before going off duty, asked: "Is there anything I can do for you be- fore I leave?". Dear Little Two Staffs replied: "Well, yes! I should like very much to be kissed good -night" Sister rushed to the door, "Just .wait till, I call the orderly," she said. "He does all the rough work here." "There were men who day and night went Out under shell and ma - 'dee gun fire, time and again, and at eat risk of their own lives saved the 1 de it ea.": lets man wounded d w o otherwise it. of y 'fvould'ltave died or been killed. Some f then worked continuously collect - ng wounded under fire Tor twenty n stretch. But there is no ours at tze need to multiply instances, Our •etreteher bearers earner] undying fame in Gallipoli. The Somme enhanced the Iustre of Their laurels. "The Work of the doctors from be- ttering to end was magnificent. They o not say much about it themselves who saw something oil ut those of us9 W5 t .g it trite ,v slue itiitate it at s a e tl est , t a Lind file estimate is a very high one, A, 11,41 sill the advanced dressing sta- 1olts and aid posts they were under t lire, but they stuck to their work day I lend night, with a heroism worthy of the best traditions of British doctors. Three out of our sm011 hand lost their Hero on the Somme. .4 Russian naval officer is the in - venter of an electrical machine for writing messages in cipher and Lranee luting sueh.messagas. PAINS AFTER EATING t7i50 IN TH2 STOMACH—ACIDITY, HEADACHES—CONS1iPAT10 N ARE SIGNS OF INDIGESTION. indigestion -the complete or partial failure of the digestive processes—fre- quently throws out of gear the.wllolo emeltiaery of the body. Yod can't enjoy the vigour and vitality of good health unless your stomaelt, liver anti bowels do their work regularly and efficiently. MOTHER ,�. ae a digestive tonic and1 stomachic reeved Mother OthCf .�CigCI'g Syrup Is Ostecnlecl lit tens of theesands of homes, wherever the English language is spoken. 11 you stiffer 1111,011 Or little from disorders of the stomach, Liver or bowels, try the effcet of taking 11 to 30 drams of this fatuous remedy ,. rr t cr niter t i water, � nc.ds for a few days and note its beneficial effects, ASSISTS 4ots G TION the nraleakee enn(ldns iliree How os r ;Ile it lei sive mid :little par helllt. or another, One person may be seiz- ed with rheumatism or sciatica, an- otlier with a.laemia, indigestion, heart palpitation, headaches or back:whoa, unstrung nerves, or any of the many other forms . of ailment that . comes when the blood is weak and watery. There i just one certain, speedy Cure Williams' Pink Pills, They make new, Lich, red blood, and •ihie good blood strengthens the whole eye - tem and brings good .health and happiness. Thousands owe their present good health, some, life itself, to the pills. Mrs. Charles Goddard, Chatham, Ont„ says*—"four years ago my nervous system was so run down that life seemed nothing but a burden'. I doctored for two years with little or no benefit, I could neither work, eat or sleep well. While in this condition a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. kte- fore doing so I thought I would con- sult my doctor and he told me he knew of no better medicine for build- ing up the nervous system. I started to take the 'pills and after a sheet while found they were helping me. I took the pills for nearly three months and am thankful to say that they com- pletely cued nee. Ever since I have kept a box of the pills in the house but have 'not found it necessary to take them." You can get Dr, Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in 'medicine, or they will be sent by mall postpaid, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.110 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -�o BRITISH COLUMBIA MINERALS Development of Mineral -bearing Lands in North Thompson Valley. Tho following. interesting letter has been received by the Canadian North- ern Railway Company at Toronto, from Chu Chua, Beitish Cotumbia, re- garding the 'development of the min- eral -bearing areas tributary to its main line through the North Thomp- son Valley:— "There are about twenty claims staked near hero; the first car of gold oz token from the surface of the Wind Pass Claim had a gross value of $1,648.00, and there is another car load ready for shipment. "As soon as the Spring opens up so that`we can build wagon roads, there will be large shipments during the coming sumtner. At present the ore is being taken down the moun- tain side by hand sleds. There is about $60,000 worth of ore in sight on these claims without very much development work. "At the head waters of Boulder and Canyon Creeks, there are large bodies of copper ore that carry gold and silver values, and large deposits of magnetite iron ore that carry Some gold values. "At Blackpool there is ore being shipped that carries both lead an• silver. "Front the Fog Horn Group at the head of Boulder Creek there were shipped 50 tons of Galena ore with a gross value of $4,000,00. A further shipment of this ore will be made this winter,. "In addition to this part of the North Thompson Valley being a fine farming and ranching country, it is destined to be one of the richest min- eral -producing districts in B, C. All it needs is capital for development." Somewhere in Africa. Every now and again news comes to hand indicating that, in spite of the war, a steady general settlement is proceeding in North Africa. The won- derful work of General Lyautey in Morocco is generally known and ap- proved; while the establishment of Egypt as a separate State, under its own Sultan, has dope much to pacify the unruly clement in that country. The latest word on theematter is the agreement come to between France and the United Kingdom for recipro- cal trade :facilities for the transport of merchandise across their•respective territories in North Africa. There can be no doubt that tt cordial co-opera- tion between Prance and the United Kingdom will go a long way toward settling the many outstanding, ques- tions which still remain to be settled in North Africa. The movement is, therefore, particularly welcome. This Simple Rule Soon Strengthens A Delicate Stomach 11. rsw lly Is unnecessary to dose your- self' with va faro 0111s or artificial dienns- r11e.t. If youl will elsetvs one rosy rule Yoh can Ani the heart, neerishtrg foods that your appetite Craven and your body nr(15. That ruin Is to lake a tcastioou Tal of 141stt1•nled Magnesia, 111 n. hall "lass of, lint Water wit1 melt moil. 1 Istn•a 04, Magnesia is non-laxat'it'e and liarmloer and possesses mt'dk'lnun qualities that, 1 a .mintly overcome 'mpAaired digestion, Vertu en 1. al inn, veldt ty, anterl•ilal condi- tions of the 01oinnnll, gets, (listless nets' eating and other stomach disorders. As mugnesin Is prepared in various ways be certain to insist on obtaining 1t in the 13i- surstott ensu especially recommended for slmnaell patucses. Sotd'by all druggists. A Spanish p h physician has developed p y P a method for obtaining a potassium fertilizer from sen water, which he has. clamed marine .kailiit• Mtuard o Suitrtent enmity Beide, Eta, r~ a , 1,at est Arftficia Herber, g 1 bo. ".tire world's largest artificial har- bor is planned for Rotterdam. IL will be 2$ feet deep and cover 7(16 acres, A number of forestry buttAltai% 080 to be'raised tltrottghottt the DolOhil- ion, being mgontly called'for by the War. 'Office. Rumors of a New Silhohette Rumors of a new silhouette have been causing a stir in fashionable circles. In fact, the rumors have been turned to reality, for.the new barrel skirt has already been seen Ii2 705.1 Chemise Dress with Deep Flounce and Wide Paisley Gridle, Paris and Nev York, The barrel skirt which produces this new silhouette, wide below the hips and narrowing down toward, the ankles, is a stror.,; contrast to the straight-line frocks inspired by the medieval fashions. "Whether or not it will be accepted is still a matter of doubt. The barrel skirts that have been seen so far ap- pear in different forms and some are not unlike the "peg -tops" which were fashionable some two or three years ago. It is very likely that the barrel skirt, if • takes at all, will not at once replace the straight frocks° It may be just e. fad of the moment and it may be taken seriously by those who are tiring of the chemise dresses. Time only twill tell, but in the meantime we need hardly have our peace of mind disturbed about it. ''e These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from The McCall Co. 70 Bond St, Toronto, department W. ---- Not Gone To Seed. "It is over two years and a half since that work began, and for two years England has been,pouring out fighting men," says New York Life. "She has sent out enough to have had nearly two million casualties; she is credited now with two million, soldiers in France, and with three million more at home or elsewhere, pad more mak- ing. And all the while she has been making munitions in enormous and increasing quantities,' building new ships all the time, and raising and dis- tributing billion after billion of pounds sterling to be put where they would do the most good. Clearly this breed of men that planted the United States has not yet run to seed." FRETFUL BABIES Opportunities for Cssp*diap Trade, He Feels a Owes 1 )ii l onimeueial circles in Eng)and His t Me constantly hears references to the His Life lo Them increasing oPportnnitles which will arise after the wxe far ic: b e:tl. trade, Reference has alpeady been Made to' the service being rendered in tile supply of wood^ pulp for news- papers int the United kingdom, and also to the larges' appreciation of Carl- adian produce in British markets, These business connections may be expected not only to last, but to be largely developed, Now there comes a report of the very favorable opinion formed Be ast linenthread-mak- ere ad- a c- i hre m 1 py l ere of the flax grown in the North- West Provinces fox linen -making, 'In- evitably the restoration of the fields in Belgium must take a tong time, and with the world shortage in this re- apect it will be open to north Saskat- chewan and other parts of Canada to meet a need. It is hardly necessary to point out ales that the awakening of 'tussle will afford great possibili- ties to Ca ladian manufacturers of tie- ing business in. that country with the closer relations that subsist between it and the British Empire. Russia was honeycombed with German agents. Whatever. fiscal arrangements may be made in the future, one thing is cer- tain, the German agent will have the cold shoulder, Mrs. John M. Weaver, Blissfield, N. B., writes :—"I can speak very highly of Baby's Own Tablets. I have used them for my children and find they are the best medicine a mother can give her little ones. I would strongly recommend them to all mothers who have fretful babies." The Tablets re- gulate the bowels and stomach; break up colds • and simple fevers; expel 'worms; cure vomiting and indigestion and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. New Great Telegraphed 200 141i1es for, Dodd's Kidney Fills. Sandy Goulette, Now. Strong and Hearty, 'fells How He Found Health After the Doctors Had Given Bien up. Old Fort Bay, Labradors, t24�•--- Feb'y 26th (Special.)—"De 1 believe in Dodd's Kidney Pills? Wel), I tele- graphed two hundred miles to get two boxes of them," The speaker was Sandy Goulette, an old settler here. Nor did. Mr, Goulette require toepbe pressed to toll the rest of hie story, "I was swollen out of shape from head to foot, I was so short of breath I could hardly speak. The doe - tor could do nothing ;for me. The minister gave me tho holy sacrament and a good priest came and told me I could not live much longer. "Then I telegraphed for Dodd's Kidney Pills. I took three pills the, night they came anti I got relief be- fore morning. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me. I am able to do my day's work now as well as I was ten years ago." Mr. Goulette offers to answer any letters written to him regarding his case. Ho feels that he owes his. health, if not hie life, to'Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. PLOUGH UP GRASS LANDS. Increased Production in Scotland •'to Utilize Pastures, The Scottish Department Commit-' tee on Food Supplies report that there are about 1,500,000 acres of per- manent pasture in Scotland, and 1,- 500,000 acres in temporary pasture. Much of the permanent pasture is only suited for grazing stock and certain areas also of grazing land are unsuit- able to break up, hut, It is added, in the hands of both farmers and oc- cupying owners there are many acres which, in present circumstances should be brought under the plough. The report considers that steps should be taken to find out what land now in grass is suitable for growing grain and other crops, and to secure that it be cultivated. Also that steps should be taken to cultivate lairds now let as grass parks and'home policies, where the ordinary organization of n farm does not exist. It also recommends that when deemed advisable, the Board of Agriculture for Scotland, by themselves or their nominees, should I _ enter, occupy and cultivate such lands. I llOinara'e Liniment Cures Diphtheria. PON SALE,. El Ott SALE CHEAP—GOOD BOARD, 1' fug IIcuna 1n Uwsn Sound. In good ropa4', good loeatlon, Near Depot and 'r'ectories, Apply R, cleGrd-th, AJxecutor, Transo0na. Man. 2SNUTCPA8S8s POT% GALA ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB l Offices for sale In good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of. all businesses. Full information on aPplloatton to Wilson Publishing Com, *many, 75 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. 0,07,41-0 IY41ll.�N YLIMIiE C Y 1TCOM DA .. ni��n°neuro Qtr. (8 "file best yeast in the world. Makes ti perfect �'0 bread. MADE �N CANADA ,1114 COMPANYpoi EW.GIIIETT LIMITED TORONTO,ONT. wINNIAaO MONTREAL• I The inventor of a Prench mono - i piano has modeled it after a winged maple seed. A fraternal and insurance society del otecte ft members ha eccordooco with the f,ute i* Government t/m d. Wok cad Authorized to obtain members and charter ledges ln'evory Province In Canada. Purely Canadian. sate. sound and ocono. mica]: 11 there's 0610.11 lodes of Choke; Friend* to your district, apply direct to any of the following *ikons Dr.J.W.Edwrrda,M,P. W. F. Montego*, Grand Councilor. Grand Record F. Ce,npbel, 3. H. CRS. M.D.. Grand Organizer. Grand Medical HAMILTON • ONTARIO ffi2BCELLANI1OVS • (IANCI9R. TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC. f internal and external, cured with- out pain by our house treatment, Write us before too late. Dr, 'Hellman Medical Co., Lumped, Collingwood, Ont. +'11, Amerla's Pincer FL CLAY CLOVER CO., Inc.' Dog Romedias 118 West 31st Streit, New York 1300I0 ON DOG DISEASES .fl.nd How to Feed ,)Tailed fres to any address by the Autlmr Mansonville, June 27, '18. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. - Yarmouth, N. S. Gentlemen,—It affords me great pleasure and must be gratifying to you to know that after using 36 bot- tles of your Liniment on a case of paralysis which my father was af- flicted with, I was able to restore hint to normal condition: Hoping other sufferers may be benefitted by the use of your Liniment, I am, Sincerely yours, GEO. H. HOLMES. The Diadem of Old. The diadem of the nations of an- tiquity was a fillet of silk, two inches broad, bound round the head and tied behind. Its color was generally white. Sometimes, like that of Darius, it was of blue, It was sown with pearls or other gems and enrich- ed with gold. It was peculiarly the mark of Oriental sovereign's. After the 100 Eyes for s. Lifetime Mnrlao Is for Tired Utes. �a�0 y�, lead .epos—Ser le av-• ®v i e S -metras ed ayeel'ds. poets Btu duo is aaravorltePres t- andamnat Qlro year S.y atfore esot that feel dr Coro no ynnr 10th sad vIth the same rega$rtsy Care for Them. You Cannot Buy New Eyes! Sole at Dreg and Optical Stores or by Mail. As,: Murine Eye Remedy Co., ChIcego, ,er Free Boor Save the wood ashes and keep then in a dry place. They are a. splen- did fertilizer. Mlaara's Llnttuent Cures (target la Cows. Go Right Along, "Is there no way of stopping these cyclones?" asked a man of the travel- er who was recounting his experiences in far countries. "No," replied the narrator. "The best way is to go right along with RUBBER EYES! Invention By Two Frenchmen Improvement oil Glees Eye, Glass eyes are notoriously uncom- ' forteble, and often unsightly, and it is � '"• interesting, therefore, when the d0-1 formities of war are so serious a sub-) ject of consideration, to learn that two,I French workers—MM. Lemaitro and Teuillieres—have evolved an entirely' new method of replacing a lost eye. They aimed at producing a substance;; of sufficient elasticity" and softness to r� changes in • , miserable 1 ,'ra he the a-1 , It the on n l be 11 eg toe trues tl a respond gY socket, and at Lhe same time of sutil- chant hardness to present a 5moot11, natural effect between the eyelids, i Experience led them to tape careful casts of the socket in plaster, and tot make from these caste; the body of an' artificial eye which should exactly lite the socket. They solved the diflicul-1 Lies of. consistence by nialeing 111e front of the eye of herd caoutchouc, vulcanized and enamelled to represent appearance, m 1 L ' 'ala e C and the back seri hon pp , t of eye eye of very soft caoutchouc, hollowed out in the forst of a ball and filled with ait'. These hollow eyes have been found to answer the purpose very well, They are soft and elastic; they respond in tt renarltablo manner to the ocular movements; they do not tiritale the socket; lend they have the great ad- ditional advantage of being unbreak- able. twin:well Lla latent laced Distemper, .. Consoierrce isthe wattchdog, which harps at s111. The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the "O � TO HICa 'L ' PIAN ACTION 1. Money In the comm erc's! Poultry bust nem? Yes' if you have a layingstrain. Weadmi ours o be the ;greatest Poultry success in Can- ada. Circular of facts Free. hatching Eggs 100 percentfcrt!l!ty saran• toed, Stock for Sale. B'HCHCLiFFS POULTRY FAWM Box r BIRCH CLIFF. ORT, MICA AXLE GREASE forms a smooth, slip- pery surface on the axle spindle. The ground Mica fills the 'pores of the steel 0 n d makes easier turning. Dealers everywhere THE IMPERIAL OIl. COMPANY Limited BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR DISTEMPER PINY 5008, SIPIZ00TIO, SInIPwxzOG EldirMze, sad CATAEN AL PEVOrt. Sure and positive preventive, no *natter how horses at any age are afflicted or "exposed," ,Llquld, given on the • tongue: Mots on the blood and glands; expels the poteonoud germs front the bedy. Cures Distemper In Doge and Sheep and Cholera In poultry. Largest selling leve stock remedy, Cures La Grippe among human beings, and la a fine Kidney remedy, Cut this out. Keep it. Show to your druggist, who will get It for you. Free Booklet, 'Distemper, Causes and Cures." SPORN MEDICAL COMPANY, Obeutlsts end Isaotertologists, Ooahen, Ind., C. 6. A. increase Your 'Melds and Profits Why envy others who reap larger crap yields than roar land prodncety 7 Ooanmerelee fertilizers, properly soleoted, are increasing the war -time profits of growers everywhere. Is It not well worth your while to look into this great opportunity 7 Niven if your land is pro- ducing big crepe you can get bigger and better yields and make more money by using FERTILIZERS Those natural fertilizers stimulate the plant, without impover- ishing the soil, They nourish both land am! crop. Tbey are made from blood, bones, trimmings, eto., and have no unnecessary filler in them, Livery hrgrediedt has proven fertilizer value, Every one of our twentyllve different fertiidzors Is a proven sueeess. Write for bulletins and booklet,,, Wo will promptly mall them to you free of charge, Ontario Fertilizers, Limited, West Toronto. • old weather aches follow exposure. Soothe and re. neve them with Sioan's Z.ini• moot, easy to apply. it quickly pe(tetrates without rubbing. Cleaner tl1Ttll mussy plasters or ointments. doe's not stain the skin, For or rheuma tic pains, neural4ia, gout lumbago, sprains, strains, bruises and stiff sore muscles, have Sloan's Liniment handy, At 11 druggists, 25c. SOc. and $.1,0O. fillFertil . ijs Gait . = ,rat � a (.1! Why By in the face of Providence? The sound advice, contained -in the bulletins of the Department of A6'rieul titre, 1a based out the knowledge of the best agricultti•al expertl In the country and the accumulated experiences of thousands of farmers. Almost every soul lacks some element of the plant food a oro l leaves the soil 1 each •a anti m u rr 1 axl t n p, 4 • 1• a Ile 4. n1 fU necessary poorer, Therefore, Qdl,'se Important sustainers of plant life - potash, Atropin and phosphoric Oltd—must be put baelt into the soil its the form of a fertilizer. txtxto4 Shur -Gin ssar,u"asca-•rrts^re,a o o I,.; in growing aemand ntnongs1 feigners who want the beet. 11 ghee nit,ch more emeetaetc;v restate than a home mixed terttltaor heQoL�iso the hlg0edienle aro scleuainonlly wopsrtlonod to meet the requirements of. boot soil and crop and ars blended into M. perfectly arfo n ls balanced 1rocs. it Expert c esm l t o have por e ared theme formillsts, sirsecarlo ranatlste, and the 15 done andelcareful supetrlaion. g Crum $lun linin Fertiliser is finely ground, malting n �..' 1116re economical le 1180 and easier to (tinily. Tt will not burn or so01' the Soli, and is Very rich hi 'humus. Thorc In It format to tit Cho re- l+, qulrenienta of every soll and every mop, These > . .are 0,1111- es01011504. 111 oltr booklet, ')3tnnpor 1.110110," end also general dl eatlens for their nee. ,1 col 1s 1•eatl for you, if yell 41 tY Y Y , n � W111 9k for It. '- t Gunn - mited,, L West Toronto ?9 C e •ayi,�e tiwJt 110001...IJ WO. v1• •,1 1 No, 9—'17