The Seaforth News, 1962-03-22, Page 5THE.SEAFORTH NEWS, Thursday, Mara, 2 i nn Vi !VllTI-I's s lemo Food Market MUFFETS 2.;7- c ". 9 oz pkgs, 1.) 1 _ HEINZ TOMATO SOUP 59c I6 1O -oz tins GREEN GIANT FANCY PEAS 2 15 -oz tins C3 RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE 7C TEA BAGS 60's GOLDEN DEW c MARGARINE 2 1 -lb pkgs45C GARDEN PATCH CREAM(� STYLE CORN 2 15 -oz tins 29C FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES i Doz lge size 200's - OC SUNKIST LEMONS 5 for 19c HOT HOUSE 7 CUCUMBERS each PHONE 12 WE DELIVER (] 1 C BORN Trapnell — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Winlliam Trapnell, Sea - forth, a daughter. Kroonen — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kroonen, Dublin, a daughter, Hillebrecht — At Scott Memor- ial Hospital, on March 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hiliebrecht, Mitch. ell, a damglrter. Seaforth District High School will hold OPEN HOI TSE on Monday, March 26, commencing at 8 P.M 8 P.M. -- An Outline of the New Secondary School Programme by the Principal, in the Auditorium 8.30 - 10.30 -- "Open. House" Parents are invited to visit the class -rooms and confer with members of the staff 9.00 - 10.00 - Tea will be served in the Cafeteria All Parents and Friends welcome NOTICE Township of McKillop All car owners in the Township of McKillop are requested not to park their cars on the roads of the Township during the winter months. Cars that are left on the roads are contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a detriment to operation of snow plows, Please note that Provincial Police will take the necessary action to see that cars are not left on roads, and prosecutions may follow. WILSON LITTLE Road Superintendent 1961 PONTIAC COACH 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1957 HILLMAN SEDAN 1957 DODGE SEDAN 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors. Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTI Phone G. Fawm 18.5 Phone 541 TOWN TOPICS: 51r, Orville Weston was taken to Clinton public hospital on Tne- aday. Mr. VVrorton received bhp. in- Jurfos. in a fall eit his imine on March lith and was 10 Seatit Me- morial ltospttal last week: Mr, and Mrs, Norman MacLean, Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Nott and Mr. Russell Holmes are on a Lro1• iday trip to Mexico, Mr, and Mrs, Dave Bean of Carlow visited on Sunday at the home of the hatter's brother, Mr, George Addison;, also with Mrs. Win, Addison of Londoaboro who 4s spending the winter with her son and daughter-in-iavf, Mr. and Mrs, George Addison, James street. Mr, and Mrs. It. S, Box and Barbara left Saturday on a trip to Florida, They will he Joined this week end by Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Longstaff, Barbara and Da- vid, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Hach born, Charles and Connie, were in Exeter this week for the fun- eral of their brother-in-law and uncle, Mr. Lorne Oke. CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP Russell Broderick of Exeter took over the pool room last Thursday from Norman Green- slade. Stewart Ritchie will move here from Exeter .and be in charge. McKILLOP BUSY BEAVERS The third meeting of McKillop Busy Beavers was held at the home of Mary Lou Coyne on. Feb. 27 at 7 p.m, Notes were given on cutting and marking, stay stitch- ing, grain of material and the use of tracing wheel and paper. Mrs, Anderson demonstrated stay stit- ching. The fourth meeting was held at the 'home of Elaine Nfurray on March 8. Mrs. Anderson discuss- ed assembling o3 the garment. Mrs. Little explained how to put on facings. UNIT FOUR UGW The meeting was held March 6 at the home ,of Miss Nellie Pryce. President Mrs. John Bach opened the meeting. Roll call was ans- wered by naming an Irish song. Envelopes were given out for the thankoffering meeting on April 24th at 8 p.m. when Dr. Strang - way will speak. Articles and used greeting cards for the bale may be left at the church. Mrs. Hutch- inson donated a baby quilt which she made. The unit has a Dresden plate quilt for sale and is vrllling to do quilting for anyone request- ing it. Mrs. Britton wished unit continued success during 1962. Mrs. Hudson conducted the de- votions and Mary Jean Boshart favored those present with some selections on her accordian, Mrs. Baclt outlined a chapter from the study book. Lunch was served and Mrs. Radio thanked the hos- tess for the use of her home, ST. THOMAS W.A. The March meeting of 51. Tho- mas' W.A. was held at the hone of Mrs. Donaldson with Mrs. Don- aldson at the piano. Miss Dorothy Parke read the Scripture. Mrs. McGavin, president, read the prayers. Correspondence was read .and reports given. Wins. Netzke reported. 31 taking The Living Message. 12 members answered roll call. The ladies exchanged favorite recipes for l0c each. The W.A. annual this year will be the 75111, so coffee spoons are being sold for 81,00 each. The spoons are silver plated with the WA cross inscribed on •the handle. Miss Parke is in charge of this project. The ladies were reminded to bring thankoffering boxes to the April meeting. Mrs. McGavin dedicated the collection and gave benediction. The April meeting is to be held at 1VIrs. Bethune's on April 3rd. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess and Mrs, McGavin thanked Mrs. Donaldson for the use of her home: EGMOND1f I LLE The March meeting of the Eg- mondville United Church Women was held in the Sunday school room with a splendid attendance. The president, Mrs. Ed Boyes op- ened the meeting and Mrs. Nor- man MacLean was in oharge of the devotional period, assisted by Mrs. L,•Hammond who read two passages of Scripture, The theme, Investing Our Dollars with Sense, was given by Mrs. MacLean, We should invest our dollars for God, invest our sense for the youth, invest our common sense for God's serviee, The worship per- , 101 was closed with. prayer by Mrs. MacLean. Following roll call and treasurer's report an an- nouncement was made that Rev. (Loss Crosby of St. Marys will .show pictures taken during his visit to the Holy Land on Friday evening, April Gth. The Easter thankoffering meeting will be held Wed,, April 4th when Mrs. Elgin McKinley, vice president of Centre Section will be guest speaker. Ladles from Goshen, Varna, Brucefieid and Kippers will be guests. The purchasing of extra chairs and dishes will be left with a committee, Mrs, Forrest, Chris - !`119 ating Thursday, March 22 — Clinton Vs Seaforth Intermed. B 8,80 25c - 50c Friday Skating 8-10 25c&350 Skating Saturday Afternoon — 2- 3,80 100 and 25c Saturday Night — Legion Hockey Playoff Adults, admission 35c Monday, March. 26 — Watford Juveniles vs Sea.torth (12 necessary) SEAF'ORTH ARENA ran Cltizenahip convener, assist• ed by Airs. Alex. Chesney gad Mrs. Keith MacLean presented e skit showing that UC. Women). should be concerned with every- thing verything in and out of church,if we really 'follow the aims of Chris- tian Citizenship, we should sup- port organizations that are work- ing for the good of all. There are many things we can do helping people in need Of food and cloth- ing; looking alter elderly citizens. Each of us could make our own list of things to do, iMrs, 13, Durst and Mrs, E. Ste- phenson ooatributed a vocal deet. Following the theme of the Chris- tian ottizenship skit, Mrs, Stanley Gray used one of the stories of the book, "Hasten the Da'." This story was a policeman's view of Christian Citizenship and his dis- covery of bow the church work- ing through its ministers and lay- men can change the lives of young .people who have become victims of evil practices. The meeting closed with a hymn, and prayer by Mrs. Boyes. Lunch was served by Group 2 in charge of Mrs. E. Stephenson. r eral days in Toledo, Olulo. Air. and Mia. 434 Dean, Debbie and Mary Helen, spent the weok village with friends, inthe end Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krauskopf and Billie of Ferndale, Mtob., with MT, and Mrs. Walter Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Deem, Strat- ford, Mr, and Mr, John Frost, of Dundas, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dill, Mr, and Mrs. Franck Evans of London with Mr, and Mrs. John Cleary, Mr. and Mrs, Greg Sullivan, of London with Mrs. Lloyd McCar- thy and Keith, 1112. and Mr's. Lloyd Btue, God- erioh, wibh Mr. and Mrs, Fergus Stapleton. Mrs's Loreen Looby, Reg,N„ of London, with Mrs, A, M, Looby. Mr, and Mrs G. Dennorne, Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, Mr. T, O'Rourke and Dorothy, Dundas, with Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Looby. Mr, and Mrs. Dan Costello and Jaokle in Kitchener with Mr, and Mrs. Danny Costello, Mr, John Little of Seaforth won the door prize at St. Pahriek's concert in Dublin on March 16, The funeral was held on Wed- nesday, ednesday, March 14 of James Lloyd McCarthy, who died Saturday, Mar, 10, in his 45th year, Requiem High Nass was held at St. Pat- rick's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin, at 10 o'clock with Rev, Remi Durand as celebrant; Rev. Dr. J. B. Ffoulkes and Rev. Tho- mas McQuaid, SFM., of St. Marys were in the sanotuary. The pall- bearers were Joseph Krauskopf, Harold Meagher, Joseph Hart, William O'Rourke, Gregory Sull- ivan and Harry Krauskopf, Bur- ial was in Sit. Patrick's cemetery. Relatives attended from Toronto, Oshawa, K1llaloe, Sudbury, Lon- don, Pontiac and Ferndale, Mich„ Stratford, Kitchener, Windsor Seaforth, A large .gathering of neighbors assembled at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Feeney, RR 2, Dub- lin, to bid farewell and to extend good wishes in their new home. Peter Jordan read an address and Jack O'Reilly presented them with a well-filled purse. Mr. and Mrs. Feeney graciously expressed their thanks. The evening was spent playing cards followed by lunch. Roy Burchill Roy Burchill, well known farm- er and clerk treasurer of Hibbert township for the past 20 years, diedsuddenly at his home March 11 after a two month illness. He resided at lot 17, con, 4, Hibbert. Born in Hibbert, September Gth, 1899, he was the son of Hester Ann Robinson and the late Rob- ert Burchill, Twice married, his first wife, Edna Fowler, whom he married in 1928, died in 1946. His second wife was the former Ann Welton of Clifford. Mr. Burchill was a member of Knox Presby- terian Church, Mitchell. Besides his wife and mother he is surviv- ed by one son, James at hone; one sister, Mrs. Thomas (Mary) Coyne, Hibbert, and three broth- ers, Robert and Jack of Hibbert, Dan of White Crest, Alberta, The body rested at the Heath Leslie funeral hone where a service was held Wednesday, Mar. 14 with Rev. James Ferguson of St. And- rew's Presbyterian Church. Strat- ford, officiating and Mrs. Edward Gelok was organist. Floral trib- utes, heart foundation, missions, cancer and Gideon Bible oaads were received. Pallbearers were Norval Elliott, Matthew Coyne, Herbert Britton, J. Kenneth Rea- ney, William Stewart (Kitchener) and Gerald Agar (Staffs). Flower - bearers were Robert Burchill, Hibbert; Kenneth Burchill, brook; Charles Welton, Owen Sound; Jack Sangster, Clifford, and Jack Dearing, Staffa. Perth county warden Walter Gerth, of Milverton, and W. Blowes, Perth county clerk -treasurer, and Hib- bert township council and em- ployees, attended the service. Those from a distance attending were from Owen Sound, Clifford, Winghatn, Stratford, Kitchener, Seaforth, Niagara Falls, Guelph, Toronto, London, Milverton, Staf- fa, Binbrook, Cromarty, Dublin. Temporary entombment was in Elizabeth Ritz Memorial chapel, WALTON Mrs, Emerson Mitchell presid- ed at the monthly meeting of the Walton unit of the UCW, March 14111 in the assembly room of the church. Mrs, Harvey Brown was at the piano. Mrs. Alf Anderson read the scripture passage, foll- owed with meditation, Prayer was offered by Mrs, '2, Dundas. The topic was taken by Mrs. William Thamer, The secretary's report was given by Mrs, Herb Traviss, who also read bhankyou notes. Plans were made for the annual bazaar to be held in the church Wednesday, March 28 when Mrs, Evan McLagan of Blyth will be guest speaker. Everyone will be welcome at this bazaar. Literature was distributed by Mrs. W. C. Hackwell on Christian Education. It was announced that the church women were invited to St. John's Church, Brussels on Tuesday, March 27. Next month the word 'Shope" will be used for the roll call word, The financial report was given by Mrs. Achilles and the Bible study period was in charge of Mrs. Ethel Hackwell, Hostesses were Mrs. Allan Mc- Call, 1VIrs, Gerald Watson, Mrs. Allen Searle. The film, Martin Luther," will be shown in Duff's United Ohuroh next Sunday evening, Marcia 25, sponsored by YPU. Everyone is welcome, Social Evening A variety social was held in Duff's United Church Sunday school room last Friday night and a large attendance. Program was furnished by the various units: Junior chorus by children of the 17th and boundary unit; a skit, 17th and b'omdary; senior chorus by the children, accompanied by Mrs. Ed, McCreath; chairman's remarks, Rev. A. Higginbotham; ,two -act play, A Visit of Inspec- tion, McKillop unit; solo, Sherrill Craig; men's chorus, 8th and 1Gth unit, accompanied by Mrs. J. Bry- ans; The Emerald Walton Airs, Walton unit; minutes of last meeting, by Mrs. A. McCall; solo, Mrs. Jan VanVliet, Sr., accomp- anied by Mrs. M. Baan; .Sing a Song Ladies, 17th and Boundary, accompanied by Mies Eileen Wil- liamson; men's chorus, 8th and 16th unit; The Wedding of the Painted Doll, 8th and 1Gth unit; Mrs. Nelson Reid attended the regular meeting of the Horticul- tural Sooiety on Monday in the Anglican Church, Brussels. A panel discussion led by Mrs. R. W. Stephens with lVIrs. E. Cud - more, Mrs. Les Odell and Mr. Alf Knight taking part. Mr. Clifford Epps, Clinton, was guest speaker. The next meeting will be held at Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Planke of To- ronto are spending this week with Mrs. F. Ennis. Misses Norma Hoegy and Cath- arine Buchanan, student nurses from St. Mary's hospital, Kitch- ener, spent the week end at their homes. Guests at the home of Mr. and iVlrs, Nelson Reid were Mr, and Mrs. ,Jos. Greene of Teeswater, and Bob Meehan and Miss Cecelia Jackson of Sarnia on Sunday. The fifth meeting of Walton' Willing Workers was held at the home of Mrs. Harvey Craig on Tuesday, Mar, 13 at 7.30 p.m. roll call was one point I have learned about cutting out and marking a garment. Ann Blake, ,pres., con- ducted- business and. Linda Som- erville read the minutes. Next meeting is to be on Mar. 24 at 9.30 p.m. which Miss Gilchrist is to attend. Discussion was led by Mss. Craig which Mrs. R. Traviss concluded, Mrs. Traviss demon- strated sewing a curved seam. Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Hibbert and family visited over the week end with friends in Wellesley. Mr, and Mrs, Bob Kreamer and boys of Elmira visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Blake last Sat- urday. Institute members are request- ed equested to bring their pre-school and Primary children to the March meeting of bhe WI Thugs, even- ing, Mar. 22 at 8.30 p.m. Guest speaker will he Mrs. C. Matheson of Brussels to talk to the little children. Co -conveners are Mrs. Jan VanVliet Jr, and Mrs. Wm. Turnbull, Roll call, how I chose my daughter's or son's name. Hostesses are Mrs. T, Dundas, Mrs, N. Marks, Mrs, A. Anderson, Mrs. 5, Hibbert, Mrs. P, McDon- ald, Mrs. N. Reid, Mrs, Herb Wil- liamson. DUBLIN 14Irs, Fergus Horan, Mrs, Ger- ald Holland, Mrs, Dan O'Rourke, Mrs. Jahn 13, Murray, Mrs. Fer- gus Stapleton, Mrs, Joseph Ryan attended a Catholic Women's meeting at St. Joseph's parish hall, Stratford, on Tuesday even- ing in connection with the Mercy Shelter of Chatham, Mrs, Frank Iiistner spent sev- Mitchell, with burial ,later lit the Presbyterian cemetery, Mltohell• Northside United Church Worship 11 a.m. (Third Sunday in Lent), Jr, Church school during worship. Si', Church school 10 a.m, Organist, Mrs. Jas, A. Stewart; •Choirmaster, Mr. Jaa, A, Stewart; Minister, Rev, J. C. Britton, B.A., First .Presbyterian Church 11 A.M. Rev, H. R. Williams of Strathr'oy SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL SPRING CONCERT Friday, March 30th 8 P.M. ADMISSION - 50c Varied Program ' Everybody Welcome YOU ARE INVITED TO THE DAFFODIL TEA Saturday, March 3Ist 2 - 5 P.M, TOWN HALL Seaforth Cancer Society "Live without fear through the year. See your Doctor" --Canadian Cancer Society Fay Implement Bargains Clearing Out Sale NEW JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT EVERYTHING MUST GO 2010 Tractor Corn Planter Cultivators Grain Drill Disc Harrows (wheel carrier, 3 point hitch • and trailer type) Manure Spreader Bale Elevator Drag Harrows. Spring Tooth Harrows — 3 point hitch Rotary Hoes Plows (both new and used ) Some good used Tractors NOTICE We will be keeping all John Deere parts and service equipment for John Deere machines. If anyone wants a new John Deere machine we will bring it in on firm order. We will have no more new machines in stock. Will be carrying various lines of new machinery JOHNNIE :,LUPE; Phone 768 Seaforth lvhart8h Wrong train? Wrong day? Wrong station? Never mind—a dime does it and Aunt Matilda's SAVED P.S. Come to think always help at hand so valuable . , , yet The Bell Telephone YTHE BELL of it: at home or away, there's through a telephone—a service so often taken for granted. Company of Canada.