The Seaforth News, 1961-05-25, Page 4WALTON The May meeting of the Mis- sion Band of Dnlf's Hinted Church was held last Sunday morning in the Sunday School roam with 5li iinbers presort. Eric Williamson, president, op- enod, the meeting with,hynun 58a "All Things, Bright and BeautifuP' with Alexine Williamson at the piano. The Mission Bend Purpose was repeated in .unison. Hymn. 590 "The Wise may bring their Learning", and Larry Walters read the scripture taken from Luke 10: 1-10. The leader, Mrs. Walter Bewley explained ' the scripture; the story of Zacheus,.. and told children that we must follow the example of Jesus and do what we know is right in spite of other peoples' opinion. Betty Heilinga led in prayer, Brune Clark and Larry Walters received the offering and Eric Williamson dedicated the offer- ing with prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Jack McCall and the Treasuer's,report given by Bruce Clark, Total re- ceipts from January to May 1 were 525.67, Teachers for the different classes were Mrs. G. McCavin, Mrs, N. Marks, Mrs, A, Clark, Mrs. Roy Williamson, The meeting closed with hymn 15, "For the Beauty of the Earth" and the Mizpah Benediction. The Walton Group held their monthly meeting in the church parlor on Wednesday even- ing with Mrs. Ian Wilbee, Mrs. Gerald Watson and Mrs, Ralph Traviss as hostesses, The president Mrs. Wm. Tim- mer presided opening with hymn 562 "Day is Dying in the West". Prayer was offered by Mrs, Ron Bennett and Mrs, Emerson Mit- ehell read a passage of scripture The Ephesiaus 6; 1.1.0, P 1 e leader commented. on the read- ing, Offering prayer and read a poem entitled .Keep, me Grate. ful", a Mothers' Day poem. The topic was given' by Mrs. All Am. Orson on "Stewardship and vice", ending' with an appropriate poem. The tell call was answered with it parable. Minutes Of the last meeting were read by the Secretary, Mrs. Herb', Traviss, The meeting . closed with hymn 051 "God is Our Refuge and our Strength". Mrs, R. Bennett con- ducted a quiz on Colossians after, which beautiful colored slides. on Florida? were .shown by Mrs, H. Traviss. Two carloads of ladies attend- ed the 59th annual meeting of 'the East Huron W. I. at McIntosh Church, Hostess Branch, Lakelet last Thursday. Mr. Frank Dundas, Dale, Deb- bie and Darlend of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Goo, Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lament and family of London' visited with. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Porter, Mrs. Ken Ritchie and Larry of Egmondvlile spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ethel En- nis. Mrs. Margaret Humphries vis- ited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge, Lon- don, Miss Jean Mills of Toronto vis- ited a few days with her father, Mr. Earl Mills. Mr, Glen Oliver of London spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Les. Oliver, Miss Beatrice Gibson and Miss Ruth Ann, Ennis of Kitchener vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Dong En- nis. Mr, and Mrs. Alf Anderson and NOM spent the holiday weekend atthe me oftheir fir• w0 1 Ottawa h daughter and.son•in•law, Mr, and, Mr. Ross Taylor, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Martin and , family of`Burford spent the week- end with' dl'ir. ,and Mrs. Clarence Marin: ;', Ml" Gerald Dreeeel, Toronto, visited here over the holiday, Mies Corrie Ruiyter, of Strat- ford visited at the home of her sister and br•other..,iu-law, Mr. and Mrs, Jan Van. Vliet, KIPPEN Mr, and 1Vfrs. L,R• Thompson of Battle Creek, Mich„ who were in Kippen for the McGregor— Charters wedding, have returned home accompanied by Mrs, lfam Charters. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taylor of Stratford are the proud grand. parents of twins,'Jeffery Edward and Jacqueline, infant children of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Taylor of. Stratford, born Tuesday, May 16 at Stratford General Hospital: Mr. and Mrs, Theodorus Han - wart and family of Dresden, Ont. are now residing in Hugh Mc Milian's house on. RR 2, Kippen. Mr. and Mrs, G, B. Sandford of Kitchener rece}fitly visited_ Mr. and Mrs. Winston Workman and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waidecker and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Pohl of Detroit; Mr, and Mrs. L, B. Bow- erman of Listowel spent the weekend of May 13th with Mr. and Mrs. Winston Workman and Bill after attending the McGreg- or—Charters wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hillier and' John and Steven of Thamesford spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie. FR � �, � [LECTION OF OOD WHEN YOU BUY AN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR -FREEZER OR HOME FREEZER MAY 15 TO JUNE 30 ATANY APPLIANCE DEALER DISPLAYING THIS SIGN HERE'S HOW YOU GET YOUR FREE $20. FOOD CERTIFICATE. Buy an electric home freezer now, May 15 to June 30, at any appliance store display- ing the "Supermarket In Your Home" Insignia. *This offerwill apply to an attractive range of chest -type or upright electric freezers or dual zone combination refrigerator - freezers of 13 cubic ft, capacity or larger. CHECK THESE FOUR WAYS A HOME FREEZER CAN CUT YOUR FOOD BILLS. 1 You can buy in bulk when prices are low. 2 You can take full advantage of special food sales. 3 You can budget your food needs more efficiently. 4 You get a free $20.00 food certificate if you buy. Y'-'iro•dperating manufacturers include the following: Beatty Brothers • Beiwood Appliance Co. • Canadian General Electric . Coronado . Dominion Appliance Co. • Frigidaire • General Steel' Wares. Gibson • Gilson • Kelvinatof . Philco . R.C.A. • Roy . United Co-ops . Westinghouse S, .FORTH PUBLIC UTILITY. COMMISSIO.N Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Jones were air, and Mrs, Art Ashworth and Carol of Den- field. 55r, and Mrs. A. Gaekstotter and family of Guelph aeeompan- ied by M, , Horn, Exeter Mrs. PearlrsWinLove and eyWayne of; Vayna; Mr, and Mrs. Keith Me - Bride and faintly of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert White- luan and daughter Margaret of Toronto spent a recent weekend with the former'e sister, Miss Ma. belle Whiteman, Mrs. Whiteman remaining two+.weeks. Mr. Geo.. Marshall, Goderich, visited Sunday with Mr, Robt. Thomson. Master Grant Sones celebrated his 12th birthday On Monday by entertaining a few of his friends, to a party, Mrs. Bert Thomson returned home a few days ago since being a patient in ?Clinton Public Hos- pital. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Van Wier. ren and family moved from the village to Mr. Harold Jones' house on the Town Line. Young Peoples' Anniversary St, Andrew's United Church, Kippen was beautifully decorated. on Sunday for Young Peoples' Anniversary. The choir of young people rendered an anthem and Brain Binnendyk favored with a solo "My Cathedral". The guest speaker, Rev, E. McLagan of Blyth gave an inspiring message to the young people, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Schneider and family visited on the holiday with the latter's father, Mr. Ro- bert Thomson, Faber—Menard In an all -white setting of snap- dragon and mums in St. John's - by -the -lake Anglican Church, at, Grand Bend, Anita Louise Men- ai d, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Menard, Grand. Bend, and Russell F. Faber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rochus Faber, Kippen ex- changed marriage vows on Sat- urday, May 13 at 2 o,clock. Rev. William Millman officiated, Given in marriage by her fath- er the bride chose a floor -length gown of white brocaded ham- mered satin with cut -away boat neckline. She carried four lilies with sprays of stephanotis. The bride's sister, Mrs. Irene Wise, Vancouver, B.C., was matron of honor wearing 'a street -length orchid taffeta dress with long sleeves, fitted bodice with high neckline in front and cut -away back. Her headdress was a rose made of matching material and she tarried a cascade of yellow daisies. Bridesmaids were Joanne Masse, Grand Bend and Irelle Lavery, Hensall, in delicate pink and pastel green fashioned on lines identical to the matron of honor. Flower girl was the bride's niece, four-year-old' Carrie James, Windsor, wearing a soft pink dress with full skirt with net ov- erskirt. She carried a basket of mixed spring flowers. Gordon La- very, Hensall, was beat man, and Torn I'enhale and Emerson Cole- man ushered. A reception was held at the bride s- home, Monetta Meuard's, Grand Bend. Fora wedding trip to Florida the bride changed to an electric blue and white two-piece dress with white floral hat and white accessories. The couple will re- side in Hensall DUBLIN: The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Guild of - St, Mary's Church was held at the home of Mrs. Dale Anderson with Mrs. Friend presiding. The meeting opened with a hymn followed by scripture and prayer. Mrs. Racho read the minutes of the previous meeting and called the roll. The Society were pleased with " the, amount received from the bake - less bake sale for the month. Plans were made for the straw- berry tea to be held at Mrs. Friend's home on June 14. Mrs. Donaldson's reading was much enjoyed, "Padre the Fisherman" The meeting closed with prayer and lunch served. Mrs. Harold Pethicki Mrs. Tom Butters and Mrs. Herbert Britton attended the South Perth District Annual W. ,I. Convention at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle and Wm. Dantzer attended the gradu- ation of their niece; Miss Janet Dantzer at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dill, Karen and Billie at Ashburn with Mr. and Mrs. H. Pugh. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Eckert and daughter, Owen Sound, with Mrs, John A. Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. Keith ' Kelly and children, Kitchener, and Miss Mary Glidden, Clinton with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly. Mrs, Jerry Mayman, Deep Riv- er, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Evans. Mrs. Ray Hotham and children of London, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Burns. Sir, and Mrs. Alfred Jordison of Ancaster with Mrs, E. Jordison Miss Mary Morrison, Kitchener,• with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison. Edward Holland and son David of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, E. Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Dantzer and family, London, at their home here, Mr, and Mrs. Gene Giroux, of Thorold, Mr. and Mrs. P. Gros- eck and children, London, with Mr, and Mrs. D. Costello. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Green. lee, Ailsa Craig, with Ai M. Looby, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Friend and family spent the holiday week- end at Tobermory. - - A Maryknoll Missionary preach- ed at St. Patrick's Church on Sunday in the interest of South American Missions. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kistner, Mrs. Charles Kistner and Didne in Port Colborne with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Murphy, CONSTANCE 11. sb Mr. and Mrs. 1 V r Landr- o ought and Mr. Bert Gibbings of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs, Eph- raim Clarke, Seaforth, visited Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Lawson on Thursday. Mr. Anthony Lawson of Picker- ing spent the week end' with Mr. and Mrs. Janes Medd, Mrs. D. Milleon visited last week with Mrs. Everson of Wood, stock and with Mrs. Dawdry 'of Ingersoll, - Week end visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley were Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Woods and Debbie of Ajax; Miss Norma Mac- Donald and Mr. Douglas Riley of Scarboro; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper of Seaforth and Mr, and Mrs. Torn Riley of Clinton, Mr,- and Mrs. Jim Attwood and family of Windsor visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Grimol'dby.. Mr. Bill Millsori of Wyoming spent the holiday week end with. his mother, Mrs. .1Vlillson an' brother, Mr. Ross Milieon. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and family visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.. Stan Preszcator and family at Centralia. Wins Treasure Books Congratulations go out to Mary Mcllwain and Margy Whyte of this school SS No. 3 upon winn- ing a Treasure Book for art and writing in the school, an award offered by the Brooke Bond trav- el and educational department. This _award will be entered -for the provincial and national aw- ards and will also become an an- nual event. These treasure books aro books of knowledge and well worth the effort of trying. Mr, and Mrs, Reg. Elliott of Staffa visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and fa- mily. Court Constantine Initiates Four New Members Last Thursday evening the la- dies of Court Constantine at the regular meeting initiated four new members into their court. The ladies of this Court very ca- pably out on the ceremony of in- itiation with Sister Mary Riley as pianist during the ceremony, and the president Sister Dalton pinning on the badge of member- ship on the new candidates, Sis- ters Grace Pethick, Mary Mc- Clure, Helga Dodds and Donna: Johnston. Brother Hawkshaw of High Court, Brantford, was pres- ent resent and offered congratulations to the court and also brought a message from Bro. Matzanki of Chealey, district manager, who was unable to attend on account of the death of his wife. Business was discussed on the annual bar- becue which 'will be held on June S and a pot luck supper on June, 15th to celebrate the birthday of the court. Sister Mary Riley is the delegate to represent the court at Victoria, B.C. in June. Recognition of $34.20 for the Cancer fund was received by High Court. $10 was also decided upon for the Salvation Army, After the business and closing of the meeting a debate was -the highlight of the evening. Resolv- ed that farm youth are better able to handle life•'s 'problems than the city youth. Sisters D. Dolmage and J. Case upheld the affirmative while Sister A. Buch- anan and J. Tebbit the negative. The judges, who were the new candidates, gave their decision to the affirmative. Prizes were given to the members taking part by the Activity corn. A meeting of the district council will be held at this court on June 1st. Lunch was served. Mrs. Watson, Cindy, Bonnie, Mary and Jeanie 'from Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Patterson, John, Gordon and David, from Toronto, and Mrs. Finley Perrin of London were visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte. FEDERATION NEWS By J. C. Hemingway The County Federation of Agri- culture met for their regular monthly meeting May 9th, in Clin- on. The Pres. Warren Zurbrigg ex- pressed some concern at the small amount of seeding that has been accomplished to date as re- ported by the different Directors. However a week of good weather would change the outlook greatly. There was a lengthy discussion on the development of a composite school for the County. Since the Federation in conjunction with County Women's Institutes insti- gated this action through a reso- lution to County Council Educa- tion Committee and since the Federation has for years been demanding equal opportunity of Education for rural young people the meeting approved the idea of a composite school provided Agri- cultural Training is a definite' part of the program. The meeting endorsed the reso- lutions of the County Cream Pro- ducers which requested, briefly, that a consumer subsidy be paid on butter of 10c per pound; that cream producers receive a pay- ment equal to the 25c now being paid on manufacturing milk, that the ban on the sale of margarine coloured to imitate butter be continued. Harvey Taylor, Chairman of the County Co -Op. Insurance Commit- tee, reported sales continuing at record levels in the county. He. also indicated that a county wide'' canvass of all farmers would be undertaken in the near future fon the purpose of making farmers aware of' the extra risks that are involved in operating alarm bust-` nem. Bob McGregor reported that the Beef Producers. at their Annual' meeting approved a voluntary de- duction of 10c per head of cattle to be attached to the Bill of Lad- ing when cattle are to be sold, The money so raised will be used to finance the organization and promote the sale of beef. Ab. Bacon reported that the THE 'SEAFOETli NEWS (Phone 94)--Tbbursday, May 25, 1901 school, hastrade and method of sale for hogs out Of sell R,,. no is which has been in operation only a few days seems to be resulting ip wide fluctuations in price. This, is likely to cause „ serious dissatisfaction among farmers he Stated. •All. Warner reported that sales of "Fame" shares are progressing favourably but an effort is being put forth to find canvassers, that can give enough tints to cover the territory more quickly. It is hoped that the objective of two million dollars can be reached by Nov. 1. This would make it possible to have plants in operation next summer. With the -increased mar- ketings of both, hogs and cattle for 1962 it is urgent that we' do everything possible to promote, the sale of our products. Plans have been fairly well completed for the Annual Dairy Princess Contest to be held at the Clinton Spring Fair. All we need now is more contestants, COMMUNICATION Editor The Seaforth News. Dear Su',—I took the item be- low front May 16 Toronto Star and ant sending you a copy, hop- ing you can find a spot for it in your Paper. Who knows some parents, reading it, might recog- nize a problem they are contribu- ting to. I ant not signing my name to this because I am very intimate with a family that have this•prob- lem and I have done everything I know how, without trying to run their business to get them to see this problem in the making. In big bold type, the headline was "HOW TO SPOT BAD BOYS". Maurice Egan, director of Ot- tawa's youth services bureau, yesterday described to the open- ing session of the Canadian Con- ference of Corrections the youth who joins delinquent gangs. "Pt is doubtful if he has ever been a Boy Scout. He thinks of himself as a misfit, "He gets his kicks from excit- ing, dangerous, illegal and immor- al behaviour. "He is 13 to 19, has dropped froquentlY unemployed, "He has likely been in trouble with the poliee, his parents are disorganized, negligent' and irre- sponsible and he goes and comes hem horse as he pleases and as much as possible". HENSALL Mrs. Edna Corbett was„ a week- end visitor with her son-in-law and daughter,',Mr. and Mrs, Har- old Parker and ,daughters at Chiseihurst. Mrs. Hazel Campbell' of Sarnia was a recent visitor with Mr, and Mrs. R. Y, MiSLitiren; First Presbyterian Church 'MEV. D. LESLIE name Analog 10 a.m. Church 'School and Youth Fellowship Class 11 am. Sermon "A CAPTIVE' IN COMMAND" Nursery for children up to three years meets during the morning worship TURNER'S CHURCH Sunday School Anni- versary versar and Flower" • Sunday on May 28 2 P,M, MR. WM. COULTES of Belgrave, will be guest speaker Special music by the Junior Farmer Quartet At close of the service flowers will be placed on the graves in the cemetery Everybody welcome to attend • Does your bank help you - handle your money wisely? All banks offer you four different types of Accounts to help you keep your records accurate. So why should you choose Toronto -Dominion? Well the answer to that one is simple. Toronto -Dominion offers you all of these standard services to help you handle money PLUS something else again. People. People who really take an interest in you and your banking problems. Our managers are the MOST HELPFUL you'll find 'Just to give you an example of what we mean, we'd like you to meet Bob Swinton who's the Manager of our busy George and Simcoe Streets branch in Peterborough. Bob is shown here helping a young couple"— straighten ouple"straighten out their confused finances, by counselling them to open a Toronto -Dominion Joint Account. A Joint Account will help them tie all their lnancial loose ends together in one neat and tidy account. Bob's understanding advice has helped many of his cus- tomers out of financial dilemmas, to the worry -freed way of life that comes only with `Elie66/ledge that their financial affairs are being handled wisely. Bob Swinton is typical "of the hundreds of men and women who staff Toronto -Dominion branches across the country. Why not.drop in and meet some of them soon. You 11 bedglighted; when you •disnover,•rhow much . , PEOPLE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE AT THE TORONTO .DOMINION THE -DANK THATGOotes AHEAD. BAN k L.+2999A W. C. MOORE, .Manager - Seaforth Branch