The Seaforth News, 1961-05-18, Page 4WALTON
17th and Boundary Group
The regular monthly meeting
of the 17th and Beuildary group
of Duff's United Church was
held at the home of Mrs, Wm,
Coutts with 21 members present.
Mrs. Roy Williamson presided
over the meeting which opened
with the singing of hYnm 000 and
prayer. Mrs. Glen• Corlette read
Psalm 116 and Mrs, R. William-
son then took the tonic "Counting
our Blessings". Minutes and cor-
respondence were read and busi-
ness discussed, Invitations were
accepted to a meeting at home
of Mrs. Corlette and the bazaar at
Winthrop. A poem on Mothers'
Day was 'read by Mrs. • Wm.
Coutts find the meeting was clos-
ed with hymn 394 and the 'Mis-
pah benediction. Lunch was serv-
ed by the hostess and lunch com-
mittee and a social half hour was
spent, _
McKillop Group
The May meeting of the Mc-
Killop Group was held at the
home of Mrs. Stewart McCall last
Wednesday evening with 1G la-
dies present, Mrs. Jack Bosman
presided opening with hymn 394
"Happy the Home when God is
there". Mrs. Campbell Wey of-
fered prayer. The scripture pas-
sage was read by Mrs. Wm. Den-
nis from Ephesians 6: 1-10. A
poem entitled "Thanks" was read
by Mrs. Boeman, Mrs. Geo. Fox
chose for her topic "Perfect Love
Casteth out Fear" and "Prayer
Gets Results:'. Mrs. Fox ended
her topic with a poem for Moth-
ers' Day. Mrs. David Sholdice
gave the highlights from the
Missionary Monthly. Reports
were read and business conduct-
ed. Plans were made for a social
to be held in October at which
time Dr. E. A. McMaster will
show pictures of his recent trip to
the Holy Land. The meeting clos-
ed with hymn 545 "Now the Day
is over" and prayer.
A successful sale of Perennials
and garden plants was held after
which a delicious lunch was serv-
ed by the hostesses, Mrs. E. Mc-
Creath, Mrs. A. Coutts, Mrs.' M.
Hackwell and Mrs. Geo. Love.
The May meeting of the Walton
W. I. will be held in the Commun-
ity Hall, Thursday evening May
26 with Mrs. Geo, Williamson and
Mrs. Roy Williamson as co -con-
veners for Canadian Industries.
Mrs. Jos. Brewer and Mrs. Roy
Bronson of Brussels will give a
demonstration on "Crafts". The
roll call will be answered with a
new Canadian Industry and its
source. Hostesses will be Mrs. W.
E, Turnbull, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet
Jr., Mrs. Les Oliver, Mrs. Wm.
Turnbull and Mrs. Alvin McDon-
Family Day was observed in
Duff's 'United Church last Sunday
morning with Mr. Martin Baan,
Sunday School Superintendent in
charge. Assisting Mr. Baan were
Bonnie Uhler who read the scrip-
ture passage and Larry Walters
led in responsive reading. The!
Sunday School pupils and their
teachers rendered a iluulber With
Miss Aileen Williamson at the
The sacrament of Baptism Wag.
conducted by Rev, W. M. Thomas
when time following infants were
presented for baptisiu: Mary
Christine, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Watson; Wendy. Lee,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Gerald
Cardiff; Janice. Mae, daughter o
'Mr. raid Mrs. Jan Van Vliet
Ruth Pearline, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Win, 'plainer; peas
Gregory, sop of Mr, and Mrs. H
Hackwell; Maurice Johns son o
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Flood.
Rev, Thomas preached en ap
propriate Mothers' Day sermon
The choir under the leaderehl
of Mrs. Harvey Brown sang a
anthem with Mrs. Herb 'Travi
and Miss Faye Love taking Sol
Mr. Hugh Campbell celebrate
lits 99th birthday Wednesday c
this week. Best wishes are ex
tended to him.
Miss Clare AC Wel London
visited with her parents over th
Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Cardiff and
daughter of Petrolia and Mrs
Ferns Patterson, Seaforth, visit
ed in the vicinity last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jenkins and
family of Norwich spent ,the
weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Clar
once Martin.
Jack Anderson of Streetsville
visited at his home over the
Mr, and Mrs. W, C. Ennis, Ca
thie and Beth of London; Mr. and
Mrs, Kon Ritchie. and Larry, Eg.
mondville; Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Cunningham, Karen and Rioky
Ethel; Mrs. Mary Dressel, Gerald
Dressel and A. Kelly of Toronto
visited with Mrs. Ethel Ennis on
Mothers' Day,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Henke and the
family of Goderich visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Andy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burke and
family of Winghanr spent Moth-
ers' Day with Mr, and Mrs. Art
Miss Charlotte Loveridge of
West Hill visited over the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Funis and Ronnie..
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett of
Clidton spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Bennett and family.
'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lubnow
and Teresa of London visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mur-
ray last Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. Hibbert and son re-
turned home last Saturday from
Scott Memorial Hospital.
Mr: and Mrs. W. Stutti, Kitch-
ener, spent Mothers' Day' week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Dundas.
- 'Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dinsmore, of
Kitchener visited over the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Habbirk,
Joan, Bob and Jack of Ingersoll
spent Mothers' Day with Mr. and
Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull.
Miss Ione Watson of London
spent the weekend with her par-
' Miss Olive Speare spent the
- weekend, in Toronto With Mr. and
Mrs. R; G. Speare, '
Mrs. Laverne Wallace, Pamela
and Terry visited in Listowel on
Sunday with her grandmother,
Mrs, Don Menzies.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Decider and
Harry of Zurich were Sunday vis-
itors -with Mr. and Mrs, Donald
Scott and family,
a y,
Mrs, Gerald Carey accompanied
- by her mother Mrs, F, Taylor
spent the weekend in Toronto
with Mr, and Mrs. Don Taylor..
Mothers' Day visitors with Mrs,
M, Houston were Mr, and Mrs.
Gordon. Houghton and Mr. and
Mrs, Roy Kemp and family of
London; Mr. Reg Stagg and son
Riekie of Exeter! Mr, and Mrs.
Ross Houghton and family, Strat-
ford and Mr, Frank Stagg,
Miss Alice Soradahl of London
spent the weekend with her .par-
ents, Mr, and' Mrs. Lloyd Sors-
dahl, Mr. and Mrs. John Chessell
and Robert of Mitchell at the
same home on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy McGhee vis-
ited on Sunday at the home of
their daughter\ and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rhode of
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Gardiner were Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Fell, Christine and
Allan, Waterloo, and Mrs. Edgar
Doepel, Milverton.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick,
Sharon and Donald of Sarnia
spent the weekend with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodds vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Dodds, Walton.
Mrs. T. Laing entertained the
ladies of the village at a brush
demonstration on Monday even-
Mrs. Calvin Hulley and baby
son returned home from Seaforth.
Hospital on Monday.
Mr. Lloyd Sorsdahl arrived
home from a plane trip to Winni-
peg, on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ramsey and
family of Listowel spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Mrs. T. Laing received a Moth-
ers' Day message by telephone
from her daughter, Mrs. Howard
Eves of Moosejaw, Sask,
Miss Ina Scott spent the week-
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Scott.
All members of the family of
Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker spent
Mothers' Day at the home of
their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hubert of Sea -
forth visited on Sunday with her
father, Mr. Harry Norris and bro-
ther Robert.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning
and family, Mitchell, were Sun-
day visitors with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar.
Mothers' Day service was con-
ducted by the minister, Rev. S.
Kerr, who gave a helpful address
on the theme "Stewardship in the
family". The singing was led by
the junior choir who also sang a,
special number•. Diplomas and
seals were presented to several
of the Sunday School pupils.
The regular meeting of the La-
dies' Aid Society was held at the
home of Mrs. Gerald Carey with
the first vice president, Mrs. J.
M. Scott presiding. Mrs. Wm.
Harper led in devotions. The roll
call was answered with naming
a favorite flower. Reports were
read by the secretary and the
treasurer. The ladies are donating
six layettes for the bale to be
sent for relief work very shortly.
Plans for a strawberry supper
were discussed, Mrs. T. L. Scott
sang a solo, "Songs My Mother
Sang". Mrs, M. Houghton and
Mrs, R. Dodds were appointed as
program committee and Mrs. T.
L. Scott and Mrs. Grace Scott
for' lunch at the next meeting.
Lunch Was served by the hostess
assisted by Mrs. R. Laing and
Mrs. J. M. Scott,
The CGIT Girls with their lead-
er, Mrs. NI, Lamond entertained
the members of the CGIT from
Caven Church, Exeter, on Mon-
day evening, Rev, and Mrs. Kerr
were also guests and were pre-
sented with a farewell gift from
the Cromarty girls
The Sunday School and morn-
ing Church Service will be with-
drawn next Sunday, owing to
the Centennial Services to be
held at Caven Church, Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Laing and the
family and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Laing and children were Moth-
ers' Day guests of Mr. and Mrs,
T. Laing.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Christie
and family with Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Allen,
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Erie Dow were Mr, and Mrs.
John McLeod, Debbie and Mary
Lou and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Geth-
ke and Warren of Mitchell; Mis-
ses Shirley and Maxine Dow of
Mrs. Harvey Andrews . was
hostess for the May meeting of
the WMS and WA. of Roy's Un -
lied Church, The president, Mrs,
Murray Christie opened the meet-
ing with a poem, "A Woman's
Song of Praise", following with
the Lord's Prayer, scripture read-
outs, Mr. and Mrs. David Watson,
Achievement Pay for '`Cottons
may be Smart", the course by
th@ 4 -II Girls, was held last Sat,.
erdayin the Seaforth Distri t
HighSchool. Mrs, Margaret Hum-
phries phies and Mrs. H. Crai • were
the leaders in the course
Mrs, John Wallace and Debbie
spent a few days in Windsor r with
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Douglas,
Andy, George and Cathy. visited
on Sunday with Mr. Douglas'. par -
ants, Mi•. and Mrs, A, Douglas of
Mr, and Mrs, Goo, Wallace vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Wallace, Carlingford.
Mrs. Robert Gardiner is a Pa-
tient in Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, where she is undergo-
ing treatment.
Wednes May 24i
In the event of unfavorable weather
the inspection will be held in the
community centre
The public is cordially invited
to attend
,,,,nnu,nn,n,,,","„",,,,,n,,,,,nn„u,n,,,,um,n W nnnun"An„nwJ W m" u,b,"„n,,,l"gn *moil***
Seaforth District High School
AT 8 P.M.
Featuring pupils of,Mrs. It, Broderick's.
Dancing Class, also local talent
Sponsored by C. P. T. Committee of
Odd Fellows and Rehekahs
Admission 50c
Children 35c
(under 6 years free)
iefiii prp,ra"nm,arm"rims",1„rr„rr,,,1„Irrrr,f„1,1„Iq,l„rr„rr"iii , r f+u utlurr,url4ree0iiii iii 111111.
lug and 'Meditation. Mrs. Julia
Hooking gave a paper on "Moth-
ers of the Bible", and Mies Bessie
Dow gave a reading. Several mu-
sical nertibers were contributed
by a trio composed, of Beth .and
Verna Christie and Joann Dow,
The topic was taken from the
24n1 chapter of the Study Book
"The Ship Tinder the Cross". The
meeting closed, with prayer by,
Mrs, A. Christie. Lunch was ser-
ved by the hostess and her assist-
ants and a social hour eujoyed by
Mothers' Day guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth McKay and
family were Mr. and Mrs, Hid Mc-
Kay, Miss Lila McKay of Sea=
forth and Mr, and Mrs, Ross Love
Mr. and Nlre, Charles Cudmore
and Mr. Sam Cudmere of Kitch-
ener visited Sunday afternoon
with Mn and Mrs, Orville Work-
man and friends in the village.
Mr, and Mrs. Grant Love of
Caro, Mich were weekend guests
of relatives here.
Mr. Gordon Wren has been con-
fined to his home the past 10
days through illness, He is wish-
ed,a speedy recovery, •
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chapman
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Jim Chapman and family, in
St. Andrew's 'United Church
was beautifully decorated with
spring 'flowers and singing can-
aries for Mothers' Day, Sunday,
May 14th, The basket of flowers
in front of the pulpit was placed
by the family of the late Robert
J. Elsie. The junior choir sang'
two numbers. The following ba-
bies were christened: Jeffery
Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth McKay; Grant Edward, son
of Mr, and Mrs, Keith Love; Di-
anne Jane, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Consitt,
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of
Caro, Mich., presented St.' And-
rew's Church with 50 hymnaries
in memory of his parents and
they were distributed by the ush-
ers and used by the congregation
during the service.
Mr. Duncan Cooper presented a
baptismal font in memory of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Cooper, from the family, which
was used in the chyistening ser-
vice. Rev. H. Johnston 'gave a
dedication prayer following th
presentation and gave a short
Mothers' Day -address after the
Christening and dedication. Much
credit and appreciation is due
Mrs. Emmerson Kyle and• Mrs.
Ron Littleton for their work and
taste in decorating the church so
beautifully for Mothers' Day, and
to Mrs. John 'Sinclair, Mrs. Hay -
'old Jones and Miss Jean Ivison
for their time and effort to or-
ganize and' train the junior choir
of 30 boys -and girls.
Trousseau -Tea
NIrs, Pearson Charters enter-
tained Tuesday at a trousseau
tea to 100 guests in honor of their
daughters. Mary and Anne, brides
of last Saturday. The house was
prettily decorated in spring flow-
ers and the table with a lace
cloth and three tier wedding cake
flanked by pink and white tapers.
Miss Katherine McGregor, sister
of the gr•oorns had charge of the
guest book. Those serving during
the afternoon included: Mrs. Wil-
son McCartney of Seaforth; Mrs.
Ross Chapman, Miss Norma Hoe-
gy of Kitchener, Mrs. Laird Fin-
layson and Mrs. Jack Cooper,
Pouring tea were Mrs. Win. Char -
tars, grandmother of the brides,
and Mrs. John A. McGregor, of
Seaforth, grandmother of the
grooms. Displaying the trousseau
and wedding gifts: • Mrs. 3. Love,
Miss Donelda Loetell, Miss Mar-
garet Chesney, Miss Marjorie
Charters, sister of the brides. In
the evening those serving includ-
ed Mrs. Jim McNaughton, Mrs. W.
Workman, Miss Jean McNaught-
on, Miss Margie Elgie, Miss Phyl-
lis Lostell, Mrs. Lloyd Cooper,
Pouring tea, Miss Bessie Grieve,
Egmondville; Mrs. Tom Kay of
Seaforth. In charge ,of guest
book, Miss Peggy Grieve, Those
in charge of trousseau and wed-
ding gifts, Miss Norma Hoegy of
Kitchener, Miss Katherine Mc-
Gregor, Mrs. Jack Cooper, Miss
Shirley Bender of Dashwood and
Miss Marjory Charters.
The May meeting of the Kippen
WMS and W.A. was held in the
Sunday School room on Wednes-
day evening, May 3rd. The meet -
ng opened with the worship with
Mrs. Emerson Kyle in charge,
Hymn "Take time to be Holy”
was sung. The minutes of the
previous meeting were 'read and
approved, 24 members answered
he roll call with a Mothers' Day
erse, also three visitors present.
A bale is to be packed in the near
uture. Mrs, Jones read a thank-
ou note from Miss Iris Castle,
eying that her gift of money
rom Kippen WMS was to be
used to buy a sewing machine to
use in her work at St. Lucia.
Moved by Mrs. Emerson Kyle and
econded by Mrs. Howard. Fink-
einer that meetings be held en
Tuesday evenings for the re-
mainder of the year. Mrs, Allan
Johnson gave 'the visitors' report.
Mrs. Eldon Jarrott read a poem
'Only one Mother", A,.chapter in
he study book "The Turning
World" was ably given by Mrs.
Russell . Consitt, Rev. Harold
Johnston then gave a talk on the
new women's organization for
next year, A provisional commit -
se was nominated and they will
work at setting up new women's
rganization for next year, The
oliowing were nominated: Mrs.
Harold Jones, Mrs. John Ander-
on, Mrs. R, Consitt, Mrs, Bert
Faber, Mrs, 0, Workman and
Mrs, Tom Reid. Moved by Mrs.
Ross Broadfoot and- seconded by
Mrs. Ross Lose that this commit-
ee stand as nominated, Mrs, It,
Turner thanked all taking part
n the meeting and it closed with
he Mizpah Benediction.
Mrs. Lydia Franks and Gail, of
Preston, at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Win. Koehler,
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Irvin Rock and Mrs.' Chas,
Eggert were Mr, and Mrs. Gord-
on Muegge and Mrs. Win, Hoegy,
Seafortlii Mr. and Mrs. Clinton
Dipple, Gowanstown; Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Vecke and Edward, of
Watford; Miss Veeke, Watford;
and Mr. Ted Vendenberk, Grand
Mr, and Mrs. Con Moore and
Ian, Toronto, spent the weekend
at the home of Mrs. Moore's Par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Doerr..
Mr Jerry Doerr returned home
from Seaforth Hospital,
Mrs. Chas, Eggert is a patient
at Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
or ,
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Regele at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Kechnie, Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Muegge at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer
Koehler recently,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert
and - girls with the Tremeers,
Kippen; recently.
e mthe W.
met,That the home ofeeting Mort the
ler, with Mrs, Weitereen as host-
ess. Mrs. Norman Eggert and:
Mrs. Irvin Rock were in charge
of the devotional period of the
Mothers' Day meeting at which
17 were present. Hymns, poems
and readings were given, also
musical selection by Mrs. Eisler
and Mrs, Paulen. The roll call
was answered to a Mother of the
Bible, It is planned to entertain.
the Sebringville Women's Associ-
ation in June at the Church.
Thankyou letters were read from
Mrs. Henry Hoegy and Crippled
Children's Fund, A contest was,
conducted bq Mrs, Rock, Lunch,
was served by the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. wm, Foote, St
Thomas spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker.
Miss Berthena Cruickshank, of
Holmesville; spent from Friday
to Monday with her aunt Miss
Berthena Sturgeon.
Mrs. E. W. Oddleifson, London,.
is spending this week at her
Mrs. Robert Humphries and
son Carl, Port Stanley, spent
Wednesday and Thursday. with
her parents,• Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Kerr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Flowers, Deb-
bie and Kim, Toronto, were with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Flowers over the
Trinity Church Guild held their
May meeting on Tuesday evening
at the home of Mrs. Wm. Parker
Rev, E. J. Harrison opened the
meeting with prayer. 16 members
answered the roll call. A social
hour followed and Mrs. Parker
served refreshments,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder and
family, London, spent the week-
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. Scotchmer,
Trinity Club of Trinity Angli-
can Church held a very success-
ful "Mothers' Day Tea” on Thurs-
day afternoon at the "Little Inn".
The tables were beautifully dec-
orated with daffodils. Tea was
poured the first hour by Mrs. A.
W. Hayman and Mrs. P. Weston,
and the second hour by Mrs. R.
H. Gairdner and Mrs. F. Middle-
ton. Mr's. Geo. Bellchamber wel-
comed the guests as they arrived.
A door prize was won by Mrs. J.
Smith, Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wallis
left on Tuesday for their home in
Saskatchewan after visiting their
sisters Misses Maude and Joseph-
ine Stirling.
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Sturgeon
spent the weekend at Science
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Grimes,
newly-weds returned home on
Friday after spending a week at
Niagara Falls, Ont.
Misses Jackie, Vickie and Judy
Cluff, London, were with their
mother over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker and
family, London, were with their
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Park-
er Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Fraser over the weekend.
George Telford, Windsor, spent
the weekend with his wife. On
his return she accompanied him
to Barrie where she will spend a
week with her parents.
Burleigh Farrar, London, spent
the weekend at the Albion Hotel.
Mrs. B. T. Stephenson, Toronto,
and Miss Ada Bingley, Detroit,
are at their cottage this week.
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Atkinson,
St. Clair Shores, Mich,, are spend-
ing a few days at their home.
The Constance WA. and W.M.
S. held their regular meeting on
Monday, May 8 in the Sunday
School rooms, The change of
ate was owing to the Musical
Festival of Hullett Township.
eing held May 9, 10 and 11, at
Londesbero United Church.
Mrs. Lorne Lawson president
I the WA. opened the meeting
y singing hymn 380 and all re-
acting the Lord's Prayer. Roll
all was answered by 11 ladies,
usiness matters were discussed
n the ham supper to be held
May 24 in the basement of the
Church from 5:30 to •7:30 and
ickets can he bought from any
member of the W. A. Miscellan-
our; articles to be brought in
or the bazaar to be held at the
open meeting of the WMS on,
une 21. Collection was taken and
he meeting turned over to the
Mrs, W. L. Whyte presided over
the WMS and opened by all sing -
ng hymn 661. Roll call wad an-
wered by a book of the Old
estament, The school for lead-
rs at Alma College was left
ver to the June meeting. Treas-
urer's report was given, Business
se conducted over the Open
Meeting to be held on June 21st
THE SEAFORTH NEWS -- Thursday, May 18, 1961 .
at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Rev. Pew
aldeon of Seaforth as guest speak•
sr,' and Societies invited are
Duff's, Turners, Northside United
and Mae Lane, Seaforth, Sr. Aux.
of Presbyterian Church, Seaforth,
and 'McKillop Branch of Presby.
• Rev, Funge was guest speaker
for the afternoon and spoke on
the joining together of the W,A.'
and 'W,M,S. which was enlighten-
ing to all, Collection was taken
and the meeting closed with
Mothers' Day was observed in
the United Church" last ' Sunday
with the pastor Rev. T. S. Pitt in
charge: A baptismal service was
held when Darrel Dale, son of.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Johnston
and Janice Dale, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Stephenson
were baptized. The choir under
the direction of Mrs,'Roilsrt Stir•
Hag sang a suitable anthem,
Miss Lola Chuter of Brantford
spent the weekend at the home
of tier parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
fred Clluter,
Mrs. Goo, Reid is at present a
patient in the Clinton Public Hos-
The executive' of the United
Church Sunday School ;net last.
Thursday evening when plans
were made -for holding a vacation
School early in July followed by
the Sunday School Anniversary.
Northside United Church
Pentecost Sunday, Worship', at
11. a,m,
Jr. Church School during wor-
ship period. -
Sr. Church School 10 a,m.
Y. P, Fellowship 7:30 p,m.
Organist, Mrs. J, A. Stewart;
Choirmaster, Mr. J. A, Stewart;
Minister, Rev. 3, C. Britton, B.A.
Weather Permitting
Wednesday; May 24 1961
FROM 1.30 P.M. TO 3.30 P.M. . DST
Areas affected —North side of Goderich
street west from Main to westerly limits
of town; Church st., James st., Centre st., •
westerly from Gaderich. to James st.;
North Main from Goderich to James st.;.
West st., Wilson st., Ann st.
This interruption is necessary to change,
primary lines
Chairman Manager
don't run—
wear and tear—come in:9 col-
ours, 3 models, Call the BELL
Business Office—or ask the
man in our green truck.
rta .
Start planning now!
Mail the coupon for
free literature.
Look forward to
your most
refreshing summer'
ever—in Ontario!
Have the time-
of your life in
'Hon. Bryan L. Cathcart, Minister