The Seaforth News, 1961-05-04, Page 1The Seaforth News WHOLE SEEJIUISS, VOL. 82 Phone 84 SDAl+ OR ,YH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1961 J. McIntosh Named W.J. Manley resigns Tuckersinith Clerk after 31 Years PLAN CAMPAIGN — Seaforth Branch No. 156, Canadian Legion, will make the annual canvass' on behalf of the Salvation Army on May 9th and 10th. Above, planning details of the campaign on Tuesday night are, from left, Cleave Coombs, chairman of the Legion committee; Brigadier C. N. Stickland, of London; Mayor B. Daly, and Legion President Allan Nicholson Home Ec. Teacher •.- For SDHS Mrs. Marilyn McCauley, of Bow- manville, has been engaged as Home Economics teacher on the staff of Seaforth District High School. Mrs. MGCauley is a grad - trate of MacDonald Institute. Her husband will be taking a po- sition with the Bauble River Con- servatiohl Autyority, at Exeter, in the near future, One more teacher' remains to be hired to complete the staff for next. term, Winner in Drug Store Event Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brownlee and their son Barry. of St. Thomas, are on a three-day visit to New York City. - The Roy Brownlee Drug Store, 435 Talbot Street, placed second in a competition open to drug stores all over Canada and the United States in an annual re- tailer of the year brand name competition. A banquet in the Waldorf Ast- aria is a highlight of the trip. Mr. Brownlee is a former Sete forth boy, son of Mrs. George Brownlee of town. W. I. TO MEET The Seaforth W. I. will hold their regular meeting on Tues- day, May 9th at the home of Mrs. J. Grummett. A tour of the shoe factory is being made and all in- terested are to gather at the fac- tory at 2 o'clock sharp. Roll call is to be answered by what annoys me most about a manufactured product. Lunch committee: Miss Thelma Elgie, Mrs. J. F. Scott, Mrs. Harold Hu - gill; relishes, Mrs. R. 3. Doig. DIED IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Mrs. Thomas Hatcher passed away April 27th at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. D'Angelo, in Trail, B.C„ in her 83rd year. Mrs. Hatcher was born in Sea - forth, the former Marguerite Smith, Nous 'star of the g late Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. •She was a sister of the late Mrs. W. E. Kerslake and Miss Eliza- beth Smith. The funeral took place from her home in Blackie, Alberta, Tuesday, May 2nd, OFFICIAL VISIT On Monday night District Dep- uty of Granton, Joseph Bryans, t.lf Huron District No. 6, made his official visit to Britannia Lodge, Seaforth, accompanied by' Dist- rict Deputy Carman Whitmore, (formerly of Seaforth) of Lon- don District. Many visiting brethren were present from Clinton, Parkhill, Granton, Hensall, Milverton, God- erich, Carlow, and other places Rt, Wor, Bro. Carman Whit- more helped to initiate his broth- er Warren Whitmore of Sea - forth. A lovely lunch was enjoyed at St. Thomas' parish hall. ATTEND MEETING Mrs. Wm, Ball and Mrs. Jos. McConnell represented Seaforth Library. Board at the annual meeting of Huron County Library Cooperative in Goderich on We'd- tsday evening. MCKILLOP W.M.S. The April meeting of the Mc- Killop WMS of the First Presby- terian resbyterian Church was held in the Church hall on April 27, 1961. The meeting was opened by our president, Mrs. R. McMillan, with a prayer and a reading, call to worship, followed by a hymn 276. The minutes were read and roll call taken. There were 17 members and 1 visitor in attend- ance. Mrs. Ila Do•rauce read the treasurer's 'report, Mrs. Francis Coleman, one of our leaders assis- ted by her group, was in charge of the program. Hymn 68 was sung. M.S. Francis Coleman read the. scripture followed with pray- er rayer by Mrs, Annie Harrison. The topic, Mission in all the World Together, Was read by Mrs. Fran- cis Coleman, assisted by Mrs, Helen McMillan. The meeting closed with hymn 295 followed by the - Lord's Prayer in unison. A lunch Was served by the social group. Dart Pierces Boy's Eye Brian MacMillan, 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacMillan is a patient in Stratford General Hos- pital for an eye injury. Ott Saturday morning he and his brother were playing with a game of darts when his eye was pierced by the sharp point of a dart. The boys had been inspired by watching darts played at a public function the night before and hunted up a game which had been won in a draw some time ago and stored away. Brian did not complain after the injury and it was several hours before the serious nature of accident was discovered. As there was no infection it is hoped the eye will not he permanently affected. MAIL TIMES The switch to Daylight Saving Time is a reminder to note mail arrivals and departures at the Seaforth Post Office effective Sunday, April 30. Following are the times under Daylight Saving Time, Mail for Clinton, Goderich and Whygham 'closes at 12.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m, Mali for Stratford, Toronto and London Districts at 3:15 and 7:15 p.m. Mail arrives at Seaforth at 6:15, 12:30, 3:15, 8:00 On Saturday, only the one mail closes at 3:15 for Stratford, Tor- onto and London Districts. On Sundays only one mail clo- ses for Toronto, Stratford and London Districts at 8:00 Please keep this schedule for your own references. C. W. L. The C.W.L. of St. James' Parish held their meeting on May 2 in St. James School Hall. Father Sullivan opened the meeting by saying a prayer and Mrs. J. Mc- Connell played music for the hymn in honor of Our Lady, Mary. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. J. Kelly. Mail was recorded by Mrs. J. Flannery and Mrs. Cooper gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. G. Reynolds as president welcomed the new executive and gave our sincere thanks to those of the past year. New convenors are: entertain• ment, Mrs. Alice Stiles; Library, Mrs. Clarence Malone; Maga- zines, Mrs. Verdun Rau; decora- tions, Mrs. Gerry McCourt and Mrs. Art Devereaux; Spiritual, Mrs. J. Meagher; Press, Miss Rita Duncan. The parish visiting com- mittee for May is Mrs. J. McCon- nell and Mrs. J. Slattery, The lunch committee is Miss M. Dunn. The diocesan convention is in Chatham on May 16 and 17. Mrs. G. Reynolds and Mrs. Jim Dever- eaux will be delegates. C.W.L. members will be offici- al adorers for the Blessed Sacra- ment this first Friday of May. The Sisters of St. Joseph who care for the altar will be pleased of garden flowers when we have them. • Father Sullivan gave his good wishes to the old and the new executive and presented the spir- itual thought for our month. The C. W. L. wilt'e act as host- esses for our banquet of the sacri- ficial offertory campaign on May 13. St. James' Youth Club mem- bers will be glad to act as baby sitters so everyone will be free to attend. Mrs. Art Devereaux and Mrs. J. Slattery agreed to plan the entertainment, Our Rectory tea is on June 14. Convenors are Mrs. J. Maloney and Mrs. Jim Devereaux, Mrs. Michael Williams and Mrs, J. Kel- ly will look after bake sales, Mrs. G. Reynolds volunteered to make our anniversary cake. Mrs. Alfred Halpin and Mrs. Joseph Dever- eaux will decorate it, The mystery prize was won by 0trs. Jim Devereaux, • Father Sullivan gave his bleari- ng to all present and the meet- ng was adjourned after the dos - ng prayers.' { RED CROSS. The regular meeting of the Friday Open House At Commercial Friday will be open house day at the Commercial Hotel in Sea - forth. Friends and prospective customers are invited by the management to come and see all the new arrangements. Tea and cookies will be served, but there will be no beverage on Friday. that council reconsider their de• ed after serving 31 years, and An official opening will be de- cision not to retain Town of Olin- was accepted, Glared by Mayor Edmund Daly, ton Fire Brigade, Council agreed I A grant of $300 to Seaforth It is understood the hotel willto have representation at a meet - Agricultural Society for 1961 was be ready for regular business on ing of Clinton Council on Mon- made. Saturday if all the work is coo- day, May 8th. A motion was passed to prolate pleted. The manager, Charles it the entry or repairing of any Dungey said on Wednesday he Mr. Eldon O'Brien requested .machinery or equipment in the was not certain yet just when council to improve- the railway Twp. garage, except township crossing between lots 20 and 26, they would be ready, 1 equipment, County of Huron or What liquors will be sold and Con, L HRS. I Dept. of Highways. the rooms - where they will be No tenders were received for Another motion was that for sold, the manager was unable un- construction of the Elgie Munici-1 any project.to be undertaken in der the regulations to say, , he pal Drains Improvement and the the Twp, municipal labor to be told The Seaforth Newa, council decided to invite tenders? hired or fired, shall be approved It is understood however that again at a later date. !of by Reeve or Council; this in - the hotel will be fully licensed by The tender of J. D. Adams Co. the liquor control board, as ap- Ltd„ for the purchase of a Power plication was made following the Grader was accepted at tender successful vote on the question a price of $28,289.00 less allowance year ago, of $11,289.00 for present grader, The manager estimated the net price of $17,000.00. Other ten - staff will have up to nine per- dens were as follows: nnanent employees once they are Sheridan Equipment $30,835.00, open, Signs designating the High- allowance $7,635.00, 23,300.00. land Room and the Dining Room Geo. W. Crothers $28,714,00, al - have been put up, lowance $8,000.00, 20,714.00. A large sign with a striking Sawyer -Massey $28,791.00, al - design has been erected on the Iowanoe $8,791.00, 20,000.00. sidewalk beside the front verse- Dominion Road Machinery $28,- •5/1.r. and Mrs. Stewart Bell doh, 110,00, allowance $11,300.00, 16,. apentthe weekend in Checktowa- Work of renovating started on 310.00. ga, New York, where they atten- Jan. 4 and has continued at full The Road Superintendent and ded the Henderson -Geis wedding. pace up to the present. Every- the Assessment Commissioner Mr. and Mrs. Marney Hilde- thing has been redecorated ex- will be allowed necessary expen- brandt of London visited over the cept the bedrooms. The floors ses to attend Schools sponsored weekend with the former's moth - have been covered with plastic by the Dept. of Highways and the er, Mrs. Mary Hildebrandt. tile and the Highland room has Assessment Branch of the Dept. Mr. and Mrs. George Parker broadloom carpeting. Partitions of Municipal Affairs, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Morrissey have been moved, and new plumb- The Clerk was instructed to of Parkhill spent the weekend in ing, heating and electrical e syn- apply to the Dept. of Public Buffalo. terns have been installed. The din- Works for Provincial Aid to Miss Bernice Dilling has coin- ing room will serve breakfast, Drainage on the Elgie Municipal pleted her year at Western Uni- on and supper. It will open Drains Improvement; prepare a versity, London, and has returned on Monday next. by-law to authorize the township to spend several weeks with her Lady Bowlers Plan to enter Into an agreement with Parents Mr• and • Mrs. Wilbert Township ' of Stanley re the Billing. Pot Luck Supper Brucefieid Fire Dept; prepare a Miss Beth Goddard of MacDon- by-law re appointment of Jas. I. aid College, Guelph, is holidaying Mrs. Scott Habkirk was host- McIntosh as clerk -treasurer and with her parents, Dr. J. C. God- ess to the Seaforth Ladies Lawn tax collector, Frank Falconer and dard and Mrs. Goddard. Bowlers for their euchre party Andrew Houston were authorized Mr. Don Maclaren of Cooks - last Wednesday evening. The to meet with Andrew Crozier re ville spent the weekend at his prizes donated by Mrs. le, Larone complaint 'with regard to outlet home here with Mr. and Mrs. Ar - and Miss Dorothy Parke were on Lot 1,.Con. 1, Hullet, on the chie MacGregor. won by Mrs. W. M. Hart and Mrs. Adams Drain. Mr. Ross Christian of Bramp- N. Schneider. A delicious lunch Council decided to spray roads ton visited over the weekend with With his parents, Mr. was carved by Mrs. Stanley Gray v th calcium chloride the same pa a ts, t .and Mrs. K. K. and Mrs. T. Phillips, Mrs. Brad as in 1960. Christian.• Smith, Mrs. C. J. Walden and The Reeve will contact the Bell Bobbie Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Wright. Telephone Company with, respect Mrs. William Baker, who has Miss Dorothy Parke offered her to cleaning up roadsides along been receiving treatment in Sick home for the May pot luck sup- Con. 2-3 11115 east of Egnnondville Children's Hospital, London for per and final card party of the 'with respect to the removal of the past two weeks, returned season. Mrs. K. Etue expressed the telephone line, home last week. thanks to hostess and assistants. James I. McIntosh was appoint- Mrs. Ezra Kipfer who under - A special invitation is extend- ed clerical assistant to the Road went surgery in Victoria Hospital ed to ladies of town and country Superintendent for the balance of was able to return to her home to become members of our Lawn 1961 at a salary of $25 per month. this week. Bowling Club and participate in The Reeve was appointed as Wel- Miss Gwen Chapman of London one of the most interesting I fare Officer., visited over the weekend with her games. Bowling will likely begin A gratuity of $100.00 was paid parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. . Tnekersmitll, Municipal Council held a special meeting on May I. at the Reeve's home to consider applications for the combined pe- eition of Clerk -Treasurer and tax =Beater. From the nine applica-• tions received' James I. McIntosh, R,R, 3, Seaforth, was chosen, Sal- ary was set at $2400 per annum plus $600 expense allowance; du- ties to commence on Tune 1, 1961, Mr. McIntosh Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamas McIntosh, Tuckersmith Municipal Council held their regular meeting on May 2 in the Town Hall, Seaforth, at 8 pan. All members were pre sent and the Reeve presided, Mr. Peter 'Christensen of Sea- forth Sewer Tile waited on coun- cil with a request for Fixed As- sessment on the ,proposed new plant to be erected in the near future, Mr. Roberts, Assessment Commissioner, advised that au- thority to grant fixed assessments had been repealed by 1901 legia- On Monday, May 1, at 1:30 p. in, the council of McKillop Twp. met at Carnegie Hall, Seaforth.. Members were all present, Road superintendent's voucher No, 5 amounting to $5,637.83 was order- ed paid. Tax arrears of 1960 am- ounting to $8,428.84 were ordered marked uncollected and sent to Huron County Treasurer. Drain tenders for McCallum 'iViethrep Drain were: Robt. Nich- olson and Sou $5,549,00; L. H. Turnbull and Son $9,092.00; Ali- son Elegoetz $5,949.00, Motion car- ried awarding contract for Me - Callum -Winthrop Drain to Robert Nicholson and Son for $5,549100. Tenders for Storey Bridge, lot 15, con, 0 were considered. Gordon A. Gibson and Sens $4,405,00; Rodger MacEachern $3.366.40; Anthony Birch, Welles- ely $3,252.00; Ron Saville $4,098.- 00; 4,098.00; Looby Construction $8,169.20; Steel Past Structures, London $3,- 991.08; 3,991.08; McLean and Foster Con - laden and council therefore re- struction Ltd., $3,066.00, Contract gretted that.they were unable to I for Storey Bridge awarded to consider the request; Looby Construction for $3,169.20. A delegation of ratepayers a- long Highway 4 and Highway 8 adjacent to the town of Clinton waited on council with a request Tenders for Kerr bridge were laid over to a later (late. Resignation of W. 3. Manley as Road Superintendent was reedy - dudes the setting of gravel crush- er in any one pit; in case of short notice or emergency the Reeve shall be contacted and give his decision. A grant of $75 was made to East Huron Agri. Society. Council adjourned to meet on June 5 at 1 p.ni, HENSALL early in June; come and join us. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter to retiring clerk -treasurer Cora Chesney in recognition of her services. . The following accounts were passed: Fred Adams, dump, $17. - spent a couple of days last week ;,y0; Thamer Nursing Home, $88. - with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cunning- ham of Auburn, Mc-.. and Mrs. Robt, Woods and Debbie of Ajax and Miss Norma MacDonald and Mr, Douglas Ri- ley of Scarborough spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and ' Mrs. Borden Brown, Joyce and Elaine visited Friday evening with Mrs. Brown's fath- er, Mr. Thomas Brigham at the home of her brother, Mr, and. Mrs. Ernest Brigham and family of Hanover. ' Several in the community at- tended the reception Friday even- ing for Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jew- itt of Goderich (nee Janet Row- cliffe) held at the Community Centre, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Lawson vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren and daughters of Lon- don, - Mr. Charles MacGregor who had finished his third year course. at the 0.A.C., Guelph, com- menced his duties on Monday, May 1, as summer Assistant Agri. Rep• of Grey County with head- quarters at Markdale. CGIT Holds Mother and Daughter Banquet Last Thursday evening in the basement of the Church the Con- stanettes C.G.I.T. held their Mo- ther and Daughter Banquet. A to- tal of 19 sat down to a sumptuous dinner with the table decorated with blue and white candlesd a birthday cake honoring their second birthday, centred the tat - 25; Jas. Racho, fox bounty $4.00; salary and' allowance $221.46; ex- press $1.00; Receiver -General In- come tax $16.90; Unemployment Insurance $5,28; Supplementary allowance $30.00; Advertising $36.70; J. Bonthron and Son, funeral expenses, $170.00; Town of Clinton, Fire Retaining Fee to March 31, 1961, $25,00; Equitable Life, Pension, $13.50; gratuity, $100.00; Roads $2863.49, Council adjourned to meet on June 6th at 8 p.m. ble and opened the evening with all singing "Grace" followed by a toast to the Queen and the sing- ing of the National Anthem. At an opportune time Mary called on Mrs. Wm, Dawson, for- mer leader of the CGIT girls to have the honour of cutting their birthday cake. After which Mary Buchanan was asked to give a toast to the Mothers—and very capably gave a toast in verse and rhyme hon. oring the Mothers, and which was responded to by Mrs. WilburJewitt who thanked the girls and their leader, Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Win, Jewitt gave the toast to C.G.I.T. Girls and gave the meaning of the Canadian Girl in Training, this was responded to by Margaret MacGregor, Mary a thanked Mrs Lorne L a d wson n Mrs, Reg. Lawson for serving at the dinner, est, and the ladies in the kitchen B Red an After the banquet a Lanyard for their time and all who took Service was conducted by Mrs.part to make Cross will be held in1 y the evening rine- y the ibrary Brown with Mary MacGregor ,cess. Mrs, Brown gave the Bene - rooms on Friday afternoon at 3 bre, Miss Mary MacGregor, Presi- reading tine scripture and along diction and all d o'clock, den g joined hands and si Funeral Of Mrs. N. Garrett The funeral of the late Mrs. Newman Garrett was held at the Box funeral home on Saturday. Rev,. J. H. Tardy officiated. The pallbearers were Warren Gib - bingo, Wm, Holland, Earn Dale, Wm. Pepper, Wm. Rogerson, An- gus Brown. The flowerbearers: Fred Vodden, Ken Vodden, Ross Cricb, Alvin Vodden. Interment was in Clinton Cem- etery. Attending from a distance were relatives from Chesley, Han- riston, Goderich and Clinton. ted Joyce Brown, Glenyce Jewitt and Janice Jewitt their Lanyards on the occasion of becoming Sen- iors in their group. Mrs. Wm,• Jewitt presided at the piano. Mrs. Funge was ;present as guest speaker and in her usual manner, held the attention of the girls and their mothers, as she took for her topic the four main points in the CGIT Purpose. Speaking to the girls the value of each point of serving others as to their very own career they may choose to be themselves, and thus be the girl God would have them be. There is a straight and narrow path to travel for each one to grow up and live their lives as stated in their CGIT Pur- pose, Linda Nott on behalf of their leader and CGIT girls thanked Mrs. Funge for her interesting talk, the mothers for their inter- Authorized as Hcmud Claes mull, 51:60 a Year Fust Orrice Dept., Ottawa Snowdon eats., Publishers sou.. ,,,, limmew ,, iiii 11110111111111111M11 ii I iiiI iiiiii0111$111,111M11$1111.1111111110111111111111111111111111111012. GRUEN Trade m In lifer SAVE UP TO $25.00 1, THE GRUEN ESTEeM A superb, autowled calendar watch with a sweep second hand, unbreakable crystal, a expansioarat n blow racelet, bracelet gold-filled iThe cEsteem Is ase and matching magnetic, shockproof, waterproof and has an unbreakable mainspring. 0100.00 Trade-in and save $25.00 Now Ordinarily $75.00 THE GRUEN DERBY A smartly styled, yellow gold colour, men's auiowind watch with a 17-iewal GRUEN pradslan movement. The Darby Natures e hidden crown, It Is antl•magnetic, shock- proof and waterproof with a matching expansion bracelet. Ordinarily $65.50 Trade-in and save $17.00 Now only $52.50 GRUEN'S MARLENE This beautiful watch is a unique blend of style and dependability. It is In 14 karat White or yellow gold with a companion bracelet and a 17 -Jewel precision movement. ordinarily $79.50 Trade In and save $20.00 Now only $59,50 GRUEN'S RIVIERA Nan Iso rant value In a 17 -jewel Gruen in white or yellow gold colour with a matching. expansion bracelet. A beautiful timepiece, lb Gruen precision movement will give years of carefree service. Ordinarily $59,50 Trade In and save $15.00 Now only $44.50 YOUR 'OLD WATCH IS WORTH 25% of the Value of the New Watch you Buy ! THIS SPECIAL TRADE-IN APPLIES TO 11) ANY GRUEN WATCH IN OUR STORE: (2)' ANY OTHER MAKE OF WATCH valued at $25.00 or note SAV GE' JEWELLERY GIFTS FINE CHINA Seaforth ,1u lulllnll,lllllullllln,Ill,,llllulllll i11lllll 11,l11dnllll ll1uulnu1p1u111ul1aill,lle... 1..11uuolllll o= DUBLIN Holland; Treas., Mrs. F. Kistner. A banquet and social evening will be held at Brodhagen Com- munity Hall on May 27 to con- clude the present season. The. Dublin W. I. held their an - nal meeting at the home of Mrs. H, Pethick, 25 members and 1 guest were present. The meeting opened with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Roll Call was answered by each mem- ber giving a motto for the com- ing year. The various courses for the coming year. were dis- cussed with the two courses "Hints for the home Nurse" and "Focus on Finishes" being sug- gested. Mrs. C. Friend F e g n asked the members to try and be present for the 4-H Club Achievement Day to be held July 8 and 7, 1981. Mrs. Toni Simonsen read a re- port on the course "When Food makes a difference" held recent- ly in Staffs, The following re- ports were given by the stand- ing committees. Agri• and Cana- dian Industries by Mrs. H. Path - ink in place of Mrs. Doug Racho. Citizenship and Education by Mrs. Wm, Smith; Historical Re- search and current Events by Mrs, John Burchill; Home Eco- nomics and Health by Mrs. Chas. Friend. The auditors' report giv- en by Mrs. A. M. Looby; Public Relations Officers' report by Mrs. Geo, Robinson, Two motions were made, that ten Institute pin be given to any member leaving the community and a gift to each new baby born to a member of the Institute. All members voted to donate a layette to one of our new mothers, Mrs. Joe Looby, chairman of the nominating' Com- mittee presented the new slate of officers for the coining year. Mrs. John Nagle, past pres., in- stalled the new officers as fol- lows: Past Pres., Mrs. R. Aik- ens; Pres., hire. H. Pethick; 1st Vice Pres:. Mrs. Andy WhethamI 2nd Vice Pi•es,, Mrs, John Burch- ill; Sec,-Treas., Mrs. Ed Dean; assistant sec.treas. Mrs. John Na- gle; District Director, Mrs. Geo. Robinson; Press Reporter, Mr's. Joe Stapleton; Card Sec., Mrs. Joe Dill; Pianist, Mrs, Ed Dean; Auditors, Mrs. Joe Dill, Mrs. Loo- by; Br. Directors, Mrs. T. Simon- sen, Mrs, Mary Kistner, Mrs. Joe Dorsey; Pub,' Rel. Officer, Mrs, George Robinson; Standing Com- mittees; Agri, and Can, Indust- ries, Mr's, Alphonse Croniii, Mrs. D. Racho;«Citizenship and Educa- tion, Mrs, Win, Smith, Mrs, Joe Looby; Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs. J. Burchill and Mrs, Joe Dorsey; Hoare Eco- nomics and Health, Mrs. Charles Rev. A. Durand, St. Peter's Seminary, London, with his bro- ther, Rev. R. Durand. Mr. Hugh Pugh, Ashburn, with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Haynes, Simcoe, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Dill, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kraus-� k fand children o c ild n at p e London. Mr. and Mrs. Al Youngand the family, Toronto, with Mrs, M. E - O'Rourke, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Costello, Kitcbener and Gordon Costello, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Wilson and son, and Mr, and Mrs. Pat Ryan and Miss Mary Margaret Ryan, Kitchener, Miss Teresa Ryan, Miss Alice Ryan, London, Mrs, Ed. Tozier and children, St. Clair Shores with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan. Mrs. Tozier and children will leave of Friday to join her husband C t' Edward T - r Ca stn war orte in Germany. Kenneth Stapleton, Toronto, and Miss Joan Masse, Brantford, with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Staple- ' ton. Mr. and Mrs. Len Steinbach and Reta, London, with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tyers, of Georgetown, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Reilly and Louis O'Reilly in London with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Walsh and Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Devereaux, Mr. and Mrs. Toni Feeney of Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs. Jos, E. Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. John Menheere, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Adri- an Menheere, Mr, and Mrs. Billie Feeney, Misses Rose Marie and Cathay, Me Feeney, Kitchener, with Mrs. Catherine Feeney. Billy Eckert, Toronto, Ricky Eckert, Peterborough, James Eck- ert and Danny, Rochester, New York, with Mr. and Mrs. George Coville and Mrs. Teresa Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kistner with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Morrison at Gadshill. Mr, and Mrs. Dale Anderson and Billie Dill spent the weekend in Kincardine. Mn and Mrs. Billie Feeney and daughter, Rose Marie and Cather - Friend and Mrs. Andy Methane ine Feeney with Mrs. Catherine Lunch was served by Mrs. Smith, Feeney. Mrs, Simonsen, Mrs. Whetltam Mr, and Mrs. Ken McCrae have assisted by Mrs, Pethick, returned to Perirhill where they have bought a farm. bin's. Charles ICiettler and Di- anne with Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Bannon at Gadshill. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Horan in Georgetown with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moods, At a meeting of - the Dublin owling Club held in the Parish ITall, officers for the ensuing ear 1961-1962 were appointed; Past Pres„ Frank Kistner'; Pre - dent, John Wells; Vice Pres., homes Butters; Seca, Mrs. G. t, Presided over the dinner ta- with Marga ret MacGregor preset'. closed the evening with "Taps",1T i 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 7 a 4 4 .I 4 '4 3 a 4 4 4 d I 4 4 4 I I 4 • 4 I