The Seaforth News, 1960-06-16, Page 8This Sunday June 19th FATHER'S DAY Dad will appreciate name bland, quality gifts from Stewart Bros, - the store for men for over 50 years. NEW, HALF SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS COOL, HALF SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS Forsyth, drip dry cotton cord or Torylene Half sleeve dress shirts, 141 to 17, 3.95 to 5.95 REGULAR WHITE SHIRTS 3.95 to 5.95 i•;EACH WEAR Swim Trunks 2,95 up Swim Shnris 2.95 up Viyello Short 6.95 T rry lined Cabana Sets 15.95 Wash 'n Wear, new design half sleeve sport shirts, Sizes S, M, L, XL. 2.95 to 4.95 LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS 3.95 to 5.95 Short Sleeve Knit Sport Shirts 2.95 to 4.95 PLAY SHORTS and !IERMUDAS Chinos, cords and plaids, all new shades. Dad would like a pair. Sizes 32 to 14 waist. 3.95 to 5.95 SNAP FRONT Straw Hats 2.96 UP COTTON HATS 1.95 up NEW Toes • FOR DAD 1.00 1.50 2.00 Gift Boxed Dress Sox 89c to 1.50 `T' Shirts 1.00 to 1.50 Pajamas ..3.95 to 5.95 Cuff Links 2.00 to 3.50 Boxer Shorts 89e-1,50 Hankies.. . 25c to 50c Cotton. Slacks 4.95 up Belts .... 1.50 to 3.50 ls. DAD WILL PREFER GIFTS FROM NITICE During the summer months there will be one doctor only in attendance on Saturday and week ends at the Clinic. Please arrange for appointments during the week Seaforth Clinic Vacation plaLits r call ahead j07' 'TeservattOilS- s .; .bHn v...�fi:� 13. ride-to'be Feted At Winthrop On Saturday evening a sltowver• was held Cavan "1 1 - 111 a ,ln Chnu 1, Yin ilirop, in honor of .Miss Grace Doig whose marriage takes praee, June lRtll, The basenant was do. (Aerated with pink and white streamers, bells, and bouquets of summer flowers, • The program in charge of Ml's. Wm, Little, opened with a solo by Joan Boyd, "Walk hand In hand" followed by a reading by Mrs, 111. 'Loll, "Making Charlie Pr'opose". A sing -song led by Udith Boyd was enjoyed by all. Sirs. Little thea oolldueted a mutest on the alphabet, A Bridles book was Passed around and signed by all present, Janie, Barbara, and Mar. ie McClure and Brenda Prycesang "Beautiful Brown Eyes", The ad - dream leas read by hiss Edith Boyd,' and Grace was presented with many beautiful and useful gifts, The address react EIS 1)1, lows: "Dear Graber - Now Charlie was thinking deep- ly not many mouths ago; I'm til- ed of single blessedness, it's not for me I know, I'll not be a stern old bachelor from matrimony free, 1'11 hunt Ole up a maiden who'll be suited just for me. With this in mind he shook his fist, and firmly did declare, I'll do it now or never, so Grace beware, And off he went to her house like a flash, and rushed up to the door with a dash; that he forgot what to ask, Grace stood as if in a. spell, then Charlie remembered quite well, what he had started out to tell, So Charlie in his happy way ask- ed Grace, can I not stay? as I have some important words to say. So quickly she replied O.K. As Charlie entered with a smil- ing face, Grace still was wonder- ing if it was a serious case, As they sat down i11 the sun porch, as turtle doves in love with the moon shining brightly from above, Charlie asked Grace to be his wile to love and cherish all his life, So plans were made for ,the wedding day, in hope far happi- ness along life's way, The special day will be the 18th of June, we all hope that you will be happily wed as to the altar you are led, So when your friends and neigh- bors heard that you were getting married they said, well here's our chance to give you a lot of sound advise, You'll really have no bo- ther, if you just up and say, now the honeymoon.. is over well 1010 things (119 way, Do not get up early, the fire's for to light, that's your husband's job you know, just see you start it right. He'll bring you up a cup of tea, and breakfast too, in bed. Just pretend you're used to it, it's his duty once you are wed. Just let him dry the dd- shes, and teach 11ifn how to mend, Tf he 111111ks you depend on flim, hall help you out no end. And 11 you start in fighting, and he looks sort of cross, just pick up the rolling pin, and let Mini know who's boss. We are too late to warn you, but yon know what They say, the first 50 years are the hardest, after that you'Il be 0. IC, Seriously speaking-, Grace, we will miss you in our activities in 'Winthrop, but we are Happy to know that you are not going far, and will be glad to have you join with ns at any time that you have the opportunity. We want you to know that we are interested in your happiness and welfare, and our sincere wish for you and Charlie is, that you both may be spared to enjoy long life, Happi- ness and prosperity. We ask you now to accept these gifts, May they always remind you of pleasant memories of Win- throp and the community, 111ay God. bless you and give you a full measure of health and joy, Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors of Winthrop, Grace thanked all present, and invited them to her trousseau held June 15th, A delicious lunch was thea served. EGMOND'VILLE 'Miss Frances I-iouston returned to her hone on Tuesday after a very enjoyable trip to California and western cities of Canada. .lir, and Mrs, W, B. Haney and family and Mrs, J, S. Watson are Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Albert Clark of Muirkii'k. Mr, and Mrs. Clarenee Ware of Toronto visited with Mrs, Robert Boyes and Miss 'Mary Stobie, Sirs. Ware SO, returned home with t11en1. Mr. and Mrs, Lester Nicolle and family of Palmerston acea111Pan. ted by Misses Betty and Faye y y 3 Saturday 1motor Blue loft on . tt 1 3 for Prince Edward Island to visit with their sister, Mrs, Lyall (Glo- ria) Gordon. Mr, and Mrs, Earl Bell of Seat - Wash,, visited with 319, and Mrs, Andrew Houston, the form - 01''S cousin, Mr, and itlrs. Stanley Gray spent 111e week and with their (1911911301' and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Burt 'Waters and family of Ajax, Hiss .Harlon Weiland of Toron- to wasa week enol visitor wilt her mother, Mrs, Harry Wetland, Miss Annie Moore of Toronto visited Mr, and Mrs, Harvey :Moore and Mr, and Mrs. Andrew 33001e and Kenneth, We are pleased to see Mrs. D. Stephenson home again following her recent aeeidelrt, 'Are, Hugh McLachlan has re- turned to her Home after a visit of three weeks with her slaughter, Mrs. Iloward Carrie and lir. Our- rie of Clinton. 219, and Mrs. Clarence Rout- ledge of Lansford, North Dakota, have been guests of Mr, and ivlrs. A, C. Routledge, Mrs. Norman 'MacLean, Eg- tnou dvillo and Mr. and Mrs. Jack- son Close of Waterloo attended the g'radnation of their daughter, Patricia Ann, from University of Athens, Ohio. THE LEGION CORNER By Jaclt Holland Well comrades, friends here 990 are back again after a few weeks absence, I have a few things to repont to you so well get started right away, The Salvation Army drive spon- sored by our local Legion was quite successful when over $800 was 901111zed, 011 behalf of the Le- gion I wish to thank all who helped this most worthwhile or- ganization, the good old Sally Ann. Its one group where face, creed or color does not hatter and I'm sure that all service per- sonnel have fond memories of the Salvation Array. Our special events officer, Charlie Woods, has ]t weekly bin- go every Saturday night and each week the crowd is growing larger, So you bingo fans have your Sat, evonin,g entertainment assured for some time to roam. There is real big news too, In two weeks time the Legion is having a draw for a $1000 bill and since the draw is on July 1 at a dance in the Legion Hall every- one must make sure that they have their tickets before then. 'Rre had our annual Decoration Day parade last Sunday. This, be- sides a Cenotaph service is the clay when all comrades' graves in our local cemeteries are visited b5• members of your local Legion Branch, CROMARTY Mrs. T, L. Scott was guest spea- ker at the June meeting of the VMS of North Mornington Pres- byterian Church last week, Mr, and firs. .Tohn Hocking and son Jim visited friends at Hagersville and Port Dover on Sunday, Mr, Frank Stagg and Mrs, 31. Moughton attended the Flower and Bird service at the United Church in Mitchell on Sunday and afterwards visited with their blends. ''Ir, W, Patrick and daughter, Mfrs, L, Morris of .Wyoming visit- ed on Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Lamport and Mrs. Thompson of the boundary and also called on friends in Crom- arty. 31r, and Mrs. John Wallace .Margaret and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wallace, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Wallace and Miss Olive Spears were guests at the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Wallace of Carling- ford, which was held in Carling- ford Hall on Friday evening, Mu- sic for dancing was sunned by the Howe Orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McPhai' left last week on six-week trip to the Western Coast. They are travelling by train. 31r, and Mrs, Robt. Laing, Mar- ilyn and Margaret, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Laing, Lorraine and Da- viel My. and Mrs, Geo, Wallace andMr, and Mrs. John Wallace and Debbie attended the Wallace reunion which was held at Rus - PROCLAMATION CONCERNING DOGS In accordance with a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Sea - forth, and by virtue of the provisions of By- law 111, of 1912, I hereby proclaim that no dog shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth during the period ending September 30, 1960. (Note: The bylaw provides penalties for infractions. Upon a conviction, the owner or harborer of a dog is liable to a fine not exceeding $50, or to a jail term not exceed- ing 21 days) . B. P. CHRiSTIE, Mayor Seaforth, June 14, 1960. "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" sMale Hall on Saturday, 311'. and Sirs. Ken Bum and family of London were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Don - old Scott and family, Mrs, Jack c .11 1 Jackie 1 s ;Mad l c rhea and 1 1 , of Loudon silent the weekend with her parents, M1', and Mrs, Otto Walker, Mr. and Mrs. W. N, Binning, Richard, Robert and Jane of Mit- chell visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar, A reception 'fol' Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Chappell, newly-weds, was held In Stafra Hall on Wednesday evening, Communion service will 110 held in Cromarty 011urc11 (text Sundiay with .prepartory service on Friday evening at 8.:30, Mrs. Lloyd Miller presided for the June meeting of the 'Marian Ritchie Eveulng Auxiliary which was Held In the church base- ment. The meeting opening with a hymn and prayer followed with scripture reading by Mrs. Lorne Elliott. The roll call "A bird in the Bible" was (Answered by 11 members. Reports were given by the secretary and the treasurer, and a1i annOnnement of the June Conference to he held in St. :Marys on June 10tH was read, it was decided to send a further $100 to the Presbytery treasurer, The topic which had been pre- pared by Mrs, Eldon Allen was read by Mrs, Mervin Dow. The second part of the chapter on NI. gena iu the study book was re- viewed by Mrs, Weeley Russell, assisted by Miss Olive Spears and Mrs, Gerald Carey, The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. A 11111011 was served, The June meeting of the WMS and W,A, of Roy's United Chueell was held at the home of Mrs, Roy Dow, Mitchell. The meeting 05- oned with a reading "Life is a Journey" by Mrs. Geo. Nell, Mrs. Cliff Dow' mead the scripture les- son and Mrs. Carman Park led in prayer. The topic on "Steward- ship" was given by Mra. Ross MoPhail, Current events were gi- ven by Mrs. G. Dow and readings by Mrs. G. Parsons and Mrs, El- mer Dow, The July meeting will be held in the evening at the home of Mrs, John Hocking with Mrs, R, McPhail and Mrs. N. Dow in charge. Mrs. Neil closed the meet- ing with prayer, .GROUP .1 W. A. The June meeting of Group 3 of the W. A. of Northside was held at the summer borne of Mrs. E. 0, Chamberlain at Bayfield, with 24 members and 4 visitors present. At 0,30 a pot -luck supper was enjoyed. The meeting was opened by Miss Abbie Seip with a poen "A Woman's Prayer", The Lord's prayer was repeated in unison, The president, Mrs, lir, Bradshaw eonthicted the business when the plans for the strawberry sapper were made and tickets were dis- tributed to the members to sell. Mrs. P. Dunlop had charge of the devotional part of the meet- ing and read an article "Patch- work Quilt". Mrs, A. Matheson read Psalm 143 for the scripture lesson and Mrs. N, Knight led in prayer. The speaker was Mrs. 3, Dalrymple of Egmondville, who spoke on her recent trip to Eng- land, Appreciation was expressed to the speaker and the hostess by Thelma Elsie who also read an article, "The horse that wouldn't go", The meeting closed with ono verse of "Blest be the tie that Binds" and the Benediction, WALTON The regular monthly meeting of the 17t11 and Boundary Group of Duff's United Church, Walton wee held at the home of Mrs. Leeming with 15 members pres- ent, Mr's. Smalldon presided over the meeting which was opened by singing hymn 401, Scripture read- ing was taken by Mrs, Baan from lot Thess, 5: 14-23, Mrs, Small - don offered prayer and took the topic "We Praise God for Bless- ings", The meeting was closed with prayer and lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. E. Uhler, Mrs. ,tan Van Vliet, Mrs, Geo. William- son and Mrs. Bert Williamson, Prepartions were made for com- ing weddings, Mr, and Mfrs, Nelson Reid were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, C. Machan, Sarnia, Mr, Ron Ennis, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mo. and :Mfrs. D, Ennis. Mr. Herb Kirkby of Paris visit. ed at his home over the weekend, Mr, Gerald Dressel of Hamilton spent a few days at his home, Miss Verde Watson of Vancou- ver, 13, C. spent the weekend at her home, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, D. Watson. BLAKE 'Ir. and Mrs. Earl Oesch and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Swint of Baden, Master Robert Oesch visited with Mr, and Mrs, Carl Oesch and family of Baden. IIughie McBride, of Lon- don spent the weekend with his 'Parents, Mr. and Mfrs. Roy Mc- Bride. DUBLIN Mr, and Mrs. Alfred McDougall and family, London, with 'Ir. and Mrs, Joseph Jordan, ORANGE EUCHRE The Orange Hall property com- mittee hell a successful euchre on 'Friday, Stine 3rd with prizes going to ladies first, Miss Elaine Brown; lone hands, :MMus, A. Me - Michael; con., Mrs. Reeves, Men's, Alex McMichael; Ione, Chas, Cunningham; cons„ Curtis 'McDonald, Draw an quilt, Mrs, Ethel McDougall held lucky tick- et, BORN t ouaict... Mr. and Mrs. Ray 0o0o11L (111111)11111.0 the- btf1h of their non, Lt.dn. Ray, 011 June 2, 1900, 111 Clinton P1lblle Hospital Nyland- -Al Scott Memorial hospital 141 1•s, lien , Juno 1119,to Mt, end M 1 on Nyland, RR 1 tbRo, a sou klllilsen - At Scott Memorial lIospf. tel on June 11111, to Mr. and Mrs. Al. L/llIesen, RR 2 Walton, a son Vain Hovel • At -Scall Memorial lIse- 1 rank on nn Revel, 12114 to 1Miu1nl 01111 M r n son CARD OF THANKS' Many thanks to all my friends for cans, flowers, cards and heats while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, and during my convalescence, Special thanks to doctors and nurses, Mrs. Eva Stephenson CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my appreaintimn to my relatives and friends who remenih- eredm0 withcards and gifte while I was a patient in the hospital IIF,OTOR CIIESN9Y COMING EVENT Strawhorry Supper, Nor'tllside United 011090.11, Tuoaday, Juno 2801, 5 to 8 p.m. MOVED ICrauskopl Bros„ dealers in coal, stilt and cement, have mov- ed. to 111e farmer 13rnxer Mill. Dublin, which w0 have purchased. Our former premises across the street have been leased by Jack Osier, licensed mechanic, who has a body and fender shop WANTED A. 2 or 231,3 h.p, air cooled gas engine with a horizontal shaft, suitable for driving Et Smoker bale elevator. Apply to John Bell, Sea- forth ewforth 1m 2, Phone 547x4 400 geraniuFORlateALcabbage m,d to- mato plants, Baker's Greenhouse, 'Your Garden Centre, Seaforth FOR SALE 600 Honegger pullets 4 months old, Clarence Itymn, Dublin 374 1033 HenryF3.,Rlow 1 01(99. Phone Vert?. Seaforth FOR SALE One plank; table one living room table shah's, etc. Phone 479J TO RENT Small apartment. All conveniences, on north Main at, Carl Dalton, phone 09w FOR SALE Singer Sewing ertiolenc, electric port- able under guarantee. Take vp 6 pay- ment, of 0.00 each or 30.00 cash. Reply to Box 075 The Seaforth News WANTED Boy around 12-15 yearn, to help on farm at haying. Contact 091914, or leave your name at Tim News TO RENT Heated apartment, 2 bedrooms, 8 piece bathroom. Available Silly 11. Gordon Noble, 7199 Seaforth TO RENT One heated two bedroom apartment. Also 3 one bedroom gas heated apart- ments. Joseph Metonucll FOR SALE Boy's CCM balloon tire bicycle, in good condition. Phone 130 J Seaforth FOR SALE To choice York chunks, A. R. Dodds, Seaforth telephone FOR SALE 9910 room house, on George street north, Mrs. Many O'Reilly, Seaforth FOR SALE A Black Hawk side rake on rubber, in good condition. N. A. Hillman RR 4 Seaford,. Phone 002r2 HELP WANTED Licensed Mechanic, Class A. Highest wages, good working conditions. Apply Reg, McGee & Sons, Dodge, DeSoto Sales, God- erich FOR SALE 10 acres of standing alfalfa hay. Gordon Wren, ICippen, phone 574r3 Hensel' Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned until June 30th, 1960, for the complete Installation of pressure system and flush toil- ets and all necessary work in con- nection with sante. Further details may be obtain- ed from trustees or undersigned. Work to be completed by Septem- ber lst, 1960. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. Earl McSpadden, Sec: Treas„ SS # 10, McKillop R. R. #1 Seaforth TENDERS FOR PAINTING Tenders will be received by the undersigned for outside painting at Seaforth Public School. Tend- ers to be submitted not later than June 18th. One coat with two where nec- essary to be applied. Board to supply paint. Contact Mr. Talbot (Principal), who will advise what painting is required. Contract to be completed by July 31, 1960 M. McKellar Secretary FOR SALE Lot on East William st., Sea - forth, 70x90 ft. Phone 566w. John Byermann 1.111.••1k emitiormenetemme. PROMPT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE SAVAUOES 2 C11RTIPIED WATCIIMAICERS Western Ontario's Foremost Watch Repair Depot TENDERS Will be received for the painting and decorating of SS No, 0, McRIllop oe1, o1 until Juno 30, 1900. To be Due during July and August, Por further particulars apply to Wm, Dennis, Wal. ton. Phone Seaforth 343.3 i LOANS Farms - Homes - Motels - Stores Business - Chattels Accounts Receivable - Inventory - Fast service anywhere in Canada DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A Wilson Ave.Downsview , T1I11 SEAl?ORTII NI!1WS Tluu'stlay, June 10, 1000 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention I'Iospital glad t Flowers for ell occasions Phones: Day 4$ Night 690W MARTIN W. STAPLETON' Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 / Seaforth JOHN A, GORWILL, Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Soafor91) SEAFORTH CLINIC £7. A. McMaster B.A.,M.D., Internist F. L. Brady, MD., Surgeon tortes Reuss, 1 pan. to 6 pan., dally except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesdoy, 'itluroday and Sat, urday Only. 7.0 p.m, 4eslrAppui pbl0ntmenta made In advance are TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.0, TURNBULL, DVM„ V.S. W.11. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DR,lONNAN, D V,M„ V.S. Pllone 106 Seaforth JOHN A. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Godo loll St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.00 PM. Thur. eve by appointment only, Olhttan HU -2.7010. above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 6.50 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVVSL AND FURNAOP OI DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 01' 3832-11 AND FUEL OIL ftUAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 258 We write all lines of INSUR °= C Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative 1MIanufacturers Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. 11J0AD 01910E-SEAPORTH, ONT. Officers -- President, John L. rmlalone, Seaforth; Vice Pres., John H. MoBwing, Myth; Sec.=rreaa., W. 111. Southgate, Seaforth. .. Directors, Norman Trewartha, Clinton, J. L. Malone, Seaforth ; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm ; Robert Archibald, Sea£orbh John II. McDwing, myth; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey b'aller, Goderich ; J.E. Penner, B4ucofield; Allister Broad. foot, Seaforth. Agents - William Leiner Jr., Londes- bore; V. J, Lane, Ill1 6 Senf*orCh; Selwyn Baker. Brussels; Harold Stluires, Clin- ton ; James .h'cys, Seaforth, essesnossamese Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE Tucicersmith Township Munici- pal Dump will be open from 1 p.m, to 6 p.m„ on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until further notice. Cora Chesney a... Clerk isloramosormemasesemaar. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Bt tis ,Are Used Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds Farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost Summer calling hours:. Between 7:30 and 9:80 a.m. week days. 6:00 and 8:00 p.m, Saturday evenings For service or more information call Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5050 FOR SALE Viking Cream Separators for sale. 1-1559 new. 1-Juet like now, in Per- fect shape. A full line of parts for any Viking make. John Byerman, Seaforth 012AESID9 NURSING NOMI] Licensed for convalescent & elderly people. OaI l 306 Mitchell Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 MODERN WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION AVAILABLE SIaAFORTH, ONTARIO Excellent potential Low Rent, Mechanic Preferred Apply to Carl Dalton, Seaforth; or, Canadian Oil, 42 Walnut at., Kitchener