The Seaforth News, 1960-06-16, Page 4JJOi9 e n-Aaccnmuatartauli U&Q !Fatfeta18JS ceteR ®. BA'.N 1. T� t 21,95 gallon Available hi 1 gal. and 5 gallon pails SPECIAL OUTSIDE WHITE LITE 4.95 gallon al win Hardware ..agave).gas+.mvatacedncoa®tte.S MSCASMUMAi W1.94 °u$.`WIRE94.411 P. Hoag Honored At Lucknow The t)llotviu't' Rpm • from the 1,1ttrltnoll Sentinel refers to Mr, Percy Hots, formerly of Seaforth, )via) is retiring as principal of l.tickrlove high School, Students of Lneknnw I)ish'let High Se11001 paid honour to Mr. and lits. 1'. \V, lloag in the sclha)1 auditorium 00 l''riday af- ternoon, 11ue occasion was Heti of their regular assembly at which a pingrtuu was presented. Joanne Hunter was muster of cerentolie, A sing -song led by Diene' itnymr atltrtecl the pro- ; )ant, Ii t Lp dance nembor was done by (,lace Hoagies, Fat Busk and Linda Campbell; solo by 1)1.. anile Itltt'hh waltz type amain Glance by Grade 12 glrla; chorus b)' a new gr'otlp, the So -anti So'a, boy's of (trade 12 and 13; chorus by girls of the home economics elates, Parham. Murray, president of the Students' Council called Mr, SEAFOR.T H LIONS ANNUAL APE IR Wed.nes Paper SIEEFO -Auspices T H uric 22 LHONS CL g WHEN'S LIMITED CLINTON, ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY — June 16 - 17 "JET PILOT" John Wayne -- Janet Leigh (ONE CARTOON) SATURIDAY and MONDAY — June 18 - 20 THE id The !AUG S G Jam.+' Walter Brennan -- Brandon de Wilde Bugs Bunny Cartoon Carnival (5 Bugs Bunny Cartoons) FREE Popcorn for the Kiddies Sat, night only from 8 to 930 Wholesome Entertainment for the whole family TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY — June 21- 22 "THE UNHOLY 4f IPE" ,).DOLT ENTERTAINMENT (Color) (Cinemascope) Diana Dors -- Rod Steiger (ONE CARTOON) THURSDAY and FRIDAY — June 23 - 24 "I Married A Woman" George Gebel •• Diana Dors (ONE CARTOON) THREE BIG ATTRACTIONS COMING "THE VIKINGS" "THE HORSE SOLDIERS" "ON THE BEACH" You c argue with. Fl x EE IS dii wag proven o 0 HERrrATE M1ETHOXwNE AMINE 80 MCP This 2,4-D Amine is the PROVEN selective weed ltiIler for Wheat and Barley. Economical, convenient, easy to handle, Minimize the risk of 2,4-D damage to suscep- tible crops such as tomatoes. Recommended by leading authorities for Oats and Flax. Compared with 2,4-D yield increases up to 5 bu, per acre in Flax and 15 bu. in Oats are common. Also effective on hard -to -kill weeds such as Canada Thistle. Treat early for best results Write for your Weed Spray Chart CHiPMAN CHEMICALS LIMITED 519 Parkdule Ave. N., Hamilton, Ontario alta Mrs, Hoag to the platform where they were presented with a emit?, itt portaable radio and to Mr,. Hoag, a. bouquet of roses.. The, following address was read by 1 lather:L- i:en `1r, and MI's, 11 OM I - u t11y - as um gather 111 this Assembly room we aro all very happy, but this afternoon n tone 01' sadness pervades the fair, 11 was with feelings at very deep ('0;Tet that we .learned of -,'out' intention to retire at the end of the year, It. has •been a great pri, vilege for we students, who have had the opportunity of attending this s01051, over which you have Presided -for the past 14 years, with such marked success. We are also very grateful to tete men, whose foresight uncle possible suck abeautiful school. We know It was quite an honor, and a well deserved one, to be the first prim clpa1 here, - We are deeply grateful for your arduous labor o11 our behalf and perhaps. at times, we have failed to profit by the lessons you have so earnestly taught us. We trust however, that you will attribute any neglect of indifference on our part to youthful thoughtlessness rather than to any desire to cause annoyance or trouble to oar teach - ere, The success, which has at- tended your pupils at the Depart- mental examinations is a record, of which you have just reason to be proud, You Have taught us by your example, to be diligent, pain staking and interested in our work—your kited words of praise and encouragement have often helped in our making difficult de- cisions, Lucknow and vicinity is very proud of its school band and will be forever grateful to you for our interest and persevel'ance. it is en old and true saying that "Bach of every man's success in life is a good woman', So to you \las. Hoag, we would like to cre- dit some of .lir, Hoag's success. We hope that wherever your lot may be east, that your tuturelife may be crowned with health and happiness, We have ,feat pleasure in pre- senting you with this chair and portable radio, May they ever be a memento of the days you have spent among ns in Lucknow. Signed on behalf of the pupils of Lucknow District High School, ,lir, Tloag, expressing his com- plete surprise, thanked the group sincerely for their thoughtful- ness. He reminisced about his past 10 years at Lucknow Dist- rict High School, 14 of which ile has been principal. Ile spoke par- ticalaa9y of the remarks of in- spectors at the school referring to the politeness of the students. Ile felt that the student of today "had a lot more polish" than those of. his High School days, In closing his remarks of his pleas- ant memories of days spent ill Lueknow, he •urged the students to dedicate themselves to their future career and to think not only of what they will get out of it financially. In thanking the students for their kindness: and thoughtfulness :Bre. Hoag said that she will al- ways associate roses with the students and staff of Lucknow District High School. BRODHAGEN About 20 members of the United Lutheran Church Women attend- ed a very pleasant social after- noon as guests of Bethesda rutted Church ladles on Tuesday. \M's, Rosine Miller is visiting 1lrs, Toledo lineman and other relatives in Preston. Mrs. Louie Bennewies has re- turned home from Seaforth Hos- pital. • Rev. Calvin Diegel of Geraldton visited his parents Mr, and Urs. \Vin. DTege1 recently. 1Trs, Calvin Glick and Susan of Desbnro visited her parents Mr, and Mrs, Aug, Scherharth. Miss Joan Shm'treed, of North Bay, with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman, Mr, 4uid Mrs. John Mueller and Ruth Ann of Hamilton with Mrs, Aug. Hiliebrecht, Mr, and Mrs• Ed Prueter ac- companied Mr, and Mrs, Xornrau Rode to Detrnit. 11r, and Mrs, Milton Roeh at- temled the Rode-Bartman wed- ding. at Palmerston recently The 1U:d1s of the school Here participated i11 Field Day activi- ties in Moukton recently. • ?,Iii and Sirs; .I, -,h11 Hine of Ktt- rhener, Sir, and Mrs, Gordon 8101ut, Mr=.. Thelma 1Iantle and Mr, Ed. Rest. of Stratford with ?Ir. and SR's. Lavern Wolfe. La -t Wednesday cvenins a. -ho_ wet' was held for Mr. and Urs. Retnit IlarIoff, (Audrey Itonnen- berg 1 at the Brodhauen Commun- ity Hall. The address was read by Donald Diehl and a purse of mon- ey was presented by Gerald Friestap, Sippel's Orchestra sup - idled the dancing music and lunch was served. - On friday evening a shower was held in the same hall for Mr. and Urs, Kenneth Elilesen 1 Peg- gy Ili gersonl, The address was read by Carol Wurdell and the presentation of a chesterfield and chair, coffee table and -encs table was made by Donna Scherbaa'tlt and Gwen Wolfe, A gift of money Gem the Brodhagen Bance of which the groom is a member was presented by President, Clayton Ahrens Elgin Fischer and his ltythmalres supplied the music for dancing, Larch was served. On Saturday evenin5 a. shower was held in the sante hall for Mir, and Mrs, Dan Costello (-Margaret Rose Murray t, They were pre- sented with a purse of money and an address of good wishes was read. Lunch was served. Country Cousins Orchestra played for dancing. Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Ahrens were guests of Mr, Donald Ahrens and Miss Linda Themes at Brant Inn. Burlington, featuring (ltiy Lombardo and his orchestra, last Thursday evening, Visitors with Sirs, Chas, Ahrens and Mfr, and Iles, Wilfred Ahrens tar elle week and were: Mts ;fault Finle) 111', tart Clary, 11r, lace. \\'exenbol'g all of Toronto. 141', and Mrs Ross Leoilhardt, iChu and Kathy, JIr. and Jars, 0. W, Leouhardt with Mende in Caledonia and Cayuga, Mr, and Mrs, R. 21101dice and Beverley, 14rs, W. L. C,luerengee- ser aceompanied by 14r. and Mrs, Saari Clark, Mitchell, with Mr, and Mrs. Cary Sholdice, London, on Sunday evening and visited lir, Jim Clark at Westminster Hos- Mr. and Mrs, mu Woodward and girls of Toronto, with Mrs. Al bort Querengesser, for the weeltend, The regular monthly meeting of the llrodbagett and Distriet Chamber of Commerce was held last Thursday evening with 24 members present. It was bolded. that $500 be spent to buy stack chairs for the ball. Wilbur I-Icegy gave a report of the float which was entered in the May 24th par- ade in Mitchell, Proofs of the pietnt'es which were taken recent- ly were chosen and it was deeidecl to buy one large picture of the members and one small pie - lure of each year's executive,. to be framed and hung in the hall, Relatives received word of the death of Orville Muegge of Kitch- ener, Ile was a former resident here, Mrs, Ionise Jarmuth is visiting her daughter Mrs, Verna Holm at ilaliburton, The Swing Bowling teams Meld a picnic supper at the church on Tuesday evening and expect to stal'ttheir scheduled games in the near future, WINTHROP The-WMS and W. A, held a spe- cial meeting and bazaar on Wed. ,luno 1, when they entertained the Indies from Constance, Barns. Bethel and Duffs. The guest spea- ker was vers. Britton from Sea - forth, She -chose as her subject "To -clay is Yours". She based her topic on I1 Cur, 0: 2 which says "Behold new is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation". firs, F. Johnston wag the organist for the meeting. The warship periled was co11- thucted by Mrs, 0, Smith, Mrs, la, Scllade and firs, Cleo, Case. A short- devotional reading, 'The Joy of Cltriatian Living" was gi- ven by Mrs, Smith, '.Cho ,tubiloe Psalm was read in unison, A poem "P110 Joy of living i11 God's World" was read by Mrs, Smith, The offering was collected by Mrs, A. Somerville and Mrs. It, Beattie, Thefollowing numbers were) contributed by the visitors, Bethel: A solo, „waiting on ,Te- stis" sung by Mrs, S. Hallen, 111- eompauted by Barbara Boyd, Duffs; A reading, "A. Sermon without a text", given by Mrs, J, i-lillebrocht, (tonstancet -An in- strumental by Mrs. \V, Jewitt, Burns: A reacting "The Books of the Bible" by Ida Leiper, 1'Fts, Pearl McFarlane accompanied by Mrs, 1'', Johnston sang "Prayer of Hope", h1hs, Snnlnlerell closed the meeting with prayer, All re- tired to the schoolroom where a social time 1085 enjoyed. ,Reception For Mr. and Sits. .551115(4 Whalhtg (Regina Bowman) Friday, June 17 At Seaforth Conlniunity Centre EVERYBODY WELCOME GARDEN PARTY Walton Community Ha1l Wednesday, June 22 Sponsored by Welton 550.1. Slipper served 6.30 to 8 P.M. Admission S6c and 35e Program to follow Everyone Welcome 1'1812 SEA1''Clt'CH NEWS (Phone 84) Thursday, Juno 10, 19130 • (�` c t,�yJ.�yty/,'.[s Annual I f ONLY TW WEEKS LEFT 25% off ON WATCHES, RINGS, JEWELLI+RY AND INTERNATIONAL STERLING ESTCITT PHONE 212 JEWELER WATCHMAKER Jnj y clean, e endabl , low -cyst me heating with Natural Gas ent a fully automatic cnversion er to fit your resent furnace on your gas bill Enjoy the benefits of completely automatic home heating, Have a Natural Gas Conversion }turner installed in your present furnace or boiler . , . today. Look at these advantages : 1'bu'11 appreciate the silent, dependable, economical operation of your Natural Gas Conversion Burner. Put an end to work, worry and waste. Heat with Natural Gas, $50.00 TRADE.IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OIL BURNER Offer good up to September '30, 1960. The trade-in allowance will be credited to that portion of your monthly bill covering the gas consumed. TH NO CASH OUTLAY The low rental payment on the conversion burner will be applied to your regular monthly gas bill, ' FREE, LIFETIME BURNER SERVICE Union Gas Company provides free service every day of the year. FAST, EXPERT INSTALLATION There is no inconvenience even in the coldest weather. Gas conversion burners are designed to fit quickly and easily into your present furnace. "S2,95 is the monthly rental charge for a normal gas conversion burner installation, Gas used is extra. SEE YOUR E VG COM ACTOR OR UNIONOMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Serving Southwestern Ontario since 1911 'More homes than ever are heating with Natural Gas'