The Seaforth News, 1959-12-10, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 81
Phone 84
31.55 n Year
Authorised as Second (Jima . Matt,
5 Det Office Dept., . ()flown
Snowdon Bi•os., Pubihrnere
Monday, December 7th,
FOR COTJ1 OTT, 1 2 3 4
H, Flynt , , , , . • 63 45 69 82
1J. Hesk . , . . 55 , 47 33 104
J. 'Junking , , , , 15 .20 13 58
J, McFwing , , , 46 69 22 82
R. Turner 22 10 16 35
A. Young ... 24 34 12 21
C, Vincent 38 32. 13 83
No. of ballots cast -600; No. of voters
Percentage of votes cast, 57,6%
Elected: Hest', Flynn, McIlwing and Vincent
5 6
31 44
.20 66
11. 53
14 40
17 33
7 20
19 58
eligible -1024;
7 -Total
3.7-362 •
H. Coleman
J, H. Taylor
Monday, December 7th, 1959
1 2 3 4 5 6
51 39 48 97 67 75
56 56 26 '66 18 33
A. Rau 68 56 57 107
3. Scotchmer 30 27 14 49
7 8—Total
42 115-534
11 43-309
43 •28 52 52-463
42 81 1106-350
lineation for School Area Board, half the Township (4 polls)
under School Area: Glen Swan. 256, John Aldington 234,
Ward Forrest 224, Lloyd Heard 92. First three elected.
A funeral service was held on
Monday from the G. A., ;Whitney
funeral home, Seaforth, for Cal-
vin A. Ripen, McKillop, who. added
Thursday evening In his 84th year
after an illness ,of three years.
Mr. Hi11en was born in McKillop,
lot 16, con, 11, the same farm
where he died. On Jan. 7, 1903,- he
married Margaret Davidson, who
survives with two eons, Stanley
Hillen, McKiS:lop,' and Harvey H11•
len, Kingston; two daughters,
Mas. 'Ken ('Bessie) Cowan, 'Mid-
land, and 'Mrs. Peter (Edith)
Dunlop, Seaforth, There. are eight
grandchildren. The service was
,conducted by Rev. H. Suumiuerell,
of Cavan United Church, Win-
throp, of which Mr. Hiller was a
member and an elder. Burial Was
in 'IViaitlanclbank Cemetery,
The pallbearers were William
Boyd, Ed Godkin; John Boyd, Gil-
bert Smith, Roy Elliott, Roy Pat-
rick. Flowerbearers, ;Howard Kerr
(Toronto), Herman Axtmann, Rd
Ward Genteel", 'Carl Leonhardt,
Wilfred A. Cameron died sud-
denly at his home is Seaforth
Sunday evening, He was born in
Cranbrook and was in this 60th
year. He was married to Cather-
ine McNifihol in Brussels. Surviv-
ing are his wife; one son, James
Cameron, London; one grand-
son; one brother, Wan. J. Camer-
on, Palmerston; one sister, Mrs.
George Whitelock, Moose Jaw,
Sask. He was educated do Cran-
brook and Brussels, coming to
Seaforth in 1947. "IIe was a mem-
ber of First Presbyterian Church,
,and el Britannia AF & AIM Lodge,
Brussels, T00F, Seaforth, and of
Samaritan Lodge.' The funeral
serviioe was held Tuesday from
the G. A. Whitney funeral home.
Rev. D. Leslie Elder officiated.
Burial was in Brussels Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Allan Camp-
bell, Victor Lee, John 'Patterson,
John Carter, Allan Redd, Fred
The flowerbearers were Ralph
McNichol, :Chas. Reeves, Ray
Crawford, (Brussels), Bob Fraser
The Broclhagen Band played in
the Santa Claus parade at Listow-
el On Saturday 'afternoon.
Mr. Wayne Beuerman home
from London with his parents,
Mr. and MTS, M. Beuermann:
The Stewards of the .Ohlristian'
Home (married couples) held
their regular meeting Tuesday
evening. Devotions 'for the even-
ing were in charge of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Ahrens, Mr. and Mrs, R.
Bouermann and Mr. and Mrs. M.
Beuelman, Their topic "Christ-
mas at our House". Several film
strips were shown by' Pastor E. J.
Fischer. This group will sponsor
a nursery party in the afternoon
of Dec. 16th. This group will also
provide Joe for skating in the
church shed when ;weather per
:mics. Lunch was Served by the
same committee.
'Thirty-five attended the meet-
ing of the United Lutheran
'Church women last Wednesday af-
ternoon. Mrs. J. Fischer, Mrs. R.
Sholdice' and Mrs. L. Wolfe con-
ducted devotions. Me topic was
'Be Born in us Today". Christ -
areas carols were sung throughout
the devotional period. 'Mrs. Lew
Hicks presided for :the businese.
Gifts said treats were to be
brought to the church for 511041 8
and needy and for patients at
Byron Sanitorium and Ontario
Hospital, Several plants to be,pur-
•eha'sed for the Altar, Birthday
was reported by :Mrs.R. Shaldioe
and 'a Christmas Carol sung in
her honor, closed 'Mia., meeting,
A. Christmas social was held,
for the members and families on
Wednesday evening with 'a sup'
per, program and exchange of
A very large crowd attended a
shower for Mr, and 'Mr's, R. Gloom
(II•elen Hill) at the .community
hall hero on Friday evening, They
were presented with money by
Ralph Wietersen and tho address
was read by Wayne Mumma.
Desjer'dine's Orchestra will play
for a, dance 'at B.rodhagen in the
near future.
1f12S. 11., 8, ,aoTT '
The death •000urred in St. 50-
seph'.s Hospital, London, at about
1 p•'m. Tuesday, Dec. 8th, of Mas,
i,arry R. Scott in her 66tH year.
Mrs. Scott had been •1:11 for two.
weeks,., Born 'in SeaSortll, she was
formerly Agnes E. Smith, daught-
er oaf the late Mr. and Mrs, W. R.
Smith. She was mahu'ied to Mr.
Scott In Seaforth in 1914. Mr..
Scott 'clied Oot. 1, 1924. Ma's, Scott
was educated in Seaforth- Pablie
and High Schools. She was a
member of First Presbyterian
Church, and took an active part
in. the -Ladies' AM, the Barbara
Kirkman Auxiidaiy and the WM'S.
Surviving are three sons, James
11. Scott, Seaforth; Donald H., of
Fonthill, and Harry. R„ of BraCe-
bridge; also six grandchildren,
and one sister, 'Mi'se Belle Smith
of Seaforth:
Tho funeral will take place
from .the G. A. 'Whitney funeral
home, Goderioll street west, on
Friday., Dec. llth at 2 p.m. Rev.
D. Leslie Elder will offtelate. Bur-
ial will be in the Maitlandbank_
The meeting of Group 1 of the
Northeide United Ohureh was held
at the home of Mrs. J. 'Riley with
23 Members and a visitor present.
The correspondent, Mrs. E,, Wighams opened the' business of the
'evening with a Christmas poem.
The members brought their blue
bags to this meeting. Devotions
were ;taken by Mire. Ellis, reading,
The. Littlest Angel., Seriblture by
Mrs. Woods, 'followed . by prayer
by Mrs. E. Adams. Christmas
carols were sung throughout the
meeting,' Mrs, Wood singing a
lovely solo. Rev. J. C. Britton was
the guest speaker ter the evening,
speaking on Christmas. A lunch
was .4brved by :the •''committee.
Miss Fennell thanked, that hostess
and all taking part.
Last week Miss Darlene Sten -
(ley of Clinton and :Mr. Dangles
Riley, both students of Teachers'
Ooilege, Stratford, were'. practice
teaching here at SS 3, .I-lullett un-
der the supervision of our teach -
e1', Mrs: Shirley Lyon.
MT. and 'Mrs. Earl Lawson vis-
ited .recently with Mr. and Miss.
Wm. 'Webster` •nf St: Helens.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and
Douglas spent the week end 'w14111
Mr, and Mrs, Robt. 'Wobds and
Debbie, of" Ajax.
Warden and 'Mrs. Wm: Jewitt.
attended the Laanbton County
warden's banquet Saturday et
Sarnia, Mr. and -Ma's. Earl John-
ston being the host and :hostess
tor the evening. Mr: and Mrs.
Jewitt visited Sunday with
friends at Warwick.
Ma's. Earl Lawson spent a•con-
ple.of,days last week in London
with her daughter and son in-law,',
Mr. and Mrs: E. F. 'Warren and
Mr, Lawrence Taylor, son of
Mr, anal Mrs., Harvey Taylor re-
ceived the Robert Arthur Stewart
Bursary at the OAC, Guelph. The'
bursary ds offered to assist the
student entering the first year de-
gree eouelse.
Mr, and Mss. Charles Dexter
visited Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs.,
Austin Dexter of Blyth.-
lyth.Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross Mann and
family ;of Wingham visited Sun-
day with Mr. and ,Mrs. Robert
Visitors on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ross MacGregor were
Mr. end Mrs. Sandy 'iVLus'r'eo of
Clifford, ,Ur. John Ferguson and
Miss Janet MacGregor. of Ford-
Mr. and Stirs, Selgo Noguohl of
Guelph visited Sunday with Mr,
and 'Mrs. Bor'den Brown and fam-
Mr, 'and Ma's, Cameron Stewart
of Molesworth and 'MTs. Ashton
of Fordwioll visited ;Monday with,
the 1Viisses Rachel and Pearl Mac-
Newt Sunday Church services
will be held at 7.30.o'clock as an
evening 'service in the foam of a
candlelight servtco by the CETT
Girls, Everyone is invited to at-
tend, There will be no Sunday
School or Mission Band.
Curlers Hold,
Men's BonspieF•
The toliowing are the results
Of the men's bonspiel held 'dere
on S,aturc1ay:
9 a,n1. Draw
:McDonald, Brussels, 3 wins plus
10, Harker, RCAF Centralia, 2
wins pIUS 3, Voigt, ,ROAF Dunton,
2 Will's plus 6.
11 a,m, Draw
Dr, Stapleton, Seaforth, 3 wins
plus 11. 131:ia dl'oberton; Seaforth,.2
wins phi's 12, Walsh NV,inghesm, 2.
wins peps 9,
' Other rinks .in the firstJ:aw
were; Parker, RCAF; Clinton;
Smith, Mount Forest; 'Moir, RCAF
Centralia; E. 0. Boswell, Seas
loath; Carrothers, Medford.
Other rinks in the.second •draw
were; Miles, Clinton; C,hipohase,
Hensall; Bill Canuplbell, Seaforth;
Dr, Newlands, Clinton; Jahn
Baldwin, London,
Plan Expansion of
Sewer Tile Plant .
Plans are being -studied for fur-
ther expansion of the manufa'et-
uring_facLlities .of Seaforth 'Sewer
Tile Limited next spring, with
the addition sof another machine.
There is a possibility that a sec-
ond plant may be established in
the London area, Concrete sewer
title from the Harpurhey 'plant are
being trucked daily - to various
parts of the province,
Orange Hall :property committee
held a successful euchre :on Fri-
day, 'Dec. 4th with a good attend-
ance with prizes going to the fol-
lowing; Ladies lst, 'Ml's. 'McLar-
en; lone hands, 'Mrs. M. Stewart;
oon„ Ides, Chambers. Men's lst. J.
Smith; lone hands, Alex MoMioh-
;ael;. con„ •Seoord IMaBrien,
A draw was held on which 'Mr.
H. Moore held the ducky ticket.
The death occurred Sunday, at
his home in Moorefield, of 'John
A. Thompson, 89. IIe is survived
:by :his wife, the 'former Alice Wat-
ers; by one son, James, Moore-
field; by throe ;daughters. Mrs.
Cyril (Jean) Jack, !Moorefield;
MTs. Beverly (Luella) Christie, of
Seaforth; iMiss May Thompson of
Kitchener, The funeral was held
'on. Tuesday at Moorefied United
Church. Burial was '1•n Bethesda'
The W. A.. of Duff's ' United
Church held their Christmas
meeting in the cbmoh basement
last Thursday afternoon. The ser-
vice of, worship "Home for Christ-
mas" was 'opened by..'Mrs. Alex
McDonald with hymn 31 "Praise
the Lord, Ye Ileavens Adore
l,Iifn". The following ladies took
part in the service. Mas: G. Mc -
Gavin, Mrs. W. Bewley, •Iv1ms, Ed
Bryans, Mrs. A. MacDonald.
Hymns for Christmas were inter-
mingled with the scripture pas-
sages accompanied by Mrs,
Baan. Mrs: Wilbur Turnbull told
the Story "ISome for Obrietmas",
followed with prayer by Ma's. Mc-
Donald. Hymn 55 "Joy to the
World" was sung. MTs, R. Bennett
gave the secretary's report, also
read thankyou notes. The treasur-
er's report i -sad by Mrs, A. O'otutts
showed a balance on hand of 576.-
55. •It was decided to give the
Manse Fund '$200.00: The meeting
closed with prayer by lIrs. rlde-
D,onald. The following officers
were presented for 1960:
Past Pres., •Mrs. G. McGavin;
Pres., Mrs, Ken McDonald; '1st
Vice Pres., lies. N. Reid; 2nd Vies
Mrs. A. McDonald, 3rd Vice, Mrs.
H. Thamer; Sec„ '1Sa•s. R. 'Bennett;
Treas.,'Mrs. A. Coutts; Pianists,
Mrs, D. Watson, Mrs. M. Haan;
Community Friendship Sec„ rMrS,
Ethel Hackwell; Stewardship
Sec., lies. J. 'McDonald; Christian
Education, Mrs. G. Love; ;Flower
Committee, Mrs. R. MoMiohael,
Mrs. H. Travis, Mr's. H. Smalldon;
Manse Committee, Mrs. A. McDon-
ald, Mrs. D. Ennis, .Mss. H. Trav-
is, ,Mrs. Wm. Turnbull; Kitchen
Committee, 'Mrs, N. Reid, Ma's, D.
Fraser, Mrs. C. 'Martin, Mr's. Jae.
McDonald; Supper Committee,
Mrs E. Stevens.
Mrs. W. Turnbull presided at
the WMS meeting. Mrs. R. 'Mc-
Michael gave the roll -,soli and
secretary's report, Mrs. N. Reid
read a :letter from the Community
Friendship Secretary followed by
Mrs. Craig with :the Treasurer's
report, An article on "Words and
Figures" was read by Mrs. C.
Ritchie, Fifty calendars were or
,dered. Mh's, Turnbuil. suggested
that the group having -the topic
also supply a musical numberi
'M'rs, Ed Bryans and 'Mrs. J. Mc-
Donaldwere appointed to select
a member to be macre a life mem-
ber. Mrs. W. Broadfoat asked
that ;stamps from envelopes be
saved, A letter react by Mrs. 0.
Martin regarding supplies need-
ed for the .allocation. The topic
was given by Mrs. E. :Mitchell
from the study book. Names we're
drawn for the CGT.T mystery mo-
bller";-Moettng"closed with repeat-
ing the Benediction in unison.
The slate of officers was present-
ed :by .Mrs. H. Craig as ;follows:
Toon, Fres„ Mrs, E. Bayans;
Past Pres,, Mrs, A McDonald;
Pres„ Mrs. W. Turnbull; 1st Vice
Pres Mrs,, D, Watson; 2nd Vico,
Mrs, 19 Mitchell; 3rd Vice, Mrs,
G. McGavin; Sec„ Mrd R. McMic- fund, $50 40 the Hensall roma-
heel; Tress„ Mfrs. H. Cratig; Press tion committee and $25 to the an -
Sec., Mrs T. Dundas, 'Mrs. R. nual comntunity children's Christ-
mas party in Hensall.
A joint ifl tsvllation :of officer's
with the ladies' Auxil:tary of the
1)1•an:cit wd'11 be ,Ian, 5t11,
C. '�W ..L. Have.
Successful' ;Bazaar
A successful tea •and home.bak-
ing bazaar was held Saturday af-
ternoon in St, James School by
the members of the OWL. The
tea tables and tables which were
tastefully decorated by 'Mrs, Sam
Bates and MM -s, Alvin' Sinale were
in ahalge of Ma's. Wen Hart ' and
MTB Pg. S;'"l'ox,
Pouning'tea were rim's. Jean
Fortune, MrS. J. M. AZeMidlan,
'Muss Mstrgueriter Diinn and :VI's.
J,. Cieaa'y, Seaving tea were
Ma's. James'Devereaux, Mrs. Jos,
McConnell, Mrs. Wm, Box, Mrs.
Geo, Legeza, Mrs, ; Brad Smith,
sirs, Jack ,Nichol on and Whs.
Karel any5. 'M'us'ic was provided
byMrs. A. Stiles. L thebaking
S s n
booth were Mors, L. Leonhardt,,
Mr's, M, WGL1iana assisted by
Mrs, .4, Smale and Mrs. Loretta
:Hewitt. Me candy booth was in
charge o4 Mrs, Russell Pringle,
assisted by Mrs, Art Devereaux,
In the sewing boo:tlt was 'Mrs. J.
Meagher and .Mrs. S. Bates, assist-
ed b1' Mrs, Wm. 'McCurdy and Mrs.
L. Laudenlbach, Mystery boxes --
Mrs, Ken ' Etue 'and Mrs, Jack
Case, Group in Kitchen were ,Mrs,
T. Hicknell, ;Ma's, E, Bannon, as-
sisted by Mire. J. Kelly and ;Mas, 5.
Aubin. Late in the afternoon Rev.
Father Sullivan made the draw
for 'prizes, with Miss Laura H'at-
cher winning a .chair, Mrs, Dave
McConnell, ,fry pan -and Mrs, E.
Dinsmore a table damp. Christmas
cake was won by Ma's, Reg. Aubin
and bassinette with doll by Ann
Tickets for prizes were In
charge of (1lrs. C. Malone and Mr's.
5. 'Flannery. Cake tickets were :in
:charge of MTs, Lacy Sills and
Mrs. James :Slattery.
Attend Convention
In England
A group -.of implement dealers
from this district left :on Satur-
day from Buffalo ani flew to Eng-
land to attend •'convention to be
held there this week, The four go-
ing from here were John Bach,
Neil McGavin, Harold ,Love and
W. H. Ilolrynip'le. They went in a
BOAC plane -acid a ,cable received
on Sunday said they had arrived
on the tar side of the Atlantic.
Tlhe •dealers will visit an exten-
eive ealribit of farm .machinery
being held in Britain and tour
several implement plants, They
expect to be dram's by :the middle
of next week,
Jas. R. Scott Named
Liberal ''Organizer
' Anuounoement was made this
week of the appointment of Jas.
R. Scott, •of Seaforth; as national
organizer for the Liberal panty
in Canada. MT. Scott .has been or-
ganizer for Ontario. The new po-
sition will be for the whole of
Ritchie; Missionary Monthly Sec„
Mrs. T. Dundas; Associate Help-
ers Sec., Ms's. C. McCreath;.
Stewardshup Sec., .Mrs. J. McDon-
ald; (Mission Baud Supt„ Mrs, W.
Bewley, Assistant, Mrs. N. Marks;
Baby 'Band Supt., Mrs. Id, Travis,
Mrs. Ron Bennett; CGIT Leasior,
Miss Mona 'Clark, Assletan't, Mas.
W. Coutts; Pianists, airs, D'. Wat-
son, Ma's, M. Bann; Auditors,
.Mrs, H. Travis, Mrs, L. Oliver.
M1•. Wayne McMichael of Wind-
sor 'spent :the weekend at his
'Mrs. M. E. Dresser of Toronto
is visiting with her mother, Mrs.
E. Ennis for e, few days.
Mrs. Jas. Nolan has returned
home after undergoing an opera-
tion in St. Marys Hospital, Kitch-
The Christmas meeting of the
Walton W. I. will be held Thurs-
day evening Dec 10 in :the coen-
mnnity hall. An exchange of gifts
will be conducted and a 50c dona-
tion received for a needy cause.
A gift wrapping competition will
be held.
Mrs. M. Humphries ,is spending
a a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H.
Routledge, London,
Mr. and Mrs, Milton Macintosh
of London were weekend visitors
with the latter's mother, Ws.
Mary Taylor.
Mrs. Minnie Sangster was a re-
cent visitor with ,Mr. anal Mrs.
herb Stratton and family ,in Lla-
Heiman Council Rett(rnecZ
The Henault Council were re-
turned to office in the election re-
sults .on Monday as follows:
Reeve, John Henderson (merch-
ant) 253; Gordon Schwalm (lab-
orer) 79; Councillors: Lorne Hay
(merchant), 276; John Baker
(laborer) 250; Mfrs. ;M. Noakes,
240; Jack Lavender, 209; James
Sangster, 99,
James Clark was elected presi-
dent of the Hensall branch 468 of
the Canadian Legion at its annual
meeting Wednesday night in the
Legion Hall arere, suoceesing W.
Browil, Other's elected were W. J..
Cameron, lst Vice Pres.; John
Simmons, 2nd Vice Pres.; E, R.
Davis, sergeant-at'arms. The Rev,
Currie Winlaw, branch padre and
executive members, Weslie Wai-
ner, W. 0. Goodwin, Sam Doug-
all and Fred Beer.
The branch voted. $10 to the
Achilles; S;pply Sec„ M58, C:
Martin; Community Friendship
Sea„ ;Mrs. Ethel Rockwell; Com-
munity Fellowship 'Sac„ Mrs. Cliff
Mark Street United Church,
Poteu'boro, Was the scene on Nov.
,28th for the, doubiering wedding
of Evelene Gail Ferguson, R. N.,
dangliter of MT. and fu's, Carlyle
Ferguson, Peterborough, to Stuart
Wilber Keyes, Richmond Hill, son
q'f 'Mi and Mr's. Wilber Keyes, of
Seafortht'The bride is a 1959
,graduate of Oivlc'Hosayital School
of Naming; ,The Rev, Di. N, D.
Patterson, performed the sere
mg11y ausi' 6be bride was given :in
marriage by her father, She Were
a' floor+length gown of imported
silk mist bouquet taaffeta, `Me
longslleeved ba'sque featured a
notehecl portrait neclkline. Alencon
lace appliques sprinkled with ail.
:deseent -sequin's enhanced 111e bo;
dice and matching appliques were
on either side et :the voluminous
skirt which stemmed from a tiny
waistline: Silk illusion finger-tip
veiling fell from a sequin dotted
bow of the stilt mist taffeta, and
she was carrying a cascade of
white snowdrift mums tinted with
blue and adorned with a silver
horseshoe brought from Scotland
by her grandmother. Maid of 'hon -
'or was Miss 'Barbara Jackson, a
nursing classmate of the bride
.and baiidesmaide were her cousin,.
Miss Dawn. Armstrong and Miss
Donna Goodson. They wore gowns
of royal blue silk velvet lined with
baby blue satin, 'styled with full
cocktail -length skirts, torso waist-
lines and three-quarter sleeves.
Head bows and gauntlets were of
baby blue satin and their shoes
were 'r'oyal blue. Each carried a
cascade bouquet of white enow-
drift 'mums. Flower •girl, Linda
Carter, a niece of the groom, was
in baby :blue velvet dress with Pe-
ter Pan collar and puff . sleeves
and matching head bow, ,and' she
carried a basket filled with snow -
'drift mums. Ringbearer, Danny
Ferguson, a cousin of the 'bride,
wore a baby blue velvet short
pent suit with white shirt and
blue bow tie, and he carried the
ring on a heart -shaped pillow of
white satin with Illy -of -the -valley
tied iit•.t'he ribbon streamers, The
'groomsman was Morris Garter, of
Woodstock, (brother-in-law of the
groom,, and ushers were Paul Fer-
guson; brother of the bride, and
Menton Keyes, brother of the
groom. Me bride's aunt, MTs, Jes-
sie Spencoley was soloist at the
wedding. and sang "Wedding Pray-
er" and "Because". The :music
was played- by Church Organist,
Mrs, 'Cecil Searles.
..nest's were present from Sea -
forth, Varna, Ori'llia, Clinton,
Windsor, Toronto, Whitby, Lind-
say, 'Woodstock, Exeter, Bruce
field, ,Millbrook, Baildeboro, Lon -
doe, Campbeli'ford, Port Perry,
Oloyle Marmora, Detroit and
Fraser, Mich„ and Peterborough.
A reception was ,held in Mark
St. 'Christian Education Centre
for over 100 guests. Mrs. Fergu-
son received in a mink tone
sheath with snatching feather hat
topped with brown and trimmed
with minictone bow incl flowers.
Shewore brown accessories and
her corsage was of bronze mums.
Mrs. Keyes, another of the groom
assisted, wearing royal blue with
white hat and gloves, black shoes
and purse and her corsage was
white chrysanthemums.
When the bride and groom left
later .on their wedding trip to
New York, the bride wore a topaz
boucle fitted suit with mink col-
lar, a brown feather hat, brown
gloves, purse and shoes and cor-
sage of bronze and yellow hums.
Mr. and. Mrs. Keyes will reside
at 308 South Taylor 'Mills, Rich -
1 Hill,
all's. Carlyle Ferguson,'217 Mc-
Farlaiie Ave„ Peterborough, en- 1 Loudon and -Miss Marie Sinclair
tertained at a trousseau tea for j of Stratford visited over the week
her daughter Gail, who became- enol with -lir. and Mrs. John 'Sin -
the bride of Stuart Keyes of Rich -
.mond Hill on Saturday. MTs. Wil-
ber Keyes of Seaforth, mother of
the :groom received with Mrs.
Ferguson and the bride -elect. The
trousseau was shown by maid -of-
lienor, Miss Barbara Jackson;
bridesmaid hiss Dawn Armstrong
and Mrs. Claire Ferguson, aunt.
of .the bride. Tea was poured by
Mn's, Keith Armstrong, aunt.of the
bride, and Mrs. I. Ferguson, her
grandmother, Servers were mus-
ing school classmates and friends,
Misses Carol Locke, Dorothy Bail,
Donna Goodson, Joan Calberry,
and Audrey Patterson: Mesdames
R. Striver, R. Greer, L. Wens, E.
Downing, L. (Harding and J. Good -
,int with the refresh -
There were four delightful ;pre-
nuptial events to honor ,Plias Gall
Ferguson before she became the
bride ,of 'Stuart Keyes of Rich -
.mond Hill,
A .miscellaneous shower was gi-
ven 'by her aunt, Mair, Keith
Armstrong of 'Cricket Palace with
Mrs. John Goodson assisting.
A kitchen ,and pantry shower
was given by Mrs. Lloyd Hardy
of McFarlane St,
At the home of Mrs, Claire Fer-
guson, 7'ltiiii) St„ other aunts :of
the bride, Mrs. G, Might, :Mrs, IL
Cordery, Mrs. Cecil Ferguson,.
Mrs. A. Stevens and Mrs. H. Del,
shy were assistant hostesses at a.
miscellaneous shower,
Classmates of ,the 1059 :class at
Civic II•ospi•tal School of Nursing
attended a 'shower given for the
bribe by maid -of honorMiss Bar-
bara Jackson and Misses Joan
Cslberry, Barbara A. Brown and
Lorelei Hetherington.
,Mr, and Mrs. John 'M. Goodson
of 618 Sherbrooke St. entertained
the Keyes I';erguson bridal party
after the rehearsal Friday even-
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weeks, having had a fall near her
home causing an injury to her
Mr. and airs. L,Heiman of Hen=
Sall have moved into lir. Ross
Broadfoot's house.
l4•r, Keith Lovell has accepted a
position in Edmonton, Alberta.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken 'McLellan
were in Toronto a day last week.
Mr. and :Mrs. John Doig of
Grand Rapids, ;Mich., visited on
the week end with his nether,
Mrs, Lydia Doig and sister Janet:
The ,latter returned with John for
the winter months,
:lir. Arthur Long of St. Cather -
Ines visited on Sunday with his
parents, .lir. and Mrs. Norman
Mr: and Mrs. Ivan Wren and
Laurie of Hanover spent the
week end with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and ;Mrs. Gordon Wien,
Mrs, N. Dickert, firs. Ken Mc-
Lellan and ,Mrs, Robert McGregor
were in London 011 Monday.
Mr, and MTs, Allan Grigg of
Mr. William, Slavin, who suf-
fered a slight stroke, was admitt-
ed to South Huron Hospital, Ex-
airs. Robt. Gibson and son Wm.,
of Wroxeter, visited Mr. and Mrs,
W. L. Mollis on Sunday.
Mr, and 'Mrs. John Frasier of
Oxford, Mich., spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dawson
and visited ;Mrs. Jennie Winder
at Packwood hospital, London.
Sunday guests with .Mr, and Mrs.
Howson were Mr. and Mrs. E1din
Kerr of Winthrop•.
Mr. and Mrs, N. Long attended
a banquet Saturday evening at
Armstrong's Restaurant, Exeter.
The December meeting of ,the
WMS of St. Andrew's Church,
I{ippon was held on Thnrsdmy aft-
ernoon Dec. 3rd with Ma's,' J, Sin-
clair and Mrs. Binnendyk as host-
esses. Mrs. H. Caldwell, ,who took
charge .for the worship period OP'
ened the meeting with a poem,
and hymn "As with gladness men
of old" was sung, For the, scrip-
ture . passage Mrs. Caldwell read
from John 15: 1-17 and after,
prayer, hymn 47 was sung. The
minutes of ;the ,last meeting were
read and adopted and .the roll
call was answered with a gift for
the Fred Victor Miesiom .Mrs, H.
Finkbe'iner gave the visitors' re-
port and 'Mrs, W. Workman, .also
Mrs, H. Caldwell offered to visit
for the month et December, Mrs.
E, McLean and firs. R. Consitt
gave a report of the sectional
meeting which. was ,held in Elinu-
ville .in October. Mrs, H. Janos
rend,story 01 two Christmas
carols "Silent Night" and "0
Little Town 01 Bethlehem", Dv-
eryone then joined, in singing
these carols, lits, T Sinclair react
a." Christmas Story. firs. Ross
Love 'read the elate of officers for'
1960 and Mrs, E, Kyle moved a
vote of thanks to the retiring dire
KIPPEN silent, Mrs, R, Consitt, The first
Mies Judy Gricl�a:ic has been four verses of hymn f,7 were sung
confined to her :home :for over two and Res. 1Ic 4iiltan closed with a
Officers for \VMS in 1960:
llon, Pres., Mrs. R. Consitt; Pres„
1'Irs, J. Anderson; 1st Vice Pres.,
Mrs. H. Jones; Ind Vice Pres„
Mrs. H. Finkbeiner; 3r -d Vice Pre-
sident, Mrs. H. Kendrick; Sec„
Mrs. H. Jones: Treas., firs. ,Mor-
ley Cooper Press Sec., Mrs. Nor-
man Long; Missionary Monthly
Sec, Mrs.. A. Parsons; ,-ldission
Band, Miss Dorothy Turner; Ba-
by Band, Mrs, R. Br.oadfoot; Com-
munity Friendship Sec„ firs, R.
Turner; Christian Stewardship,
firs. Ross Love'; Supply Sec., MTs.
E. Kyle: Supply Coni„ ,Mrs. A.
Parsons, -Mrs. R. Love; Pianists,
Airs, R. Broadfoot, Mrs. H. Jones;
Sunshine, MIss. E. Jarrett; Christ-
ian .citizenship, Mrs, S, Pepper.
Officers for W. A. are Hon. Pre-
sident, lits. A. licllw'trie; Pres„.
Mrs. R. ;McGregor; lst Vice Pres„.
firs. V. Alderdice; 2nd Vice Pres,
Mrs. Wm, Bell; 3rd Vice Pres„,
Mrs. L. Lovell; Treas., -firs, E.
McBride; Sec., Mrs, H. Fink-
i'Ir..Robert Manson has left for
loulland where he will spend
some time with his uncle, 1V. P.
Mr. William Clarke has left for
Toronto where he will spend the
Mrs. Mary Hey has returned
home after spending a few weeks
with her daughters in London.
Mr. Harold Finlay and family
visited with Mr.Bert Gibhings
and Mr's, Wm. Landsborough of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride vis-
ited with Mrs, Johnny McBride
of Zurich,
On Dec, 7th 14 adults of 'Fire-
side Farm Forum met at the •
home of Mr. ,and Ma's, Oliver An-
derson to ,discuss topic, "Social
Security ,on 'Canadian Farms”.
We are not in favor of private
Pension plans for farmer's unless'
on a voluntary basis mad offers
some advantages which many of
the present lite dnsurancepolicies
offer. The people who receive
the insurance ;money ,certainly
should be the ones ,paying for it,
not the farmer, for hired help.
In many cases :it as a good tiling
but in others it is terribly abused,
We know of people who prefer to
be idle for a month or more and
receive help rather than accept
work which :he is able to do. in
many cases it encourages laziness
and causes people to lose pride in
being independent. The next
meeting will be at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Flynn.
Games; Mr's. Geo, Cook and
Harvey Taylor; lone hands, Mrs.
Don Buchanan, Eric Anderson;
ctmsolatioar, :tilt•, and Mrs, Jos,
Mies Connie Corbett of London
was a weekend visitor with her
Parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Corbett
and .Ad,