The Seaforth News, 1959-09-10, Page 1The Seaforth News
Lay Heavier Rails
On C.N.R. Tracks
The Canadian 'National Rail-
ways has a .gang of 140 men a'e.
piecing the rails on the ,main line
through Seaforth, The gang start-
ed work the middle of last week
and expect to be done by Satur.
day. Altogether ten miles of
track will be laid, from Dublin
to four miles west of Seaforth,.
The new rails are bigger and
heavier than the old ones, weigh-
ing 100 to the foot compared to
70 pounds, and are two lnohes
higher, Each rail Is 45 feet long
and weighs 4500 pounds.
Every mechanical aid is being
used. Spikes are pulled and re-
pdaoed with power tools, and a
derrick does all the lifting of
rails. The men replace the steel
on •one side of the track for a
stretch; then come back and do
the other side. The work does
not interfere with the passage of
traine. About a anile of 'track is
completed in a day.
The •need for replacing the
mails is called tor partly because
generally heavier equipment is
being used today, and partly be-
cause the old rails we becoming
worn and might become a safety
hazard. The ties are .not being
replaced at the present time as
this was clone in the spring.
A fire alarm was turned in on
Friday when renhat appeared to
be smoke was thought to be seen
coming from a freight car at the
station.It was found that the
apparent smoke was from a grin-
' der being operated behind the
Mrs. Jane Youngblut, wife of
the late George F. Youngblut,
died on Thursday at Alexandra
Marine and General Hospital at.
ter a long illness. She was in her
75th year. •Mrs. Youngblut was
born In Mullett township and
-.dyed in Auburn before -going to
Godwin. three years ago. .She
was the former Jane Husking,
daughter of the late•Mr. and Mrs.
Sohn Hunlring. Her first husband,
Martin Mugford, died in 1934.
Mr. Youngblut died in 1945. She
was a member of Knox Preshy-
terian Church, Auburn and a
member of the WMS. She is sur-
vived by a son, Roy Mugford, of
Godericlt; three stepsons, Arthur
Youngblut, Auburn; Victor, Bel -
grave; Leonard Youngblut, Belle
River, two stepdaughters, Miss
Lila Youngblut, Goderich; Mar-
guerite, Mrs. Clarence Walden,
Seaforth; one brother, Albert
Hunking, Dearborn, Miele; two
sisters, Mrs, Alice Wilson, Toron-
to;. Mrs. Moraine, Farrow, Mill -
`ford, Del. There are dour grand-
children. The •funeral was held
on Saturday afternoon, .conduct-
ed by Rev. D. J. Lane of Clinton
Presbyterian Church. -Burial wag
in Hope Chapel cemetery, Hallett
township. -
. The September meeting of the
C.W.L. opened with prayer by
Fs. 0. E. Sullivan and Mrs. John
Maloney, president, conducted
the business. The Bret vice-presi-
dent, Mars. Gorden Reynolds, re-
ported 146 members. Minutes of
last meeting were read by the
secretary, Mrs. James Devereaux.
The treasurer's report was read
by ,Mrs. Alvin •Smaule in the ab-
sence of Mrs. Alice Stiles. •
The date of the annual bazaar
was- announced as Dec. 5. Duch.
res and bridges are to be held in
the homes. It was decided .to ac-
cept an invitation to tour CKNX
studios and to appear on 'ei'Lady
program, Fr. 0. E. •S.uliivan £,ave
a very timely talk on Participa-
tion in the Mass. An interesting'
reading was given by Mrs. ,Sam
Bates and a game was enjoyed.
The'mystery prize donated by
Mrs, Jean Fortune was won by
Mrs, Frank Reynolds, A delicious
attneh was served by Mrs, Clar-
ence IMlalone and Mrs, Sam Bates.
The meeting closed with the
League mayor:
Mission Banal will meet on
Saturday afternoon, Sept. 12th
at 2 p.m,
Sunday, Sept, 13th, Cavan Sew
day School well open at 945 a.m.
and the joint church service is at
Duff's at 11 o'clock,
Winthrop Young People's Un-
ion will start ,their fall meetings
on Sunday evening, Sept, 13th 'at
the church,
11..60 a Year
Authorised as Second C111730 'nate,.
.'oat (Mice Dept.. Ottawa
5nowdon Bros,. Pi,bliahara
Equal Blame Set
By Jury at HEnsall
A coroner'sjury, inquiring u-
te the Oet. 15, 1958, traffic death
of William R, Somerville, et Sea-
forth, found that Mr. Somerville
died as a direct result of injuries
received in the two -car collision.
The jury attached equal blame
to Mr. Somerville and the driver
of the other ear dnvojved in the
co'llisdon, N, B.'Spume', London.
Mr, Spurrel was blamed for ex-
cessive speed and Mr, Somerville
Tor entering. No. 4 highway at
K9ppen ilr the face of ;oncoming
Dr, E. A, McMaster of Seaforth
was ,rho presiding coroner.
The inquest was delayed near-
ly a year while Mr. Spurrel wee
recuperating in hospital from in
juries received in the aooidlent,
Michigan Woman
Visits Brodhagen
blre. Harry Adams of Lansing,
Miola., satisfied a lifelong ambi-
tion to come to Canada and look
up a place named after her
,grw.ndfather, Ernest Brodhagen,
who had the fleet hotel, store and
post roffice in. the village, but the
original buildings are not there
any more.'!She was surprised to
land many cousins sti11 in the
community. Her first contact was
when she went into the .poet of -
flee for information, to find Mrs.
13. Shold-ice was her second cou.
sin. Mr. and airs. Adams re-
mained for the night with the
:Sholdices..and met some ,of her
relations as they came into the
store. She was the former Marion
Brodhagen and her father's name
was Charles Brodhagen. 'She was
born in Lansing, Mich.
The September meeting of the
Group 2, W.A., of Nortliotcle Unit-
ed Church was held at the home
of Mr's. B. Walters with an at-
tendance of 16, Mrs, Walters had
charge of the meeting and open-
ed it by reading a poem. After a
hymn, Gladys Thompson read se-
lections from the Psalms and..Ilre
Gospel according to St. Luke.
Ma. J. M. Scott led in prayer.
Mrs. H. ,Hugill presided for the
business portion of the meeting.
Atter roll call which was answer-
ed by :describing an outstanding
event of the summer the minutes
were dead rand adopted on motion
of the secretary. Mlrs. W. Leem-
ing reported that a number of
cards had been sent. The treasur-
er received :the offerlug. Mrs,
Bennett showed slides of her
trip to the Canadian west and to
Florida. The pictures were much
enjoyed. A delicious lunch was
served by Mrs, Moffat and Miss
Sinclair after whleh Mrs. Shan-
non delayed a vote of thanks ,to
all who had (helped make the ev-
ening a success,
The September- rneebing of
Group 1,' W.A., 'of Northside. Unit-
ed Church was held at the home
of Mfrs. Clarence Walden with 21
in attendance, Mrs. Wood took
charge of devotions. Miss Fennell
read the •Scripture lesson tollow-
ed by a prayer by Mrs.. E . W11 -
Hung. A poem was read by .Mrs,
W. Cuthill. Mats. D. Lemon con-
ducted the business of the even-
ing, Plans were made tor the ba-
zaar on Nov. 14t1i. Mrs. Ivy
Jahuston favored; with a piano
selection. A social half hour fol-
lowed, Mrs. Riley and 'Miss Elin-
or Henderson serving lunch, Mrs.
H. Connell expressed a vote of
thanks to ,the hostess and those
taking .part,
,Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Addison, ac-
companied by Mrs, Geo. Love, of
Walton; Mire. 'David Bean and
Mrs. Bernard Risher, Carlow,
and Mrs. Chas. Wallace, Bayfield,
attended the funeral of their un -
'ale, Me. John Addison of COMM,
last Wednesday, and also vlsited
at Wasaga Beach and Wierton on
Thursday. The late John Addi-
eon was a native of Sluliett town-
ship and was the last survivor of
the family of the late •George Ad-
dison. He had lived at O.rillla for
many years, and last winter
spent some time in a nursing
home at Seaforth, Surviving le a
family of thirteen.
Dr. A. Black Moves
To London
Dr, A. S. Brack, who dtate had
a dental practise here for the
past two years, left this week
for London, having been appoint-
ed dentist ,for London ,schools by
the Beard of Education, Mrs,.
Black and family will follow be-
fore the end of the month.
Induction Service
On Sept. 23rd
The induction of the Rev, Hare.
ry Donaldson, S,Th., as rector of
the parishes of St, Thomas' Ang-
Lican Church, Seaforth, and St.
Mary's Anglican Church, Dublin,
with be conducted by .the Ven,
Arehtleacon Kenneth 0, Bolton,
B,A„ B.D., Archdeacon of Lamb -
ton, on Wednesday, Sept. 23rd et
8 p.m. The preacher will be the
Reverend Gordon Wesley Phil -
poets, L.Th.,Th:MI., Associate Rec-
tor 01! St. George's Church, Is-
A reception will follow in St.
Thomas' parish Mali,
A pretty wedding 'vans solemn•
izecl in Bruceiieid United Church
on Saturday, Sept, 5th at 4.30
p.m,, when Mary Eileen McCart-
ney and William Laverne Neth
ercott of 21.. 'Marys were unite
In marriage. The brdcle is th
slaughter of Mr, and Mfrs, George
McCartney 01 Brucefleld, and the
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs
Roy Nethercott of St. Marys. Rev
S. Davison officiated, The church
decorationsconsisted of wlt'tte
and bronze gladioli, green tern
and white candelabra. Given in
marriage by her father, the bride
wore a floor length wedding
gown of .nylon chiffon, full skirt
with. shirred back panels, gather-
ed bodice, extended sweetheart
neckline, short sleeves, long
gloves, orcin head-dress, elbow -
length silk illusion veil and wore
pearls, .the gilt of the .groom. She
carried white roses. stephanotis
and green ivy. Maid of honor
tvas Miss Eleanor McCartney of
Kitchener, sister of the bride,
who wore an autumn gold crystal
Mamma gown with empire waist -
Sine anal back tapers and a mat -
(thing bandeau head-dress. Her
flowers were white situate mums.
Miss. Lois Nethercott of St.
Marys, sister of the groom, was
bridesmaid. Her gown was simil-
ar to that of the maid of honor
in frost green crystal charm and
her flowers were white shasta
munnis. hiss Idodm. ,Neth-ercollt
of St. Marys, niece of the groom,
tori flower gird wearing a frost
green frock similar .to the bride-
smaid. Mr, Bruce Bragg rot Tor-
onto was best man. Ushers were.
Mr. Lloyd Nethercott, of St.
Marys, brother of the groom, and
Mr, Robert McCartney of Detroit,
uncle of the bride. Mrs. Feed
K•ipfer of Stratford was organist.
Mfr's. Don Andrews of Clinton
was soloist and sang the Lord's
Prayer and Wedding Prayer.
The wedding dinner took place
in the church parlays. The bride's
mother received in a steel blue
sheath dress and duster coat,
with matching hat and black ac-
cessories, white carnation cors-
age. The bridegroom's another
wore a teal blue embroidered
dress with dusty rose accessor-
ies anti pink corsage. The bride
and groom left tor a honeymoon
in the Eastern States, the rbride
travelling in a grey and charcoal
corded sills duster, goat ensemble,
white feather hat, black patent
accessories and white rose cor-
sage. Upon their return they
will reside at St. 'Marys. •Guests
at the wedding were from Tor-
onto, Port Credit, Galt, Richmond
Hill, Stratford, St, Marys, Sea -
forth, Clinton, Walkerton, Otta-
wa, Kitchener, Detroit, Sarnia
'and Parkhill,
Cancer Fund Returns
Complete Here
The final 'returns of the sizing
campaign for funds conducted by
the Seaforth and District Branch
of the Oanadian Cancer Society
has ,been completed showing don -
aliens of $2,687,10, Donations by
municipalities were;
McKillop Twp„ '9568.70,
Tuckersmith Twp„ $475.75
H'arpun'hey, 939.00
Egmondville,• $259,35
Seat n , 91,350.90,
In addition 9150.85 has been
contributed to the In Memoriam
fund: In memoriam Dards are
available at the local funeral
The committee' has been veal'
Pleased with the support given
this worthy cause and wishes to
thank all those who made dona-
tions with a special thanks to
those who so willingly gave of
• their time and effort to make the
d campaign a success.
e A public meeting of the branch
will be held in Seaforth public
school ,auditorium on Thursday,
Sept, 17111 Cut 8 p.m, to discuss
plane for the moaning year. Films
depicting the work of the Cancer
Society will be shown. All inter-
ested in this work are invited to
attend this meeting.
James . Franklin Aikenhead
passed away suddenly at Clinton
public hospital on Monday, Sept.
7th at the age of 83. He was born
near Bmucefleld, a son of the late
James Ailienhead and Janet Mc-
His wife, the teenier Jane Har.
risen, passed away In 1936: He
had farmed at Brucefleld until
1945 when he retired to Hensall.
He was a ,member of the United
Church. Always very active, dur-
ing recent years he spent the
winters in Florida. He was a
member of the I.O.O,F,• Lodge,
Three brothers predeceased
him but he is survived by two
sisters, Mrs, J. N. Laskey, Por-
tage La Prairie; 's. Thomas
Baird, F:ruoefleld; three' brothers,
Dr'. J. IW. Ailcenhe'ad, Toronto;;
M. IS. Aikenhead, London; Dun-
can Alkenhead, ,Seafoa'th; one
grandson, Donald Jones, Detroit.
Peddle funeral cervices were
held from, the Honthron funeral
chapel, ltoneall, on Wednesday,
Sept, 9t11, with Rev, Currie Win -
law officiating, Interment was in
Baird's cemetery'. (Pallbearers
were Thee, Sher'ritt, David Kyle,
Wan. Soldan, Henson; W. Me -
Beath, John Aikenheati, Bruce -
field; Stanley Love, Exeter,
Prior to hes. marriage, Eileen
McCartney was honored at sever-
al events,
Friends and neighbors held a
shower at Brucefeld United
Church.:Mrs. Gordon' Richardson
was •thalrnran. Miss Owls Walk-
er played a piano solo. Miss Gay
Elliott played an aceordlan solo.
Mrs. Eva Wilson gave two hum-
orous readMr
ings. s: Mary De
Jong read an address and many
useful gifts were presented by
Misses Georgene - McCartney,
Mary Broadfoot, Jean Broadfoot,
Janet and Barbara • Henderson.
The bride thanked everyone. A
delicious lunch was Served.
Miss W. Dickson, superinten-
dent el St. Marys .Memorial Hos-
pital, and Mrs. Gladys Jewell en-
tertained the staff at their cot-
tage in Miss McC'artney's honor.
Miss McCartney' was, presented
with a gift from, the stair and
many other useful gifts.
. eorge McCartney enter-
tained friends and neighbors at
her home in her daughter's hon-
or. During the afternoon Mrs. F.
Scarlett poured tea and Mrs,
Grace Hoggarth served the
guests, ;assisted by Miss Helen
Broadfoot, Mrs. W. Sinclair, of
•Clinton, assisted• in the kttohen
and Miss Eleanor McCartney and
Mrs. Don Andrews, Clinton, dis-
played the trousseau and gifts
during the afternoon and even-
ing. In the evening 'Mars. W. Mc-
Cartney and Mts. H. McTaggart,
St. Marys, •poured tea and Mrs.
Gordon Richardson and Mzs, W.
Talbot, Hayfield, served the
guests. Mrs. John Broadfoot .and I
Mrs. W. Sinclair assisted in the
Miss Alice Caldwell, R,N., of
London spent the holiday week
end with her parents, Mr. and
Ma's. Wan. Caldwell, Stanley.
IMars, Wm. Sinclair, Clinton. vi -
'sited with lVlr. and Mrs. Walter
iMogat on Sunday.
Miss Georgdne McCartney, of
(Stratford, and Mr. Robert Mc-
' Cartney; Detroit, spent the week
end with Mr. Geo. and Mr. Wil-
son 'McCartney and attended the
Nethere tt=McOartney wedding in
Brucefield United Church.
Mr. and Mar's. Wesley Ham vis-
ited with his mother, •Mrs C.
Ham on the week end. John and
Peter returned home with then
to Chatham on Saturday.
Ma'. and Mrs, Stewart Knox of
Salado, -spent the week end with
Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Wilson.
Nine SDHS Students
Receive Bursaries
iDenibn4lons+Provrincial butvsaries
of 9100 each -have been awarded
to nine Grade 13 ,pupils at Sea.forth District Nigh School: Map
mon Brodhagen, Brtisseis rr2;
Lewis Knotsch, Seaforth; Noreen
Mciuwing, Blyth RR 1; Mary •Mc•
Leod, Seaforth rr 3; Donald Mor -
les, Seaforth; Betty Muegge, Sea -
forth; Carolyn Nell, Seaforth rr
8; William Van Den HengetSew
er 5; Margaret Wood, Kip.
pen re 8.
Registration on Tuesday was
approximately 380, an enerease of
about 15 from the previous tern,
On Goodwill Flight
To Australia
When two huge Argus aircraft
of Maritime Air Comanand's- No.
405 Squadron 'departed for Aus-
tralda Sept. 011, one of the mete
looking after -the welfare of the
big Canadian .built sub killers
was Warrant Officer A. R. Ooutts,
eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. Coutts, of
!Seaforth.,' Telecommunications
Superintendent (air), He is ono
of the key men 4n the long good
will flight in which two aircraft
carrying 48 officers and airmen
will visit the State of Queensland
to take :pant in Centennial cele-
brations. They will later visit
other centres in both Australia
and New Zealand, Route of flight
was via San Francisco, Hawaii
and Fiji Is The tour will take
four weeks, It is .the longest good
will flight ever made by RCAF.
Miss Alice Soraclale of Londorr
spent Laboa' Day week end with
her patents, Mr, and Mrs, Lloy
M1'. and Mrs. Lloyd Allen and
eons,, BrianandJeffry of Thant
torsi spent the holiday week en
with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Beckley of Zu
rich were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott.
Messrs, Alex and Kenneth
Walker rand arr. Howard Ford,
all of London, spent the week end
at the home of Mr, and firs. Otto
'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott and
Susan of Windsor are holidaying
with their parents, Mar. and Mrs
Norval Elliott and Mr. and Mrs
John Wallace.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson and
daughter Laura of Detroit visit-
ed with leaa mother, Mrs. Jennie
1Vilson at the home of Mfr'. and
Ma's. T. L. Scott on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Laing,
Marilyn and Margaret left last
week on a motor trip to Moose -
jaw, Sask., to visit his Meter and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Ho-
ward Eves and other relatives.
We extend our sympathy to
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross McPhail in
their sad bereavement, Mrs. Mc-
Phai1's father, Mr, Leslie Moose
of Mitchell having passed away
suddenly at his home on Wednes-
Soluool re -opened on Tuesday
after summer holidays with new
teachers in all the surrounding
schools. 'Miss Wanda McLaren is
beginning her first term es tee-
ner at No. 6 school. There are
also :Your new pupils, Janet Al-
len, Brian Dow, Brenda Dow and
Stanley ,Stankowslci, MTS. Filmer
Chappel will teach at S.S. No. 5
for this term.
A miscellaneous shower for
Margaret Coleman was held in
the Sunday school room of the
church on Friday evening, With
Miss Alice Sorsdahl in the chair
a program of music and readings
was provided by Miss Olive
Speare, Mrs. Gerald Carey, Mrs,
Solei Templeman, Mrs. Everett
Kerslake, Mrs, Gordon Laing and
'Mrs. Duncan Scott and -.Mae
Joyce • Kerslake. Miss Muriel
Scott read the address and gifts
were presented in a decorative
basket by MIisses Sharon and
Karen Scott. Miss Margaret Jean
Russell assisted in unwrapping
the gifts. A bountiful lunch was
served by the girds,
Mrs. Calder McKaig presided
and led in .devotional exercises
at the meeting of the Women's
Missionary Society witioh was
held at ,the hone of Mrs. Will
.an Thursday,, The tole,
The Joys of the Harvest, which
had been prepared by Miss Olive
;Speare was read by Mrs. • T.
Laing, Mrs. W. -Harper had
charge of the study book with
attire. M. Lamond and Ml's. T. L,
Scott assisting. Mrs. Grace Seatt
read the Glad Tidings prayer anti
current events were given by
Mrs, Will Miller, Lunch was serv-
ed by the committee.
Mrs, Leo Bolger and son, Det
volt, with Miss ;Monica Byrne.
Mrs, 1 11, .Looby ,and Mrs.
Louis Looby aro spending a few
clays In Ottawa,
Mer, and Mrs, P, Groin, Lon-
don, with Mr. and Mrs, Dan Cee.,
teak), •
Mrs. Mary Feeney and Edward
at Hamilton.
Mr, and Mrs, Martin Brick, of
Detroit, and Miss Maty Gulnrur-
ry, Rochester, New York, with
Mrs. Kathleen Fenney,
Mrs, Gaffney and son, Broek-
eille, spent a week with her fa.
I * t llll 4 1 lapel llllll,lllll,llll,I,l,ll,ll 1 lll11,unlil., III II,putt) ,,,11,,,1 lltill, 1 ltlllltlllllltallltl11,11111,11,111,111,1
The Classic Gripe Vine Patter.
The method of decoration by hand applied bas
relief embossment was first invented and perfected
by ,Josiah Wedgwood in the year 1774, Today—
the same process has been adapted and applied
to beautiful glazed Queen's Ware dinnerware,
Depicted here, cream coloured embossed grape-
vine pattern on lavender. The shell edge is a
sheer touch of genius. Created to grace the best
appointed tables.
WEDGWOOD --.a living tradition since 1759.
• Seaforth
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii llllllll,l.Ugllllllrt,111,1„,111tllllltl4tttt Rlflli l,lOuullll Bllllll 0.11.lllll:wi
ther, Carl Stapleton,
Bobbie .and Ricky Stapleton at
Port Credit.
Ma•, and Mrs. Frank Evans are
spending two weeks at Deep Ri-
Mn', and .firs, Charles Kraus-
kopf, Ferndale, Mich., with Mr.
and Mrs. James P. K•rauskopf,
Joseph Jordon of Trenton,
Mich„ and Mrs. Jean Fortune, of
Seaforth, with •Miiss Monica
Mrs, Phillips and son, Mrs.
Brabant and daughter, London,
with Mr. and Mrs. M; J. Nagle.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murphy and
son, Port Colborne, with Mrs.
Chas. Kistner.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Louis Krausiopf,
Ferndale, Mich„ and Mr. and
Mrs. Jerome Nicholson, London,
with Me. and Mrs.James P.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aokr'oyel and
daughter, Toronto. with Mrs. 3i.
E. O'Rourke.
Dan Costello at Britt.
Rev. A. Durand, St. Peter's
Seminary, London, with Rev- R.
Mr. and Mr's, Ewart Wilson,
Miss Mary Margaret Ryan, Kit-
chener, Miss Teresa Ryan, Lon-
don, with MIr, and its, Pat Ryan.
Mrs. Mark Nelson, Dave-nport,
Iowa, with Miss Molly O'Connell.
bir. and Mrs. Frank Riley and
Delights spent a couple of days
last week with Mr. and Mrs, R.
Woods and Debbie of Ajax.
Mr. and Mrs.' Seawright of To-
ronto visited a day this week
with ;Mr. and _lira, Clarence
Mises es Laurel and Wilma Dale
Spent last Friday at ONE In Tor-
Mr, Wm. Dale spent laet Satur-
day judging at Elmira and spent
the week end in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Van Der
Nolen and Master tlia eeln Van
Der Molen of Guelph spent the
week enol with Mr, and Mrs. W.
L. Whyte.
Miss Mary Watson of Stratford
spent a week's holiday with her
friend, Miss ',gargle Whyte.
Mr. and Mrs, E. F. Warren and
girls of Loudon spent the week
end with bit'. and Mfrs. Earl Law-
son and Reg.
1r. and elm. James Medd at-
tended the wedding of their
grand daughter, Miss Anna
Medd, daughter of Mr. anti MIrs.
Lloyd Medd, to/Mr. Michael Law
denbaoh on Saturday, Sept. 5th,
Mr. .and Mrs. Wilbur Smith
and •famdly visited Sunday with
Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. Mcliorie of
Forest. Mrs. Jewitt Si'. returned
home with them after spending
:the past month with friends
there, .
.Mr, and Mrs, Earl Lawson and
Mrs. Verne Dale visited the Cur-
rin funeral home, Wingham,
where the body of .Mfrs, John
Webster of St, Helens was Test -
\'Ir• and Mrs, Freeman Brock
of Thorndale visited •Saturday
at the hone of Mir. and 'Mrs. Wnt,
Mr. and Mrs, James Attwood
and tamely of ,Windsor and air.
and Mrs, Arthur Barnes of
Brighton, England, visited Sun-
day with Mr. and ;Mfrs. Robe.
Grim oldby,
Mr, Roy Lawson of Seaforth
visited ,Sunday with ilia•, and
Mrs. Lorne Lawson.
Mr. and firs. Roy Hall of Eth-
el and Mr. and Mrs. Tom \Var-
dell of Milverton visited Sunday
with Mr. rand Mrs. Wm. Jewitt
and family.
Warden Wm. .Jewitt is this
week attending the County home
Convention at St. Catharines.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Leonard Brig-
ham of Chesley visited with ItIr•.
and Mrs. Borden Brown and
girls on Monday,
Constance United Church was
suitably decorated for Harvest
Services with an inspiring mes-
sage given by Rev, lir. Funge on
Heine, Health and Harvest. The
three babies who were given the
rites of Baptism were: Kevin
Charles, son of Mr. and kit's. Ken
Halley; Steven Douglas, son of
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Jewitt; Gord-
on Douglas, son of ;Mr. and Sirs.
Fred Buchanan:
Messrs. Harvey and Lawrence
Taylor who both have been pa-
tients in the Clinton hospital re-
turned home on Tuesday. We
wish them both a speedy recov-
ery to good health.
.Miss Joy Montgomery leaves
on Friday for Anderson, Indiana,
where she will resume her stud-
ies again.
Tuesday, once again, started
the children back to scltcoi. S.S.
No. 3 iiullett, has 6 new begin-
ners: Larry Jewitt, Lynda Pees -
water, Cheryl Dale, Donna Bu-
chanan, Ian Hadley and Jimmy
Anderson. Misses Judy Thomp-
son and Joyce Brown and Gord-
on Hoggart started at Seaforth
High School. Douglas Riley and
James Jamieson enrolled at
Stratford- Teachers College and
Misses .Marilyn Taylor rand Laur-
el Dale commenced their teach-
ing career,
0.0.1”. charm Parade
The members of the Men's
Court of C.O.F., Constance, and
Ladies Court Constantine will
parade to Constance U,C, on Sun-
day, September 13 at 2 p.m. Other
Courts invited to join i are Clin-
ton, Goclerich, ,Benmiller, Luck -
now, Wingham and Grattan. Rev.
Mr. Flange will be the minister
in charge. Everyone is invited
to attend.
Noble Grand Mrs. Inez IicEw•
en presided for the opening meet-
ing of Amber Rebekah Lodge No.
349. The vice grand, Mrs, Glenn
Bell gave a report on visits and
treats sent to shut ins, Mrs.
Laird Jacobi gave the financial
report and Miss Maybelia White-
man gave a detailed report on
the sale of tickets on the bed-
spread and suggested items
needed would be purchased tor
the lodge. The 10015 anniversary
of the Rebekah Degree will be
Celebrated Sept. 20th. Mrs. Anez
MacEwen read the resignation of
a faithful officer, Miss Maybelle
Whiteman, recording secretary.
Nominations for officers for the
conning year followed: Noble
Grand. Iles, Glenn Bell; Vice
Grant, 1ia's, E. Citipehase; Rec.
Secretary, Mrs J. Ingram; areas„
Mrs. 0, Voldand; financial secre-
tary, Mee, A, McGregor, The re-
port of the Assembly of Grand
7�odge bald in Toronto in Jttne,
was giv�n •by ':14n's, Wm, Caldwell,
Jr., P.N.G., who attended the
seesione. At the close of tate meet.
ing a pot luck supper tgas en-