The Seaforth News, 1959-02-05, Page 1The Seaforth
World Day
" of Prayer
Tine 1959 World Day of Player
service comes to 'tis erQm..11igYpt,:
where a.•coanmittee of nine wee
men representing the Anglican,
Coptic Evangelical, Presbyterian
and Coptic Orthodox ;C1uI 011es,
' worked on it in Cairo in happy
fellowship. Theme of the service
is, He said, "Lord, T Believe" and
He Worshipped Him, A eerviee
' will be field at Northside United
Church on Friday, Feb. 13 at 3
Fire Damages
Service Station
A new .gasoline aervice station
may be built by the BA 011 ell.
dollowing'a Sire early Wednesday
•norniug wludh wrecked the fur-
nace Zoom in the 'present station
at the corner of Goderich and
Victoria ,Stmeets.
Fire in the building was die-
eovered shortly after anklnight
by Mr. Geddes who turned in an
Oleave .Coamwbs who leases the
station from the owners, British
American Oil, said' lie received
a 'phone call and arrived at the
station about the same time the
fire trucks. A 'brisk blaze was
going in ,tire furnace room where
a Mand stoked' coal. furnace is
operated. Tlie outbreak is believ-
ed to 7tave started from the furn-
ace pipes.
It was necessary' for the fire-
men to open up areas o8 the roof
over the ,furnace ro'oan. By 3,
the fire had ;been 'brought under
control. MLr. Coombs stayed on the
scene all •night.
The station has been located
on the present site for more than
30 years.
During the fire MIT. Coombs no.
tifi:ect the oil eampany field man,
iSituart ;Crossman of 'Stratford.
It is predicted that a new sta-
tion mayMise' built. The present
station name been renovated and
relbuilt a.elianber of times, little
;being IetC he original building
,• ;which: is'lielieved to have been
built for 5, display room for the
carriage shop •next door. Walter
Murray, who will be 71 on Sat-
urday, recalls that John Dorsey,
father of Joseph. Dorsey; 'had a
big. business making carriages,
wagons, cutters and. sleighs. Mc-
Donald's -from Walton had it lat-
er and Robert and Frank, Dever-
eaux bought it about the burn of
the century.
MIr. Coombs said at no time
vas•bhere any danger to the gas
tanks at the front.
The L:O.L. held' a successful.
euchre on Wednesday night, Jan.
28th in the Orange' Hall. Prize
winners were: Ladies 1st, Mae. E.
Townsend; lone hands, Mars. Mil-
ton ;Stewart; lojw, Miss Marian
Coutts.,.Men's 1st, Me. B. Clarke;
lone hands, Mr. B. Brown; low,
MLr. Tame Adddcott.
On Sunday maiming* last Na-
tional .Health 'Week was observed
at our morning warship:0y Paul
Bmade MLD., spoke to the .congre—
gation very :fittingly on the sub
jeot, "You and 'Four Health". He
based his remarks on the gall 08
Jeremiah, which places the ,call
of Gad definitely in the lives of
men and women. .Our religious
outlook should prove a ,boon to a
healthy' body and mind.
The minister was present and
teak t11e service of worship. Good
congregations continue each Sun-
day in spite •of the cold and often
sternly weather.
Arrangements are being anade
to 'begin Church membership
;classes in the near future. If
there are those who are contem-
plating Church membership will
they please contact the minister.
I-Iu1iett Township council head-
ed he its reeve, William Jewitt,
warden of HmmoniCaunty, appoint-
ed .Clifford wSaundereock aa ' a
member of the townshdp eosn-
•munity hall board.
Me. San:Idercocic will act in
1959, replacing Geo. Cowen.
sIIairry Tebbutt, two, 'dark, will
advertise for tender's for -mush,
ing 12,000 cubic yards o8 gravel
dor this .year's road grogram. The
deadline for bids is Feb,- 28,
A grant of $25 w•ae made • to
the Huron County Soil and Crop
Improvement Association. The
township will send eelrresenta-
tives to attend,the annual con-
vention this month in Toronto of
the Ontario Good Roads Aseacia-
01.68 a rear
eethorlee4 ee Second Clare mall,
Poet office Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Aron Petitehei•a.
.011111111 lllll LIIIIIIIIilmimmlmiu„1„Umloo mum orlon UIm itimilm o „n„emm lU" e,ln"nn,nnl,,4e
February Meeting of
Tuckersmith Council
weicommitt sou n met in
Seaforth on Feb. 3rd at
All anemibers ware . present and
the peeve presided, :Council ado
iiowledged a report on the Nott
Municipal Drains error Archibald,
Gray and McKay and est Feb. 20
at 8,30 pen. for tate reading of the
Ivan .Forsyth, Elgin Thompson
and E, P. Chesney Were named a
committee to iu'terview Stanley
towneliip couneil in regard to
adjustment of street lighting
eosts in Br:meiield.
Willner I•tieadfooit was' emeloy-
ed as Warble Fly Inspector at a
wage of 90e nor how and an 51-
lowance of 10c pee mile for use
of car. Council will advertise
tenders for Warble 'Fly Sprayer
and for Spray Powder. •Council
will also advertise for Tenders
for ;crushing and hauling approx-
imately 12,000 cu. yds. of gravel
to township roads in 1959.
(Council acknowledged produc-
tion of surety 'bond's on the treas
urea and tax collector- of $5,000
each with the D•omiinion of Cana-
da General Assurance,Co. Grant
of $25,00 was made Ito the Huron
;County rdrop and Soul Improve-
ment Society.
As Reeve Ivan Forsyth was
forced: to leave the meeting to at -
tenth a meeting in Toronto,
Prank Falconer was named Pre-
siding :Officer in his absence.
Council .authorized the applica-
tion, for balance of subsidy- on
Road Ea penclituee 1958.
Bylaw # 1, 1959, authorizing
the 'borrowing o8 9100,000 from
The Canadian Bank of Commerce,
Seaforth, was given its ,required
readings and passed.
,Accounts passed included: Eg-
mandville 'Wates' $512.14; Aclver-
tieing, 916.80; Fox bounty, $48.;
Registering 'Births and deaths,
$5.00; rebates, $137,60; Postage;
$5.00; Seluo'o'is, $2.00; Dmnp,
$100.00; Supplementary Allow-
ance, :925.00; Relief, $80.54; Sal-
ary & allowance, $241.63;' income
tax, $715; grants, $35.00; roads,
;5434.52; Drains, $203.00.
Council adjourned to meet on
Marsh 3rd at 1nem.
The February meeting .opened
with Miss Jean Scot .,pn•esident,
in the ,oh'aim and a very .good at-
tendance.•-12rs. 11. ;Scott read a
poem " Wdnter mays", .This was
;followed '!by the secretary's and
treasurer's, repents which. were
adopted as :read. Mrs. MacGregor.
and Miss Fraser :played a piano
duet, "Eumoreske". The speaker
for the afternoon was Mrs. J. F.
;Scottt Who chose as her si5bjeot
"St. Valentine". She described
'rave grown up .around him and
his "life and all the'l'egends whirl
make our 'St. Valentine's Day.
She showed us a beantiful Val-
entine nearly a hundred years old
belonging to Miss Scott's grand-
mother. 4.. vote of thanks was
'moved by Mars; W. :Wright. Lunch
was served by the ;Scott -Fraser
group who were in charge of the
. The January meeting 'of the
Dublin W. T. met at the 'home of
Mrs. William Sta'Pleton with -12
members present and 5 visitors.
In the absence of the ,president,
Mrs. R. Aikens presided. les. H.
Pethiek read .the minutes of the
previous meeting. MTs. IL 'Brit-
ton gave the current events, Mrs,
Aikens read the poem. The guest
speaker, Mir. J. W. Kippen, prim,
cipal 08 the Mitchell ,High School
was introduced by etas. likens
.gave a very interesting and
informative talk on the current
trends of Education today. A vote
of thanks was tendered bit-. Kip -
pen. Lunch was served by Mrs..
•Stapleton, Mrs. Britton and Mrs
Mm. Tom Holland, Leslie Gasp-
er and two sons of Windsor with
'Mr. Matt 'Mummy.
;Mr, and Mrs. Den MacRae and
family attended the .fiuieral of
Mars. MaeRae's aunt in ;Sarnia on
Mr, William R. Flanagan is a
patient in ,the .Stratford General
MLr. Ricky and Bobbie ;Staple-
ton, Kitchener, at their homes.
Mrs. L. Dillon and Dorothy
with Mr.' and M•rs, Sylvester Ry-
an at ISebringvillle.'
IMiss Kathleen Stapleton to vis-
iting in Texas.
•Mr. and Mrs. James Ackroyd
'anal :two - 'daughters of Toa'anto
with It[i'y. Mary O'Rourke and
Mir, and M8re. 'William Stewart
o8 Kitchener with friends in the
village. •
Ma'. and Mrs, -Frank Evans,
Mrs. Jos.' Melody ' in London.
Dae. and -&Ira. Frank 'Stapleton
of Galt, :Mre. Jim Neticombe, lot
Poa't ;Credit, with Mr, .and Mee.
W. ;Stapleton..
MTs'. Leo Ryan Was the winner
of the $25 •With a score of 71 held
reoontly le the telephone euchre
sponoared by ,the .OWL at .St, Pat-
rick's. Parish.
Corp. John Lavoie in Fariuliaus,
Winners at
W. 1. Euchre
Winners at the Seaforth, Wo-
men's Insatiate euchre Fi'ielay
night were; Ladies Mrs. ,Stewart
Pepper; second, Miss •Margaret
Maloney; cons., Miss Linda Pap -
pie; men's find, Bill .Flynn; sec-
ond,' Jack Sinclair; coins., 'Harold
Connell. Prize for lucky chair
went to Nye. James (Doig.
ISeafol tit W.I. will hold their
.Feb. meeting on Tuesday, Feb.
10811 at 8.30 p.m, in Seafoatth
DJH,S, This Is family night and
each member is asked to invite
another family. Roll call to be
answered by the 'nen, Dr. James
;Semple of Bgmendville United
Church 'willspeak on the motto,
"Take .Time to 1,a:ugh, It's Music
to the gout"
There will be a Valentine Dreg
ram witilr Mrs, Eldon Kerr and
airs,, John Kerr as .conveners.
Each member is asked to bring a
loaf of bread made into sand
wiohes. The lunch committee is
Mrs, James Kees, 'Nit's, R. •M,
Scott, Mrs. Elmer ;Stephenson.
A visit to the county home is
planned for Mia i'eh.'
;Committees for the euchre on
Friday, Feb. 1381j are: Tables
and .chairs, •Mrs, Gordon Elliott,
Maes. R. M. Scott; punchers, Mrs.
Ross Gordon, Mfrs. 'Eldon Kerr,
Mars, John Hillebrecht, ;Nits. Les
die Pryce; luuch, Mrs. ' Gordon
Pappde, Plus. Graham Herr, Mrs.
James Keys, Mrs. Robt. Doig;
dishwashers, Mrs. J. 'F, Scott and
Mars. John Kerr.
Mrs. Joe Riley was hostess last
Wednesday afternoon to a quilt-
ing with proceeds of the after-
noon going to ,the Expense Mind
of the WMiS of Constance U. C.
Dua•.ing the afternoon the ladies
Participated in a travelling bask-
et which netted a goodly sum.
'hiss Heather Noaris of Guelph
ie visiting 'with Mr. and Mrs. 11`.
The members of the Men's
Court of Constance 0.0.F, held
e:nether successful euchre in
their hall last Friday night and
'true winners were: Ladies 1st,
Mrs. Ken Hulley; lone 'hands,
Mirs. Elmer Dale; low, Mrs. Robt.
Dalton; Mens ist, Mr. G. Case;
lone, lir. Les. Dolmage; low, MT:
Don Buchanan.
'Friday evening o8 this week
the ladies will sponsor a endure
with proceeds. for the hockey
team and a•draw dor an electric
fry pan will• Ibe held, all .proceeds
for the hockey team.
The men will hold an euchre
and box social on Friday 13811,
MN. and 12rs. B. Brown, Joyce
and Elaine attended' a birthday
geatty 'Saturday evening, of Mrs.
Brown's father, Mr. Thos. Brig -
Irani 'Mho' celebrated ails else
birthday at the home of his son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. •and MIs.
E. Brigham, Hanover. •MIr. Brig-
ham is veny keen and bright for
his Feens. He is quite -interested
in municipal affairs, reads and
watches :television and also has
many hobbies.
Me. Jiames Walker o8 Obaton,
Alberta (,President of the Alber-
ta Guernsey Breeders of Alberta)
visited Last Friday with 'Mr. and
1Lrs, Wm. Dale.
ulir•, and Mrs. Slott. 'McMillan,
Rev. and Mrs. J. C. ;Britton of
Seaforth visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mims. Wm. Jewitt and family.
S. S. annual ,;meeting was. held
Sunday afternoon in the base -
anent of the church, and after us-
ual business read and transacted
officers are 'Superintendent, Mr.
Ross (McGregor; assistant, MT. J.
Jewitt; 'sec.-treas., MIr. R. Jewitt;
pianist, Clary Jewitt and Joyce
Brown. S. S. teachers: Y. P.
teacher, Mars. 1W. L. Whyte; Inter -
,mediates to be divided with Mrs.
Ross M•oC•egor and Mies Joyce
Jewibt•ss teachers. Primary, Mrs.
B. Brown, assistant, les.:George
Mr. Wm. Dale, on ?Monday,
brought home from Port Erie a
load of .Guernsey caws that he
purchased at High Meadows
Petra, at Lafayette, New York
We are very sorry to learn
that .on Monday night .t Blyth,
Mr. Eric Anderson shad the mis-
fortune to have an eye injured
while plaieing hockey. He was
g'u'shed to Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don and will be confined there
for a week under the care et an
eye specialist. We wish Eric a
speedy recovery.
'Mer. and Maes. Austin Dexter of
Myth, and Mines. Stanley Ball of
Auburn, visited Tuesday -with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter.
Mr. Wm. Jewitt is in Toronto
attending ,the Agricultural C'o'on.
ell Convention held at the Pam-
liament Buildings.
Mir. and Mae. Aibei't. Clark of
Muirkirk were recent visitors
with 1810 latter's cn tlier, ,Mrs. J.
S. Watson. '
,The empathy of the commun-
ity is extended to Mrs, Andrew
Houston and Mr. Houston in the
death of her brother, Wan, :Bell,
;Friends.and neighbors called
on Mrs, (Nelson Keyes on Satur-
day,Tian. list, the oade:don of
her 851111. 'biatiuday.
I11iee Lillian Powell is at ;pres-
ent staying with MTs, J. 'S. Wart -
Mr. 'and MT's.. 24, Stephenson
and Ifacntly and Mar. T. Rabineon
Were Sunday visitors witil Mr,
and Mrs. Geo. L. •Reid, Varna.
Egtnaadville School 15 closed
for a few d'at'a on account of the
illness of the teachers, Mr. A,
I1inlavysoe and M'is's. B. Alexander,
Annual Me - ting of
Library Bo rd
Miss M. E, Tutt bull was elect,
of. Se forth Carnegie
Liliran•y •Board foi.her 1104 torn,
Monday night aril the annual
board meetings Mtn• .Tos. McCon-
nell TAWS elected sqc: tl•eas.
Reporting to •til
ej board, libr•ar.
don Mrs, Sliialey rigdut 1'oported
another increase n circulation
during 1958, Use o •books was up
2,082 books, to a total etre:elation
of 13,328,
At the same dole the number
of users' during the ,posit year also
increased. At the end of the year
there were 527 intimibers of the'
library, an increase of 148. Of
this group there were 298 adult
and 229 children 'lj0ted as mem-
Book committee for tit's year
is chaired by Mrs, ;3, B, Smith
and compered of Mrs. J. A, Munn;
Mrs. Joseph M1oQonnell, Miss Rose
D.olsey and Miss Gladys Thome-
son. Property committee is heed-
ed by Wm. M. Hart'and composed
o8 Miss M. E. Turnbull and R.
James ,Wallaec.
Turners Church
Annual Meeting
On Tuesday evening the Rev.
:Grant Mills presided at the 01) -
ening of the annual meeting with
.several Hymns and prayer. Er-
nie ,Crich was apltotnted Secre-
tary for the meeting and the
coming year. The treasurer, Jack
Turnor .reported quite an increase
over last year on balance on
hand. Other 'reports ;were W,A..
Mrs.McGregor; Jr. Congrega-
tion, Mrs. Ed Layton; Sunday
ISrihoo'•I, Geo, Turner; Young Peo-
ples, Bob Lawson; Envelope
Steward, Mrs. McGregor. It was
noted that the W.A,• had quite a
balance -on haus' and a vote of
thanks was tendered to them and
all other :groups with special
mention to Mrs. Ed Layton for
looking after the instruction ,af
the Junior Congregation. A ape-
ci:al •thankyott was given to our
minister, Rev. Mr. 1I111s for his
untiring efforts during the year.
The secretary of the Sunday
Sclioal, . Geo. Turner, read the
minutes of the last meeting fol-
lowed by the app,cintmett of F.
Falconer as ;Superintendent who
replaced Howard Johns, who -had
held that ,position for 9 years.
On conclusion asocial hour was
spent.' Mr. Mills showed Elms
which were greatly enjoo ed fol-
lowed by lunch -by the ladies.
On Wednesday evening Mr. L.
R. Neat, representing Oopelane
.and (Duncan Ltd., Spode distmtbu-
tors in Canada, gave a very hi,
teresting talk on. the history of
Spode ,China, mannfactua'ed by
4v:'T. Copeland & Sons, Stoke-on-
Trent, England. He also showed
color Elms on the manufacture
of bane and earthenware china.
Beautiful and valuable pieces of
'Spode were on display, Mr. Ross
'Savange donated six pieces of
Spode as door• prizes which were
woi1 by Mas. Leslie Elder, Mrs. J.
F. Beohely, Mrs. Pat Trantbeok,
Mils. D. Netzke, Mrs. E. Dinsmore
and !Miss Rena Fennell. Reer•esh-
ments ;were served :by .the Wo-
men's Iiliespitar Auxiliary.
The regular meeting of .the
Seafontlt Red Cross Society will
be held in the library rooms on
Friday, Feb. 6, at 3 ;p.m.
Mr. and M•is. Anson Coleman
accompanied 'by Mr. and Mee. C.
Oke of J.'ondon, left on Friday
last for a month 111 California,
Mrs. Fred McClymont is visit-
ing with relatives in. Toronto' and
King .City.
The annual •meeting o8 the Un-
ited 'Church was held on Wednes-
day evening last with the pastor
Rev. T. J. Pitt in change. Excel-
lent ,reports were heard from
the ,Session, Sunday 'School, W.A.,
WMS, MKT. The Vacation Sohoal
repeat showed 92 ,thildren regis-
tered and an average attendance
of 90. The ;Treasurer, Mas. ;Chas.
,Reid gave an. excellent report
with a substantial (balance on
hand. Members of the session are
J, T. MlOAeh, 'Sherlock Keys, Geo.
Reid, Fred M8cCiy vont, Anson
.Coleman, Alfred Jaltneton. Stew-
ards; ,Louis Taylor, Robt, Ster-
ling, Geo ,Stepheneon, W. McAsh,.
Geo, Dowson,Grant Webster, G.
Hill, Ivan. Mc0lgmont, R. Taylor.
Prustees: R. Stephenson, .Anson
!Coleman., Wm. laterite, 3. 'Ostrom,
,Allred JJahneton. A voteof ap-
preola•tion was tendered to the
Pastor, Rev. T. J, Pitt by the
Skating Is still the moat pop -
War sport in the village as aarge
crowds of old .and young enjoy
the fine skating at the rink.
Gingerich Store to '
Move to Main St.
The Scala tit bt•an•h ofthe
� t c h
Gingerich, appliance store will
move 80'•the building on the east
side o8 'Maim Street formerly Go-
oupfed by the 0o -0p egg grading
station. They expect to move in
three tr four weeps,
C. of C. Plans
Dinner Meeting
Tentative gtians for the annual
dinner meeting of the seaforbh
Chamber o -f Commerce, to be held
on Thursday, Feb. 19, were anade
by the executive on Friday night.
The date will depend upon the
arrangements being arrived at
concerning a guest speaker,
In preparation for the meeting
W. R. 'Smith was delegated to ob-
tain a hall and caterers. 'Mervin
Nott is In charge o8 tickets, To
insure a representative 'attend-
ance at :the dinner, members 'pro-
pose to provide for an 'advance
sale of tickets, A nominating
conimi:ttee was named to P'r'esent
a suggested slate o8 officers for
1959• This committee is composed
of Ross Savange, Gordon Weight
and Keith Sharp,
Mr. Ross ,Savauge was appoint-
ed to represent the Seaforth
Chamber of Commerce on the
Mich -Western Ontario Develop-
ment Association for 1959... ,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Graham
were in rLondon on Satttrdiay ow-
ing to the illness' of Mrs. Gra-
ham's father, Mr. Clark at Vict-
oria Hospital.
Miss GeorgineMOCartuey,
nurse-in'tj•aining, at Stratford,
spent the weekend with her par-
ents, M. and •Mrs, W. McCartney.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hickey
have moved into the village. We
welcome 'Mr. and Mrs. Hickey
and fannidy.
'MIs. and Mrs. Allan •Sholclice
and Moa. Sholdice's another, Mrs.
Buff= of :St. Thomas have rimy
ed. into Mrs. Geo.. Cditton's new
residlence. -
We are sorry to report that
le. Wm. Scott is in Victoria
Hoepital in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott spent
the' weekend with ,friends in Lon-
Mr. Drew Swan, Miss Edith
Bovey, Mr. and MTS. Glen Swan
attended the funeral et the late
Mr. John Cttivea•t in Ilde:ton on
Ler. anal .Mrs. Fred McGregor
attended .the funeral of Mr. Mc-
Gregor's aunt, Mrs. Wilfred Allc-
enitead in: Clinton on Saturday.
Annual meeting of Bi•ucefield
United ;Church. BrncefielclD'nited
Ohairah congregational—meeting
was held en Wednesday evening,
Jan. 28111in the schoolroom with
a fair attendance. Reports of the
different .:organizations wens
heard and gave evidence of pro-
gress. Rev. S. Davison was chair-
man. Mrs. Edgar Allen was elect-
ed Gong. secretary for the even-
ing. ,Following a short worship
period Rev. S. Davison led in
prayer. The finances of the con-
gregation are in splendid condi-
tion with a finance figure over
that of last year. The retiring
members of the managers who
served for 3 years .were Mr. Cliff
Henderson, NLr. Gordon Elliott,
MIr. 'Archie Mustard, 180. Elliott
asked .to be relieved and the :fol-
lowing managers were elected:
Marr, Cliff Henderson, Mr. Jim.
Braaclfoot and Mr. Stewart Wil-
son. Birthday congratulations
were +sent to Mas. Thee, Baird Sr.
ffroni . the congregation.
Baird entered her one ,hundredth
year on Jan. 30th.
At the close .of the ;meeting a
lunch teas served by, the ladies
of the W. A,
The Y, P. S. met on Stmday ev-
ening with Alex Mesikls preeid-
ing, The scripture lesson was
read responsively and Margaret
Wallace led In prayer. Rev. S.
Herr led the • Bible (Study and
;closed with the ibenedietion, •
Miss Olive Spear° received
word of the death of her nephew,
Mr, Gordon wSpeare o1' S1tarten-
burg, South r0arolina, son of the
date Mr. and Mrs, Harry 'Spore,
He is survived by his wife and
iwo slaughters. Burial was in the
Spsrtenburg cemetetlw on Satur-
Mrs. Henry Eggert of Roetook
visited lost week with deer (laugh -
Mrs and sonainiaw, Mr. and les,
Alex Gardiner,
MIr. and Mrs. s. Donald Wallace
and sons, IS.eith and Ken, •Cariing.-
ford, vetted on Sunday with Mr,
alfa Mirs, Join .Wallace,
Mrs, J. wC, ,Cornish :of ;Seaforth
visited on ;Sunday With her par-
ents, MLr•, and Mrs, Will Hamilton,
MIr,•A, Hamilton ,of Exeter visit-
ed at the tame bombe on Sttn:day.
your SPODE
Here are the prices of some of the
popular Spode patterns —
Bread &Cup & 5 pc.
Butter Plate Saucer Place Setting
PLAIN WHITE .90 1.30 4.80
(Jewel or Wicker Shape) '
PINK TOWER 1.30 2,15 6.96
BUTTERCUP 1.55 2.60' 8.50
ROSALIE 1,55 2.60 8.50
ROSEBUD CHINTZ 1.55 2.60 8.50
GAINSBOROUGH 1.65 2.75 9.10
TREE OF LIFE 1.90 3.25 10.70
BILLINGSLEy ROSE 1.65 3.20 9.80
Drop in and let us show you these
and other lovely Spode designs
Mr. Eldon Allen has been con -
tined to his hone suffering with
broken ribs as the result of a fall.
Mrs. W. 21. Binning aacl Bobby
of Mitchell visited on ;Sunday
with her parents, MIr. and Mrs.
K. McKellar.
Miss. W. I-Iu:lle' and baby daug-
hter of West :Milton spent a few
clays With het'itarents, lir. and
Mrs. A. Ramsey. -
Me January meeting of ,the
CGIT was held in the schoolroom)
of Cavan Church, Winthrop. The
meeting opened by singing CG:IT
hymn and purpose. and hymn
483 was sung. Business was dis-
cussed and minutes read. Rall
call was answered by 8 members
and •col•lectien received. Bible
study was taken by Margaret
,Hillen anal Joan .Boyd. Meeting
closed by singing hymn 259 'and
Youth Service and Day of Pray-
er 'will be held Wednesday even-
ing, Feb. 11 in the church. Every-
one is dnvitee to attend. •
The ladies of Bethel and Duff's
will meet with the ladies of Cav-
an, Winthrop, to •observe the
World's Day of Prayer on Friday,
Feb. 13. The meeting commences
at 2.90 ,p.m.
Mrs. Rudy Oesclt visited with
Mrs. William Baechler.
MT. Harold Finlay and family
visited with 'Misses Alice and
Margaret Finlay, London, and
visited with Mr. Clarence Pa'r•ke
who .is a •patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London.
Sunday visitors with lits. R.
Oesch were Mie. and Mlrs. T. Pen-
hale, of Bayfield, and Mr. and
bus. Bert Faber, of Kippen.
Mr. Archie Mustard of 'Sarnia
spent .the weekend with his wife
and ;family.
Douglas Milton Bicicmeir, in-
fant son of Mir. and bus. Oscar
Eickmeir was baptized during
the 'Sunday morning service 'by
Pastor E..1. Fischer. The apon-
5005 along with the parents were
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Hidlebreeht and
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Eickmeir.
Visitors with firs. Lena Ellie --
son were Mr, and Mars, Oscar-E11-
igsen, Sharon, Dennis and ,Tanice
of Kitchener,
le. and Mips. Mantel Beuerman
Mr. and Mrs. •Manuel Detiermane
and Mt, and Mrs. Russell Shot -
dice with 'Mr. and Mfrs. Rhine
Kahle, Mitchell. .
Messrs Ford .Dickson and Mew -
yin Leon:hardt iu .Toreelto .lar a
:fes flays on Ibitsi11eas,
Mr, and Mrs. Lew Hicks spent
the weekend in Toronto,
bILfs. ,Tack Eisler and Mrs. Bill
Katyk of ;Sealarth with Mr, and
Mrs. Manuel Beuerman recently
MIs, Donald Ahrens and Miss
Lee Haerock o$ Hamilton with
MT. and lits. Chas Ahrens for the
MM. Wayne Beuermann, Lon-
don, with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs,- Manuel Beuerman for the
weekend. -
M8•. Calvin Diegel and Miss
Betty Hartman of Waterloo with
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Diegel far the
The following from here at-
tended the funeral of Henry Wal-
ters, 89, Listowel, on Saturday.
He was the husband of fennel'
Annie Schneider, Mrs. Elizabeth
Rock, Mrs. Katt erineHilJebrecht,.
Mrs. Henry Rock, Mee, Fred A.
Kistnea', Mrs, Philip Rook, .Harald
Rock, Henry Hinz and a'i'r. and
MIrs. Leslie Wietersen and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. L. Seimon.
Mrs, Herman Leonitardt spent
last week visiting in Kitchener
with 11r. and Mrs. Henry Meyer
and Mies !Clara Meyer,
The annual meeting of ;Stew-
ards of the Christian Home anar-
vied couple's was held in the base-
ment of St. Peter's Lutheran
Church with 30 in attendance.
Devotions were in charge at MIs•.
and Mrs. Russell ,Sholdice, Mr.
and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe .and Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Scherbartit, A
filth strip was shown on "Jungle
River Parish" on British Guiana.
The business -period was in
charge of President .Wilfred Ah-
rens, Mrs. Ford Dickison gave
the secretary's report and Ren-
ben Bu•uak, the treasurer's re-
port. The following officers were
elected ler 1959: lit'. and Mrs. R.
I-Iinz, President; Mr. aed:Mrs. E.
Elligsen, Vice President; Mr. and
Mrs. M. Beuerntann, Secretary;
Mir. and Mrs. G, Jarntuth, 'Teas.;
Mrs. E. J. Fischer, pianist, assist-
ant Mrs. R, Sholdice; Visiting
Committee, Mir. and Mee, 1.larolil
Elligsen, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd
Praetor; Recreation for socials,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt,
MIr. and Mirs. Glenn Mogk, Mr.
anal 'Mirs. Mervin Hodgert, Lunch
Committee for socials, Mr. and
M[is. Lavern Wolfe, MIr, and elrs.
R, Brack; Membership and Tele-
phone :Committee. Mir, and Mrs,
Rohl, Beuerman;, MIr, and Mirs.
L. Rose, lir, and Mrs, W. Hoegy;
Auditors: lith, and 'Mrs, It. Sitol-
diee, It was decided to liave.a 98
a ccupile membership fee and a
freewill affering at the meetings
sharing 1959, •Mas. W. Ahrens re-
ported the grottp picture° was
framed and ready to be hung in
the canard" basement. Lunch was
served be the same eomnliOtee ae