The Seaforth News, 1959-01-29, Page 8r r SIX 816 SPE IAL VALUES ' IN STEWART BROS. .MEN'S DEPT. 28 PAIR ONLY BO'S DRESS PANTS Vldues to 5.95 These me odds 'and curls accumulated over the last couple of years, in heavier weight •plain shades, glen. cheeks and assorted patterns In boys pante. They're prob•• ably not good enough for dress Wear, but they'd be excellent• for school at this crazy price. Sizes 6 to 14 years only Td CLEAR AT 1.95 Regular to. 2.95 COLORED & STRIPES BOYS DRESSSHIRTS. Freres 'a group of stripe patterns and Blain shade shirt that sold up to 295, -- We've got to get rid of thein:. so this ridiculous. price. 6 to 14 years. All with rased collars 1'O f,'L9JI1 1 AT 95c 18ONLY Valued to 13;95 Boys Suburban Coats This is the last of our stock of boys suburban and clicker coats. One rank only in size 6 to 16, but iuoiltly: one 'of a kind that sold up to 13.95. "Out they go" TO CLEAR AT 8.95 FIRST QUALITY Values to 6,95 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS A11 this season's sport shirts that sold. at 4.96, 5.95 and 6,95, grouped on one table at this big. -clearing price. Sizes Small, Med. kind Large only, (no ovbrsize) in a wide choice of new patterns TO CLEAR AT 26 ONLY • • Values: to 24.50 Men's Suburban Cows Tneso suburbans are In grey, , black and fawn, the last of this year's stook that sold at up to 24.50, — Now's your chance to pielt up the sub- urban 'you've wanted at the. lowest price in- years. Size 86 to 46 TO CLEAR AT 3.98. 1 STEW CLEARING. WID7+7R BRIMMED FELT HATS VALUES to 8,95 The narrow brims have taken over, -so out go all the ac- cumulation of widen brimmed lints in the store. — You meta who like wide fiats better get in tore 'quickly. These aro a season or •two old but they 'make great work hats. 43 only. 6% to 7% • TO G"LEAR AT S. WINTHROP • • `• McKILLOP;, The WIaI'S and W, A. of Cavan, The funeral of• David Oraw- Winthrop, will meet on Wednes- ford. 89, of Brussels,' took place clay, Feb. 4. Circle 3 .Will- have on Tuesday at Brussels Genie - charge of the program and Cir- tery. Mr. Ca•a4vford farmed in Me - ole 2 the lunch. Roll call will be I.011op before retiring several the payment of Mees and a short years ago to Brussels: 'He is' sur,, sentence prayer. vived by his 'Wife, .the forme;• ww.,monnm"'n„e o'n,m nnnnnumouuuminnnnuuuuaa nuuauaam"mnunnunuunmE "LIKE NEW" FRESHNESS. FOR YOUR APPAREL Everyone in the family will love our wonderful way with clothes! We clean every garment splc 'n' span ...as crisp and fresh as the winter snow. All your winter clothing look their best when we go to work on them! Try us, and you'll see ! FLANNERY CLEANERS PHONE 87 SEAFORTH Annig Haa,d3', cubo its at, presgnt ,the; d3aeker nursing home; sons,. Alvin, Listowel; Ray, Mor- ris imp.; .daughters, Mrs. Clayton Day -Maga, Wiarton; Mrs: ,Olaa'a Parte, Vancouver. • Mr.. :Crawford Was -i born in Mc: Kiliop. He lived for some years do DrLtdsh Columbia, litter re- turning- oto_ farm in McElillop. He -vas twice married. The Dellbearers Were Gordon 'Workman, Glen James, Glen Smith, Thos, Miller, Alvin . Sti- more, Elmer Dennis. • BLAKE S7r. 'Hughie IbbcBri'cle of London, 'silent the weekend' with his par- ents,'PIr, and Mrs. Roy McBride. FIe also visited Mr. H. Finlay and tamidy. Ricky Mustard celebrated: his 10th birthday on Friday. The Blake Public .School, held a skating p'at'ty in the Zurich Arena on Friday afternoon. Mr. Harold Finlay and famnLly attended the -funeral on !Thurs. day, of the late ,airs, Bert Giib-' bings, of Clinton. Mr. Archie Musterd of Sarnia, spent 'the weekend with •his wife and family. lOire. Mary Hey, .spent the past Traditionally, newly elected members of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario make their bow to Mr. Speaker on the day following the official opening. Ceremonies this year at Queen's Park are highlighted by the introduction of six new members, all supporters of the Frost Government and all on the sunny side of 50 years of age. Actually, the average age of the group is 40 years. Pictured above are: (top row, L. to R.) Rene Brunele, Cochrane North; Lloyd H. Price, Hastings East; Charles S. MacNaughton, Huron; (bottom row) George E, Gomme, Lanark; Maurice Hamilton, Renfrew North and Allah I', Lawrenet,Toronto, 'St: 'George. ' " ` " week in Clinton. tlirtl Mrs. IlarrY Wea9bi'oole aC ,oderioh, spent Sunday with a/i`. Gusha. Bohn, Air. awl Alis, Melvin Zak 'e Kitchener spent .the weekend witih Mr. and Mrs, Mood= Deb and family and :Mr, and Ms's. Aaron •F4rb. STANLEY .Mr. and Airs. M. Bennett' and daughter of •G•olteyddli agent Sun day with ITh', and Mrs, , Harold Penhale. Air, and ilIrs. Memos euros Penhale of 13oyfielgl spent •Sunday witlr iSr, and Mrs. (EfMcCuileugk, Miss Diane 'Walser,' spent the weekend with Air, and Mrs. T. Penhale, HENSALL Miss Minnie Reid of `Londe& was in ,town. on Saturday -et tending the funei+al of her cogs in Mr. •Rolient MOD,ougall. Mr. and Kra. Robt. TaThotand fsan4y. of ,Bayflelii were decent visitors with Mrs. .Talbot's, ,,par, cults, IMr, and -ibirs. Norval: Reid -,Mus. Tetreau returned to' gun, ioh on ISatuirday after spending the past week with ,Mz atia1 Mrs. Matt England. Mr,' and Mrs. Ant Traquak" and babe of Woodstock visit it rant Week with thelatters parents igr, ` arscl -isle, 120 Noavninton, • !Mrs. Margaret Vats* of Britec 'fieOd visited last week witfii leer sister, iMrs. Louis Simpson, Mr. and,MWan. plass enter - rained two tables at their home on ,IViondety evening in a series of Mat•'athoo euc ryes sponsored 'by members of Amber Rebekah 'Lodge. Mrs. Alcta Sdunm,ont .spent -Fri- day with, her, aunt, digs, Hannah Ta0'dor in Exeter, who celebrat- ed her 96ith birthday. Mrs. Harry Jioy was hostess for the ,Tanualry meeting -of • the Arnold•Cintele of Carmel Presby- terian' Church.. The worship was Prepared and conducted • Thy Mrs, Orr and Mss, iSkea. Mrs. Seduwalan read the scripture. A very :isiter 1 eting study ;p•n the Indian Mrs stens in Canada was given by •3 k' . Skee, Mfrs. ,Orap ' ami Mas, Beaton. A life membership was presented •to.Mrs. Beaton by Mrs. Orr.amd a Junior certificate was giyel.. tg- Mrs. -Schwalm for ares- entaition to omission band mem- ber. Tdie 1958 .reports ,were adopt- ed as a'eaii. The . nie ivbere are pleased to learn they'were $70 a-' liove.the pledge given. Mr$:, H. Fink and Mrs. Orr reported +ori the ,Presbyterial held kn.'Clinton, Jan..1+3t1h. Seven visits were re- corded. The 'meeting closed with theLo16l's Prayer. Dessert lunch was served by Mrs. Wilson 'amid MTs..Gerald Bell, FEDERATION 'NEWS' _ By 0. Hemingway . Once snore I would remind all cattle ,oweers• to look up the ad- vertisement in their 'weekly pap- er to find the date of iths bruoel= losis ivlforrnatrion .meeting closest' to them..A representative of the Federat(onwill be calling on you to get your .decision. These are busy men and they are not paid for ;this work. This canvass will be mulch easier :for theta and you will be abetter satisfied if nu get the information at these meeting's that are being arranged fry the Dept. of , Qgrioulituo-e for your benefit. Huron County Co,Operaitive Medical 'Services head their dry nual meeting in the Council Chambers, Clinton, Jan. 22nd. Due to the bear bad weather this meeting was not as well attended as it should have been. In ab- sence of both the President and Vice President, • Fordyce Clark was elected chairman for the meeting. Mr. Paul Meehan, Toronto„ Dir. eebor• of Rural Enrolments, was guest speaker. He pointed out the need far fatmdlies to protect themselves against . sickness ex- pense, In cities about 98% of the tamales are protected; by Gov- ernment hospitalization since so many come under compulsory en - raiment. IIowever olaaty farm families Fadi to take advantage of this.pro- itection. Money is not plentiful on the Earn but, since the Govern- ment expects -to pay two thirds: USBORNE & HIBSERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY The Annual Meeting of the, Us - borne & Hibbert Mutual Fire In- surance Company will be held at Farquhar Hall, Farquhar, on Mon- day, February 2nd, 1959, at 2 pm, for the purpose of receiving 'the reports of the Directors And Audi- tors for the past year, for the election of- two Directors for; 'a three-year terns, election of Audi- tors, and any other business that may be in the interests of the Company, The Directors whose term of office expires are )2. ,Clayton Colquhoun. and Alex J. Rohde, both of whim are eligible, for re- election. Ir. 1D Clayton Colquhoun, Pres, I Arthur Fraser; Sec;Treas. SALES LADY WANTED . We will have openings for one or nioi'e sales ladles in the near future. Please apply in person to Mr, 1-1. Stewart STEWART BROS. Auction Sale Of. Farm and Farm Stock, Ai lot 10, Coli. 13, Mcliillop -Twp„ on Wednesday; Feb. 4th at 1 ,P.M, 2r/a miles south and 2r/a east of Walton; or 8 utiles north of Sea. forth and ,2% east. Cattle -- 21 registered fully accredited A.yr- shire cows fresh and springing. 2r'•white faced feeder cattle, heifkrs springing. 8 calves, Good registered Ayrshire lrer'd sire Hal- ing 2'.,years tld. Pigs -47 chunks about 80 1bzt Electric roller and: 2: HP, motor T arm -50 acre Tarin, part ' lot 1.1., and 12 :McKillop twp. '20 acres .`(workable land,' remainder buslr:'land terms chattels cash. Property 10% detun, :balance 30 days Pa opt," Glen Mct9ldhgl, Aust 'Harold- Jackeen, fClerk,. E', P; oheneY ALiction ,Salt 01 .Dairy Cattle at Lot 5, t egn 3 Stanley Twp, 11/4 miles north and 1'14 wast of Kipper on Tues- day, P,eb IR,' at. 1, p n'i •. 35 •IIol.' stein heifers raiiging' from' 2 to years old. A number fresh with calves at foot, remainder due in Feb. and'lVlarch, A11 vaccinated, Sale Will. be held under cover.' Terms cash. Prop. Alex Mo. Beath, .Auct,,. Harold Jackson • FOR SALE, Ten chunks, `average around 50 labs. each; Ed IJorrauce R.R. 2, iSeaforth,, pdsono.861,r 2- . FOR SALE 24'good pigs -eight week0r'01d. Jahn :Willems, •673 a 14, )Seaforth, R. 4. - ' BORN Doig=At Scott Memorial Hos pital 'on •Jan." 23, to Mr• and• Mrs. Kenneth Doig;«Seaforth, a son Godkdn At• Scott Memorial Hospital; ori Jan. 22, to. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Godkin, Walton R 2, a .daughter. Groothuis —At Scott Memorial Hospital on San. 26, to Mr., and Mrs, Gerald Groothuis, S@,aforth, S daughtkr. Storey - 'At"'Scott Memorial Hospital onTan. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Storey, Dublin RBI, a daughter ' +- Trapnell=At Scott Memorial Hospital -on Jan.. 27, to Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Trapnell, Seaforth, -a son . Consitt—l%ay,•;awl Marg wish to announce the -arrival of their daughter, Deborah Marie,' Tan. 23, 1959, at Clinton :Public Hospital ' Evans - In Wellesley Hospital, Toronto; to Marguerite and -Ron- ald I]Vans, a daughter, a sister for Craig, Pamela and Laurie Lynn, ..on Sunday, Jan. 25, 1959. - Roy—Mr.-and Mrs. Neil A. Roy (Frances Lane) wish to announce 'the birth of a. son Randall"Pran- cis, at St. Joseph's Hospital, To- ronto, Jan. 6, 1969. A brother for Kevin and Robbie of the cost of hospitalization in Ontario, these farriers should re- alize that they wild pay two- thirds' u;d the coat dqr nothing it they, MAI to pay the other one third. ' BERT PEPPER 'AUCTIONEER Reserve your Sale Date now RR 3 Seaforth, Ont. Phone Clinton I3;U 2-7534 RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guarantee, radio repairs to all kinds of radios, a• TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Oppo.iG Dick House, phone 8478, Seaforth WANTED Old horses wanted at 8the lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Phone collect 1488.74 or 148071 (Goderich) JACK THOMPSON'S Footwear :Service, Seaforth. Shoes repaired. Mens & Boys & 'children's footwear, It is our busi- ness to give comfort and save you money NOTICE Viking Cream Separator. Sales and ,Service for new and used Wining Sepaa:ator. John ;I3yerman, `Hast William 'St., SeaIorth, Ont, Plione 566*w CARD OF THANKS , Mr.''aiut Mrs. Alex Dennis wle11 to ,thank most sincerely hoiends And neighbors foa' their many acts 'af kindness and sympathy awning our recent bereavement. It was all deegly appreciated. CARD OF TI- ANKS" 4 very sincere thairkywu to soluool bus urates on Bus 18. Your kindness and sympathy at the time of OUT sudden bereave- ment was deeply appreciated. --(Hamilton, Fancily. CARD,' OF THANKS • rum. T. Mc]Vlichael and Evelyn,. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meffilchael and ;Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dale wish to thank their friends for the many acts of kindness and messages •Q!L sympathy re- ceived during tifedr recent ber- eavement ,00.-mIN.G EVENT, A series of prenatal classes wi begin .Tuesday,. •February 3rdat 2 pm. in the Health 'Chit office, 2n(1 Sooi,.Scott'•Mentorial Hospi- tal: These will be held at weekly intervals' for nine weeks. Those interested are invited to attend on. the above, date or phone' the Public Health nurse at 295 W be- tween 8,p.m. and 8 p.m. .COMING EVENT The annual meeting of The Childi'en's'Aid Society of Huron .County •will* be held at Coin't House, ' Goderich, Ontario, on Wednesday, February. 11, at 2.30 p.n1. Public cprclially invited FOR SALE A /good strong bunch ofiY York chunks for winter. A. R. Dodds, phone 861 y 14. . FOR SALE 21 good , York pigs weaning 'Age. AioplyIi,, P,erilta]e, 7alyfielst TO RENT 2 'bedroom apartment, , heated, East William et. near shoe fact- ory.' Available'Jan. 27. Robt D. Scott phone 250 'SEE The new Resuita adding mach- ine (printingr g 79.95, adds and subtracts:. Regular. Results-' at 49.95 (With a`;dd'i`ng-only at 39:95). Also the' world's finest Typewrit er; :the Voss Portable at. 3131.50. Highest trade-in a'iowance. Sa- vauges, Seaforth. "NOTIC"E Waterloo Cantle Breeding As- sociation "Where Better .Bulls - Are :Used", ;. supply antlficial breeding service -for all breeds of cattle. 1f pliondng long distance; simply' ask 'for Clinton ; Zenith 9-9650. If it is a ideal call, use our regular number Clinton 1RJ 2-3441, For service or more' sin- .formation, call between 7:30 and 10;00 a.m. Week days; 8.00 and 8:00 ,p.m. Saturday evenings. For cows noticed in heat on Sunday Morning, d0 not call until Mon, day morning. The quality is -high and the cost low. SALES AND SERVICE Viking Separators. Authorized dealer. Dublin, Seaforth and Clinton. Basil O'Rourke•s •Blacksmith & Welding Shop, Brucefeld - We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth 'Representative Manufacturers. Life Insurance - Wanir BUTTERMILK BISCUITS 4WE MAKE 'EM - YOU BAKE 'EM" Cleary's IG A Seaforth NOTICE -- TOWN OF SEAFORTH. PARKING': To facilitate snow plowing and snow re- moval operations, PARKING ON THE STREETS of this Municipality is prohibited between, the hours of..•2 a.m. and..8' a.m. Tlils order tont be str4ctly forced in accordance with the H11,iOwity Traffic' Alt, Section 43, Subsection .9. NOTICE IS F[EREBY GIVEN that the Municipality will not be, responsible forany damages .caused to. parked ;vehicles as the result of snow plowing or snowremoval operations ' • THE SII14FORTH NEWS Thursday, January 29, 1950 ROX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Flospital Bod Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician, and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.. M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W . Soator0h SEAFORTH i,;LINIO E. A. McMaster, S.A., M.D., Internist, P, L, Brady, M,D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., .daily anent Wednesday and Sunday Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday and Sat,. arday only. 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance sr • dselrable • TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC 3.0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R, BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W.G. 'DRENNAiN, D.V.NI., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN D. LOpfGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Rours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 6.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. err• by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Haws,.. Moa. 9 to 8.86: INSURANCE • File • • Auto • Accident , '• Liability. -. • Weather Complete Coverages -W. E. Southgate Phone 334 'Res. 540 The. MoKillop• Mutual Fire • Insurance Co. • HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Ofticore--President, Wm. S. Alexundert, Vice -Press R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Trga9.. Norma Jeffery,. Seaforth. Directors—J. Blyth; Malone, S'. Alexander. aanth derr.., Walton, E. J Trewarna Clinton ; 0.111. Pepper, • Breccaeld; _ C. W. Leonhatdt. Bornholm ; ' H. Fuller, Godericb ; R., Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agent. — Wm Leiner ' Si., Londesioro r + J. F. Pruetor, Brodhagen ; Sekiya Baker. Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or' transact other business; .will be promptly attended to by application to any of tk• • above • domed officers a'ddrecsed to their respective post offices... ;07. . 'blue,: coal' the solid fuel -for -Solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS ,CHAMPION.STOVVEEOIL AND, FURNACE . • DUNDA8 & LONEY Phone 5'73 or 332-31 AND FUEL - OIL WILLIAM' M. HART Office Phone 784 • Ries. 286 - NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the, Township of Tuckeromith are requested, by the council, to not park ears on township roads and streets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplowing 1 operations. • Council will not. be responsible for damages to any vehicles parked on roads. 8r streets. E. P. Chesney,Clerk, Tuekeramith Don.Brightrall CANADIAN PETROFINA LTD. Dealer and Distributor of Petroleum Products Gas, Stove and Furnace 011 Prompt Farm and Home Delivery PHONE 354, SEAFORTH, ONT. Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone ;47 VENTILATING SYSTEMS For barns and poultry houses. A side wall fan' gives economical ventilation prolonging the life of your building and improves the health of your stock. For estim- ates see Sharp's Maintenance Service, Ph. 851-5 USBORNE 8c HIBBER.T MUTUAL FIRE . INSURANCE COMPANY Head ,Office, Exeter, Ontario President E. Clayton:.Colquhoun, RR/ Science Hill Vice President Alex J, Rohde,' RR3 Mitchell Directors. Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner, RI Cromarty Milton McCurdy, RRl Kirltton Timothy B, Toohey, RR3 Lucan Agents Clayton Harris, Mitchell Harry Coates, RR1 Centralia. Stanley Hocking, Mitchell TEXACO PRODUCTS THERMO - CHIEF • BURNING OILS Walden.'& Broadfoot Phone 686w', Seaforth SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Delicious, Snow, Tatman Sweet, Greening, Spies, BEng, etc. Free delivery, in; town. .'Fred MoOly moat & Song, Varna. Phone col- lect ITU 2-8214