The Seaforth News, 1952-12-04, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 75 11 0 R 0 N aforth News COVN.TY'S ,LEADING NEWSPAPER SEAPORTH, ONTARIO; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1952 11.50 n Year. tit 1 n pray., I'ubliahcra Aulharl5vd N..•"nd Class mail, Fast U!1'icc 1s, itt.. Ottawa FiFTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF MR. AND MRS, D. BOYD • Mr. and Mrs. David Boyd, highly respected and life-long .residents of McKillop twp. quietly celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on Tuesday. They wore married at the home of her parents, the late Mr. ' and Mrs. John Dundee, by the late Rev. Mr. Tiffen. Both are active i members and regular attendants at Bethel United Church where Mr. Boyd has served as elder for several years. Mrs, Boyd is keenly interest- ed in the work of the Woman's As- sociation. They are both enjoying good health, They have one son Charles and three granddaughters. GROUP ONE HEARS TALK Christmas experiences on the mission :fields, first in Northern British Columbia on the Indian Re- serve and later in West China, were related most interestingly by Mrs. J. W. A. Stinson to the members of Group One of Northside United' Church. This meeting with 28 pre- sent was held on Tuesday evening at the h•onie of Mrs. J. J. Pollard. Christmas carols were sung and the Nativity Message read from St. Luke's Gospel by Mrs. W. Campbell. Prayer was offered by Mrs. J. Ellis The president, Mrs. Garnham, read of God's protecting care and led in prayer. The secretary's and treasur- er's reports Were read. Mrs. Close asked for assistance in Red Cross sewing of layettes. Mrs. J. Broad - foot was appointed Press Secretary,. and the Phoning Committee for 1953 will be Mrs, S. Garnhaln, Mrs. G. Kerr, Mrs. J. J. Pollard, the Misses A. and M. Ferguson and Mrs, E. H. Close. A happy time was when Christmas gift$ were exchanged. The hostess was assisted in serving lunch by Mrs. F. Roberton, Mrs. W. Campbell, and Mrs. H. Connell. Thanks to the hostess and speaker was expressed by Mrs. Ellis. The closing prayer was offered by Mrs. E. H. Close. REV. JAMES ELFORD Rev. James Elford, retired United Church minister, died in his sleep on Saturday at his home in Egmond- ville. Born 84 years ago in Dartmouth, England, s•Mr. Elford was in the ministry of the Methodist and Unit- ed Church for 60 years after com- ing to Canada in 1881. He retired in 1935. Mr. Elford resided in Uxbridge first after coming to Canada and. received part of his education there. He was married Sept. 25th, 1895 to Roselle May Williams, at Donaldson, Mich., who died in 1944. He had served in charges in --Mich- igan for thirteen years before cane ing to Ontario, where he was .minis- ter at Dawn Centre, Florence, Le- banon, Corinth, and the St. Clair Mission at Sarnia, for thirteen years and at Scugog for seven years be- fore retiring to Egmondville in 1935. Surviving are two sons, the Rev. Herbert Elford, in Saginaw, Mich.; and Glen Elford, of Sarnia; two daughters, Dr. Alva Elford, high school teacher in East Islip, New York, and Miss Florence Elford, home economics teacher in Seaforth High School; and two brothers, Henry Elford, Uxbridge, and Cyril, of Jackson, Penn. Service was held on. Monday at 2 p.m. at Egmondville United Church with interment in Egmondville Cem- etery. Rev. A. W. Gardiner conducted the service at which eighteen min- isters were present. Rev. Mr. Brooks Preached the sermon and Rev. W. J. Moores, Presbytery chairman, re- presented Huron Presbytery. The pallbearers were Albert Colby (Dun- das), Thos. Docherty, John Watson Keith Webster (Blyth), Raymond Nott, Adin Forbes. Rev. J. W. Stin- san conducted the private service at the funeral home. Among those from a distance at- tending the funeral besides the im- mediate family members, were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Elford, Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs. Orlie Elford, New- market and Mr. Albert Colby, Dun- das. SEWING CLUB MEETS The Seaforth Sewing Sisters held their fifth meeting at the ramie of MTs. Hillebrecht on Saturday after- noon, Nov, 29. Six girls were pre- sent. T•hey finished pinning on pat- terns and some cut their dresses out. Next meeting will he held on Satur- day at Betty Goudie's. Mrs. Hille- brecht served refreshments. Northside United Church Rev. John Stinson; Minister. 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., "The Second Mile". 7 p.m., "If I had not Conie". St. Thomas Anglican Rev. 'Wm, A. Jones, Rector. 10 a.m., Sunday School, 11 a.m., Holy Communion. 7 p.m„ Evening Prayer. St. Mary's Church, Dublin Sunday School at 2:30 p,m, Evening Prayer at 8 pm, Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B,A,, B.D. 10 a.m,, Sunday School. 11 a.m,, White Gift and Baptismal Service. 7 p.m., "The Father's Love". PRESBYTERIAN LADIES AID ELECTS OFFICERS Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church met Tuesday with Mrs. H, F Smith, President, presiding. The executive 'had charge of this meet ing. Miss Belle Campbell gave hex report of the new slate .of officers as follows; Hon. Pres., Mrs. William Alnent, Mrs. H. R. Scott; Pres., Mrs. H. E. Smith; 1st Vice, Mrs. W. A. Wright; 2nd Vice, Mrs, R. Aberrant( Sec., Mrs. W. E. Butt; Trees,, Mrs. John McTavish; Pianist, Mrs, M. R. Ren- nie; Press Sec., Mrs. E. Geddes; Flower Convenor, Mrs. E. A. Mc- Master; Hospital Representative, Miss Belle Campbell; Social Conven- er, Miss Jean Scott; Group Leaders, Mrs. John Cardno, Mrs. J. McGreg- or, Mrs. Reg. Kerslake, Mrs. Sid Pullman, Mrs. W. Coleman, Mrs. R. Dorrance (McKillop), Mrs. F. W. Wigg, Mrs. James Munn. Mrs. David Ritchie moved a vote of thanks of appreciation to the of firers of 1952. It was a very success- ful year, the amount of money raised during the year being slightly over $1000. $750 was voted to the Man- aging Board to go. -toward the church debt. Some gowns are being pur- chased for the choir and some new hymn slides. The president thanked all who had helped in any way during the year. Carols were sung and a program was given of Christmas music, the follow- ing taking part: Duet, Mrs, W. A. Wright and Mrs. W. E. Butt; solos, Mrs. E. A. McMaster, Mrs. Reihl and Ann Kling. Mrs. D. G. Cambell showed a film of a Christmas carol. Lunch was served by Miss Jean Scott and conunittee. • W. A. MEETS The annual meeting of the St. Thomas branch 65 the W. A. was held Tuesday afternoon. In the ab- sence of Mrs. McGavin, president, Mrs. William Jones took the chair. Opening the meeting with the scrip- ture lesson, Rev. 5-6 was read by Mrs. Wnc. Southgate, the Dec, lit- any and members' prayer in unison. Various reports were read and ac- cepted and reports given. After- wards Mr. Jones took the chair for the nominations for the coining year. Hon. Pres., Mrs. M. E. VanEgmond; Hon. Vice Pres., Miss Florence Cresswell and Miss Emily Cresswell; Mrs. Arnold Case and Mrs. R. G. Parke; Pres., Mrs. George MoGavin; 1st Vice, Mrs. Wm.. Southgate; 2nd Vice, Mrs. A. W. Moore; Sec., Miss C. B. Holmes; Treas., Miss Dorothy Parke; Dorcas Sec., Mrs. Wm. Southgate; Assistant, Mrs. A. W. Moore; Quilt Convenor, Mrs. A: W. Moore; Social Service, Mrs. Ada Reid; Living Message See., Mrs. D. Netzke; Life Members Sec., Miss C. B. Holmes; Prayer Partner Sec., Mrs. Raymond Nott; Pianist, Mrs. Charles Cunningham. Mr. Jones closed the meeting with the Benedic- tion and tea wa sserved. MRS. ETHEL BRIGHAM Mrs. Ethel Vivian Brigham, daug- hter of the late William H. Trethe- way, and the late Anna (Vivian) Tretheway, of Stratford, died Mon- day at the General and Marine Hos- pital, Owen Sound. She had •resided at 549 Eighth Street, East Owen Sound. She was born in Stratford and married Jahn Travis Hamilton, also of Stratford in 1903. Mr. Ham- ilton died in 1907. She lived in Sea - forth until 1927 when she married Edward Brigham. Her second hus- band died sortie time ago. She is sur- vived by a daughter, Miss Daisy Hamilton, Owen Sound; a cousin, Cameron. Vivian, 123 Waterloo St. south, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. S. R. White, 39. Elizabeth Street, St. Marys, also cousins. The funeral service was held on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. with inter- ment in Greenwood Cemetery, Owen Sound. The Rev. Keith McMillan, Division Street United Church, con- ducted the services. HOSPITAL AID The regular meeting of the Hos- pital Auxiliary to Scott Memorial Hospital will be held in the Nurses' Residence on Tuesday, Dec. 9th at 8:15. Every member bring a 25 cent gift for a Christmas party. Please have your tickets en the turkey draw sold as the draw is to be held at the Legion Bingo on Dec. 18. RED CROSS TO MEET The. December meeting of the Red Cross will be held Faiday afternoon, Dec. 5th. Materials will .be ready to give to -those who are willing :to sew or knit, A special order of lay- ettes is urgently needed. Executive meeting at three o'clock. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION The December meeting of the Seaforth District Ministerial Associ- ation will meet in the United Church manse it Varna on Tuesday, De- cember 9 at 10 o'clock. Rev. John Stinson of Seaforth will give the paper. HULLETT 'Council far 1953 will be: Reeve, William J. Dale (acclamation). Coun- cillors : Thomas Leiper, Ira J. Rap- son, William R. Jewitt, George C. Brown. The vote was as follows: 1 2 0 4 8 8 7 T Brown .., 47 48 17 100 10 42 21.888 Jewett .... 105 40 81 87 27 81 17-881 Leiner ,. 77 70 44 118 84 78 55-474 Lelahmnn .. 20 10 27 48 11 81 70w-221 Ranson .. , 71 87 82 00 90. 51 22--.901 Young •,., 21 59 11 48 22. 44 24-227 NORMAN SCOINS REEVE BY ACCLAMATION Reeve of Seaforth for 1953 will be Norman Scoins. Reeve -elect Seoins will return to the eounoil next year, having served on Seaforth town council for two years, in 1949- 50. Councillor E. I3. Close has quali- fied tofillthe vaoaney on 1953 council. The election for Mayor will be held on December 10th. Harold J a c k s o n and Norman Seoins were nominated on Monday night for reeve and E. H. Close for councillor at the nomination meet- ing to fill vacancies remaining after the meeting last week. At the close of nominations at 8.80 p,ln,, Norman Seoins stated he would stand for reeve. He felt it was the duty of all in a democracy to take an interest in civic affairs. Mr, Russell Sproat, a former member of the town council, spoke next. He thought it might be a good idea if ratepayers could be given a chance to talk at regular nomination meetings between the nominee speakers. He was sorry it was not possible to present a financial state- ment at these November nomination meetings and he was in favor of Plowing the sidewalks at least one side. Something should be done about dangerous corners he said, especially in front of the town hall. More effort should be made to get new industries in town, as employ- ment is slack. This was more Cham- ber of Commerce work, he thought. The mill rate had gone up fourteen mills last year, but was reduced slightly this year. The debenture debt of the town had increased from $77,551 in 1950 to 3107,000 in 1351 and 6872,000 in 1952. This includes everything. Mr. E. H. Close said he had stay- ed away from the meeting last week to avoid being nominated. However he had no choice but to accept. Community Centre Free OF Debt Mayor McMaster said he was gl to hear Mr. Sproat's views an thought it would be a big help council if everyone .present wou follow his good example. As f snowplowing the sidewalks, the o plow has already been fitted up f use this winter, the Mayor sal About industries, he said this wo should be done quietly, and tol that he and the reeve had been't Toronto during the year and ha made some progress, also he an Councillor Sharpe had attended special meeting at Wingham las Thursday when they got helpful in formation. He found out that on thing firms ask for is a contour neap and. Seaforth will have •one in a fe days. Pictures of the town are bein taken for a descriptive booklet. H said there is only one way of recov ening municipal debt, from the pro petty owners. A coninnttee of muni cipalities has been working en th government to get some relief, but so far no formula has been arrive at. The Mayor announced that th community centre is now free o debt and has $2300 in the bank. "Has the town taken over th community centre yet?" Mr. Tito Beattie asked. The Mayor replied that would probably take place about the firs of the year. Mr. John Bach inquired abou flooring the arena. Mayor McMaste said he had received no word of i yet. • Mayor 11'IeMaster said Seaforth' debt is levier than nearby places Exeter $652,000; Clinton $404,000 (plus High School); Listowel $569,- 000 plus. Even Brussels had a debt of $114,000 when we had $107,000. Mr. Scorns said Clinton has a sew- age system, to which Councillor Sil- lery, mayoralty candidate, replied that only a small part of the Clinton sewage cost is charged to taxes, the rest being in the water rates. He thought Seaforth's interest rate of 435 to 434 per cent was more favor- able than the rate of 5 or more per cent Clinton is paying'. He thought Main Street should be flushed with a hose to lay the dust. Increased taxes were not for council's expendi- ture, he said, pointing out that the general rate had been lowered. ad d to Id or Id or d. rk d 0 d d a t e w g e e d e f e s. t t t s Merton Reid Urges Citizens To Boost Town Mr. Merton A. Reid, former Mayor of Seaforth, made a strong plea to citizens to boost our town, instead of knocking. He told of the difficul- ties some local industries had come through successfully and one is now working overtime. Slack times had resulted in heavy inventories last summer, but he did think if the people who do a lot of the knocking would do a little pulling it would help. A business visitor had told him it was embarrassing to find the citizens of a town knocking it. Mr, Reid appealed to citizens to get some informationbefore knocking, and it would be a happier situation. The Boshart payroll had been over $378,000 in this five-year period, which had helped pay a lot of taxes. KIPPEN EAST The Kippen East W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs, William Bell en Wednesday, Dec. 10th at 2 o'clock. Roll call to be answered by a Christ- mas verse. GOLDEN WEDDING OF MR. AND MRS. H. CHARTERS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Charters, life- long residents of this district, quietly celebrated their golden wedding an- niversary on Wednesday, Mrs. Charters is the former Ida Fulton of Farquhar; and the bride- groom of 50 years ago is the son of the late Mn and Mrs, Robert Char- ters of the Mill road, Tuckersmith. Following their marriage, they first lived in a log house on the original David McLean farm, later moving to the 31511 road where they fanned un- til retiring to Seaforth about 1920. For a number of years, Mr. Char- ters was employed with the Public Utilities Commission here until an injury forced him to retire, but he still enjoys fairly good health. Mrs. Charters has not been in good health for the past few years. Their family consists of two sons and one daughter, Robert J„ Sea - forth; Mrs. Sidney (Elizabeth) Pull- man, Seaforth; and George, Wallace - burg. They also have four grand- children. PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS Well Santa's on his way, so is the Carol Service. We're really busy with practices which are usually on Tuesday for the Seniors and Thurs- day for the Juniors, but sometimes we have it more often so that we will be sure to know our songs. The Carel Service is going to be held on Dec. 12th in the United Church. Thursday night of last week we had pictures at the school and a very good crowd turned out. The pictures were about the Zoo, The Seven Ducklings and Across Canada By Air. In the Art classes the child- ren: are also making Christmas de- corations for Xmas trees Or orna- ments to hang in the windrows. Grade 3 are making, a plea for the plastic holders that tooth brushes come in. Why? Well we will tell you at Christmas. Will anyone who has one to spare, please notify one of the children or Mrs. Ellis and we will gladly pick them up. W. I. NOTES The Christmas meeting of the Seaforth Women's Institute and their families will be held on Tues- day, Dec. 9 at 8:15 p.m., at the home of Mrs. -Elmer Cameron. The roll call will be answered by bringing a gift for a child.' Each member is asked to be responsible for one num- ber on the program. Members not otherwise contacted are asked to bring a loaf of.bread in sandwiches, The successful euchre and dance on November 28, had 28 tables in play. Prife winners were ladies 1st, Mrs. Roy McGonigle; lone hands, Mrs. Jno. Sinclair; consolation, Mrs. J. Davidson. Gent's lst, Mac Wilson; lone hands, Harvey Dolmage; conso- lation, Jae. Sinclair. Lucky lunch ticket, Mrs. E. Whitehouse. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Holding the spotlight around the 'Old Square Box' the past week was Friday night's 'Annual Football' dance. With a very good attendance along with the fine rhythm of Wil- liam's Orchestra it was a good time for all who attended. With the good support of the students and their welcomed guests the profits of the dance may pay some of the High School's athletic bills. Gordon Row- land and John Laudenbach deserve a hearty thanks for the time and ef- fort they spent getting the decora- tions up, with little help from other students. In the line of music this term Mr, Smith has been struggling along try- ing to make this year's band the best yet. By what we have now compared with this time other years, it seems quite likely it will be. Another big number on the music program is to have an opera some- time around early March. The com- plete arrangements for this have not been settled. Question of the Week: Tests, are they in the book? SPORT SHORTS The Industrial League games on Monday night were full of rip- roaring excitement all the way. Clashing jn the first game were Win- throp and St. Columban with St. Columban coning out on tap 7-5. The next game, this one is for the books, Egmondville, 1Tensall and Seaforth went out to stop the speedy Merchant team but had to be satisfied with a tie 5-5. Even with their 22 men, mostly from Hen - sail Intermediates and Seaforth Jrs. the so-called. Egmondville was kept hopping all the way to get a tie. Standings: P W T L pts Merchants ., .... 4 3 1 0 7 St. Columban .,., 4 3 0 1 6 Egmondville ... , 4 1 1 2 3 Winthrop 4 0 0 4 0 Next Monday: Winthrop vs Mer- chants, Egmondville vs St. Columban BRODHAGEN Mr. Sam Dittnrer underwent an operation at Toronto. Mrs. Chas, Ahrens opened her home for a plastic demonstration last Wednesday evening, Mr. Geo. Wesenberg .of Brussels was the dem- onstrator. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Woodward and family of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Don .Stanek and family of Kit- chener, with SIn. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser. The oil heating system has been completed at the church. s11111111111111141111111111101114 iiii 111101111111111111111101 iiiii sis11110111.111040111111111s111111stssif m110111111111411 iiiii 111111111111111110 MISS AMERICA "E" 17 jewels expansion bracelet 34575 CO' PBETE SELECTION NOW PRESIDENT 21 jewels ?expansion band $59.50 ssAa- scams= 3.= WILL HOLD ANY oSeYNArrilv CANADIAN GIRL 17 jewels $49.5.. UNTIL CHRIST PARK LANE 21 jewels expansion band $'%500 SAVAUGE'S Jewellery Gifts Fine China Seaforth ?,s11nnHn1111nHs,n1111nmanImo m,11,11,11„11,n"0"0".'011111111s1111,111101111aHHn,nusnHm11„mnnn110111s1 BRUCEFiELD for the next meeting, Dec. 8th. Visitors last week with Mr, andMany friends of Mrs. Geo. Riley Mrs. B. Keyes were Miss Hazel Web- will be sorry to learn that she had ster, Lucknow, and Miss Reid, Port the misfortune to fall on Tuesday Huron. at the (tome of her son and daught- Mr. and Mrs, Harry Dineen visit- er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley, ed the farmer's parents, Mr. and where she makes her hone. She was Mrs. Wm. Dineen. taken to Clinton Hospital where an Sunday visitors with lir. and Mrs. x-ray revealed a fractured arni. Christie were Misses Pearl and An- Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale and Mr.nee Christie Lawrence, Mrs. H. Lawrence and and Mrs. Wilber Jewitt attended the Mr. Fred Lawrence, Seaforth. Federation Directors' banquet held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith i', Wm. Simpson and sons visit- Tyndall on Tuesday evening. ed Mn. Cecil Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson spent Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith and a few clays with their Son-in-law and fancily spent Sunday with Mrs. A, daughter, Mr. and lira. E. F. War- WINTHROP roti, London. WINTHROP ;Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Mrs. Verne Dale spent the weekend as Remember the Play "Abigail Goes guests of" Mn. and Mrs. Jack Dodds, Haywire" will be presented by the London• young people in the church on Thursday, Dec. 4th at 8 p.m. HENSALL An organ recital will he given in the church by a talented group from Miss Petty pickle, nurse -in -train - the Heintzman Organ Co. from Lon- don and Stratford, Friday evening, Dec. 12th. Everyone welcome. Col- lection for Organ Fund. Miss Isobel Betties, R. N., has re• turned to her duties at Peterboro. Miss Velma Hoist is in Scott Memorial Hospital where she under- went a major operation last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. El- gin Dale in Hullett. Mrs. Elton Hoist of Port Credit with Miss Vera Hoist. Mr. Don McClure has returned from the hospital. He was injured while playing with the Winthrop team in a hockey match last week when struck over the eye by the puck. CONSTANCE The Friendly Few Farm Forum met Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McDougall with a good attendance. The com- pany was divided into two groups to discuss the toric which was "Why Price Supports'. Progressive euchre was then enjoyed, winters being; high, ladies, Mrs. Geo. Mcllwain; Mens, Mr. Frank Riley; consolation, ladies, liars. James Dale; hen's, Ml', Earl Lawson. Mn and Mrs. Verne Dale invited the group to their home ing at Victoria Hospital, London, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. pickle this week. Mrs. Alex Hildebrandt, who un- derwent an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last week, return- ed to her home this week. Mrs. Glenn Weido and babe are spending a few days with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlisle. Mrs. Edna Corbett is visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mac- Gregor. ao-Gregor. McKILLOP Farni Forum No. 4 Square, Mc- Killop, met an Monday evening, De- cember 1, at the home of Mn and Mrs. Geo. Campbell with 34 present. Gordan Papple was chairman for the discussion on "Farm Price Sup- ports". Ken Stewart gave an ac- eount of the annual meeting of the Farm Forum held recently in Lend- CSboro Community hall. Progressive euchre was played with winners for most games, Mrs, Gordon McKenzie, John Henderson. Consolation, Jean Scott, George Stone. The next meeting will be held on Monday evening, Dec. 8 at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ken Stewart with James Keyes as chairman.