The Seaforth News, 1952-10-09, Page 1e
Saowdcat lir,,. , I ,r h t •r+
AuthorurdO aim*kketna, Attu' turd). I •Int
Winners of the track meet at Mr, and Mrs.. Harry Stewart are
Seaforth; District High School :on
Thursday last were;
Girls senior cihampiont Marilyn.
Bolger; runner-up, Leona Johnston.
Girls Intermediate champion, Beth
Boyd; runner-up, Margaret Achilles.
Girls Junior champion, Barbara
Boyd; runner-up, Sheila McFadden.
Boys Senior champion, Douglas
Keys; runner-up, Ken Larone,
Boys Intermediate Championship,
{tie) •Sandy !McMillan, George Love.
Boys Junior champion, Leon Mur-
ray; runner-up, Neil Broadfoot.
The Catholic Women's League
held their monthly meeting Tuesday
evening with a fair attendance. The
secretary, treasurer and correspond-
ing secretary gave favorable re-
ports. The 1st vice-president report-
ed 80 members. Three boxes of used
clothing amounting to about 200 lbs
have been sent. It was moved that .It
home baking sale be held on Satur-
clay Nov.8th in the -Dublin Pro -
holding open house ort Wednesday,
October 15, from 4 to (i in the
afternoon and 8' to 10 in the even-
ing, on the occasion of their fiftieth
wedding anniversary,
The Ladies' Aid of First Presby-
terian Church met at the church on
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. H. E.
Smith presiding. The meeting was
opened with a poem contributed by
Mrs, :McGregor. Business was dis-
cussed and treasurer reported $513
on band. Mrs. R. S. McKereher gave
a very splendid talk on Home Eco-
nomies, Alice Christie and Elizabeth
llabkirlt sang a duet "Simply Trust-
ing" accompanied, y Mrs. John
.Cardno, A social half hour followed
the close of the meeting. The execu-
tive met afterwards to complete
plans for the bazaar to be held on
Saturday, Nov. 1st,
Former head of the departmeht of
duce store, with Mrs. Clarence Ma- engineering (physics, University of
lone as convenor. Toronto, Prof. George R. Anderson
Considerable tine'was spent mak- died Thursday at Scott Memorial
ing plans for a bigger and better Hospital, Seaforth, in his 90th year.
bazaar and home belting sale held He lived at 5 Du Maurier Blvd.,
Toronto, and hacl been retired since
Prof. Anderson was born in the
Shetland Islands. He received his
earlier education .at Seaforth High
School and graduated with the de-
gree of M.A. from the Uftiversity
of Toronto. Later he took postgrad-
uate study at Harvard University.
For a time he taught in various high
schools in Ontario and was a term-
er consultant for Gypsum, Lime &
Alabastine, Canada, Ltd.
Prof. Anderson joined the depart-
ment of engineering physics, Uni-
versity of Toronto, in 1904. For
many years he was consulting en.
gineer in acoustics and lighting. He
contributed frequent articles on
building acoustics and noise redue-
annually in Dec. Tickets will again
be sold on a cedar chest and con-
tents. Also there will be a draw for
a Xmas cake and turkey. Sewing
bees in preparation for the sewing
booth will start next week.
The meeting was closed with
prayer by the president, Mrs. Leo
The October meeting of St,
Thomas W. A. was held in the parish
ball on Tuesday afternoon, Mfrs.
McGavin, president, opened the
meeting. Treasurer's, social service
and Dorcas reports were given and
accepted, Mrs. MeGavin read a
short description of the new study
book "Thine is the Glory" The
quilts were finished for the Ma -I do otocaechnial l journals
andw 000ther
hawk bale and will :be sent shortly, p
The 1953 church calendars will be Acoustical Society of America and
ordered. Quilting will be done ata member of the Illuminating En -
the next meeting for tihe November einem Society and the Madawaska
bazaar. Mas. McGavin closed the Club. He leaves his wife, Margaret
meeting with the •benediction. Wilson Anderson, daughter of the
(late D. D. Wilson, of Seaforth, to
MRS. ALBERT SFARLING j whom he was married on Sep -
Mrs. Albert Sperling, '79, lifelong tetnber 3rd 1901. Funeral services
resident of McKillop twp„ died were held from the G. A. Whitney
suddenly in Scott Memorial Hospit- Funeral Home, Goderich St., West,
al. Her husband died in 1945. Be- Rev. Glen Campbell officiating, In -
fore her marriage she was Miss Ca- tei'ment in Maitlandbank Cemetery.
therine Beattie. She was one of the SEAFORTH W. I.
oldest members of the Presbyterian ! The regular meeting of the Sea -
Church. Surviving are one brother,
William Beattie and one sister; Lou- forth W. I. will be held on Tuesday
isa, both of McKillop. Funeral ser- evening, Oct. 14th, at 8:15 p.m., at
vice VMS held on Tuesday at the the Cmmunity Centre. Kippen
Whitney funeral home :by the Rev.' East, Elimville and Seaforbh Junior
II. E. Livingstone, and interment in Institutes will be our guests. Roll
.. Maitlandbank Cemetery. call, "Why I like to be an Institute
The pallbearers were Sam and Member". Guest speaker, will be
Bill Storey, Arthur Anderson, Frank Rev. D. Glenn •Campbell. Any mem-
Hunt, San McClure, and Harry Pa- bers having Institute lunch cloths in
lin. 1 their possession are asked to bring
•them to the meeting.
Mrs. Elizabeth Cronin wishes to
announce the engagement of her
only daughter Elizabeth Mae to Mr.
John Joseph O'Rourke, Dublin, son
of Thomas O'Rourke and the late
Mrs. O'Rourke. The marriage will
take place on Saturday, Oct. 25th
at 10 o'clock in St. Patrick's
Church, Dublin.
The Seaforth Ministerial Associa-
tion will meet in the vestry of First
Presbyterian Church on Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock.
Northside W. A. that at the
church on Tuesday evening. It was
decided to have a fowl supper on
Nov. lath.
Northside United Church
Rev, J. W. Stinson, Minister..
10 a.m., Sunday School and adult
Bible 'Class. 11 a.m., "Thanksgiv-
ing", Baptismal Service. 7 p.m.,
"The Challenge of the Church for
Today". Illustrated.
St. Thomas Anglican
Rev, W. A, Jones, Rector:
10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m.,
Morning Prayer; 7 p.m., Evening
St. Mary's, Dublin
Sunday School at 2:30 p.n.; Holy
Communion at 3 pan.
First Presbyterian 'Church.
10 am., Bible Class and Sunday
School. 11 a.m.,, Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper, Junior Congrega-
tion, 7 p.m., "The Saving of the
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D,
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m,, "Gratitude to The Al-
The Salvation Army
Sunday 2:30 pan., Sunday School
and Directory Class. 7:30,
Thanksgiving and harvest Festival
:Service, Special Speakers: Col. R
11/Prs4 A, Keith (DivasionaV'Ca nm.and-
er), Major and Mrs, D. S3arp (Diva
•sional Y. P. Secretary).
Tuesday 8 p.m., Interdienomina-
tional Prayer Fellowship.
Wednesday 4 porn., Hobby -Craft
for School -Age Children.
"God is greater than your great-
est need".
Mr. William Hoegy of Centre St.
in town showed The News six jum-
bo potatoes which more than filled
the basket they were in. These po-
tatoes are Colorado Beauties var-
iety and two of the largest were
about 20 inches in circumference.
Who can beat this?
The Hospital Auxiliary to Scott
Memorial Hospital will hold its re-
gular meeting an Tuesday, Oct. 14
at 8:15 p.m. at the Nurses' Resi-
dence. All members are asked to be
present and new members are wel-
Seaforth Women's Institute will
again be sponsoring a series of eu-
chres and dances this Fall and Win-
ter, the first of which will be on
Friday, Nov. 7th and the next on
Nov. 28th at the Community Centre
The engagement is announced' of
Dorothy Agnes, daughter of Mrs.
Loretta Jordan, Dublin, and the late
'Mr. John Jordan, to Mr. James John
Delaney, son of Mr. James Delaney
of' Dublin, and the late Mrs. De-
laney, The marriagewilltake place
Oct. 18 at 10 o'clock in St. Patrick's
Church, Dublin.
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph -Smith, R. R.
1, Walton, announce the engagement
of their eldest daughter Kathleen
Sybilla to Mr, Ervin Herbert Swint,
only son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Swint, R. R. 2, Milverton. The wed -
,ding to take place in St. Peter's
Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, Octo-
ber 25th.
:Cavan Churelt will hold anniver
sary services on Sunday, Oct, 19 in-
stead of the 26th as previously
planned, when Rev. Scott will be
guest speaker. Full particulars next
'Helping Band Mission Band of
Cavan Church will bold their thank -
offering meeting on Saturday, Oet.
11, when a social time will be held
after the meeting,
Mr. and Mrs, Glen 'Haase visited
with Mrs. Alex Murray and Charlie
in Walton on Sunday.
First Church Men's Club will re-
sume their monthly supper meet-
ings, each second Tuesday, coin-
tnencing 14 October, The first
meeting will- feature Mr, Thomas
Pryde MLA, as guest speaker and
Walker Hart will entertain with
Plans are being made for the Club
to sponsor a Laymen's Service at
the morning service in the Church
on Sunday 19 October. This service
will •bo the prelude to a financial
campaign for the purpose of col-
lecting sufficient funds to apply on
church renovations. Arrangements 'by her father the bride was lovely
are also being finalized for the pre- in it floor -length gown of white ny-
sentation of the Earle Terry Sing- lon net over slipper satin, with lit-
ers of London, Ontario, at a con- ted bodice of - chantilly lace, nylon
cert to be held in the Church Audi-
torium\ :on Thursday evening 30
October. The singers have gained,
international recognition and have
been featured on a 0,B'C, Coast to
Coast network series and on N.B.C,
television. The Club feel that the er of the groom was maid of honor
people of this community are for- wearing a floor -length lavender
tenete in having this opportunity to
see and hear this unique group
Autumn flowers formed the set-
ting at the home of NIr, and Mrs.
Charles McGavin, Walton, on Sat-
tirda ', Oct. 4th at 2 p,m for the
wedding of their daughter Frances
Elizabeth, to Ph Brett James Storey,
son' of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, J, Storey,
Seaforth, Rev. Meurig Thomas of
Walton United Church officiated at
the double -ring ceremony, Mrs. Alex
Dennis, Walton, played the wedding
music and also accompanied the
soloist, Miss Mary Lou :McFarlane,
Brussels, who sang "I'll Walk Be.
side You" before the ceremony and
"0 Perfect Love" during the signing
of the register. Given in marriage
yoke trimmed with seed pearls and
lily point sleeves, her finger-tip veil
fell gracefully from a beaded head-
piece. She carried a bouquet of red
roses, white chrysanthemums and
silvered ivy, Miss Elsie' Storey; sist-
gown of nylon net over taffeta with
fitted bodice attd bolero of brocaded
satin. She wore a matching head -
HIGH SCHOOL NEWS piece and carried a nosegay of yel-
At the dance Friday night therelow baby mums. Miss Margaret Ste -
was a large attendance and all had vens, Walton, was bridesmaid wear -
a good -time. When it came 'to the ing a floor -length yellow gown of
time for initiation there was lots of , nylon net over taffeta with fitted
fun, walking the ramp, eating cold bodice and cape of brocaded satin
macaroni, drinking pop out of a trip -1 trimmed with net edging, she wore
pie and proposing. In charge of the a matching head -piece and carried a
dance was Doug. Stewart, Sandy !nosegay of lavender baby mums.
McMillan, Jim Flannigan And Ken The hest man was Mr. Merton Keyes
Larone, while Bob Scott organized of Seaforth.
the lunch. Fallowing the ceremony a recep-
Seaforth stopped Goderich Col- tion was held at the home, the
legiate 7-5 in the opening football ; bride's mother worle an afternoon
game in Seaforth on Monday, Oct, ; dress of royal blue crepe and a cor-
d. The game was under the control sage of pipit carnations. The groom's
of .Seaforbh all the way except when mother wore an afternoon dark blue
the defensive stands slackened. Dur-' crepe dress and a corsage of laved-
ing the first quarter Seaforth had der baby mums. Serving were Marie
a slight edge but Goderich held them Storey, Muriel Schade, Joan Ryan
off. It was early in the second guar-' and Joan Wheatley assisted by Mrs.
ter when Seaforth made a seventy- }.Alex Armstrong, •Mrs. Norman
yard drive to take the ball across Schade, Ws, Ross Driscoll, and Mrs,
Goderich's line. It was the final Boyd Driscoll.
plunge of Harry Jacobi and McMil- I For her wedding trip to Niagara
Ian's convert who put Seater% Falls and the United States, the
ahead 6-0. The score stayed at this bride wore a grey worsted suit with
until half way through the third green accessories and a corsage of
quarter when the Goderich quarter red roses. On their return the
gave a long pass, behind Seaforth's couple will reside on the bride-
toueh line to Perry. At the three grooms farm in McKillop.
minute mark of the final quarter, i Guests were present from Detroit,
Rockwell kicked a long boot past • Lansing, Mich., Toronto, Blyth,
the Goderich line and Sills made Brussels, Seaforth and Walton.
the tackle for the final point of the FUNERAL OF MRS. SPROAT
Officers elected for the boys ath- . Seaforth and .Tuckersmith lost one for the marriage of Margaret Jean.
tette association Wednesday morn- of its oldest residents, Mrs. James nette Jordan, daughter of Mrs. Lor-
ing were: President, Douglas Keys; Sproat, in her 93rd year. She etta Jordan, Dublin, and he late
Sec.-Treas., Mervin Eyre. passed away in Scott Memorial Hos- John Jordan, and John Joseph Cost -
Question of the Week: What do pital on Wednesday, Oct. 8th, the elle, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
you think of young gentleman who last remaining member of her fam- Costello, West-- Moncton, Rev. Dr.
asks a young lady to -marry him in ily, also of her husband's family, Ffoulkes, parish ptfiest, performed
front of a dance audience? Born in Caledon, Ont., the daughter the ceremony and sang the Nuptial
of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob McGee of Mass. Mrs, Lane presided at the
LEGION AUXILIARY Egmondville, she came to Tucker- organ while Fergus Costello, broth-
The regular meeting of the Wo- smith with her parents some eighty- er of the .bridegroom, sang "On
inen's Auxiliary Canadian Legion seven years ago and settled on the This Day, 0 Beautiful Mother as
156 was held in the Legion Hall, on farm now owned by Mr. William, the bride entered the church on the
Wednesday, Oct. 1, 30 members pre- Cameron, later moving to Egmond arm of her brother John Jordan of.
sent. The Mystery Box which netted ville where she was married to . Kitchener. The bride wore an ankle
$2.80 was won by Mrs. Gordon James Sproat of Tuckersmith some :length dress of white nylon over
Scott. The auxiliary officially adopt- 75 years ago. She had a very active ,white satin and carried a bouquet
ed veteran Mr. Witt, age 76, at early life raising six children and, of red roses. • Her shoulder -length
Westminster 'Hospital, and plans plenty of men from the brickyard to veil of enbroidered illusion fell
were made to deliver magazines, to- home; also active in the work of Eg- from a fitted pearl trimmed satin
bacco and candy for Mr. Witt in the mondville Church where she and cap. Miss Dorothy Jordan, Iiitchen-
near Intuit. The donation box for Mr. Sproat were members for years, er, sister of the bride, was brides -
this purpose already yielded $2.75. later of Presbyterian Church, Sea- maid, wearing a navy nylon over
Due to the continual absence of the forth. She was very musical and satin, ankle -length dress and yea
treasurer, Comrade Boussey was loved to play the organ and piano 1 low fe ether hat. Site carried yel-
elected as treasurer for the remain- and was known for her Irish wit, low and bronze mums, The winsome
der of the year. Books of raffle She and her husband retired from flower girls were Donna ;41elvor,
tickets for the draw on the Ken- the farm to Egmondville in their Kinkora, and Barbara Losinky. De -
wood. blain et, Trilite and fishing early fifties and spent a great num- trait, nieces of the bridegroom
rod were distributed to the various her of years of retired life, Her hue- I dressed alike in long pink net of er
members. The raffle is to take place band passed away in 1987. Later satin, with matching. headdress:
in December. After the business conte eight years ago she came to They carried nosegay's of baby
meeting a delicious luncb was et'. Seaforth to live with her niece, Par- mums The groomsman was Jl11
ed by the social committee. bara Sykes, who gave her every; Costello, brother of the bridegronn,
care in her remaining years. She and the ushers were heeneth an.,
leaves to mourn a loving mother. Leo Castile, also hretlie,e tic
William, Tuekersmith; Russell, Sea- bridegroom. Miss hlarte ('oeteno,
forth; :lad:, North Pay: two church- the groom's sister, sang"Ave Mar -
tors, Mrs. 'Margaret Morrow, Sea- ia" at the offertory, and '"Mother
forth; and Mrs. Bert Horton of .Cal- at Your Feet We're Kneeli.ig" dur-
gary. One son Ross passed away four ing the signing of the register.
,rears ago, The funeral took place on A dinner and reception followed
Friday Oct. 3rd from the Box Fun- the ceremony at the "Old Home-
eral Home to Maitlandbank Ceme- •toad" Shakespeare, it'ltich sae at- HRS. Tendo ,tri..; apps ar el c tr here
tery. The pallbearers: 'Hugh Sproat, tended by forty guests. The bride's
Mark Sproat, Gordon Dick, Harry mother received the guests wearing in this palter.
Chesney, RoyllcGeoch, Harry Col- a black faille dress with black vel- Accounts passed included: .loads,
best. Flowerbearers; W. J. Finrti- vet accessories and wore •i corsage $.5850.2.2: Salaries and allowances,
ran, Mel Clarke, Wallace Ross, Rus- of white roses. She as sassisted in $975,00: Postage and Excise, a:ate:
sell Hays. Mr. Jas. Scott rendered receiving by the bridegroom's Fox bounty, '+2.00; Drains, :1006:
a beautiful solo "Beyond the Sun- mother wearing a navy crepe dress d0; Grants, $163.50: Fire Prot.,
set.' Friends from a distance attend- with black accessories and corsage $100.00; Law vests, $6,11.3: Hospital-
ing the funeral; Stratford, Mitchell, of white roses. The couple left on ization, 564.00: Supplies, $15,27;
Detroit, North Bay, Galt, Goderich, a motor trip to Midland and the
Dungannon. United States. For travelling the
bride wore a navy taffeta dress and
yellow and mauve crecked coat with
broom accessories. On their return NORTH MCKILLOf'
they will reside at West Moncton.
Guests were present from Detroit,
Windsor, Hamilton, Leamington,
Kitchener, Dublin and Kinkora.
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The alters of St. Patrick's IN TUCKERSMiTH
Church, Dublin, were decorated
with gladioli, chrysanthemums and Tuckersmith Municipal Council
other autumn flowers on Saturdat met in the Town Hall, Seaforth, at
morning, Sept. 27th at 9:30 o'clock 8 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 6th, 1952.
All members were present and the
reeve presided.
Council acknowledged receipt of a
petition from certain ratepayers in
the hamlet of Egmondville request-
ing the council to establish and
maintain a central water supply
system or waterworks for the area.
The clerk was instructed to investi-
gate the same and advise council as
to whether the petition is sufficient-
ly signed before any action is taken
on the same.
Council acknowledged the re-
turn of the Assessment Roll for
1953 from the assessor. This roll
Showed a net increase .of 411,000
over the 1952 Assessment Roll. The
assessor, Mr. W. P. Roberts, was
paid salary of $800 and arrange-
ments will be made with the County
Assessor for a suitable date for
Court of Revision which will be duly
The town of Clinton was paid
$100 re Rowcliffe Fire and 8)1.90
Division Court Fees.
The clerk was authorized to sign
an agreement in triplicate with the
Department of Finance, (?tt.,Wa, re
a grant to the twp t i ntl en ate
for loss of taxes at t1h. Clinton Ra-
dio School. Tux act -tont dill
amount. to approt ieau ear x 123.
Henry Cooper, who hacl farmed in
Mullett trap. until retiring three
years ago, and going to Clinton to
live, died there Sunday at tate home
of his daughter, Mrs. John McElroy,
in. his 96th year. Mr. Cooper had
been ill for about two months.
Me was the oldest member of St,
Thomas Anglican Church here. His
wife, the former Elizabeth Carter,
died several years ago. Two sons
and a daughter predeceased him.
Funeral services wero conducted
Wednesday, 2, by the Rev W.
A. Jones, Seaforth, and the Rev. R.
Ni. P. Bulteel, (Clinton, interment in
Maitlandbank Cemetery.
The pallbearers were: Scott Haw-
thorne, James Carter, Frank Fow-
ler, Bert Irwin, Berth: Gibbings and
Mr. McGee. Flowerbearers: Robert
Irwin, Jack Carter, Lorne Carter
and Joseph Gibson.
The body of Joseph Henry Brown,
who died in Toronto General Hos-
pital on Saturday, was laid to rest
Tuesday in Maitlandbank cemetery
here, A service was held Monday
evening in Toronto, and the body
was brought to the G, A, Whitney
funeral home here, for a service at
2 p.m. Mr. Brown is survived by his
wife, the former Eleanor at, Ander-
son; one son, J. Milton Brown, Lon-
don, and a brother, John L. Brown,
At a directors meeting of the
Seaforth Athletic Association Mon-
day night, Bill O'Shea was named
coach attd John Baldwin manager
of Seaforth junior hockey team,
Grants were made to the R af,rth
(,ions Club, $29, and the Seljorth
y1. i•aitural Society. : 1_',. .•,d the
llensall Legion,
The Clerk was in teunte,i toad-
vertise for Tenders for 'n„n-111n n.:
tam. roads in tine winter of laam.aa
mal for the construction ul• 0 con.
bridge at Lots 1:1. Con, e -7
Miss Tena Baird is staying with
Mrs. A. McQueen who recently re-
turned from Clinton hospital.
We are looking forward to seeing
the pictures of Miss Margaret Mc-
Gregor's European trip, in the
Brucefield Church Saturday even-
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swan at-
tended the wedding of Mrs. Swan's
brother in Hamilton on Saturday,
Mr. and firs. Guest are building
a new home in Brucefield.
Mr, Joe McCully, Mr. and Mrs, J,
Grant, spent Saturday in Stratford
with Mr. and Mrs, Jas..McCully and
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Patterson bad
a fancily dinner at their home 011
Sunday, Oct. 5th, the occasion be-
ing the wedding anniversary of their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and
Mrs. Allan IIil1 and Mrs. Patterson's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, B. Sholdiee,
Council adjourned to meet Nov.
3rd at 2 p.m. E. P. Chesney, Clerk
Miss Margaret Holland, Toronto,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
E. Holland.
itiiss Mary Atkinson, who has re-
cently returned from a trip to
North Dakota and Winnipeg, Man.,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo-
seph Atkinson.
Miss Marie Krauskopf, London,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Krauskopf- Til-
sonburg, with Mrs, Louis
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forster spent
the weekend in London,
Rev. Dr, lt'foulkes attended the
Diocesan Eucharistic Congross at
St, Joseph on Wednesday.
Mr. Lloyd Regele of Port Alma
spent the weekend with his sister
Mrs. Harold McCallum and Mr. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. John Borne and Vil-
ma of Burks Falls spent last week
with Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Thornton
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele, and
also called on other relatives and
friends. It is twenty-five years since
Mr, Borne visited here last, and ,he
saw a great marry changes,
Richard and Murray Glanville of
Crediton, who have been holidaying
with their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Regele, and Muriel • Glan-
ville, who has been holidaying with
lir. and Mrs. Harold Metialluth, have
returned to their hone.
Miss Ann Kintner of Waterloo
spent last week with her sister Mrs.
Jos, Thornton and Mr, Thornton.