The Seaforth News, 1952-09-04, Page 7ert SPORTS COLUMN Eeotetjevadoss G It was more annoying than funny at the time, but, looking back now, we find a certain degree of hilarity marked the end. of the Olympic Games. And of all things, the laughs were pro- vided by the sombre Russians. When they were edged out on total points by United States athletes, on the standard scoring system, they promptly invented their own, and proved that they were the winners. It was so childish, so obviously in the naive Russian mould of pro- paganda, that at this distance, it's good for a chuck%. And it's aur notion that the international importance of the Olympics, as proving that any one country is physically better than another is just plain silly. Ideally, the Gaines are competi- tions among individuals; not between countries. Some countries have these individual stars at various times, some haven't. For popular consumption a newspaper scoreboard is kept. But triumph doesn't necessarily represent a national superiority over the countries which didn't do so well. This being so, we're glad the United States won the mythical title. For the difference between a Russian and an American over- all points victory is that the Soviet propaganda machine would have made this a tremendous spring -board for boasting the decadence of the "imperialistic" countries, as compared with the virility of Stalin's empire. America will merely boast its un- deniably great athletes and attach no globular political significance. to the outcome. Superiority is running, or jumping, or throwing weights proves nothing as indicating one nation is more virile, stronger, Than another. If it did, then Czeeho-Slovakia would outrank all others, for they sent to the Games the greatest athlete of all, Emil Zatopelc, the man Who scored the unbelieveable triple. We suspect that Russia went into the Games to prove what the propaganda machines would label national superiority, and they almost did it. We suspect, too, that the Soviet master -mind would not haye allowed a Muscovite team to enter unless they were considered loaded; lest the cause of collectivism be set back by defeats on athletic fields. That's the reason there developed that childish stratagem, a re -arrangement of the scoring values, to convince the folks at home that Russia really won, but was robbed by the money (barons of Wall Street. Let's forget any national significance or racial superiority that points -victory in the games might be taken to prove, Our own Canada didn't get many points in the Olympics, but we happen to think, even eo, that Canada hi a very swell country in which we prefer to live in preference to all others, even if we never score another Olympic triumph. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Cohort House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto. alvtr DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTSURO, ONTARIO To nine Canadians out of ten today the name of Ned Hanlan means very little. They know, pos- sibly, that he cut quite a figure in some sort of water sport, and that klanlan's Point -a sandbar off the Port of Toronto, densely populated in summertime by sunburn -seekers —was named after him. But that Is about all. * * * But there was a time when Ned Hanlan was a bigger athletic figure Throughout Canada than "Rocket" Richard is today in Montreal; and although we never personally saw him In action, we can well recall a time when a barroom without a large lithograph of "The Boy in Blue" on its walls was considered to be as poorly furnished as one without spittoons—we mean, of course, cuspidors—on the floor, or free lunch on the counter. * * * From time to time thq noted American author Samuel Hopkins Adams has been doing some remin- iscing regarding the State of New York, particularly in and about Ro- chester back in the 1870's and there- abouts; and in the August 23 edition of The New Yorker he has a most interesting article about one Asa T. Soule, who peddled a patent medicine called Hop Bitters with considerable success—it had an al- coholic content greater than whisky although the folks who swore by it didn't know that—and also dab- bled in sports promotion. And sports promotion in those halcyon times must have been no game for a nervous man. "There is no sport which is not contaminated and, in large measure controlled by the gambling fraternity, A square con- test of skill is hardly to be expect- ed" is the way that one Rochester editorial writer put it, and Mr. Adams'conuments that this was not much of an exaggeration. * * * What especially intrigued us in the article was the part dealing with the famous seulling 'races between Charles E. Courtney of Union Springs, New York, and Edward Hanlan of Toronto, billed as for "the championship of the world" which both men claimed, The fol- lowing quotes will give you an idea of how interesting the article will prove to anyone who likes to hear or read about sports of a bygone era. * * * "Courtney—as a youthful carpen- ter without rowing experience, had built his own boat, entered a re- gatta at Cayuga Lake, and outdis- tanced a large field of professionals. Thereafter his career was checker- ed, not to say spotted. At his best he was unbeatable; at all times unreliable. Once, just before a race, 801ne miscreant is supposed t0 have poisoned his iced,tea, surely an un- usual beverage for an athlete to In- dulge in at such . moment. Another time, a submerged wire wrecked him in olid -course without leaving any mark on his shell Notwithstanding, he was the idol of his countrymen." * * "Haitian, six years younger, was . simply and solely a first class work- man at his calling'; With his clum- sy, humpy and dogged stroke, so different from Courtney's smooth style, he had vanquished opponent after opponent on both sides of the Atlantic . Ilis one meeting with Courtney had resulted in vic- tory, iatory, but the beaten man's backers emphatically considered the test un- satisfactory and inconclusive, com- plicated as it was by a near foul. Those cantankerous characters Wil- liam H. Vanderbilt and James Gor- don Bennett came forward—with an offer of a six thousand dollar purse, which was agreeable to the two oarsmen. But the financiers fell out ,over some detail—and withdrew the offer." * * * "Enter Asa T. Soule to fill the vacuum—he and his Ilop. Bitters Company would put up the stakes. I -Ie summoned the rivals and their backers to a meeting at the Brack- ett House in Rochester, the after- math of which was a powrful stench. The sessions were private —but even so the Democrat and Nigh Jaclter—Inventor Vincent Paolucci points to his new hydraulic car jack. All you have to do when you get a flat, he says, is to rets a button on the dashboard, then get out and watch the car go up without an ounce of work on your part. One At A Time—Washington second baseman Floyd Baker throws to first, attempting a double play, after forcing out the sliding Johnny Mize of the New York Yankees, The play came in the third inning of the game at the Yankee Stadium, but the throw was too late to get the batter, Gil Mcpougald, Chronicle detected 'some very curious shenanigans' William Blaikie, a Sommer Harvard stroke, was agreed upon as referee. His was the only reputation which sur- vived the event unamirched," * '1' * "As the day of the race approach - Chautauqua became the sporting centre of the United tSates. Gamb- lers and sharpers from all parts of the country converged on it. May- ville, the principal town near the course of the race, swarmed with underworld denizens—. Loose females flaunted exotic finery on hotel verandahs. Room and board rose from five dollars a week to twelve dollars a day. .A. local Pres- byterian clergyman cried front his pulpit, 'The seven plagues of Egypt swarm about its, and Hell's foul rays are focussed upon our unhappy vil- lage.'" * * "Betting was fast, furious and variable—. Wild rumors kept the odds wild. Hanlan was reported by the Associated Press to be so out of condition that he would not be able to row before spring. Courtney —suffered from ague and sore hands —. Two days before the race, an unidentified man, who may or may not have had inside information, waved a hundred dollar bill from the steps of the Mayville post office and offered to lay it against twenty that Courtney would not cone to the scratch. There were no takers." * * * We haven't the time or the space to quote more regarding the fas- cinating preliminaries. Look up the article yourself, or when the book is published, don't miss it. But as to the race itself, about which there was all that ballyhoo, here's how Mr. Adams describes it. * * * "Botli contestants took the water in apparently prime condition. At the start, the American spurted ahead,' rowing with his customary smoothness and skill. The Canadian quickened his lumpy stroke, and crept up foot by foot. Thereupon, to quote a poetic reporter, 'Courtney wilted like a tender flower in the harsh blast of winter,' The imagi- nary headache was still with him. Trailing his oars, he brought out a handkerchief and laved his fevered brow with the cool waters of the Potomac, The next thing his in- furiated backers knew, he had turn- ed at right angles and wavered off the course. Hanlan was declared the winner and went on to become the undisputed champion of the world," * * * So much for direct quotes front The New Yorker article; andi, as the old-time preachers used to say, "just one more word and we'll be ISSUE 36 — 102 :done." Mr, Adams later remarks that professional rowing had suffer- ed a blow from which it never re- covered. Personally, we cannot say that we are greatly surprised. That bit about Courtney wilting like a tender flower was enough to kill any sport. Still, we wouldn't have minded being there in and around Chautauquathose days some 73 years ago. Sounds like—crooked or not—it must tiave been fairly in- teresting. Especially around those hotel verandahs! Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Is it proper for a man to step out of an elevator before the woman who is with him, if she happens to be standing behind hint? A. Yes; it will save time and avoid confusion. Q. Should wedding announce- ments be mailed to the persons who have received invitations to the wedding? A, No; announcements are sent only to those persons who did not receive invitations to the wedding. Q. Is it always correct to use two envelopes for enclosing wed- ding invitations? A. This is the generally accept- ed form, The inner envelope con- tains the. invitation and cards, and is addessed to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Smith, without the address. - Had ECZORIN Arena Antes For Y©Urs Read Her Letter "I wont to say that for many years 1 have been tormented with Rama on my ankles," writes Me,. A. C. S., Whittier, Calif. Monns'S Brn- erald 011 was recommended and one bottle was alt 1 needed, and for two month has seemed perfectly well" This clean, stainless antiseptic known 011 over Canada ns MOONS"S EMERALD OIL, is such n remarkable healing agent that Eczema, Barber's Itch, Salt Rl,eum, Itching Toes and Fera—many of them old stubborn cases of tong standing, have yielded to Its influence. MOONE'S BMER- ALD OIL is obtainable wherever drugs arc sold. lAS IIKI ED. ADVEnTISINI lac° •-^r-t-..s._ o02nl . rm.»_ r-.---. . Nq tAi1D wows 9tryrt Nn t1tn1a 9 >tl c t �``alia't new* sae d e1', r)2 rt Stole one Ieigute a1 b�. a mort pn obont, 0 1', 00 Fyont Et, bleat, To o. 91 DAD91 mese pld shighs, started ubieks, two Oil* Ihr01 k'P6111 01d. Started turkey POURS, tfnfrD,ODE, ;our end five weeks old. Mol ogubroiler ebleku, older pullete, TOP NOTCH CHICK SALES QIte1DU Ontario AT s15 Ohloks, started *bloke, Iwo and preo *'deks old. Turkeys, two, three f r, ave and six wedge old, non -maxed, 19 a orgeyy hens, Reduced prices. Special 4l'WII,1pDLpkoisioa: HAlC1*Nn1150 i.D, retinae *mora* CLINICS 'SICK"—'write Clinic Doctor -991 pan. :Mgt, Toronto, Drugless- 0perationlo,e —'Lie ended. Why stiffer? Make yeurgelf DEALERS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES Paints and varnishes, Elealrlo Motors, Eleetrlcal AIMIlancea, Refrigerators, Fast Freezers, M11k Coolers and Feed Grinders, Hobbyshop Machinery. healers wanted. Write: Waroo Grease and 011 Limited, Toronto. DYEING AND GLEANING HAITI you anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for information. We aro glad to answer your quoetlone, De- portment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 701 Tonga St. Toronto, FOR BALE RIVE registered Angus hullo, eleven to sixteen months old, at farmers prlcea. Come and loop these belle over, Kenneth Quango, R.R. 5, Beiwood, Ontario, LIVESTOCK MARKER, MARK ANIMALS wet or dry, White, black, red: 403 per Mick. Postpaid, Hambley Hatcheries, Win- nipeg. 110ENIN05 MILLS 78,000 coals. No balance for this beautiful, newly decorated 13 storey house, 8 bed- rooms, o110n hearth fireplace, glassed in Verandah,- drilled wall. Garden nicely landscaped, A home you o0111 be proud to Own. Clone to No, 10 highway, Exeluolve ]loiing, J. P. ALLAN Real Estate Broker and Insurance 81 South Station Street, Weston, Out. 011. 1-2031 Ajax 189 GARAGES—Portable, prefabricated, rust. Proof, $120, 0150, Shade, Range Shelter Roots, 010. Sectional Buildings. Shaw. bridge, Quebec, SEED CLEANING MILL Located, lodge of Corporation, Town of Collinewood. Building, Approx, 20' X 190', Frame and Steel Construction, Equipment, Complete and Modern. Extra, Cement Building, Approx, 20' :Y 118', Equipped for Poultry or Hog Rais- ing, Double Garage, Approx. s Acres Land. To 01000 Estate ,50,500,00, Terms, Contact, Horeb and Erskine, Aealtorn, Hertford, Ont. GOOD USED THRESHERS LOTS to choose from: Two 22' MCCor- mlek-Doering; Two 22" Woodo Brost Two 22" Advance Rumely; Two 26" Woods Brea; Ono 58" Advance /Lumley; Ono 24" Huber, like new; One 28" Huber on rubber; One 28" Red River Special. 11. L. Turner (Retail) Ltd., Phone 424. Blenheim. Ontario, ALUMINUM—Note, Corrugated, 26 gauge. 29" x 0'. Dellverod:-51,40 Sheet, $10. Square. Building Materials, Lae Gulndon, Quebec. NEWTONVILLE MUST SELL TO CLOSE ESTATE 014,000 for this 160 -acre farm, no balance. Houso Is solid brick, 10 rooms, *entre hall, excellent water supply, 2 springs, well and creek, large hip roof barn, garden, imple- ment Shed, 30 acres mixed bush, 90 acres rich sandy loam, suitable for tobacco growing, all level, 13 miles to No. 2 High- way, Intmedlato possession. Executors are authorizing this 0110. ALSO $3.600 cash, full price for this B- room, frame, 11 -storey house, adjoining on 1 -aero, apple trees, springs, close to stream, gond barn, exclusive listings. .L P. ALLAN REAL ESTATE BROIi10R—INSURANCE 20-31 SOUTH STATION ST, WESTON CHERRY 1-2081—AJAX 189 OPEN EVENINOS WATER Systems — Aermotnr W indmille and Electric Pressure Systems. Berkley Tustin Pumps, Quinn flog and Poultry Waterers, Quality goods, reasonably priced. H. At, Fleming and Sons, Distribu- tor, Blenheim, Ont. fibre users mean more foragers at lower manufacturing cost recta &scorings s laden& NONE MITE 10,18,64;20 0155 tql WOW Now you can't afford to be without a GEORGE WHITE FORAGE HARVESTER with CORN ATTACHMENT Now, you can own a George White Forage Harvester with Corn Attachment, powered with a rug- ged, Wisconsin engine for as little as $1775. Thanks to manufactur- ing economies resulting from the increased demand for these sturdy, dependable foragers, real savings have been effected . . , which George White passes on to you. At such an attractive price, the George White Forage Harvester GEORGE WHITE Cr SONS CO. LIMITED Canada's Lending Thresher 111 ants acltrrers LONDON, CANADA with Corn Attachment leaves coin petition far behind. Check all its features, especially its big capa- city, ease In handling tall, short, weedy or down corn, big feed throat and the live feed apron which feeds positively. Also avail- able with Hay Attachment. For more Information, write for the FREE George White booklet, Tho Canadian -Built Forage Harvester. Or ask your dealer. Coorgo White & Co. Limited London, Ontario Please rend complete Information en the Coeage White Cenedien.Ou0O Forage Harvester with Corn Attaclllnent and Wisconsin Engine. Name Addles 00.52.14 Bathrooms Beautiful -- Kitchens Colourft . 'Shat* what the new homes look ll tf IAV01y arttures for bathrooms In evil *r colour with chromefittings and glints Mg white porcelain enamel sings with t tattoo ovarian YOU enioy In your bQ china—all 0l1 display at the now 01, r00ms end warehouse on the Streetnui Road. When you visit the C.N.E. 3 take time out to see us for natures, 'A Inge, surmises and all the thinge for Moe home. We deliver, you pay no Heigh. 0. F. JOHNSON PLI181I81NG sumo etreetavlllo lints 0111188 CALLOUS SALVE—Now get her. Your Druggist sells CRESS. BALE of turkey Don'ts, two, three. told and ave wake old. Broad Breaat0ltls Bronze, Send for special pr100 lig Catalotvve. TWEDDLE CRICK HATCHERIES Parsee (interjllN FARM for sale, 140 acres of good el 11 loam, 1 mile north of Cheateryl on county highway, Goodbarns Nei water and electricity in barge. sol brink house with double garage. Priced sell, H. 7, Hamilton, Chestervlllo, Cnterld,, ELISE Hamsters, Make extra 11100ey,; Pair 88. Trio 84. Aristocrat I3amstery, 989 Chalmers, Wlmtineg, Manitoba. Teti are invited to attend the sate o9 Aberdeen -Angus cattle at the Fair. grounds, F'orguo, Tuesday, September fila, teenth, Forty Piroatee and Ten Dolle will bo offered by Membors of the Central Ontario Angus Club. For catalogue. write, Don. Blank, Secretary, Arthur. LAWN ORNAMENTS IN ACTION Amusing animated weathervane •c1 man sawing wood, driven by windmill, 02 snob, H. W. Brett, 40 Lonbarough Avelino, Toronto. Dixon's Remedy—For Neuritis anti Shoars matte Pains. Thousands satisfied, Mum roes Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. $1.25 express prepaid. 'R FEMIN EX One woman tolls another. Take augur !It FEMINEX" to h0I2 alleviate pain, rt' K - ansa and nervous tension associated w th monthly periods. 50.00 Postpaid In plain wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 809 013EEN ST. EAST TORONT9 ASTHMA WET suffer 1* there is something that wI help you? Hundreds of thousands of ea have been sold on a money backgurus ante*. So easy to use, After Your oymgg toms have been diagnosed ne Asthma, 700) two it to yourself to try Aatbmanofrin. Ask your Druggist. No P1110 No Drain TIIE PERFECT SLIMMING DIET SHEET As used by leading London Floepltale and Medical Specialists, 0005 on receipt of Postai Order One Dollar tor Diets Dept., MEDICAL & DRUGGISTS SUPPLIES, 42 Tavistock Place, 1.00505 w,C.I. 0338 T.T,S,-Ada POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles Poet's 1]coem* Salve will not disappoint you. Itahing, sealing, burning eczema, acne, angworm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to the stainless odor1000 ointment, regardless 'of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. PRICE 82.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Post Free 0n. Receipt o1 Price 980 Queen St, E. Corner of Logan, Toronto Those who have Arthritis or Gall D1g- der trouble, don't give up, Write Y t' testimonials and personal experlenoe. TS - vendable remedies.. Box 372, Brandon, Manitoba, I Reduced my Weight, Blood Pressure, but Ate More. Safe, easy Wan, complete 11.0e. Money back guarantee. T.C.41, P.O. Box No, 2, Station "0", Buffalo 1s, NURSES NURSES, Graduate registered, fur all OHM, in small hospital, good salary, meals Included. Write or phone collect. Elm Street Hospital, Battle Creels, Mich.. 2-8580. OPPORTUNITIES FOR 5114N AND. WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, gaud wages, rhousnnde 01 succenalul Marvel graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 318 Moor St. tv.. Toronto Branches: 44 Ring St.. Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa SIXTY page Aceesa0ry and Parts Catalogue. Free to motorcycle owners, Send motor number and make. Carter RMS., waterloo, Ontario. MAKE UP TO $20 A DAY Sell our marvellous Reflect -O -Lite door plates, they're guaranteed 00,1 easy to sell. Send 01 now forample. A011 for. tree catatngue illustrating rnuny gond sellers and novelties. Tin:aleraft Reg'd„ Box am, St. Hilaire, Quebec, MAKE more money. "Live Joyfully. Thankfully, Abundantly," Get morn out of I1fe. resulted brings startling infor- mation. Brennen, 4t120 -P. Imnke'ehlm, North Hollywood, California. Send for free catalogue of new modern remedies. Imperial industries, P.O. Box 90L Winnipeg. PATENTS AN OFFER to every inventor—Ltot of in. venlfon and fell information Dent free, rho !tummy Cc., Registered Patent Attor- ney's, 213 Rank Soret. Ottawa, FE'1'l1FiI)STONHA t'GIi 4 Company Pa. tent Solicitors. lestahllehed 1$00• 500 Bay Street, Torontonnnid,•t of Inform, ion en request 00 ANT ED WANTED—Registered Ntlrera for general dirty 10 smell !instate]. Snlery 5100.00 per month plus 1011 maintenance. 4011Yt Su pert nl en dent, Lady MM in hospital.. Cochrane, Ont. WANTED—Man for light horse breasting and training. Must have show harms Ox- perlenre, he non-drinker and married with no rhlld,00 preferred. Give •details 401 <t. Nyhnll. North nnttloford, tn0lrntebe- w,tn. WITH THE. HELP OF TOBACCO ELIMINATOR F0hn0 11001Itler and Testlntnniola. Write C. W. KING 1'IIAIt0IACA0 COMP. 0100. Role 501 London, Ont.