The Seaforth News, 1952-07-10, Page 2T Caved SPORTS COLUMN
56set 7e4,90461.*
• This is the se,untd of three Calvert
columns designed to give you an idea,
possibly sketchy, Of sport as it existed in
Canada prior ta, and at Confederation sit
vear? ago.
Lacrosse, curling and snowshoeing are
rated as the first organized sports to be
played in Canada, and in that order, but Qf this we have some
For the most primitive sport in the world is foot -running.
Some claim that wrestling is the oldest. But we harbor the
thought that primeval, pre -historic man, was more likely to have
instinctively taken to his heels at top speed, when one of the
horrifying beasts of the era came into view. Wrestling such a
monster would be a last and, probably fatal resort.
So Canada had foot-racutg Brack in pre -Confederation days,
among other sports. This can be proven by the records. Though
faulty, doubtless in the matters of time, these indicate that foot -
racing was a major sport in 1867, and doubtless before,
At J3arrie, Ont., still an extremely sporting city, there was held
on October 14, 1867, what was termed a Canadian Pedestrian
Tournament. It was featured by a 3 -utile race for $200,, cash and
a gold medal, and the winner was one DeKelso, whose time for the
distance was registered. at 13 ni. 11 s. Probably the track was short
or the watches fast, for this time was considerably faster than
Gondar Haegg's modern record for the distance.
On Toronto's Parliament grounds of the time, on June 24, 1867
(we quote a long -defunct sports publication known as "Spirit of
the Times" for these facts) there was a championship race to
decide the best professional or amateur runner on the continent.
Sergeant Harley and Private Wood, both of the 17th regiment, met
in this test, the private won, and the time was announced as 4
minutes, 2 seconds.
We should be very remiss, to the point of lacking in patriotism,
if we failed to mention Canada's national game, lacrosse, which
undoubtedly was in full swing tlzroughont Canada in and long
before 1867, but unfortunately authentic records of this are lost,
if they ever existed. It is said that the first recorded match, under
some Fort of rules, was played in 1834 between teams of Iroquois
and- Algonquin Indians at a Montreal race -course. There is some
record, too, that the Olympic Club of Montreal, organized in 1842,
held annual athletic meets, the highlight of which was a game of
lacrosse between Indian teams, or whites against an Indian team.
Apparently the supremacy of the Indians was admitted, for the
whites were allowed 7 men to the Indians' 5 in these contests, It is
said. tlhtuth not proven, that the first organization to i:e devoted to
lacrosse was the Montreal Lacrosse Club, formed in 1856,
Undoubtedly the game was played then throughout Ontario, for
in 1807, when the separate provinces of Canada were welded into
the Dominion, lacrosse was adopted as Canada's national game by
act of Parliament.
We spoke of curling and snowshoeing as following lacrosse in
the matter of age in the Canadian sports picture. The Montreal
Curling Club, founded in 1807, played its first inter -city game at
Three Rivers in 1835 against Quebec. The curlers of both cities
drove by sleigh, a mere matter of 200 miles, there and back, Those
were the days of seal sport.
The third of three Calvert columns, sketching sport at Illi time
of on/cde'ration and before, appears n'rt week.
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, cls Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto.
It is jut exactly 2,72.8 years singe
the first Olympic Games were held
on a Plain beside the river Alpheus
over there in that dear old Greece.
.And while we didn't happen to cover
the event rersonally, nor did the
sports w-riters of that day make
mention of such facts -they didn't
evert te11 the sit, of the gate -we
wouldn't rine making a modest bet
that 1t is lost exactly 2.728 years
since tl:e first OIympic gooier
squabbling also took pace. In fact,
we would be. prepared to offer fair-
ly libel -a, ;[iris that an is the case.
* * *
,Now do we know that this is
so, when, the historians and record
books are silent on such matters?
Well it • is only a comparatively
short time -56 years to be exact -
since a Frenchntar, by name Baron
Pierre tie Coulrertin had the screwy
idea that, since boys and athletics
have gone together down the aces,
education and athletics aright well
go 1:08.0 -in -loan.[ toward a better
international understanding. Sc he:
and a I. inch of similarly deep
think(rs revived the 8 VO1V5ica
* * * .
Tbs. tas• of the modern Olympics
were he'd in Athens in 1176. Since
then the athletes 'have. gathered
-to promote goo •will and interna-
tional :nob, rstanding
nte n -tional-nr.'_r..,anding in Pe. -i., tic, I
Louis Athens again, London. Stock- I
11017o, Antwerp. Paris. Amsterdam. I
Los A»ttl,s. Bolla. mai Lnn l ,n. j
It is estimated that more than 29,000
athlete representing 58 nations
have competed in the games. And
it is also estimated - by us -
tltat there have been far more than
29,000 squawks. squabbles, and
general rhubarbs over said games,
to say nothing of a couple of World
'Wars and four or five minor league
ones. Of course, we aren't saying
that the Olympics were. entirely re-
pnnsiffi( for these World Wars.
Still, t, a didn't have then[ till the
game- were revived, and we're
had little else since.
* *
"The competitions were entirely
amateur at the start and the only
prizes were laurel wreaths" -we
quote again from the record. "Only
free Greek Citizens were allowed
to compete. But civic rivalry led to
trickery and professionalism and the
Games became degraded after some
centuries, \Then Route conquered
Greece the Roman emperors turned
the Olympic Gaines from patriotic,
religious and athletic festivals into
carnivals and circuses. They drag-
ged on malodorously until they
were finally halted by decree of
Emperor Theodosius of Rome in
A.D. 394." -
* * *
\VIII, hurt wr art in the en-
lightened year 1952 with the latest
edition of these Olympics coining
upand .Arcady here in Canada we
have a foretaste of what is to conte
-already Toronto is claiming it has
been gypped by :Montreal and Van- .j
eeuvc r -el re:i,ly half of our ama-
teur athletic authorities are calling
Warn, -s anti makir.e enacts at the
ether halt and vire rasa, 'What
with toe Stahn's boys hack in cont-
,,et't;, n e,5c7 tllrre ist1rtLsinki. 4
ACRCSS 4 Metal
Garden plot 6 Polrorone
4 Gentle touch snake
7. Spurt 0 Minister
19. Danish money 1 Sufi] Over
18. Mountain, in 8 Artist's rots..
Crete lag board
14. Large sneer ?- Peculiar
10. Uncoils
17. Ancient
18. Southern
ratite rob.8
10. P.ty's marts
21. Mistake
23, Cape
77. Partake
70. 'Edge
32. Bern
21. Maker of
SE. Outer garment
37. Monkey
99. Enemy
40. Slip
41. Took after
3. Egg -chance
4E. Protective
Coverin 1r
47. OthetwIOe
51. French river
114. pays attentl' •
Ed. The Mel{
87. Victory Mgr
ES, Insert's egg
55, C'arrle,' nn
00. 01,1 murleal
01. Vonore
2,get. to
2. Sea eagle
3. Daybreak
I0. Rubber tree
11. Decade
16. Iifeless,
20. Dry
22. Shoal
24. One :pl•tsed
15 Taverns
26. Dry
2827. Low gaiter
. Kiln springs
20. Solar dick
31. Mold -
24. Space
07. Mired rain
and snow
91. Deduce
42. Itali.,n Cat:
44. Araitian
47. ()roar, ripe
43. Light tetter
4s. coo
0. Ancient
Italian fr:n:171
1 Cry of a cat
12. Wing
53. Outfit
5r. Occur,
N tI,
.: d.
' w:y<F
?S 20
i 135
? '`:;
.a jy.N,lfit47:3:
=ii. tr'
49: 0
^ •.
k} 0
ry i
Answer E tewhere on This Page
Parisian "Ski-rewballism"-S'no snow in Paris these worm sum-
mer days, so French Olympic ski champion Henri Oreiller, who
is also a singer and composer in a Parisian cabaret, gayly "sla-
loms" down the Champs Elysees on a pair of wheeled skis. The
apparently unconcerned gendarme gives the impression that such
stunts ore as common in France as over here. -
what is liable to 'happen there is
likely to Drake the Finns think they
are having an encore of the atom
affair at Hiroshima. On paper these
Olympic Games are a very fine
affair. But in practice -well, they
seem to work out a bit different.
And while we are no booster for
dictatorship, every time the Olym-
pics conte up we can't 'help wishing
for somebody like Emperor Theo-
dosius of Ronne, who ". , finally
halted then[ by decree."
* *
Now, to turn to a subject a bit
more pleasant, here's some news
for you lovers of the trotters and
side wheelers.
* * *
A record entry of 600 horses for
15 stake events had been tiled with
Thorncliife officials when the lists
were closed on April 15. In view
of the anticipated heavy shipment
of horses for over -night events, ar-
rangements hay ' been made, once
again. to quarter the racers in the
running -horse Karns, in addition
to the 350 stalls which have been
exclusively the property of the trot-
ting fraternity.
* * *
The Canadian. Cup Race --richest
harness -racing event in Canada -
has been schcdukd for Saturday,
August 9. The event customarily
has been raced on a Friday but
it was shifted to Saturday this
summer in order to facilitate the
presence of many farming harness -
racing enthusiasts who find it dif-
ficult to get away from their farms
on weekdays.
* * *
In the root too sfaaons. three -
horses -Dr, Stanton, Linda's Boy
and Malcolm Hanover -have divid-
ed the spoils in The Canadian Cup
Pace. In 1950 Dr. Stanton won
the first heat and then was beaten
by Linda's Boy in the second dash.
In 1952, Malcolm Hanover -beat Dr.
Stanton inn photo -finish in the first
heat but the Doctor carte bark to
wiry the second dash with Malcolm
in close attendance.
* *
The situation is likely to be clari-
fied on August 4, for all three
horses have been entered in this
year's renewal and one of them
may lay claim to the cleat' title of
Canadian Pacing Champion. Dr,
Stanton recently equalled the track
record in scoring a smashing Vic-
tory of Yonkers nkers Raceway.
Beer Fumes Cure
Whooping Cough
(:bit1iren 511th -ring frons whoop-
ing cough in the Swedish village
of Halmstad quickly recover,
thanks to a novel etre devised by
a ktra doctor.
We hear that. after examining a
201119 victim, he invariably orders
him to be put out to play in the
75551 :9 hall of the locai brewery.
Herr lir has found that the car-
bonic acid .fumes given orf during
the yeasting process banish whoop-
ing cough event in very bad cases.
Unusual cures for whooping
cough have been tried for Cetltu-
ries. In our own time tate flying
cure has had some success. Twn
Yorkshire children •of seven and
four were taken 14,000 ft. up in a
'plane and were said to he better
after the -trip.
North country people --used to
believe that if whooping cough
victims inhaled ammonia furies at
gasworks they would be cured, but
there's no reliable evidence that
any were. A Sussex man claimed
that he cured himself of "the hoop-
ing cough" in 1822 by riding hat-
less over the Down- in a ram -
Another Anoint "remedy" years
ago was to place a live frog on a
child's chest. The idea was that
the cough would be drawn into the
This Was The First
"Delicious" Apple
One alight consider it a miracle
that, from one seed, an apple could
grow that in time produced one of
the world's outstanding apple
varieties. This is exactly what hap-
pened with what we now call the
Delicious apple.
In about 1870, Mr, Jesse Hiatt
discovered his orchard north of
Peru in Madison County, Iowa, a
young seedling, which was growing
outside of a row of apples. know-
ing that most seedlings were worth-
less, he cut this young sprout off
and thought no more about it until
it sent up another vigorous stem
and then. he decided that if it want-
ed to grow so badly, 'he would let
it grow, In due time, this seedling
produced fruit. He thought so much
of it that he first named it the
Hawkeye, honoring his adopted
state of Iowa. He tried for years
to get local nurserymen Interested
in propagating and introducing this
variety without success.
In 1893, the Stark Brothers Nur-
sery at Louisiana, Missouri, were
holding their annual fruit show, in-
viting anyone interested to send in
especialiy new seedling varieties.
Mr, Hiatt sent in a few specimens
and they came to th ` attention of
Mr. Clarence Sta k: who immedi-
ately fell in love with the apple.
However, in some t ay", the name
and address of the sender had be-
come lost, so no contact that year
was made with Mr. Hiatt. Mr.
Hiatt being a persistent man, sent
ano'1'er sample the next year to
to same show. and this time Mr.
Stark immediately got in touch with
Mr. Hiatt and, through -i contract.
secured propagation rid,' '- for this
There are two stories told as to
how the apple -tras finally named.
One was that a fiend of Mr. Stark,
while testing this- new seedling
apple. exclaimed. "Delicious," The
other story is that Mr. Starts kept
a notebook in which he jotted down
favor:t names and among then
was tate name tha was finally decid-
ed upon to give this new variety,
which 10 time became the roost
popular apple tariety in the :rorl1.
It is claimed that there are more
Delicious apples than any other
one variety. -From "The Original
Delicious Apple Tree," by Robert
L. Hendrick, in 'Pioneer American
Gardening," eontpil•'1 hy Elvenin
,f Slosson.
- A filet star spent a utak-end
at a New York hotel, On leaving,
he presented the manager ts'ith a
huge bouquet, saying. "These are
for the telephone operators"
"What a nice" contplintertt," =aid
the manager.
"Compilment-don't be a fool."
retorted the film star. "I thought
they were dead.•
Air Conditioner
Ceiling air diffusing panel for
heating, cooling and general 75111 t-
ating systems, uses tither duck or
plenum air +apply.
Then woke up sour liver bile
jump out of bed rardn' to go
Life not worth living./ It may be the liver!
It's a Cacti If your liver bile ie 'hot flowing
freely your food may not dtgrat , . gas
biome up your stomach .. . you feel con.
sipated and all the fun and sparkle go out
of life. 'l'at'e when you need mild, gentle
Carter, Little Liver Pi11a. You sec Carter,
help stimulate your liver bile trill once egoist
It ie pouring out Ata tate of up to two pinto n
day into your digestive tract. 'IRsk. ohotdd
Bx you tight up, make you feel that happy
days are here again. So don't May sunk ger
Carlota Little Liver Pills Always have them
on hand. CMiy 35c from any druggist.
ISSUE 28 - 1952
II AOY 01110155
EOti3 are going up, Cash 10 on rho good
nag prices, You aro intro to got this fait
anti winter. Prompt delivery on d0Y old
and oturted 011001 with luta of R.O.P.
breeding bat•k of them, AIM, day old and
started turkeys, broiler ahtalta, older
pullets. Catalogue,
TOP NOTCtt 721110'05 SALES
05010, Ontario
THERE will be lees lasing pullets In the
country thls fall, Dam aro up and
Prices will go higher. Prompt dellvoiy on
day old chicks. started eblolls end started
takeys. Tweddte ehlcks have Sots of
5,21.5. breeding hack of them, Ovor 4000
10.0.P, cockerels used in our mating tido
1.021, Also older petiole, epeeist) broiler
chicks. Catalogue.
Fcraue Ontario
DON'T mist) the Urn? opeclata--Putlote,
ahtppor's choice breed. heavies 3 woetto
326.90; 4 week* 110,00. Mediums 804.00
and 738.00, Prices Seer own obolee at
application, also dayotd rhleke, mixed,
Pullets. Bray ttatohertr, 120 201m N„
Hamilton, or neo.roet agent.
EQUIPPED houeekeeping cabinet, 016.00
per week. Nlnloolnc District. Grand
fishing. Silver Dawn Camp, Monetvtlle,
- "SIOle" -- "Write or goo Natut•opathlo
Doctor - Ontario Llcenoed, Health
Restoration Speelalloto, No Oporations-
Drugleao. 671 Danforth Avenue. Nature -
pathic Health Clinic, Toronto.
Paints and vnrniohes. I4teelrio Motors,
Electrical Apnitanees, Refrigeratoro, Feet
Preeoero, Mllt, Coolers end Feed Ortnders
Hobbyshnp Machinery. portiere wanted,
Write: waren Grease' and Oil Limped,
I)8101NU nNll C1.EA N1NO
HA v11 Oslo anytmna ,IOude dy0100 ur Mean.
Ing, Write to os for Inrnrmnttnn, Wo
are glad to 0052100 your munitions, De.
pa'tment I1 Parker', 01,. Wnrlts Llmitod,
701 venae es Tnrnnin
FOR mut
73113RE won't he ns maty dune and July
hatched turkeys In the country fila year.
Tins means there 01.0010 be n good
domaad for fresh killed turkeys for
Christmas. Get our reduced prices for
July. Also specie' prices on two, three
endfour wee], old ta•lteys, and nue ex-
tremely low price on two and three week
old Ilrond Rreasted Bronze toms, We have
Broad Rrensted Bronze, White Holland,
13eltovllle Wille, Nebraskan, Nebraskan
X Broad Breasted I1'on1e non -sexed, sexed
hens,sexed toms.. Cres turkey guide.
Prompt delivery.
Fergus Ontario
tlanoison'e Largest Two store Slnre 1085.
Used Tiros, 07.00 and up. Retreaded Tiros,
000 x 10, 814,00 Other otzee, vetoed a0.
cordingly. VulcaoIstog and retreading ser-
vice All warp guaranteed. All mama
C.0,0 32 00 required with nyder. Wo pay
chance one way- Peninsula Tire Corner.
Minn, 05 [ling Street West, Han11lton,
Phone 7.1322
Wabasso hemstitched, size 42 x 39. Re-
funds, send money order tn: Rural Shopp-
ing Service, nnx 160, Terminal "A",
Tnrnn tn.
Sin bowling alley's, miniature golf course,
gahoond, dart games, ate. Priced right
for quirk gale. Apply Steve's Bowling
Alloy, Port Ston ley.
1947 CHEVROLET BUS, 48 passengers.
1952 License. l:xeenent Condition, Ap-
ply Anderson Taxi. Pembroke, Ontario,
CRESS CORN SALVE -For sure relief.
Your Isruegist sells CRESS.
The 1012 catalogue is off the press. Write
for your ropy or visit the new warehouse
and see for ?ourself the model bathroom
otto1Irs 1n white and coloured fixtures, in
standard size bathrooms with tiled or
painted welly, Just the. way you want a
bathroom in your own home. We have
inks and sink cabinet units, lavatory
basins and . toilets, pressure s5'stems and
electric writer heaters, range bailers, Dive
and fittings in canner, galvanized and
rest Iron, septic and on tanks, refrigera-
tors and electric ranges, a complete line
of rurnoees, air conditioning units and
hot water heating 070tem0 with convector
rads, We deliver to your nearest rail-
way atatln0. you pay no freight.
S. 1'. JOHNSON PT.t-51111SC SrPPL1ES
Streetsvilte Ontario
MacPherson was in love, and
after a walk one evening he invited
his girl to have a drink, feeling
sure she would ask for nothing
more expensive than - lemonade,
"Well, Jeannie, dear," he said, "and
what'll I order for ye?"
"1Vby thank you," she replied..
"I'11 have a large port."
"A large port!" gasped Mac-
plierson. "Gosh woman, come on
oot and I'll buy yea picture post-
card of i.iverpool1"
Lwow Monads
201. Fly rellevea pain InslrmllY 000
f,wesr,0ingrown portion nr nail in a
ew ono ev, 11,0as SI kn
Otutr;nrerd ,,'0 ' 1 .v /1011,) sure tar
-htbtren 75,
Itr:nnn 1a 111d eehasea In 10 min•
twee Gunton b0,1 Remedy 76e. At ynnr
11.0,4101 n, war o,w,wnd h0
For ECZORIICE Skin Troublies
Meat up ymu mind today tint you are cuing
lyd dopteeIetloiial 00
e(10gn skin anti ndganrgn6ln
EMERALD 011, -It Inds many 11055
because h is highly concentrated.
The very first application w111 8150 you relief -
the itching of Eczema Is quickly stopped--erup•
lions dry up and scale off In n very few days. The
.ams is tmc of itching Toes nod Peet. Barber's
itch, Sall Rheum and other skin iambics.
Remember that MOONE'S EMERALD OIL is
n cite& powerful, penetrating Antiseptic Olt
that does not stain or leaven grease render
0,0000 5004
000 100111011 10110 arms ec. 'rltllb Ui odor
ll10011N'JtX" tp hntp allovlute p01,., dl.-
Hoge and nerv000 t0nMCo asenol1tt'd with
monthly periods.
60,0111 t'edtpold In plain wrapper,
080 II0E1124 BT. 0A5'1' TORONTO
W017 suffer If there la sgmothbut that will
hole you? rlatdrods of tboueunds of sett[
have boon void on n money baht guar-
antee, So ea07 to 080, Atter Your eymo-
tone have boon dlognoucd au Aatllmu, you
owe 11 toyourself to ay Asthman0H'la.
Aeli year Drueglat.
Wanted -every sufferer of Itheumetie
Palos to try Dixon's Remedy.
338 Elglo Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
A oOlontiflo remedy for Cigarette Addle -
tion, Icor free booklet, write Icing
mammal Corp. Ltd„ ealbel'lab not
010, 00040n, Ont,
BANISH the torment of dry 00seme rooboe
and we05100 oltln. LrOObloa, Poet's, Eczema
88080 will net disappoint 700,
Itching, gt:nnpg, burning eozema, sone,
onward:, pimples nod athlete's foot, will
respond readily to the etahtleos ndorleos
ointment, rtrbardloan or how stubborn or
boneloea they soon,
PRICE 63.50 PER we
Sent Pn110 Fro,. nn Revell", of Price
889 Queen St O Corner or Logan,
101N CANADA'S' 1.104151240 SCHOOL
Groot Ospnrtunity Learn
Pleasant d]mnfied protegelon, good wages,
Thousands of suoceseful Marvel groduatee
Am0r1a0•e Creators System
111uetrate,l Catalogue Free
Write or Call
a63 Diner 8t. W„ Toronto
44 Ring St„ Hamilton
72 Rideau St., Ottawa
FOR Your Spare Time, Just 3 lsagy-tree
Trial Sales of 0mnz1ng Patented Auto -
matte Refrigerator Defrosters can pay
You that. • Hundreds of hot prospects cam -
miasma. Rush mane, address, for GCAIR-
AN'rElso PROFIT orxma, D -Frost -0 -
Matte Corp.. Dent, 40, Newmarket, Ont.
AN OPFER to every Inventor -list of In.
ventions and Lull Information gent tree.
Cho Ramsay Co., R0510(0red Patent Attar -
mum 270 Bonk Street, ()Bowe
O10'1`HORSTUNt0A UGH & CnmoonY. Pa,
tent entieltoro. 6istab)lehed 1800, 860
Bay Street, Toronto. Booklet nl informs.
tlnn nn r0g0500
WHITESTONE, OnG, 5.0. No, 1, Mo.
Ronslat wanted, experienced teacher to
teach eight Erodes; duties to start Sept.
1st; attendance approximately 24. Apply
to Anthony Warnholtz, Whltestane. Ont.
S.S. No. I, Nairn and Lorne, Sudbury
District,. requires Protestant principal,
grades 6 to 8. Modern .0011001 on Highway
17. Salary 02,600, State qualifications,
age. expe•taltee and name of laid In-
spector, lairs, Hazel M. Jefferies, Nairn
Centre, Ontario.
WANTED to rent or buy with tow down
payment, small farm suitable for
market gardening Ly hard working family.
Box 03, 123 -18th .Street, New Toronto,
,,��BB ear
�a lyYCrazy
Very Erst usa of soothing, cooling liquid
D. D. D. Prescription positively relieves
raw red itch -caused by eczema, rashes,
scalp irritation, chafing --other itch troubles.
Greaseless, stainless. 43c trial bottle must
satisfy or money back. Don't suffer. Ask
your druggist for D,D,D,PRESCRIPT1ON
Pretext sear 11001(9 and CASH Dam
tyue and THIEVES.
Saf , or Cabinet for any
ourpose. Vlsil no er write for orders
ote.. 1n Dent, W
1m proal St. O,. Teroni,
I20lnbllohed 7888
Farmers Attention -Consult your near.
est Harness Shop about Stew Harness
Supplies. We sell our goods only
through you; local Staco Leather -
goods dealer. The goods are right
and so are our prices. We manufac-
tura in our factories' Harness Horse
Collars. Sweat Pads, Horse Blankets
and Leather Travelling Goods; Insist on
Staco Brand Trade -marked Goods and
you gel satisfaction Made only by
42 Wellington St. E., Toronto
- Write. For Catalogue -
Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking