The Seaforth News, 1950-12-14, Page 6SP,014
A Sint I l`l } it
',von never can tell from where
you sit,' ;aecording to the old say-
ing, "Just how your picture's goring
to look" 1)r, its more scholarly
language, it's not: a bad idea, once
in .t while, to take a binge at things
front the other guys viewpoint.
W11ich is what we- propose doing
today its regard to the noble sport
of hockey.
(,And -Bt passing,; aren't tw,? ow et•:
due for a hockey rule tvhte'li will
insist on all goal tenders wearing
proper lead protection? 1 hr vway
the boys slash at that purl. now-
adays, it won't be 1,•ug before one
or more sittlitless eves will be tts
much the teademlllk of an et -
goalie as taulillow,.r cars tuc of .In
tint to get oft the detente' and bach
on the rnaiu read. AIr. Sydney Skil-
ton k a 1 '•itish sports writer who
has Ic. )Itly been ening his tic8.;
• of t ari,,ns game: -:11d p stimla; as
play td in the !'sited States. ile
starts 1L this particular piece by
flaying that ire in,ekcy' in England
and the- 1'11i1ed tit:1Jc, 118ve 'ntral
"1 found." writes Mr. Sitilton,
"when taking a look at .National
League teams, the professional and
'highest version of play, that by far
the majority of contestants are
Canadicns, that crowds average
eight to nine thousand for the popu-
lar occasions, that the sport has
no real roots, and that it is llrti-
11 •
\\ 0 1 donho ,i i t tike
Art }i o.. „1 }„l t 1 1,:;, .\ Ala 111y
df i etreit .,r hill Tobin e ' t 1);cago
will tike those. e1,.., aho•nt the
-sport being .' n ilio.11 :11,1 'hawing 20
Veal r,1on i11 11 t; L'nin.:1 rate:;
fir Ila, 111,illor, the in11i )tion
that sigh. ‘r nine il,e01.8U l iotls10
tuts ",peeial occasion" crowds. )tut
ohm', whet the elan -111.
so, )Yuki , n 111e• pt tl dl, .wlr, �hih, •Il
ills . a ul, It idle ,Mnt7ruce.
in Ii', rtv,ldrtl 1 play, OF , ur-e.
]h :\nituran i, itt,ter, 1n_-1 pre• ;11,1 nn,r, .1,teL12111a1". Pitt 16t11.
it .0101111.1 hi', seeing [het the e spin•
33111; ar, (1011 -rink pruie-igrrlls ,10;1
tet ser ,pr of :,lb.:1;
1 8 110 r .11:1 unuh 11.,:1 r vi^err.
ort.. ;:s it 1111141 be', if it is t tllain.
ta111 i1: plilee with •1.10terioag'r .. 1:, 11 ha I,t . i fynnlgIt 1111
10 1 0,41,8• r the;t 110,111 CO11'art i=
ll, ty, 'Matt) inti r: '5
4:l;8 tl,at 11;91 "bodily
ror+ . i_r1
of l'.,a Otf.ce. 3;111 1,',..h.,1i3
r.1.18I' ,::1'• ,...r• ,, ell• _
1 4..
"Promoters of hockey in the Na -
atonal League - this comprises four
American -named city teams and
two Canadian -have their prob-
lems in keeping the sport illumin-
ated brightly before the eyes of
their patrons. Unlike their British
counterparts, they have no visits
front foreign teams to brighten the
scene and relieve the monotony of
bi-weekly league play."
tit is a good thin(;' -for Mr. SIM --
Ism that he writes in Che Christian
eirnt.. 81,nitor, pal b.11erl 1 yl t:-
sacht ,e t \ion t )111 "- applied
the sacred game of 111, v
fighting stn cuage, Susi, ui, 'row) l
^'buret) and Carlton `!- 15.1
"Another noticeable difference is
et the intervals. When the ice is
swept, instead of indiscriminate
shovel and broom play it is dobe
with a touch of ceremony. At Wem-
bley, for example, he sweeper: are
uniformly built and clothed and
they march in formation. Their
efforts are climaxed with a final
parade down the middle of the ice
• Faithful Unto Death -A stray clog stands hoard over the body
of a fallen compassion who was slit by an auto and 1( #llt-d, Dur-
ing his long vigil, the dog kept digging r•.nuw away from the
14 ti r as a heavy fall threatened to cover it.
to the ever popular strains "Soldiers
of the Queen." The Last few steps
of the last pair of shovellers are
always timed to the tune's slowing
valedictory, "the boys of the old
brigade," It is a show in itself that
never loses appeal."
(here, 1,1, 1111111., \lr, ', has a
uggesuon f r. d , able, '\tten-
la CO:,. it RI li.(n Square Gardens
•2 and. other places - have been
down lately. \I ay In , if they bor-
rowed the Chorus Line front lliily
Rose's (-ideIt 1) 1sethoe or 401112
similar organizauom, to chap the
ie.: in the intervals',- it would Help
liven thine; 11p.1
"The American season extends
about tate same period as the Bri-
tish, from October to mid-April,
but whereas the British have numer-
ous supplementary knock -out and
league tournaments, before and
after Christmas, the American -
Canadians subdue everything to one
'world series' trophy.
Last season's Stanley Cup play
set a new latest date record. It
was not completed until April 23.
It also set a marls for sustained
suspense. The Red Wings had to
play 28 minutes and 31 seconds of
overtime before obtaining the goal
that defeated New York Rangers
in the seventh and final test. A
memorable season was 1949-S0 in
which six different NHL records
were .set ..but .When .attendances
toppled down.
But ur 2.c a u.a esti 011 ,)L101'
from 111., 0)vr:ea. sports observer,
+riti g, u- on to .ay that h0ekt)
mogul.. L,: other •-ports promo-
ters, are greatly worried about
shrinking: gate re:tcipts. So far as
hockey is concerned it is just barely
possible that It about knowing
it -has bit 1n the biggest reason
for this falling ott. Right there
where he said. "the-l•asnu 281 11111
from ) 21 ' ,rr to mid-April," That's
quite a lona: stretch of time; and
south o1 the border, where hxk,y
is "artificial` and "has no real roots'
it may be proving. roots than the
110010 cony bear.
Political Orator: "Ali that 1 .un
r ever 44 ill- 1', 1 owe to 11)y
Heckler: . "\CAS dun's. you ',olid
her .30 vents and - -.mare the
Double Take. In \).11(115, the
teen-age thieves who ,lade oil with
the county prosecuting attorney's
car also bagged a' <eatfnl of re-
search for , report col Juvenile
Sounds Good, Anyway -1• °enter nlidd1e11rig1(1'3)80131
t irazian0. known ao- P,rtiin; s Bad Boy,' t i11l trued that ho c<
lt0tt 11. pari -t1nte earlier at.'a dancing school for children 1)i,i
ith10l1 3001-e'. of the footworh that has he.da,zled his ring foe,.
i'rletllill,:.:h^Plarld, "I think this ,';1111,} Ila sof'•. frit 11111(1111
/.oulnrints are discu4 ing the first
reported instance of carnivorous
animals being reared by a Itetatian
mother, a young pyglily woman
who suckled two leopard 21)1)5 its
tP.r11 With her own baby.
The cubs were founts t, its: the
11 )na1) by a safari party 12•l10 were
shouting with a pygmy guide in the
hush near Livingstone, Northern
Rhodcria. They had killed a leo
artless when the guide told them
she hall just had en1)s, so tt search.
Was made, They found a woman
nursing the cubs in turn with her
baby. With the guide acting as
interpreter, she told the leader of
the party, Major Costae 'i'eilge,
that she had taken pity on the
She was given a pound for her
trouble, and the party tool; the
cubs with then[. There they were
85 81ed on canned dried mill;, Now
they :art thriving.
[IOW CAN 1k.
By Anne Aehley
Q. How can I slake putty?
A. By mixing linseed oil with
.ifled whiting to the proper con••
Q. How can I prevent any Gan-
ger of rust inside an oven?
A. The oven door of the gas
range should he left open for a
while after using. This will let out
the warns air, and no moisture will
collect to forth rust.
Q. Ifow can I remove an ink
stain from paper?
A. Apply a solution of -muriate
of tin with a soft brush. When the
stain disappears, .rinse and dry the
paper carefully.
Q. How can I prevent the inside
of the silver-plated lids of any mus-
tard and horseradish pots from
turning green?
A. Coat them with a thin layer
of p111111 11.
Q. How can I tighten the blades
of a pair of scissors, which have
become .loose?
A. Try pressing a hot poker
or soldering iron 011 each side of
the r3VOt which holds the blades.
The rivet will expand and fit the
hole which tightens thea,' blades.
Q. How can I impart a better
Savour to fruit cake?
A. \\'hen the fruit cake is. ready
for' baking, set if hi the icebox
for 24 horn's before putting it
into the oven. 1t will be lighter and
the fruits will git'e the dein th a
better flavour.
4 a
Q. How can I prevent moisture
from forming on eyeglasses when
going from a cold into a warm
A. Moisten the tips of the finger's
and rub them over a cake of soap:
then rub them- otcr the lets, and
polis) as usual.
ONLY $250 UP
O31,1 4 00111(5 11011 EVIL 11G44
ir['undttlontng ('urun.rc Ronal],
VASTEST St Rl t( h
our experts ,an - 015' ,run
hr«tint m'obl',, tend ; i,i• YOU
hosting omni, rt the sone Jap.
Bank of Montreal President Advises "Pay-as-you•go"
Policy in Government Financing - Says Freeing
of Canadian Dollar "Cdurageous and Wise"
:ic:nu-c 1, Five. 4•--A.lthotlgll "wise 811(1 forthright govern'
mental policy" may check inflation somewhat, little can he
done Without the understanding and help of people in all walk's
of life. emphasized B. C. Gardner, president of the iltmlk of
Montreal, at the 133rd annual meeting- today.
"Ie1 idiocy in1101)1 2) n'.pe'ls the
past 12 11(,Iltha have Ix cm for Can -
ads a perk al ,f c :tinned pro-
grr s- " Mr. ) lardnel 'aid. Against
the hark round of an improved
report sil•lalinn and an inflow of
1, a w.ce and courage-
ous" )cep had brtn taken in freeing
the 1'tuta,liau dollr. But there
was t marked i,vival of inflation-
ary pressure with livipc casts.
11021 it .ell lila r 5111:.9.
"\\ e live today In an ,crit t('f-
I1ghL not between pcacr and war
but between odd, war and an all-
tmt struggle," he ,h,crwed. -Even
while W1 long for peace and work
for peace 812 must meet the ,x.ig-
ench• ,f the. pri,ent moment: a11(h
as hest 8114 may, plepltr, for what
the future may htmg.l
No Spiritual "Gold Static'ard"
'(heap seemed to he no "gold
standard" of ideal, common to die-
tattn'ships and democracies, the
president declared. Behind the iron
rnrtain, truth Meaux' propaganda
40 distorted lino "oar's. I,pes for
.ln 1 I rn 11;1 2tsol1l)i011 of the
Lasix is5nc, alividing the world into
two ramp, cannot find a very firm
foundation." in the fate of a con,
tinniitt challenge 10 peace, Canad-
ians might well loot. to their 012
1cn(1 1 11, ,aid, u. uh' clic 121(11. n
it; Lroade,) some.
'I he defence program t'„lile! not
Collie v. i11iu 111e "lu=.ines" a;. mutat"
ialrrnrl', 21(3)1 lir. Gardner. While
ali•,nt mobilization was not rapers
;or, the period 11al:rs
14'1.' 111,1 to 11 n'c 0111c11 )'.Rada
lacked :(1rj1ur,,a of quickly avail-
able prodnetiv, 'aparity. In co11-
sennourc, partial nwbilizatiun he -
1 0, ail "extra", malting for infla-
tion ter more than if; sine indicated.
lift a return to tldespr•earl ('010
trots .u: 5)1;1.1)3 could introduce
)riot)., friction into the economy.
1Iola( t('l', nations" musts} rooks
not. L(. maintained "on the cheap",
the speaker held. Inrrsa -ed 1)82 of
main ton- er and materials for de-
; icer, 111g111 ably demanded ''.8):ne
I rradin-1Int nt" of livinp 111441 820i-..
"And '4'1.112 Ai. e and f,rtltrigld
'-ot, eatestal Policy mal' do sante.
thin;; to check inflationary, farce
little ran be 1) 1''ellli-hors 1)Iileis
111, dnllcrolatdhUt, ievu1-I1,110d11es;;
null co np,'rali1n 0f Iht Canadian
motile in all 8 dks of life fan Ire
')listed for the task"
Tn 1 st u: sin„ the (tics 1 tit;win,
.3) intlatiOn, VI.. )sedate ,itig;gesterl
:riot adherence by (r ,wel•nlne)i
to .a "pay • 115 poiuo" program. r\
"bold and flexible" n1o1(t.lry policy
was also required. Law: interes3
rates helped to stimulate inflation.
Hoarding or panic - buying by pro-
ducers or consumers could not bttl
wealco'n the economy. t)nlw a high
sense of social responsibility in
those concerned with collective bar-
gaining could prevent a wage -price
spiral --- a rare which no one Would
General Manager's Address
`the balance -sheet presented by
Gordon It. Dail, general manager,
showed total year-end assets of
$2,100,1000,000 compared with $2,-
140.11011,(100 -'a year ago. Deposits
$2,n03,000.000 had increased 1)3
$44,0{10,(1110. '.The bank now huts over
1,1100,000 deposit aertluuts, an in-
crease of more than 5011,000 in the
past six year,. Call and short
loans ,Vere 114 10 SO4,000.0(it1, nhile
tither 28221nt loans totalled $5213,-
0011,000 :1;;a111,t 5487,000,000 in
'I'uuung I,, 1111' drualion.
Mr. Ball ,aid that -.rust prices hall
incecascd so rapidly that cot'rectivc
declines aright reasonably be 41ptc-
ted and, in fart• had occurred in
certain 1113,,, I It. cautioned busk
n1'4 1=Butt Malting commitments
nick 111 •trttirpa0011 of price in-
reasts, The -iluatiol. he felt,
warranter) a tar, int scrutiny by
business 1141) ut incrnlol2s, 01 erc-
dit 1ste11siln and I L•ant ''span=ion
in the light of the capital 3(4
of their inriit•idnal bur -us _
The time 1wa; ripe, the gena sal
manager suggested, to ret gamine
the n cfuhless 1)1 exchange control.
\\'I1ilr Canada head -gone tar in re -
mot ing
'5,motiug Larriet- t1 International
c'onnntrev, Lla. "complus. and es-
' pensive' mechanism of control re-
mained. With ::nnatlia❑ holdings
Id gold and 1k 5. dollars al ]sigh
levels and trith the need of main-
tainitlg! 1l 11311)1 rx0h10114('-Pale (1010
retnov, d, Cailarla ,;Mould give "a
vigorous. Iced" in eliminating this
201(01',1 a. v)ou 1, 22nrlil1lln; pm--
Mr. !tall 10m'nlly e ,nlplit))Cntcd
t.ite sial( upon "another year of
;Alpert) perfurinanee." lie referred
10 the battle's 1omit-ming: implies of
stuff ira:•,in ;, simplilic•ation of
routine, uuchtulizilion improve-
ment of 12,011ing conditions, Tmd
the '41811ll Weirton anti ilevel0p-
1nen1 of its cn1111oycur. '111e 13 of
M. had instituted a graeral salary
increase Miring the year, especially
hem 11140 to stall' 110)81lers at lower
Classified Advertising..
0111(1 cllmqua
WA1IN 1104 t romtnhnlpn o'111110 ehlche 102
not of Cantata's 11,1::1,4 and haat ?mon))
to n,t llan Apurovtvl natr"bee l t. adhoral
eotoutteetuo told 1'011 par tl tnata )lox 12.
123 • 13th )411(0t 14tny Toronto, Ontario.
t"A-141 11 1' 111,1 'griming mint, ,1,'ntttlld sue meal
null a 120 1.1111 Ilyrt , anality chll,lte frons
11.0.I'. 01rv41 and Canadian noon:well 110l -
turn))) elonn stock. 2nr brooders curafully
selected l f d the fast growth. and find
tenth lbu 11mt adda to broiler 1'10(110, ileo
the xiti mine.MIA 1 'trig ability that malice
aroill21ble layers. '1.1111('9 shy amity )Harm
euNlmueru order sone 10101' Year, Night
Iend1141 breads nod suer'°, sexed or an.
sou -0, 134 t ,t10) ( aemuul 51X119 avail-
arh10 weekly the year around at roanouable
[asses, \Veno tedr.y for Jetuile. 020118
Poultry Bacm. 1114rIle NtalIon,1)111
((11(0641 In I ult1, tloo,tals 1) btv 0rlln0.'.
Y I , ova ,1111 p 1,1 .•1 Om clonally
01 the breollna 112 Ole 0.7 old rhe 1,a,
pullsts or 00 1 la 011 .1 you ourvht a0.
'050011 (1 i),)' -) 1I1.1.a will make
you 0,1100 names 3oI raw, or meal. Chaim
0vory work, Aloo laaley Poulin. hider
Pellse 1 ",,1dt to 0,54,8. `1.1(1 for garb. -
dNlvery mdse 1110. 1.'aml.l.e t,:'. T,veadle
(`hl1 Ile t! rice 1.40,2,1( 11 1 Intarlo,
1.1141-1',' 011onitNb111'
•T[115 !x 1,101121l u, lawn lurllllo1 Im•.
Sol) hoosewlves our tubo Ilnvoes. BIL;
.repeat !amines., everyWhet0. Agents de.
11411)0,1. 711' 1,11 eons doubled 1001 Seer.
0,011 ml: x 11110. )11)10 sex. Ceuta Bros,.
Niagara 11111,. Ontario, ..�
BIMINI AND (1.14 iN1N(! `'•
tlA\1. •,on anything 12000, d4011111 or 2)001.
Ing'[ welt,' re ,,v fm firtila non. We
aro glad In .1115101 emir , U0o11on0 00-
Parnnent it. )':kis 022 0,0,310 Limned.
fort s:\Lts •
010'tuM41111 14 lacier 0aeldsi, now
end need, tloulhl. wild. c sr)00ged Larne
SIOek of 18,00Inteed used 1,1 oryel0s. M0•
Pairs 112 1artory°'1I1ed tnecha01e9. BI•
emirs, and complete Bur 1l whet') roods,
also Mous, flouts mea d,lmsnn 0'11110000
610(02 Opsit evenings 110111 11110 rxe05)
Wednrudny- :;wand Carlo 11 Sports, ulna
at Sanford, 1140 (sum
tilt,, ,tu.,unind 3(011 Nia't';e man Chain
SAWS 011h 2,100 Mort, -- .'240.00 with
rnwhUl s,urtr1'--. $213. ua. 1',nl)pprd with
20" or "4" bindaa and the 1100 :.m1th
Plumb rbu in. tittles 'rax 0\,'a 11 anpli-
cods 44', -1.o,a1re.
(rrll•(tt11.a 1111111(0
all Woolwich 5 0 t tui 111_ Ont.
V1'iN81711 4,1,1 su n table for making
MirrorLos or Se ,1.0 Ve0oer. J. n.
1'(5111 -J 04 11 111 111 I•rc i. (10)01)1.4
1'110ne 11)0,0'.
As IWO' n, $1 ) Count yon' bona, barn.
stable, ct0. Vorha o, inamoratuln (110,
lnsbun, positive atom. Write 1'.0. Box
105 ontlimont. 111 110,, or4.1. Wilson
1.1„011. In1,1, rn,l5111 .toes), 1(20nte,
Ontario - •
10)210 .porn on the ooh or shelled an
Irmo, pm, ton dellvvnd in 0010210 by
Mark-,. Cor further pnrtt.•ulare v°•1)0 ,11114
Toiler, 111,1001 OUR, 01' p110110 322.
1a11'BUt'1.D Basun type llegintel•00 Berlt-
shir•s. 1lithor sex. - mnutb0 $20.00 each)
2 month., 72,00 earl). Apply .81herl Dow.
tile. .1.eul+nrgh, Ontario,
(11 a 101.1, .110 lltn•,ene1114 Voiltiptront for
I1 i plon to lstlu o The 11,4. 1•ora1e
for mn( nnlnndIn8 lnh,
I.u:k of storage 011000 will f0,'e0 114 1.11
ell 01:1 11 pr udn,•[len 01110es • ' nu PUr(base
early in 1,a new :ear, r'. nl0et nu for
nom, 1r our nearest .1,1110, ,1154,' urns,.
Ramos.. '010,10..
Th+'.w n . rlorldn4
011.111100 are .blit one
('0 ole• 'Moly r„1iut: bnrxuina.
No. 11') 0, 11 shlnitlr9 s, -..,. 1410 143
'ril.•.Llek SI'dntras x$4.:31
11,111 110111 Siding, 12e1 utlp black men-.
tar 2a.are. .1 1•••y Ron -slung Denim) siding
01.73 p'r 480:4'6. 43,440 pliers P.'8.1.7
Alts lintall i\j),•11,/,‘,4i .13 a .1111• 1 . a
Per„ 110 9,1. 11. ,1, r,a hu,1 h,. tJ 0h:c
and 11twit i Mrs.
A 11 1teW stool: 1 1 00114 43/00
10,1:11.10(0( pi t I ilii 1 1 1 Semi mea -
411 ar 10, r,:,. tet
no„ ot (kg.
montane. Outari,
11.11N 1.1. 3/1:1'11 111. SINNoS, -
Box 4. t-olrlior,
B, 13. 1110,N%1: ., 1 1011110 ltulI..hd
r, P:,,11t.. 111 w,hlr„e,1
late b,.,., :111 l,, ,ae,., vv(he far ntnrn-
11n 11 Slonso pe 1,1211):,)
on.) 1144,3:11. Harrow. o'l I 'l.
ar\Itt111f 1i i l'ortrhirrs.1102.'
loug 1.100/1 1 1 1 l Oreo,ling 1 owm,r-
1,0, h „1 1112 3 01,,n nu,..In„ 11, 11•at-
im•,'. l, r, 4,,,. 1Int. Plaine as -111.
14 EV,41o.
lululn ental-
$7,no snd on ,, h .0 . 11r»l.. P,•:,( ,
- r a1,101..“ , 110,.
88111)1A (loose 11 un ,010l'004 tarent-
tbe 02 1011 rgitithing 1 _ Id$. selected
from :a1) Mods. those 1,111,100 of the
11(01 1 1 11 F 111 n, t
rot 1 J1.5.4(2(01 O0000, nantlers 83.00
1 d,
S1 00 snob, it. Iioumeter,
Ile 1, 1•„,,11,11. Ontario. •
tit t (01(14)
I1 1 55 11 11) (1(81(0(11411
15,0 .............''1 110
c111, :11.
2,1114)) b tom non, 01 drsrme rashes
and tvoopitt, Ito )1n0b1 Post's )'3'(e•
rola Solve 18111 not Oisaln,-i0 ,mL
,o,111no, htlrl,1111 rgllln: 1..11e.
sow,woo.i. pimlle ml,1 athlete's font will
respond ',many to ,hn c)aml.ce, odorless
oinu0 rl 020. 115.., ul. Moe 01 uhbnrt. or
hn, t n - 1 „v tent.
l'8I(is 0).)))) 1'x111 .18.12
w„n Pn•cl f r , "u Ii,,,opi of price
080 Quern .:1,) (:'Mauls 02 Logan. 'raronto
Without Calornel -And You'll Jurnp Out of
Bed in the Morning Ririe' to Go
The liver should pour nut about 2 pints of
bila 11310o tote your digestive tract every day.
if tutu Gil) to not Rowing freely, your food may
tofltsetyooaaoratdigest. gas may lust tomYu
gat ennxtip,tod, You Peel my. sunk end the
,rorld looks punk.
It takes 111090 mild, eontle (luster's Little
Liver Pills to gat these 2 pint) of bila limy
fog bosly to make you feel ; 'up and up."
001. a 5eeta.g0 today. Effective in making
bile a w to ety, Ask for Carter's Little Liver
Pills, i ,' 1 MeV ,hnlgslnre.
ITS'PROVEN-Every sufferer of
Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis
should try Dixon's Remedy,
335 Elgin Ottawa
$'12$ Express Prepaid
faai 11 11'N'1 ins -r,- "ill (15 Corn.' 0000,
18:30, 111100r, Orth el tin (10111.20.01, elan -
.)ones, 1-11111114 11luta Au min -:atarrh,
°bratty, etc„ treated 180, (. sfunY nature's
uny by urc,t hint ' Al 1 n root}, 03411
Lal h e a. !Mot. t all I,. ..,,,rc•_,-,.
7htldirated (con any part Or lila buds
1;1111 ;'
•,,'. 1'101., a r;amul(nble dlacovers
of the tui, aw¢o-Pe1, rnnratnn nu 11000-
1.111 h,grt•1• 1,11, and will drv0oy the lab
.1.011-111,11.114 11111111A,(0(1118<
(Manr1110 `.deet
lulu r,
nitltltlINIIltti 1na 011 •, n 51(103184
JOIN "ANA(0 blas1ul1U .1•)1001.
.. ,•tel f11 I ori lin1ty Lear»
Pletts.rnt d,gn n t profession, -004 proses
'dhonenmis nt stiocersful 141104.1 oreginte(
,Ame(I'o s w,ma eat $Salem.
Iiltml rated t'ala10gIO ('100 •
Mite of Cali
((871V1.1. (1A IBDBI.SSINCI 8011001.0
'130 Moor St W , '('0,10)11
a4 14( 11 St , Hamilton
2 11.111enit •( 0upwa
LEARN PL+vu 111 EAR. ons kiy, Fastest
system ever ((synced, Ounly or Old 'an
Isamu. Write: 1100 )0 Conner. now '0,,
'11okay'. limtnns, U.S,.,, ...
4,N 0(012)78 10 0001.9 Inventor- Mgt o1 In-
ventions and full infm'umtian sent free.
The Ramsay CO RogIstot'ed Patent ABM,
Urya, Zia Muth :street, Ottawa.
t`Id'PIIPIIS'1'ONItAD0ll & COr0pany, Pa-
lest 40112110ra, I.stnhhshed 1800, 000
Flay Street. Toronto .11,101401 nt Inform,.
1151 on request.
CANADIAN 'WRITERS a:rd,•,1. You 000
100(t to el't'it,• I'1•eltltrh10 Ilei ion. 00010'
.1tltly 04.o.t01,0 aivett vmt pet':ionttl 01001111'
112,11 by xttee _ill ,',mni,tn UM 110e. Lia
I .) tell 4041 lit, 1 lontleil Int lloverauent
Il ll 1 Oleo i la IIF f 1 - (.',Vol «'01'Sfa)
1•0081pil at model:Ile Vales. 171.1l0 Mr It
1wlin,s S.rlhe, 2001 Poo, 1111). Avenue
wnne„uVrl• n
ht AB'S
UN1n=A•r.A1111i, Jmer 1_ ) If1 i1, 8LtitlltlO.
(Ilse as, art m•'I I. 100 t, epp11tol 0mg
',nuts, Maier,. II. 1, ti-lur1,1, 11,0,
'I'nl waiting for m3' husband le
, *how up with those shirts aria
res I bought hint'
1..0 5
111 41144N
S. C.
Newel::ap above chows location
(..) the 260,000 -acre site near
Aileen, N.C., where secret plants
to make hydrogen bomb explo-
sives will begin next year. The
vast project will be built and
operated by E. I. duPont de
Nemours & Co. at a cost of over
$200,000,000. Some 1500 families
now living in the area -most of
them in the villages of EIlenton,
Jackson, Dunbarton and Snell-
ing must be relocated to make
way for the 13-bolnb plant.
Stripe -shaded areas are those
to be cleared at an early date to
begin construction.
ISSUE 50 - 1950
I lM1S! y