The Seaforth News, 1950-06-29, Page 2THE FARM FRONT
With the disastrous Manitoba
floods still vivid in most people's
Minds a few worths about water
control and drainage might not be
amiss. The control of water has
long been recognized as a respousi
Iility of not only the state but the
individual as well. Almost four hun-
dred years before the birth of
Christ the great .Greek philosopher
Plato wrote in his "Laws" the fol-
5 k 5
"If there be a heavy rain and
one of those on the lower ground
injures some tiller of the upper
ground or some one who has a com-
mon wall refuses to give his neigh-
bour an outlet for water; or, again,
if some one living on the higher
ground recklessly lets off the water
on his lower neighbour, and they
cannot come to terms with one an-
other let him, if he will, summon
the offender, if he be in the city
before the warden of the city and
if he be in the country before the
warden of the country, and let him
obtain a decision determining what
each of them is to do. And he who
will not abide by the decision shall
suffer for his morose and malignant
temper, and pay a fine equivalent
to double the value of the injury,
because he was unwilling to sub-
mit to the magistrates."
Most countries at some time or
another have assisted farmers in
the drainage of low land; or the
government itself has undertaken
the drainage of certain areas so
that they could be developed for
agricultural purposes, Here in
Canada all the provinces have one
or more acts on the statutes de-
signed to assist farmers by one
method or another in the drainage
of agricultural land; and several
Departments of Agriculture have
additional policies that provide even
further assistance to the individual
a, e.
Most of the Canadian drainage
arts now in effect reseumtle those
of our own province. While On-
tario has Live acts, the purposes
of them are two -fold. The first is
to. enable a group of farmers to
secure an outlet; and the second
is to provide loans, at Inw interest
rate, fuer the construction of drains.
* * m
1, Municipal Drainage Act—
Makes it possible to secure outlets
for targe areas. The work is gen-
erally carried an by the municipal
council when they are petitioned to
dc, so by a group of farmers. An
engineer is appointed who makes a
survey and estimates cost. The
cost is assessed to alt benefiting
from the project.
• * :k
2. The Ditches and Watercourses
Act—Applies to smaller areas with
definite limitations as to size.
m 'k *
3. The Municipal Drainage Act—
for the construction of drainage
Permits councils to borrow money
for the construction of drainage
* 5 5
4. Main Outlets—An act of the
Legislature permits a municipal
council to borrow money for the
s:onatruction of outlet ditches and
ander the Provincial Aid to Drain-
age Act a free grant of 20 per cent
of the cost of the work up to a
maximum of $20,000 may he grant-
ed to a municipality.
• 'r +k
5. Tile Drainage—Assistance is
given for the installation of tile un-
derdrainage by the provision of
survey: at a very nominal cost;
and under the Tile Drainage Act a
farmer may borrow up to $2,000 per
100 acres at 3 per cent interest but
not more than 75 per cent of the
cost of the work.
4 * m
Unlike similar acts in the Mari-
lime Provinces, money has been
borrowed under this Act for tile
drainage work every year since it
Sock With A Sock! — Anna Hughes Patteson registers real
surprise as she -checks the size of one of -the socks to be -pres-
ented to Gov, James E. Folsom of Alabama at the 42nd annual
governors' conference. -The socks, size 18, measure 18 inches
from heel to toe. A dozen socks for each governor will be among
the forty gifts from West Virginia industries to he presented to
governors and their wives,
was originally passed in 1879. Na-
turally, the amounts borrowed have
varied widely but in 65 years ap-
proximately $000,000 has hexa bor-
rowed by farmers. The municipal
councils who administer these loans
and who musk take the first step
in making the money available for
farmers deserve a great deal of
credit for their progressive attitude.
* * •
Which will be. about enough, for
just now, about drainage; and I
realize that the foregoing, although
it's about a "wet" subject, is liable
to prove pretty dry reading, Still,
it's surprising how many there are
—folks who consider themselves
well-informed too—who know little
or nothing about these matters.
We're all to apt to say "the Gov-
ernment should do this" or "the
Government should do. that" instead
of finding out what the Government
actually is' ready and willing to do.
Beaver Checks In — Sheilagh
Neale models something new
in fur coats, displayed at the
recent British Fur Trade Man-
ufacturers' showing. Beaver
furs are dyed in contrasting
colors and sewn together in
this hold check pattern.
Passed The Bucks --- teen -;t couple, \\ illi`,, :•'il
Znerndf. were arrested in Amsterdam, N.Y., after a successful
counterfeiting career. The 18 -year-old ex -grocery clerk trade
fel,e 1e5, 810 and 82.0 hills and his read -headed 17 -year-old Wife
passed ahem.
Modern Etiquette
By Roberta Lee
Q. What is the proper procedure
of a best man in regarding to the
wedding ring?
A. 1 -Ie carries it in a righthand
pocket, and is sure to remember
the exact pocket. Ile joins the
bridegroom in the room set aside
for their use and walks with hint
to the spot where the marriage is
to take place. The best elan stands
one pare behind the bridgegroonl.
Anticipating the moment that the
ring is to be used, he advances and
places it in his friend's hand.
Q. When an invitation is accept-
ed by letter, is it considered good
taste to repeat the exact date and
hour mentioned in the invitation?
A, It is not only good taste to
do so, but it also helps avoid any
misunderstanding as to the date
and time.
Q. I have seen people chewing
ice cream. Is that good form?
A. Chewing ice cream is neither
necessary, nor is it goo(, form.
Q. Is it proper for the bride-
groom to mail some of the wedding
invitations to his circle of intimate
A. No; all the invitations should
be nailed from the bride's home.
The bride's fiance should, of course,
furnish a list of his relatives and
friends to whole he wishes invi-
tations sent.
Q. It it all right to lay a slice
of bread on the plate or table in
order to butter it?
A. Never. Bread should always
be broken into shall pieces, which
are held between the fingers while
being buttered.
Q. Should a young man rise
when an elderly or distinguished
man enters the room?
A, This is always the 'well-bred
thing to do.
Q. What is the correct wording
for a letter inviting someone to pay
a visit in your home?
A. There is no exact rule of eti-
quette governing this, other than
that the letter should be friendly
and sincere—and the reason for
the invitation is usually stated.
Q. After returning home from
her honeymoon, should a bride
wait for her friends to call on her
before she calls on them?
A. Yes; usually she is not ex-
pected to make any calls until her
friends have come to see her.
Q. Should a young girl offer her
hand when she is being introduced
to an elderly woman?
A. Not unless the elderly woman
offers her hand first.
Q. If the person making an in-
troduction does not pronounce a
name distinctly, is it all right for
me to ask him to repeat the name?
A, Never. Direct your question
to the person to whole you are
being introduced. The correct pro-
cedure is, "Hone do -you do? I am
very sorry I did not hear your
'Grass silage will be the savior
of Canada's winter feed problem,"
Melvin Shut), Kitchener, Ontario
dairyman, told a meeting of 1,000
district farmers at the Waterloo
County annual seed fair recently.
He said that grass silage brought
his herd of 75 Jerseys through the
last few winters with no loss of
production and in better condition
than had been his experience with
hay and corn feed.
"It takes courage to go into this
program." he warned. "You have
to keep after the land at all tittles,
fertilize every year for greater
yields and plow your fields under
and re -seers every ewo years." In
Shrill', opinion the younger grass
left lying for an hour after cutting
made the best feed. It is much
cheaper than corn and involves less
trouble in growing and handling.
We had thought that our neigh-
bors to the immediate south took
their national sport seriously enough
--but it would appear that the folks
"Down Under" go in for baseball
in an even more thorough and in-
tensive manner, Evidently --not sat-
isfied with just playing the game—
they also indulge in something
known as "baseball field games,"
with records made and broken, re-
cords direfully kept,'ans all the rest
of it.
m m
Ilut you'll no doubt understand
what we're getting at if we pass
along a few quotes taken from a
recent Melbourne, Australia, dis•
patch regarding the matter.
n 5 5
"Robert G. Jones of the Univer-
sity of California recently drove a
baseball 511 feet 9 inches and bet-
tered the previous world record by
8 feet 6inches, becoming the second
baseballer ever to better 500 feet,
The first to top 500 was Australian
Wally Driver, who accomplished
this prodigious feat when he drove
the baseball clean out of the St.
Kilda Football Ground into the
crowd, Where the ball landed on the
full Was 'toted by 'an official and the
amazing distance of 503 feet 3 ins.
was reported,"
m m *
(We take it that "on the full"
means where the ball lights, and
doesn't allow for any bounce or roll.
Also, in passing, we would say that
the Aussie bleacheriites can't be
such avid ball-glouniners as Id have
on this side of the Pacific. But let
Us on with the tale.)
5 5 ak
"It was unbelievable that a man
could hit a ball so fat', especially
as the best professional effort was
70 -odd feet short of this record The
nighty Babe Ruth had once driven
a ball 421 feet 8 inches, and this
was acclaimed a sensational effort
=and now a schoolboy has driven
a baseball 511 feet 9 inches."
5 m m
(Here we pause to hope that the
great Babe Ruth isn't turning in the
grave over the thought that ifs
record has been so disgraced. Still,
We doubt that he is. Over here,
"fungo-hitting"—which is all that
the great drives above Mentioned
actually consist of—isn't taiten seri-
ously; and some of the finest fango '
artists we ever saw couldn't hit the
size of their collars in a real game.
But we must return to Australia,
for you haven't heard the half of
it yet.)
"Let those who may call the
drive a "freak" effort on the part
of the fungo-hitter, but a glance
back over Robert's previous record •
surely gives indication that he was
the one man likely to achieve some
sensational figures given the most
favorable opportunities. We in
Australia were given the bare fig-
ures of the University of Cali-
fornia results of their annual base-
ball field games test with the Vic-
torian Baseball Association, in
which Jones topped a record-break-
ing team of three—they also set
a new world team total of 1,37811,
lin.—but this writer visualizes per-
fect atmospheric conditions to en-
able the propelled baseball to attain
and maintain maximum velocity."
* 5
(We warmed you in advance
that those Aussie baseball writers
put the rest of us to shame in their
attitude toward the sport. Now,
maybe you'll believe us. But don't
go away yet. The story continues'
And we'll try not of mention shr
thrilling yarn so much.)
* h 5
"We have noted that Robert
Jones has been the world's most
consistent hitter in baseball field
games events over the past three
years, scoring a .hat -trick in first
placings for California, winning
the All-American in 1948 and sec-
ond to Edward F. Sabczak in 1949.
Of course, he will once again be
the top Alf -American in 1950."
5 m *
"Wally Driver, the -ex-champ,"
was also a consistent hitter in these
games, winning the junior Austra-
Iian title before twice taking the
senior event. Somewhat offsetting
my reasoning that high -rating con-
sistency is the lead up to sensa-
tional achievement, Driver's next
hest fungo to his topping 500ft.
was 388ft,, which brings an im-
provement of over 100 feet into the
"freak" category."
R ,p x
"However, Jones sets us back on
our feet, for in successive years
he bit 459.7ft,, 443.3 and 511,9— -
all of which bettered the profes-
sional record. Sobczak, who beat
Janes last year, registered 449.11ft."
k m 0
"Australians --- and maybe the
world—thought Wally Driver's re-
cord would never be broken. But it
has, and by a student at the 1'niver•
city of California, the first Ameri-
can academy to set "international
baseball field- games" in tuotion.
Ctiton W. Evans' baseballcrs initi•
Ned the series in 1939 and our good
,.Classified Advertising..
Irving N. Shown. 77 Victoria fit,. -Toronto.
RADA UH1(10*
Y011 WILL T1IANK us this 1•'nl1 and Whiter
for urinal; you. to purchase alielis and
turlteye. we look Inc high rg1: lwd poultry
Arleen this Ieail. Order today. Prompt
dellvory on Oanudlnn Approvrvl chlelts and
tselrey6, day old, alerted, 2 weeks to a
weeks, non -sexed of sexed. Nen older pullets
8 weeps to laying. Reduced prices. Free
Cete.tosne. Top 'Mien 010e1, Saler, Guelph
DON'T DHSS the boat. with beef Rearm And
prices soaring, thio is bound l0 increase
egg rind poul0'3 Prloen this Pall. portleahuly
so when eggs and Poultry 5111 nleo be short
0151;'. Prices are 50105)'0. hasher when the
demand to greater than the Bernie, We eat
glee prompt delivery on clay old ehleks, 8
weeks t0 9 weeps 1n non -sexed, pullets and
enolterots. Terkeys day ddd, 2 weeks to 6
Weeks, non -sexed, mexed Totes, sexed luno,
at ,'enured prices for 30ne and July. Also
alder pullets. Free (71 100ue, 'Meade Chick
Ilntcheeles Limited, Fergus. Ontario,
Timm htlertorltins shingles aro Just one
of our ninny rooting tad asphalt siding.
210 Lit, lSott Shingles 84.95; 105 'r)teloe
89.95 per 100 soder° feet.
CThick Insulated Skiing; Beloit or Cedar
rain design, only 55.89 Per K.
tl0 'Lb,
Red Granite Roaring, 82.26. Red
0455 shingles 6x0" or more, clear butts,
11.87 per bundle: rovers 26 square feet. Above
prices 5.0,0, Hamilton,
Many other bargains la these factory
emends, we doubt you rim tell from first
made stork,
'rhonsends of items for your new building
or remodelling lob. :tend tilt your lists and we
will quote you mar low delivered Prices.
87,00 per 100 sq. feet. Delivered Ontario,
Quebec and Ttm'lttmes.
All new stock, 20 gauge, culotte nixes avail-
ahle for prompt shipment. Send measurements
for free estimates. Get yours note. Stent
I1,1MIT'rox, ONT.
START your men big pnying busi,,e2e sharp-
ening lawn mowers. Stew° nr fun time.
Experience umuce0su•y, Machine Costs only
81.20. Real money maker. Literature free.
Islington 'Machine Company, istington 5, On-
IrE'r'rElt PI(mrl• 11 ES
10011 $115.\t fine-grained developed end
printed, 9 exposure roll - 40e; 12 exposure
roll - 000; 10 exposure roll - Roc: reprints
fie. Send film unit 'Hameln tot Better Plc -
tures, Box 804, St. dttharines. Ont.
01111 OR WOMAN for general housework do
pleasant workingman's home. Private room,
all mnvenienee0. • Excellent pay. Write
Birkan's, 0 Oxford St.. '10,7100..
111'101811 ANI) CLEANING
HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing) Write to us for Infnrmatlnn. We are
and to answer mu aueatinns Deportment
H. Parlter'a Dye Werke Limned. 791 Yonne
Street. Toronto Coterie
200 -ACBE learnt for sale, about half wood
lot, bank barnandframe house, reasonable
price. Write J, M. Prentice, West Guildford.
Phone Hnlibnrton 61-11.
friend Clint is still stead ,roach of
U. of C."
* 5 e
"There is still a baseball field
games record held by an Australian
that has defied the best efforts of
American and other amateurs. That
is the long distance baseball throw
held by Tom Geegan (Sydney, New
South Wales), who just failed to
reach the best professional throw
of 426ft, 91din, by Sheldon Lejeune
fat Evansville way' back in 1910).
In 1948, Geegan threw 425ft ilia.
His team-mates that year also creat-
e(\ a world record of 1,192ft 9in.
Jack Rowley topped the "400" with
401.9 and Henry Brown complet-
ed the trio with 365.2ft."
* m
"Will some baseballer some day
propel a baseball (without arti-
ficial aid, such as a baseball club)
over 500 feet? Given the man, the
time and the opportunity—maybe."
m Si
(Which will have to be the end
of our story of baseball field games
as played—by correspondence we
imagine—between students in Cali-
fornia and those in Ausralia and
New Zealand. We can only say
that we wish the writer had seen
fit to end on a slightly more hopeful
note regarding the possibilities of a
baseballer some day propelling a
Laseball (without artificial aid such
as a baseball club) over 500 feet.
"Given the elan, the time, and the
opportunity'," he says—and then
ends up with a quite discouraging
"NIAYI3E," Personally we're almost
certain it's bound to happen. In fact
we can hardly trait.
HEALTH HINT.-\'aeationists
remember that sunburn has ruined
many a holiday. Sunburn is a real
burn, it is painful and can be seri-
ous enough to cause hospitalization,
Take it easy, particularly during
initial exposures. Also, use of a
good suntan lotion before exposure
is 'helpful.
you OO)'S
On Three B 011,510 I,nkrl 1aceseible by bee,
mar or trait, Construetno programme. of
Camp eelivinea 0000000 your eel a health11,
Monty 5011105'. Resident doctor in attetl1
tome, and experienced e,porvldlon, Tents 094
cabins lleerent'ion Lodge, good wlotesmne
food. Mates 890 per week or 8100 Per month,
Write for folder to --Charles wren, 11 Ael)
land A70000, Toronto, Ont,
PERMANENTLY erndlcated with 1.450a Polo.
The most remarkable 1100overy of the age,
Soca Polo to guaranteed to 1111 the rool0 o1
any hair, and eentahna no drugs or. c)temleals,
1or-Reor Lab„ 171 Granville, Vancouver, 18(0
1945 3 -TON D317I5ClIRY dump truck, extra
good condition: Lord ante, 5 numlh0 nld,
with 900 heavy duty Skyline front end )outlet
equipped with rate. Oliver Smith, Atwood
Tel. )s2 W.
AI C01NI'3I ROOFING—IAunedtate shlpmeni
,010" think in 5, 7, 5t 9, and 10 -fool
lengths. s 11 ,019" at 89.40 pet
81108 0, ,Pyle010'' ntct $19.20511 per 015058 louvered
Ontario pointe. 10' esttnintee. enmities; IIter
attire, 05i,„ wine: A. C. LESLIE it Co,
LIMITED, 190 Commie0loner0 St., Toronto 2.
6IOTORCTCLI(S, llaelr 005150 on, New and
used, bought, sold. exetlatlgod, Large stock
of guaranteed udod motorcycles. Repairs by
filet¢•)•-tralned mcohanles, Bteyclos, and com-
plete line of wheel geode, also Cone, Bente
and Johnson Outboard Motors. Open evenings,
Walil nine except Wednesday, Strand Oycle
& Sports, Ring at Sanford,Hamllton.
40 TO Ido COLONIES Rees in 19 frame
Langntroth hivo0. With 1111 etiutpment.
Guaranteed clean. 101 in excellent condition
and one of the hest kept yards in the Province
and a really sood location on highway. Ren-
t-•, for selling In health, A rent bargain for
someone for quick sale. Phone 04, OR-
CHARD PA1tIc APL\RY, Elmwood, Ontario,
HAMSTERS, Satisfied Gusto tern throughout
Canada. Free Information. western Ham-
0te•1e8. Dox 724 Sankntoon, Saelt.
SPECIAL in Gallon Cnnn—O.T. wood Pre-
server $2.25; Roof Primer, $1.49; Asbestos
Roof Liquid. 11.90; Asphaltic Base Ammhmm
Pni0,, 84,80: Olio Seal 82,091 h'tuntlalloo Seal
51,59; Drl-Fant Sletat Palnt,Biaelt, 83.29.
Hughes Hydrotex Representative, 4044 De -
eerie Blvd„ Montreal 25.
IIeILIIIVJITON,—Cottaso and lake shorn lots
for Salo sandy bench, good Balling. J, M.
Prentice, went Oulldford. Phone 61-11.
'FIRES—New and used, apeetal bnrgalnel
500-10 and 015-15, regular $0,00 only $6.00,
other Oxen same prlee. Deposit with C.O.D.
shipping Instructions please. Money back
guarantee. Hunk's The, 142 Cltthe'fne Street.
South, Hamilton, Ontario.
O11E88 WART REMOVIER—Leaves no sea's.
Druggists sell CRESS itisrown Too -Nall
Salve. None better.
A TRIAL—Every sufferer of Rheu-
matic Pains or Neuritis should try
Dixons Remedy.
335 Elgin Ottawa
SMOKING worries? Is smoking ruining your
heath? Write for free Information on ab-
solutely safe method to atop, Replies strictly
confidential. Arm -Rus Co., P.O. 208. Ottawa,
Arent Opportunity Learn
Pleasant dignified profession, good wages
thousands successful Marvel gradontes
America's greatest system, lllustruted ca
Iegue free. IVrlte or Call
368 01000 St, W., Toronto
Brunches 44 King St., Hamilton
S. 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa,
TAILORING, Dreenmaktns, Designing taught
in your home. Send for Free Booklet. Low
Alt'I'S, Route No. 1, Box 271, 13erlin, Now
FETHERS'rONHAUOI1 a toirmany Patent
Solicitor° Established i Sou 050 Ras Street.
enenntn Hooklel nl tntpnnnt ten nn renueft.
A. M. LAIDLA W. 0.0e„ Patent Attorney,
Patents of invent100, 56 Sparks St.. Ottawa,
SALESMAN required fur exelostve house -
ware and hardware lines for eurroundhts
territory. Commission or salary to the man
who has an excellent following amongst the
retail trade. Iten-Star Sales. 12 Prince Ar-
thur Street East. Montreal, one..
OLIVER Ttlw\SHIP School Area Board
require leacher for srhaol with enrolment
rot 15. Furnished teacherune witt, hydro end
plug. supplied free. On good road, mull
delivery. etc. Caretakers duties if desired.
f•'itteen miles from Fort William. Applicant
to el ata 0uall neattons, salary expected: and
name nod address of last. inspector. J. E.
Lnwrruc•e, see. Treas.. Aim•llin, Ont.
'ri(At' WANTED for S.S. No 2,
Admustou; duties 10 Commence Sent. 4,
1960, 1411001 on Highway S0, nix mites from
Renfrew, hydra Installed. Apply, stating
qualifications. experlence, and rnlury expected,
to J, L. Campbell, Sec.-Treas.. Admastot.
Ql'.�L19410L> ,hntestunt -Teacher for S.S.
No. 2, Hagerty Protestant Separate Duties
to rmmmeme Sept„ 1955, flood eatery, enrol-
ment 11. Apply gutting qualtnentions and
solar; to Elul 1:. weber, Sec. -Tress.,
filtlaoe, Ont,_
L'oRIGCA L, Prescott t1oun l3, Protestant
teatime wanted for S.S. No, 3, Lonhveull.
Dulles in Governance after the holidays.
Seiner Recording to qualifications. Ian
Maroon, Ste. -Tress„ 1: orignal, Ont„ R.R.
No, 1.
�7 ofptseesc!
eeoema, Shiives,tching pimples. scales, scabies, atherash,
foot and other externally caused skin troubles.
Use qquirk-acting, soothing, antiseptic G, 0. D.
PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless, stainless. lick
stops or your mann back, Your druggio(
ISSUE 26 — 1950
Sweet as its name!