The Seaforth News, 1950-04-06, Page 6You will be delighted with
this fragrant tea
7�ow�, r2y cw.tiv,neseat,
"Dear Anue Hirst: Nine year's
ago, I married a man eight years
younger than I. He comet front
a nice family,
IIe ie gond to
me in so many
ways even help-
ing me clean
and iron. He is
so thoughtful,
never forgetting
birthdays•ar 5dy
other auuit•ers-
"Every once in a while, lie goes
out with another woman.
"He assure' ane it doesn't mean
anything. He says he love, ate, and
always will --!hut he just wants to
have fun,
"I don't dance or drinka and am
not very mon', on account of a
serious operation.
"Just now, he i5 taking another
woman out once or twice a month.
I told hint I knew about it, and I
would leave liitit. IIe tells nue he
will go, and I. could have the louse,
"I have a boy by a previous mar -
liege No boy could have a better.
father than niv husband L, to him.
Ile is a good boy. with in&auers,
and much of his training is dm to
my husband.
"What ehall I do e3 him
to so? (Ir to stay?
Mrs. l."
A Crisis
Apparently, you have made up
a your mind that you will not put
* up with your husband's taking
* any other woman out. He is as
e determined, I gather, to persist
a in the habit. His assurances that
4 these women mean nothh g to
a hint, you evidently will not ac-
e' sept as true.
a Do you believe your husband
" is being unfaithful: •
* I suppose yon know that in-
s fidelity is very difficult to prove
• —and you would have to prove
• it, to get a divorce.
hs You now trust decide if you
'n want to live with your husband
as as he is, or leave him and live
Y alone. You faced such a period
* of loneliness before, after your
a' first marriage. You know how it
4740 srzES t2--20; 40
I 1 r thr •, nmol glia 111'
Iovilie=t ,adding cur•-tre, girl he
love, to date„ 1t y 1110 whet est,
3imple t 'lira you r_.,, -r seared.
with dtrp.tut petal t... ',or. and
Sorer t ateea 1 ti 111 I .
Pattern 474n ,x 12. 14. 3i:, 19,
;fr. 40. ale • It ., yet -d incl'.
'Oa, tattier, ra., to 11...atti,plp•
til,-,? fat. at. Ile,: eelti-
''t1., 1 '25(
t- ! ( t t, r, ti ur,-bre,,a
ro-tura. pelt,rr'i hint pa
t ldt •- eta le ettelt,a,
,iced gone r,e r n, 1 I. 123
taigltecnilt aortae h' '•1 '1oront.0,
ISSUE 14 -. 1950
" can tear a woman apart. Are you
„ willing to invite all that again?
* Will 3'011 decide that these lit-
e' tie excursions of your Irtlsbalyd's
"' are innocent? That they merely
c satisfy his desire for an evening
* of dancing, a few drinbe with a
" companionable partner, and no.
,:' thing more? That they are not
* sufficient reason to deprive your-
"` self of a husband who more than
* satisfactory in every other way?
* - It is up -to you,
* Your husband promised to
" cherish you, Cherishing a pereon
v means being thoughtful and kind,
e` protecting her from any avoidable
4• suffering. Your husband is fail-
s iug y-ou in this. Have you ex-
t' plained to him how his behavior
4` hurts and mortifies yaw? Are
* you sure ire knows :tow much?
e' Until you entirely reeo'er your
a normal strength, aren't there
a ways and places to spend all your
t evenings together so you could
both find pleasure 413 them? You
n two have many tastes in common.
'• Why net count them over. and
w exercise your ingenuity to ar-
* range ;more opportunities to en-
" joy thein? Theatres, IlIOviee,
* spectator sports. dinners away
a from home, evenings spent with
• friends—cat:'t you satisfy your
✓ husband with these?
" You should be able le wenn
nim away froze these other wont-
* en. Think it over. calmly, and
n try again. Ile seems to me too
gond a man to lose.
If you have a good husband, hold
on to him, Use all your charm and
tact and common sense to keep
him happy at home .. . Anne Hirst
has had long experience in straight-
ening out family difficulties. She
will help you, too, if you write her
at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth Street,
New Toronto, Ont.
Winston Didn't
Say It First
Long before Britain'; war-tintc
Prime Minister incorporated these
words into his impassioned chal-
lenge defying the then conquering
hordes of Hitler, they were used by
the Rev. lames B. Finley it] con-
nection with eta earlier concept of
human liberty.
Int Finley's autobiograpla out of
print generations agog We find he
has written, page 110, "In the fall
of 1796 my father set all Pts slaves
free. Ile had been for years con-
vinced that it was wrong to hold
his fellow ince in bondage, and
thus deprive then of /licit natural
rights; and he was particularly im-
pressed with the belief that there
could be no civil regulation author-
izing the posseesien of lranrtur be-
ings a, goods and chattels that
would justify a m` -]aster of the. Gos-
pel hi thing upon the SC'VEA'1
`cN1) BLOOD AND a'1, aR''1 of -
bIt fellow beings.
"1 was a 3001 ol!el, [ u .rri0d
you," said lairs. Rrownleigl. angrily.
')'es, darling. lot f - was in love
and didn't 11W,cr it... replied lier
New And Useful
New Egg Beater
Nylon used for pinion gears 411
ilea egg beater. No sign of wear
after 500 hours' continual opera-
tion, says maker, Has chrome -
plated die cast fratne, drive wilco:,
plastic handle, stainless steel Llades
Greaseless Popcorn
No gxease, butter, oil ,recded with
rete type popcorn popper, sal ma-
ker. With heating element totally
enclosed, resting on four legs, pop-
per Ilas upper round popcorn ser-
- tion With automatic rotation of
agitator in, bottom, For liva'g-roan!
Iron Rest
Hot 100115 can b0 stored 1111111e•
tliately after use 011 110tw ha1119m(
iron holder. eliminating standing
lion on end to cool with danger
of tipping, I)etet:habte lircproof
rest fits flat 011 1r0c11ug board,
allowing resting iron without lifting
Cord wrap-around part attaches to
door, wall for space -sari" g stm.
age, says meter.
Speedy Power Saw
Speedy, easy, tree: felling, cut- .
ting claimed with l:riglish pewer
saw, "Revolutionary" in design,
portable, weighs 42 lb., cuts 24 in,
diameter in 43 sec., say, maker.
Run by one maul, has 4 hap, two-
stroke engine said to have long -life
features for polar, tropical ordiu-
at_v weather. (aces double cuts
tip to almost 61) it:.
Flame Guards Self
Explosions front re -ignition in
oil, gas -burning furnaces after fail -
ere of flatnc said ing,ossi) le with
1100- robot control. Small direct cur -
tent flows through flame itself
operates relay 111119 controlling elec-
tronic fuel supply "alio. If flame
dies, fuel cuts out instantare011sh•
e says,
Pet Parking
New "Park -a Tet" portal le tent•
Bring device for dogs. etc. is said
Mullane, prerer ting: animal from
being hurt in lunging to end of
leash, getting tangled lap in leash.
Plate has corners diggu.g into
ground, with Irhs11 attached to Tod
with angular pull; special recoil
spring mate, for give vile least
yant:ed near its full eauni
1. flra,r
4 pain
10 Oxides
12. ]'.eaves the
19. Discharge a
14. 19xe lama:non
15. Hstinct 5104
1e. Mine
11, Girl's name
19. Cubic cacti.
meter (a5.)
34. Smooth the
22, wind spirally
23. Bead al easing
20. Mineral earner
Move merrily
27. Mine entranco
29. Malicious
31. 101114 00 meld
03. M'an'e name
37. Preclude from
Y9. 11051ury giant
40. Deepulf
411, (tercet grana
45. Anger
40. Operate.
47. Permit
49, While
50. Aga
01, Bustle
53 Sphere
54 Parfet -a
51. Uniform
55, ftlt•e
00 (Manuel
Bl Slown."n sing*Wei59
1.1' int
4. l 'ase
9. IMin perure
0. Become vtaibie
7. A,el'a brotbir
8. S tike
9. Mane
n ltnam4
14, 4 ylo or
4 2
11. nock
10. Yellow
111, afo1,aminedan
%f. bedge
between the
molar and
lunar year
53. Went lair
14. 'twitching
. aune Meg
23. nook o 7 4tafr
xepart DC x
"'. UuoC,Cue
74. Yale
5. Ball
30. t1naiful, ricer
5. Kind of Lea
40. Statement of
1, meal Late
2. Pt'agnl0111n
4. Implements
7. Arabian
neap ort
43, .mall bird
a1. At all (Scot,)
1. Bleat
50. Plural ending
7. Magical note
1, Oaten meter
9 ID
., ry
tea't e..- haat
1. Oxide
7, Bovine grim
d � :i;ice k 4h
Answer al. ewi'er"e on iI* paile.
By Rev. R. Barclay Warren
'The Power Of The Resurrection"
I Cor, 15:1-8, 20-21, 57)58
Golders Text: "Thames Be To
God, Who Cavctlh Lis The Victory
111.0ugl, Our Lord, Jesus Christ."
Of all the miraculous events in
the annals of history, by far -the
most otnittamling in the Resnt','t'e-
hoe of Jesus Christ. aleu had been
brought hack to life before, as ie
the daps of I',lialle and during the
ministry of Jesus Christ 011 earth,
One 13111, .Lazarus, had been dead
Mar clays when he came back at
the Saviour's call. But all these en-
countered death again, and suc-
cumbed, 'Then Jesus Christ Ilim-
self was nailed to a cross, and IIe
died, too, —
But on the third day, the unbe-
lievable !lappeled. Without assist-
ante from the outside world, Jesus
UI,riat arose, 11e laid aide the
(cath garments and went forth
:rout the tomb. The Roman sol-
diers, on guard to prevent His life-
hso body being stolen by Isis
disciples, thetnselt'es became as
dead moll.
"Death 0atmot kee[, his ',tea --
Jesus, my Saviour!
lie tore the bars away' -Jesus, my
t'q, from the grave Ile arose
With a mighty triumph o'er 1lis
lie arose. a Victor front the (lark
And lives forever with the saints
to reign,
lie arose! Ile arose!
hallelujah! Christ arose!"
His rising from the dyes is the
pledge that we. too, shall rise. This
!s a great comfort when we bid
farewell to oto• loved ones iu death,
We shall rise again and the future
life will be gloricis if we welcome
the Sav!cntr into 000 hearts now.
.tie wba has strength to overcome
death can 'detect. us front the
power of sin in this present life,
i hrough Christ. 100 can he 0011
They Knew Him -
"I 111' come 11. 10111 try 1,110.
band," said 1,1rs. Smith, arriving at
the (folded (',etre.
"i 'alighted tc. meet you, ma -am,'
replied t1e hceper, "What was your -
I tlyd'thnd's nems
"Joeepb Smith,"
"Fin afraid that will not be suf-
ficient for 110 to identify hint. You
see, we have quite a lot of Joseph
Smiths up here. Are there any
other tuea11'!') Al 11i01 I can identify
"Well, before he died, he tc,id me
that if 1 ever kissed another man,
ho would turn in his gravel"
"Ohl I know the chap. (1p (here
v'c caul liin, 'Wail -ling Joe!
Without Calomel—And You'll Jump but el
Red in the Morning Rarin' to Go
iu liver into year digesE v0 15505 o aline
If this bile la net bowing freely: your food may
not digest. It may just loony rn the 11i1',estire
tract. J.'ltenaas bloats up youretomooh, You
get constipated, You feel sour, sunk and the
world looks punk.
It takes those mild, gont10 Cattsrn 11111,
to make you fhose 2 eel "tat unit tui "
Gat a protege today, liffeottve in m:fel:e,
bila flew freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver
pills, 2110 at env 400(1 (ors.
3wmdottr e P. Ct&t, e
'there is no sigh yet that "spring
is just around the 0011101'," and yet
there is a different feeling, in the
ail'. When the sun shales, the
robins and crows etre ow looking
for it, although there are huge drifts
iii every direction and nt ny farm
lanes are still impassable, Onrs
would be, too, if Bob hada t plowed
it ottt, But maybe the Snow won't
last much longer as the weather.
man promises us a high of 35 for
today. We hope it won't warm up
too suddenly as that meant: a lot
of work, digging and shovelling so
that the melting snots can find its
way down to the crcek without
flooding the stables and ce lar. That
is a jolt that has always faseivated
ate, '1'itue 10.0 when 1 used to love
to get out with a shovel—and rub-
ber boots—and by digglag here and
there, help Partner divert '.Ile water
into its proper channel, and watch
it gurgling and churning through
the fast meltiug snort',
Well, last week, I nla.le a trip
to the city as 1 had been promising
myself. III fact, I wetlt twice. On
the first trip, I was away two clays,
staying overnight with Daughter.
And justimagine-1hardly spent
any money at all. For one thing,
1 didn't have much money to spend
and 1 didn't have much time, either,
This was strictly a visiting trip.
That meant spending half my tune
in the street cars as an friends
seemed to live as far apart as the
poles. So I went front Parkdalc
to Richmond Street; f,' ui Rich-
mond to Forest Hill; Forest IIi11
to Moore Park—and finally to the
Bay Street bus terminal. '!'here I
found Daughter waiting to see 111e
eft—which 1 hadn't expected. "Well
Mother," Daughter remarked, "1
must say you cut things pretty
fine!" You see, 1 just load three
wiuutes to get my ticket and hunt
the bus. But then, how could I
help it—tile T.T.C. wouldn't hurry
itself on my account,
While in the city, 1 had one
experience that was entirely new. I
visited the City Hall to pay a park-
ing fine, Olt no, it 'wasn't mine—it
was just a little memento the city
police left a friend of mine, and he
asked me to pay it fur hint. So
help 1,,e, the revenue front parking
tickets should be almost enough to
1 sauce the City -Hall. It was early
in the day and yet there was one
continual stream of men hurrying
up to the wicket with their tickets
and paying $1, $2, or $5 as the case
might be. And please note—I said
men! I didn't see a woman at all.
Maybe women have more sense
than to take phances on a ticket. I
know it would burn ale rp to pay
out good money and have nothing
to shote for it except a receipt for
a parking fine.
Daughter was looking tired. I
think I was her sixth visitor inside
of two weeks. While there, 1
learned some of the joys of Iiviltg
in a rooming house,' After we had
gone to bed, one of the 'roomers"
talked for a solid half ho.t1 on the
'phone. That was 11.30 'p nh.—and
the talkative one was a maul \Vho
says women do all the talking?
Of course, I. was taken alp to see
the "Bubble Room," and, in spite of
the bubbles, the rooms were so
bright, clean and cheery L thought
f would got mind an apartment
like that myself. Daughter assures
115 that an even nicer apartment
titan that is available for Partner
and I any time we want it. That's
something, anyway became: none of
es can tell what the future holds
to store.
Later in the week, Boy and 1
acre out on a business trip to the
1(1ittgsway. A ud what .a. trip . that
lyes! It was all right when we
'tr,rled, but after a while, wet snow
started falling, driven by a high
wind. Corning home, it rya+ almost
nnpussible to see the tracks, and the
windshield wipers wotilili't work
, properly for the ice that coated
them. in every garage we passed
ears were lined tip, apparently with
the sante trouble. 15 was good to
see Ginger Farm again, even if the
lane was plugged as tight as a
shlowbank, '1'hei'e also was washing
flapping noisily on the hue, coated
511th snow and ice, 1 had washed
that morning, thinking it. was 31
good day for the job!
By the way, there is u most in-
teresting discussion going on in a
bi-monthly farm paper. 1 wonder
how many are following it, One
rt:uler says there are just as many
opportunities today for young
couples starting to faun as there
were 3!1 years ago—if they are
ready to make sacrifices. Two
young farmers, in answering the
letter, say they are quite willing to
make sacrifices and are ready to
take on a -run-down farm -to rent,
buy, or- work 0n shares --if such a
farm can be had. ;Lite editorial
asks, " \1'here are these farms?"
- Well, that's all for now, Next
week, I expect to tell you about our
June slug. June Bug . , - in March?
Yes, but that's next 1wec1,'o story.
Upside down to prevent peeping,
And the
For fast, prolonged relief from
headache get INSTANTINE. 113111
prescription -like tablet contains not
just one, but three proven medical
ingredients that east the pain fast:
And the relief is, in most cases, lasting.
Try INSTANTINE just 01100 for paha
relief and you'll say as thousands do
that there's one thing for headache
a :.. it's INSTANTINE I
And try INSTANTINE for other
aches, too , .. for neuritic or neuralgic
pain ... or for the pains and aches
that accompany a cold. A single tablet
usually brings
prompt relief.
Gel inetentine today
and always '
keep It handy
12 -Tablet Tin 210
Economical de -Tablet Dottie 69
Tasty? Sure, they're
MAGIC baked!
Mix and sifi. twice, then sift into a bowl, 1 jai 0. owe -
sifted cake flour, ea f taps. Magic :[laking Powder, al tsp.
salt, ti tsp. ground ginger, as tem ground cinnamon, 3,,
tsp. each of ground cloves and grated nutmeg. Cut
in finely 6 tbs. dulled shortening and mis 111 J e.
lightly -pecked brown sugar. Combine :Iwell-beaten
egg, 1.i d. corn syrup and lac, mills, 'alnico a well in
dray ingredients and add liquids; mix lightly with
n cork. Two-thirds all grassed cup -cake dishes
with b, Bake in moderate even, 300', about.
25 minutes, or cover each pudding with wet
cookery parchment paper, tie down and steam
for 26 minutes, Servo hot with venni sluice,
iota- 1 seating:,