The Seaforth News, 1954-06-10, Page 7THE Cabritt SPORTS COLUMN
Eemw t1; , C„oo
Boger Bannister, slim British medical
student, performed the individual ath-
letic feat of the century when he ran
a mile in less than Your minutes. The
Miracle Mile,
The ink was scarcely dry on the news
when 225 -pound reporting Bannister's achieve-
mentp y O'Brien of California sent the
16 -pound shot hurtling through the air for 80 feet, 5 inches,
leaving the fabled 00 -foot mask shattered.
And so there is added to the- • record more evidence that
man is steadily improving athletically, despite the supposedly
softening effects of the automobile and the other luxuries of
which our grandparents never even dreamed. Man runs faster,
jumps higher and farther, hurls weights greater distances than
Iver before,
Take the most basic of all athletic endeavours — running.
in the mile, which is reckoned to be the blue ribbon of all
distances, athletes today are running nearly ten per cent
speedier than a century ago. Times which won titles in the
first years of one -mile championships are now commonplace
with high school boys.
In the second half of the last century a 4;10;0 miler was
a rarity. In fact, England's Walter G, George was the only
really outstanding one. FIis amateur record of 4:21:4 stood
from 1882 until 1895, and it was not until 1915 that his pro-
fessional record of 4:12% was bettered by Norman Taber of
the U.S. When George set the professional mark, the news
was received on this side of the Atlantic with grave doubts.
The feeling you glean from periodicals of. the time is that it
was then held impossible for anyone to run that fast.
But when, a few weeks ago, Bann'ister's flying feet car-
ried him through the "impassable" 44ilnu'te barrier, the world
marvelled atthe performance. No one 'expressed the slightest
doubt of the thning accuracy.
The smashing of athletic records has become almost mono-
tonous in recent years, and there exists no doubt as to the
authenticity of each new pitman feat of speed, endurance or
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St•, Taronlc.
One Way To Soften
Old Sam's Piunphes
Old Sam Langforel was one of
the hardest hitting heavyweights
in the business,. The "Boston Tar
Baby" had just as much respect
for his own punch as the next
man, too. The first time he sign-
ed to fight in England, he
showed up before the bout at the
National Sporting Club in Lon-
don. The promoter began to dis-
cuss the coming engagement with
Belting, Sambo. Among o the r
things he toId Sam that he could
have his choice of any of three
Langford shrugged his power -
shoulders and broke into a
wide grin. "Uh-uh," he said.
"That won't be necessary. I
.serry my own referee."
The English promoter threw
Up his hands in terror, "I'm
sorry, Langford," he stammered.
"We can't permit that."
Old Sam raised his ponderous
min and doubled his ham -like
fist under the ,lrornoter's nose.
"Boss," he said, "this is my
And it was. Langford knocked
out his opponent in jig time that
night. But there was another
Occasion when his "referee" fail -
tel him.
In 1911, Langford was matched
with Bill Lang. Before the fight,
Langford was approached with a
proposition, namely, to throw
the fight, Barn refused. He was
too confident of achieving an
easy victory over his opponent,
The first thing that seemed
odd to Sam Langford as he sat
in his corner was the gloves he
was given to wear. A box con-
taining the two pairs of gloves
had been tossed into the ring.
When the box was opened, Lang-
ford was astonished to see that
the gloves were white. He saw
immediately that the gloves had
been ordered by Lang's manager
purposely because white gloves
would show up better against his
own dark body and might there-
fore sway the judge's decision,
Sam shrugged it off, however.
As far as he was concerned, he
could win the fight under any
conditions, white gloves or green
or sky blue pink,
Jn the second round of the
fight, Langford dropped the Eng-
lishman a couple of times, Sam
grinned even more widely. Ile
• knew now for sure that he had
an easy job on his hands. In the
third round he again put Lang
down for a short count. When
he returned to his corner his
manager berated him gently for
not finishing the Englishman off
for good. Langford promised to
clean up the business in the very
next round,
In those days, when Sam Lang-
ford really wanted to kayo a
man, all he had to do was land
five good punches, then turn his
back and walk to his corner
while they counted the poor un-
fortunate out. The trick usually
worked. Well, on this occasion,
old Sam wound up and let go
with five terrific punches. Down
went the champion Of all Ireland
and England, But, instead of
being counted out as Langford
expected, Bill Lang got up fairly
fresh at the count of nine.
It was at this point that Sam
Langford began to smell a rat.
Through the fifth and sixth
rounds, Lang kept going down
and bouncing up again. As -
wobbly as he was, Lang still
Turnabout's Fair Play -- Big girls who want that "little girl" look
can find it in creations like the design at left. The large swag bow
and square neckline, fashioned into a dress of pink -and -blue
checked gingham with pellon-lined skirt, makes a fashionable
late -in -the -day costume, Gail Hanline, at right, shows what eight-
year -olds can wear if their big sisters take up little -girl -styles.
Vest is imported suede and slacks are in the sophisticated
"Toreador" style,
managed to ,tagger around Che
u'ingeu n der Sam's hammering
fistti And then, as Sam let loose
a' terrific haymaker, Lang wav-
ere& out of the way and Lang.
ford missed. So strong was Sam's
follow-through on the attempted
punch that he went sprawling on
his hands and knees on the mat,
Before he could get up Bill Lang
tapped the big Negro on the top
of t h e he a d. Immediately,
referee Eugene Corri stopped the
bout, awarding the fight to
Langford on a foul. There was
many a sigh of relief from the
sporting gentry around the ring
who had made over -enthusiastic
bets on the Englishman to win
and who had now saved their
wagers by the nature of the
Old Barn refused to give up
his gloves at the end of the bout.
He insisted on taking them to
his dressing room for the pur-
pose of finding out why they had
caused him to lose his vaunted
knockout punch. He cut them
open and learned the truth.
Someone had deliberately stuffed
his'gloves with rabbit fur which
was se soft and pliable that all
the sting had been taken out of
his blows! Imagine trying to
knock out a man with a fistful
of air!
Knotty Knot
According to ancient legends
the people of Phygia, an ancient
country of Asia Minor, were ad-
vised by the gods to choose as
king the first man they met on
the way to Jupiter's temple. The
peasant Gordius passed by driv-
ing a wagon, and, hailed as king
to his great amazement, he con-
secrated his wagon to the god
Now Gordius is remembered
for the knot by which he fixed
his wagon to the temple. So
cleverly was it tied that no end
could be perceived in the cord,
and it carne to be predicted that
whoever_ could untie the Gor-
dian knot would win the whole
empixe of Asia. Alexander the
Great happened to pass that way
in his conquering sweep across
Asia Minor. He tried to undo
the knot, but was unable to
solve the puzzle. Impatiently he
drew his sword and slashed the
knot in two. This daring act
impressed his soldiers, who al-
ready considered Alexander as
the future conqueror of Asia. We
now speak of any complex pro-
blem that can be solved only in
a drastic way as a Gordian knot.
Time Goes 'Ticktock' cued 'Drip -Drops — Elliott Stennes, 3, at left, wonders why his dad is always
busy, when he's got so much Time "on hand," Watchmaker Elmer 0, Stennes has collected 50 old
Boston subway clocks, and uses their Swiss movements to construct his specialty, grandfather
clocks. At right, Tom Konnamer, doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, is glad he need not
rely on this ancient water clock when alerting members of the House that a session is about to
begin, The one -handed antique's weights are moved by the difference in balance caused when
water drips from upper to lower containers, Kennamer prefers his electric clacks and push -but -
Ion gongs.
Just Loafin' Along — But not for
long. According to the Navy,
this Viking 10 rocket has travel-
ed nearly 4000 miles per hour,
and reached a height of 136
We Are Not
There may not seem to be
much connection between a slot
machine and an atom bomb, but
a New York manufacturer of
amusement gallery contraptions
has produced a variation of the
"try your skill" slot machines
that, gruesomely enough, makes
the connection. The idea is to
score points by aiming en "atom
bomb" on a moving target -a
city shown on a color film strip.
When the machine appeared
recently in a Stockholm amuse-
ment park 100 youths demanded
that the management remove it.
Our sympathy is heartily with
the objectors. It would be hard
to imagine a crasser, more cal-
lous and stupid form of "amuse-
One of the most valid objec-
tions to the miscalled comic
books, filled with torture, slug-
gings, and murder, has to do
not merely with the emotionally
unbalanced child who may be
led to emulate these horrors but
with the normal child (or adult
reader) who simply has his
sense of human values cheap-
ened by a steady diet of them.
The unamusing atom -bomb game
is open to the same censure,
with an added objection to its
insult to international sensibil-
For many Americans have
talked too glibly about dropping
atom bombs, without any regard
for the fears of allies and neu-
trals living under the very
shadow of the Soviet atornic
arsenal, There aro still those in
other countries who fear that
Americans are living in an im-
mature, comitbook, spy-th.rIller
world where the hero's answer
to every obstacle is a "sock on
'the jaw"—or an atom bomb.
This is a gross parody of the
deeply concerned thinking of
mature Americans. But it be-
hooves each individual in a
country that produces 20,000,000
sensational "comic" books a
month, lethal toys for its young,
and naw an atom bomb "game,"
to inake sure that his finer moral
sensibilitie t are not blunted by
becoming accustomed to the
thought of violent destruction.
—From The Christian Science
The German mathematician,
Zacharias Due, Once multiplied
two 100 -digit numbers together
— in his head,
%$AL4aa.tTY:',%"�rn=leggireeneg.:'J.nCSM1'W.:in:3tLeM#FZm.:.w.4'd=:}1L'YC:L' kB4;.t'G'JCdXrWaYrit^�'��"-;3,«"w...-"...:,-:O-J`,p
Dani osnogs_._._
BROILER Growers -- for maximum
Drente don't bay duht peirpnoa breeds
and axpeat to get Dhtat,r,, n Proalo. Yot,
;Mut have a meat type brsed. Loot year
wo didn't have them. .Phis yetis' we
SUM one o4 the. beet .- Ntohola Now
Hampoltlrea, everyone [aneranteed from
lot generation stock. Prlcea ILO higher
than dual purpose and asocial prleea
on lazge orders and yearly eoatracto,
Send for Nlehola estnloguo,
.IULY-August brotlere -- orderthorn
now. Wo dies have a wide ehnloe 111
rinsed nhtcke. pullet0 -.- dayold and
started •-- prompt shipment, Ask Oe
for new tow prices, Bray Bute raw, 720
JObn N„ Hamilton.
PON"r tape our word for it — oak tiny
4004 poultryman, feed man or college
prnfeasor and they will tell IOu any
of an,' R.O,P, Sired egg breeds will out -
fay by at tenet 10;3 our dual purpose
Pellets. We have both. Tho dual pUr-
poee cost lean because we can sell the
encltereln for roasters. nut she buyer
of these dual purpose patient la surely
PeneIIo,"d, any the right breccia for the
Job you wont them to da Also broiler
nhteko -- our best -- N;ebols New
IL,mnshitee. Turkey Points, Order put-
tete. Prompt ehipmrot on chicks anti
POt1LTS, Started Or ,inyeld, l°maedia to
2,000 Arbor Acres White Ranke dal'Old,
Lakeview's "Quality Uaex,rnlled,"
WANTED: Plock Owners with capacity
Ynr 600-701 Arbor Acres White Knelt
layers. Guaranteed rig prise.
Sussex x Red and White Rork Pullots,
14 tussle and ready -to -lay, THE LAKE -
Len, Phone 7. Exeter. Ontario.
HAVE ynu anything needs dyeing or
cleaning/ Write to us for Information,
We are glad to answer your queatione.
Department U. Parker's Ors Watts Ltm•
Iced. 191 Ynnge St.. Toronto.
WHERI.VER you live you own get
Tweedie high quality, Canadian approved
turkey points, We eon ship by express
or ,1r. We have sold thousands of ter -
keys in the last few years. They tit's
and thrive right from the start. They
will be henry broad breasted birds, the
type that ,'etm'os a profit at marketing
time. Bread Breasted Bronze, White
Holland. Beltsville Whites, Nebraskan,
inn -sexed, hens, tonus. Catalogue.
BROWN Swiss Dairy Cattle, Regiatere4,
Vaccinated and Accredited, a Ii, Jolley,
Box 106, Chatham, Ontario.
WRITE for new 'Sinatratea fishing tackle
and sporting goods catalogue. Special
Mt:counts allowed it you enclose tido
advertisement. Write: Dawson Auto
Parte Limited, P.O, Bog 119 Sherbrooke.
RUBBER Mat Factory, Ideal for couple,
light machined, old tires make mala, high
misfits. Only 82.010,50, we show hew.
Simmnne, 101.5 Prospect, Iudlanepolla,
"DESTROYER" for use 1n outdoor
toilets. Bata right down to the earth,
paves you that unpleasant *loaning teak.
Roll directions, satisfaction guaranteed,
Order a can now, only 61.00 postpaid,
Log Cabin P2'O,lnets, How 402 Brampton,
BEAUTIES — two month old, t0ttoocd,
delivered. Mote or female. gond excel -
335 Elgin, Ottawa.
$1.25 Express Prepaid.
.43) FEDI,154 E3
One woman tells another. Take auperior
FEa)HNLrx" to help alleviate pain. Ole.
tress and nervous tension negotiated with
monthly oorlods.
88,00 Postpaid In plain wrapper
aANtSR the torment of dry eczema rnsbon
and weeping skin troubles. Post's
Eczema Salve w121 not disappoint you.
Itching. sealing, end horning eczema,
aerie. ringworm, pimples and foot eczema
will respond readily to the etalnless odor.
lees ointment regardless nt bow stubborn
sr hopeless they seem.
Sent Poet I5eo en Receipt M Pelee
800 Queen St. E., Corner of vegan
510ND? Beek Guarantee For relief of
Bczeznn, Pelson Ivy, Athlete's Foot,
Mostauito Bites and many akin eruption,
6 oz. 01.16. 12 oz. 82.00 postpaid. Send
money order 00 021Ont's Shin Remedy
Co., 1000'Barton St. East, itauailten, Ont.
.3rent Opportunity team
Pleasant, dignified profession, ra00 wave
Thousands of aueeoasful Marvel grallnatee
America's Greatest rratem
Illustrated tint:Room Free
Write or Cali
868 Blnor St, W. Toronto.
44 King Et., 01n015It0,5
00 Rideau St.. .'rte tea
ENGINE I'InING draftsmen 0in nOr,•at
demand, Train at home 1a o'0re 1Ino
for these well -Dull secure 'lobe. Low ,fees
now in effect. Vine folder. Primary
School of Drof,.Ing *03 C'uglon Read.
Tomei o
TRY our ennoble hnmesp,n, solution, An
e,) featly remedy. tt',, tops. One dol-
lar brings complete 01,4 of ingredients
(not expensive bet mde•.'liora and step
by stop nevi° for thrifty home. props,
Park Rapids, Minnesota,
ISSUE 24 — 1954
DOUnL 0 your Income writing household
hints. 2911es 1pp025100, questions, P007'ni•
et0. Send Self address d etnnape 1 wit'
selOpe. L. 3. r.ibxon. Belson 1140, S.
SPARE two Oppea'L2nit.0substantial
ooxningo. slipping news Boma from Cant
n4lou NewsPapea'a for nmraztnco. firma.
eto, Ipxporionee unneaq attry. Inter-
national publisher provides ganranteed
in0tt'O011One, buyer llnt.'t, edmpletr, de.
tells. 31.00 poatpald, inspiration Proos.
Box 1610, Knoxville. Tonne:wee. U.S,A,
,vCARB three spume of Batter from one
D+>und. You can do 10', easy and - 51.4'0
111,01101'. eomptotc Servet 26e. A, Schuller.
9106 Went 15. 0 Avenue ' +navel, ...00,01,
0177 11111. to svcry ttivenwr-- Loa .r1 Int
Sentient) and toll Intormg ttoo sent tree,
'Eta Ramsay CO., ftaglatere,I Patent An
torture, 274 Dank Street, ()Rowe
tent Attorneys. nimbi -Wheel 1450 Gee Dui.
Vanity Ave-. Tnrnnto. Fppmt. m!1 •,nm•
81,00 TRIAL Offer. Fwenty Vivo deluxe
Personal r0qulremente. Latest Catalogue
!minded, The Medico agency Roe 124
Terminal A. Toronto. Ontario
WANT To Know Your a0lnitiea7 Yoaz
birthstone? Yourself? Spud rile U.H.
Cola for he'noeope. Srinn,m,.
San Angelo. Texas. U,44.A.
QUIT elgarottes e0ally. with Tob see
Eliminator. Sold dui/jeer to money -hack
guarantee. 5nr free Anthoritotivc
cal opinion regarding 111 ett'o,as of uvea•
tine, write 0, King Pher,om'.al Corn.
Ltd., Bnx 803, Walkerville, Ontario.
A 5IRST Anes Cemmeroiol tonahor and
a first
elm) aregg Shorthand teacher;
apply with full earths:1nrm. PARK
BUSINESS COLLEGE. 72 Jomes street
North. Hamilton. Ontario. •1.4Pl:nnn 21100,
WANTED 1964 boar cubs. Send run
yartloulars to Don I1eDooald. 89 Ring
St, Rost Bowman vfilo Onto Tic
REG'IS'TERED N111001SS for 82 -bed hos.
vital. Groot) Salary ,021500 to 8230.00
per month. Eight: boor day (no unlit
ehlfts), six day week, rot:.Ung shin,,.
Thirty days holidays with pay after
one year of 000445ce and ell elatutory
holidays. Apply -- Superintendent of
Nurses, Camera Union Hospital. Canora,
WANTED—A steals enieine (tract ion)
preferably a Waterloo. State Price and
oondltlon. Box 110, 123 Eighteenth St,.
Now Toronto, Ont.
Thr bo L px'ofnetion
ail aunimav long
aainst mosqu e.9
blaokflieg aid
other irgeot peg
11 life's not worth living
it may be your liverI
It's a tett It team ap t0 two pinta of liver
liSe n day to keep your digestive tract in top
slums! If your Inver bile isoat dowing freely
your food may not digest . . gas bleats up
y0tar stomach.. , you feel eonvtipated and
roll the fun and sparkle go out of lite. That's
when vuu need mad gentle Cartcr'o Little
Liver rills. These famous vegetable pipe help
stimulate the flow of liver bile. Soon your
digestion starts funetiening properly and you
feel that happy days are here attain! Aon'4
ever stay Flunk. Abram keep Cnrter'o Little
Laver Pills m1 hand. 370 At. von, drnreriet.
Pr,teet your BOOIit± and 00.00n rear
PORE and l'ID :4E0. We have a sin
one tree of Safe, or Cabinet, for any our
pose, %'lett no or write for mien, Ota 8
Dent. tV.
745 Preto St, Ee, Pernnte
19stablleherl land