The Seaforth News, 1954-05-27, Page 8Sheer, Cool and. Pretty „ BLOUSES for Sommer Wear Featuring new cot• tons, rayon stubs, English Lystav, sheer crepes and nylons In a wide range of •- sleeve- less half and full sleeve styles. - You can choose from white, rose, blue, yellow, grey, red, and navy in a size range from 12 to 44. See these cool dainty blouses now at - • L98 to 5.95 This week's feature skirts are the new linen type spun washable oelanese, in popu- lar shades of pastel blue, rose, red, brown and navy. - Cleverly styled In slim or swirl cut, and dressed up with big full pockets. - Ribbon bindings, pinked seams and tailoring details make these skirts an excel- lent buy at Newest Style SKIRTS for Every Taste & 5.85 IMCROMARTY Holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, lJeri'y Carey were M. Maurice Chubb, Niagara; Mr, and Mrs, J. Pooland, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Armstrong, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Abbiss, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Steekley, of Wellesley, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, Jas Bowe, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ross and son Robbie, Toronto, visited over the week end with Mr, and Mrs. France Glossop. Mr, and Mrs, Donald Mel1aig, of Seaforth, visited, on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Angus McKaig. Mr. and Mrs, T, ,Gillespie, Marg- aret and Anne, Koanoka, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing, and Mrs, Stanley Dow visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Allen. Pte. Alex. Walker, Ipperwash, is home on embarkation leave until June 5th. Mr. Thos. Hay, Mitchell, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan, Mr, and Mrs. G. iSpeare, Toronto, spent the week end with Miss Olive ,Speare. Mr, Lloyd Baynham, layman from Knox Presbyterian Ohuroh, Strat- ford, occupied the pulpit of Croin- arty church on Sunday, Mrs, Clarence Coleman, Mrs. Francis Glossop, Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs, M. Houghton attended the dis- trict annual meeting •of the Woman's Institute in Mitchell on Friday. The Marion Ritchie Auxiliary met for their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Hamilton with the president, Mrs. Jas. Miller, pre- siding and leading in devotions, A passage of scripture was read by Miss Patsy Ramsay and the topic was given by Mrs. Andrew McLach- lan and Miss Margaret Walker had charge of the study book lesson and was assisted by Mrs. R. Laing, Mrs. E. Allen and Mrs. F. Hamilton. The meeting closed with the Lord's pray- er after which refreshments were served. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1954 FOR SALE Started pullets le wooke old. 700 Red x Rook and 600 lied x Sussex. Beady for range shelters. DON IWOIIANAN, S60r26 Seafor't11 Quantity of All looseR mixed hey, timmoth and red clover. PAUL DOWG, 663-0 Seaford, FOR SALE 400 purebred Sussex pullets 9 weeks old. Price reasonable. WILSON MIOAIiTNEY, phone 0500.5 Seaforth One purebred bee enSAL shorthorn bull 4 years old, froman itec redlted herd. OLOYEI4 W13IGRT, 347x2 Seaforth NOTICE' Anyone wanting asphalt driveways or gar - ago iloora contact ldarold Maloney this week, at the Town 71a11 Special for This Week -end PURE SILK BEMBERG (� �FLORAL PASTEL PRINTS D�"y�� a1C Just arrived • o P sizes 14 o SLEEVES9 STEVENS' GROCERY Commencing Tuesday, June 1, our new cash policy comes into effect - PAY CASH AND SAVE Take advantage of these Cash Specials, June 1 to June 5 inclusive DELMAR MARGARINE 2 LBS. 59c 2 FOR 29c NIAGARA BRAND CORN, 20 oz. Tins HOLLY PEAS, 16 oz. Tins 2 FOR 33c 1 GRAPE NUT FLAKES BOTH FOR 39c 1 LARGE SUGAR CRISP JELLO INSTANT PUDDINGS INTRODUCTORY OFFER - 2 FOR PRICE OF 1 PHONE 443 FREE DELIVERY -Free delivery is being continued but is on a C.O.D. basis FOR SALE House on West William St, 3 bedrooms, new roof, newly painted and decorated, good basement. MRS. ROLAND KENNEDY, SALESMEN WANTED Raleigh business now open to Huron Co. Trade well established. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Raleigh's Dent., E-304-100, Montreal, HOUSE FQR SALE 6 room house on Nigh street, Seaforth, roll brick siding, 8 piece bath with shower, heavy dutysAnnum, JOa7INr GAILLOpards, insulated. FOR SALE 400 7lamp x 1 yandotte pullets, starting to lay. TORN MacDOUGALD, Constance, lots. 0 and 7, .con. 7, Rullett FOR SALE •(3 1b. roast chicken, oven randy, 46e; b ib. 405; B grade 360. Deliver Friday morning. Phone 647r3, ANDREWS POULTRY FARM FOR SALE Seed Beans .for sale. Quantity of No, I Clipper and Michelle:, Beans $6.00 per bushel. WILBER KEYES, 600,11 Seaforth Low, steel tired OR truckSALE wagon; also 6 ft. Mc- Cormick Deering mower, Phone 842r8. NOR- MAN SOiIADF, Walton Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF TUOKERSMITR CARD OF TIIANRS I with to express my ahrcere thanks to all any Mende, relations and neighbors who re- membered mo with cards and treats while a patient in Stratford hospital. Also Doctors Stapleton and Sprout, A' special thunk yen to all my kind neighbors who int in my orop ani other summer work since lI have been laid up, RUSSEL PRINSILE TO RENT Self contained apartment, 3 furnished roan, all conveniences. Business adults please. Apply at Nowa office Auction Sale OF ROU9E FURNISIIINGS. In the vf)lags of Egmmulville on Main street, Saturday, June 6th, at 1,30 P.M. Clare Jewel cook stove, Quebec heating stove, kitchen table, 6 kitchen e)rnlrs, Beatty white enamel washing mach- ine; Andrew Malcolm dining room suite, 10 Pieoca, -table buffet, China cabinet, serving. table and 6 chairs. This is an oxeoptionally good suite, a piece chesterfield suite (like now), pedestals, wine ottoman, 2 rocking ohaira, walnut' occasional chair (lira new). Antique walnut living room table, butt wal- l -rut occasional table, fireplace screen, 4 brass fireplace tongs and stand, 0repince beskot, Antique spool bed (refinished), springs and inner spring mattress (like new) Cherry chest of drawers (refinished) 2 lawn. chairs, 2 metal flower stands, living room rug 9512. Scatter mete, curtains, 3 pair drapes 3 yards long, twilight lamp, floor lamps, mirrors, pic- tures, io-tures, 1 eight day clock. Kitchen utensils, sealers. Quantity dishes, garden tools, bench emery. Rotary electric lawn mower, 1/8 h -p motor. 100 feat of cord. Terms cash. MRS, HARRY PRETTY, Prop. Rarokl Jkson, C, Aleuctioneer E, P. Chesneyacrk Clearing Auction Sale Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 4 P.M. Jute 1st, 1964, for the con. struetion of the Layton Drains, Township of Tuckersmith. The work consists of approximately 18,000 cu. yds., excavation open drain and 6,670 feet of tile ranging in size from 8" to 10"; five catch -basins, four protections and 100 feet iron Vino. Tenders may be submitted either (a) for the construction of the whole work including supplying all materials. (b) for construction of the whole work less tile which would be supplied by the township, Marked cheque for 10% of the tender price must be submitted with tender, and where n contractor submits tenders under both head- ings (a) and (b) one cheque will suffice, Plans fund specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. Tenders must be sealed and marked 'Tender". Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P, CHESNEY, Clerk Township of Tockersmith R.R. #4, Seaforth FOR SALE Special, hardwood slabs 95, softwood slabs 94. Also sand for kiddies play pens or for plastering. A. DELLOW, Ord St. Phone 207 NOTICE Lawn mowers sharpened. We pick up and deliver. JOHN MacLEAN. phone 649 r 8, FOR SALE Special, hardwood slabs $6, softwood slabs 94, delivered. Manure for sale. Cleanup jobs at reasonable rates, work done any time. Also sand for kiddies play pens or for plastering. A. DELLOW, Orel St., Seaforth STRATFOR '+ DISTRICT YORKSHIRE CLUB X2T1-I ANNUAL YORKSHI }' E SALE 27 bred Sows - 4 open Sows - 10 Boars Inspected for Health by Ontario Veterinary College Selected for type by the Ontario Live Stock Branch All Boars are eligible for the Provincial Government Bonus Agricultural Grounds, Stratford TUESDAY, JUNE 1ST, 1954 Show and Sale at 1.30 P.M. (D. S. T.) Catalogues on request - Jim Smith, President Auctioneer W. E. Nairn R. E. White, Secretary STARTED PULLETS SUSSEX x RED, RED x ROCK, and RED x SUSSEX Available at any age, sbme now on range,- Free delivery on any number, call and ask about them. We also have Capons. Our Prices are right W. C. HENDE'' SON "STARTED CHICKS" PHONE 683-J SEAFORTH BOX 3 uurrat 'rr1 txk AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed :Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Nlglit 505 W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWiLL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth OF REAL ESTATE, FURNITURE AND Household Goods, At St. Andrew's St. North, 6 blocks north of Royal Hotel, Mitchel). on Saturday, May 20, Salo to start at 1.30 o'clock. REAL ESTATE -Consists of 3,Lj acre with a 2 storey house and chicken house. Bottom storey is brick, top storey John Manville sid- ing with MOW roof. 3 bed roome, 3 piece. both. Kitchen, : dining room and sitting room. Cup boucle in kitchen; closed -in verandah, good basement. Large garage, all newly painted. Large lawn with plenty of green shrubs. FURNITURE -Dining loom suite consisting of extension table; _ 0 dining room chairs ; buffet, radio cabinet, large came rocker; ash trays, several small centre tables; flower stands, jardiniere stands, child's bed with springs and mattresses, several rockers, roll- away bed with springs and mattresses, wal- nut bed with springs and mattresses; dresser; cheet of drawers; 2 wash stands; medicine cabinet; carpet sweeper; pictures; trays, sev- eral sets of window curtains. Large centre table, coffee table, several rockers, 2 hall trees, studio chair, veranda curtains, bedding, himt- kets, feather ticks, several bags of feathers; clothes horse. 0 kitchen chairs, pillows, email stands, odd chairs, mirrors, clothes cupboard ; electric spin easy washing machine, copper tub, washing and rinsing tub; electric motor, electric plate, power cycle lawn mower, sev- eral eweral large crocks, curtain and quilting frames, dishes of all kinds, grantteware, kitchen uten- sils, cellar table, iron bed, garden tools, shov- els spades, new scythe, and a large number of small articles. Also Joy Rider tractor seat. Terms cash. Real Estate -10% of purchase Price to be paid at day of sale; balance with- in 80 days. Being offered subject to reserve bid. Possession will be given any time after day of sale. Property will be sold at 3 o'clock. ALBERT DUyb1SMORE, Proprietor John E. Siemon, Clerk Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer TO RENT 3 room apartment in Seaforth, downstairs. Hot water and bathroom. Available June 1. Phone 679-14 Hensall central FOR SALE Summer Prices on Reading Briquets; also Hard Coal. KRAUSKOPF BROS., phone 36r13 Dublin SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A, McMaster, B.A. M.D., Intorniet P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., dails except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tueeday, Thursday and. Saturday only 7-0 Pan. desirable VETERINARY Appointments made in adVenc are SURGEON J. O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V,S. W. R. BRYANS, D,V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 NOTICE Will care for elderly lady in modern country home. Phone Brussels 40r0 NOTICE The Thirty Second Annual Reunion Picnic of the Troyer Family and friends will be held in the Lions Park, Seaforth, on the afternoon of Saturday, June 12th. (In the event of rain, in the Community Center.) Registration at 1,30 (D.S.P.) with races and games com- mencing at 2.00. Supper at five. Dlustrated address on "John Troyer the Pioneer" by Rev. herb Troyer of Toronto, FOR SALE Roll brick dwelling on Highstreet, furnace, bath. Immediate possession. Frame dwelling,'East William st., modern. Fiume dwelling in Egmmndville. Brick dwelling on Railway St. Frame dwelling on Louisa St, modern. WATSON & REID, Seaforth FOR SALE Concrete bricks and flagstones; any color, OWN in stock. Modern concrete flagstones pro- vide the convenient, I1leasink garden walk. Easy to lay, no experience needed. Lasts a lifoIime. Economical. All kinds of concrete work, including sidewalks, cement floors, sep- tic tanks, etc. SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRO- DUCTS. Phone 'H2 -M, Seaforth 15c 51500 in ACash Prizes SEAFOR BINGO COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, JUNE 4TH PLAY STARTS AT 9 P.M. • 10 GAMES FOR 50.00 - 1 SPECIAL FOR 100.00 - 2 SPECIALS FOR 200.00 - 1 SPECIAL FOR 500.00 - CO-OP FED CHICKS Always get off to a Flying Start when fed on Co -Op 20% Chick Starter fortified with all the required Vitamins and Minerals Also don't forget Coop Grow Mash and Co-op Lay Mash at SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP 0° for • Better, Faster •\ LONG DISTANCE �! SERVICE Use your V oOF TELEPHONE NUMBERS / / JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main 9t., Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon, 0 to 6.30 SaturdClintonav-MaLerrenne Studio Mon. 9 PM. Wed 9AM to1PM 6.30 500.00 100.00 400.00 500.00 TOTAL CASH PRIZES $1500 Sponsored by Canadian Legion Athletic Society - Community Centre • SPECIAL GAMES EXTRA CARDS ADMISSION FOR 10 GAMES 1.00 25C 5 for 1,00 This is the Opening Game of the Season Prizes will be increased as Series progresses 2nd SEAFORTH BINGO JUNE 18th WOOD'S MODEL L F 165 - CANADA'S ONLY COMBINATION FREEZER AND FRIG 12 cu. ft. of sub zero storage space with no special freezing compartment necessary, with 4 cu. ft. of frig. Stores all your meat at home. You can have fresh fruit and vegetables the year around. Reasonably priced. Let your local Agent show you how easy it is to own one. Contact V. J. LANE Seaforth R.R. 5 e Phone 46-12 Dublin List in it the out•of-town num- hers you are likely to call -then call by number and your Long Distance calla will go through much faster! THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect. ed at lowest rates in :first -Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. 0. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res, 222R SUMMER PRICES *'blue c+oal', 833 SbLIo FUEL FOR MILD COMFORT PHONE 363-3 WILLIS -DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVEAND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 360 .8 or 332 R The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, J. H. McEwing, Blyth; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald, Seaforth; Manager and See: Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors --J. L. Malone, Seaforth ; J. H. 11feEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander, Walton;. E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield ; C. W. Leonhardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich; R. Archibald, Seaforth: Allister Bmadfoot, Seaforth. Agents --Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro; T. F Pructer, Brodhegen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels! . Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. c -. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Diek House, phone 34771, Seaforth SALES AND SERVICE New Viking electric cream separators and repairs for Renfrew Dependent. BASIL O'ROURICE, phone Clinton 034 r 21. PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 260; 24 samples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 01. Hamilton, Ont. USBORNE & HIBBEI10T MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Wm. A. Rantilton, Cromarty Vice-Preeldent Martin Feeney, RSt2 Dublin Directore Harry Coates, Centralia E. Clayton Coiquhoun, RR1 Science Hill Milton McCurdy, 11,R1 Ifirkton Alex J. Rohde, Rita Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, 11111 Woodham E. Rose Houghton, Cromarty Clayton Harris, RR1 Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Prneer, Exeter SALES AND SERVICE Viking cream separators, new and used. Look over your old machine and see what you need for the spring before your cows freshen. Your Viking Cream Separator dealer, 3010 BYERMAN & SONS, Walton RR 2. Phone 848r24 Seaforth COA WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to You, take samples' of the earth in your fields and have then analysed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376, Seaforth LEH IGH Premium Hard Coal More Heat Per Ton SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 Seaforth, Ont,