The Seaforth News, 1954-05-13, Page 7Ise
540tete. VI9c0404
• Thirty-nine years ago this week at the
New York Polo Grounds, a young mall
wearing the show garb of the Boston
Iced Sox stepped up to the plate, casually
hit a home -run Into the upper tier of
seats, and trotted around the base -paths
to a polite smattering of applause.
The big young Ivan who sent the ball
hurtling into the upper tier of seats fOr his first home -run
hi the niajer leagues was Geargo Herman Ruth, the "Babe,"
as he later became affectionately known to millions,
Babe Ruth had moved up to the major leagues from the
Baltimore club of the International, where his southpaw pitch-
ing had attracted attention. It was the third inning of a game
runless, up to that point, that this young rookies stepped up to
face the veteran right-hander of the Yankees, Jack Warhol).
Perhaps Warhop held the youngster in light esteem, At any
rate, Warhop pitched a ball that was a little too good, and away
It streaked, into the far reaches of the distant stands, a`tre-
mendous drive.
It was the first of 714 home -runs in major league play,
and Babe Ruth changed the course of baseball from the careful
play for a single run to the "big inning," when the sluggers
suddenly gang up on a weakening pitcher, and hammer home-
runs in dr'Oves.
But it is an even greater feat, one which you won't find
In the records, which goes to the eternal credit of the brawny
Babe. When the Black Sox scandal broke, and in 1920 it
became known that the Chicago American League team had
conspired to "throw" a world's series, the sports world was
stunned, and baseball trembled to its foundations.
:it was undoubtedly a crisis. Baseball was at the forks of
the road, facing the possibility of public ostracism and dis-
Then along came Ruth. His big black bat started to pound
out home -rims at prodigious pace. Sold to the Yankees that
year, he hammered out 54 home -runs, batted .375,
The next year, he hit 59 home -runs, and the scurrilous
Sox were forgotten amid the thunder of Ruth's big bat, that
carried on for another 14 seasons, and saved baseball from
disaster. That was Babe Ruth's greatest feat of ail.
"Your comments and suggestions for this colulnn teill
be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o William W.
Rees, Calvert Ontario Sales Manager, 431 Yonge
Street, Toronto."
there are almost two and one
ittalf billion people in the world.
Two-thirds of them live on the
verge of starvation and about
e same percentage are Illiter-
ate. These 1,600,000,000 people
lure =industrialized and in most
gems are colonials.
The fruits of their labour
Slow inexorably to other cotm-
tries and they get only one -
girth of the world's income,
The greater part of the hu-
m race live in want, disease,
ignorance and economic slavery.
Canadians are Lucky
Canadian farmers are corn-
'•e"•=-plaining about lost markets and
gipping prices for their prod-
Canadian workers are worried
Mout the prospect of having to
aealntain their families on un-
employment insurance which
remounts to r thousand dollar
gee year.
Tat Indira, with three or four
bweidred million people, hoe a
rear ea ite income of about
ta...; dollars.
Bow lucky we in Canada ere,
baa brought home by A menage
'tris today's mail.
Misery in Korea
CARE, the non sectarian and
mon-profit welfare organizatlos
arating In forty countries, In
ie special letter appeals for help
nor the hungry and depreaecci.
ople of Korea.
How badly attention is need-
le shown by ys report of Dr,
oy, seventy -year old ex -clergy -
an and noted lecturer and
Writer, who handles CARE'S se-
*lvlties in South Korea:
"There are undoubtedly 1,500,-•
OW -
000 cases of active TB in South
Korea, about 7 per cent of the
population. Half of these are in
urgent need of hospitalization
and isolation, the majority chil-
drenand young people."
"In all Korea only 2,155 hos-
pital beds are available for these
people and in Pusan not a sin-
gle one. So a number of chil-
dren are being treated as ambu-
latory cases in the general hos-
pitals and clinic, though hun-
dreds of children are dying
every month who could be saved
if they had only three things:
food, a hospital bed and drugs."
"Hundreds of these sick chil-
dren are living in conditions of
squalor and misery, crowded in
with and infecting healthy chil-
dren in the same families and
suffering from cold, malnutri-
tlon and lack of medical care."
Hundreds are Dying
"They are dying in overcrowd-
ed refugee camps where as
many as 140 people are living
in M tent about 50'x110', where
there ie no light, even in the
middle of rho day, and no fretlh
air. They are living In aheeke
made of cardboard and boor
cans; In station waiting rooms
on the concrete floor; under
b r id g es over foul-smelling
streams and in wretched hovels
made of Straw matting," Help!
There is nothing to add to
these words. People are starv-
ing, children are dying. Can we
help? Will we help? In case
anybody wants to, here is
CARE'S Canadian a d d r e s at
CARE, 78 Albert Street, Ottawa,
L; ght-footed Ballet -- Ballerina Alicia Markova weighs in at
Royal Albert Hall in London, England, at a "heavy" 104 pounds.
The Tight -footed lightweight was recently refused permission to
dance at Liverpool concert hall, for fear vibration from her
dancing would damage delicate stage machinery.
Little ,doe Jacobs
Had Color
A -Plenty
Joe Jacobs is gone now, but
the picturesque character of the
little man with the big cigar still
lives in the hearts of the men
who frequent Cauliflower Alley.
And for all the laughs and jokes
and the shrewd gags he pulled
In his lifetime, there is still a
lot of solid substance in Yussel
Jacobs' career as manager of
prize fighters.
Little Joe was as quick-witted,
as bold and imaginative as any
man ever connected with the
ring. No one will forget his
weird but enduring phrases, "We
wus robbed!" and "1 shudda
stood in bed." And the stories
told about the wonderful little
guy are enduring proof of his
After Mike McTigue won the
ehampionship from Battling Siki
in Dublin on St. Patrick's Day,
JOe Jacobs did a complete switch
and put McTigue on aspot
similar to the one Falkl bad stood
on. He took bold Michael to
Columbia, Georgia, to fight the
pride Of the South, Young Strib-
ling. However, Yussel took one
shall precaution. brought along
his own referee.
The bout was a very close one,
and McTigue was awarded the
decision. After the fight, a big
mob .of local fans let their
emotions get the better of their
aportsmanship to the extent of
surrounding the hotel in which
Jacobs and McTigue were stay-
ing. The cry went up to hang
the little manager for having
stolen the decision from the
rightful winner, Stribling.
The little guy with the big
e 1 g a r didn't scare 50 easily.
Calmly, he faced the howling
mob, took the elgar from his
mouth and shouted, "All right,
you guys! Go ahead and hang
me, if you wanna, I can't atop
you. But lemma tell you, I
guarantee that if you hang me,
there will be some guys down
here from N'Ya•wlr that will blow
this here whole dump right off
the map!"
Prayer Icor Preparation --- Viet Nam Army Chief -of -Staff Gen.
Nguyen Van Hinh, left, offers a ritual prayer on the "Altar of
Fatherland," during the ceremonies marking the first anniversary
a'f the Viet Nam Officers' Academy, at Quan Trl, Indo-China,
At right, cadets fire a salute, after taking an oath of fidelity to
Sao Dai, Emperor of their embattled country.
Just Outdoors? —• Tori Fayden
has been chosen to reign as
"Outdoor Fun Queen of 1954,'"
at an amusement park, She'll
turn every head on the Ferris
wheel, and visitors won't have
to enter the "Hall of Mirrors" to
lee dazzled.
Actually, there was probably
no one outside his own family
who gave a hoot whether Joe
was strung up or not. Neverthe-
less, the threat of reprisal was
enough to scare the crowd off
for a while, long enough to give
manager and fighter the chance
to escape with whole skins and
the precious light - heavyweight
On another occasion, little Joe
wandered down to Madame Bey's
training camp to watch his
featherweight champion, Andre
Routis, go through his paces.
There he caught sight of an
unknown German heavyweight
in training. One look was enough.
Joe took over the management
of the unknown and began to
sing his praises. "Sellas," he said
confidently, "I got a heavyweight
who looks like Dempsey, se help
me, weaves and bobs like Demp-
sey, he is Dempsey! Or maybe
his twin yet. He'll win the title
for sure!"
And win it he did, thanks to
Joe Jacobs' quick mind. For the
unknown German was flat on his
back, grovelling in the resin and
groaning with pain, when the
fast -thinking little Klan with the
cigar leaped up screaming,
"Foul! My fighter was fouled!"
The referee who had not seen a
low blow finally awarded the
title to the reclunbent fighter on
the say-so of one of the judges
who claimed to have seen it.
Actually, on one but Joe Jacobs
had seen the foul deed per-
petrated. Fast thinking gave Joe
a champion in Max Sehmeling,
first man in heavyweight history
to win a title in a relaxed posi-
tion on the canvas.
L at e r, the little character
f o un d himself an overstuffed
bouncer by the name of Tony
Galento. This boisterous clown
almost b r o u g ht Joe another
championship with a single blow
landed on the face of Joe Louis.
Unfortunately 1 c r Jacobs, Joe
did not stay down. When he did
Tet up, what he did to Two -Ton
ony was pure murder.
A lot of guys in the boxing
game did a quick gulp when Joe
Jacobs suddenly passed away.
They remembered his record as
manager. Five champions did
J 0,0 handle: Frankie Genaro,
ltoutis, klnf of the feather's; Jack
cutis, king of the feathers; Jack
Delaney and Mike McTigue,
light -heavyweight title - holders;
and Max Schmeling, heavyweight
champion. A grand record for a
grand little guy!
Germans Making
Cultured Pearls
Only 2,500 out of 50,000 pearl -
mussels in Europe survived the
war. Their home was periodical-
ly looted and continuously ne-
glected, and only now are things
beginning to be put in order
For many centuries pearl -mus-
sels were fished from the Danube
where it passes through the
rocky mountains of Bohemia. In
1923 a Vienna schoolmaster, hav-
ing heard of Japanese success
with cultured pearls from oysters,
joined farces with a German pro-
fessor of physiology in establish-
ing a cultured -pearl factory near
Wash Your Lungs!
Unique and effective method to rid
yourself of common colds, smoker's
cough and catarrh. Sand $1,00 Mt
guarga— =cog
ISSUE 20 •-- 1954
RARE C111(!Lia
'rhe demigod An
'r'wedd➢e Turkey pointe
le trornel,deue. Aero and more erowero
toll as wo hove *moo of The beet tnrkeeo
Ow kayo over rnlaed. We have Broad
Breasted Ilroate, rloltev1110 White, White
Bellew), Nobraol,en. et111 emus open
detee. If you have novo, tried tho
Nebraskan, buy earn, thin year. White
feathered with black spots. 110 dark par,
fentheru, no leg trouble on wire, Int
netted Stook, Catalogue.
SPIT Bray 01,tuI, now 1,, emelt 1n on good
,latkote. .Poet growing, early inaturing
for egg production or for the table. We
hove the brood for the market. Darold,
started, mixed, pulintu. Auk ler cam•
91010 lint. Bent elt,•te•re, tee 3a1,n N.,
We have dual hareem, heavy breed pput•
late an low 10 Price as you eon buy them
anywhere and with E.O.P. brooding bask
oT them. but we know that any of our
Special Egg Broods will lay 10 so 10%
teem cage, and oat fens iced.. So 1t the
drat toot 1s loss, oven 100 pet' pullet hoe
they are dear 10 we gave them to you
for nothing. we have one beet brood
for brnlloro Nfehol, New 13smpehlres.
Alae turkey poulto, older pellote. Free
HAVE you anything noodo dyeing or
*leaning? Write to u0 fur information,
We are glad to an0w0r year gUentlo00.
Department H. Parker's Dye Works Ulm -
Red. 791 'rouge at., Toronto.
RENFREWW Separator Porte, parte for
all makes. Bowie rebele.need, ronmod.
Electric attachments Holes Separator
Service, Hlilodsle,
umusseRVEn dloporeal auction regis-
tered Aberdeen -Angus Cattle, Tubercu-
loels and Brucellosis seeredltsd. Regle-
toreil Englloh Large White Yorkohlre
Swine. Wedno0doy, dune 9th, Write
for Catalogue, Meleolm McGregor, Bran-
don. Manitoba.
SPRING SPECIAL -- At Factory Price,,
Exterior Paiute, Floor Eleamele (any
colour) 84,10 gal, 81.16 et, Enamel,
tang Colour) 04.05 gal. 81.66 0t. Alu-
minum 14.10 gel. 81.66 ett Super White
Enamel 86 gal. 81,70 et. Slate (any
Ando) 84.10 gal. 81.40 M. Aluminum
with amMuit bane for barn room 8a,70
ant, Bina, Pelota (any colour) 10.60 gal,
Order now from Eneeott Salos, 108 Six-
teenth itreet, Apt. No, 2, New Toronto,
Ontario , Smola! rater, en request for
Cantreetora and Dealers . Charges
Pi! tend to nearest hallway ,,entre.
NAT'r'nl:4o vas. — 'Pentane° and Eml;-
tn bone, egg,, 00 cents eaeh, Mined
Duck maga, 12 conte each. Beautiful
long collared Collie male euno, nine
months, friendly with children, from 810,
•-•- 020011ent heeling otock, amen Poultry
:Harm, PLR. 1, Sreothton, Ontario...,
8e -FOOT Fountain. Counter hos full re-
turn end; one California atop. twelve
stoop leather covered, one bobtail with
two Soda Draft arms, two Water Dealt
arms. one Cements:or, one new Carbone
atom one Cocoa Cola Dleveneen. one
Steam Table, Cold Wad Table, Grill,
tour -hole Doe 'dream Cabinet, Ove sets
Boothe leather covered, Glanewaro, an-
vorware, 011 ;memories. 0verr'khlnn
complete. To be sold an le en door.
Harold's, Drug Store. 1910 Tomo ptreot,
Toronto, MAfalr 1140.
1MAYTAG. Philoo, HotpointADPllan0
Mote doing 870,000 yearly, Northern New
Mexico town of 8,600, 10,600 ohm
080c1,. NASBP'1NDER, wioldta, Kenoao.
GIL1,li'l'TE Shavers! "Stivorking" char.
neve to 10 second,. Better, smoother, sad
more oitav'oe per blade. Send 81,00 only,
Tot Bas 01101), Pan91e90. 0, California.
BbcTTER muumuu 0RNOIN0
With new lndulated mad Mire 0011x.
Write: Pow :10. Oshawa Ont.
S @Iain, Ottawa.
$1.28 Express Prepaid
♦ Fs6II14E% 0
One woman tens another. Take oupertor
T'1:0IINEx" t0 hob alleviate pale, dim
tress and nervouo tension associated with
monthly periods.
86.00 POST Sd CHEMICALSIn Plain raPnrr
BANISH the torment of dry cc8om mho)
and weeping akin troubloo, Pnat'a
Rename Salvo will pot dlsawoint you,
Itching, enuring, burning 0010ma acne,
ringworm, Dimples and foot ammo, will
respond readily to the stainless odorless
ointment r000rd1,se of haw stubborn or
hoaelea0 they seem.
Sent Poet Fres me Hamlet of Poke
309 Queen St, E,, Corner of Logan
Passau, on the Austro -German
Up to 1935 about 200 mussels
were "inoculated" every year,
and when the enterprise was
auctioned the stock was 50,000
mussels, of which 80 yielded
pearls of the very finest grade.
Ir) 1949, Professor Hans Gross,
of nearby Schaerding, undertook
to revive Europe's only pearl -
culture plant. At the moment
things are still in the experi-
mental stage, but in about ten
years the undertaking may be
proving extremely lucrative.
There is no difference between
the pearls produced by the river
pearl -mussel and those produced
by the sea pearl -mussel. The
system Of "inoculation," exploit-
ed so successfu]ly by the Japan-
ese, produces pearls as fine as the
real variety, and does away with
the practice of inserting all arti-
ficial irritant into the living nye
ter or mussel.
German and Austrian cultured
pearls may well be competing in
a kw years with those from
MI. JAR, 1t1101CIAI, 480
Om Soalle bun,Whin. Hefter's, vu,Gl,s,
erot0ot0 end heals, flutleengtlou guar
anieed. 1Honer order, or 4'.O.A. 009r05q0
On otoolt, complete lbw Dr. Wallet
01000/1 and Nioa Olodm•Stioo From Lee
An0o100, California. Free primo Mit on
.0'fnret. W0t•d'a 10,00 Store. 7R8 AS
e:ntberWo Woat, Montreal 4.
O0.PO.RTUNr1UES .Lr010
...010200 AND WOMEN
Grant Opportunity Learn
1)1aoant, dlgnitlod profronlon, good wages..
Tb0180a1100 00 auc0002iul Marvel graduates
orloa'a Groatoot system
nuotrattd Catalottuo Free
Write or nen
060 Moor St. W., Toronto,
A Zing St„ laamtlten,
WS Rideau St,. Ottawa,
LADIES make extra money Rolling Gotta•
o0allra Metal Sponge Pot cleaner to your
trleoda. Thema mlraolo household clean.
1n0: 01do gall on sight. There's nothing
00059 go good 010 ii1110 tried iOo100,h,lk',
Metal Sponge to alien and brighten un
polo and p000, floors, woodwork, then,
Porcelain, and 0n0meheare, write teOo)
for our liberal profit making ;don. W,
E, Ot111man & So/U, 1)01,0, 170 res
Collette St., Toronto, Ont,
R00ERY, Idarl,at, Oorvloo Station 41714
onto In 'Texas doing 82,000 memlt,ls.
Soot -lace price 810,000, 1 cash. 21.0100!•
FINDER, wtoblta, Rennes,
PHOTO Greeting Cards. Niue. unit ail
1u0041010, Amateurs, Prufr„,lnneilo write.
WilIln,pt martin, P.O. 00' 204, Canal
Street Station. Nov- Tern 12,New Pork.
retie salaloone of the West in ,tovto
301' stage. parlor end homy, Wino today
WIIeu Magic, 8 arnrh"roman goad, 7°,-
oronto, Ontario.
OLADIOLUS -- Plant otlang Young high
drowned .mixed gladiolus 0019n 1" to 11".
all bulbo inspected and treated ready for
panting. 100-01.20, /mei, Bntb, Pott
Elgin, Ont.
PERENNIALS sturdy planta, Reenter-
Nee,VIld,l , Lnthem. Primes 011 r•:
Rylands Gardens, Edg«word Drive, Ft.
Thoma,, Ontario.
AN. OFFER to every inventor—Clot of in-
Sentieno and full information semi free,
The Rnmsny Co., R0,1000red Patent 0.0'
8080070. 278 Bank Street, Otte wee
P'ETI5ERSTONHAU013 & Company Pe,
tont Attorneys. Eeabllshed 1000, 000 Un1-
v0reity Ave„ Toronto. 1'a 4ent0 all 0oun-
01.00 '$P.IAL offer, Twenty-five deluxe
Anemia) requirements. Latest. Collar/env
taoludod. The Medico Agency, Box 124
Termhfal A. Toronto, Ontario
WORRYING? Want kronor? Work:
Anything? No Belling, Astounding Se.
0@ 9gt,. Guaranteed. Neil 81.00 to Box
0086. Ringwood, Solent, Oregon,
WORRDED? World -Condition? Person -
&1 Problenlo? Porhape we can offer Cen-
atlon (Holy,Bible-iTaed!. 0001010 mag
right= roue future, 12.00 Dor Questionrson01 accepted). "herb". 1919 Mer-
gina'ton, Bonsai: City 27. Dil„ourl.
WANTED to buy, Mu.,10at Wane, hlgho00
87000Sint do�onN.B. Wilson, 45 Simonds Street,
inti cad do
I '1
you feel
ALL -1
These days most poop e work under
pressure, worry more sleep leas. Tide
strain on body and brain makes physical
illness easier to Ione—harder to regain,
Today's tense living, lowered resistance,
overwork, worry—any of these may effect
normal kidney action. When kidneys gag
eat of order, axons acido turd wagtail
remain in the system. 'Ellen backache,
disturbed vest, that 'tired -out” heavy -
!headed feeling often follow. That's tha
time to lathe Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's!
stimulate the kidneys to normal actio,,.
Than you feel better—sleep better—wall
better. Ask for Dodd'o Kidney Pills At
any drug counter. pi)
14 life's not worth living
It treny lye your 188001
10',, a tact) 14 talon op to two pint, of liven
Ulm a day to keep your digestive tract in tog
shape! If your livor bile is not dowing freely
pour load may not digest .. , 0aa bloats oro
�3ennklo¢o0aflifea,,ahfad 00nyfeel
whoa you need mild gentle Carter's Little
Liver Pills. Thom famous vegetable pilin help
stimulate the flow of liver bile, Soon your
digestion starts functioning properly and you
fete that happy days are here 0008101 Don't
ovrr say moral 'Maw keen Carter', Little
Giver pill, on heed. ?TP et roar drnggi4L
protect your hila kg and PAM wrong
SIRE and T111E7100, we baro a else
and typo or Safe. or Cabinet. far any nog.
pose, Visit as or write far trice. ate, tM
Wept. w.
Lie grant St. E„ 'remote
Est ahiished 1266