The Seaforth News, 1953-09-03, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1$53 THE Si r+ ORTH NEWS w1111t.11n1111n11pu,,n,111.111111,..11ua,a.m„ows„mea,uouutnu11un11.nmaunn,11111mwm11111man.a,un,=5 TQWN Topic's T's. Raymond BGussey and little TheWright„t g t Specials a E Mr. and Mts. Frank Shortt of To- and Mrs. W, R. Shaw, London, son William are holidaying with Mt', R Tonto, who were holidaying the past Miss Ruth Sills is spending a week week at the home of the latter's ict Detroit. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rios Mrs. W. J. Faulkner and Patrieia ing, returned home on Sunday. of Galt spent the week end visiting LIBBYS FANCY ORANGE ,JUICE , . , , , . Lge 48 oz tin 37c Miss Mary Hagan spent last week at the home of Miss L. Faulkner, LIBBYS CATCHUP with friends in Bayfield: Miss Margaret Bleekburn, 'Peron- 11oz. Bottle 23c I Mrs. Geo, MacDonald, Stratford, to, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Teter LIBBYS DEEP BROWN BEANS, 20 oz.2 tins 39c spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. McIver for a few days last week. LIBBYS SPAGHETTI & CHEESE tont, sauce. ...2 tins 290 (Ralph McFadden. Mrs. Skinner' Detroit, spent the 16 oz On Gordon Carter and his moth- week end with her mother, Mrs, R. er, Mrs. Angus Carter of Guelph, 8, Hays, LIBBYS•MIXED VEGETABLES, 15 oz. tin. 2 for 35c were guests last week of Mr, and Miss Rebecca Shinen visited aver ,Mrs. Russell Sproat and Mr. and th LIBBYS SAUER KRAUT 13 oz, tin 13c e week end with relatives in Tor- LiBBYS TOMATO JUICE, 20 oz. Tin 2 for 27c IMrs, E. Geddes. onto, LIBBYS HILLSDALE SLICED PINEAPPLE, 20 oz. tin 29c Mr. John Talbot, principal of Sea- Messrs. John, Harold and Wilfred LIBBYS FANCY PEAS,15 oz. Tin,forth public school, anoved here Maloney have returned home from will oc- a motor trip through the U.S.A. and GREEN GI NTMANI LETINE Monday ' Canada, visiting their GREEN GIANT NIBLE• S CORN, 14 oz, R'in,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 for 39c35c cuoTn art of Mira on •, T. G. Gordon's Western py p 2 lbs, 75c residence, Goderich street, lie was uncle, Wm. Maloney, in Winnipeg TILLYS PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz, Jar 29c accompanied by Mrs. Talbot and and cousins in western and northern Western Fair Advance Tickets for sale here four daughters. Manitoba. Get yours early to share in Prizes Miss Leong 'Purcell, Reg. N., of Mr. L. P. Maloney and son Gerald Toronto, is spending her vacation have returned to their home in De - with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. John troit after spending the past week Nigh. with Mrs, James Nolan, London, is a vicinithisy, mother and brothers in this guest at the home of Mrs. H. Me- The many friends of Mr. P. J. Iver. Kealy are pleased to see him around BUY WESTERN FAIR Miss Josephine McIver spent a after his recent illness. •GRANDSTAND TICKETS few days with Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Scott visited With Western Fair officials prom- Morris, Mount Forest, last week with relatives here. isin the best p Mrs. P, G. Little has returned af- Mrs. William Fleischer and son, g grandstand perform- ter holidaying in St. Catharines and Toeonto, visited last week with ide. anee in the long and illustrious his- Toronto. and Mrs, S. Shinen. tory of the fair, grandstand tickets The Forty Hour's which was held went on sale in London last week at in St, dames' R. Catholic Church the downtown ticket booth, Rich- this week was well attended. mond Street and Queens Avenue Mr. and Mrs. John Kellar have and also at the Western Fair offices returned from a two weeks' trip to at Loddon. the Gaspe Peninsula, the Maritimes Most out-of-town visitors to the and the New England States. fair, being hold this year Sept. 14 to Visitors at the home of Mr, 19, will want to see the glittering Lorne Dale were Miss Georgina and sensational grandstand show, Johnston, of Paisley; Mr. and Mrs, either afternoon or evening. To Edward Sims, Ajax. They were make sure of having good seats, or accompanied home by Mr, Roy Sims, having a seat at all, they should Toronto, who spent his holidays write Western Fair immediately, en- with his brother, Mr. W. J. Sines, closing money order or ;cheque. Spe- Mr. Donald Dale and Mr. John cify the day, and whether afternoon Lancaster left Woodstock by motor or evening performance. Prices are enroute through the States to Fort $2.00, $1.60 and $1.00. William to teach on the, staff of Jack Korhntan and his thrill driv- Franklin and 'Crawford schools in ers will perform Monday and Tues- that city. Miss Susanne Dick is holidaying day afternoons only, in front of the with 'her cousin, Ann Christopher, grandstand. Wednesday to Saturday in London. afternoon performances will be fea- Mr. and Mrs, G. Betties and Mr. tured by harness =chit, and Mrs. Frank Walters left on Thursday morning on a motor trip to the Pacific Coast. They expect to be away a month. Mr. and Mrs. William Rogerson of Tuckersmith left on Friday on a motor trip to Jamestown, N.Y,, to visit a cousin, Mr. Henry Rogerson. Messrs. Geo. Eaton, Robt. Smith, Larry Eaton and Bobby MoCowan attended Toronto exhibition on Sat- urday, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Elliott of Listowel and Mrs. Sperling and dau- ghter Hazel of Wroxeter spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Tim Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Faulkner of Detroit spent a few days in town. Mrs. Margaret Devereaux, Miss Joan Devereaux and Mrs. T. D. O'- Neill, Toronto, visited with relatives and friends over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays and Patsy, Detroit, spent the week end with relatives here. Big Libby's Canned Food Sale WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 Free Delivery Low Prices Self Serve a,„unnnu n,ii1,,,,,11,11, uuuunm..011111111MM/11111a1111111.11111111,1110111111111rLm,u,111u..11m,aa1,1a1u1M,m, Is He A Dangerous Date? Girls: Learn' 10 ways to spot a wolf before he howls, and also ans- wer a revealing quiz that will help you rate your date. Read "Is Your Date Dangerous?”,in The American Weekly with this ,unday's (Sept, 6) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, at the beautiful STRATFORD CASINO every Saturday night Modern Orchestra Admission 75c IMANEMIAMAAMOVIANINSAMPAI Get extra Coke for LaborDayw You'll want plenty of delicious Coca-Cola on hand ... to make holiday meals tastier ...to serve friends who drop by. Be prepared get an extra carton or case of Coke. a Including Federal Tuxes Plus deposit 2c per bottle Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coco -Cola Ltd. ESBECO LIMITED 658 Erie Street STRATFORD, ONT. Phone 78 ,!Coke” is a rogbtorod trade -mark DANCE Comnnunity Centre Seafo rth Thursday, Sept. 3 Clarence Petrie and his Nighthawks Irutc�, from to until 2 on the now trap rock floor BORN MellILLAN—To Flying Officer and Mrs, J. M, McMillan, at Ottawa Civic Hospital, on Sunday, Aug. 30, 1063, a daughter (Elizabeth Ann), COREY—Me. and Mrs, Harold Cor- ey, Staffa, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1953, at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. DALRYMPLE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Aug. 20, to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dalrymple, Seaforth, a son. GILBERT—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Aug. 19, to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Gilbert, Bayfield, R.R. 2, a son, MOSH•ER—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Aug, 20, to Cpl. and Mrs. Lloyd Mosher, Seaforth, a son. STOREY—At Scott Memorial Hosp- ital, on August 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Storey, Dublin, R.R. 1, a daughter. MURRAY—In Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Aug. 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Murray, Seaforth, R,R, 5, a son. FALL FAIR NOTES The name of the Seaforth Turf Cltib has been changed to read: The Seaforth Agricultural Society Driv- ing' Club. The property committee have been directed to approach the arena authorities regarding the repair of the drain at the rear of the arena which has been causing considerable damage to the track and property roundabout. Allan -Campbell and Russell BoI- ton were delegated to see about buying the necessary posts for •the new cattle shed to be erected. The Bannockburn and town bands are going to be asked to participate on fair day. Baby show has been cancelled on account of the polio danger. Changes in the prize book: Twp, special, heavy horses, prizes, 812, S0 and $0. Wagon team in harness, $25, $20, $15, $10. High School Poultry, class 2, util- ity pens, add White Leghorns. Pub- lic School poultry, Class 1, add Wh. Sussex. McKillop School Fair Thursday, Sept 17 Great preparations are being made to estab- lish this fair as the largest of its kind in Ontario The Krauskopf Trophy has competitors from McKillop, Logan and Hibbert. The Beauty Contest causes much interest. The young hen's age 16 - 80 is to be contested this year again, The Musical Committee have arranged a program that will keep up the interest for all afternoon, Booths will open for all soft drinks and ice cream A sale of home baking is being arranged FURTLIER NOTICE NEXT WEEK sore: WINIMIMPINSMIIIR C.N.I.B. DRIVE THIS MONTH Miss Louise Darling is visiting in Preparing for the annual operat- Montreal. ing fund campaign of the Canadian Ted Rowland, Toronto, with his National Institute for the Blind, mother, Mrs. Winnifred Rowland. representatives from Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ryan and London last week toured all of Hur- son Joseph and Mr. and Mrs. Jos- on county settling final details of eph Jordan at London. the drive for funds. After talking with directors of SRODHAGEN the Hilton county advisory board in Mrs. John L. Bennewies spent a nine communities of the eounty, J. week with her family in Detroit and H. Kinkead, board chairman, said Roseland, lie was "confident residents of the Mr, and Mrs. Fred Schenbarth of county would respond generously." Detroit spent the week end with her He noted that donations are ex- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ben- empt from income tax, and will be newies. aeknawledged in the newspapers Mr. and Mrs. Ed. I';xessler and where possible. Cherry and Mrs. John C. Diegel of Huron county's target is $6,000, Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. of which $1,600 has already been John L. Bennewies on Sunday. donated ,by Bounty council. In the Mr. and Mrs. Albert .Smith, San - four counties of Huron, Elgin, Mid- dra and Arthur of Simeoe spent the diesex and Perth, $18,000 is to be week end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold raised, C.N,I.B. needs $40,000 this Wurdell and Mr. and Mrs. Ed, year, and has already received $28,- Smith.000 from municipal grants and Lon- Misses Carol and Cheryl Wurdell cion and Stratford community returned to Simeoe with their aunt chests. and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Albert The money will provide rehabili- Sinitic for some holidayss tation training for newly blinded Mrs. Louise Hillebr•echt of Kitch- persons in the new Western Ontar- ener,visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed, to training centre in London, as well Pruter on Sunday. as residence, home training and oth- Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bennewies of er services for district blind. Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. E. F. Wheeler, Field Secretary Smith on Sunday. said visits had .been made to H. D. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Corse of Iiitch- Thompson in Lueknow; John Brent, ener and Mr. and Mrs. George Wingham; A, Hunter, Howick tp., Young of Stratford with Mr. and R. B. Cousins, Brussels, J. G. Me- i14rs, Wrn. Diegel, Dougall, Blyth; W. V. Roy, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seherbarth Reginald Francis, and J. A. Camer- and Karen_of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. on, Bayfield, C. W. Scott, Zurich, Norman Mikel of Sebringville with and S. B. Taylor, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Seherbarth, The campaign opens September Visitors at the home of Mr. and September 21 and runs two weeks, Mrs, Russell Sholdice din •Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Quer- D U B L I N engesser and Fern of Rostock, Mr. A miscellaneous shower in honor and Mrs, Franklin Moore of Prince - of Miss Helen Louise Murray, a ton, Mr. and tche GMn Diegel and bride -elect, was sponsored by Misses Sof Mitchell, Barba Mrs, Jim Si Joan and Margaret Flanagan and Jim ms, Eobliy and Barbara of held at the home of Mrs. John E. Waterloo. Murray. About forty neighbors and rI a Ea Louise Morena and Mel, friends assembled to extend felicita- Verna Mr.aan and James of Mitchell tions and good wishes. Progressive with and Mrs. Chas, Pushelberg euchre was arranged for an hour, on Sunday, fa - the prizes ;being won by Miss Mona Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mr.Pand and . Sloan and Miss Margaret Rose Mur- Hay Harvey Beuerman Kitchener, MTs. ray for high scores. An address was SeaforthBwith Mr. and Mrs,tlHarry y of read by Miss Joan Flanagan and the Beuerman. guest of honor was presented with Mrs. Harty Beuerman aceompan- numerous beautiful and practical ied Mr. and Mrs. Alvince to gifts for which she thanked each in- Kitchener to spend the week there. dividual donor. A delicious lunch Master Roger Pryce also returned was served by the sponsors, home after spending a few weeks Personals: here. Rev. Don Beninger, C.S.B„ Aqui- Mr. George Siemon and Mr. Har - nes Institute, Rochester, N.Y., and ty Beuerman are spending this week his mother, Mrs. K, Beninger, Lon- ]n Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Har - don, with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Ben- vey Beuerman. inger. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKinnon, Rev. J. A. Feeney, London, ;ailed Gregory and Raymond of Toronto, on his brother Martin and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Voll of Kitch- I'eeney. ener with Mr. and Mrs. Geor a and Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton, of Harold Mogk. g Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eckmeir and Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mr. and Mrs. James Atkinson Hoegy spent and children, Wallaceburg, and ,hiss this week end in Detroit visiting Mr. Margaret Atkinson, Toronto, with McKenzie Mccnz sister, Mr.andtiles. Ed, Mr: and Mrs. Joseph- Atkinson. xie and other relatives. 'Ir. and firs, Harvey Dantzer Mrs. Harold Grove of Detroit i:ntl son, Windsor, and Mr. and )ers, spent the week end with her par - Joseph Dantzer and family, Kirch_ encs, Mr. and Mrs, Louie G. Rock, ener, visited with Mi'. and .lira. J. Visitors at the home of .ler, and 31. Nagle and William Dantzer. Mrs, Laverne Wulfe on Sunday lots. Lavin, Chicnao, Ill., with were Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hinz, 'I1. and 'I1>, James p'c".,curer, Sr.,Mi', and Mrs. Michael Connolly, 1 Mrs. AI x. Maurice spout rite t eila, Ruthann and Tlonnie. of week cud in Cleveland. Ohio. Seb±ingttili Tuhu Costello, Niagara halls, with Mr, and Mrs. Stanley- h tuf'::, n Mr. and lL .Ilan Costello, Bill}, Mt. and lbs. Philip L,ri:; 'Its, C. i1etl'ernan, ..let:. Mnttaeic of St.- lent-, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Scott of hir t',n, Master Jahn Hina and SundayMs. McGrath, cath. Arthur,31'.awere Jr.,of hoc honer. vl .Iters with Air. and Alis'yl r. .John Jacob, -ler. and :Ir i'atricic Wood'Madeline \\'m. Jacob and Mr. Ray Beuerman, Miss 'Madeline Dillon, Kitchener, all of Kitchener. visited with lir. with her -parent., Mr. and Mrs. L. and firs. Manuel Beuerman on Sun- s. Dillon. «av Miss Phonsine -Meagher accomp- ,leis. Walter Decker has been ttn- anied Mr, and Mrs. Frank Stock, of tier the doctor's butis London, on 0 motor trip to Mont- ors caregetting real and St. Anne de Beaupre. alenicely. Mrs. August Hille- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flanagan Jr., hreeht underwent an operation in Victoria hospital, Landon. and Mr, and Mrs. Louis Looby at the Martyr's Shrine, Midland, Miss Gloria Suehring of Sebring- IIr. incl Mrs. Thos. Butters spent vtlle is holidaying withr her aunt and SSunday with Mr, and urs. Harold uncle, Mr. and Mrs, yL m, Diegel, unday, Port barer. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mogk, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Costello, Monktan, vis- Mrs. Harold Mork spent the week Al- lied her mother, Mrs. Loretto Jor- end in Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. A]- dao. vin Rose. Jack Murray, Windsor, was a Master Wayne Wurdell, son of 1Ir. and Mrs. Harold Wurdell, has week end visitor with his parents, been confined to Sick Children's Mr, and Mrs. Michael Murray. Ilospital, London Mr. ;and Mrs, Jack Feney and Mr. 'r. Aug. Hillebreeht returned and Mrs, Jack Brown, Stratford, home from St. Joseph's Hospital, with Mr. and NIrs. William Maloney, Mandan, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Horan and Mr. and• Mrs, Ernest Elligson of Mrs. Stella Curtin. McKillop have moved to their home Miss Mary Beale is spending a here which they purchased from month with her brother to Detroit. Mrs. Caroline Miller. Mrs, Miller is - Mrs. Basil Horan and Miss Marg - making her home with her son, Ir- aret Krauskopf, Toronto, with Mr, vin Miller and Mrs. Miller. and Mrs. Nicholas r. and Mrs, Gilbert opt. Miss Dorothy and Master Keith 112Murray and Fischer of Seaforth spent last week Mr, and Mrs. Pat Flanagan at Mid- with their grandmother, Mrs. Ros- - ltntd. ina Miller. HORSE SHOW 8 p.m. each night In the Ontario Arena, From rough•and•lumble comedy to Tusdhrougha a sensational balancing perform.,SaturdayMatinee Saturday, with ante, nine internationally famous acts will delight and thrill the after. ADVANCE SALE TICKETS noon and evening audiences in the Three for Ono Dollar. Entitles holders fo Grandstand Performance. In adds. participate l i draws fo prizes valued el Hoe, each ovening, the spectacle of over rho "Grandstand Follies", highlights the 1953 Western Fair, all followed Special Afternoon Grandstand by a brilliant display of Rroworksl Performance PRICES $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00 JACK KOCHMAN'S HMI DRIVERS World Champions in Action' Monday and Tuesday Afternoons Only MAIL ORDERS"ACCEPTED Write for rasorvallohs to Wastorn Foir Assoeialion, • London, Ont. z. ADVANCE SALE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ,. sivlt Baldwin Hardware - ry : 3J Elliott's Restaurant ,$ sa Mr. Donald Wolfe spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Dick Wet - son and Mr. Watson in Exeter.. Miss Susan Querengcsser of Wat- eri.lo spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice. Mr. George Diegel and Mr. and 'Mrs. Joe Smith accompanied Jlr. and Mrs. Irvin Swint of Milverton to Saskatchewan. 3Ir. and Mrs, W. L. Quereugesser, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and family with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Quere n gesSer in Waterloo. Menitiers of the Luther League conducted the church service 00 Sunday morning in the abseltec of Rev. W. Becker who was attending a convention at Edgwaod Park Camp. Those taking part in the ser- vice Were Rose Siemon, Joyce P,eu- erman, Elsie Siemon, Gary Sholdice: Arlene Diegel and Joanne Heuer - man sang a duet. Calvin Hiegel was the organist. :lir,, and Mrs. Harold Elligson, Kenneth and Donald, spent the week end in Windsor with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Elligson. Mrs. Oscar Diegel and family of Detroit with Mr, and Mrs.' Walter Diegel this week. KIPPEN EAST The' Jdippen East W.I. which was to have met at No. 10 schoolhouse on Sept. 8th has postponed their 1 meeting until further notice. &AA.kka.4_aa1..asilLs9asa&akaaaaae.