The Seaforth News, 1937-12-30, Page 1i:ntkk rill, make •;i,i r strcatnlet:;
'trot' t et river's Dow;
'Ricer,, iron the o.o.m. billoi{s.
Inikwi•d, onward s they go.
de <7 -11 !lest fragments,
Shade anti sunshi;tr, work and play
So may. ',kr, with _ tfte,t profit,
,.caro a ;bile ever; • ay.
Yl",;. ,fin 111)0,e the ho14cr.;
1> n:t;e fl( 11)iod iuinutes,
1'ri :i n; rk,• OR` h,1111l ,
it. Il:l ^.t ,I, t'Ie'n .I nI ::Y [i'il ' 010111
the) ot,- 11, 'uu lila wrap;
;;4 x ith '/71110%1, 11'11c '.mrlrtn clr,
LA am a lilt!,
Phone 84.
$11 a year,
New Year',
v '
At this Season. most of
us are inclined to forget
the urge of bu nulls and
(o thin, more seriously
of the beautiesof life and
Mthe things that, make it
cyworth li ing,
u• 1)nc of the hest things,
1313• we see it. is the spirit
of ,Friendship which un-
(lerlie.s our relations with
each other and tend to
Ililike our business deal-
ings become Warm and
cordial. • -
ir)\4•e. value friendship
such as yours and feel to
(dose the year without
1honking you for past
pleasant relations and
co-operation wyrimld leave
<t debt unpaid.
Rest wishes from
k G. .: oo lede
Phone 166
Northside United Church
Rev. 'I'. :1, Carmicll(ael, Minister.
11 ,. tn, Subject, "C'orrecting
Christ." 11oty 'Commotion.
7 p, in, 11 ;New Year's 1te,sage,
" 1-','rward Tread."
S.S. at(3:31) p.m.
W, L
'I be come-) for merit marls led by
Miss Margaret I,i' burn and Miss
Ruth Gordon, which ,has been a lively
feature of the meeting., of the 1r. Wo-
men': 1lntittlte this year, came to a
conclusion on Monday evening.
114,11.(loser, the ,ost'rs 'entertained. the .win-
nt•rs ai -vh:: home of the secretary.
Mrs. Wilfred Coleman. Some sixty
nie!nthers and guest; were present.
l'he entertainment took the form of
progressive _ ei '11310 and dancing, Fol-
lowing th,' ;game a delicious ranch
was served in the beautifully decorat-
ed roams. .Prize, weregiven as far-
rows: Ladies first. Miss \iar;garet
MacDonald( ..ems first, NI r. Jas. NL
Scott; eon oration, 11i,, Jessie 'Wal-
lace, Mr. Warren 'Whitmore. Com-
munity singing led by llrs. A. Croz-
ier was followed by :elections from
the orchestra members: Warren Whit-
more and. the McCartney brothers.
Expressions of appreciation to lir.
and Mrs. Coleman brought a very en-
joya'blc (•vetting- to a close,
A Happy and Prosperotis New
'Year to all.
'\4r. and Mrs. Joseph 'Little spent
Christmas ,vitlt friends in B'elgra:vc.
I'Ir. and Mrs. 'Peter NreCowan of
Roxboro, N{r, and Mrs. Poster Ben-
nett, Mona and Billie and Nf.elvin
Merriam and Mr. John Bullard spent
the holiday with Nit-, and 19r', (ieoi•ge
1l- , .and Mrs. Andrew M(.1n-gontery
and fancily spent Christmas with Nfr,
and Mfrs, John M'on'tgomery.
Mr. Gi4h.1, engineer of the Captain
Seco•d iti .,lcn(lin'w his holidays 111 his
hove here.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus 1111tilard turd
family spent Christmas 11 London
with Mr. and Mire: John .l rm:troal.a.
V\'e were sorry to learn of t,hedeath
of Mrs. Nlary McDowell,
The nominalism was largely at-
tendert on Monday. 'Reeve Eckert
went in by acclamation. Those runn-
ing for councillor,- are 1fessrs. Hugh
Alexander, R. Dorrance:Hack-
well. L. Webster. D. Beiterutalin, 1'',
Mr, and 1Trs. 1\ titer 1a -ton spent
the holiday 'with 1mr. ,uul \'fir , \'lonzo
110 i ll liir: of \Vruxete,r,
The Ladies' Aid anrd 1V,\LS, ands!
ono.) at the home -of Nlis, Wilmer Cut-
hill on \Vednr day, Jan. 5'th, at 2 p;n1.
New Rector
ilea. R, 1'.. D. llnrford, D 1)., wvho
has 'been appointed :Rector of St.
Thomas \n„lican Church, Sea-
ford], and will take tip his duties
aboutthe 011231le of January. 'Dr.
llurford came to Canada from 'tip-
per Nocwo013, Loudon, 'England,
q1)1)4 graduated It un \\'yeliffe Col-
'olla a Toronto, (1(911$, winner of the
\V31''11103'C.ollcge Rluld Medal in or-
atorical contest '119.12; ordained b)•
Bishop \lilt, 11)nturlo) at 'Kingston
((Il,); 0,'1). '1lst class) 11920g D.1),
\\'yclillr College and "General Sy-
nod) by esanliu;ttlan 110,314 Rural
1)t u1, Croy county. 103)1-3'; secret -
try -treasurer of Sliel'h'urne Public
13brary for 1110 years; now Masonry
Chaplain of '1.07.1131 Lodge S77 (Sh(•I-
'hui•ne) for ,11,)37-), Assistant Klrand
C'h'aplain ,133).31(, and rpast Master of
30 lodges; during a vacancy int
V\-rclafPe t'ollege in 10317 tempor-
arily icMnred at 1\'yrlifle College
in New Testament .Flivegesis ((in
addition In ,parish work); 12 years
IRector of St, :Pauls (Church, Shel-
'Mr, W. \i, 1Jelferson of 'Tucker
smith gives the f0linwdng• additional
information of the ohj(cf and also to
what ((1)')t•rent uses the cold storage
plant ean be put.
I'be 13ossibilitie' are loony amt var-
ied. and ww'It11 a town situated as Sea -
forth is, with a country of up -to -elate
and productive farms, it is to be ex-
pected is 1-trg'r patronage will conn(
from it radio,; of many miles, and it is
likely 1110 -lora„e plant will be filled
to rapacity in the coarse of 11 cotm(31
of years, ft iq t0 .111. expected it will.
tante 4(31110 time to prove its worth to
the public at largo.
In a small town to the north a stor-
age (dant sheer recently been complet-
ed by a pri,au' individual and will
hold fifty beef carcasses, asses, ;nod that is
iu loan of less than $11:1' .people. The
first and foremost idea is for storing
and keeping meat of all kind,, inclard-
ing fowl, and anyone renting a locker
will have access t0 it at all time,. It
also is the intention to hake a unit for
keeping fruit, vegetables,-(',)gs butter.
' \\'ith a goof! 'board of manage-
1(01lt to exercise 111(lieial care and en-
terprise. we are in hopes 000 it will
.he on a paying basis from the start,
and if : renulstanee3 permit, the rent-
al of the i(11kcrs will undoubtedly he
.\ny0ne wishing further information
may apody to the committee. William
Black, J. \I, Scutt, Harold Jackson,
f). \fac(Parlane, \\'. \'. Jefferson, or
Cleo: McKee, convener, or kfr. E, L.
Box, Seaforth.•
1\'. 1'. J'ir,F111;0SON.
'Norlhsidr (1,1131(1 Church parson-
age, :5caforlh, was the ,cone 0.fa (putt.
but pretty wedding at o ti clock, Dec-
ember 2ir,l, when :\nnie Mildred
141113 le' C'ar2ntore. only daughter of
Mr. and 1frs. Samuel ('utlnxtre, 11111.
Thera will be no .election intown
this year, Most Seaforth municipal
office, were 'filled by acclamation at
the domination meeting in the town
hall auditorium.Monday night. The
1(9,18 council will be Mayor J.'1, Chuff;
Reeve ;J.11, Scott; council C. Ffnlmv s;
J E. Keating, H. 1i. Pule Merton
!Reich 1'rank Sills, II, 'E. Smith, 'Pub-
lic Utilities, .1. ,311 0.eau, Public
School north ward, Or. Munn; south
ward, Ross :Sav((lg, east ward, J. \.
1\estcott .Dr, McMaster and '0. D.
Ferguson,Who were nu111ut1tNI, did
not 'qualif Y.
.1t the meeting held after the nom-
ination, With T011 -Clerk 1), 'H. Wil -
Son as chairman \layor I. .1. Caatif
tlttn1tyd the ratepawers for donor of -
111 acclamation and told or his ap-
pointment a \cum Nlayor during
illness of the late \layu' \, 1). Suth-
ut11e l end who passed away last summer,
and 'to whom lie paid tribute:
"'Ole tow+n lust it one hundred per
cent. Scafort.h citizen who was always
ready to jumpin and 1101)1 in anything
that be believed to be in the hest int-
er0.)s ,f the !Warn.”
Nla)'or Clair reviewed wort of coun-
cil fluting the past year, especially the
Main street project
Reeve J 111, Scott thanked electors
for alt acclamation ile umeherl int
Main street work and relief. .l'a, ma,
on to ('(hotly affairs, Reeve San)
dealt with the county road,. Road be-
tween Srnforth and Brussels has leen
nearly all ,(11)11ed with tar sold;gtav-
e1, Ile under'tood the roar) between
Here and Hayfield will soon :be surfac-
ed, although work may not commence
during 1µ438, .11r. Scott said tar and
ravel roads cost about $1,208 a mile,
compared to cement pavement cost of
$'20,0(1;) paid for provincial roads. Ce-
ment wits liable to buckle during 'hob
weather. ':\ provincial engineer pre-
dicted all the cenlen') roads would
soon have asphalt covering.
As member ((1' (molly property
committee, the 11wa.ew•e said he insPt•ct-
e(i the county jail of 'Godi:rich each
meeting, Building was ninety years
old and rhorou.ghly, sound, pro'f3a:biy
good for ano:t'herninelty years. AIr.
:Scott said one thing he remembered
;Mout his first trip to England was the
sound e(mditiun of building's 5,010 year,
Councillor Merton Reid. finance
chairman ;poke of town affairs,
"Von will wonder where all the
money came front this year ----1 ,know
1 did at first," Mr. 'Reid said,
Besides t'he taxes, payments this
year of.awar(ls, subsidies and rebates
had proeitled a stn•pht), the largest be-
ing 'the rebate of :Murat 411,00 from
the roomy council. 1'.'1(31:1 expendi-
tures this year included Ole main
-u'-el sidewalk which 'he estimated
at over $4,1000, and $1115 to the band
for hritrnnl('nts.
M•. !Reed said tax arrears totalled
$22,000217, t:1 tax sale would 'he nec-
essary, 10' thought, lir. Reid paid
tribute to the co-operation he haat re-
ceived front town officials,
\J r, John Thuth1un, (01411ie Soho())
Board chairman, intr0dtreed the pub-
lic school building question.. lie said
a complete inspection of flu' building
was Made by .N1r, 1itttry Edge, who
reported building was safe. 3Ir
li;dg • had given the place a thorough
"gr(nnd'110 ging" using a light with
oil feet of extension cord, Mr, f-Ioth-
am said: " the building is 'good for al
least twenty (years," Same immediate
work i1 tieing clone during the ('hrist-
mas holidays and ,text summer about
fifty joists and a couple of beams can
11e replaced, \Ir. Dothan.] said $4,1)01)
was spent ,nun• years ago 011 the
heating .plant. a stoker for thefurnace
was added tater. •t'hemfcal toilets af-
ter Chn•Ict•n year, ill np01•ali011 wcr.
replaced by flash toilers .incl plumbing
recently. He promised fullest co-
operation by the board.
11r, \\'alter Murray, in the audience,
asked a'b'out the flour mill. Councillor
Merton 'R'ei(d said•.\Ir, Turgion prob-
ably still owned it as -tlte dtr41 had
paid :$1,6(10 on Dec.'llst for 4'he deh(n-
ture payment, but had not 1paid this
year's taxes or insurance, 11110 town
could not take it over and .if Mr.
•l'urgeol made payments for next two
years he would own 1) outright, could
tear it (((31(310 r do :anythin'g 11e saw
fit, 'N)_•. 'l'urgeon 'had refused an sev-
eral occasions to rent the " elevator
to parties 3(1)1, -had offered to lease for
a „rain market.
NT r, I1 0. Nleir referred to the con-
oli-'ltion of tilt( online school buildna3
which lie believed urgently required
Mayor Chill w a called on and told
of \Ir. .Edge's in-peclion.
"Vnu 'couldn't blow the place clown
1yit11 dynamite." Nfr,, Ch311 said, referr-
dna;' to the walls and foaddatiols, .\ 1 -
ter moue of the joists and ,beams had
Nlayor John J. !(-'11113 of Seal, 31)11,
who ha, been returned to office for
11)3)) by acclamation,
'the follnwm * iteut from the lJ(is-
cwanl Man.) Recorder, refers 10 the
passing' of Thos. J. Barwick, who wits
a . resideiv( o1 N1 cd<illop in his young-
er days:
Thomas .3011ee. Barwick, who for
the past forty-two years has resided'
in the Roi,sew^ain district. passel)
away on Sunday morning, December
)12th, 14:37, at 'thee age of (»i years,
Mr, Barwick was horn at .11 cil<illop,
Huron County, in 1)10 province of
Ontario, 11(1(1 maw to Nlcnittnba du
111395. In the Year 1(1'.1) lie married
Entity llurston,-the eldest 'daughter
of one of, the pi01331er ianlilic, of tilts
district. Being of a friendly disposi-
tion, Mr. TBarwick made a host of
acquaintances and in -'Orange circle,
ha• ova: particularly well known, hav-
ing been a member of that Order
since lis seventeenth gear. Ire 8135 1)
life member of 1Nin'ga L;O!L, 1;31-'12.
One son -Roy predeceased his father,
in 11)1114, and there are left to mourn
itis loss, his 'beloved wife: tine .nn
'Teti/vet of IDesford) three brother,,
Geoegc \4cSlpadden t11exander),
Shannon (California), Solomon (On-
tario) and one-sister'11rs. t.Rcv.) Par,
ish of Minnesota. The funeral ,et•vire
was held from St. Paul', Pt -tiled
C'bnrch on Tuesday, December 14th,
burial 'being made in the funnily plot
(Continued on Pose Five.)
:\ quiet wedding, characterized ley
it, simplicity, took place when \lis,
loan I'.1tth Hutchinson, daughter of
.11:•, anti Mrs, 1 rnest Rnbin,on.11melt-
i11.W1 of 1\'alkcrvil0', was iiuitui in
marriage to 'k1 r, \\olio,, '(,1itsoh
'\\'Kite, son of kir:. 11'Tile and the late
Mr. Ernest Winfield \\'hire of Sea-
ford], at St. Mary's Anglican C'httr313,
1)(c, '?7, at 112 o'clock noon. "Rev. ' 11,
Langford officiated. NIr, Sidney .\,
Tarleton, organist of the chtir1'11,
played the wedding music, 101d during
thesigning' of the register N1 toter
Terre Tarleton sang. Christina, na, de:
oration, were used in the church.
The bride. given in marriage by her
father, wore a dress of brown crepe,
oral(lips 'alt(1 belt, with frown ac-
e,sooes. Nlr, Donald D. 1.1uti•hin,,ti,
tirnther of the bride, was the only
1 reception was belt) at the home
of the bride's parents. The bride's mo-
ther more a gown of powder blue,
navy hat and corsage of gardenias.
'The bridegroom's Mother wore blael:
3eorgef(e, wine hat, with a corsage of
gardenias. Nit-. and Mrs. \\'Tette left by
,motor for a wedding trip to point,
east, the bride travelling in 'ti ',mart
pink flannel dress, tailored neige coat,
with mink collar and brown access-
ories. Un their return they 123)4 re idt•
in the Renfrew Apartments, Walker-
111g f, good for f'd) years. \ new build-
ing- would costthe. taxpayers 0,.11,117111,
lie said,
;Dr. NIr\taster told of h 131111,g 1111(.11 -
cd to the 3dinister of !Education it,
ratepayer aol askin.g for an inspect-
o peel -ion of the building. The minister had
promised an architect front the de-
031r1,nent would be sent here i1inted•
united in marria:ai to Lorne Joseph been replaced lie was sure the build.- lately,
1"inlviley, son of kir,. Pinkney, Sea -
forth, and the late Joseph I'initney, of
Stratford, ;Rev. T. A. Carmichael otli-
elatecl The 'bride Iool•e(1 lovely in a
wine colored velvet chess with 1•011 to
Ynatch and !motel) accessories. She
was attended.•hy \hiss .fargarl't13eat-
lie of Flullcti, wvh0 11'115 00011e11 in
hrowv'1 crepe avidh matching accessor-
ies. The h, irlrgroonl W01 supported by,
Mr. Harold Cummings. 1'ollnwing'the
ceremony simper '4l, served a) the
home of the !bride parent,.
Tile \\'once '.c Hospital Aid will
171001 00 Thursday, ,Tun, (11)1, at 3.30
pin. in the Linn ity. .. -
We have , endeavoured in thepast, by giving ef-
ficient service and good value, to establish relationships
with our patrons which are pleasant and profitable .
to both,
In the coming Year we have resolved to ,redouble
our efforts to meet all your requirements."
So here's to 1938, May it bring Prosperity
rl- to you all
l'fP.a-oWAl C8`1 0k lr 38;41 .0-t P�n'P,
Wishing You All a
The Gift Shop
Mrs. 'George •Pethick, James st„ re-
ceived word of the death early Sun-
day ntoriing of her son, :lir. Lorne
Pethiel of (Orilh"a, 94.a result of an
accident. An 'he was on 'his way to
work on Noonday morning of la's)
week he slipped on 310(10 ice and fell,
Immuring a rib. which ,pierced his
Inns, causing a severe wound. He was
rn,11ed to the ,itospita) and passel
away about .3 a.m. on Sunday,' Dec,
Many former 'friends in Seafoeth
deeply regretted .0 learn of his un-
timely . d vat'I1. I.orne Campbell, Pethick
;was flora in :Sea- forth 4331 years a.go. in
\.til, •a son of the late IG'eorgc Polit-
ick and Mrs, 'Pethick, 'Seaforth. 'Fie
was mkarricd, 137 yearn ago to Miss
Margaret \le 1<1y, ;daughter - of the
11r, and Mrs. 4lexander _McKay
L„nlnndv(at :oil fir a-11103 ;yin -
ducted the barber shop of tine Com-
mercial Hotel in Seafnrth with Chas.
Clark (now of Aylmer) and later
moved to ,Orillia where in (1(9116 he. en-
listed and merit overseas (31 ('1131 ,1 ,rtt
\\ ar. Nitta' hi, return he canti1111411
(0 reside in Or11Ga, Besides his wife
he cave. three .sons and two daugh-
ters; Kenneth, 'Alexander, C1'ara,
Thelma and 'Ronnie; also his mother,
'\lrs, George Pethick, Sea'forth, and
two sisters: Mrs.:F. B'rti. ger, Sea-
forth, and Miss )Jeannette Pethick of
Toronto, Toth of Whim went to 'Or-
illi;l last week. The funeral took place
011 Tuesday afternoon to the Orillia
The annual meeting ni the \Ica<il-
ioh brunch of the W:1I.5, of the Pres-
byterian Church wa> held at the'fome
of Sirs. ,1, .\itches,, no T'hursd'ay 1af-
terno,(, I)ec. ilith with twenty-one
ladies pro Ont. The meetings,. presided
.leer by the president, opened with
hymn 10. The Scripture lesson, tak-
en from .\iattliew the second chapter,
was read" by Mrs. (1. 11. iGo'enl0rk.
followed by the tiled 'Tidings prayer
11) \Ifs, j. L. Well. Sifter the business
21331(001, 11 s. J. Carter favored
with a 101,, Nit's, W. 't'homp,s'n gave
a very interesting missionary talc,
Hiss 11. I. Graham,in a -very p'leasing.
manner 3(4(xe three of her writings.
Then- foliated the election of officers,
presided over by \lis, Jean Scott:
Tion. pres., Mrs. R. 'Govenlock and
NIrs. I. L. !.ell; president, NTrs, Ttel-
cn Nlc\iilian; vice Pres„ 3!ra, j. (';u•
ter: secretary, Mrs. N. ,0, lMrrance;
treasurer, \1f,. (1. 1... Pi41; soc1. cam..
\Mrs, i, T. Scott, Mrs, R. Scott, Nlrs,
J. I lugill and :Mrs. '0, Appleby; pro-
gramme eon„ -Mrs. '3, .litrhe.son,
3, if, Scott, Nies, T. '',1-c\1Wan. and
Mrs. \\', '1'homp:cnll; pianist, Miss
Jean Scott, .31fter,`singing hymn 71534
the meeting, closed 'by all repeating -Ole
T.ird's prayer in elms to . i\ delicious
!finch vivax served.•1.y;',.(10, 'losnlg side
In the contest and •5 social half hour
311otia3111.•-111 lfcl<111op, ani ...I ion
day, Dec. '21701, 11937 \Vtlli9rn 'TTent•v
\1c01vin, in his 76th yeart.-w1'Ihe fm1-
eral (private) on \\ edncsdaw I)3 (0
2Oth at 13 p,nl, from the home of :,his
s;n Chas. A[c Cat c'
I r 111 int 27, nt urs,
+it 31 12 \fc k tllop, to tete place of in
(. ---nem in Maitland Bank' cemetery,
W:11 4)1011 1.,
Twelve county councilor:. for Hu-
ron 'have been elected by acclanratioh
since the first of the'week- 'rltey are::
Sea'fortll, kJ. 111. Scott; Clinton, Fred
Livermore; 'Brussels, W. C. 'Kerr;
+(.;'rey, Henry Keys; Thomas Wilson,,
deputy; Colborne, (George C. Feagan;
..11 orris, L, E. -Cardiff; MciK.111op.. J.
M. lltckart; '•ISuckersniith, Charles
3,1.cKay; Hay, George 'Armstrong;
Stephen, Chester alachimney and Ed-
ward 'Lamport, deputy.
The fallooin'g Municipalities nicipalitie? will
11o111 elections an Monday for moist
offices: Howic7:, Ulsborne, Blyth,
Clinton and :Exeter. 'lu Brussels and
McKillop township there will be
.battles for the council positions only,
while in Stanley tohonship the election
will be for the reeveship only, the
contestants being Fred Watson and
Roy Lamont, 'tile retiring reeve being
Webster Turner who is ill at .the
present tune.
]'u MdKil'lop township the follow-
ing have qualified for cotulca11' H'a'gir
(Alexander. ,Elmer Rockwell, Russell
1D0rra'nce,,,, Peter Maloney, Lorne
Webster, . llaniei I30uermaun.';Ot'hers
:n'omina'ted, who withdrew were Chas,
1}irinlage, Albert Harrisow ;Joseph
The council in 'Guckersnlith will be
Charles \IaciKay, Reeve; Councillors,
Sam Whitmore, David IGen(me11, 'Har-
ry M. Chesney, Andrew Bell. R.
Kruse wt'a, nominated for council and
withdrew, Mfr. William Archibald,
0110 has been reeve for t'he past six
years, retired. Samuel Whitmore was
•tiso nominated for 'Reeve but quali-
fied for council. -
1u Blyth, \1'. G. \IcNall will have
'11'. H. NIorritt as opposition for the
reeveship, while those running for
'council (are Edward Johnston, 1)eloss
Taman, Herbert Dexter, John Betts,
(George ;lo'hnstoii, Jasper Cook, -James
Watt, The following have been named
school trustee, by acclamation: Stan-
ley 'S-ibthorpe, V 'iliiaan White and Ed -
Will Cartwright. James IDodds 'was
elected to the 'P U.C. by aeglamation,
There will be straight tights for the
reevesltips and the council seats in
LTs'borne and 'Hawick townships. 1n
the former, 'Percy IPalssm'ore and IGeo,
'\V'estcott are contesting the reeveship
while all council aspirants qualified as
(01101,75: Ilntgh Berry, John Ballan-
tyne. Bruce 'Cooper, John Hod'gert, -,
(.Park 'Fisher,
The 'l'uckersntith Ladies' Club will
hold their January nleetin,g ori Janu-
ary the fifth 1t t1* Home' -of, Mrs. Er-
nie Crich, The roll call is to: be an-
swered by the payment of fees.
Nle and :'1rs, (Gordon 'Hayter,
\Vayne 10131! Ruth of. Detroit .spent the
'holiday with !Mrs. E. Ross.
Mr. and MM31rs. Lorne ''Pepper of Ni-
a.gara Falls visited with lir, and Mgrs.
Ja,, 1Lay over the holiday.
NI r. aild ll.ts, John 'Forrest .and fa-
ltvily spent .boxing day with Mr. and
\1t •, job Ogie.
Miss Bessie McKay of Varna'spent
the week end at 'her ,home.
Mr.,11111 Mrs, Cecil Pullman and fa-
mily, Ni, and Mrs, W'aihace 'Powell
and (!,lily spent Sunday with lir,.
and NIrs. Toho Powell of McKillop,
r Mrs. John
and r1fc,T
Mr. at .aohlaat and
family spent Christmas with lfr. and
Mrs, .11131. 1 Igie.