The Seaforth News, 1937-12-23, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1937 THE SEAFORTH NEWS . s. Our prices good until December 29 PEAS, Fancy Green Giant 17 oz. 2 TINS 25c TOMATO JUICE, Large Aylmer or Libby's, 26 oz. '3 TINS size 2s squat 2 TINS 25c AYLMER PEACHES 12 oz. btl. PER BTL. 1AYLMER CATSUP �' c CHRISTMAS SATIN MIXED CANDY 2 LBS. c • GOLDEN MIXED NUTS 5 VARIEi IES, ALL NEW 2 LBS. "� `� c ASSORTED MIXED CANDY1� 2 LBS. `"'° c Zest Street Marmalade, large 32 ,iz. . each 29c Roved York Coffee, '-":s each 13c !s each 3,lc 1"astry Flour, 7s -27c; 24s 79c i l illerest Shortening ' tits 27c Royal 1`url. '1'ca .. ..... . . . . . . ....... ! : lb 33c Blue lis °I'ea 1 1b pkg. 53c i\Ianning's Cookies, Cocoanut. Cello tvr1pped,•.per pkg. lm. \Velch's Grape juice, pints .. ... ;..... , .. per btl. 27c Crunchie Sweet pickles, 27 oz. per btl. 25c Maple Leaf Salmon, Red Sockeye. 1,12•-2Oc; .. 1s 35c Aylmer White Corn, 2s 2 tins 19c Old White Cheese, 2 years old per th 29c l-'<ard Dog Food 2 tins tic Libby's Pineapple Juice, 13 oz. per tin 15c Luslius jelly :Powders, asst. 3 pkg. 25c Aylmer Asparagus Tips. 12 oz. per tin 23e Breakfast Bacon per sty 31c Peauteal Bacon per It) 30c Interlake '.Coilet 'Tissue 3 Ills 25c 7:,yr�, A yUerg Merry , ttiri6Yttnas to 1gnuu� all UR lCFSI'di���"l.CtUK`� �+X4ef;�rig-tar.K .0: CANDY AND NUTS Paper Shell Pecans, Extra Large per Ib. 25c Cut Rock Candy per lb. 19c French Cream Candy per 1b. 19c Chocolate Drops per ib. 19c Moir's Fancy Christmas Box .Chocolates, 3 lb. , , , each 73c Maraschino Cherries, Chocolate in Fancy Box 25c Peppermint Chocolate Wafers in'1 ib, box each 29c Christmas Wrapped Kisses 2 lbs. 25c Oranges .. 20c, 30c, 40c. doz. Grapefruit.... 6 for 25c Candy Canes, Cluster Raisins, Table Figs, Grapes, Dates, Christmas Crackers, Fancy Tobaccos, etc„ etc. wt, alRael1 Gtre(i/►�l .IM504 lW01"w= t Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PHONE PHONE 8 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 SEAFORTH MARKETS Wheat per hi. 45c 11 Barley, malting, per bus. Barley, feed, per bur:. ..,, .... aye Oats, per bus. 40c -4-112e Buckwheat, per buss. ........... 56c Hogs, per cwt. $7.75 Be Independent For Life! Financial security — a bounteous yearly income for life—is within your •grasp. It may sound like a fairy tale, but it's true. For details see the De cernlber 36 issue of The Detroit, Sun- day Times, CONSTANCE (Continued from raze 1) ' literature and missionary monthly sec„ Mrs, E. Lawson; temperance see., Mr,. B. Snell: strangers' sec., Mrs. F. 'Lawson; mite box sec_, Mrs. \ilii Jewitt; Christian stewardship sec., Mr,. B. Stephenson; Pre.. sec., \[r.. C Dexter; tor. . et , Mrs. 'R. Lawsuit: res see.. Air,. C. 'Dexter; flower runt., Air,. G. Addison; mis- sion hand leader, Miss Edith Britton: as et;mt. Mr, d Riley: -organist \ir-. \\m. Jewitt assistant. Mrs. J. J"'mets on. \1i. Gardiner dine closed the meeting. 11; invitation is extended to the congregation to meet with the Unity Bible CI t ., hl erhte.riay evening. Dec. 25). at 6 o'clock. ,,1 good program is being prepared Lunch will -he served. Offering in will be asked for to aid. the bower fund for the .ick and strut -ins. ST. COLUMBAN Mr. Joseph E. 'Feeney has engag- ed with Louis '01Reilly for Ot) days. :George and [Frank'Coyne held a very successful'dance recently and everybody enjoyed themselves, Fire llazardfl! Your attention is called to the danger to life and prop- erty from Christmas decorations, such ae draperies, scenery. cotton to represent snowy, etc. Displays of this natureandthe lighting arrangements in :connection therewith add greatly to the ordinary risks of fire. See that inflammable material I5 clear of and not httn,t over lighting devices, steam pipes stmt' pipes, electric light bulbs, etc. See that the electric circuits are properly fused and not ui'erloaded Have all temporary decorations removed as sfton as they have served rite i' pi;p ase. ReMenaber,.nuthing can render- these displays absolutely safe, and thin if accidents are not to mat` the festive season, constant vigilance and,care must be exercised, E. J. BOX, Fire Chief. TOWN TOPICS 11t Frank .Archibald.- Guelph; Mt Willi: 'Archiltald, London; 1 Mr. and ,Mrs. Chas. Sherwood and Miss Jeanie (Archibald, Toronto, and Miss !Alice Archihal'il, \Vroxc'ter, are spending Christmas at the parental hone of Mr. and !Mrs. 'Wm. 'Archibald .Mr. Stuart IKeyes o6 Amlterstburg and Mr. end Mrs. 'Ruskin Keyes and young son Clen o f Windsor are Christmas 'an'd holiday guests at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson 'Keyes. - \'liss Mary Hays, Toronto, and Mr. and .\Irs. P. C. Calder, .St. Cathar- ines, are 'Christmas guests at the par- ental hoose with '\'tr and Mrs. Aclam Tlavv Mr, Wm. 'Flays, 'Detroit, and Mr. II iG1enl Frays, Toronto, are 'holi- day visitors with their mother, Mrs. J'atnes I -lays. Mr, and Mrs. J. 1<..B. Brown, Mrs. Sarni (Phillips, Cleveland, and 'M•r. and Mrs. Nelson Covet -dock and family of 'Waterford, are spending Christmas at the parental 'haute of Mr. and Mrs. ,J M. Covenlook, Ur. and Mrs.` R. 'G. Parke of Sea- -forth and ',\lr. '.Gen, 'Parke of .London ire spending Christmas with -M. r. and Mrs. \V. J. 6 reenis, at Strathroy, \lis.. Sadie 11c -Donald' of Hamilton is spending the Christmas -week end with her father,, :Ver, 'Donald Mc- Donald. Ic- Donaeld. Miss Mildred 'Johnstone of Severn itr id,e is ,spending the holidays with her .parents, Mr, and Mrs. 'Thos. Johnstone. Mr. Leslie Scott of Chicago spent a couple of days in town. Mrs. 3.h, Reid, West street, left Wednesday for London where she will spend the winterwith her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, George Sinclair, Mrs. M. Carbert is spending Christ- mas with her daughter, 'Mrs. Theison in Detroit, Mr, Frank `Devereaux of - Western University, London, is spending -his holidays at his home.. :Mr, and Mrs ISidney Jacobs- - will celebrate their sixty-fifth wedding an- niversary on Christmas 1Day. Their many friends join in (best wishes, The driver of a salt truck which became stock at t'ite corner of ;Main and Goderich streets during 'the re- cent storm had a novel method of getting out of difficulty. It is said he dumped the entire contents of a large bag of salt under his rear wheels and was soon merrily on his way again. Mr. Harry ainchley arrived home Monday to spend the Christmas holi- days with his mother, Mrs. J. ,D. Hinehley, who will accompany him to spend the Christmas week -end in. Owen Sound with her son and daughter-in-il'aw, M -r, and Mrs, tI 'M. Tlinchley. Mrs, H•inchley intends re- turning after the New Year to spend the waiter in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Kerr and daughter (Janet 'of Buffalo have been spending this week with the former'.: parents, Mr, and Mrs, James Kerr Mr. and Mrs, IJanes Kerr leave, Fri- day to spend the 'Christmas week.-ncl in Hamilton with their son-in-law and ;laughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Part- ridge. 'Misses Ida and. Eva Love, 'I'orotrto, are .:pending Christmas with their mother, Mrs. 'John Love who will re- turn with then( to Toronto. Miss Bessie Grieve, Chatham, is a holiday' visitor at the home of her parents, -Mr. and Ales. Thos. ;Grieve. DAN LYNN SPENCE and His Orchestra LO.O.F. HALL, 'SEAFORTH (!F- arm erly .V. A.) Wed. Dec. 29: '1'o he held under auspice. of The Young Ladies' Sodality of St. ' 'Times' Church _ Admission - - - 411c DANCE! Here They Come! THE UKULELE HILL BILLIES AT KIPPEN Tues., Dec. 28 Here's your chance to dance to one of the snappiest Old Time Bands' in Western 'Ontario, t enereil. Adm, 310e. Don't Forget the New Year's Eve. Dance OLD TYME DANCE Walker's Hall, ,BRUCEFIELD Wed., Dec,, 29 GOOD MUSIC .Ladies provide lunch. 'Gents 25c A. Zapfe, • Meniager. PAGE FIVE TE 1 LEPTIUNR T A LKS IN THE ATSON FAMILY • "... and the loveliest Christmas Bell was _ the TELEPHONE BELL How could Sally Watson be expected to catch the 'Yuletide spirit? Jack, her own Jack, was five hundred miles away and Christmas just wasn't Christmas without him. I, Church bells chimed their joyous message; sleigh bells jingled merrily; - infectious gayety and laughter bubbled all around her — in vain. Then the telephone bell rang and Jack was calling his Christmas Greetings to a sparkling, starry-eyed Sally, the loveliest Christmas bell this year was the tele- phone bell" said Sally afterwards. CALL F .1.RLY Why not call early in the Clay ? Low Night Rates' to most - points will be in effect all day on Christmas and New Year's! M. J. HABKIRK Manager. TOWN TOPICS \kiss Ria !Hills, Toronto, is a holi- day visitor at the home of her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. it;corge ll-Iills, \d r. and Mrs. Jack 'Ferguson King - :,ton, and Mr. Charles IFergtison, Sud- bury, are ,pending • Ch ri.tntas with re- latives here and at their house 1' Baytfield. - kir. Cliff Lowery, Sudbury. i :, Christmas visitor frith iii,. parent.. Alts and'Mrs. George Lower). \1r. Jack I lithkirk of \ln,traal d, . rencling t hri iotas with It!. n areet,, -; 1 Season's Greetings TO ONE AND ALL el e Sutherland Beauty Shop r. and \lr.. Earl 1lahktris, \Ic- >✓r� o�v7 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. t;c,.ceudock left on 'Monday for 'Toronto where they will spend the Christmas holidays. Mess delle Ballanhue leave Fri- day for an extended visit in Toronto and. St. Thomas. - \L. ;Tante. Scott of "l`uront i. a holiday stertor art the home of hi. mother, Mrs. i1. 74 Scott. Mr. Percy Hoag, of "Ifager ville ie spending the Christmas hnlidla)s with his mother, \{rs. l\', f). Hoag. \I r. [Ross ,-<2len of Brantford is visiting at his house here. • - Aliss Elizabeth Smith of Ottawa is spending Christmas with her sister, Mr.. W. E. kerdake and Mr. :Kerslake. 71r. and Mrs. \Vui 'r\. Patrick, To- ronto, and \lr. and Mrs. C. 1' West - away, Hamilton, are -spending C-hri.t- mas at the parental home <f Mr: and i'trs, '4fantiton<ery Paatricik; also -Miss Margaret Patrick, Windsor, who will spend the holidays with her parents. Mn 'Frank Hogg of 'Chapel School, Woodstock, Miss. Ida !Hogg. lieu - fres Col'Icgiate, and Miss if an Hogg of Ca.ntlachic,- are spending the' hall-. days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm: -A Hogg, \'Iclkihop. ST. COLUMBAN The C.W.L. are holding a social ev- ruing in the hall Monday night, 'Dec- ember 217. Mr. Harry Mdlver returned to re- sume his. .clu'ties in 'Ottawa after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. William. McIver. Mr. IEllvan .Morris from Sit. Peter's Seminary, ,London, to spend Cli,rist- mas holidays with Mrs. 'William Mot - Mr. Joseph Eurke returned home Want and For Sale ads, 3 woks, 50 eJ To our many Friends and Clients We extend the t)lr1 Time \Visit A Very Merry Christmas Wai nnRoid Insurance Specialists lye Phone 214. - M. A. -Reid, Prop. p p from Seaforth hospital after an opera- tion for appenclicitis. .Miss Ci.ara Eckert held a successful concert' last Tuesday night at No. 4 school. - DUBLIN . • :Miss'Gem Feeney df ,i)'ublin'ha:g se- cured a position. in Stratford post of: flee. DIED \idG•aviu—III McKillop on•'Tues- day, Dec 21, 111937 Catherine 'Rion, beloved wife of \\m CH:t \icGavin, in her '716st year. The funeral will take place from her late residence, 'ot 25, concession 13, M1dKillop, on - Thurs- day, Dec. 23, at '2 pan. to the place of interment in the Mhitiand Bank Cem- etery, Funeral private. MV;OMate'OUft . It is our pleasure at this JIT time of year to gratefully JET acknowledge the favors we have -received and to extend to you our com- pliments and best wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS Kerslake's SEED AND FEED STORE ra a Season's Greetings' We extend to all our Cust- omers and General Public A - MERRY CHRISTMAS Grill closed al da' h i; ni,s r' -w-C r t 411) THE Tasty Grill C. \I. Smith, -Prop:, eSeaforth VilaeOlr4n FARMERS ATTENTION "COLD WEATHER FUEL" "First Class Pennsylvania Coal" Our Co -Operative Co. is sending us 2 Carsnext week. Save Extra Hand- ling and Storage Charges by buying direct from cars. Stove or Nut Size, off cars,— Fartners $12.40 per ton Delivered in Seaforth or Close to town $13.00 per ton No. 1 Alberta Lump Coal— Farmers $10.20 per ton Town Deliveries $10.80 per ton First Class Hamilton Coke— Farmers $11.20 per toe Town. Deliveries $12.00 per ton Ali Prices Cash, The Seaforth Farmers Club Phone 336 J. H. Scott, Secretary