The Seaforth News, 1937-12-23, Page 4PAGE FOUR
s1 srb r Rt s.. Publishers.
Merry Christmas
We extend to you sincer-
est Good Wishes that
Happiness and Good
Fortune abide with you at
this' season and all
through the coming Year
The Ladies 'Guild and \\'.-\ of St.
`George's Church held their annual
insetting and election of officers at the
'home of sirs. \V. 11.. ;Anderson. on
Tuesday Last Mrs. Scataett presided
for the first :part ,,f the meeting dar-
ing which time some business: was
transacted. The ;financial standing
sliowed that the IGusild had had a very
successful year. The W.A. were also
able to meet all obligations and have
a surplus on hand. The officers elect-
ed for the following year were ' Pres.
of Guild Mrs. F. Scarlett; vice .pros.,
Mrs, tH, Bolger; 'Soc.-treas., \ars. B.
Anderson. Pres. of W.A.. Mrs. W. H.
Humphries; Sec.-treas.. Mrs. E. F•Icil-
The annual meeting of the W.M.S.
and W. A. of Duff's United Church
•ryas held 'Dec, :115, The theme was
"?Fellowship in the Church." The
1S'crlpture lesson wad read by Mrs.
Cumming,. Twenty responded to the
roll call which was a 'Christmas
verse. The business part of the
meeting consisted of the reports of
the nominating committee. executive
and group leaders. Mrs. Shaw pre-
sented the n t e study chaptcr. The officers
of 1119318 are Hon, ;Pres., Mrs. \fc-
Callulm; Pres., Mrs. E. Bryans; 1st
vice pres., .Mrs. L. teeming; 2nd vice
;press Miss Knox; 3rd vice press Mrs,
W. Turnbull sec„ Mrs. J. Me-
Donald; treas., Mrs, W. Davidson;
supply sec„ Mrs, IA. Coutts; asst, sec.,
Mrs. IF. Rutledge; cam. Friendship
see., Mrs. J. Bewley; assoc, helpers
secs, Mrs. T. Leeming, lit, sec., Mrs,
L.'Cummings; sec. of temp, and eh.
citizenship, Mrs. C,'Cumming; Miss.
monthly sec Mrs, Broadfoot stew-
ardship sec„ Mrs. 'J. Marshall :Mss.
Band Supt„ Mrs, H. Kirkby:. baby
'band Supt., Mrs. H. Johnston; audit -
Pupils i €old Christmas Concert
This is a week of Christmas concerts in the various schools
of the district. The above pictures, taken by The News, show
some of the pupils taking part in the concert of the Dublin Con-
tinuation School in the parish hall on Monday evening. Above is
the cast of the Shakesperian play, from left to right, front row;
Lucille McGrath, Earl Drown, Joseph Morrison; second row—
Loreen Looby, James Curtin, Patrick Cleary, Ila Drown; 3rd row
—.Benedict Holland, Leo Carlin, Louis O'Reilly; 4th row -Joseph
Evans, Dominic Murray.
Orchestra, in lower picture, first row, Catherine Woods; Leo
Carlin, John Morrison, F. Evans; 2nd row -Joseph Evans; Mary
Woods, Camilla Donnelly, Helen O'Reilly, Ila Drown, Mary Mc-
Grath, Joe Morrison; 3rd row—Teresa Krauskopf, Ruby Moore,
Margaret Fitzpatrick, Mary Evans.
Bund, Mrs L. H•ilbcrrn; assistants,
Mrs. G. lc a a , temperance, Mrs.
R. \Vcghtman, Missionary Monthly,
Mrs. -\V. H. Lynn; press, Mrs. (leo,
Johnston, assistant, Miss Katie Bar-
rett: pianist, Mrs, FI. \Icliroy ; C.G.
II T., Mrs, C. E. Toll, Nies. •hranklin
Baynton, \Mrs. IR. D. Philp; supply
Committee, Sirs. A. C•olelough \frs,
R. jailnstou, Mrs, '•\, Fawcett \firs
A. ;Gillespie. Mrs. S. Kechnie, \frs J.
'Davis, finance, Mrs, 'G, D, Leith, Mrs.
C Granby, \1'rs. \W Watson, Mrs, Vs,
Johnston, alis, Pett visiting Mrs.
T Moody, \fr tfol1vt an, %\ars. Logan,
Mrs. j. H. IR. 'Elliott Mission Bawl
committee, :Mrs. I'itlborn, Sir Pair -
services Miss Loclsic Mrs. W. \Vat-
e,n \irs. \C, Hamm. Mrs, Tasker,
\liss Barrett, Mrs, \V. Nesbitt \Mrs,
J Glousher, music committee, .Mrs.
1 'Johnston, \Mrs. Il Johnston Mrs,
ors, Mrs. ;Nelson Reid, Mrs Toho '1 Laidlaw Mrs' '1'• 'Marshal'. Rtc• k
i12oDouald: 'finance cant, MrtT
A. Brook was present and tddre e-1
Marshall, Mrs, Davidson, Miss Sim as to the wwork, »4Mr.. If { hi1_
p- bps favored
tl witith a solo. Auditors,
sem, Mrs. IE. Pollard, lar S. \\"lane The
newly eppamtcd officers were enter-
tained .to a dainty 'lunch anti e t n.iy by
Mrs. Grashy.
Women's ^Institute -
Tho \irwvten's. Inheld their Successful Commencement.—
postponed meeting at the home of A ucce sful cantnnn_,itur u w
\frs. A. Taylor. Roil call was answer- held by Blyth C',sn \'cone ` t ul
ed with a' gift for theneedy.Csifts nig. !Appropriate
(Tall on Wediterin eve
will he burned over to the cinnmittee ing. !A'ppropriate remark: sere gn•
in chane of the ccnutuunity Christ- its.: the president of the tt :•uv society,
ntas tree to 'be distributed at the en_ '1lcle•n haw \ons• act r,av w., veli
tertainment '1 hursday afternoon. 1st- l,rese°tee( 'hw L'. 110 tl Layton m Bray.
tors of appreciation from those win; \\ Shettherd t nont?I ors -is r -
were ill or bereaved were read, having Linn Iry L., t 1 he'• nt w ; ut
been remembered by cards. also trcrrn ti, rnni;ee�15 `ltawn 1!t rs+ , \! 1-1
the Ontario Society for Crippler! :haw-, ;Ruth ITiI',„rn \n, r l d:!ii
Children for a generous dintati n•
Eileen R, urn rn;. \l trout \\ ttrn
Fit t• R. A. Brook, our gmest speaker, stems by the •wnt team were s•n
brought a very fine Christmas roes- e,ll ,w Etch heath, (arch \l t: tt.
sage He said Christmasi a magic Gob i „11•trd H u ry 1- ryas*
word By December +1 t we feel i'hclan, 'D onald nrtrlercr*e Rm
ma,,n pour. How glorious it 550111( Burne)'. Joh It Thr 10r to l U:u
be if the spirit of Christmas et -told hat duntbelt (hip, nw t
continue throughout the year and re- 1) r.. N1 testy, T'hylln 11ists R, regi
niembcr, "he wwh., gives a child a til,, ,, f tu, t Marton \odes-',
treat,makes joy bells ring in Heai \r c t I [clfs
ons street." Singing d'hristinas ,•trot \I +;ill, \rusreen \insri+ 1
was much enjoyed led b_ Mrs. Mer 'sited hrb swinging 'ry
Old Phillips at the !dam,. \ very chili- Druce. The minuet by' Rnth G'
tp :troch na., '"r" -"I- H' tc•sst•' NI". iron.' \f:('aluro, Kathleen \Leib
=w. Tay^lor, 1[r.. Chellew• \it . 11, \l,"iu t XMhery. 'lett t \'lac n
Hal!. ales. H. !',sung' lean Phillip,. :\ two -act ,i't alt
Mr. and Mr,. Robert 'ishnston en- Rod Lumps ' wwas an'cn bt Hrie
resiled the Johnston .brothers on :Sittwy, Ralph [;rook, Ruth
jested] Johnston's 78th birthday 10 a .\unit it . Itl'irlrlc, ansa r,nth
„sl dinner- Those present 1‘cro Mr. rani Elliott. The nnti"nat• :,nth • •,l .w i
and „Ntrs. Nathaniel Johnston, \I' and. sum, 111 ifoisiug.
Mrs. I cnh Tolu,ston, 11 and Mrs
William Johnston, :\ rrty soars:ant BRUCEFIELD
and social.: time was etijo ed
W :M, S,— fie United Vsr:n \V,,;,,,,,
The annual' meeting sora election of fin,
monthly ineetin,g at the !tom of
tfi'T( of the \\ \LR. a;.s hell at the Mr. and Mrs. C. fiwort. The meeting
home of Mrs. C. Gras•hy on Tuesday, vele in :barge of tl+c l'i >tt. \J
Dec. 14th, with a good attendance. \h'ut, l)oui;la-, s.\fter .n ciu,1 "'larks,
First vice .president, ,Mrs, Wm. Jenk-
ins, presided. The devotional leaflet, rite ;Tea ttld i\ngels ,;n and a:! rc-
IPellow•ship in the Church, was read penins, ;'le Lord's pray, r tin tniu ao-
IV \It Wm. .1/ills. Amon the re_ of the nreviotts 111rt=0ers rssd r ,'
given weer the t,ra..nt'er' res arlo,ttecl R.,il ea•if w•t'r!,,
port. Chrt tan 1(4 •ted lisp by Mt.,. Granby; sttansies.' yceret:cr, \li's, a Cltristin:e.
11) Finadi , supply. Airs, A t le! ,ugh ;read the letter from Aft. 11, (1 H,
who rcpi, feel 'hale to the value _ of mut and asked the 'bulletin qiiestlons
iflT(} sent by tate Auxiliary; \fissionwhich were aitswcrei1 by Mrs. Hast h
Banal report by NIT,. L. Hilbot•n: ss d \ars, Buchan
Temperance Department by Mrs. R. hitt am \ tan; \L•s. \\"nl
\V g[1tman, anissionary monthly, by, . 1 Mrs. I . Dactttan gave cxce'-
lir-. W. H, Lyon; carr. sec, report by. 4'111 papers o,r tie topic,
lfr.. \\'m, Laidlaw. Mrs. Win, Jen lion wli'tt it can clo'and what it cat, -
ins leas appointed as representative to. not do" Tin, resolution, w'iieh were
the official I!
Douglas 2nd vice press. Mrs. W.
Stackhouse; secretary -treasurer, Mrs.
!•laugh; ousts Mrs. J. Cairns and
Mrs. :snider; t secretaries, Mrs.
er re c
lr , ,l. d l e
Douglas and Mrs. C. "Haugh; direct-
ors, Miss\I, Gibson, Mrs. A. Mc-
Queen. Mr', Snirier. 'Mrs. Nesbitt,
Mrs. Allan and Mrs. !Douglas, The
meeting closed with the closing ode.
rhc women then joined with the men,
when lunch ;was served by the` hostess
and fiends, Sir. Douglas treated' all
to t liberal helping of chocolate
While in Hensall last week, Mr. C.
Haugh called on kir, •\\'nt. 'Dow who
has in•en eery poorly for saute time,
When the ballots were counted last
Prides' night, the following- elders
eels, elected. Mr, •Artltnr McQueen,
\f . ,I:n•v., Horton and \ir. ;bliss 1[c-
1 tyro.
('ru•mis of Mr. las- Walker mato
moved to Clinton a few weeks ago
are sorry 1 i s a id i, vera ill.
I ucker nt tat <.S No..; ?teat a very
15C,e,sful etit•r€annneltt 1,1 \\'siker
The Board ,f ll airs u•s met in the
i it,treit to Tuesday evening is, •clis-
ns.s mane matters relevant to the
:hatch year and among othert' 'it'd.
wa, rl tit tilt 1. e: ehnr c ,n -
r 't ,r, nt ,'etc I before Dee.
,: t u fin lg f,, a thoroughly
'u; i ? t Psis. it would aain
t- h'" the .y .that pleasure of the
r a n t rer t +se to books
l C1 it d,€c 4111,x. .towing x deft -
Death of James Walker—
\\ rd the death \l ..fames
\\ t ( tb,n w .s learned with
lee regret.Mr. t\ i l,t^ passed away
snout i; o'clock \', duesday morning,
Der. .111a. at tete ase of i&2 years. Mr.
and Mr,. Walker mored from Bruce -
field to Cliutou a iew weeks ago and
since then \[r. \\'tlkee took it 1 and
t, i ult alb• his c ni [it on became weak-
- sir. iSneere ynlpat n t este tried to
lar•, \\'ail t, formerly .fix Isabel
\ ;,Quem Prtt ',,•,d, and t-, the
two tents and dan,ghter: Jame. \\'aik-
1 er and Mr-. \ltry Brown. of the'aigh-
was north o: hrneutieid, and Norman
\Calker so 'be 'homestead, Tacker -
:midi. :A .nn Roy, nt'edeceased hint a
few- year,, a.sro.: 'ritefuneral -wtiill take
place froth his late residence, ;Princes:
street Clinton on 'Friday afternoon,
at 2 'stork Rev. W. A. Bremner.
T,tucehkld, awl l: ; \fr. t 'warns,
Clinton, 'nffleatin,, interment in
T •beef's Ceiuc e -y Brucefield.
a board rl of the sho
following slate of officers w•e h• s ,pre,-
passed at 'lite provincial r r
ented by the nominating committee: werr. read: Sts,. Knight save
past president,. Mrs. R. A, Brook; rent event. Mess Douglas ha eh,r_.
president 'Mrs,' Wm. Jenkins; llst vice of the social , rogranttne ;';c,t •'1,
president, Mrs: Chas, Bell; 2nd vice asked several Christina tic[;[ \1'_
pre, MrsB Hall; 3rd vice Mrs. W. b\rright read "It'sC'itrt tilts_
Mills; rec sec„ Mrs• N. Garrett; cor
secretary, ...Miss M. ILackie treasurer, ,air" and Mrs• Gltiton, Rule, ;,s milt,
iMrs. G O Leith, community friend- safe." The folio sine' officer -
ship, Mrs', D. Moody; supply secret., coming year were elected Press airs.
ardnhip, Me51au1C l(.ra'sbyChristian
t. Mi sntA. Wright; 1st rice pees.. !2rs. \\'.
\it 1.' 1 Coyne -:le i, spending a
couple ,t wee' : 'I ,lid tv, at the home
o Ilse :inter -lin Detroit.
Christmas Night
From S to I. -
Otto Henderson's 9 -piece, Orchestra
and Vocalist
A Merry Christmas
•l ere•[ Vie["
well known and highly respected
resident passed away in her 511st year
on Wednesday, Dec. 15th in the per-
son of Mrs. Loree'Elliott, of Mc-
Killop 1'o,v,ishtp following a short
illness. Born near ,Letrdbu y, daughter
.of Mrs. 'John Barron, she spent her
life in ;this ,vicinity. She is survived, by
her husband Mr. Lorne ;Elliott, a
daughter Helen, and 'two sons'tordoat
and Roy, alt at ]route; also her mother
Mrs, 'John Barron of •Scaforth, a
ter Mrs. A. 'E. •Canal, !North Tona-
wanda, N.Y., and two brothers, Wil-
liam 'of Stratford, Garnet of Hamilton.
Mrs. Elliott lead ;been married 24
year's last [dde, and the loss will he
deeply felt by her husband, family
assd neiuhhor, and friends. The fun-
eral - was held on Dee. Il1,Sth with Rev.
Mr. ('raw slslhtdluctiutg (lit' service, .,cictr-
ing which Mr. C'r'aw sang a solo,
"Come Ye Disconsolate," The floral
tributes were ,beautiful and carried by
Messrs. Sandy Barron, Lorne Hulley,
\\'m. Boyd, [Geo. Prycc, 'Steve Glan-
ville, Harold Bolton, Samuel Bolton,
Lennis Krogtnan. Interment took
place iu Maitland Batak 'Cemetery.
The pallbearers were six neighbors,
Messrs. !Roy ;Patrick. !Gilbert Smith,
Stanley Ripens 'Jbbtt Boyd, Edmund
Godkin, .Russell Bolton, Relatives at-
tending the funeral from a distance
were Mrs. A. IE, Cluff, North Tona-
wanda, N.Y,; Mrs, •\Vm. Barron, Miss
Thelma Barron of Stratford, Mr. Gar-
net Barron of 'Hamilton, Mrs. Jas.
Elliott, Mr, and Mrs. Oliver ,Elliott of
;Atwood; Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilfred El-
liott of Wallacewille, Mr, Wm. Elliott
of Tralee, Mr, and Mrs. ,Glenn Mc-
Knight of Exeter Mrs. H. Monathan
and Mrs. iGeo. (Glazier of Clinton.
A Merry Christmas one and all.
A good many are attending Christ-
mas concerts in the local schools and
churches this week,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris and son.
Laird visited Mrs. iNorris' parents,
Mr. and Mts. ;James Jarrott.
Mr, and Mrs. A. Parsons and son
Gerald visited the former's parents in
Mr, Wm. U. Jarrott and Annie vis-
ited friends in Hensel'.
Mr, and Mrs, H. Mc\tartrie of
Kippett visited at the home of the lat-
ter's 'motile- and sister.
\Liss Margaret \fousseau of the
Zurich road returned to ]ger home at -
ter visiting friends on the Parr line
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
Leonard F. Bolton
9:t=y�'cdc•' .�-mac-1.•�
;during the week,
The many friends •of Mr. W. Turn-
et- hope hemaysoon be •arouctd again
after a severe cold.
Mrs, W. .Armstrong, who spent a
week with her ,daughter, Mrs. Victor
Boyce of Geyderich, has returned
•Mr. Allan Keys of Western Ctniy.
ersity. London, is spending the lioli-
rtay s with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Keys, Babylon line,
C'hrintnias services were held last
St.tnday at the Goshen, Blake and
Varna cinu'chcs,
At the annual meeting- of the 'Gosh-
en Sunday school held 'last week, Mr,
Art Keys was re -appointed superin-
tendent. Rev. R. U. 'Peter's, .who pre.-.
ided over the meeting spoke of the ef-
ficiency of the staff of officers. anti
teachers and the ,good work :being ac-
complished by the school,
The Young People's Society met at
the home of Mr, John A. Armstrong
last Friday eventing and enjoyed a
social evening. The society which un
ites the young people of the three
congregations, (Goshen, B9alce and
Varna was re -organized for the coin-
ing year with Mr, Stewart Beatty as
4 EG
Angels Holiday
Robert Kent, Joan Davis, Sally Blaine
A story of interest to everyone.
--Also —
Big Business
A True Story of Family Life
Mrs. Ella McLean returned home
recently after visiting with friends in
;Ripley and points north,
Mrs. Chesney continues quite poor-
lyand a taus is i t c
nurse t attendance.
S.S, No. 114 held their entertainment
this week and it was a real success.'
Mr- W. I,. Mellis acted as chairman
in his usual able manner.
Mon, Tues, -Wed,, Dec, 27-23-29
Vogues of 1938
Helen Vinson Mischa Auer
Girls, Music, Romance, Comedy
All done in the New Technicolor
Matinee Monday at 3 p.m.
The Great Garrich
The Hit Parade
Melody Trail
Mrs. McDonald is spending Christ-
mas with friends in \\imisor.
Canada Second
Canada is the second largest export-
er of apples, ranking second only do
the 'United. States in this respect. 'In
193(1 Canada exported a total of 96,-
9013 tuns of apples, consisting almost
entirely of dessert and cooking apples.
P Meals and Lunches at ij
Ka all Hours
Special . .
(, Tobacco~ & Confectionery d
tarCaf e
Vishes one and all a Merry
(+ Christmas and a Happy ,
New Year
51n5O Ae-(swe-( e(,0MO l Oql.AaAAalfa�'6
Hearty Greetings
thanking our n.,11 nw
\\'e take this opportunity of
patrons for the generous support tendered us the,
year. Accept our sincere wish that your Yuletide be
A Klapp)' C)ne
Sydney Dungey
1'Y�o\1str�l':)r.F�l4ot o �'6 '
Our Christmas Greeting
•I''' yr )1" AND \'(I1(.S 1N OUR C()MM_NIT\,
Christies' east Market
�Yh .D Y.. '-al•& otertl•:ri4t Ot'nl &[
Don't Fail to Madre Your Selection Early
Open Every Evening until Christmas
Our New Show Roon] is Filled with
Christmas Gifts for Everyone
Besides our regular stock of High Class Chester-
fields, Diningroom Suites, Bedroom and Kitchen
Furniture, which we wjil sell for Christmas Furn-
ishings at the very Lowest Price, we have specials
suitable for every Home Gift—Studio Couches,
Occasional Chairs, Cedar Chests, Tables for every
use,; Mag. Racks, Fancy Mirrors. Pictures, Rag
Mats, Cushions, Smokers, Ash Trays, fancy china
Tables—Tables galore, for Parlor, Coffee,
Cocktail,' End Tables, Serving Tables and Trays.
Card Tables, odd and in sets.
They are so different from the usual'styles shown
Our Mirrors, Pictures, Book Ends, and loads
of small Gifts for every one. Chairs, Sewing Cab-
inets, Dinner Carts, •
We have many New Things in
RUGS, MATS, all new,
Seaforth, Ont.