The Seaforth News, 1937-12-23, Page 3THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1937
To nue and all ditherite wishes to ex-
tend Heartiest 'Greetings and Best
Wishes for a Very Merry Christmas,
'.The official opening of Ci3L, '50,000
'watt Ontario regional transmitter at
'Hornby, Ontario, and the message to
the .Empire by Ihlis Maljesty the '[Ging,
who will spook. from. Sandringham
House,'England, a^u41 mark the begin-
ning of a 14ahour schedule of special
broadcasts 'to be 'presented neer Ole
national network of the 'CDC on
'Christmas -Day, it -has been annotte-
sed here, The Carporpat.lon'; network,
will carry fifteen major ire:Deranunes,
four of which will originate tit 'Eng-
land, Ltaly and the ;United States, the
others iu t atious ,parts of 'Canada. •
King 'George, who will follow the
custom of his beloved father in
speaking to his subjects through-
out the world on Christmas Day,
will he heard at 110)00 a.nt, His ntee-
sage will he picked up Iby bosh the
trans -:Atlantic Marconi Beast Sy
tem and the CRC short-wave re-
ceiving station near Ottawa.
Opening of OBL
.At 9.50 a,m, Hon, C. 1). Howe,
Minister of Transport, will officially
dedicate 01111, to the network. This
new high-powered station, identical to
CBF, Vercheree, IP.Q„ which was in-
augurated 'December 10, will be the
latest fulfilment of Corporation ,plans
'fn provide 'Canada with more satis-
factory broadcast coverage and recep-
tion. alis Majesty's attires`, will inf-
low immediately. Listeners will then
hear a special programme by the 'To-
ronto Symphony 'Orchestra •eondttct-
ed by Sir Ernest MacMillan and the
3denlelesohn Choir conducted by Dr.
B. 'A. 'Frisker,
Other important broadcasts to be
heard throughout the day will include
an Anelican service [rani St. James
Cathedral, Toronto, during which the
Most Reverend '•Derwye T. Owren.
' .Arrh'bishop of Toronto and Primate
•of all Canada, will deliver a 'Christmas
message. The Very 'Reverend C. E.
Reilly, Dean of 'Toronto, will conduct
the service, This breadc'ast will be
'heard from {MOO' a.m, to 01211) nowt.
!Front 113,00 noon to 1930 poo. "The
'Christina, Stocking'', a children's fan-
tasy, will be presented from Van-
At 11(10 p.m. the Corporation will
join NBC in bringing to listeners a
special Christmas Day programme
-from the Vatican. 'Tide will feature
music by the Sistine Chapel Choir,
Bettiaurino 'Gigli, tenor soloist, and
film Pontifical )Orchestra, under the
direction of Uonsei-;;nor Lorenzo 'Per-
osi. At 2.00 p.m. 'Romeo and Juliet"
4110,, with Richard Crooks, tenor, and Ilii;;
Sayan, soprano. will -she 'broadcast
from the stage of the \letropnlitan
Opera Hose in New York:
Panorama of Canadian Scenes
(SC's own mesial 'broadcast will
he presented at 5.00 p.m. This will 'be -
'Canadian ('hristms", a panorama of
Cana l;ae scenes showing how citiz-
eta throughout the Dominion are cel-
ebrating the day Canadian Christ-
mas" will be 'produced by Laurence
'Gilliam, BBC pfoducer .who is an six
months' loan to the CB'C.
Dan McCowan, rioted Banff nwtur-
alist, will be heard from Toronto at
6.30 p.m. in a broadcast talk entitled
,:The Animals' Christmas", and at
6.415 there will , be presented a recital
by Roberto 'W'ood, baritone, from
Winnipeg. At 7,00 the 'Corporation's
Montreal studios will feature "From
the Lyric Stage", a broadcast pro-
duced by 'Rooney IPel•ietier, with or-
chestra, :soloists and mixed chorus di-
rected by Caiseplpe Agostini, This
will be followed at 7,415 by a talk bv
Douglas MaoKay author and lectur-
er, entitled " Moceasin.s and !Furs—
Christmas in the d'orts".
Play by The Lady Tweedsmuir
!At 8,00 p.nt. "'Reindeer Christmas",
a play written by Her (Excellency,
The Lady Tweedsmuir, and adap ted
for radio hy (Rupert Lucas, will be
produced front "Toronto. -Yuletide
01 tido", an orchestral programme di-
rectt'd by IPercy IIJarvey will he
broadcast from •Vancouver 1t 44,30(3,:0
J-Iockey fans throughout •Canada
will heat the :NHL broadcast front
:'Maple .Leaf Gardens, Toronto, start-
ing at 9.:00 p.nt. This will be fol'lowerl.
at 10.30 pot by the 1NB'C. Symphony
Orchestra directed by 'Arturo 'I'oscan-
ini, At..111.30 the 'Corporation will -pre-
sent its
re-sent-its evening news .bu'lletin prov-
ided by The 'Canadian (Press and at
111.4.5 "Cradle Song" featuring an or-
chestra divested by Howard Fogg.
with Marcelle 3Ictiette, ntezzo-so.
prang, from Montreal.
"Romeo and Juliet"
"Romeo and 'Indio:," ctintntnd'• op -
'I -nth' version of Shakespeare's im-
mortal love drama against the hack-
gronnd of feud between the lion -
!agues and the Gap•ulets, will he
broadcast in fail direct from the stage
of thy Metropolitan 'Opera 00 Christ-
mas Day, (December 2:5, beginning at
2 h.nt. LEST, „ver the 1'B'C national
network. P,,iatt Sttyao. Brazilian so-
prano, will he jitliet, and Richard
Crooks, American tenor, ai11 sing
This opera, tits second most popu-
lar by Charles thiunal, is being per.
formed for the first time in two years
at the Metropolitan, ft carte into the
Opera's repertory in 411191 and .with it
came three of the great stars of earl
'Metropolitan hi-tory-•IEiuma Eames.
and !lean and Edouard de Re'.,zke. In
Saturday's hrectdraSt performance,
Frere T.attrent, the :tart introdnced by
Edouard de 1Reszlct, will be sung by
.Erin Pinta, 'Ute great Italian .hash,
The conductor will he Maurice de
.5 trtt•ancl.
110th of the leading singers in the
performancetobe broadcast by N'B'C
are singing the opera for the first time
at the Metropolitan. Richt Sayan made
her tit -lint at the Metropolitan last
season a00 drew 'ttl?ume criti,•al
praise Inc ltt'r work in bringing' a
freshness to youthful roles. A native
of i1razil, she has sung in most of the
important opera houses of the world,
including La 'Scala in Milan. the
:Royal at Rome, the 'Part. Opera, the
Colon at Buenos Aire, and the Muni-
cipal in her native city, Rio de an-
ciro. She is, matdentaiiy,. a former
ap,lan htszkr,
9lilichau.rcleCrocdtks, ,'bort at Trenton.
New Jersey, sang Inc many years in
concert and ;European opera before he
made his Metropolitan debut 'five
year ago.
The libretto 'of "Romeo and Juliet"
more or less follows the text of
Shakespeare's play, .Capulet, a Vero-
nese noble, is marking 'his daughter's
debut into society with a masked ball,
.Romeo, a member of the enemy fam-
ily, the Montagucs, accosts Juliet and
hnntecl'iately falls in dove with 'her,
1Ft-ere Laurent later secretly unites
thepair in marriage, hoping that the
union 'will reconcile the fatnilies; but
.Romeo's imprudent page, Stephetno,
arouses the angers of a C'apnlet and
a fight uteues in which Romeo, fight-
ing to avenge the death of a friend,
kills Tybalt.
For this, 'Romeo is banished 'by the
Duke of Verona but first meets flail
let in the Capitict .house, Frere Laur-
ent, in order to help Juliet atvoicl mar-
riage with (:?anti, gives her a ,potion
that will throw her into a trance for
forty-eight hours. She apparently flies
and i; placed in the burial q'ault of the
I:mullets. Romeo forces the dour to
.;:tin one last glimpse of itis bride, then
drinks a deadly poison, The reVinin•g
delict has only time to bid her 'hush=
and farewell before his deat0, lo tte-
spair, site :stabs herself.
The complete cast:
lnrliet Lida Sayoa, soprano
Stephano Lucielle Browning,
1lcd rude Doris One, contralto
1Ronuo Richard :'rooks, tenor
'I'yba (1 Angelo Rada, tenor
13t•nvolio \tats ':\ltglass, 'tenor
M ::retain ,. hilt,: ldrow•neie. baritone
1 avis Nicholas \t issue, tenon
Gregorio Wilfreel 'Engelman,
Capulet. , .. Norman Cordon, •baritmte
Frere Laurent , , Ezio :Pima, hash,;
The ?Duke of Verona..
Louis )D'iAngeln, baritone
Conductor 31tmirky rat \ora'tanel
Chorus Master 1 into Clem
Stage Director Desire Defrre
Programme Schedule for Dec. 25th
Christmas 1937
Eastern Standard Time.
9:50 tits. ()flisial opening of the
Ontario Regional i'ratismitter 'C13d
iautu;5ttral ntesvt.t:e front fits '11o11 1',
1). ITnwe. TOMister tit Transport.
11 a,nt„ dl is Majesty The Kinn;•,
The Toronto Symphony C)rchestra
conducted by Sit Ernest Macmillan,
and the Siendelssohn ,Choir conducted
by 1)r. 11. .0. Filcher,
Ill a.m. 1''hristutas morning sent ice
from tit, Janus' Cathedral, 'Toronto.
Special Christmas message by the
MoMst Rev, Derwy'n 'T. Owen, Arch-
bishop of Toronto :ofd `Primate of :\Il
Canada; sermon by the Dean ta' T,,
rt'nto, the ,Very Ret, C. E. Reilly.
1'3 Non, "Thr Christen:' 5tnrki1114'
A Children's feast -y prndnced by :is.
Finlay. From Vaitcoever.
1 p.m. Special Christmas Dat pro-
gramme from the Vatican. 01usie by
t'ii. Si -flue Chapel 't'u .r: i e»iamnm
tenor sorki-t: a,1 the i'ontritca
Orchestra, Nidiscianor Lorenz.. her-
osi ,trill cnndnet. N 131 1'1! ' ;merle: -
timed exchange programme.
3 p:ut, MetropolitanOpera Colo -
.pant. .Gouaod "Romeo and Juliet."
'chard Crooks, oks, tt•n ,r, and lain
Srayao, soprano. Mmiriee dc A.bra-
vanel. N111' - CRC international ex-
change programme.
5 p.m. "Canadian Chrisittta ," t\
panorama of Canadian Christmas
scenes, produced by Laurence. 'Gilliam.
64110 p.ut. "The 'Nnimals' Christmas"
A talk' by Dan McCowan.
6:4;5 pan. Recital by Roberto Wood,
,baritone. Front Winnipeg.
7 p.m. "Front the 'Lyric Stage",
Produced by :Rooney !Pelletier, with
orchestra, soloists, and mixed' chorus
direction ' lietseppe ,Agostini. 'Front
7:415 p.m, ',Moccasins and 'Fairs
Christmas in the Forts". A talk by
Douglas MadKay. From Winnipeg.
8 p.m. "'Reindeer Christmas." A
play written by .Her 'Ex'cellency The
Lady Tweedsmuir; adapted for radio,
aatran td, and 'produced by (Rupert
Lucas From Toronto:
..S;00 pati, "Yuletide :Music." An or-
chestral programme directed by iF"ercy
Harvey. 'From \'ancoun-er,
9 p.m. Niall Hockey Broadcast.
1(0:30' p.m, 'NBC Symphony Orch-
estra with 'Arturo 'l'os-t,iei contlnca
tNIIC=CRtC inbcn,t;tiwd exchange
May Be Mayor of Clinton—
\Vith less that: a Week to ,c, before
nomination day Che situation in Clin-
ton with respect to probable arpirtnir
for uitmicipal honors is taIcin drips.
\Ittyor 1lnln es has definitely stated
that he i stepping los n and oil 11
is generally understood that Former
Reeve k gorge H. Elliott will receive
all acnlanlatinn for the tn:tyordlt;t
and that (livid .L.iterutort•, reeve ttur•
ing 11til7, will -again represent Ciirtou.
on the ettuttly council.
14 Die Over Week End—
)Ontario entered ('iu•istmas ,reek iwih
a ch ;oh tool of 11-1 sifter heck -end act:
eidents. Eight of the fatalities resulted
from col,apse e,f ar collerd,uu at Port.
Startle;~. Most of the other follotted
traffic accidents, - -
Will Face Charge-
\ Nitron county jitry will be ask-
ed to decider!' whether it const'totes
criminal negligence to drive an auto.
mobile while snbject to fainting at
tacks, as tt result nt 1t d,''j jtu 1tvnl-
td dawn art Exeter hq Magistrate
Haw'laltatt' recently, in tt ,'hirer
:against \\'illiatn 'G. Shaw, age sheet
t-aenay-two, of-' 5'7i) -,King. sures', Lot,
dots At the sam0 tints, !lit
ll ;IV to dertn•ntine whether Shaw diel
drive 4 car while subject to fainting
Polis, (taint that he fainted at the
wheel last t\ttgnst, and :t.:t re -nit ttv,
London district people died and tont
others, the driver included, were seri
ottsly ittjm'ed. \la ;i -trate Hawlssh t•,
gave a preliminary hearing to this tut
usual criminal - negligence charge
while presiding over a court in Is
elev. Ther Magi -trate ruled Shaw mast
e Are eningudhy Books
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles,
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Seaforth Ne
' go before jttrlge and jetty and re-
lensed hitt on hail of 52,00.1 fnf• the
next ninon court,
The charge is: "By omitting t,,
votuethin:g which 0 was his ditty
do, to -:tit, to refrain from :driving a
nt t n' rrhice on a :nt.hlie hi htvuy.
he being a person subject to sudden
attacks of :fainting, he caused grievous
'bodily harm to .Rose Hamilton and
Betty Hamilton; pa,;seugers in a mo-
tor vehicle driven by Shaw, w•ito while
driving suddenly fainted, causing the
motor vehicle' to run into a tree,"
The two women referred to inthe
charge as suffering ",grievous bodily
harm" were 'killed lin the crash. They
3eere Mrs. Robert Hamilton, of 'RA,
8, 'London, and 'her nineteen -,year-old
daughter, Betty, Mrs. Hamilton died
instantly, and her daughter a short
time later In eSafo•rth hospital,
;Others who were injured were 'Ro-
bert Hamilton, 'husband of the ileal
woman; ;Earl' B'al'lantyne, twenty-one,
of 26 bGnttnt 'Pleasant avenue, Lon-
don; lite man charged, and his mo-
ther, 3trs, +George Shaw, 'a'lso of $70
Ring street, 'Loudon.
The car, with the injured and dear)
as passengers, was ,proceeding north
along 'No, 4 highway, in )Huron coun-
ty south ttii Clinton, 'when at left the
pavement and :strttcir two trees.
The accident happened 00 August
1, but because Shaw .tiffnrecl it brok-
en arm. •'•.ere iatcyyt'� rations and
bodily iitio-les, the aft minas: 110:or
ing on :lit : chat,. faring' him tv`a-`i1*e
layect for weeks,
Th t c hark)wasIdaid by\Vlaaafic Of-
ficer 'William ).Robinson. IA, S. her-
gn.<,n, of Laindon, is defending Shaw,
while Dudley !Holotes, of Gndericb,
was crown attorney.
Receives Appointment—
\Ir. Creighton (Gibson, who has
itta,o employed at the Clinton Cream-
ery for several mouths, recently re-
ceived notiticatian that .he had been
appointed to the management of the
Creamery Branch, Experimental
Farm (Ottawa, While here Mr. and
Mrs. Gibson have trade many friends
who are sorry to see them leave.
They leave for their new home tit:-
week-encl.—Clinton :Xtant,aRe•cord.
Manslaughter Charge-
3ftcr lengthy preliminary 1n'erint,
at Chatham .Roy Doherty, thirty, o.
B'iyph, was c,atnnitted for trial on a
charge of manslaughter arising out
of a motor car accident on the high-
way near Wheatley last September,
His car, evidence showed, crashed
into the rear of one driven by Manson
(losnell. !Harvey 1/avis, twenty-four,
of -Myth. a passenger in Doherty's
ear, .was Icrlled.
J. H. McLaughlin, Formerly of Mc-
Killop, Gets $75 in Farm Dispute
\Ir. James 'H. 0Ic1.augltlin, not: o
London, and a former well know
31ct1' itlop township farmer, received
:e small :unonnt as •danttl int when the
intending purchaser tailed to complete
Ow deal for the 31cLa»aKlin fa,rit
soathwest of \\mien, I'Itt- case was
trioti in London and the foll,nving':it
count appeared in the Free fres::
James ill. \IcLan.ghlin, salesmtut.
of Ring .trees, London, 'tas awarder'
by County Judge e\\':wing Fri.
tit',. because \'t:t'n-r ,hrilii.
ansford. didn't go through tti:ht
deal to purchase a farts on the Lite
and tIt t'; etnicess'aet. ."f 1l ch illi,
Township, Huron :','rutty.
'tatnieg that \i r. No,
;'ectl tt, Baty a :dill -acre farm fo'
t(nt, and then ie led to comp:,
the transaction, \Ir. \I: I. tag -Min sibs'
both the 'I'hantessord disfrirt farms
and 1.. D, C'tddwell, of London. the
oral estate agent who negotiated: the
had. Ile asked the courts to award
him $5011 from each ratan.
01 r. Caldwell in turn brought a
counterclaim against NIcLattghliti,
asking for $1180 commission, Judge
OA caring dismissed without costs the
suit against the real estate agent, anti
:,nailed hint $.t15, on his counterclaim.
Pointing .ort that the suit against
71r. Neville was not to :force him to
take the farm, htt1 merely- for dam-
ages because .he didn't take it, the
judge said he couldn't see that Mr,
11s'Langhlin had suffered ranch
'fhe jntlq,nt•Ili was that 11 t•. Ney-
111e shotdd- spay $1120 4111Icosts set at
13'5 and .disbursements. The 411' 1), the
indge ruled, w•oe.lcd cover '4720 special
disbursements by (Inc lawyer repres-
'ntittg \9r, \I'1 aughlatt, acid $35 to be
paid to Mr. Caldwell as .his cointivis-
sdon leaving $715, for 31r, 5i cLaughl•itt.
The judge said the,ietuh,,ectate ag'-
t»t would he allowed ;4125 "'ass a mat-
ter ttf bounty and compassion?'
The trial of the action started at 3
Friday afternoon anti t n-
nued w nth a br tt f into nussion, until
I ,81 int night,
tiding onto the stand r01 his defense,
Dir. Caldwell emphatically denied that
he ,had received '500 deposit on the
farm from Mr, Neville. All be got
was 1;10 in spite of. an, agreement that
it 1•e 111. .t;d.
yoti t '11e yutt 0r.rl t 0-.:
• ra ,� r,,,;v
posit?' asked R. 7. Myers, of Chath-
am, lawyer fat Mr. McLaughlin.
"I never told you !because ,I never
tet) ' a lawyer anything, tbecatise he'll
twist it eventually," replied ear.
Mrs, Ethel INe'vil'le, who ,was mar-
ried to one of the defendants follow-
ing the disoussion about the :sale of
the 'fart:: testified the house was' in
poor condition, and that •it .apparently
had not 'keen decorated for some
'Isn't it a fact you didn't Mee the
farm or district?" asked Mr, Myers
'pointing out. to the court that Mrs,
Neville's home was several miles from
the district.
"1 have nothing to say about ,it. I
wasn't 'buying the farm," she replied.
\dost 'brides will go to the four
corners of the world with their husb-
ands," interjected the judge.She'd
be ditfeent from the average 'bride if
she wouldn't go anywhere with her
husband." •
As Mr. Myers pressed the point,
the judge ruled that Mrs. ;Neville was
not called on to tell of conversations
between hnshatitt and wife,
Winter Brooding of Chicks
The poultryman with •p'roper equip-
ment can handle chicks in •mid -winter
with as little mortality' as with April
chick.;. He may mot get as Iliglt per-
centage hatch as 'later on, but even
the hatch -ability of eggs is controlled
be the feed. January chicks will 'cost
moreas eggs arc higher :price.d to
start with. Then is will take more
owl than with spring brooding. But
there is more time for looking after
the chicks; there may he less disease
and mortality; •broilerswill catch a
high market and pullets should be tay'-
ing early in the fall or even in late
slimmer when, egg prices are at their
peak. Of course, if many started
hatching all their chicks in 'January
the higher prices for ,broilers and eggs
would be wiped out, and chicks
hatohed at some other season 'would
find the bto market. Brooder houses
'ltsnit •;d for prolonged zero weather
ind the higher price for chicks will
!huh the .number ,going in for Janu-
ary chicks. Nevertheless there' should
be good returns for the few who do,
and they 'can prolong the use of their
equipment, as 'those who have Janu-
ary chicks usually hare another batch
in the spring so as to have pullets
corning into production at different
sea -ens. tlannery chicks will go on tri
ranee early in the season, or they may
h • rr'.tgt indoors until ready for the
laying pen,
Counties Plan Forests
Brace C'ounty. will start reforesta-
tion of a 1,000 -acre tract in Amain]
Township south of \Vliarton, Options
already taken on 5410 acres of land
wil:i be increased by the purchase of
another 'Sill: acres. The land in that•
tnunshii) is considered the most suit-
able in tile" country. :Agricultural
Committee of the County Council, Cin-
der which this 'class :of work devolves,
has been instructed to obtain the ad-
ditional acreage and report in January
on the matter. •
A county forest for Grey was cog-
ch., County Council in the
special report of the Reforestation
Cothrnittce. lir. \ToGregor' report
-et en led a =.nosey of nossi'ble land on
I is.h ur „ntiet had been taken and
the suggestion that the council take
tip the option if the ,property in 'Glen-
elg township: is approved by the De-
partment of Lands and )Forests.
(Nearly 800,1000 trees were planted
this year tinder the Sim'coe .County re -
forestry scheme ' which is stponspred
by the county council. Reports stated
that 111,202 acres had been purchased
for reforestation purposes during the
year, T,h,e. largest =tract, Purchased was
in Tossoeontio Township, ,61016' acres
at $5,50 per a'ere, Two tracts of 200
acres each were bought in Vespra and
S.u•nnidale 'Townships at S6 and, $4, re-
Tit a beggar's hand. instead of the
customary capwas a top 'h'at. LA curi-
ous pers'nn-stepped up te' 'hint..
"Say" he asked, 'isn't it rather odd
'to be 'beggaring with a top hati'
"Not at till," replied the. beggar.
'If you want to get'anywliere in this
street you've got to ,put on some
LD, CostkL,sM 'K'E: