The Seaforth News, 1937-11-11, Page 6PAGE SIX. 'ibaa.n then a wish, 1 m'i'nd its power,-. A \v'ish that to my latest hour Shall s1ronrly heave my breast— That 'I for poor anal Scotland' sake, Aisne neem' plan or book could sn'a'ke Or sing a sang at 'least.' That's what yr'ce got to do yet. my man "Ay. ay, lass: and I'm looking for- ward to having a monument in Georges Signore. and 10 folk tree .\nr erica colnin to limy photographs LVhittermeinaa' "Ye may laugh; hut strailesr thing, have happened." said ;Kate 11eneiee. boldly; for how could ,she know that America- at least, Chicago—shad al- ready prenounccd apart ,the poetical claims of her cemin Ronald, and that in no very encouraging, fashion: And so they howled along the wide whine tone road. out into this open landscape that seemed to lie 31111104 a thin .t -en of .pale -blue smoke. 1 t was the country, no doubt; but a kind of sophisticated country; there were +ic casional .grimy villages, and railway - embankments. and canals, ;11211 'that • not; and the pathway that ran along- side the wide highway was of 'black ashes—not much like. a Sutherland - shire road. However, ail they got still - further away from the town matters improved, There were hedge,: and woods—getting :t touch of the golden autu100 011 their foliage now; the landscape grew brighter: those hills far ahead of them rose into a fairly clear bile sky, .and then the brisk nerjon and the fresher ah- seemed to drive away from him the dismal recol- lection., of the previous night; he ceased to upbraid himself for inning ,been induced to smg 'before all those people; he would atone for the rivic- lessneas. of his potatians by taking greater care in the future. So that when in rime cnnrse of dime they reached the inn at the foot ei Campsie 'Glen, and had the horse and trap put up, and set out to explore the bet ties of that not ton savage solitude. tie was in a sufficienflv'rheerful ft -Rine of mind, and Fate Menzies had no rea- son to complain of her companion. They had brnt.ght a llInclieon-ba. _ kat 'with them; and as 11 had refit ed the proffered aid .f a ,table -lad, he had to carry this .timcelf, and Kate Menzies las a liberal provider, .1e- nordinl ty, a ...hey '4(.:,,,m to make their 52121 11)) tlhe steer) and diafwaY ase n, --dor rain had !Teem 13 Fall, e, 1211,1 the narrate path was •loopy ti'h .he had to tare the two we , i„ ;2ok after themseln•es; and a fine hanhax- art/ scramble and hauling. awl pu.h3ig with seri.ams of right and 1110.1 .,f latf rhter c•n,n,•rl 111.s tea h ,Ilr t Proper mood i t which to el; 11,2 \atnre in leer sy r ,0 retrt at : Mit tit ,truth that the alen Itself did no wear a; very re manta: aspect. doelbt there were massive hrmitlers in the bed of the streams and they ha, 'te clamber past'precipke(r rocks; and everva))ere 'overhead rya, a wilder Hess 0y'` foliage, But everything was dull;hurrl .otnehfw, 41211 dantp-look e. •ing, and dismal; the green -messes boulders. the .tent, n'f rher,' •.. t e,, the dark rent earth were all of a seruhr line: while here and there tile eye caught sight of a bit of ne ttspaper. o of an empty soda -water 'Math., or. per Chance of the non -idyllic figure of a /Glasgow youth seated a;tridc a fallen hogha a pat -hat on his head, and a Afanilla cheroot in his -111111), ]Tut Mill, it was ntorr of -Me country than the 'Broontie'lawt and when 'Kate and her companion lied to pair." 31 their Panting' strtlg'gle up the slippery path and after she 'hart recovered her breath sufficiently td demand a halt. she would tern 1tn pick ferns freer the dripping rocks, i2r t0 tele P101),) if there were any more pictnresq„e places .than this in Suthcrlalfdshire. Now Renal,' was not in the Masa of Aicte4 by the common corse of travel- ers—the desire for comparison; he was well content to say ,ti,at it was "a aretty bit glen": for one thing his attention was c!hieflv devoted to keep. a:,g his footing, for the heavy basket was a sore enenmbrance. -- ;Hotvever, after some further climb- ing, ithey reached certaht 'drier altil- ades: and there the hamper was de - ms1221) while they looked out for elt trunks or his -tones as would make e0u1e21 to eats, The old ceo- inan was cpceehless from exhaustion; Kate was l atighime at her oleo 'breath- lessness, or miscalling the place for Raving dirtied her hoots 111(1 - her skirts; ttitide •Ronald was bringing ,thing,- together for their eamfort, sa that they could have their limelteon in peace. Thi, was not quite the sane', kind of a-1uucheon-party-(21 that hi- lted elied attended on the shores of the far northern loch- with 1)),. tarry 2',1111• pla212111y regarding ;;he -silver-clear salmon fyine on the smooth, dry. greensward: and t'i'e American talking h1 his friendly fashion of the .)h•nld future that lay before a c, able and energetic young 1,111) ' in tete great country beyond the seas; 1.2 hilt all around agent the street air 52115 bhnv- lug, and ,the clear light shining. and the white clouds .ailut.4 high -,wer the C'lebrig slopes, 'thing, were chan4rd with pian .ince then -'he did not him- self know how nlnelt they had cluing. cal. But in ell rirciunstances he was abundantly sod itatnred, anti grate MI for any Lunde , shown hint; and as Rate Menzies 'had projected this h';p nt:unit •,n '6is at count, he did id, deet .20 promote „nod -i -11, w Mita and was aerixtahle and handy, :111d took her raillery in exeollent part, ";Kate, dear," wltitnperid old Mo- ther Paterson, as Ronald took out the thin., from the hamper, ••ye jdst •,n+: everyone that Ni111e5 cuatr y,', 1n'h rextrawl Oance nth t2aa many .Ole time 'I wkli ye emeld gel 'married, and have a titan to to look atter ye "Stop your liaw••ri1:; -tale', email marry an amid woman lake• 211,•';•'' 1sad Mrs, Menzks1 whit a 11 i4h, ".\y, and 211212', oho es:ttaiag:m,' 111.,. ;l„at has driven ye opt 0 yoer mind?" "(ht ttpa ne again?" the „Id wo- man said, 'Malang her head. "e ham- pa4m again! I), at. ins, 11'. ,dike. a- dek,. s hoose.-•-" - "\\ hat, yr daft ant I2 tins! 1Von1d 211' liave 1111 take my cousin Ronald for It.- fiat trip to Coldish -flh•a. „nri hrdna ,et, a gill 1i ia1,1.1:y 111 4 sada- •2attr'. 11,3 "Indeed, Katie ;a e iv -edict "tete Bron tit one 111114 or the ori e . *r ate," the said. '1 t', a drop ,2' 11t er ala n,thdn; else, that will sere turn." 1i it set' ab,an the. , '4111 swill e,itfident S. Her provisielling xas eerlaiiiiy of a semicolons maitre�-far mart' .1202)2'1' ,u., indeed. than the Imicheon, the i'r11 American used .t, lite cert•ied do•tn for them 2.' tit*' 1o,11 ,le, Ind a 4(1 rfeet hanatme , omparrd with the frugal bit of e„Id beef and bread that Lord -Ailing ;Ind his friends allowed theinselve•s nit the 11111. Then, as re- gards the ahaulpagne, she w onld take two refusal -111 had to submit. She was in the gayest f 'need.; and elm laitgh14 and joked nay, at one point, ,he raised her gla , aloft. and waver) .t roam] her head, and sang -- 'U send Lewie !Gordon Mune, And the lad 1 churns mance; Though 'lids hack he at the w4('. 1iere's to hint that' far aasel" "11'91 tt µ'belt 3,,,,.... 1" 'Remits! cried, rdnlly. 1re ye t(hinki'n.g i'erc' in a Highland -den? 1)i ye think it was 'rat• glares like this that the labs leer,• raped out 1, follow- Prince t'Ilariie?" "f car, n„ -d cau•lna!" she said- for rch1 hall trivial details of history to 'ln with a jovial pre -'tic in ran -leak Glen? Cnue, 'Ronald, lad, tone alp! •Ffang the iiarnla,iy C'lu:hl---.gime us .1 ung ;n the open. air!" '-ft,n goes• the11'-- 1'1 was ahead the 'Tfaritinmas time, 3114 a gay 'time it was then, '0, 'film our gndoeife had pudding to mak, - U1d sh, 'tailed them /11 the pat, el THE SEAFORTH NEWS -and tlben rang out the chorus, even the old Mother Paterson ;mining in with a feeble archlc— 20 the barrio ei our door, weel, µe21, At1c) the 'barrio ci our door, wee'l!' "Your health and song, 'R'onald!" she cried, when he had tinished—or rather when they all had, finished. 'Man, if there wits just a latdie here 1211 a fiddle or a penny whistle, I'd get up and -dance a Highland Seltot 1(51)112 wi' ye—wind as I am!" _ After luncheon, they set 010 for further explorations (('having .deposit- ed the basket in a secret place) and a1w1'ays Kate 'Menzies' laugh was the loudest, her jokes the merriest. "Auld, say ye!" Mother 'Paterson'. eampained. 'IA. lassie—a very lassie! Ye can skip like a twa-yea-•-old roll."'. By and bye they made their (ev)0(12 and-rlitficndt Wily down the glen again; and alley had tea at the inn;'i and then they .set 2)111 t,/ drive'back to Glasgow ---and there was nnelh sing- ing the while, That is, 'np to a certain point; fol •this easy homeward drive, as it turned out, teas destined a1( be suddenly and sharply stopped shunt, and in a'ay that have ermine ed erinils conseg1ences. They wet-: bowling, merrily a'long', takingmaw v little Ti ' er) 4 anything on either .ill of them, it hen, 115 it chanced, a 21111111 •32 ,12 15/121 ad gout• into a field An re- ('(2er ,t kite 11,211 111,11 dropped there1.4(111 up unnbsc'rved' behind the hedge, and -thretr the kite e -ver, pre_ pare t2ry to his 13 dreading throughhilnsr;i. 1')),, s,iddrn a.2ucarance - of I has tlllat1' thine stanti,) the cob: it •µerved to the other side ,/f the road. hesitated and was like to -ear, and then .getting an ineantitm. eta- from lead'', whip, swat is tore, along ;lie hi4Rway. getting' contele>te!7 the ntas- tery „f her. 'Ronald got no he•hand, 'Alive Me the ren lass," he ialIl',! tl, ''1.11 14(1,1;132'• iris, • t!1' soma,' heat'" .hr said - with her teeth shut firm. Ilia all h , 'her pulling- seemed make Ih, lute '1(s d,,lh 011 the animal- --11(1y, 1 *1'trap ma -now s,tatin4 and io)tin32 atb,11) in a most,/1110 otta manner, "1r ye meet anything, w'e're done for, ,Kate' -run the Wheel 11110 the hrdgt•," 11 1‘a, exeelletrt 714100,.. if it could have been ,n'nperly i ,Hosted; but tin - ,i inrk ly, iu,at the vi moutent when, with all her might :n1) main, .le twisted the head „f the. 'nb 0, the 'hie of tale roma thele 'ha•,l, ,,'d h, ,be a deep ditch there. Urex the ,thole thing ,trot .=Romald and 'Mrs. \fen,' 11 lis ming 101,,4 clean into tln• h,sho'; Mather Paterson. not b;u,ini• 111 se, vital, being acttl2Ily deposited ati the other irle. hot 4(l a 4radn'11 t„ .ha,11, Oddly enough, 1)1e rob, with One or l,tu 3.11.1132: fore feet 4221 01 t0 Oleroad 11,1111, and the ,:1111 riei,2''1 ihel:; ,.?'tide a fat -In -lad who dbeen oniu, alone 11111 to the heal', head and 10•1,1 him. As it dirti- ed Out, ,leve µac 1121 halm 11.11e at all, ITT 2112, T. t. 41r.1, w is applirently mit hate Sle neies' impression. siren. when they carte in sight of Sit, IRollos, she teen condescended to ask 'hint whether he would not go on with them to the tavern and have some supper with themas henna], '`I night to hack to my work." said he, "and that's a-112 truth. But it would be a glum ending for such an unusual holiday 5 this," "Your prospect:: are ,not so very certain," said Kate, tilho-con'id tank ea - eel -lent !English when she chase, and kept her broad 'Scotch for familiar or affectionate intercourse. "An hoar or two one wayor the other is not like- ly to make mutat difference," "I ant .beginning to think that my- self," he said, rather gloomily.- And then, with a touch of remorse for the depressing .speech ,aim had made, she tried to dheer hint a little; and, in fart, insisted on his going 011 with them. She even 'quoted a couplet own his ou sing to him— An hour or twa 'twill cite tete harm, The dints 0' fortune to forget —and she said that, after the longan drive, 'he ought to have a tannins aP. petite for .upper, and that there wvwould the :I 3201(11 ,tory to tell -about - their being shut into a hawthorn • hedge, s,tuppnsdng that the skipper and y ;laap came in tat the evening. e 'Nevi the less, all during the even- ing there µ'ns a -certain restraint in her manner. Altogether .gone was - her profuse frion0andp and her pride in Last 1.othian, although elle remained as 'hospitable 15 ever. Sometimes slip regarded hint sharply, as if treble to hake out -something, On his part, he thou ht s -h, was probably ;e little tired after the fathoms or the day; perhaps. also, he preferred her quieter planner. Then again, when the 'drei 'tlea4l- en' tame in, there t2a5 a little 'lees, hil- arity than named ;1(111 contrary to her 0,00, she diet net press ,1)1,10 to stay when they precenserl to adjourn to the clu')). Ronald, who had been vaguely re.0231ng not to g',1 near that haunt ter .,,me time to cnte', found that th it 'ea- ,''21 _alter -lady,' to his return- itig. to los solitary lodging and , his honks at a comparatively early hour of the evening. ))ouhUe,s he should Mace 02,214101ml'11is repugltance to chi. latter cour22,1 lint the 1"lllptatioll--af- ter a long day of pleasure-mat:Me---1,, finds), 111, the Ln{ hour or sn in the s0- ciri2 ei dime' e,/u) fellows was great Ile writ t0 the i)'I:u'mouy Club; and ray made more w elenne than toyer: and 2,,meh021 in the ra"dtentettt of the n ❑n,'itt, h,' 42:25 iloIne','d to sing au- afhrr.nnc ---and :there were 11nrc pen- }Ae Ilfrin ewer erlieiminv his actluaint• au,•c, niub challe•n.gietg frim to have 'another ohe.' - R ilial'). Ronald." -lie :tied. :011 she 121,1,14 , hits frantically, arm -ii 1214' 1'111 2)3),).'--. -kis, me!" - 17t had got a grip of her. 21(1,1 was sett ng her on 1,1 her feel here's nothing the matter ai' vr, _µ,'11131n." he .x013 1'111 11 U11e,'.•'..,rc r.,naltue.,, R i r d. 1t.m..dd tut 1mr1 dwr l d 111,•1" ,.h, cried. 10 1 ae tall.) hive feller' away' front hint, lielt Ilea he 3 -21 11 teal .1e" np. and •et !tr' n', 111 „li ri road. ' li re•'. 11.011111g 111e natter wi' ye ,211321?- 1Mii'1in ' into a hawthorn 'ledg tl t nsrl t t •etltrr, wi,- man! 1 • ,,I,) \lath r tattersall that I11at NU,Ce btu, 11111'1' fle h ',•r 1n'erem niot1s1t•-- to get n2er t the other .111 of the hedge; and iia fie went 1(11, she 4at•n'd a look of anger.. of violet rage. even 20itor,). hint' withal happily h, did lint ser, \fnrei,2er, 'lie had te rah] herself; the farm -lac) was leaking on. .Mill when at length 'Mother 'Patc'rs0n - who ea, merely ferrule,), and was atilte 'Inha tired • -wits boated Over or tlrrou:h the hedge, anal they all pre- pared to re2mile their ,eats ill the trap 'Rate \lemura tta apparently cinife e•ollect1(1 and nn,trc'ss of her- self, lhomg'h het' face was 'nntewhat !,ale, and 'her manner was 1) "tinetly reserved and told. time tate the hid it (ample of shillings; got up and took 111e reins; waited until the others were seated; 14a11! 111(41 shrove away: -µi1110111 a word. Mother I stetson was loll alt her thankfulness river such a provid- ential seance she had only hat] her wrists s1'ratr)lell atigh(1y, •Punahl was 2'11 1h4e of her-,alenee. 0i101121 112' ''0(11,1 mit well 322124.1 the rap,,' of it. Perhaps flu' flight had so - Ivrea 11.0µ'1 her high sprits: at all ma eats, elie was now more c.ireenis.peet ,with Iter^ driving; and, as her after ' ie1n 5 ,n nc11 flea -tiled to brit •leas on* for him to interfere7e,-'As they drew near 'Glasgow. hoteet'er, 5112 rr•- taze1b the cold ,eyerity- of her man- ner. and made a few ol,s(rtal;ou.:.,r g.. NNNi!. \\'ith a ,fatal '1rl,intc he was go- ne ons pita frto word; and there was m, one to tt'a1•ll 11111; an] if 111y one had ,yarned him, 315.1lahly he w0111,) not have eared, life had came to 'he frit !him a Menges- and n,rle,s thin¢. Ili.. nt1n 110.1110-3 had tuts,µ creel drnr. 21hen 1112' .\men's)) 3121). 11':111(32 11112' to go .4(,d vast hiemelf into the e,e4mr trite id :he ttnrld md arcatnrwar,' te thy universal goal 2f weait'n 11.112) c,isc and independe•n,•e. I'd rather he. a -f1 -re the rims deer lie,'" be had eai4, King -213 ', poen' had takes, fire, rein' in his mind. 'simple b • •• ,ea i u;, e it found eatural soil there. 'Nor l wad 1121 bc' a clerk, tiddler, ie 1•'), oye hen. �creliiling e w r the sheet, n' parch meet with ,i µ''art ttlwry 11e11: 1.123)14 '11,/1141, the 12111;, »tan• 1t1u- dile: at a narrow att'ip t1' alcy. Like a date reek in a µidly caste. emit i pine sans 11,1,) die. Yell hart ne 'twist the lint,' and the 'hero, in a glen far away, \viler,• I may hear ,the healhcek craw and the greet harts bray; \nd gin my alma.) eau ;walls, mither, T Il go dowering al the slay ') he tivelong night 1,0 the 'black hill sides -,tiller, the Ellin deer lie." 11i wary 0i existence rip fhe•re on the Gtr still side -• ntrfike that 0f the luck - it utla5t-.dtarl11een a perfently hap- py and e.anentcd one, llis sound emnl"m sense had put away from lidnr that craving for ,fame which 'has rendered s,' miserable the lives of many rustic verse -writer.: he was pr,nrl of his ec•rnpation, grateful to maid friend: around hint. and always in exrelletit health anti apirdts. Anoth- er dlting'has 2n be said--tn .pacify the worthy folk who imagine that ambi- tion must necessarily: ;fill the mind o, youth: had 'he come away from that sphere 4(1 C1l1'1)t•55' 1020.1)1) WI 111 ,firir'nt atimi) is al, to strive for. perhaps ai ' ie • ,1 _ fair, might have ;sone 111lYcrm11ly, if it ernt)cd have been said to hint: Ilcagitl your tray to t'heworldly snrlce,s the Americans have s, that liberally pro- phesied for you: mid Then conte 'back, and yon will 42(1 \'feeing 'Douglass aw•aitane you; and you shall 1, in her anti wear her, as the rose and crown of vont life, in spite of all the Stuarts of Clenga5k',ahen the little room. do Port Dundas (Road would no longer 3are'been so gray; and all, the future would have neer' titled --with light 112 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1937 hope; and the str-tggle, however al•- du'oats and Tong, would !ta've been glad enough. B'i't with 110 stieh 'hope; with increasing dou'•b'ts as to his ultimate success; and with a more dangerously increasing indifference as to whether he should ever reach that success, the tentp'tations of the passing hour be- came irresietilbly strong. And he 'be- came feebler to resist them. Ile did not care. ,After al11, these gay evenings 'at the Harmony Club were 'some- thing to look forward itai 4nriaig the long dull days; with a full glass and a gnocl-'gn)ng pi -pc and a roaring chorus the hours passed; and 't'hen from time to time there was the honor and glory of bearing one of his .0 WO songs 611(14. He was a great figure at 'these gather- ing now; that 'kited 'of fame at least glad come to hint, and conte to hint um sought; alit) there µe•12 not wanting a sufficiency of rather anucld'le-headed creatures who declared that Ile was 'fit to rank with eery distinguished names indeed in the noble roll -call of Scotland's poets; and „vtho. unfortnn- atcly, were only too eager to prove the faith that was in them by 4151(1ng lion to drink at their expense. 'In this rhyming direction there was One -very entities point: when he ,he - gen In tarn over the 1•arino's Meets that might be iilnle a•2aalieble for Mr.. Nap, be was himself astonished to and how little melody there .111 in them i\tlhatever little umsicaI fatality he had, seemed TO be all locked up in ahm love -'verse= lie had written a1hnet ldeenie. Many of the fragments 'had other kivalities —' homely' common sense; patriotism; a great affection for dn(1ih animals.; 'here and there 50111e- tiuues a touch of humor or pathos; lint ,1Ianeh0ly 11113' i1;d not sang. Tt i, true ghat the following Piece-•, S111104"1'111143 110 Slant'TH'F'R From Hudson's Bay to the Rio 1;rand'. The Sint 1, ever a rover: In .Nett South \Vales and in 'New- foundland, ';\aril all the wide world. over; Chorus: Tint it's houther ,pie lad's, And lest every And we'll work win if we ea For the sake Inhaler, to shnpshe'r, 111y bon. Scot he a hrit'her; US We ran, and we'll n. ,if ''211' ii1110 Seufrh Sa, a pear :odd wife, wi' lattlr to git• e; \nd she', rather stint o' rressdng; Tl.ut she's shown us. how 'honest late, we may live.. And she's sent n, ant tri' her Ides, - in), - Chorus: And it's ,honther to .3uuther,alt filer land's no rich; and !her crops are slim; .and 1 tvinita say much for 4)11 wet - titer; lint she's given us leg, that can gayly cline c Up the :hypes 11' the blossoming heather. Charms: And it's .hnuthcr to .'itoneher. Gc, And she's given us hearts that, what- ever they say 1=1nd 1 1raw that 1112 might Ix' bet- ter), - 1 here, one Bair fault they never wilt. Rae•— O4(' tiddler,-w,''il nett•r fiirgwt her! Thorns: 314 it's .dh0uther to shouther, int bonnie lad., And let every Scot be a brither; And eel') Bork as we cyan, and we'll win if we eau, afar the .aloe of our aulrl Seoteh mitherl tnas pima. had attained a gtreat suc- cess at the Harmony l']t1h, hitt that µ1t: Merely be (ants, ,11r, Jam] had managed tr, ttrite for it an effective•. 4(1, that could be easily caught ftp and sting in eh -oris: du ataclf there \\'lts 110 simple, natural 'lilt" Whatever. And then, again, in his epistolary rhymes a1( friends and aequaiutent.es tales! that was all over now) there were litany obvious .qualities, but certainly not the lyrics( one. I1Iere, for example, are some verses he had sent in form- er day's In a certain Johnnie Pringle. living at Tongue, who had bad has eye on a young lass down Loch Lovell way; O Jo)innf, leave the 211,211 aline: Her mother hats lint that one wean For a' the others have been fa'eu, As teed ye. Icer, Johnnie, vis tree her bonnie eon would rive *I. tic, 'heart o' any ratan alt,,,; And in the Ilnsry :rbc would thrive I grant ye that, Johnnie. Taut read ye talc twit the lass, I tell ye 5y'iha2''wonld come to pass, The mother soon would hat's• the grass anon her mild head, Johnnie, They've got some gear, and bit o' land haf µ•2:11 tuella :bear another band: •r PROFESSIONAL CARDS Medical IYR. E. A. McMA'ISTTOR—Graduate 1('f the Faculty of Medicine, Univers- ity of Toronto, and of the New York Post 'Graduate 'School and Hospital. Member of the College of Physicians and 'Surgeons of 'Ontario. Office on High street. Phone 27, Office fully equipped for x-ray diagnosis and for ultra 'short wave electric treatment, ultra violet sun tamp treatment and infra red electric treatment. Nurse in attendance, ISR. (5'ILB'ERrr C.t JrA'R'R'OTT — Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, Un- iversity of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians and -Surgeons of Ontario, Office 43 Goderich street west. Phone 37. Hours 2-4.30 p.m„ 7.30-9 p.m, Other flours by appoint - Ment. Successor to Dr. Chas, Mackay DR. H. HUGH R'O'SS, Physician and Surgeon Late of London Hos- pital, London, England. Special at- tention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Office and residence behind Dominion Banka Office Phone No, 5; Residence Phone 104. DR. F. J. B'URROW'S, .Seaforth. Office and residence, •Goderich street, east of the United Church, Coroner for the County of Huron, Telephone No: 46, DR. F. J. R. FORSTER— Eye Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto 3697. Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and 'Golden Square throat hospi- tals, London. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.nt, DR. W. C. SPROAT Physician - Surgeon Phone 90-W. Office John St. Seafortl' Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News, Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed, F. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction- eer for Perth and Huron Counties. Saks Solicited. Terms on Application. Farm Stock, chattels and real estate. property. R. R. No. 4, Mitchell. Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office, WATSON & REID REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST„ SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -all,) Companies, THE McK1LLOP Mutual Fire Insurance CO HEAD OFFICE--SEA'FORTH, Ont. OFFICERS President—Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Vice-'P'resident, - 'Thomas Moylan, Secretary -Treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS F. McKerchcr, R.R,1, Dublin; John E. Pepper, R,R.1, Brucefield; E, R. G. Jarm;outh, Brodhagen; James Watt., Blyth; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine; Wm. Yeo, Hodmesville. DIRECTORS Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth No. 3; James Sholdice, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londesboro; George - Leonhardt, Bornholm No. 1; Frank :\4eiGregor, Clinton No. 5; James Connolly, God- erich; Alex 1leliwing, Blyth No. 1; Thomas \loyian, Seaforth No. 5; Win. k, Archibald, Seaforth No, 4, Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post - offices. Conte down free 1'ongee, and take your and li'y .Copstal's .side, Johnnie) Ye'd herd a 'bit,and work the farm And 'keep 'the widow -wife frac harm; And wha would keep ye snug and warm - - 1'!? winter'thtte, (jo'hnuic?- 1'he lass lhersel-,that I'll be sworn! And bonnier creature ne'el• -was thorn: Cone down i01e strath the morrow'sMorn, 'Your 'best font 'first, Johnnie: ('To Be Continued) Bfa1'n-•-In \Vringham ,Cscnerel tall. an Thursday, ,October 341t11 to Jr, and \f,', A. D .Smith, d3'1tle.valer- r daughter, Slat Eleanor. lm�anor.