The Seaforth News, 1937-11-11, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS THE SEAFORTH NEWS goo vdon Bros„ Publishers! WALTON The November meeting of the Un- ited !Farm \\'rimer will be held at the home of Mirs. Andre \\ "Cnrnbull on Wednesday. Nov. ;117 at 2:30. Come and bring a friend with you. Letter of Appreciation— The \Mane, 'North Portal. S ask., Nov. L ---Rev. C. 'Cumming, Walton, Ont. Dear Brother: 1 am just writ - in -g a few lines to-letyou know that. we have received and distributed that wonderful ear of produce which you and your gond folk out there sent to • comes out us. When our local paper c 1 tn this week 1 will send you a copy, as 1 expect there will he an item con- cerning the car. It was certainly a splendid gift. 'I wish you could have been here to see how very notch it was appreciated. Over '1135 families received a share—about 430 persons in all. Will yon please convey to all concerned the very 'hearty apprecia- tion and thanks of the people of this ec, nnainity. I atm sere that others will be writing k the various donors. Wishing for you and your good Peo- ple every 'blessing. ,Our prayers will be on your be''ha•If. Very sincerely yours, Frank Myers.—IP.S. Car arriv- ed Tuesday a.m.; Oct.t:46th. Every tthing tsar in splendid condition. On Saturday, Not.:dth, the 'Rev. Mr. Cumming united in marriage Lsabel McTaggart, •only daughter of Mr. 'Robert Nit:Taggart and the late \'frs. M1:cTaggart, lllhtit of 'Grey, to 'Donald Rheil, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. :Joseph Rlisil, east bound- ary. After their wedding aracation they will take up housekeeping in Strat- • ford. Mrs, Stanley Dow and .baby dau- ghter of Mitchell are holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Kearney; Miss !Goldie Tames of Stratford has returned to Mr. •Dudley Bird's where she has taken a position for the will ter. Mr. and Mfrs Russell Marks have left for the hunting ground in the vicinity of North Bay. Messrs, W. C. Bennett, Wm. Kel- ly .and 'Joseph Thee!! have left for 'Bruce county on a hunting expedition A carload of settlers effects arriv- ed in Walton on Tuesday from Sas- katchewan belonging to Mfr. Milford who has returned to the east to try his 'luck here. A most SLI fill ,tea. and bazaar was held by the Ladies' 'Guild and W. 1. of St. •George's Church an Fri- day last, The spectre's home of Mr, Duncan Johnston was an ideal place for the occasion and the ladies •deep- ly ;a_ppreciate Mr. ;Johnston's kindness. There was a fine display of fancy- work, aprons, towels and quilts and the greater percentage of these goods were sold. A lovely doll donated by Mrs, Graham was won by Miss Edith Ennis, who guessed the doll's name. This caused a 'great deal of interest and we congratulated Miss Ennis. A fish -pond, sponsored by the W. A., :provided amusement for the children. Snpp'er was served .in the barge din- ing -room to a good number of people, and we wish to thank the ladies who so kindly and willingly helped .with the serving. I't was sincerely appreci'a ted. MI others who helped in any wayl, wewish tothank. It was this fine spir- it of ,good'wi'll w•hioh helped to snake the bazaar and tea a very splendid success. The proceeds amounted to nearly $1130. •Miss Proctor spent the week end with Miss Bucltannan, heir household t'ITia t and :Lock. I' w:lr h uric, 1 the first of the week, M1 r. _lnl.,nt eame some time ,ego to prepare a. home for his family, \ iditrtt Meeting of the \V. A. and W.M.S.was held in the basement of the church on Thursday afternoon. Noe. 4. The meeting opened by sing- ing hymn da80. ,:\ few words of ,prayer were offered by Mfrs. R. +Rogerson and Mrs. R. Lawson. The unruly, ere teed and adopted. A few min- utes were spent in bttsinee's' transac- tion. Mrs. Britton presided for a few minntes for the W.M.S. Mrs. C. D'ex- ter then took charge for group 2. The general theme \vas 'The •Church of My T.ife." Hymn 1145 tsar Sung 1.0 Wed hi the devotional leaflet he Mrs. Frank Riley. The Church of the Living :Goll. \Ve then bowed our heads in a few .words of prayer. "For etre Foreign Field." Hymn 23was sung, The devotion leaflet. "'A \lror• shipping •Church:' was given by Viola Dexter. 'Hymn B8 was sung. .Mlnc. Britton then cursed in prayer. Lunch was served. CONSTANCE. Mr, and Mfrs. 'Prank Riley spent Sunday in Clinton at the 'home of Mfr. and Mils. Tom Riley. Mr. and Mr,. James Harkness and son ,Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. Med- ford Harkness at l'ireswater visited at .be home of \ir. anis Mrs. Robe. +rrimoldlty on Sunday 'last. Sunday visitors at the (tome of Mir. and Mrs. .Fred Illarhurn ,sere as fol- lows, Mr. and Mrs, John Mann and family: of near Clinton. \Ir. and Mr.. Earl Dick of Cromarty. also 'Mr. F.d Dirk and MTiss Sara Harburn of f"ro e rtrty and hiss Mr 's MfcNieho' and. Mr. Lee Jory of 1irand Bend. Mir. and .Mrs. Berl Riley and fam- ily of Sta.Ilt spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Inc !Riley: A social will be held in the school- room of the clanrcI1 nn 'Friday even- fn;g', :coy. 110. Mfrs. DeWitt Cosec; Clinton will give an address. ':\ .goof' programme is heitcy provided in keep- ing with .Armis'tice 'Day, .A dainty lnn,ch will be served, adults 11de and children .Sc, Mfrs. \V'tn. Britton spent a COW rtes'• with Mrs. Wheatley of Clinton. Mfr. and Mirs. Robert lluehanan o" Sarnia visited this ,verb at the 110111„ of Mfr. and Mfrs. Robert R ,gersnts Mrs. Chas. 'fillsnn and fancily ar- rived from Sask tc'hewao last Friday and are spending a few' days 'whit Mr. gyri Mrs. Dare Ntillsoe waiting-f•a AUBURN Miss :Esther Wallace has returned to her home at Wilkie, Sask., after, spending a month at the home of her grandparents, \tr. and Mrs, Joint Sy- mington. Miss Margaret Small was taken to the Clinton Hospital on Saturday and is receit ing treatments there, Mr. Art \utg'blut of Detroit spent the week end at the .home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mfrs. +Gen. Yungfbin't, Mr. and Ms's. \Va'tter McGill Mar- ian awl Isobel, ,of Blyth. s'pen't Sun- day at the home of Mr. W. T. !Ridden. Nit.. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson of Clinton visited with '4r. and Mrs. J. J. \Vilson on Sunday. The regular montthly ,meeting off the Auburn Women's 'Institute will :be 'held on Tuesday, INovem'ber 16 in the Forester Hall. The subject, "Health and Child Welfare will be taken by. tDr. B. C. Weir. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Davidson of Dungannon 'isited with Mor. Jas. Medd, Mrs. F. Ross and Donald on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Carter of \\'ingiham visited, on Sunday with Dor. Ernest 41 i ckitlg♦bti'tt'om. .\4r. Eldon anrf Miss 'Effie Stoltz of 'Toronto spent ,tate week end at the house of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz. Mr, and Mrs, 'Alex Smith of 'Gode- rirh spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson and Bernice speu't the week end in Galt. \I r. and Mors. George Lanip.ntan of Kincardine spent Sunday at the ;tome of Mr, W. T. 'Riddell. Dawson-Stoltz— The /Presbyterian Manse ,at Blyth was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedtling, when' Rev. A. M. Boyle un- ited in marriage 'Edith Mildred Stoltz, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ",T. C Stoltz, of Auburn. •and Mr, Icaimei Kingsley Dawson, only son of Mr. and Mfrs. !George Dawson of 'Auburn. The bride, wearing royal blue velvet with corsage of pink rases. was at- tended by her sister, Miss Effie Stoltz of Toronto. The bridegroom was at- tended by Mor. Eldon Stoltz, Toronto. After a wedding dinner for the im- mediate families at the home of the bride's parents. Mir. and Mrs. ,Dawson left by motor for 'Detroit. T'oronte and other :points, the bride wearing a hktck costume with 'black accessories to match. On their return \ir. and Mrs. Dawson will reside in Auburn. . The Presbyterian Anniversary— With excellent weather prevailing, real large crowds attended the 7,7th anniversary of the founding of :Knox Presbyterian Church, and the ninth anniversary of the opening of the pre- sent edifice. The morning service was conducted by the pastor, -Rev \ 11 Moyle, who gave a splendid address nn sOur Presbyterian Heritage." The evening service was conducted by Rev A M B,iyle, and a very inspir- ing sermon from Exodus 20;1, -2, on "['hoose you this day whom ye will serve, The Clinton ,Presbyterian Choir assisted in 'the evening service. of ,praise. A fowl supper and play in connection with the anniversary is being held T!hursduy evening, Nov, 14, The aupper is in the church, the play in the hall. BLYTH The R'omett's Institute held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, J. \V, IPetts 00 Wednesday afternoon last with a splendid attend- ance. The secretary read a pathetic appeal from the 'Ontario Society for cripple children Inc which a special collection was taken with very grati- fying result Mrs. Fred Oster, con - reties of 'Legislation, gave an enlight- ening address on how we are govern- ed. 'Roll call was answered by a com- munity week motto. "If you walk as a friend, you will find a friend \where - ever you choose to fare. If you go with mirth to it far. strange 'land, yott twill tied that mirth is there." Re- sponse to motto, Mrs. Russell 'fear. Meeting was brought to a clot by singing the national anthem. 1 ten - cent lunch was served. Hostesses. Mrs. g. W. Petts, Mfrs, A. \i. Col- elough, Mrs. \\'m, Thnell, Mrs. Eld- ridge ';Johnston. Our next meeting .will be held at the home of Mee. 1. Taylor, Rev, R. A. Brook will be the guest speaker. The !Junior Home Makers •Club held their first meeting at the home of their local leader, Mrs. Ile. Oster, The following officers ••were elected: 1'eesident, lfargaret Scrintgeur: vice president, ,Dorothy Il•ollyttian, secret- ary. Isabel Ctunfitg. 'Plans were made for carrying out their project. ""Bed- rootn Accessories." The \Vnnten's As.sOeiatfon 'litAd their meeting on Thursday, Novem- ber'•lth with the president, Mrs. J. W. Mills presiding. Meeting opened 4>y singing hymn 143 after which the Lord's prayer was repeated in unison. The secretary read an acknowledg- ment from the 'Deaconess order for donation sent: Mfrs, Chas. Grashy, convener of flower committee, report- ed six 'boxes. two bouquets and 5 calla made during the month. A very appropriate reading was given by the president entitled ''Remember." One verse of hymn 3t)0 was sung in closing Nits Kathleen Logan, .nurse in training at !Guelph. s-isited her par- ents, Mr. and Mfrs, \1'm. ',Logan. ,Her parents returned with her and took in the auto show at Toronto. The Soldiers' memorial service and armistice day commemoration was held in Blyth 'Memorial Hall on Sun- day, November 7 at 7 .p.m. The ad- dress was given-by'Rev. 1V. P. Lane of 'Goderich. The local veterans were accompanied by Clinton legion, 'Flu» offering was on behalf of the Bible Sudety. Hymns were `O .God our help in ages past, and 'Onward; Christian Soldiers," Scripture lesson was read.' by Rev. A. J4. Boyle. Fol- lowing the address tilt wreath was placed' on the memorial: tablet by the tear veterans, one :ninety nE s;iencr_•. and the last post. followed closing hymn, "O 'Gad :i1 1<ing of peace,•' the benedie t . tr,s.>er, \f r. ,ilex Smith, 11th titre•. \l:•.-:. was married to t'hri.tetta Omer. Mich.. rlangh•er or :•9 Itr.''ilares, Wedne-d iy-, Or 27th, at S:ngit'iaw. Rev, J. \\ 11 tycr. of '1 erun Ave., Pre -!ay terian t .n•c"t. oftlefatin,r. M1r. and Mr,. .4.1.!!.. ar- riverl home the followine Savo. extend our eongr:iodations : • ',.• wishes to Mfr. snrl Mrs. Sm•th. On Friday meninx. Nov. 5th. ,. t pleasant everting was sti-n- a• i 11 of Mfr. and :lit . .A Silt Line. \bnut thirty t •iglr'inr t t,.. reed so. offer their eongratnl-won,. an i present tdtenn'w ith a w rldin'4 4i', Richmond ' reading a very dress and Jas. Scott {rres, 1 handsome magazine rack. ML•. thanked them ,.on bell and Mfr:, Smith, Tit, eveui't, spent in a social :`,• i' . ;antes "What do you think that three ?loll- in front of a pawnshop mean?". 'Maybe ift 2 to 1 you THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1937 McKILLOP The regular monthly meetin' of the W. If. S. and W. A. of Duff': Church met at the home of Mrs, N. R. Dorrance on Thursday. IdiA-. 4!tit. Meeting opened with hymn 1415. de - Notional leaflet by Mrs, Ross Mfurdie. poets. by Mfrs. fah» Gordon and \irs, N. R Dorrance, recitations 'hy \irs, Adrian Hogg and Mrs. David Sletinon, readings •yt Mliss Vern:t \furl'.'. Nest nt,•etler will he held as J. Gni LOP'S 'GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer i'„tr e in and see the itety Plymouth car and Fargo Truck 1\'e els, have a Service Truck --if you have car trouble. phone 179 and we will come promptly PHONE 179. All Repairs Strictly Cash. Vaistatosammaimamovmssoamaxmoso SEAFORTH We Aim To Please the home of Mors \V. Shannon. Roll cal!/, election and dedication of offic- ers was eonducted by IRen. R, W. Craw. Hymn, Blest 'Be ;the 'lis That Binds, was sung and ;prayer by Mr. Craw, W. M. S. officers: 'President, Mrs, \A'nt. Shannon; dist Vice, Mrs. Ross Mlurdie; ;2nd Vice, Mrs. Arnold Scott; 3rd Vice, Mrs, Hillebrecht; Secretary, Mfrs, 'Eldon 'Kerr; Treas- urer, Mrs. C. Henderson: Christian Stewardship convener, Mrs. P. South; 'Finance coin„ Mee. (Rev.) Cram, Mrs, W. Kerr; supply sec, Mrs. Fin - gay Miclieitcher; miss, monthly sec., Mrs, J. Kerr; Ipte.s. sec., Mrs. MI. Scott; baby hand press: Mrs, J. Flille- brecltt. Officers of Woman's Associ- ation, President, Mrs, John Gordon; 'list Vice, Miss Essie Dorrance; Sec., Mrs. A. /Forbes; Treas., Mrs. Robt. 3-togg. Mr. and Mfrs. Lorne Mueller. Miss Helen O'Illara and Mr. Gerald 1 -Coll - and, all of Me'Kiiiop,'spennt bast Sun- day wit1t Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Ryan Jr. Mr. Joseph McLoughlin is w*eating a smile --Lt's a gir•1, BAYFIELD. Miss A.Drouln and -Miss Furnett of Detroit spent the week end at Miss Urottfn's cottage on the Terrace. Mdis. Lucy Woods is spending the week with friends in Windsor, J. Atkinsoui, who has spent the last week in Detroit, returned: hnute on Saturday. Miss Furnett of Detroit has purch- ased the handsome +cottage of Dr, Flochis of Windsor and expects to epenrl her summers in Barfield.. Miss T. Metcalf of Detroit spent the week end with deer mother. Mrs. W. Metcalf. Mr. Phil, Rhynas and Mfr. IT. Clea- ver.. M.P.. spent 'Friday last in Bay- field. Mfr. t;. Atkhtsou is spending it few clay. in Detroit. Mr. anti Mfrs. F. Davidson of De - teeth. snent the weekend with Mfr., J, Davidson, Miss Marion Davidson has been ill but her many friends 'hope for a speedy recovery. Special ,Armistice Day services will be held on the Square at I11 o'clock, Tints, Not'. 111'Nh. Mfrs. \V. Newton and Mfrs. R. Newton and Mrs. P. Crane of De- troit and Miss 'Reid of Windsor spent the week end as guests of Miss L. Weston. WINTHROP Quite a heavy electric storm passed over the burg early Monday trimming, ifr. and Mrs. ,Geddes returned to their 'home in Belgrave after spending a fete days with Mfr. and Mrs. Joseph Little. Mer. and Mrs, 'George Cockeon have moved into the residence recently va- cated by Mrs. Simpson. We we'lcome them to our village, Mr. Cocksuu is our new blacksmith. Mfr, and Ddrs, 'Tim 'Eaton, Mir. and Mir., George 'Eaton, 'Kenneth and Donnie, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Ben- 'tett, Mona and Billy and 'Mr. Melvin DUBLIN i41r. Jack McGrath ;shipped a fine carload of horses to Quebec on Sat- urday last. F. ;lleeney ••'sited his utany friends around Dublin last week. The people of Dublin and vicinity are sorry to lose Dr, and Mrs, 'Mc. 'Gregor 'froth our tnidst. We wish them success in Toronto, REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING EDD'IE CANTOR in Ali Baba Goes To Town GODERICH TOWNSHIP 'Fire supp'osed'ly from a stroke of lightning. 'though not definitely de- termined as such, 'burned to the ground the 'home of Mr. and Mors, John Ostrom, Goderich TowIIS h'ip, Sunday alight, together with all the contents. t\Ir, find` Ales. 'Ostrom had spent the day with the tatter's parents. Mr, and 'Mrs, B. Rathwell, and re- turned home late: On opening the basement kitchen door to enter they were met by a burst of 'Rance and in a moment the whole`interbor of the dwelling Wa8 on fire. There was no .possible chance of saving any of the contents and apart .from the garments they were wearing they 'lost every- thing, A severe electrical storm pre- vailed in the locality on Sunday night and it is thought lightning may have struck and caused a smouldering fire which only required a draught of air to cause the flames to break out, which would occur with the opening; of the door. It was a new house. Handling of Poultry The pee -cooling and proper 'hand- ling of poultry killed oat the farm oe at a ,'packing plant is particularly important because the 'bloom will he quickly lost if the Birds are not pre - cooled without delay •and also handled properly. ,Pottltry killed on the farm and sold dressed through 'local buyers or -poul- try pools where no pre -cooling facil- ities are :available frequently lose their bloom, with the consequent deprecia- tion in the sales appearance of the birds and the failure to get idle hest price on the market. iPonitry neat is at perishable prod- uct which will deteriorate rapidly un- less property handled. The market de- mand is for properly packed poultry with good bloom and br'ig'ht appear- ance. 'Gond' bloom is first secured) by proper 'finialting but is 'held after kill- ing +by proper handling and holding in correct temperature. Some .of the chief essentials in handling dressed poultry are: It. See that all birds are bled and plucked pro -pet -43,-101d that the feet and the mouth are washed clean. (2. Birds should he hung up 'by both feet and allowed to pre -cool for twen- ty-four hours. The temperature Inc pre -cooling csltould be as close to 32. degrees as ;possible. 3. The temperatures •should be checked frequently with a thermome- ter, 4, 'In transporting poultry to as- sembling or selling; points it should be held at the sante temperature at Which it .was pre -+cooled. Merriam spent Sunday with Mor. and November q to 12—\Vieter Fair Mfrs. 'Peter McCowan of Roxboro. Ottawa, Junior Farmers Pet Ready For Hockey '• 1.; n :'a Hockey L•;a,•; 11-21,1 Vhi.s week, Abet • ttutx thous in shape for the coming -hockey season. '1' he 'an l.gntap lute Hockey Clttb, winners of the id dill n- Cup last with June Lang Roland Young A fun feast of Music and Dancing Mat. 'Thur. at 3 p.m. Mon. Tues. Wed,. 'Nov, 13-16-17 PAUL 'MUJN'I in The Life of Emile Zola with Gale Sonderguard Ralph Morgan A fantasy of yesterday is reborn NEWS COMEDY Next Thur. Fri. Sat., Nov. 18-19-201 DICK POWELL TED NEALY- FRED WARING Varsity Show Rosemary Lane . Priscilla Lane A Musical Comedy —COMI2NG— "THE LIFE OF THE PARTY" "IOU ONLY LIVE ONCE" Mat. Sat. and Holidays at 3 P.M. KIPPEN Notice= -As all accounts must ,be Matt! by the end of the year we wish to ,call your attention that if they are paid on or before Nov, 20th, a lucky ticicet will the given 'for emery dollar which may entitle you to the ten val- uable prizes being given away at D. Ii. 'Kyle's Store, 'Kip.pen. On 'Wednesday afternoon last the +K'ippen hast \V.d, met at the home of Mrs, Wm, IDoise. There was a good attendance .of members and several visitors. The president opened the meeting and all joined in singing the opening ode and repeating the Lord's prayer, Then Mrs. \\'. Dfling gave the Bible reading, The roll call, "The first thing 'L remember," was well re- sponded to and brought some rather amusing answer;, in response to a request Inc the victims of the infantile paralysis epidemic donation of $S' was granted. The meeting joined in sing- ing several songs, then Mtfss Marg- aret Sinclair gave the current events and Mrs. 44nt. Martin gave the mot- to, "The ripe peach hang; highest on the 'bough." Mrs. 11. Ca'iclwell gave at tally 011 ;\ 'World \\ idiom 'Peace. Mrs. R. Simpson spoke an Shawls and Plaids, Mr, .John. MicGre:;or gave a short sketch en old-time hats :old Mfrs. \Vm. Sinclair on old-tiate dresses. These papers were all very interesting and very mach enjoyed. Miss 1i, .McKay gave a candle mak- ing demonstration and the guilt made' at the short coarse last week was on display. 'this clttilt will be seen in the Kipper stores this week and tickets will be on sale shortly for it. The meeting dosed by singing the nation- al anthem, and lunch was nerved Allit Miss f. T'remeer and Miss S. Sinclair, Mrs. H. Caldwell and Mr., W. Mer Lean. The next meeting will he at Mrs, H. 'Caldwel•l's. Mfr. and Mrs, John Butt of Flint, Milch., spent the week end 'with Kip - pen friends, Mr, lolut A. McGregor is confined to his room under the doctor's care and his many friends hope Inc a speedy .recverr. 0 Mir, and 'Mrs. 'Roy White and fam- ily of London spent the week end with friends its this vicinity. M. \Vet. Butt of the village is quite poorly at present and his many friends all hope fnr improve- ment soon, Mfr. 'Rabt. Dinsdale .is li,roldiug ¢ clearing out auction sale on Saturday next. Mise Edna Daynlan has returned home after a mon tit'. visit with friends in Dt'tmit, Increase of Corn Borers General observation daring the cut- ting and harvesting of the ' ,rn crop of_ 'Km, and Fssea Coit 'ties has shown that an alarming increase in the number of corn borers has occur- red, acenrdi•ng to 'Dr. G. 11. Stirrett, in charge of the •duntianion entomologi- cal 'laboratory at 'C'hatham, "It is apparent that the infestation is as severe as in the years 1927 and In -'s," said Dr. Stirritt. 'Greater 'im- plication of clean-up methods will he required of farmers to insure success to next year's clop." \\- rather condition, were favorable to increase of'borers tlu. year, ;A'bun- dance of ntolstitre during plantiatrg was a feature noted during the heavy in- festations of ten year: ago, and simil- ar cnnrliitions were prevalent 'this year. I sex. it is said, was particular- ly hard hit. !both by the bier' and poor weather tut 1rouingr. TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mfrs. H. W. Hart and Mr. and MI's. J..:\. Storey .spentalae week eitd in Kincardine, November' +13 ac 34 ----Roy 1 Ai int n Fair, Toronto.