The Seaforth News, 1937-11-11, Page 2PAGE TWO, THE SEAFORTH NEWS Tea for every Taste TEA sob HURON NEWS Follows Son's Example-- Three xample—Three years ago ,Harry Vines, C.P. R. engineer, listened to the pleas of hie Fo rteeu-rear 'la sum 11 rank and allowed the boy to take .flying le., ,ns. Week after week 11r. Viites drove the boy to `London for his nseons and at fourteen Frank became .C6iada's youngest licensed aviator. Mr. Vines flew with his son on many occasions. so did Mrs. :Vines, for they 'have been aviation enthusiasts for a number of years. Then the father decided to fol- low in itis son's -footsteps and began probing- and inquiring when rm flights with his hoy. His interest became more than curiosity, and on.Sunday thirty feetpast the car, which tante Vines, r., surprised Ills sun and the to rest on its four wliteels. Miss airport officials by making a sola flight. Frank Vine; is known as one of the most remarkable youngsters in aviation in Canada, beim;' at sixteen a featured performer ae the London Flying Club's shows, if Mr, -Vines continues With his lessons it its prob- able the next show will See a father and son act.--,Goderich Star. Fail to Take Turn— Miss Loretta Scltwantuseventeen, was %taken. to %Gadri•ich hospital o t Friday night and \legs .\ !ma Co1- clotigit, nineteen, was painfully cut about the head and -face when the car in which they were riding; with Ed- win (Dale, twenty-two and Roy Caley, twenty-three, both of Stratford, roll ed over Several tinter on highway No. $ at Taylor's Cornet. MiSs Sehwantz and Cal*. who were in the back seat, were thrown through the 'top of tete car as it rolled over, attd they fell to tate highway and rolled to a point Schwantz ,suffered a %broken right arm, fractured chest bone and possibly in- ternal injuries, "Carey was uninjured. Miss Codclouglt, who was -driving the car, and Dale, whose father owns the autovim jammed against the wind- shield and suffered painful hitt supet•- ficial cuts to head and face. The girls were :bmoughlt to (Gnderich by Mr. and Mrs, 4Vnt. ,.Moody. who were the first to arrive at the scene and were taken to Dr.. J. M. !Graham's office shortly after 11 o'clock. No explana- tion was offered for the accident by the occupants of the car. but it was evident from marks on the highway they had missed the corner. They were returning to 1Goderich after at-, tending the Lions celebration at Seaforth. INo part of the car's body escaped damage. (Every window was shattered,' County Traffic Officer Norman Lever and Sergeant A, C. Ross investigated. i'.,• ;eft in the afternoon on a motor to Toronto, and oa their return viareaido on the bridegroom's farm oa the 'Ise con.. \torrid. Petition for Vote on Beverage • Rooms at Goderich— \ petition signed by 7150 names was submitted to the .Goderidt town coun- cil Friday night asking for a vote oft der question: "':ere you ill favor of the beverage rooms?" at the conning municipal election; on 'December 6. It was decided in committee to steal with the petition at an adjourned meeting. 'Reeve Turner presided ow lug to Mayor MaclEwan's. illness. The petition was presented by .J. P. ,Hunte,. president, and 'Rev. S. IR. McClung. secretary of the GOderich temperance federation, Mr. Hunte told council that the canvasser. had 'been given a wonderful reception. Seldom anyone had anything fa- arable to say- of the beverage rooms. The petition had been circulated only one day, Mr. McClung said, with the fine result shown. Has Taken Over Garage— ,A. !D.: Mac\\'illiam of Wood- stock has taken over the Hanna gar- age and will carry On !Ford agency under the name .of Huron Motors, Mr. and Mrs. calacWilliam and three- year-old daughter. Sadly !Lou, arrived in town on \londay;-:-\\mghant Ad- vance -Times. A Flying Trip Flying in three hops front \fott- tana to Gvxlericlt in his own plane with 'private pilot, %Dr. ,A. Nelson Smith landed in a .field east of-Meite- setun'g !Park on Saturday at dusk, and drove by taxi from IGoderich to 'Pine River, near !Kincardine, Ito visit rela- tives. 'Tthe pilot at :first overslmot. iGod- erich and flew to Kincardine. but on being unable to locate a tfi.eld suitable for landing there he retraced his course to IGoderich and dropped down on the ,north side of the Maitland 'R'iv- er. The plane was a beautiful fours passenger cabin Stinson 'Reliant, Po'tt'- ered by a Lyootning i:'dl5shorsepower engine with a cruising speed of Ill -PO miles per hour. It .was Dr. Smith's first trip -to this part of Ontario. The plane left on its long return trip on Monday about ninon—tGoderich Signal TOWN TOPICS TWENT a --PINE YE.kRS AGO Messrs. Worth %Davi, and Jack Paul of Toronto. were recent town visiSore.—\fess Ada .Kline of, Toronto is visiting at the 'home of Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot.—\tins B. \Torson euter- tadned a few of her friends at a 'Hal- lowe'en party on Thursday. — 'ale. Ades 'Dan-idson celc'bl-ated iris Sist 'birthday an 'Friday. Mr. Davidson is well, troth physically and anentally._- \lr. and!\Jrs. (Reny Chesney of Win- nipeg gave their lmany friends here a pleasant surprise on Saturday, Mr. Chesney had business - which called him too Ottawa, and when so close, be and his wife took a -rent up to Sea- fnith.—\ir, ,Dan 'McLeod, .for sotnr tine foreman of the machi-ne shop in the \'IcLagam factory. Stratford, and who is leaving •for.IHespeler to become superintendent of the ifiespeler 'furni- ture Co„ was honored !by his fellow .workers on Saturday. --Charles Das - son paid a visit to Detroit this week. —\fr, Dtanald. McIntyre was in St. Marys attending the funeral of his brother-in-law.--sl\Ir. Rowe. represent- ing the Schell ICo.. of Alexandra, was here this work taking meastneinento in the new. post office .for 'fittings to he - used in that building. --Mr. Jos. irinhtyson, n'ho has been touring the 'West for the past three months, re- turned on Saturday -'Mr. 'Finlayson is very 'much impressed with the West, and it might be that its allurements may prove too strong for hint, and coat hitt hack .'gain,—(,shite an excit- ing runaway occurred on Main St. when Calder's team became 'frighten- ed down at the station. When op:pets- ite the town hall, the wagon collided with one driven by Smith of Walton, who had a new furnace an the wagon, intending to take it hint with hint to Walton. The impact w'aS so strop that it upset Smith's wagon, and spilt the driver and furnace on the street. Calder's .team kept right on in their mad career, made the turn at the •Royal hotel, and landed :safe and sound its the hotel sterns. The driver was opt so Fortunate as the horse.. meewel•, .1, he hail several bout- broken in his foot and ankle. Several men attempted to ,top the runaways. but were unsucces tut. Woodrow Wilson' ' .Woodrow Wilson, Tktiit octat, was eluted president of the Ttnihdd States. nun f titsdat' Nova 5th, by: quite a sub- stantial mai„rite Tris opponents were. Col. Rno welt Ind W. 1-!. 'Caft, bulb of whom sure Re;uubl;cans. Walton \}r. and Mrs Farquharson and \lr, and Mrs. 'Porter Issue returned home from cut enjiv:ti s trip to tate- -great West. — 'Che slaters. from London have planed t tiny :late roof on the nes DittT's Char . Next week tate now art leaded glass window•. Will he - installed by a Toronto -first. 'l'at eke rstnitit - Mr. and Mfrs, James ' Marti -n spent the week end with friends in Exeter. Owing- to the high water its the river at Broadfoot's corner, where the dew 'bridge is being, erected, tit school 'Wo. 6 has been closed entail a temporary foot.' path is built For the scholars, as the majority have to cross the river. Dublin Crohn Murray of the 'Standard Bank spent Sunday in Clinton—Mfrs. 'W. D Evans and family 'have moved to Galt, -'Mrs . M. TGdinkhtwner spent Tuesday in tMitchell.—lMn•s. \\r. ilfill colied oft .friends its Seafonth. Offers Walnuts for Planting Purposes— Mr. 'Ed urposes—Mr.'Tsd Doan of Molesworth is in- terested in •reforestatintn and the planting of shade tree;, and to any- one interested he has -promised to give a .small basket of walnuts frit as lung as his supply lasts. \ir (Doan says that walnut trees grow touch faster than maples and rabbit, will not touch them. The timber is val.tt- able and it is nice to have -a :few hush - els of nuts iit the house- in 'the winter months. This is the time to plant the nuts asthe frost must split them lie fore they can sprout. So if you want to .plant a fewof'these get in ,touch with Mr, Doan—Listowel Banner. Enlarge Mitchell Arena— 'Patrons of the Mitchell arena will he pleasantly surprised when the, make their first visit to the ratk this winter. IOn the north :side titc "hoards” have been moved back five feet. The old .;alloy seat; have 'beer taken down, and the threat of these falling has sheen definitely done x1511,1 with. They are now placed in tier rising- front the level .nf the ice stir. face. The old addition which was er- erted for ,the purpose of housing curl• in'g ice, is to be done away with ant the sides will be once ttiot'e sheeted with metal. On the routs% side the boards have been moved to the ports% one foot and a run of seats has 'Been placed on that side as well. 1 hr east the hoards have been mos ed gut onto the ice surface use font to allots for the erection of a girl jttrl C112. at that encs This will to an that tite surface will be one ou short,' ,nt will be four feet wide-. Tito in. creased ice surface has heels a:uttrrl :�.a• opt` tinct nest,. and •hor•lrey play. Otis year %yeti ,celr,nn'• t',r change. Then, too, l-tt esus vttib nnct'cteh' a-ottnd sir . ,fia;•. tyi!initt rrn,. hats'' the ,. 1'orrtp••.l 11 south std,' o; tate rink was of vers Ihtlsi use to spectator \litrh<is ,\rl- t`nt Atte. Farm Sold— Oliver W. Rhynas- 'Friends in this district were shock- er( to learn of the death -of Oliver its'-. Rhynas, a welhknown (Gnderich , old boy. which. occurred at his (home at Burlington on T'hnrsdey, October 2d. it was known that \ir. Rhyne, was not in good heath. but the announce- ment of hi; death cane as a sail sur- prise, Mr. Rhynas, alio was in his sixtieth year, was horn of Gnderich, the elder son of Mr.. Rhynas and the late William A. Rhyne Hr worked with his father in the planing mill business at. Gnderich for a time before n,ing to Brantford, twit t'e far many. ':ears ate wag nttntaLrer of the \1 rl de. 1)t•tnent lunteter •htisiue,,. 'Fourteen -.ears ago he establisher, ,vith his son Philip. the ',01 .1101. irttsine„ o: (1. \C. "Ii t','nas & Son at Bitrlin'otan. De- aged w•a, a member of Centro Tres `,yterian Church, Ti•,tnilton. ide was prominent in Masonic circles, being a member of the Scottish 'Rite, Doric Lode, Brantford, and the Burlington lodge.lnrlge. He was a- member of the Burl- ington Lions-'Cdaih. lie leaves his swift•. formerly- Margaret Ferguson, a native of Bayield, and widely %known %throughout 'Ontario a, the president of the .Provincial 'Hospital 'Add As- sociation; and one snit Philip: Surviv- ing also are his m—otter, Mrs, \A". e\.. Rhynas of. ,t odtrich, a ebr°tlter and two sisters, Melville Rhynas and Mrs,, 'Fanner 'flEthelt, tri Blairnore, Al- berta, and Mrs T, +H. Mitchell flJean) of -Gnderich: Atter a service ice at tate family home at Burlington the re- mains were conveyed to Braila f„rd, ti here au itnptco,n'e and largely at- tended service tsar held uncles Mason- ic -auspices, Intet•ment was in Mount 'Hope Cemetery, Brantford. \'fit kfartia f.anh ha: soil i- c ai•re -farm on the Babylon :Line, ,out! ht Hay 'Tom uhip, to - Mr, \ nthony Eames of near Drysdli, lyhu gets pus session the -middle or November.— Znrich Herald, Ruttan-Smith— :A quiet wedding was solemnlied at St John'.. C liurc!t rectory. Brussels, yrlleu Clara Cavell, younger daughter of kir. 'and afro. 11,nid -Sunt t lith con \lnrri tern .mtiter! mvuzgc. to Ms. Samuel 'Arthur Rattan, 'Mr. and kir.. L. Reitan. Fnrrwirh. The, hrirle w'as attended -bv het Thytute of \Tort'is. and \fr. Glop Smith, ,brother of the bride, n ,port: ed the hied%'*fount. Ch • bride t- gn t tied in a rare,, of rn,t sill ene tnthrorl:ret m soon vt drl,t, din t t•t ,t•••‘ t••1 :c t,• heaps• 'r-• I n,n nt dors nel kir., 1 , F41100',„\?,r e t a i":- 1'I tr 1 Il tI .i THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1.437 Keep your whole house• summer -warm this winter with HAMCO—the dustless, smokeless, wasteless Coke. It will save you money. Save you work and worry, too, for HAMCO is so easily regulated — so light to handle — and leaves far less ash. Arrange for a trial ton of this clean economical, dependable fuel. Order from your local HAMCO dealer — he deserves your fuel business. WM, AMENT ERNEST L. BOX HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA SOLD BY N. CLUFF & SONS J. J. SCLATER INSIST ON HAMCO-CANADA'S FINEST COKE: Late rddo Crich, Clinton-- frith) linton—frldo 'Crich, a lifelong resident of Hurciu County and for 1:15 fears a re- sident of 'Clinton, died last neck after an illness of three clays, of pneu- monia.' He was one of eight sons of she late James Crich and ltflizabeth Freeman, of whom only one now sur- vives, Born in 'Cttekerintith Township {December 9, 11%11, he was its his 66th year w'Iten so suddenly stricken. He attended the public school of his home section and as a young man married Margaret Dale. 'ashes farmed. in T•uckeramitlt for some year, and 35 years ago took tip residence in Clinton where 'Mrs. Crich died in `1919. He afterward married Sadie Campbell .nf tHautiltcm. who survive;. "Shall the take the 'bridle -path. Pamela?" Oh. George, this is .sn sudden!" T I ales what they do with - old safety -razor blades in ,Aberleen." Choyhat 01 1 then%!" Want and,Fo" Sale ado, 1 week, 25e Surviving also are one brother, tiit- ston was 'born in 1Say,eiln on the ford Crich, on tha Cn.kersmith home- s•tead; two sisters. kir.. \\'illiam Mc- Donald, \4r'adtington, .D.C.; ,lar.. J. Id, Ball, •Tuckvrsmitlt; one daughter. Lulu \l., Toronto. After coming to Clinton he was employed iby the 'Do- herty 'Piano 'Company and Was later with the poultry plant. %For the past fess years he 'lived retired. The funeral was held on Saturday. Interment was in Clinton cemetery. Drops Dead on Street— Oliver Johnston, ;il), of Ovidericlt, dropped dead on the 'street. victim of a 'heart attack. last meek. 'He .was on his tvay around the Seluiire 1. 'jay his daily visit to a Brie' a MT. ;i• ',n- Sead 110 the motes of your vfsitorr. Grand [River, As a young man -he learned the h'.atksntitlting trade in 'Exeter and conlucted .1 bl:erkatnit ,hop -iu Clinton for man years. die married Miss -L. March who died 24 years -ago. When its business he was a buyer' and seller of horses on a large soak. He went to 'Goderich as an inspector -on pier construction at for W. Huron til! 11114 Until 3 years -tate harbor and was a hien,, inspector ago he was bookkeeper for W. L. !Forest, T'itree .ons survive, all living - its Toronto. Tire funeral ,vas held. on Sunday. muter ,\Tasoni torment 'heit.,r trade' - 1 , (,limon eeuteten', 7 a raw dollars a moth transforms your home vov vsl qhs t� � a Qd . fie^ 'tared' tral-54, Nit.* \agnea binbas�me't c! ern a 011 4 \o sasses ettt< n to an $ play ei, are to uaget wvth os ® is o4e t bstni c an is or owz b Qcnt e �i ogle tet ag\c-twee; yogic �� into.. eyse. or sup ply acran�oan lg m m e>ve na a t •sang sacs 14.9 p\an ou et v a tate tt tet rte t e %baits let obs tOt'o canoti et dome or0'° <.ca A S . a0tc need•poY;teee, caneoemevattect to cotntot�atects a vale en wh t It to atctvttz S:R'•4r a4oll prove oda a cot 4ett3 Create_ Cott; arias ., Loo,.;, brio e. thein• as thonsaone. t' ne 4 coo -0106'a %'ave t1 Pato beat (C npa °oV£�ra LOOS Nees an ori 11 t- Re-ia tot ; a' sow vwa% Or tolgt %°1.410t 0,001 (The cost of this series o/ advertisements spun' sorer[ by the Natsaaai Es ploym ens Commis. s t s Inc been de. frayed entirely f,y. pnb/ic-spirited con- cerns and in- dividttafs, as a contribution tt- wards that"Na- tion - ides co- o r. ope rats a t• fore" esus est• 1y the Podia meat / Can- ada ! the Nat opal. f?mptry ecus .. Con d %aero Act.) LOCAL ADVISORY C011tIIT1i•7E Chairman, H. Stewart - S etsry, t), 1-1, Wilann, Phose 100 W tt\t•AlatO ADVISORY 0OMISITTEL' 71 'King St. Rust., TORONTO Ry1nnd n. New Chairman: 1. tvlattbn,, 'JS.. retaey' --