The Seaforth News, 1937-11-11, Page 1Then they returner]' to their desired
The kindly cities and plains where
they •Were bred—
Naving revealed their nation in
earth's sight
long a,, sacrifice and honor stand
\nd their own sun .at the hashed
hour shall light
'the .twiny of these their dead.
WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 59, No. 45. ,
Phone 84.
$11 a year.
roadwa J j Tea
With Covered Glass Butter Dish
All For
@ .,., . 29c 1b
MACARONI, 4 lbs 25c
3 for 25c
tall tins 2 for 19c
TAPIOCA 3 lbs. 25c
NEW .CHEESE @ 19c lb
KARBOL SOAP, equal to Lifebuoy
4 for l6c
tCASTILE SOAP, 10 cakes 25c
8 bars 25c
PAINT 35c per tin
PRUNES, Meaty and Juicy—
3 lbs. , . ,., , , 25c
29c doz.
GRAPE FRUIT 6 for 25c
If your hens are not laying you are
not feeding Masters Red Head
Mash at $2.60 cwt.
A. CeRoutIede
Phone 166
Northside United Church
Rev. T. \, Carmichael, Minister.
1.1, a, m, Can \\'c• 'Eger 'Expect to
'Have. a World. at Peace.
7 i'•+.n. The Judgment of 'Indi'viduals
and Nation:, S.S. at 110 aan,
St. Thomas' Church Services
For Sunday. N+weather 14th nest.
Sunday School and Bible Class, lel a,
'tit, :Morning service. 1I a,m. Sermon
by the 'Rector.
Evening service, 7 p.m. Sermon by
the Rector. "4.11 welcome.
Canon E. ;Api 1eyard, M.A., Recant,
Egmondville United Church
Rev. 4. \V, Shepherd, kliniste-r.
10 adm. Sunday School.
111 a.m. "lay •Kingdom -is not of
this World."
7 p.m. livening Service.
The Joonior Farmers (Hockey Lea-
gue met in Seaforth Monday evening.
Vincent Lane was elected president
for the coining year and +Percy Little
sec. -treasurer. The appointment of
the executive nal left over to the
next meeting on 'Not-, .29. The four
teams, Kin'burn, 'Kipper], St.-Cohnn-
ban and Egmondville, will again firm
the 'league, :No decision regarding O.
i14,A. players in the league was made.
/Other officers, are: fast President,
Fent Bullard; vice president, -Roy
Con.itt. A :ammittec ni Fern- 'Bullard
and Art Nicholson were appointed to
interview the rink management.
A meeting to organize hockey in
Seaforth was held on Thursday even-
ing last when A. :R. ("Punk") Holt
was appointed coach. The new coach
played with St. Mike's, Toronto, for
4 years, and a year with Port Col -
horn, seniors. 1 -Ie will :play defense
with Seaforth, He learned to play
hockey on Ottawa ice. J. E. Willis
will he manager.
.\ tears will be entered in the In-
termedi' e ft.F1:A. and .also the jnven-
Ile league. Training \ill start right-
ightair*ay in the rink,
Mr. Flolt is an employee of • the
B'nahart furniture factory. •
A rlent:hi-fnd tea was ,held at First
(Presbyterian Church on Tuesday af-
ternoon under atis;pi'ces of the (lo -
forth Mission Gland. A short program
was given, a duet by !Isabel McKellar
and Lois Wright, :accompanied on
the piano .by .:4.frs,,W, A. Wright; pi-
ano selection, Dorothy So, 1; and an
instrumental by Lenore IFfabkirk. The
tables were attractively decorated,
and the -waiters, all of whom were
members of the 'band, wore pretty
costumes and white caps,
'rite town council held its regular
nteed'ing in the council chambers Mon-
day evening. Members present were
lMaynr Cluff, Reeve Scott, Councillors
Sills, Parke, Holmes, Smith, Keating
and 'Reid. Minutes of last regular and
special meeting were read and ap-
,proved• The .finance committee report
was read by Clerk D. H. Wilson and
Passed after considerable disennsion
about the additional cost of raising
the tercel of ,the pavement along the
curb of the new sidewalks on Main et.
It was brought out in discission
that the new• sidewwlk was higher than
the oltl one which made it necessary
to raise the level of the pavement at
the curb. 'I'Iie engineer had specified a
layer of asphalt over the odd asphalt,
Owing to the lateness of the season
it was feared the asphalt would nut
Mild. Chairman I-Iahnes of the Streets
committee said, ;and so the asphalt
pavement had been torn out and ce-
ment pavement Laic, Jn consequence
the cost was three times in excess of
the estimate,
Councillor Frank Sells criticized [he
work having been forced through this
fail 'instead of having until the warm
weather next year. which would have
avoided tatee considerable extra ex-
pense. - -
Chairman C. Holmes contended that
ears might damage the :sidewalk if
the street were not raised,
'We had to rip out the ,asphalt
pavement ' because inc didn't itnoi'
ghat was underneath," lar, Holmes
The contractor had not been thte
to give any'estimate its advance, 'he
s refs
Councillor lfoluus said it was un-
fortunate the original brick pavement.
laid in the late Mayor •\i Brodericle's
time, had not trees properly put
"It is unfortunate this job scan not
left over until next year," Councillor
Sills said, -
C'ouncidlor :Sills thought a sunt[,>n
should be rade rrjt•rtina the con-
tractor's account; a 'recto -disci vole
Would relieve council'lols voting no -
ain't it from personal liability, he said.
.bl the special inesting t'bn' work
had been authorized only do raise the
asphalt pavement with a layer of as-
phalt; instead the streets committee
had ripped out the aspiutlt and laid
cement to a depth of ten incites in
places Councillor Sills +minted out.
It was .finally agreed that the con-
tractor should be asked for an itemiz-
ed statement of 1i: :cement, gravel and
.wageaeonutts before payment would
he made by the finance committee.
\favor Chill mentioned a matter in
connection with placing some of the
electric poles on the new line behind
\lain street. 1f the weather remained
'fine the work [could be completed this
fall, he said. -
('nnnnill;n' Sills asked if the t',N.'R.
had seer replied to the council', re-
quest that alt rails be laid at the Main
street crossing. Clerk David Wilstm
said no reply had been received but
repairs had lasts made.
Several of the council said the
crossing' had only .been fixed ,n ii
planks and is worse than eyer. C'onn-
nillor Reid said a erte:itt,g near s111-
vertnn niter, old rails were used he.
twecn the tracks teas perfectly
smooth and even. Councillor Sills said
he was informed plenty of old rail•
were available.
('ouncillnr. Parke said the cracks
between the rails filled in with earth
or renu•nt..
A change in the method of ntakin_:
the business assessment was on: -
nested by Clerk 'I). iI. Wilson, where-
by a special assessment for business
ttsoessinent would he made in Janu-
ary each year and business las not-
ices would he sent int the following
month. This ,voti'ld help to (n•trcom.'
the difficulty of collecting boniness
tax from service .stations and tither
businesses where ow'tership was of
ten changed between the time of ass -1
sessen4 one year and collection the
foil] inMg- year, The oil companies
haul given notice of appea•1 against
the hu incus assessment being levied
on the company instead of the lessee.
T2etttrning to Nur matter of the Main
street railway crossing, Councillor
Sills in noticing the notion, said the
people on the south ,Nide err tate
track are still complaining about
'bumping over the rcrossing,
Finance committee's report:
Jas. V. 'Ryan, 4160; tH, Snell, $160'; D.
'T -T, Wilson 414111116; Thos. Storey, $60;
'Jno. A. Wilson $20; S. AV, ,Archibald.
$)31214,0) C)N. +Rt ., crsg, Prot., $4.51;
John 5tc.tva•rt, $12,90; J 1-'i,rcel1, 411:
A letter from Madison, Saak., dated
Nov, clot, to Mar, Con Eckert of town,
says: "Dear Sir, I happened to be
the one :lucky -enough' to receive one
bag .of potatoes. althnngh 1 arta not a1
present farming. hart am the Post-
mastcd• at this place. 1 can assure you
that wihat you people in the East are
doing for tate relief of the \Vest is
more than appreciated, and ;1 really
don't know what this country tc'ouiei
do without your help. 1 tried to raise
some garden but [have-not been able
to do .so for the last several years. If
we ever ,grow anything here again
would surely like to able to help .some-
one else ass you are doing, Int T
iv MEM not want to sec your country
or any other to get so that it needed
help as bad as Sask. docs, We had an-
other dust storm last Thursday. .1+
•time•s yon nnub] not see neer 00 yards
and it is lots [worse .sums' places than
1 is here, '5 tain thanking yon and
your itdoSInc,.. puns anserine, H. C.
,Fourteen years ago, on November
101(1, 0923, James S. South and Sniffs,
well known farmers on the 1114i1 con-
cession of McEillop township, ieased
1+7O screw of nearby laud and c„ut-
tttc'nced plowing the tient d'ay, 'Phey
flni:hed ,111, Det'. 1L2th, having Mooed
R; acres. Two and three teams did the
murk with single pl. w s. The weather
113(1111 the middle of November- rata
-tear gas terrth}y hot, almost iik''
July, \It, Sntttlt recalls.
Rout Itch i C T. 1'c 41111; Sup-
erior Mfg,. Co.. $5.011; tl Its'., water -
winks, 5375; Dunlop lire & 'turbo
Co., 0345.45: 1. 'Tt. Daii•. OOc; lit 11 Tel::
Co, ;r3.TIR; D. T1. \\'ilsnn 'c S. Steph-
enson relief) 5420; 11. \Virtue, S1:50•
Jas. \'. Ryan, a'c 52; Ono. 1'nrecll ;R1•
\V, I?. Ferslolce 4114.70; Co., of 111ron
Cunnly lease 1;:4043;da: 1). 11. 'il.
son, rtl,ri..:482.01: \\'tit, \lont,onti''\
$12'0„d1; \l'Le:tit tiros., ;1159,,3; H. 11.
1?dgt', 5145,21; L1, B. linlge, 5.1:1(5; 11
Ti. tinge .52.14,52; ii. 1, 10dge, 5i 14,.n.
Sill. -Smith, that t'.N:R, be sTsked
to put old rails in rrn..lno un Main
street and that -travel h.• nlaeed nn
south ,side tv. cast sidewalk an 1',N.1•1
proaerty. - -
St' .Ptukr, than the Clerk its auth-
orized t.t have a bylaw drawn tip per-
mitting the h!tsiness assessment to be
made thy separate 55ts".sntent roll and
to 'he made in the ;ante year ilial tate
tax is collected.
C. W. L:
At the November meeting of the
Catholic, \Vo non's League held re-
cently: the Social Setwice committer:
reported a very active urinal .\n ap-
peal fiom the Sisters” of Service was
responded to by a donation of ntoney,
After the various reports were ready
it was then decided 'to hold a Social
Evening on \Vechtesday, Nov, di7th.
ST. ANDREW'S SUPPER This is a gentle warning to all de-
cent folk (which includes the Scotch.
English and 'Trish) to forgather to
Egmondville fruited 'Kirk. on Titus
i qs,'-
day, Nov; 30, to a Saint Andreayo's.
Slipper (wills 1Taggis1 and mon,,t:rt.
There will he Scottish sol a a neeis
catiats and an adobes, on the' 'int -nu-
ance and Humor of Scotland."
,111 who cls not see jokes until the
middle' of the night, are advised to
any a ticket and give it away - io
some tine else.
pretty wedding Was .ole ant z:d
on Saturday at high - noon at the
house of Mrs. itary Bach, nnetti•e
street, Mitchell. t\hrn her daughter,
Martha laitelia, became - the bride -.'
Alfred 'August Klein, 'Fttilarton 1'twii-
ship, con of Mrs, Michael Klein and
Olte late Mr. Klein of Fmllarton trey.
The •Rev. J. F. Schutt performed the
ceremony. The home wan nicely dec-
oratetl in pink and white streamers
and white wedding hulls: The imnte•l-
iate relatives were present. The
bide', costume was of royal bate
chiffon velvet. cut 00 princess lines.
and 5111 1'hing accessories and ser
flowers were bronze e•htysantdtemutus.
Tier brulesmairl, Miss Gertrude Klein,
'lister r.1 the bride:insult, not, also
goo sed in royal blue chiffon-velvd.
and carried yellow chrysanuhennum.
i„hu hash. Seaforth, brother ni the
bride, was hest stein. The we'ldin_
dinner teas served at the home of.
,he 'h••idr' unities, the t'tblr ;grin;
centred, wiblt a three -store tueddin
cake and pink candles in silver hold-
ers and inn:gtiets 01 yellow and
bronze chrysanthentutu;. The a-ait-
nsses were Mrs. '1E•trl llUtLntrl.
Strait ,red, sister of the itride_ and
\Ir. ' ,rd,, t )Etch, Lown, inter -in.
law of the bride'. 'I"he hridea'roont',
_;i1 pt the bride was a dinnerset, to
the bridesmaid a signet ring. and to
the hent star a fountain :pen. \1r. and
01rshh'in left on a honeymoon trip
t.. Detroit. Rttffaln and other points
and :n their return .tint reside on the
bridegroom's farm lust cast of
"Lest We Forget
Rintembrane '17:u• will lie ob-
scri•ed' on 'I'hnr.>dav, Noventher 1111,
when tt-iibnte will he paid it. chi'
' -a
memory ofsoldiersw•'n gave their
1 -lives (luring the Great-\\'ars \[wee
1 is the tear memorial at .Varna. 'Pile
inscription on it reads: -
'.tie shi
Erected by the I , t 1 of
Stanley to perpetuate the names of
those w3ut were killed or died of
womtds in the Great \\'ar, 19)4-1918
Wdlliant Palmer, April 122, +191115
Geerde \Icht'ide, .\sprit 12, l9h:
William 'Davidson, one 7, 1" •
\Ialcolit ;lets, June 28, 1017
Alexander ft:Tench, ()en 1G, 1''7
Wm. Mei—Naughton. Sept, '25 01;11
ll-lenlrrson Forrest, Alarch 29 1445
Percy Diehl, Oct. 29, 19,18 i
tl antes \Vnsd, Aug. 215, 1917
II'red Slater, Sept, 114, '1916
(Fred Richardson, May 3, 1917
Bruce Logan, tiJ'u'ie. 6, ,191115
George 'Weekes, May 36, 1018
'Arnold 'Rathwell. 'Oct, 8, 1.916
} t.. WITH,
t! Phone 194 Res. 10
This complete ensemble is offered at the very low price of
while the present supply lasts. This is a real bargain and .
is possible only because we were fortunate in getting
our order in before the last sharp advance in dinnerware
pr es. The Maddocks Dinnerware is English, of course,
f •
'The weekly sheeting of the union
Y,1t:S. was 'held in First Presbyterian
Church on Tuesday evening with lar.
Sam Scott presiding, Dr. 'Wilford, a
returned missionary from : China
was present and gave a Lecture on
China, illustrated with lantern slides.
Bile meeting closed with the singing
of a hymn and repeating the Mizpall
Ole' November meeting of the
Varna 5\,11.5. was held in the church
on • Thursday, "0 ,God of Love, U
King of Peace," was the opening
hynitt. NPs. 127 was read alternately
and. tars. Sparrow led` in prayer,
Iia•ut11 2V., ",In Christ there is no
lia,t or West," was :ung. This was
followed' by the devotional leaflet.
"'l'he church ininv life, all life, all
lands," by Mrs. W. Stephenson. The
minutes of last meeting were read and
adopted, Eleven members answered
roll ci dt, "The test word chosen for
1)ecenrhet• sleeting was -grateful, 'l.he
',tiering was takenand it was decided
to try to make a, quill for the hale.
0Ins. Mct'icmont read a poem entitle.]
"Window. " \Irs, Geo. :Reid read an
article on life ni the late 'Ralph Con-
nor. \l r., 14a10 Stephenson gave an
imerestiu,p talk. Mrs. Gen. Johnston
coir tdnretl the nett• study honk in
1 p ;aspiring way, Hymn 211'4, ;Spy-
seals to lily Dear None wu
false, and prayer by 'Mrs. R. Steph-
n-on. - dosed the meeting. -
\lr, and \fes. Garnet Taylor and
:,:rlr ,oeut Sunday ` ,tr . l:nui.
Mr. ;old lar:. Fred Reid and family
visited friends at'Beigrave -old [Myth
x11 Saturday; •
\Ir. and \Ire. Dave li"liatt spent
S•mday at .Nelson Reids.
0liss 10. Logan is spending -a few
aitli friends in Clinton,
On Friday night of this week in the
1'nitcd C"hnrclt, Rev. J. R. Peter's will
shmV a set of lantern slides. the pro-
, seeds its aid of 'lite western reliei.
119,35 held their annual fowl
,tipper on Friday evening last when
about a. hundred sat dog ' to a wilt
laden twat e, .liter s•t,pper a tnttaval
,cnerant cis given, interspersed 1,111
ard'tresses 'hv Rev. 0fr. Blumer, Rev
\ir, i'hrindl, e, Ret'.' T. R. Peters,. Rio',
\fr. \fair.
tars: Russell Crozier '0'
London sancta on friends herr• nn
1f un day.
Mr. and \i'':s, \lex Herr ,and Miss
Jean 'Turner of Sea coat sidled or,
friends here on Sinal:q;.
ltrs, 0-1 McClvmont is-spendin;g r,
felt- clays with friends in \Vingham
A year-end executive meeting of
aIle Sea'forth Lawit Bowling Club
was held in the council chamber on
'Tuesday night. it Wan •decided to
hold the annual meeting on Tuesday
night nest, ,Nov. limb, for •election ;of
officers, fdllow'ed 'by 'euchre. Al,),
bowlers are invited to attend.
The Club is ,fn the 'best financial
position of the last twenty years, ac-
cording to the report presented by
Treasurer' W. J. 1Duncan. The greens
were Boated With sand this year and
the grounds 'committee reported the
green in excellent shape 'at present.,
Tihe Ladies' Club Was given great
pnaise for 'their work, It was 'decided
to recommend 'to .the incoming ex-•
ecutit+e that 'a local tournament be
held every Wed•nes•day.
[The JJnstitute held their monthly.
meeting an the home of Mrs. David
'McIntosh With a good attendance.
'Mrs. Goodie presided. 1T•he meeting
opened by singing the Institute 'Ode
followed by the •Lord', .prayer. The
roil ,call was answered by "My Fav-
orite 'Pastime :and Why," ,After sing-
ing "The More \Ve get together," The
prot,'rant on community activities and
relief under the leadership of 'Mrs, R,
:Nott, was taken 'hy, Mrs. Chas, ,Eyre,
An instructive talk nn Bttyntansltip
df Linen was given by :Jean 'Gemmel
A poem on Buyntanship was read by
Mrs, Gou•die,
Mrs, 'P•udner gave an interesting
talk on 'the London cotrventian, The
topic, Vnciatiobtal `'Guidance, was ably
taken let Mrs, ;Paul 'Doig. She urged
that ace have a research bureau in
Canada similar to site United ':States.
Pse training. young folk in the litres
Inc -Which they are fitted- we go a
long way in establishing world peace.
A Tavern in Our Town was sting'fol-
lowed by .a vote of thanks to the
;lifter a contest lunch was - served
and a .social half 40111' w•as spent.
The annual meeting of the West-
ern 'Ontario 'Hockey Association will
be dtelrl in .the •Listow•el Club, Lis-
towel. on Tuesday, November 713[rd,
at 2:30 p.m. 13usiness includes election
of 'officer,, ,suggested groupings in
both intermediate and junior series.
Representatives front your 'club are
invited to attend. J• C.lf•c(Donald,
Acting President, Chesley, Ont,; H.
H. ' Lite u, Secy. ureas., Hanover, Ont.
Many an • from. here attended 'the fowl
slipper in. Cromarty last week, All
report an excellent supper.
Jack Mere is visiting at the 'tome
of his sister, Mrs, J'oe Tuckey,